FediPact: Defederating Meta, Together

pmj, German
@pmj@social.pmj.rocks avatar

so, hab auch mal threads[.]net blockiert
bin aber kein fan von diesem quatsch mit sinnlosen drohungen "wenn du nicht mitmachst wirst du deföderiert"
solcher scheiss ist in keiner diskussion hilfreich!

deshalb: fuck , fuck 🖕

@pmj@social.pmj.rocks avatar


hm, ist bluesky AP kompatibel?

ich bin da übrigens auch registriert; bis jetzt keine nazis gesehen 🤷‍♂️
allerdings grundsätzlich noch nicht viel gesehen 😅


If you want to do your part
and take a stand against Meta’s new social media Threads coming up to connect with Mastodon possibly from July 6th :facebook:​:nes_fire:​:mastodon:​ :

Admins 🏠✨
If you are a Fediverse instance admin, you can:

  1. Block all instances controlled by Meta before it joins us ⛔️

  2. Sign the : https://freefediverse.org/index.php/FediPact 🖊️​

  3. Make a public statement explaining that you will block Meta’s instance(s) and why 📢​​

Users 👤​:heart_cyber:​
If you are a user, you can:

  1. Pre-block instances controlled my Meta: https://infosec.exchange/@Em0nM4stodon/110634873221532366 ⛔️

  2. Make a statement about why you are blocking Meta 📢​​

  3. Move your account to another instance that has pledged to block Meta if you are not comfortable with your current instance:

3.1. Instances that have signed the Pact: https://kbin.social/m/FediPact/t/119000/Instances-that-have-signed-the-FediPact

3.2. How to move your account: https://controlaltdelete.technology/articles/the-mastodons-guide-to-the-fediverse.html#11-1-migrating 🚀​

  1. Restrict the visibility of your account: https://controlaltdelete.technology/articles/the-mastodons-guide-to-the-fediverse.html#4-3-visibility 🔒​

Be aware that blocking Threads might not alone protect your data from reaching Meta’s servers.

However, it is a great way to take a stand against surveillance capitalism, and the more people do it, the least impact Meta will have on the Fediverse ​:flan_sign:​:geodesic:

If everyone did this together,
they would have no power over us ✊🐘​✨


@Em0nM4stodon @tariq @admin Let’s not federate with Meta. Ever.


@Em0nM4stodon @InayaShujaat @admin to be honest I haven’t thought extensively about it. Personally, I’d like to be disconnected with Meta as is possible. Ultimately it’s more what the community on this server feels; if there is a strong desire to federate then I think it would be a more challenging question to figure out how to do so.

So short answer, probably defeding


Given the permissions Threads is requesting, is justified. Nothing on this protocol requires all those permissions


@schizanon @alan @TheRatCantRead That’s true but we can write a migration tool to suck their Threads data out and import it into a Mastodon account for them.


@bflipp @alan @TheRatCantRead probably.. 🤔 that's a good idea!


Hello Mapstondonians of OSM.town! What do you think about ? (aka ) will release a website which might have some way to interact & federate with this service (aka ). Some Fedi instance admins plan to block it ().

What do you, the people who use this server, think? 🤔 What should we do?



@compass @amapanda I hope you sign the as well...



@kkarhan @amapanda No decision has been taken yet.


phyn, German

Made my (well thought) decision and support .

Keep in mind, if a runs an instance and only one connection is made with your closed profile, all the closed contents, can/will be indexed and therefore you'll be tracked (shadowprofiles) there as well.


Announcing Free Fediverse, a website resource for all of us fighting to save our communities from absorption into surveillance capitalism!

There are lots of stories, thinkpieces, links and statements flying around and disappearing quickly, and it would be handy to have a place to store and reference them all. Free Fediverse is that place.

Free Fediverse is a wiki-based site linking to resources of the following categories:

  • Links to and information on the FediPact

  • Essays on the Meta threat to the Fediverse

  • Articles on P92 in mainstream media outlets

  • Announcements from instance admins on joining the pact

  • Links and information for development projects beyond corporate enclosure

  • Articles on Meta's many crimes against humanity

Free Fediverse will continue to be updated. Just hit me up to suggest a link for any category. More links to FediPact instance statements are very welcome!

The website has no ads, trackers or analytics. Ferdi the Free Fediverse Froggy sez "hop on over!"



The Free Fediverse resource website is being continually updated with links to information, statements and thoughts on the upcoming incursion of the Zuckerberg surveillance entity into the fediverse. Feel free to hop over and check it out, or recommend a link to me here!

Detailed announcement in the toot at the top of this thread!


#FreeFediverse #FediPact #FediblockMeta #DefederateMeta #Meta #P92 #Threads


For anyone mobilizing to defend their own account, the fedi community they administer, or the entire fediverse against the Zuckerberg incursion now underway, the Free Fediverse website has a plethora of links to helpful resources.

