@stefan@stefanbohacek.online avatar
@rooneymcnibnug@mastodon.social avatar

@vhs @stefan saw this as i was setting up a capture card for archiving purposes 😁

@stefan@stefanbohacek.online avatar

@rooneymcnibnug @vhs That's the universe telling you to follow the bot! Maybe?

@literalgrill@sakurajima.moe avatar

Watching The Sword and the Stone on the VCR as background noise and have to share my objectively correct opinion that Arthur absolutely fumbled by not living out the rest of his life raising a family with this absolute queen.

He had an absolutely adoring lady who was head over heels for him AND a cutie to boot? How DARE he leave her heartbroken! Fuck England, we didn't need British people taking over the world but she did need her man! :meowbongorage:

The cute girl squirrel from Sword and the Stone smooching Arthur as a squirrel

@literalgrill@sakurajima.moe avatar

New crack ship: Hatsune Miku x Hazel (because they both hate British people).


@famousblueben@mas.to avatar

This of IT by is narrated by Steven Weber and he does such a fantastic job, especially with all the voices he's asked to do including a lot of Maine accents, that I have a much greater appreciate for his acting talents and it makes me excited for getting to watching The Shining minseries he stars in which I picked up on a few months back for my watch through of Mike Garris's filmography.

krasse_eloquenz, German
@krasse_eloquenz@literatur.social avatar


Die Volkshochschule Hamburg findet, dass Bildung allen offenstehen sollte. Deshalb bekommen Arbeitslose und Bürgergeldempfänger 60% Rabatt auf alle Kurse. Auch andere Personengruppen erhalten Rabatte.

Kurse im Bereich der Grundbildung sind sogar komplett kostenlos.



@krasse_eloquenz Plus: Für manche (zertifizierte) Präventionskurse übernimmt die Krankenkasse die Kosten komplett - nicht nur bei Arbeitslosen.

@janbeta@chaos.social avatar
@gisiger@nerdculture.de avatar

@janbeta This is the way, young Padawan 😅

Laserdisc-Box, noch in Folie :blobcatgooglyshrug:

@janbeta@chaos.social avatar

@gisiger Nice! I don’t have a player for that and to be honest getting a VHS recorder (and kind of involuntarily starting a VHS tape collection) already was a bad idea regarding space… 😅

@literalgrill@sakurajima.moe avatar

Since I have lots of new followers today, I think it's time to finally update my post!

My name is Borealis, but most online know me as the LiteralGrill! You can call me Allie or Grill for short. I'm trans and an Ursa, think of a gay bear but in a femme form. She/Her pronouns please!

I actively fight for disability justice and will discuss that here as much as I'll share my love for anime and manga (maybe a little more tbh). I often write essays analyzing media or discussing anime history and you'll find a surprising number of times that those two topics intertwine in my works.

I tend to dig old media formats in general and love weird retro tech! I still avidly enjoy my growing VHS and LaserDisc collections. I have quite the board game collection too with some real oddities in there.

While I am a big supporter of content warnings and you'll see me use them often, you won't find them on educational posts or on anything discussing the realities of my life as a disabled trans person. I will however, always make sure these posts have appropriate hashtags so you can filter them out of your feed. If you need to protect your peace by not following or blocking me, I take no offense and completely understand. I hope you'll understand that not censoring the realities of my life from the world is part of how I protect mine.

I'm often stuck inside as an immunocompromised person in an ongoing pandemic (COVID isn't over and I take it seriously) so I'll rarely turn down a good conversation! Or if you just want to hear me info dump on obscure trivia of some kind that I'm researching for my next big article.

Before I forget... Yes, I'm that bonkers grill that watched Groundhog Day 365 days in a row! So expect my knowledge of time loops to be oddly all encompassing.

Welcome to my little corner of the Fediverse, I hope you'll like it here!

@mm78@mastodon.social avatar
@mm78@mastodon.social avatar

@jake4480 Heckin comma yeah!

