
jwildeboer, (edited ) avatar

Booked my and shots for tomorrow. Let's see if the pharmacy gives me both at the same time :) In case you also live in , have German health insurance and also want to get your shots: I booked at Saniplus in Riem via

jwildeboer, avatar

My job has made me travel to a lot of places all over the world. This is why I care about vaccinations. They are IMHO the biggest thing ever for humanity. We can and have eradicated diseases that way. And though not all vaccinations give sterile immunity, they at least greatly reduce the risks of severe consequences. So for me it was never a discussion. Yes, every vaccination has a minimal risk of effects that could impact my health too. But compared to what they protect for ...

bluca, avatar

@jwildeboer status update: got a booster at a GP in Austria, just had to fill some forms and pay 35€ given I'm not a resident - worth every cent. Sorted and with plenty of time for it to be effective for FOSDEM!

cpamoa, French avatar
cpamoa, avatar

Tous les ans c'est la même chose, je suis super contente de voir les premiers flocons et les paysages en noir et blanc, et à la fin de l'hiver je les accueille avec bcp moins d'enthousiasme :)

Bon, la veille d'un parkrun, c'est quand même pas l'idéal. Va falloir s'adapter demain :)
Je suis marshal, aka la Dame du Lac (the Lady of the Lake) : je me poste sur un croisement de chemins à coté du lac et je dirige les coureurs dans une direction ou dans une autre. J'ai intérêt à bien m'habiller.

Nickname, avatar

Alors tu vas adorer ça aussi :
Nicht ganz mein Musikstil, aber trotzdem lustig!

AmiW, German avatar

⚪ Miau-Wetter... ein Lieblingsfoto. ☔
🟤 Meow weather... a Favorite photo.
📷 by Artist: . /
in Loc.: Bavaria Germany 🇩🇪 - Title: "No 272" 🐈‍⬛ - ➡️

AmiW, avatar

@Hans 😁👍🏻🫶🏻

AmiW, avatar

@SoberHungOver ☔☔☔❣️

jwildeboer, avatar

Sometimes City Life has its advantages. Woke up 2 times with pain in my ear. Decided to go to the doctor. On a Sunday. In . During . Well. 12 minutes on the bicycle to the clinic. 20 minutes waiting time. Another 15 minutes on the bicycle to the pharmacy. Now back home with a diagnosis and medicine. Otitis externa plus otitis media. 8€ for the medicine (because sunday), 0€ for the doctors visit. And no, I don’t have private health insurance. Just the regular public one (DAK)

mwfc, avatar

Which I expected. It is in a hospital here as well :)
Next to ER, so you basicly get reminded.


mwfc, avatar

I lived in the US and I find it sad that such a rich country has so many troublesome practices.

Health insurance is one of those, and especially being tied to a job.

It is an obvious and easy shortcut to not have it being young, but consequences are dire in some cases.



& in !

🗓️ Montag, 25. September 2023 🕡 18:30 Uhr
🏠 Eine Welt Haus | Schwanthalerstraße 80


lukasp, avatar

@WeAreFairphone danke dir für alle Infos 👍

WeAreFairphone, (edited )
vsaw, avatar

Anyone know how to open/remove this bike lock without the keys? Someone put a second lock on our bike and now we can’t use it since Monday. Asking around, nobody knows who’s bike it is and now we’re looking for alternative options

#Munich #Muenchen #lockpicking #bike #fedihelp #feditips #pleaseboost

vsaw, avatar

@MargotB Yep, zufällig ein paar freundliche Handwerker mit ner Flex getroffen und ab war das Schloss


@vsaw You may find a 'how to' video on the YouTube channel of 'The Lockpicking Lawyer'

jwildeboer, avatar

Hundreds of newspapers and magazines from all over the world for free on your digital device using the app and by becoming a member of your local public library (in my case the library, which gives me the magazines in the picture, the New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal and many, many more). Oh. And also access to and many more things.

jwildeboer, avatar

All of that and a lot more books, CDs, DVDs and even more for at max 20€/year. When living in , what are you waiting for? Sign up and enjoy!

bergamlaimerin, avatar


In addition: Children and young people (under 18) get their library card for free in Munich.