🐸 FediPact: Info on the pact and how to find an instance you can trust

🐸 Developments: Information on blocking Meta, account migration, and authorized fetch

🐸 Articles: An ongoing history of the Meta scheme to take over the fedi

🐸 Essays: Thinkpieces on the threat and how to save the fediverse from corporate enclosure

🐸 Nightmares: Tons of articles on Meta's many crimes against humanity

Check it out at https://freefediverse.org


No, Mark Zuckerberg won't meet you in the lobby Chris Trottier.

Recently one of the fediverse's most ardent proponents of collaboration with Meta produced a long thread in which he details his argument for embracing the P92 gambit with open arms. This post is a response.

If you're wondering why he is not tagged or addressed directly in his thread, that's because Chris is want to block anyone who offers up even the most polite of substantive counterpoints. We'll just toodle along over here thanks. The intent is not actually to debate him, but to provide food for thought to those who might have been persuaded by his relentless advocacy to federate.

The original thread is here: https://atomicpoet.org/notice/AX9zOBSSW6gg06h9t2

Trottier seems to believe that ActivityPub possesses extraordinary powers: "ActivityPub means that whatever of Meta’s userbase that’s exposed to federation will diversify into other platforms […] This diversification reduces the dependence of users on a single platform, giving them more choices and potentially drawing them away from Meta."

But he never acknowledges that Meta platforms comprise an algorithmically-governed censorship regime which repress information of many kinds - for example, the hashtag, which was banned on Instagram along with the Pixelfed account itself. Why would this entity allow pied pipers of the fediverse to frolic freely on P92 and evangelize escape from its enclosure?

For that matter, why does he think that would work at all? The userbase of Instagram will be prompted to join Threads. That means something of the existing network effect of that longstanding service will be transplanted in; and rest assured, there will be no account migration functionality provided.

In fact, the number of teen-dream travel-snap influencers who will, upon exposure to a single post by Chris Trottier on the magic of W3C protocol development, leap to wrench themselves away from the highly addictive and even financially-incentivized dependency on their established social graph and plunge themselves into the X11-Wayland religious war waged among the beloved catgirls of the fediverse is statistically very close to zero.

There is also an unsettling absence of agency in Chris's characterization of the lost souls of Meta, as if they're just sheep waiting for the good shepherds of decentralization to lead them to greener pastures. Instagram account holders are free to sign up for a fediverse account right now, and many have already done so - and by the way, the reverse flow is also quite possible for anyone here who wishes to connect to friends and family on Meta networks.

To open this "revelatory" "Pandora's Box" (his words) of the ActivityPub Rapture, Trottier proposes, with great bloviation, something called "lobby servers". As he describes: "Lobby servers can bridge communities. They act as intermediaries that connect different social media platforms, including Meta-owned ones, with non-Meta platforms. […] By federating with Meta, lobby servers can pull content from Meta’s network and redistribute it to other federated platforms. This syndication allows users on non-Meta platforms to access and engage with Meta users’ content, thereby exposing them to different perspectives and encouraging cross-platform interactions…"

The flowery language continues on, but he is not actually proposing some novel new technical development. There is nothing described which is not already part and parcel of ActivityPub federation. The "lobby server" is simply a rebrand of "an instance federating with Meta".

This Hotel California doublespeak is indicative of the most problematic aspects of the communications of pro-Meta luminaries. In a ploy more typical of the contemporary reactionary right, the values and intentions of the opposing fediverse opinions on Meta are inverted. Trottier's post begins: "Federation with Meta actually hurts Meta."

He continues, referencing the FediPact community: "… it’s not everyone’s objective to fight Meta, and there should be spaces where fighting Meta isn’t top of mind. Not everyone wants to be part and parcel of a fight, and that’s okay." So, in this new upside-down reality, the anticapitalists trying to save at least part of the fediverse from colonization by one of the most destructive corporations in the world "don't want to fight Meta"; the true revolutionaries are those eager to collaborate with that corporation.

The Orwellian trolling degenerates from there. He claims that turning away from P92 - a single vertical silo which may comprise tens or even hundreds of millions of users - will paradoxically harm decentralization, because all those little servers federated with each other somehow result in "fragmentation" instead. And the anarchists and marginalized communities in the FediPact? They're actually pro-police authoritarians! "To enforce total defederation will require whitelisting, and policing of that whitelist." The term "whitelist" is repeated over and over in this paragraph, which is a subtle dig in the direction of a general and very nasty propensity among pro-Zuck advocates to associate the FediPact with the "HOA" and the absence of diversity.

On the whole, the most visible proponents for Meta collaboration have been big-instance admins who have done neither themselves or their cause any good over the last couple of weeks. Chris Trottier is something of an exception. We have repeatedly noted people explaining that they were on the fence over the Meta issue, until convinced by Trottier's arguments. He may fancy himself as fighting Meta, but by relentlessly arguing in favor of federating with them, he is actually serving as their most useful and effective asset in the fediverse.


@ophiocephalic > X11-Wayland religious war waged among the beloved catgirls of the fediverse

Had I some money I'd commission some artist with this prompt. It'd be magnificent.


