@rolle@mementomori.social avatar



CTO, founder of @dude, admin of many servers like this one. Web developer, CSS wizard, *nix user, an advocate for open and ethical Internet. Creator of the Mastodon Bird UI. I do WordPress and open source for a living.

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

rolle, to fediverse
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

I would like to endorse other minor web apps in the , but most of them are full of UI glitches, are incomplete and downright buggy looking odd things.

From my designer point of view and are the only effective ones, because they speak to people who are used to proper visual design language (read: Non-nerds, non-engineers, the regular people and design oriented people).

Things like , , and newer niche apps cause reactions like: "What is this?", they look like back end is fine but nobody is in charge of the design and the UI has no direction whatsoever. It's the general culprit in the programming world: A back end developer thinks everything is fine when we add a CSS framework and that's that.

If we just get the UI right everywhere, we get more people to the . I just wish there was more /design people willing to contribute.

rolle, to fediverse
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

My most used social medias in 2010:

  1. Twitter
  2. Facebook
  3. Foursquare
  4. Bebo
  5. StumbleUpon

My most used social medias in 2023:

  1. Mastodon
  2. Instagram
  3. Reddit

In the beginning of 2010 I was registered to over 150 social media sites. The rise of the social media were exciting times. There were rarely any algorithms, no TikTok, no Instagram for Android, no ads on Twitter.

However, over the years everything went to shit. The social media sites died one by one and couple of the dominating players slowly shifted to platforms where your data was no longer yours, where you were the money machine. The sad thing is, most of the people didn't even notice this change.

I'm really hopeful about the rise of the open Internet, , etc. We need this.

rolle, (edited ) to bluesky Finnish
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

Havainto: Blueskyn Suomi-feedillä ja Mastodonin Suomalaiset-listallani on jotakuinkin yhtä paljon turinaa.

Toinen havainto: Bluesky-seinällä on lähes pelkkää facebookmaista kuulumista ihmisten tekemisistä eikä oikeastaan yhtään uudelleenpostauksia kun taas Mastodon-listalla mielenkiintoisia boostauksia ja keskitytään yhteiskunnallisiin aiheisiin, meemeihin ja mielenkiintoiseen sisältöön.

Seuraan Fediversumin kontenttia paljon mieluummin, Bluesky usein unohtuu. X ei ole edes päivä- tai viikkojärjestyksessä enää, se vasta unohtuukin. Ja hyvä niin.

rolle, to opensource
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

Mastodon Bird UI 1.7.8 is now released! :neon_skull:

Mastodon 4.2.0 and nightlies supported.


  • Add profile icons for Ko-fi, Patreon, Paypal and Mastodon
  • Add new profile icons to the advanced web interface
  • Add verified badge styles to user listings
  • Fix: Hide pipe from link icons if there is no textual label
  • Fix regression with verified labels on multiple column view
  • Fix unminified globe icon causing it to randomly disappear , Fixes
  • Fix partial globe icon on light theme
  • Fix mention and hashtag color contrast for light theme
  • Fix consistency for --icon-boost-notification-filter-bar
  • Truncate too long localized unfollow button text in notifications in mobile

Live demo (single column layout only): https://mementomori.social

Source code and installation instructions: https://github.com/ronilaukkarinen/mastodon-bird-ui

rolle, to random Finnish
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

Nyt on myös muille kuin vain Mementomori-käyttäjille tarkoitettu kanava Matrixissa: :chat.mementomori.social - Tervetuloa!

Luo tunnus esim. https://pikaviestin.fi tai https://matrix.org ja liity keskusteluun.

rolle, to random Finnish
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

Kun katselen aamutelkkaria tai luen uutisia, Twitter vilisee joka paikassa. Herää ajatuksia. Moni mastodonilaisistakin on edelleen Twitterissä aktiivinen. En itsekään mikään jeesus ole, kun käytän esimerkiksi Instagramia ja LinkedIniä. Ne eivät ole niin paha kuin Twitter, mutta samaa sarjaa monessa mielessä.

