@LinuxAndYarn@mastodon.social avatar



🐧Linux sysadmin, infosec aficionado, occasional writer, genx emo kid, 🏳️‍🌈️old lesbian marrried to https://journa.host/@Chrisblue, 🏳️‍⚧️️24 years post, ⚾️Phillies phan phorever, ⚽ever hopeful WNBA & NWSL will give us a franchise. she/her/yo 💙️💛️ Black and trans lives matter. Full stop.

I am avoiding birdsite trauma and will reject follow requests from people who have no posts. Don't take it personally.

infosec on-topic account: https://infosec.exchange/@linuxandyarn

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

LinuxAndYarn, to random
@LinuxAndYarn@mastodon.social avatar

At a dance recital with my mom

Mom: These are 11 year olds? They all have boobs.

Me: 11 and up. The girls in the center are from the senior troupe.

Mom: But the eleven year olds do.

Me: Eleven is fifth grade, so yeah.

Mom: I blame antibiotics. I didn't have boobs in fifth grade; neither did you.

Me: But I had a worse excuse.

LinuxAndYarn, to random
@LinuxAndYarn@mastodon.social avatar

So, in the suburbs there is an outfit called Home Starr Realty, and all I can think of is "My house asplode."

LinuxAndYarn, to random
@LinuxAndYarn@mastodon.social avatar

How can someone still-frame a tv show in order to do a high-contrast image of some text in the screen grab, transcribe it so it's readable, and then put them all together in an image file without alt text?

End subtoot transmission.

thomasfuchs, to random
@thomasfuchs@hachyderm.io avatar

Watched the first 90 minutes or so of Fallout and I’m still looking for the plot.

Which is not unlike playing the Fallout games.

@LinuxAndYarn@mastodon.social avatar

@thomasfuchs It's very slow moving at first, then kicks into gear halfway through.

Just remember that the wasteland has its own golden rule.

Impossible_PhD, to random
@Impossible_PhD@hachyderm.io avatar

I just learned that Naomi Wu, that sexycyborg lady creator, was raised as a boy because of China's One Child policy.

And that it is because she was raised and had to live as a boy that she found a hyperfeminine, and particularly a super-busty, body to be extremely resonant.

Looks down at her own tits.

I... I'm just gonna sit with that for a little while.


@LinuxAndYarn@mastodon.social avatar


✅ Gender is performancce

✅ Cis folks can have trans-adjacent identities

✅ Non-toxic hypermasc/hyperfemme is for everyone who wants it

✅ Femmes and engineering are always compatible

✅ State repression sucks always and everywhere

✅ Family repression weirds people up

popey, (edited ) to random
@popey@mastodon.social avatar

Tomorrow, I'll be up early to take number one Son to photograph cars. I'll take the laptop. 💻

Which of these activities should I do while I wait with my coffee for him to finish? 🤔

LinuxAndYarn, (edited )
@LinuxAndYarn@mastodon.social avatar

@popey I'm finally catching up to episode 25 and now Mark has me wondering what's wrong with scp? I know it's not rsync*, and I wouldn't use it for a very large bunch of files but it's certainly easy to copy a single file or a small set between machines where I have keys.

  • (Now watch someone come along and say "oh my god what an old head, she still uses rsync.")
TheConversationUS, to USpolitics
@TheConversationUS@newsie.social avatar

Some takeaways from a researcher who studied 15 years of every official e-newsletter sent by sitting members of Congress to their constituents:
📧 Republicans are more consistent in using key terms and phrases than Democrats
📧 Republicans use email more – and with more strategic timing, including being more attune to when people are likely to see emails
📧 Republicans use more images and links to friendly news sources


@LinuxAndYarn@mastodon.social avatar

@TheConversationUS Even back in the Reagan administration, liberals tended to talk in paragraphs, conservatives in quick repetitive macros.

In the 90s Newt Gingrich and his allies weaponized it by calling any opponent who dared rephrase a dry, old, statement an inconsistent flip-flopper. Nuance and style were bred out of the GOP's rhetoric in favor of blunt repetition.

Now, repetition is all that matters, not truth, falsehood, or sound argument. Sloganeering without soul.

atomicpoet, to random
@atomicpoet@atomicpoet.org avatar

Someone told me that non-alcoholic Guinness is actually good. I haven’t tried it yet but it’s worth trying.

If it’s not good, at least it will be worth the story because non-alcoholic Guinness is a bizarre concept.

