@rolle@mementomori.social avatar



CTO, founder of @dude, admin of many servers like this one. Web developer, CSS wizard, *nix user, an advocate for open and ethical Internet. Creator of the Mastodon Bird UI. I do WordPress and open source for a living.

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

rolle, to random Finnish
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

Miksi nukun aina joko liikaa tai liian vähän? :sadblob: 10 tunnin unien jälkeen on ontto olo.

rolle, to random
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

I don't get the -movement. Why would violence solve anything?

“I do not hate anyone, not even Hitler. Hate is a disease which may destroy your enemy but will destroy you in the process. You may not like everyone, but that doesn’t give you the right to be nasty to them. I don’t love everyone but I hate no one. There is no revenge; ­staying alive is the only revenge.”
—Eddie Jaku, a holocaust survivor

rolle, to fediverse
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

I find it strange that wanted to create their own protocol just because the existing ones weren't "good enough". Who's to say everything will always stay the same? We've been having development in every major protocols throughout the history of the Internet, look at http for example.

No, I think they know they won't get enough money or control in any other way than to develop their own. The openness is just a facade here.

rolle, (edited ) to fediverse
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

It's not but I have the most free time in my hands on Saturdays and Sundays, so here it goes.

I feel like there's a sturdy community here on . I'm really a hermit but feel like I've found my place here.

There are some people here from all over the world that I have never met IRL, but they feel still like a "family" in a sense. They are fellow humans who do not seem to prejudice and are kind towards other individuals. Just like it should be.

@jcrabapple - IT professional, father, sysadmin from Virginia. His calm energy flows around!

@ikkeT - Open source, Linux, cloud and automation nerd from Finland. Always kind.

@originalg - Stu, my man. Always cheering me up and making sure others are okay. A great dude, an engineer, the kinda guy I'd sit with coffee for hours if I were up to it.

@WTL - WordPress hosting and security dude, filmmaker, runner, a mutual in many ways. Always humble towards others. And this guy is from Canada, how awesome is that?

@AlderForrest - Engineer, metalhead, nerd. From Finland, obviously. A great guy I've get to know better during my time on the Fediverse. He runs Calckey!

@GoatsLive - I really don't know anything about GoatsLive but if one's profile says "Spreading some love and happiness in an often difficult world", you know that's a keepsie. I've got only good things from this direction. Lots of love.

@paul - Oh Paul. You remind me of my late father in so many good ways. Always kind comments, always there to talk with. He's an author, cloud consultant, Linux fan, vegan.

@francis - A Norwegian/Brazilian IT Engineer, a runner. Always constructive and kind from my perspective.

@valoisa - Someone I've get to know here, a person I imagine very hearty, considerate and fun! An introvert like me, exciting to talk to, great opinions, often inspiring.

@minnamoira - We go way back in social media, I don't even remember how it started. Glad to see you here on the Fediverse. I can relate to the rough times, I hope you enjoy living in Italy. Wish all the best and love.

@rmattila74 - Another person I learned about more in here on the Fediverse. Nuke engineer retired due ALS. "Defined by the former, not by the latter" is brilliantly put. Thanks for letting me into your world and thank you for the accessibility improvements in my design. I appreciate everything you do here, don't stop spreading awareness and keep on focusing on important things that matter to you like energy.

@mustikkasoppa My dear wife. I love you so much. :bunhdheart:

There are a lot of more brilliant people out there, but these are the ones I want to namedrop at this moment.

Peace & love and have a wonderful Saturday. :ablobcatheart:

EDIT: Fixed some typos. And some more typos.

rolle, (edited ) to random Finnish
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

2.7.2008 sanoimme "Tahdon" ja vieläkin tahdotaan 15 vuoden jälkeen. Aika on mennyt kuin siivillä. Myötä- ja vastoinkäymisiä on ollut, sillä elämä ei ole helppoa erilaisten mielenterveysongelmien, fyysisten ja henkisten haasteiden kanssa, mutta yhdessä on aina selvitty. Nykypäivänä etsitään aina vain parempaa ja parempaa, mutta itse olen aina ollut sitä mieltä että Linuxin distrohopping-maailmasta tuttu sääntö pätee myös parisuhteisiin: "Don't change if it ain't broken". Rikkinäisyys on subjektiivista. Toimiva parisuhde ei vaadi muuta, kuin että on valmis jakamaan elämänsä toisen kanssa puutteineen. Emme ole kumpikaan varmaan koskaan olleet ehjiä, mutta emme myöskään odota toisiltamme täydellisyyttä. Me olemme hyviä toisillemme. Se riittää.