Pitäisi melkein olla olematta liian jyrkkä ja olla entistä rehellisempi itselleen. Käytän mitä käytän tasolla millä käytän. Ehkä pitäisikin keskittyä enemmän hyvään ja blokata matalalla kynnyksellä. Täälläkin olen jo joutunut blokkaamaan. Missään ei oikeasti saa olla rauhassa.

Ehkä tämä "hybridimalli" toimii jatkossakin. Enemmän focusta someen ja asioihin, joiden parissa nauttii olostaan.

Saan silloin tällöin kommenttia esimerkiksi asiakkailta, että ovat kuulleet firmastamme minun Twitteristä. Jos en tweettaa, se voi suoraan vaikuttaa toimeentulooni. Muunmuassa tästä ja parista muusta viihteellisestä syystä mietin jatkuvasti, josko palaisi moniajoon. Söisin ehkä hieman sanojani, mutta ihan sama. Itseäni varten tallustelemme loppupeleissä tällä pallolla.

Kysymys sinulle, joka olet Mastodonissa, mutta myös tweettaat: Miksi tweettaat ja mitä saat siitä? Savuavissa raunioissa voi vielä jutella, mutta onko se sen arvoista?

rolle, to twitter
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

Twitter folks, there is a way to make Mastodon feel like home more UI wise: , an interface that resembles the Twitter UI.

Many instances support Mastodon Bird UI (like mstdn.social under the theme "Elephant" in your settings) and you can also use it via browser extension.

More here: https://github.com/ronilaukkarinen/mastodon-bird-ui

rolle, to random Finnish
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

Tervetuloa @autiomaa! :bunhdheart:

PS. Pohdintaasi: Ihmiset voivat Mastodonissa rajata muut kielet näkymättömiin, joten en pelkäisi sekakielellä postailua. Lisäksi olen huomannut, että moni käyttää käännöstoimintoa ja täällä jopa tykätään erikielisyydestä.

Toivottavasti viihdyt instanssillani!

rolle, to random Finnish
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

Uusi blogikirjoitus: Mikroblogisome ja sen tulevaisuus – Mastodon, Bluesky, X, Threads ja Nostr https://www.rollemaa.fi/mikroblogisomet-mastodon-bluesky-x-threads-nostr/

rolle, to music
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

Been using Spotify since 2006, but now that I have been using Apple Music for a couple of months I think there is no going back. What I love in Pandora and Apple Music is that I can just play my own Station that plays songs endlessly. Most of the time I don't know what to listen, I like to shuffle everything I might like without much thought.

Spotify concentrates on playlists and as a hard core music fanatic those playlists get easily worn out.

Apple Music and Pandora focus on finding new music and shuffling without limits. In Spotify you always have to have Playlist.

Been using various platforms and been trying out different ways to listen my whole life and thankfully all of these listens are combined to one profile at https://www.last.fm/user/rolle- - from @lastfm I can always find my songs.

rolle, (edited ) to fediverse
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

"Mastodon 'may be just a passing fad as people give up on it'"

rolle, to random
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

I have now my 4.1.2-nightly ready to go and tested locally...

Let's see how much I break things in production.

We'll be briefly offline.

rolle, (edited ) to mastodon
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

Just opened a mega issue/suggestion on how the basic layout could make more sense:

Re-think the overall layout design to more natural direction https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/issues/27102

Here's one of my quick mockups for the current UI. Read the detailed arguments in the issue.

rolle, to random
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

Listening death metal and drinking coffee. What's up on your Tuesday fellow human being? :party_skull:

rolle, to CSS
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

New versions of released! :neon_skull:

1.5.8rc8-nightly (for Mastodon 4.1.2 main branch):

  • Add ultra accessible colors to README
  • Minor CSS var improvements
  • Fix profile media gallery thumbnails' border-radius
  • Fix regression with detailed status update font size

1.5.8 (for Mastodon 4.1.2 stable)

Please note: This is the last release I will continue to develop for 4.1.2 stable. More things will be present in the upcoming version (as of writing this: 1.5.8rc8-nightly-mastodon-4.1.2-nightly). I will focus on the nightly version, because it's quite hard to keep up with multiple versions. Version for 4.1.2 stable will stay as is for the time being.

