EDPS, to random
@EDPS@social.network.europa.eu avatar

Two years ago, #EDPS embarked on a pioneering journey launching a pilot project of two decentralised social media platforms: #EUVoice & #EUVideo.

18 May will mark the end of the project. Time to review the results of this successful story.

Read Press Release https://europa.eu/!yJqDgK

@darnell@one.darnell.one avatar

@ErikJonker @helma @EDPS As an American 🇺🇸, I am shocked that the 🇪🇺 could be so short sited!

Will they allow their voice in the to solely rely upon when the latter federates in (as the 🇪🇺 is active upon there)‽

Waking myself up & firing up an angry post!

knightdave, to random Polish
@knightdave@mastodon.com.pl avatar

Witaj świecie!

Szukam sobie spokojnej instancji fediverse do dzielenia się codziennością cyfrowego nomady.

mstankiewicz, (edited )
@mstankiewicz@pol.social avatar

@knightdave Witaj Człowieku, jeśli chodzi o Mastodona to chyba mogę polecić pol.social od @ftdl. Obecnie jeśli miałbym rezygnować z tej instancji to tylko na rzecz własnej (co jest obecnie dla mnie nierealne) lub zupełnie czegoś innego niż Mastodon (o ile mnie zwali z nóg).
Mam też konto na 101010.pl od @xaphanpl, ale to zapasowe. Byłem tam przez długi czas i było bardzo przyjemnie.
Ale jeśli chcesz pisać dłuższe teksty lub udostępniać linki to warto pomyśleć na czymś innym niż #Mastodon, np. #kbin. Tutaj również polecam fajną i stabilną instancję od FTDL - bin.pol.social.
A jeżeli chcesz pisać bardzo długie teksty to może warto pomyśleć nad blogiem połączonym z Fediverse? Tutaj mogę też polecić #WriteFreely, a konkretnie instancję @to3k WriteFreely.pl (którą swoją drogą też jest na serwerach FTDL).

dansup, to random
@dansup@mastodon.social avatar

I'm honestly considering a paid verification program in Pixelfed to help sustain the project long term.

It would be a centralized list, and would be present in clients, regardless of server.

A blue checkmark would not only help our project financially, but would also provide a trusted visual mark of verification.



@darnell@one.darnell.one avatar

@dansup I believe a better option would be premium hosting. Basically allow users of to host content under their own domain, & you could throw in the checkmark as a bonus. 😉

Similar to how @matt provides premium hosting to via Write.as & @photomatt provides premium hosting via WP.com (are there any other examples‽).

It would benefit the community plus encourage other hosts to take a second look at Pixelfed.

dancingindystopia, to random Polish
@dancingindystopia@pol.social avatar

Słuchajcie, może nie jest to do końca sprawa na #fedihelp, ale z drugiej strony nie mam gdzie indziej się zapytać.

Otóż. Mam bloga na wordpressie (w witrynie wordpress, nie na silniku). A wyciekł nius, że właściciel tumblra i wordpressa chce sprzedać swoją bazę OpenAI do trenowania AI-ów.

W związku z tym pytam: czy jeśli skasuję teraz bloga i gdzieś go przeniosę, to to coś w ogóle zmieni? W sensie, czy uchroni to moje teksty przed byciem pożywką dla AI? I jak się do tego zabrać, żeby nie umrzeć od natłoku dodatkowej pracy? Jakie hostingi blogowe polecacie? Pls, help, bo czuję się bardzo bezradna w tej sprawie 😥

m0bi13, (edited )
@m0bi13@pol.social avatar

@alxd @rysiek @dancingindystopia

Lada tydzień rusza nowa kooperatywa osób tworzących treści, która w temacie blogów będzie oferowała hosting Ghost i WordPress oraz blogi statyczne (wiele rozwiązań). Będzie również możliwość pełnej pieczy nad WordPress-em przez osoby z it kooperatywy. Jakie będą "warunki" jeszcze nie mogę dokładnie sprecyzować, bo się krystalizują, jednak bardzo atrakcyjne na pewno. Bo to będzie po prostu zaspokojenie potrzeb przy minimalizacji nakładów, z wykorzystaniem efektu synergii :)

Jeśli przenosiny/zmiana hostingu nie są palące asap, IMO warto poczekać.

Z komercyjnych rozwiązań, można polecić MyDevil.