Meidän ystävyydessä parasta on avoimuus ja rehellisyys. Ei ole mitään aihetta mistä ei voitaisi puhua, liittyi se sitten uskontoon, politiikkaan, arvoihin, filosofiaan, traumoihin, mielenterveyteen, menneisyyteen, tulevaisuuteen, nykyhetkeen, rahaan, työhön, vapaa-aikaan, seksuaalisuuteen, iloon, suruun, toiveisiin, pettymyksiin, itseen, muihin, ihmisyyteen, mieltymyksiin, inhokkeihin... Kaikesta voi jutella, vaikka oltaisiinkin eri mieltä. Kaikesta voi myös vitsailla ilman pelkoa siitä, että toinen loukkaantuu. Omintakeinen huumori ja aaltopituus on ollut alusta asti kohdillaan. Parasta on lähteä kahville tai kävelylle ja olla tuntikausia siinä, unohtaa digitaalinen hapatus hetkeksi ja jutella, ilman että hetkestä jää edes kuvaa todisteeksi. Mutta yhtä kivaa on datailla eri huoneissa tai vierekkäin ja laittaa viestiä IRCin kautta. Tai olla vaikka hiljaa.

Meillä ei ole myöskään kielirajoitteita, juttelemme päivittäin puheella, viittomakielellä, taktiililla viittomakielellä ja haptiikalla. Emme tarvitse kuuloa tai näköä sujuvaan kommunikointiin, olemme jutelleet festareilla kovassa metelissä yleisön keskellä näkemättä ja kuulematta toisiamme tungoksessa. Olemme höpisseet pimeässä saunassa, ilman että kuuluu ääntäkään. On maagista viittoa toiseen sekunnin kosketuksella toisen kehon osaan "Minä rakastan sinua". Tämän kerromme toisillemme varmasti enimmillään satoja kertoja päivässä, koska se on taktiililla viittomakielellä niin helppoa. Siitä on tullut tapa.

@mustikkasoppa:n kanssa klikkasi aikoinaan se, että hän ymmärsi minua ja outoja maneerejani ja minä häntä. Kerrankin ihminen, jonka kanssa voin olla oma itseni, joka ymmärsi, että usein tietokone ja netti menee ihmisen edelle, mutta kuitenkin niin, että verkon välityksellä olen myös läsnä. Olen erakkoluonne, mutta niin on hänkin. En ennen Veeraa oivaltanut, että joku voi arvostaa ihmistä, joka viihtyy niin paljon omassa rauhassa. Tai että joku voi antaa yhtä paljon arvoa tekstille ja kirjalliselle viestinnälle. Niin moni muukin asia toimii, vaikka ollaan ihmisinä todella erilaisia. Ja edelleen olen kateellinen tuosta konekuulosta, olisi niin mukavaa laittaa maailman häly off-asentoon välillä tai säätää taustaäänet pois kaukosäätimellä.

Minä rakastan sinua Veera. Ollaan selätetty kahdestaan niin moni asia ja päästy vaikeista asioista pinnalle voittajina niin taloudellisesti, fyysisesti kuin henkisestikin. +30k (€) -20% (kg) on syytä muistaa numeroina näissä parissa yhteisessä projektissa, joita voi numeroina tarkastella. Tulokset näkyy naamasta. Yhdessä olemme enemmän. Hyvää kristallihääpäivää rakkani! ❤️

rolle, to random
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

Is there any tutorial on how to separate Sidekiq and PostgreSQL to another servers?

I have currently them on the same machine but it would give me more peace of mind in the next big event to have them separated for performance.

rolle, to internet
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

I don't like posting to other social media services nowadays, solely because of the character limit. I hate limiting my words. 600 characters should not be not too long thing to post on social media.

rolle, to UI
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

Mastodon UI vs. (dark mode). Personally can't live without any more.

Mastodon Bird UI screenshot, explore tab.

rolle, to bluesky
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

Yet another social media battle rant.

For the past year I have been torn between "Let's convince them of the fun of Mastodon" and "Fuck them, we don't need them" and now I'm a real mess.

In 2013 I convinced 99% of my friends to move on from WhatsApp to Telegram and for a while thought I could do the same with X (formerly Twitter) users and Mastodon. But it feels like living my life in a purgatory, constantly tormented. "Mastodon is difficult, Bluesky is a breath of fresh air", "I don't get Mastodon and its nerds, but Bluesky is wonderful".

I need to stop.

Fuck this.

I have my place here.

rolle, to iOS
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

What are your favourite iPhone apps? Unique and well crafted apps with beautiful user interface are appreciated. #Apps #iOS #iPhone

rolle, to fediverse
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

is far better than any microblogging service out there. It has all the features that many don't, for example content warnings, editing posts, high character count, post visibility settings per post etc... It's a dream as platform. However -wise I think it still has long way to go. The current default UI feels old-ish and a bit clunky. Thankfully it can be improved with apps and UIs.

Because Mastodon is , I've been able to make changes to my own instance. I've seen lots of different social media UI's since the times of Jaiku and there are good choices that have been forgotten. The hellsite got most of it right and it's been my inspiration in regards to user interface. As a designer and developer I create the UI improvements for myself that I think Mastodon is missing.

Hence, the was born.

