lukaso666, to random Polish avatar
CindyWeinstein, to PoE avatar

Thank you @skydog for this great post!

pixel.fabian, to Finland

When photographing the other animals, the ravens were usually in the way and disturbed the composition of the picture. But sometimes it was also a nice change to put the supposed supporting actors in the spotlight.

Cyanocitta, to Birds avatar

A Common Raven calling as I was eating lunch at Lassen Volcanic National Park today.

Wildflowers4megan, to Anime avatar

An entry for the mental health junk journal.

"We call ships 'SHE'. We call our war machines 'WOMEN'. We compare women to black widows and vipers. And you are going to tell me it's not 'lady like' to scream, fight, take up space, and demand whatever the hell I want?
Don't try to down play my power."

Cormac_McGinley, to ireland avatar

Unfortunately not all spring babies make it to see Summer.
I took the opportunity to get a closer look at the beautiful feet and talons of this Raven (Corvus coraxl chick that washed up on the high tide line.
County Clare, Ireland. Walking tours

dannotdaniel, to random avatar

This raven flew by nice & close, 2 weeks ago

same raven, wings in lower position

nathanlovestrees, to random avatar

For International Raven/Crow/Tricktser Day:

Slipping the Trap of Appetite by Lewis Hyde

CindyWeinstein, to Hololive avatar

It is and Appreciation Day. As with so many other things, was way head of the curve.

minouette, to random avatar

Today is also International Crow and Raven Appreciation Day and I for one, appreciate the corvids. They are extraordinarily intelligent birds! Here is my murder of crows, part of my series of collective nouns for animals series of prints.

The raven is the official bird of the Yukon, in my print with the official flora, fireweed.

Lastly my crow print, inspired by a photo my husband took.

A linocut print in the shape of the Yukon filled with violet fireweed behind a black raven.
Linocut of a group of four crows facing different directions and the words ‘A murder of crows.’ The word murder is red and looks like it was written on a typewriter. There are red crow tracks leading from it to the crows. Everything else is printed in black.

raven, to tesla German

Disrupt Tesla!

Dieses Video stammt von Instagram von Hier noch der Link zum Orignal Instagram Beitrag.

Beschreibung: Wir haben den Tesla Pop-Up-Store in der Heidelberger Hauptstraße unterbrochen. Wasser für alle statt Profite für Musk! Kostenlosen ÖPNV für alle statt rohstoffverschwendende Luxusautos für Wenige! Solidarität mit den Protestierenden in Grünheide!…

Auf jeden Fall eine Starke Aktion! 😀

-Tesla -04-13 -04-14 @heidelberg


ct_bergstrom, to random avatar

Raven antics, Santa Fe NM

Ultragramps, (edited ) to criticalrole in [Spoilers C3E87] Episode Discussion avatar