Również fundacja non-profit FTdL oferuje hosting WordPress-a w modelu wzajemnościowym: w ramach wzajemności wspierasz fundację kiedy możesz, ile możesz. Parametry do ustalenia. Strona FTdL.pl (WordPress) działa właśnie na takim hostingu.

Edit: natomiast blog w #fediverse, bez reklam, można założyć w serwisie https://writefreely.pl

To nie #WordPress a #WriteFreely więc możliwości inne, jednak jest to chyba jedyna oferta zupełnie bezkosztowa (wsparcie mile widziane) i bez reklam.

Przykłady WriteFreely to np. prasówki od @didleth tutaj -> https://writefreely.pl/didleth/h1prasowka-feministyczna-21-28-02-2024-h1 (czysty WF bez dostosowań) czy też blog @lukaso666 tutaj -> https://discrust.diy.net.pl/blog/frasunki-i-inne-malunki (dostosowanie poprzez własny CSS).
Inny przykład dostosowania WF to mój blog https://zb3.org/m0bi13/

matt, to random

For federated comments on @write_as, I'm gonna start with just exposing Remark.as comments to the fediverse. This should at least get the basic data there, though you still won't receive replies from Mastodon etc.

Then I'll work on receiving replies from the wider fediverse, and finally moderation tools. We'll see how it looks with replies showing up in the Remark.as UI, and then maybe move to showing comments on blog posts themselves.


Made a bunch of progress on this today — now we're accepting and tracking the number of likes you get from the #fediverse on @write_as!

It's just not displayed anywhere. So that's the question — where do you want to see the number of likes you've received?

I know many people use #WriteFreely / Write.as to avoid likes and normal social media stuff. So should we just display the number on your stats page? Only to you on the post (e.g. next to "views")? Only in social spaces like Read.Write.as?

editora, to random Spanish

Este finde he aprovechado para poner en marcha otra cosita para la comunidad de

Os presento , nuestro propio



Si queréis tener una cuenta en #LaCentralita es muy fácil. Solo tenéis que elegir un plan de #LecturaSocial en nuestro Ko-fi (entre 0,4 y 2€ al mes) y aprovechar que ahora seguimos teniendo el descuento inicial.

Este descuento lo hemos mantenido desde hace 1 año, pero estamos creciendo en servicios:

#Bookwyrm - Alternativa a #GoodReads
#Writefreely - Blog minimalista y federado
#FreshRSS - Lector de RSS
#LinkStack - Alternativa a #LinkTree

y lo quitaremos en breve.


fediversereport, to random
@fediversereport@mastodon.social avatar

New: Last Week in Fediverse - ep 51

In this week's news:

  • WordPress ActivityPub plugin gets updated to v2.0
  • Bluesky hits 3m accounts, invites going away soon
  • Podcasting news (including WeDistribute launching a new podcast!)
  • And a whole load of other news items, bridges, more information on Thread's roadmap, updates to ActivityPods, and more!

Read at: https://fediversereport.com/last-week-in-fediverse-ep-51/

@darnell@one.darnell.one avatar
sb, to random
@sb@fed.sbcloud.cc avatar

Help is out there if you or your organisation are wanting to transition off of dangerous and socially irresponsible (and sometimes downright evil) corporate web services! Regain autonomy of your data, and stop supporting #capitalistDestruction at the same time!

We can help you transition away from:

  • Substack
  • Twitter
  • Facebook/Instagram
  • Dropbox, iCloud, etx
  • Amazon/Audible
  • Google
  • Almost anything else!

You're in the right place already! Just pop up your hand and let us know what you need!

Let us help empower you and your community!

#fediHelp #cutTheCord #deCorporatise

@sb@fed.sbcloud.cc avatar

The main and probably easiest to transition to would be #Ghost. You can move to ghost.org, or another 3rd-party host, or host it yourself!

Migration guide: https://ghost.org/docs/migration/substack/

Official site: https://ghost.org/

There is also #Buttondown which I haven't checked out myself yet, but it's the next most popular alternative.

Migration guide: https://www.wired.com/story/how-to-migrate-newsletter-substack-to-buttondown/

Official site: https://buttondown.email/

If you're not too concerned with the monetization aspects and into something clean & barebones, you could also consider #writeFreely (I use this myself).


#Wordpress is also an option, but I'm hesitant to recommend it, as #wp is a whole thing in it's own.

I hope that helps!

mekkaokereke, to random
@mekkaokereke@hachyderm.io avatar

This is an important PSA for folks looking to make any place more inclusive. Do you want to be liked by everyone? Or do you want to make progress?