@jake4480@c.im avatar

@mm78 🔥 I try to watch it at least once a year. ⚔️

@SpinBall@retro.pizza avatar

This weekends tape finds. Found a couple of backup VCRs too. That's probably my luck spent for the year

@vga256@dialup.cafe avatar

so for the past month i've been leaving old vhs movies on in the background while i work

i noticed that several tapes had faded audio that got worse over the course of the film, with a lot of humming in the background, to the point of being inaudible after a while. a few web searches suggested either a worn out vhs tape (which I feared), or a poorly tracked vcr (I adjusted the tracking, which didn't improve anything)

i did notice that my older JVC vcr never had the "stereo" light on when playing back movies, and had a suspicion:

so holy crap, til: most VHS tapes past a certain age have two audio tracks: an analog mono track, and a stereo hi-fi track

when the vcr can't track the stereo hi-fi track properly, it switches to the analog mono track on the edge of the tape.

my vcr was always downgrading to the analog track, which on several (ex-rental) tapes had degraded due to mishandling and abuse (being at the edge of the tape path)

i picked up a Sony SLV-778HF today for $20 just to see if switching VCRs would make a difference.

holy COW is this a huge improvement over my old 80s JVC vcr! not only did it pick up the stereo hi-fi track on all of the "bad" tapes perfectly, but it improved the video so much that it looks like a dvd.

@MutantFuturist@mastodon.social avatar

@vga256 I get the suspicion that most people who say 'VHS had bad picture quality' only ever watched beat-up rentals, multi-generation dubs, and movies taped off TV. A good VCR setup still looks and sounds fine.

@asjo@illuminant.asjo.org avatar

In the the former Soviet Union they used VHS-tapes for data: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ArVid

@vilmibm@tiny.tilde.website avatar





@petes_bread_eqn_xls@mastodo.neoliber.al avatar

@vilmibm incredible

@etherdiver@ravenation.club avatar

In honor of the passing of Lou Gossett Jr (RIP), gonna watch some Enemy Mine on . This is another one that my brothers and I watched ad infinitum on cable when we were kids. Let's see how it holds up, shall we?

@venya@musicians.today avatar


We rented this numerous times over my childhood and I have just added it to my pick-up-at-Half-Price-Books-and-inflict-on-my-children list.

I have seen it as an adult and I noticed most of the things you called out and I DON'T CARE I loved this one. Thank you for the reminder. =)

@etherdiver@ravenation.club avatar

@venya you bet! I definitely enjoyed the rewatch even if it wasn't quite the same as watching it as a kid

@etherdiver@ravenation.club avatar

Watching one of my copies of on and despite my deep and abiding affection for this movie, it is one hell of a cheese fest 😂.

Truly amusing that they cast a French guy as a Scotsman and a Scotsman as a Spaniard (by way of ancient Egypt lol).

Clancy Brown delivers an impeccable performance, as usual.

Sword fights, immortals and unbelievably clunky dialog.

Oh, and based on how Lambert looks in Southland Tales (most recent role I remember him in) he might actually be immortal...

@venya@musicians.today avatar


Never saw any of those, though Clancy Brown makes the idea somewhat attractive.

The original novel has the distinction of being the only book I have ever finished and immediately thrown as hard as possible away from me.

@etherdiver@ravenation.club avatar

@venya the first movie is pretty meh in my opinion, with a few creepy scenes, and the second is pure, unadulterated trash but if you can enjoy trash, I think you might enjoy it. If nothing else, just fast forward until you see Clancy on screen and watch all his scenes.

@woodpunk@mastodon.online avatar

Here's a bit of technology from the I'd forgotten even existed until I came across this ad on a tape! The Rabbit . Take your home phone out with you and use it to make calls when you were in range (about 300ft) of a Rabbit transmitter.

Hilariously, at it's peak in 1993, the service had 12,000 public transmitters across the but only 10,000 customers!

It was all over after about two years.

VHS capture of a 90s TV ad for the UK phone technology Rabbit.

@penguin42@mastodon.org.uk avatar

@woodpunk But are there any of the signs left on shops? I remember there were some in Manchester's Oxford Road decades later, don't think any have survived by now?

@sarahdal@crispsandwi.ch avatar
@sarahdal@crispsandwi.ch avatar

the only thing that will stop the cat crying is a proprietary USB cable from a digital camera that was discontinued in 2006

@coldclimate@hachyderm.io avatar

@sarahdal top cat points

moira, (edited )
@moira@mastodon.murkworks.net avatar

emptying out some storage and found this and saw on the back “No DVD player?” and was like “that makes sense lots of people don’t have DVD players anymore” until I looked at it again and it’s “no, lots of people don’t have DVD players yet” xD

@aldi80s@mastodon.social avatar

I know it's a personal thing but:
I'm impressed to know that there are more friends who are turning to digital music and throwing away their physical collection. No way!
As long as God lets me, I won't go digital and lose my whole-life collection!