♪Episode Song References♪

ᕕ( ᐛ)ᕗ


  • 00:19:00 Fan Art Moment Dire Wolf Fearne carrying Ashton through the red dust storm.
  • 00:26:15 Feeding frenzy! Piranha moon worms?!
  • 00:26:49 Travis reminds Laura that she has AoE magic.
  • 00:31:05 The Breadcum Trail
  • 00:38:28 Ashton’s ground/earth-based element grants the group a successful buff of Pass Without a Trace.
  • 01:02:05 Imogen:"And I’ll be like: Penis!"
  • 01:05:25 Sam brings back Ropey from the last episode.
  • 01:06:42 Ashley:"What the fuck was I just doing?"
  • 01:12:00 Fan Art Moment Lunar Sasquatch with goggles and a crossbow. Chewbacca?!
  • 01:13:26 Ashley trying to mime Laura’s telepathy is hilarious.
  • 01:30:05 A deRolo firearm is seen on the moon
  • 01:49:39 Travis:“Patty-tay.” (saying Pâté’s name in the style of Pootie-Tang)
    Descending into the shaded interior of the main streets of the village, you head down the stone steps that eventually break into this side alley, where many of the towering clustered structures basically block out the majority of the sky above you other than the winding alleyways that push through beneath. As soon as you begin to step down, you can hear that giggling again by that little mud patch that was situated. You can see these two smaller kids that are that are looking from the side at the rest of you.
    One of them, you can see, looks like a young Reilora, about waist high. The other looks to be-- you can only assume it’s a Bormodo because of the rounder shape. So the two of them together have a sort of Mario and Luigi visual aesthetic as they’re both looking off to the side.
  • 02:23:05 Borse the Rocking Horse, of course.
  • 02:29:11 “Hey Bearne.” Ernest talking to Verne
  • 02:29:15 Marisha:"Wow… ♪with my Baudna♪ looks left, looks right Treshy Scry Ball!"
  • 02:34:44 Fan Art Moment Tattooed Reiloran on the Avedon. "You’re out in strange places, Vanguard.“
  • 02:40:38 The Brief Adventures of Fearne the Fly and the Avadon.
  • 02:45:05 Laura:”…I rolled like dog balls."
  • 02:48:32 BANE
  • 03:01:39 Laura:"Did y’all really ‘y’all’ me?"
  • 03:03:30 Ashley:"Oh, come on! That’s such balls."
  • 03:17:35 Liam:“Blight Spice” Spice Girls reference
  • 03:19:22 The spell-splitting crystal in Ashton’s hammer is used with Laudna’s cast of Blight.
  • 03:17:22 Ashley:“This is all my fault. It’s because I’m a woman.”
    Matt:“Good night everyone.” Goodnight Everybody! meme
  • 03:32:42 Pâté the Intimidator.
  • 03:36:48 Liam:"Jidoh, we’re Waiting for Jidoh."
  • 03:39:15 Matt:“Yeah, it’s where you go to dye.”
    Taliesin:"It’s called Just Dye Already."
  • 03:39:35 Following FCG’s ping of his Locate Creature spell, you come to the outside of a massive clay kiln. Embedded in the base of it is a doughnut-shaped stone structure that’s built around the base of this kiln. Here is the strongest bit of black smoke that drifts up and gets carried away with the wind that presses down over the mountain range and through this valley. But there you see, in the first time you’ve really taken a moment to appreciate the written font of a lot of the language here. A lot of it is common and broken other Exandrian languages, but everything has this oddly carved–like the memory of hand writing, in places. It takes you a minute to focus on enough to see “The Jagged Edge.”
    All throughout the building’s entryway, there’s an arch of broken and pointed bits of glass that have been wedged into the stone archway entrance. It looks dangerous at first, but as you approach, you can see the tips have all been rounded of to ensure that it might catch ya, but it wont cut ya.
    On the inside, you could hear the clanging of metal upon metal and other materials, like a workshop that’s hard at work. As you step inside, the smell catches you immediately. Smell and temperature. It is very warm in here. The affixed massive kiln that works here is definitely blazing, and the windows are open to try and let as much air flow through as possible. You can see there are all manner of unique chains. That same weird rusted metal that you saw the Shrikes using. It looks like they’ve been repurposed. Some of them come to a rust crumble, but the ones that do function have hooks on them, and you can see there are partially-finished projects that are hung. Some of them look to be dishware. Some of them look to be decoration. Some of those more unique-looking lanterns that you saw hung in the tower that glowed when you entered; the same material.
    You can see there’s a pile of broken shards of blue-green glass where certain projects didn’t quite make the process, as it happens when working with glass. But also, all manner of weapons. Like long scimitars made of intricately sharpened glass, like an obsidian flecked edge. You can see spear edges and falchions, and glaives made of the same material. There is definitely a weaponsmithing portion of this business.
    You also see, occasionally, little knickknacks. You see a small multi-piece glass blown and shaped wuukor, with all its tiny little horns all around it. You see above on the shelf, what looks to be a beautiful rendition of a dancing Reiloran with its arms out as it’s flying in the air. Very ‘Peter Pan’-esque in its presentation, with the clouded green-blue glass making the form of the its body and the rest of it cleared out slightly to help it look like it’s aloft.
    There’s a unique mixture of artistry and weaponry across the interior and in the far back you see, sitting at the workshop table and hitting tiny instruments, chipping away at a project, a tall, rotund-looking male fuzzy creature, not unlike the fanged and tuck-toothed creatures that you encountered at the nearby mountain range. This one’s hair is stark white at this point. You get a sense of age and maturity about them. They have a heavy set of goggles that have layer-upon-layer of extended-looking lenses, to this tiny fine point, and you see them chipping away at this tiny little piece of something. As you begin to step in, the voice rings out,

    “I’ll be with you , just a moment. Please be patient. Finishing this one project. Don’t be loud, I hate loud noises.”
    (grunts) Immediately throws it across the room, and it shatters on the wall.
    "My apologies! Ah, sometimes that’s how that works. Hello. What can we do for the Imperium?"
  • 03:45:30 Matt:“You both get whispers.” Historical Crit Moment: First ‘Sandwich’ Whisper
    Sam:“Oh! How did he get his tongue in both of our ears?!”
    Marisha:“He’s very talented.”
    Liam:“His tongue is forked.”
    Matt:"It’s that bisected surgery I got in high school."
  • 03:46:53 Almost five minutes go by before the curtain pulls apart and you see a Reiloran Shrike. You see that elongated, thin, almost lizard, predator body of this extension, the exaggeration of the standard Reiloran step through. She has dark green marble-set-like eyes with what looks to be one big carved mark, like a giant “C” that’s carved around the outside of the eye that comes in towards the edge of the mouth.
    As she steps out, she throws a bit of a jacket over and steps into the chamber. You can see she has a natural hunch to her form, but still, standing tall, taller than any of you. She looks back, Jidoh hasn’t arrived yet, or hasn’t returned and goes,