I don't know anyone that has both been successful in transforming a non-inclusive place, and hasn't been accused of sounding hostile.

It takes a huge amount of energy to dance on eggshells, and I don't have time to do it. So I don't. I'm a big boy. I crack sidewalks when I walk. So eggshells would have no chance anyway. 🤷🏿‍♂️


@darnell@one.darnell.one avatar

@kikobar @mekkaokereke has already stated they will be joining the via , which will be sooner rather than later.

I am not sure why you would assume otherwise when they repeatedly mention & Fediverse when talking to the media. Their intent is to dominate the future of social media, which is decentralization.

There is also a business case for them to do it as well, which I will type about later on .

darnell, to Futurology
@darnell@one.darnell.one avatar

threatens with lawsuit as he is scared that many creatives & business minds will abandon for .

👉🏾 https://www.cnn.com/2023/07/06/tech/twitter-meta-threads-legal-threat/index.html

Also Threads will surpass 50 million users soon.

👉🏾 https://www.threads.net/t/CuX691ePVBZ/?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==

I am seeing friends & family using Threads. Yes, it’s still early, but the idea they will be on the soon fills me with joy! 🥹

@darnell@one.darnell.one avatar

@coolboymew When embraces , I will have a way to communicate with my friends & family from , , , & .

Once they see the power of proper, they will begin to seek out alternatives. I will prepare myself to provide better options.

jwildeboer, (edited ) to fediverse
@jwildeboer@social.wildeboer.net avatar

The exists as the antithesis to centralised networks. Which is why, IMHO, it is absolutely not needed to welcome . Fox, henhouse and stuff. If they want to implement some sort of gateway using — let them build it. But we are under no obligation to help them. Or discuss with them under NDA. Simple. They are not friends or allies. They will extend, embrace, extinguish what we have under the disguise of cooperation should you help them.

@darnell@one.darnell.one avatar

@osma @jwildeboer is futile against . has already indexed & cataloged the entire .

Instead of fearing by playing interference with weak defensive tactics, we need to go on the offensive & engage the tens (maybe hundreds) of millions of users & enlighten them to various platforms.

Promoting , , , , , etcetera, & convincing them to switch over is a wiser option.

KelsonV, to fediverse in Other use cases for the fediverse
@KelsonV@lemmy.ml avatar

is a book review site like Goodreads

is a blogging service, and Medium is actually working on Fediverse integration.

atomicpoet, to fediverse

Decided to delete my old blog.

Mostly, it was because I was having domain issues that seemed too much of a pain in the ass to troubleshoot, and I decided that deleting was ultimately easier than figuring out a fix.

What can I say? I'm lazy.

But ultimately, I'd rather put all that stuff on the anyway.

Sure, I can't make everything look just so. But I think the truth is that most people don't care about the aesthetics of my blog theme. They care much more about receiving my messages.

When not considering themes, there's not much of a difference between maintaining a blog and updating a Fediverse account -- especially when you consider that so many platforms already support Markdown and HTML.

I'll go even further. is a blog platform that has integration out of the box. It works well.

And if you want a full CMS suite, both and are capable of being federated with an ActivityPub plug-in and they're getting better all the time.

At this point in time, I don't even want to blog without federation capabilities. That would be like opting for a unicycle instead of a bicycle. Sure, a unicycle is fun but not very practical.

If a key part of blogging is the practicality of being read -- but initiating dialogue -- then federation is extremely important. And it's becoming more and more important each day.

@oblomov@sociale.network avatar

@atomicpoet FWIW, the last time I tried following a account from Mastodon the experience was less than stellar. Aside from the know issue with Mastodon mishandling non-Note content, I often didn't received updates. I don't know if this was due to WriteFreely requiring a pull, the server using an older version, or whatever else, but it was rather off-putting. I've had better experience with WordPress, Mastodon opinionated take on the Article type notwithstanding.

atomicpoet, to random

I haven't been as active today as typical. This is in part because my account impacts Calckey's performance quite a bit.

One of the quirks of the Fediverse is that success often comes with a performance hit.

RE: https://calckey.social/notes/9eqkbomoyi

@darnell@one.darnell.one avatar

@atomicpoet I agree! Ironically, it seems as if each platform has its own distinct culture.

is mostly serious conversations.

is about celebrating life, mostly in Japanese.

is about celebrating life, mostly in English.

has lots of sarcasm, but lots of trash talking.

is about capturing the beauty in everyday life.

is about undistracted, lengthy thoughts (mostly technical).