@gnitro@urusai.social avatar

@aldi80s hope you get them. Got to be proactive with people or they'll just donate them somewhere lol

@aldi80s@mastodon.social avatar

@gnitro good tip !!! hehe

KAOS, German
@KAOS@dragonscave.space avatar

Verzweifelt gesucht:
Wer möchte noch einen Online-Volkshochschulkurs für Finnisch (ohne Vorkenntnisse) machen?

Es fehlt noch genau 1 (eine!) weitere Person, die sich anmelden müsste, damit der Kurs stattfinden kann.
Der Kurs soll nächste Woche starten und findet immer Mittwoch morgens von 8:00 Uhr bis 8:45 statt, über das VHS-Portal, 10 Termine.
Ihr müsstet also nicht mal in Berlin wohnen!
Ich wäre bereit, einen Teil der Kosten zu übernehmen.

Es handelt sich um diesen Kurs: https://www.vhsit.berlin.de/VHSKURSE/BusinessPages/CourseDetail.aspx?id=693403

Bitte boosten!

@woodpunk@mastodon.online avatar

There's a non-zero chance that I've just purchased 100+ old tapes with recordings of UK on them, just so I can digitise them to save any old adverts.

No, you're weird 😠

@woodpunk@mastodon.online avatar

@cpi @textfiles Just what the world needs: 73 shitty VHS captures of The Thorn Birds recorded from the TV 😂

@textfiles@mastodon.archive.org avatar

@woodpunk @cpi You can always clean up later. You can't re-digitize

borg, Polish
@borg@wspanialy.eu avatar

Żółwiki! Ta nasze, dobre! Film z 1990 roku, który wspominamy nader miło! 🐢


Trochę się bałem, gdy brałem się za oglądanie tej pozycji, bo ostatni raz widziałem ją może z 20 lat temu, ale zaskoczyłem się pozytywnie. Mega film. Ma ten wajb...

#kino #vhs #tmnt #retro

@virtuosew@mathstodon.xyz avatar

My uncle has discovered a stack of sealed, unused tapes in a cupboard. Does anyone have a use for them or do we throw them in the bin?

We're in the UK, if that makes a difference.

Boosts welcome.

@penguin42@mastodon.org.uk avatar

@virtuosew hmm, maybe @Avsystems

@willmckinley@mstdn.social avatar

Today in 1984 — The right to use a VCR at home was upheld by the Supreme Court.

The “Betamax ruling” ushered in the home video era — and billions of dollars in additional revenue for movie studios.

@DigitalFigment@mastodon.social avatar

Back when it was just called Raiders. Also this is like... new????? It still has a seal with the paramount logo to prevent the VHS from slipping out. Wild to think I'll be the first to watch this copy and got it for only a dollar.

karlsruhe, German
@karlsruhe@vhs.social avatar

Das erinnert doch sehr an den "Tupper-Schrank" in der Teeküche der 😃.

@scy@chaos.social avatar

Is there something like , but for video? A database of , , etc. releases with technical information like resolution, codecs, audio & subtitle languages, but also listing playtime, bonus features, and errors (e.g. "broken VFX in the scene at 12:34, fixed by subsequent re-release a year later") and so on?

And if not, why?

@scy@chaos.social avatar

@skua I mean, I already know how to code, and I'm seriously considering building such a thing.

But I already have too many projects and too little time, and I can't imagine that there's nothing similar already, so instead of simply starting to code, I'm first asking around ;)

@sandzwerg@chaos.social avatar

@scy hmm my former room mate once started to inventory his vast collection of DVDs, and of the tools he used at least some even had barcode support if I remember correctly so these tools might know this info as well. Not sure what he used and if the DBs are accessible

jelora, French

Expérimentations en cours en vue de tenter de refaire les bobines de bande magnétique en transparent pour mes VHS transparentes en impression 3D
Un truc dont je ne pensais pas faire au début car un peu délicat vu qu'il faut faire en sorte que la bande ne soit pas abimée

Test d'une bobine dans une VHS "normale" : fonctionne mais on entend quelques frottements

La bobine installé dans une VHS "normale" (pas en impression 3D)
La VHS fonctionnant visuellement normalement dans un magnétoscope On voit la bobine faite en impression 3D tourner


@jelora Il semble que les choses avancent bien !

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