If you still are in education, are a pensioner, receive social benefits, are unemployed, doing voluntary service or are disabled with a degree of disability of at least 50 per cent you are entitled to a discount and pay only 10EUR / year.

jwildeboer, avatar

YES! In 1 hour at least a little bit of rain in my part of . And thunderstorm. After the heat of yesterday and before the heat of tomorrow.

slintes, avatar

@jwildeboer @bookwar @DeutscherWetterdienst @FediNINA_Duesseldorf @FediNINA_Berlin ah yes, didn't recognize it 🙂 And yes, the prediction maps are great as well. I only know one better app for predictions maps, the Dutch "Buienradar" (I live in the north of Germany near the Dutch border)

yacc143, avatar

@jwildeboer The question is, will it be enough to cool down your part of , or will it just turn it into a steam bath?

ascherbaum, avatar

Breakfast view over before starts...

filid, avatar

@ascherbaum Und ganz vergessen "Der verrückte Eismacher" in der Amalienstrasse

ascherbaum, avatar

@filid Ich bin nur einen Tag hier und habe eine Konferenz den ganzen Tag.

Liefern die? ;-)

thomas, German avatar

Kennt jemand von euch eine bezahlbare Tiefgarage in der Nähe des Backstage in München?

Ich bin da für ein Konzert und meine Autobatterie schwächelt, deshalb würde ich sie gerne einigermaßen warm halten.

Hadeur, avatar
trendskater, avatar

@thomas Für solche Fälle habe ich meist eine Starthilfe Powerbank im Auto bzw. unter dem Motorradsitz. Kostet 60 Euro, kommt meist mit Lampe und USB-Charger integriert und Du bist startklar in jeder Lage. Instant Starthilfe sozusagen ⚡️

cpamoa, French avatar
cpamoa, avatar

@yanncphoto je sais pas à quelle veste tu penses, mais il a celle-là depuis plusieurs années :)

cpamoa, avatar

@yanncphoto ah oui :D Elle est toujours dans notre armoire je crois :) mais on n'a pas dû la ressortir depuis :)

jwildeboer, avatar

Around 12% of all people living in took the streets today to protest against right-wing movements. Too much for our police to handle. The peaceful demonstration was halted after 40 minutes. We will come again!

bookstardust, avatar

@jwildeboer in and around munich.

h_albermann, avatar

@jwildeboer At the same time, protests are also taking place in medium-sized and small towns. Like today in Bad Tölz with around 1,500 participants out of a population of 19,000. I can't remember ever seeing such widespread protests in Germany.

anderseknert, avatar

Morning walk through . Whoever runs this shop could be more discrete about his preferences.

anderseknert, avatar

I asked a German colleague about it, and apparently they sell chairs and couches. The name make perfect sense in that context. But sadly it wasn’t likely that smart, as “ass” apparently means “ace” in German.

anderseknert, avatar

@javahippie I love it 😄

Vibracobra23, avatar
Vibracobra23, avatar

@nicokruppe It was 2017. She sadly died of Covid about 18 months ago.


@Vibracobra23 Oh, that's sad 😏

triac8bit, German

First time in my new hometown . Turns out I can still move on the wall.
But it also seems like bouldering is not the right kind of climbing sport for me anymore. It has become too detached from outdoor rock climbing, which is what I want to train for indoors.


@codebyjeff update: just found out that there's another gym close to my new workplace that opens at 6am and looks much more like what I'm looking for. Maybe this is an option.

mxk, avatar

@triac8bit @codebyjeff in general you have the best chance with DAV gyms, if you want the more "old school" experience, and yes, the newest commercial gym in Munich might not be your cup of tea 😉

cpamoa, French avatar

A il y a 7 lignes de S-Bahn, c'est comme le RER à Paris. Pour traverser la ville d'Est en Ouest, toutes les lignes empruntent le même tronçon (2 voies, une dans chaque sens), et passent sous un tunnel entre Ostbahnhof et Hauptbahnhof (la gare principale). Le tronçon commun (Stammstrecke) qui fait 11km va même au-delà de Hauptbahnhof, jusqu'à Pasing à l'ouest. Ce matin un S-Bahn a déraillé à Isartor, sur le tronçon commun donc. Plus aucun S-Bahn ne peut passer.,TvfUsAY

cpamoa, avatar

Depuis plusieurs années ils ont démarré des travaux pour construire un deuxième Stammstrecke, incluant un deuxième tunnel sous la ville qui passera au nord du premier. C'est devenu un gouffre financier. La mise en service était Initialement prévue en 2028 et le coût était de 3.2 milliards d'Euros, C'est maintenant repoussé à 2035 et devrait coûter 7 milliards !

pasqualeberesti, avatar

@cpamoa Quoi ? Les allemands font comme les français ? C'est quoi ce bordel ?

larsmb, (edited ) avatar

The city of uses and leverages a lot of open source - really quite inspiring and leading the German public sector!