Just my general observations.

mj, to mastodon German
@mj@social.sp-codes.de avatar

Ich startete 2017 mit #GnuSocial ging dann 2018 zu #Mastodon und probierte auch #Pleroma, #diaspora, #Hubzilla, #Misskey, #Calckey und #Friendica aus. Schaute mir, #Plume und #WriteFreely an.

Habe einen Mastodon-Account und einen Backup-Account (auch bei Mastodon), bin bei #Pixelfed, #PeerTube und #BookWyrm.

Von wegen es gibt keine "Alternativen".

@HailSatan@metalhead.club avatar

Ich war viele Jahre komplett ohne Social Media. Vor vielen Jahren hatte ich einen Facebook Account. Den habe ich irgendwann gelöscht weil der FB Algorithmus es schafft das schlechteste in mir zum Vorschein zu bringen. Vor einiger Zeit dann zu Twitter. Sobald klar war dass Musk übernimmt habe ich das Konto zur Löschung eingestellt. Seitdem Mastodon.

#GnuSocial #Mastodon #Pleroma #diaspora #Hubzilla #Misskey #Calckey #Friendica #Plume #WriteFreely #Pixelfed #PeerTube #BookWyrm

KarinWanderer, to random

So... Is anyone else having a hard time accessing dotart.blog, or is it just me?

I keep getting the old "dotart.blog took too long to respond" error message. Not just my blog- any dotart.blog since Tuesday night.
Of course this happens when I've just posted an entry I'm really proud of :blobfoxtableflip:

Jdreben, to fediverse

Just read this article. I think it is beautifully put and prescient. I might just be preaching to the choir here but I can’t help but share it,

And say thank you to @eloquence for writing this up.

The is … “through the distorted lens of a capitalist media ecosystem.” 🧑‍🍳💋

to3k, to random Polish
@to3k@tomaszdunia.pl avatar

🇵🇱 Udostępniłem publicznie polską instancję ! Jest ona dostępna dla wszystkich za darmo. Rejestracja jest możliwa poprzez specjalny link dostępny na .


🇬🇧 I have made the Polish instance of available to the public! It is available to everyone for free. Registration is possible through a special link available on .


KelsonV, to RSS
@KelsonV@wandering.shop avatar

I got tired of forgetting where the #RSS / #Atom #feeds are on various #Fediverse platforms and having to track them down, so I started a list.


Currently covers deep breath #Mastodon, #Bookwyrm, #Funkwhale, #GoToSocial, #Lemmy, #Misskey & forks, #Pleroma & forks #PeerTube, #Pixelfed, #Plume, #Snac2, #Takahe, and #WriteFreely


Feel free to let me know what I should add to the list (or any corrections I need to make) in a reply to this post!

nilesh, to fediverse
@nilesh@fosstodon.org avatar

Feature suggestion for servers:

If an actor provides an outbox URL, but not an inbox URL, it means that it cannot receive Follow activities and it can not push content to the followers. In such cases, the follower's server should switch to periodic polling like RSS.

This will enable statically-built blogs ( etc) to appear in Mastodon network.

crossgolf_rebel, to fediverse German
fediverseobserver, to fediverse

Found 2 new servers and 15 servers died off since 3 hours ago.

22,082 servers checked. 14,258,991 Total Users with 1,050,369 Active Users today. Check out the stats!

New servers found:

blog.cthululemon.com a server from United States
social.stellers.gay a server from Private

Help others find a home, send them to fediverse.observer

fediverseobserver, to fediverse

Found 3 new servers and 16 servers died off since 3 hours ago.

22,321 servers checked. 13,921,064 Total Users with 1,519,251 Active Users today. Check out the stats!

New servers found:

mastodon.ddns.net a server from United States
blog.kibbutz.gay a server from United States
📟.dwk.io a server from United Kingdom

Help others find a home, send them to fediverse.observer

fediverseobserver, to fediverse

Found 3 new servers and 20 servers died off since 3 hours ago.

22,075 servers checked. 14,258,991 Total Users with 1,050,369 Active Users today. Check out the stats!

New servers found:

mi.ice-house.net a server from Private
blog.cthululemon.com a server from United States
social.stellers.gay a server from Private

Help others find a home, send them to fediverse.observer

sabreW4K3, to random
@sabreW4K3@eattherich.club avatar

Grrr! I'm so frustrated at . It's refusing to work and despite seeing various different people with the same problem, I'm not seeing solutions. Software shouldn't be so hard just to get running.

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