  • Fix profile media gallery thumbnails' border-radius
  • Backfill improvements from nightly branch, those which affect also the stable branch
  • Update instructions in README
  • Backfill color and CSS var improvements
  • Fix regressions with font-sizes
  • Fixed fa-fw (Federated) icon size for mobile view (thanks @Itbeard!)
  • Fix search icon overlaping with the long search input placeholder text (thanks @Itbeard!)
  • Fix undefined content warning placeholder (thanks @digitalspork!)

Newest nightly installed here at , see it live: https://mementomori.social

Source and instructions: https://github.com/ronilaukkarinen/mastodon-bird-ui/releases

rolle, (edited ) to mastodon
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

It’s been exactly one year since I joined to the Fediverse. Let me tell you my Fediverse story. It does not fit in 500 characters, but glad I have 10000 here.

It first started with Musk tweeting about the sink. I had already given up on Twitter couple of years prior this, but that was the final straw. I saw people talking about Mastodon and I was skeptical. First I looked at mastodon.social, but quickly noticed the username rolle is taken. "That’s it, then", I angrily tweeted that I do not want to join with another nickname, I’m rolle eveywhere AND THE NICK IS TAKEN. Someone immediately pointed out that I should join another instance. An instance, what's that, huh? I then joined to a Finnish instance mastodontti.fi and quickly learned no English is allowed. A moderator pointed out that I should remove my post. Again, I angrily tweeted THAT'S IT THEN, MASTODON SUCKS, STUPID RULES. Another user politely explained that each instance has their own rules, why don't you create another account. An instance, huh?

I quickly learned about the nature of the service. I vaguely remember favoriting tootsuite/mastodon back in 2017 and thought it was just a forum-kinda software back then, for one small community. I consider myself quite witty but I didn't realize Mastodon servers are interconnected. So I joined mstdn.social. And how fun was that! I was elated! My head exploded when I realized how active it was and how amazing the community is.

But then the sudden influx of users made mstdn.social slow and unresponsive. I was thinking about building my own instance, after all I'm a server guy. During 5th of November, 2022, I got my instance up and running, was born: https://mementomori.social/@rolle/109293139965069879

I wanted my instance to be well federated and active from the start. I followed everyone, I still do. I use a dozen active relays. I managed to finance the instance through my company and get a bit more powerful hardware than necessary. I was alone on my instance first, then invited my wife, colleague and my company.

What I liked in the Fediverse is that I can build my own tools, I own my data and I can help making things better. I have contributed to things via form of:

I'm very pleased I can have fun and make my own things while other people like it as well. I first thought all this would be a huge cause of mental stress but it's been on the contrary.

After a couple of months of successful running I opened my instance to the world. Now there's about 150 active users from companies to regular folk and everything has been running smoothly. I have been able to moderate because I require a reason for joining to my instance, so I really do know who the people are. I also welcome each user personally. I know my shit thoroughly and completely. This is why it has been easy to moderate. I've been able to be mostly absent during regular week days from 8am to 6pm, but still be aware of what's happening via effective monitoring, good apps and infrastructure.

For me the key thing is to optimize everything to the tooth. I also regulate my own social media usage, because I get too easily hooked. Mastodon and all its tools have taken an enormous amount of time, but it's been really fun, didn't even notice a full year has passed.

As for the Finnish community, there were thousands of active users, I kept a list. However, for some reason lately the narrative everywhere about Mastodon is that it is difficult and it has no future and people have mostly left to Bluesky. I kinda get that, because even for me starting last year was messy. But things get better, I wish more people would see that.