Use, improve, publish.

larsmb, avatar

Key ideas for introducing to the city of from :

larsmb, (edited ) avatar

The city of will offer an open source sabbatical for employees to contribute 🤯

They also want to purchase more explicitly 😔

cpamoa, French avatar

Les surfeurs surfent :)

cpamoa, avatar

A Munich les vélos ont leurs rues :)

cpamoa, avatar

9km à pied quand même :)

cpamoa, French avatar

Il est même pas 20h, le soleil est officiellement couché :/

pasqualeberesti, avatar

@cpamoa c'est pas une vie !

cpamoa, avatar

@yanncphoto effectivement, j'avais oublié que c'était l'automne météorologique :)

JSharp1436, avatar

:twitter: Gabrielius 🇱🇹
[Lithuanian Foreign Minister]

During the conference I was asked why I am so gloomy. Well, somebody has to tell it like it is, so here’s how it is: Things are not going well

It is good practice to evaluate things honestly - with all their gloominess. And if we don't shock ourselves back into action it will get worse. In , in the rest of and possibly globally

is starved of ammunition and forced to pull back, is ⏩

JSharp1436, avatar

↪ facing challenges which might test Article 5, and global instability emerges because autocrats are emboldened by #russia's action and our cautious response. This is not pessimism. This is fact

Baseless optimism is a form of self-deception, it is demobilising us. How can we expect to convince the public to spend more on defence, take a stronger stance against #russia and support countries on the eastern flank if leaders won’t admit there is an urgent need?

And we need action right now, ⏩

JSharp1436, avatar

↪ because tomorrow might be too late. We need a push, a jolt, a shock to wake us up. The war is not over, it's far from won, the enemy is very much alive and our European future is at stake

I have no doubt that the West has the capacity to help #Ukraine win this war. That is a fact. It is also clear that #russia’s industrial power is no match for the united West. But...

We don't lack capacity, we lack the political will and urgency necessary to support #Ukraine and maintain our ⏩

AmiW, German avatar

💕 Artist: ( ) - in City: Brückengalerie am Candidplatz, Germany 🇩🇪 2014 - Title: " long as we are together..." ("Solange wir zusammen sind...") -


@AmiW Meine alte Hood 😍

AmiW, avatar

@kidayna und es ist immer noch da 😊😘💕

akrennmair, avatar

Last night, I sampled all the Oktoberfestbiere of this year at a friend‘s (all from bottle). This is my personal ranking:

  1. Augustiner
  2. Hofbräuhaus
  3. Löwenbräu
  4. Paulaner
  5. Hacker-Pschorr
  6. Spaten

We also tried Giesinger Festbier, which is technically not an Oktoberfestbier, and I‘d rank it between 2 and 3.

akrennmair, avatar

@kotrcka the Spaten Oktoberfestbier I tried was just incredibly bland... not even bad, it just tasted of nothing, whereas the others higher up on the list had some more interesting flavours. Augustiner is just my favourite hands down, incredibly drinkable, while Hofbräuhaus and Löwenbräu both were quite dry and bitter for the style with some pretty good hop aroma.

Next week I'll be at Oktoberfest and will have Spaten Festbier on draught, so that may change my so far poor perception of the beer.

sumisu3, avatar

@akrennmair @kotrcka Was able to get (only) the Hofbräu and Paulaner here in NZ. The Paulaner has less malt and a bit more herbal bitterness, but not as full. The Hofbräu tastes a bit on the sweet side but I do like it more than the Paulaner. A local brewer down in Wellington, @southstarbrew made a Festbier that I think is better than these two.

anderseknert, avatar

Good morning from ! 🇩🇪 Two days of Community Days ahead. I’ll talk for authorization later today, and a lightning talk on learning OPA and tomorrow. Good times!

anderseknert, avatar
akosma, avatar

@anderseknert heyyyyy 👏🏻👍🏻👋🏻

vsaw, avatar

There’s a summer storm in . So naturally I’ve put all empty buckets and pots on the balcony, trying to catch some rain, so I can use it to water the plants tomorrow 💪

ianp5a, avatar
vsaw, avatar

@ianp5a Oh wow 😮

Haven’t had any hail near Isartor, at least non on my balcony.

preslavrachev, avatar

Far from my best times, but hey it’s a on a random Saturday, so I’m fine with it :)

And yet, even the thought of ever making the distance twice in a single run, makes every muscle in body twitch in denial. 😜


@preslavrachev Yep, and it is something every runner has to figure out for themselves.

You can learn everything else about running from others, but not this. :)


@preslavrachev training for the Munich marathon?

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