There have been lots of subtle changes over the weeks in my instance. Let me present some of these. I'm quite proud of what I have achieved as a designer and developer. My instance is now top notch for me. There is always room for improvement, but it's already like 99.9% there.

I just hope Mastodon itself will get even a pinch of these in the core, some day. Most notably the real numbers for OCD and neurodivergent people, free resizing of the compose box (), one level threads and if one can hope, a bit of white space and minimalism in the design.

Preview: https://mementomori.social

Get Mastodon Bird UI here: https://github.com/ronilaukkarinen/mastodon-bird-ui

Edit: Fixed some typos

rolle, (edited ) to mastodon
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

On desktop computer, do you prefer the single column layout or the advanced web interface?

rolle, to random Finnish
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar
rolle, to mastodon
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

My after waking up from a crash caused by a migraine episode (this will take a while):

rolle, to random
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

Just got a panic attack and during/after it drawed my anxiety I call Möykky (a blob/knot/gob).

It is hard for me to breathe when Möykky grows big enough. He prevents me from enjoying anything and makes me suffer great amount of mental pain. He suffocates me and doesn't seem to let go. If it gets bad enough no amount of excercise, walking around, breathing or doing will do. Only tears and panic help me a bit.

The circles mean he can grow and shrink, but it's really rare he fully goes away. I'm happy when he is tiny as an insect. His left hand present everything evil in this world. He has a infinity cloak which is his superpower, it brings him back no matter what I do.

Exposing him via this drawing brought me some comfort. He is smaller again.

rolle, to random
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

I’ve been thinking a lot about this. Sometimes I don’t understand people and often times they don’t understand me. I take many things literally, I think about stuff in my own way. I love numbers and I have niche hobbies I’m very passionate about. I live inside my own head, I love written communication and I hate speaking on the phone (24/7 silent mode). I get easily anxious and suffer from anxiety disorder. This has been my whole life.

See where I’m getting at with this? In my anxiety I wonder if I could get to the bottom of it and figure out do I have a diagnose for autism. But I’d rather not, because I am somehow not comfortable with the whole idea as I have been only getting used to being a person with anxiety for the past couple of decades. Rather not add more labels for myself in vain.

rolle, (edited ) to random
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

Pick one.

(I'm expecting a flood of angry "none of them" comments :meow_grimace: )

rolle, (edited ) to mastodon
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

What is the best iPhone app for ?

rolle, to random
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

Some folks on X and Bluesky have shown their dislike towards ”the feel-good attitude” of people on Mastodon. In their world Mastodon is too matter-of-fact, no sense of humor and not raggedy enough. In fact, they prefer filth over wholesomeness. It strange. For me it’s like talking with a drug addict as a sober person. Being sober doesn’t make me Jesus Christ, arrogant or a good person, but it reflects the negative feelings in the addicted mind.

One of the type once used the hashtag to fuck with me, since I use my time on other social medias often to talk about the advantages of Mastodon. This concept of being a victim of social media is so funny to me I have started using that hashtag myself.

rolle, to random Finnish
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

Miks mä jatkan tätä…

rolle, to random Finnish
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

Suomi-Mastodon-skenen tilastoja: Suurimmat suomalaiset instanssit:

  1. https://mastodontti.fi 1300 aktiviista käyttäjää
  2. https://mementomori.social 151 aktiivista käyttäjää
  3. https://equel.social 127 aktiivista käyttäjää
  4. https://piipitin.fi 74 aktiivista käyttäjää
  5. https://eliitin-some.fi 68 aktiivista käyttäjää
  6. https://suomi.social 42 aktiivista käyttäjää
  7. https://mastodonsuomi.fi 25 aktiivista käyttäjää
  8. https://sauna.social 23 aktiivista käyttäjää

Loput alle 10 käyttäjää. Moni mini-instanssi myös pudonnut kokonaan linjoilta: https://mementomori.social/@rolle/109483475710724474

Kuvittelenko vain, vai ovatko käyttäjämäärät per-instanssi vähentyneet? Paljon suomalaisia on tietysti myös hajallaan ei-suomalaisilla, globaaleilla Mastodon-palvelimilla.

rolle, to mastodon
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

Mastodon Bird UI 2.0.0rc embeds vs. Mastodon default embeds.

This is where the media proportions do matter, I think.

rolle, to random
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

I may be a boring person, but I never liked these word plays and similar on social media. On Mastodon they are like a plague to be constantly eradicated (muted, that is). I mean things something like: "Ruin a movie with letter", "a legitimate scenario - wrong answers only", "make up a character related absolutely to nothing", "reply something that makes no sense to a thing that should make sense"... I don't get it and it's not even remotely funny. Why do so many people spend so much time to this?

rolle, to instagramreality Finnish
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

Kannatan tätä ajatusta. Ensin EU:ssa ja sitten kaikkialla muuallakin.

Kansanedustaja haluaa kieltää Tiktokin https://www.iltalehti.fi/politiikka/a/7fbfb763-0555-4ea1-89fe-ab63246f0929

rolle, to running
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar
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