Mastodon is special. The Fediverse is special. Here's to another year! 🎉 :neon_skull:

rolle, to mentalhealth
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

Having a crippling anxiety today. Level: Unbearable. I don't fucking know what causes it this time either. I have not been reading any news, commercial social media or anything, just been home and trying to breathe. Wtf... h e l p...

rolle, to random
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

Admins out there, please note, CAN be now added as an optional theme. See the hack made by @stux: https://github.com/mstdn/Bird-UI-Theme-Admins

rolle, to random
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

It seems there's even some delay on my powerful instance, but only for some minutes or so. I'm deducing this based on the notification flood. Or then the issues are all round, not sure which way. Even struggling? causes quite a heavy server load.

rolle, to fediverse
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

The people who say "Mastodon will not be sufficient" or "Mastodon will not get enough users" or "Mastodon will not survive" still have the "Twitter mindset" and that's a fact.

doesn't have to "gain traction" or be "popular" from that perspective.

Back in the 90s I didn't think most of the people of this planet will some day be using the Internet. I was happy being that nerd boy within the 1% of the world's population who actually use Internet. Similarly, I'm completely happy to be the tech oriented guy who uses Mastodon instead of Twitter.

I repeat: Mastodon does not have to be a "replacement". Mastodon does not "need" anything to "survive". It has already prospered.

It's as hard for me to imagine all the 20 000+ Mastodon servers with their users just suddenly cease to exist as Internet would suddenly disappear. That just will not happen.

rolle, to threads Finnish
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

”Virallinen virta vie pois X:stä. Jo aiemmin yksittäisiä käyttäjiä oli alkanut siirtyä palvelusta pienempiin kilpailijoihin, lähinnä Bluesky-palveluun.”

”Tekstimuotoinen sosiaalinen media on jäänyt Tiktokin, Instagramin ja muiden visuaalisten alustojen jalkoihin.”

”Pienten palvelujen menestyksen todennäköisyydet ovat pienet.”

Fuck that shit! Miksi kaiken pitää olla jokin vitun kaupallinen kilpajuoksu? Vapaa ja avoin tekstipohjainen pelikenttä on unohdettu yhtälöstä täysin. Fediversumi, RSS, avoimet protokollat? Onko tämän artikkelin näkymä oikeasti se miten haluamme maailmaa tarkastella? Että rikkaan mulkun paskapalvelu on se joka tätä palloa pyörittää? Rohkenen olla eri mieltä.


rolle, to internet
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

I don't get it why people are so overjoyed about . But I also don't get it why people do drugs or alcohol. Their choice. 🤷‍♂️

rolle, to retrocomputing
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

Couple of things we no longer use today:

  • Cameras (they are all in the phone)
  • iPod (they are all in the phone)
  • Mini laptops (why? we have a phone)
  • MSN Messenger (it's all shattered between WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Matrix, Telegram, Signal etc...)
  • Multiple screens (we have ultra wides and 4-8K now)
  • Communicator/qwerty/Nokia phones (only iPhones/touch phones now)

This photo of mine is from 2008.

rolle, (edited ) to mastodon
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

Oh, the search feature is coming to Mastodon after all: https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/pull/26344

This clearly seems to follow up the VyrCossont's idea of the extended search feature that finds public posts.

Gargron: "It is my decision to unite all discovery features in one setting, because all of this stuff is an expected part of a social network and splitting it up into different settings that everyone has to opt-into one by one just to get the same behaviour they get by default on other social media seems like a bad user experience. Also, discoverable is already a federated attribute."

rolle, to instagramreality
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

People on Bluesky say no average people use Mastodon. People on Threads say there is nobody on Bluesky any more. People on Mastodon say every platform owned by a company sucks.

How do they know this? Who I should believe? :blobsad:

I feel hopeless. I feel tired about the social media platform discussion. I have gradually reduced talking about the subject.

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