    Zhesh:“So, you have my attention. You said you needed a contract, yes?”
    Imogen:"Nice to meet you in person."
  • 03:53:07 Houses are marked with the color of deep royal purple for search.
  • 03:53:42 Next stop the Overspoke Tower in the Banners section of the city.
  • 03:58:55 Confirmed Jidoh and Zhesh are not the same NPC with two outfits.
  • 04:08:41 Sam’s cartoon sneeze
  • 04:12:00 Laudna:“Do we need to give a little bit of room for the artiste?”
    FCG:"Do you need anything to do your stupid work?"
  • 04:15:05 Fan Art Moment Laudna shaking rocks and dust out of her head
madargon, to drawing avatar

Wanted to draw something like this long time ago, when many crows invaded my district and it looked like some horror movie scene :blobCat_blush:​
I imagined raven-man in cartoon style, with long slim face and long nose - not exactly like this, I failed creating it like in my vision :/ At least he still have purple coat... Maybe whole scene should be darker...

SurlyAmy, to art avatar
peggycollins, to Red avatar
great_smials, to random
AlaskaWx, to Alaska avatar
EmSzabo, to photography avatar

I got my first DSLR at the end of 2012. The last time I had taken photography seriously was about a decade prior to that (I was more focused on programming and computer networking than visual arts). Back then, I would do almost daily walks around the town I lived in and would usually bring my camera just in case I saw something I wanted to photograph. It definitely helped train my eye for good photos, but in retrospect I probably should have opted for something lighter than a DSLR and telephoto lens lol. Quite often on my walks I would be followed by the local ravens. They had already been used to me walking around long before I had the camera. Sometimes I would try to feed them or just sit and watch them drop walnuts in the road so cars would run them over. Although they never behaved too oddly around me. After I had started walking with my camera I noticed they would follow me with much more intent. At first I thought it was out of curiosity. They probably saw the glint of light off the lens and wanted to check it out. After a while though I could swear that sometimes they were trying to show off or pose. One even saw me take a picture, and then flew in a circle around me, landed, and then caw'd at me. They also started following me around in groups and for weirdly long distances. Whereas before if they followed me it was only one or two and just for a little bit and probably coincidental. They're very strange and fascinating creatures and I miss my weird entourage. I wonder if they noticed my absence after I moved?

Photos all taken in 2013.

Also, I now have some photo prints available here:

Black and white photo of a raven sitting on a weeping willow branch.
Photo of a raven in flight over a sidewalk.

TheMetalDog, to random avatar

Today In Metal History 🤘 February 9th, 2024 🤘 RIOT, THE SWEET, DEATH ANGEL, RAVEN, SKID ROW
TALENT WE LOST R.I.P. Max B. Yasgur (owned the farm where the Woodstock Music and Art Fair was held in 1969): 1919 – 1973 The old joke is that that 400,000 people attended, but a million said they did...

BigJesusTrashcan, to Cats avatar

Big vs don't care

Terrance1022, to Ravens avatar

@greg Here's something you may, or may not find interesting. These are either or . Considering how cold it was this morning (28°F), I have no idea what it's carrying. ? ?


raven, to helpers German

Hilfe | Friendica: Probleme beim Folgen eines anderen Friendica Accounts

Hallo Zusammen, ich habe das Problem das ich wenn ich von meinem Friendica Account @raven ( dem Friendica Account @sascha ( zu folgen folgende Meldung bekomme:

Von @sascha kann ich dem Account @raven ebenfalls nicht folgen. Auffällig ist dabei das dessen Profilbild nicht korrekt angezeigt wird und auch die aktuellen Beiträge nicht

Versuche ich den Account dann zu folgen kommt folgendes:

Nach einigen Tests scheint das Problem vor allen im Zusammenspiel von und zu liegen.

Wo könnte das Problem liegen?

Tags: #Frage #Friendica #Accounts #Folgen #Probleme #Raven #2024-02-03 @helpers


raven, to helpers German

Hilfe | Friendica: Probleme beim Folgen eines anderen Friendica Accounts

Hallo Zusammen, ich habe das Problem das ich wenn ich von meinem Friendica Account @raven ( dem Friendica Account @sascha ( zu folgen folgende Meldung bekomme:

Von @sascha kann ich problemlos dem Account @raven folgen, bekomme aber dessen Profilbild nicht korrekt angezeigt und bekomme auch die aktuellen Beiträge nicht, kann sie auch nicht über die Beitrags URL (z. B.…) aufrufen. Das Profilbild sieht dann so aus:

Wo könnte das Problem liegen?

Tags: -02-03


baffled, to art avatar
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