Thanks for this link! It's intriguing; but a couple of things come to mind. These guys always talk in gushing New Age platitudes about the wondrous gifts they selflessly bestow upon humanity. Also, there's that issue of the regulatory threats looming overhead. They're going to work hard to sound like they're complying. I will continue to remain skeptical that vague language like this actually indicates account portability, but I agree that the rhetoric, at least, is a new wrinkle. Thanks for bringing it to my attention!

@fancysandwiches@urbanists.social avatar

Free Fediverse just dropped! It's a resource dedicated to fighting to save our communities from absorption into surveillance capitalism.

It's a great resource for those looking to better understand the potential impact Meta & Threads will have. It's got information on the , essays on the threat Meta poses, announcements from various admins, and more! Share it with your curious friends 😄


@masukomi@connectified.com avatar

I sat down and wrote out my thoughts on why federating with Meta (or Google) is an existential threat to the continued existence of Mastodon and friends.

If you are a sysadmin who's undecided about federating with meta, please read it. If your server's sysadmin hasn't made a decision about federating with meta, maybe encourage them to read it.


@masukomi@connectified.com avatar

@ophiocephalic typo in the quote from my essay: "TI see no future..." should be "I" not "TI" ;)


Thank you, fixed!


just preemptively blocked threads.net for based on https://cloudisland.nz/@aurynn/110646563849199256


hiiiiiiiiiiii welcome to the official account for The Anti-Meta Fedi Pact at https://fedipact.online/

The Pact was started on june 17th, 2023 by @vantablack as a way to defend against meta's intended incursion into the fediverse

it's basically a (very pretty) list of instances who've signed it and agreed to block project92/barcelona/threads whenever it appears

to read about vanta's personal reasons for creating The Pact you can visit https://fedipact.online/why

this is the appropriate account to tag for Pact related discussions from now on, please do not bother me on my main about it lol

@hl0dwig@g33ks.coffee avatar

During the last month:

We've kept our 100% overall uptime and around 400 ms response time, without binding limits for our members on server use https://stats.uptimerobot.com/lggZyuO5jL/794554264 🚀

We've welcomed 3 new people and refused 1 request 👬

We've updated our Federation and Registration policies https://g33ks.coffee/about 🗒️

We've signed up the and published our point of view around the subject https://www.g33ks.coffee/decentralisation/ 🚫

We've optimised our database backup process to make it smoother in case of a recovery need 💽

We've activated the "search for your posts" functionality of Mastodon https://docs.joinmastodon.org/admin/optional/elasticsearch/ 🔍

We've silenced or suspended those instances ☠️


@hl0dwig@g33ks.coffee avatar

poke @Antoine le dernier rapport publié par exemple 😉

@toolbear@union.place avatar

fellow misfit loser zealots!

@toolbear@union.place avatar

Have fun over here in the library


Solid thread. Well thought out. Worth reading and explains concerns about federating with FB and why they're still up to no good.

raccoon@mastodon.world - 🧵 [1 / 10]

So, someone at , named Rachel, contacted @kev about having a hush talk. And now there's a screenshot of the message. What can we learn/infer from it?



oh, yeah, btw

The Pact has officially has over 500 signatures!!!!!!!!!!!


seeing this earlier totally made my day!!!!!!! i fuckin love it


i even changed my display name on my main account to "misfit loser zealot" lmao

@toolbear@union.place avatar

@rysiek @FediPact
And now I’m searching for “breakfast club but fursonas” art.

@WhyNotZoidberg@topspicy.social avatar

@rysiek @FediPact It's like he doesn't know where he is.

"Oh look all these people who choose to be on Mastodon instead of (Birdsite / Facebook / whatever) might be ISOLATED if they choose not to be on Facebook! And they have strong views about it!

How very misfitting of them!


OK so fedidb.org no longer lists the instances so I'm manually updating a list on kbin for those looking for a new instance.

Edit: due to Fedia having some reliability issues this is now at


(will continue to mirror at https://fedia.io/m/DefederateMeta/t/56774/List-of-largest-instances-that-signed-the-FediPact )


New name just dropped for people who support the : Misfit Loser Zealot. Let's wear it like a badge of honor https://misfitloserzealot.club/

@vantablack@cyberpunk.lol avatar


at some point

in like

two years

i'm just gonna post "i told ya so" from the fedipact account

with zero context or anything. and it'll still make perfect sense

@vantablack@cyberpunk.lol avatar

it's so trippy whenever i think about the huge direct impact i've personally had on the whole discourse surrounding threads lmao

@Sh4d0w_H34rt@mstdn.social avatar

I'm really getting nervous about how so many are embracing Threads. When I first heard they were going to federated, I had hoped we would see a stand for users' privacy. wasn't taken up my instance admin, and even the user level block seems worthless as the POTUS account on Threads is still visible demonstrates. 😑😑😑

@vantablack@cyberpunk.lol avatar

warms my heart to see randos even still just now discovering lol

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