@LinuxAndYarn@mastodon.social avatar

@atomicpoet If anyone can make a tasty NA beer, it will be Guinness, considering that all the others I've seen are based on Pilsners and weak lagers, which I also hate when they contain alcohol.

LinuxAndYarn, to random
@LinuxAndYarn@mastodon.social avatar

My memory sucks, so I can sort of understand the mindset of family members you need to come out to more than once, if they're not hostile.

I was in my thirties before I learned Bruce Springsteen isn't Jewish, and one or twice a decade I'm re-surprised by that fact.

LinuxAndYarn, to random
@LinuxAndYarn@mastodon.social avatar

WPRB is airing a special news program instead of the usual Friday morning music show to cover what's happening with walkouts and the peace encampment on the Princeton campus.


TheBreadmonkey, to random
@TheBreadmonkey@beige.party avatar

Anyway - enough of all that. I've just realised I know / have met 3 people who claim not only to have met Elton John, but are friends with him. And the funny thing is that I don't believe any of them. I'm prepared to accept I might be wrong, but I do wonder if Elton John is in that sweet spot for people fond of telling porkies, where he's super famous but also seems accessible. Like would anyone here believe me if I said I know Elton (didn't even use his last name, just like I don't when we hang out)?

@LinuxAndYarn@mastodon.social avatar

@Alice @TheBreadmonkey @blueorangeblue

If Crackle is still a Sony thing that would be hilarious, given Sony's hostility to a federated internet.

My memory, especially for faces and names, is so terrible that I have thought I was meeting second cousins for the first time.

LinuxAndYarn, to HashtagGames
@LinuxAndYarn@mastodon.social avatar

Rudy Giuliani believes in our manure!

LinuxAndYarn, to HashtagGames
@LinuxAndYarn@mastodon.social avatar

The Second Serving
By William (a butler) Yeats

LinuxAndYarn, to random
@LinuxAndYarn@mastodon.social avatar

Silly me, thinking we'd get a break from fscking racist MAGA PAC ads during the Phillies games now that the primary election had passed.

(ICYW, New Jersey's isn't until late June and Delaware's is in September, so there are no campaign ads for those states running yet.)

GottaLaff, to Arizona
@GottaLaff@mastodon.social avatar

👉🏼The House voted Wednesday to repeal a Civil War-era ban on nearly all that is set to take effect as early as June 8. The measure now heads to the state Senate, which could grant final passage next week.

@LinuxAndYarn@mastodon.social avatar

@GottaLaff Did they repeal the entire Howell Code territorial law, including the provisions that banned interracial marriage and allowed William Claude Jones to marry a 12 year old, or just the abortion part?

LinuxAndYarn, to random
@LinuxAndYarn@mastodon.social avatar

We got both kinds of scholarship here: publish AND perish.

luckytran, to random
@luckytran@med-mastodon.com avatar

Every person has the right to wear a mask.

There are many good reasons for doing so: COVID, airborne pathogens, sickness, privacy, surveillance, allergies, work etc.

No one should ever have to explain or justify why they are wearing a mask — that’s none of your business.

@LinuxAndYarn@mastodon.social avatar

@luckytran I've been asked to take my mask down for a few seconds at the bank to confirm my face matches by ID, but otherwise I haven't been hassled. All but one of the doctors I've seen in the past few months has masked up when they saw me wearing one.

TheBreadmonkey, to random
@TheBreadmonkey@beige.party avatar

Olive oil has become so expensive I've started conserving what I can after cooking like my grandmother did with lard after the war

@LinuxAndYarn@mastodon.social avatar

@TheBreadmonkey My parents kept bacon fat in a coffee can in the 70s.

taniel, to random
@taniel@journa.host avatar

Malcolm Kenyatta has won the Democratic primary to be the auditor in Pennsylvania.

You may remember him from the 2022 Senate race, where he ran against Conor Lamb and Fetterman.

But a tough test awaits: He'll face GOP incumbent DeFoor in a statewide race in November.

@LinuxAndYarn@mastodon.social avatar

@taniel I used to vote for Republicans to be auditors based on idea that the job should go to someone in a different party than the treasurer. That idea went out the window a while ago, and I'm going to be very happy to vote for Kenyatta in November.

LinuxAndYarn, to HashtagGames
@LinuxAndYarn@mastodon.social avatar

I said what I said, it's empty. If it's not full the bowl is empty. 😾

bsletten, to Funny
@bsletten@mastodon.social avatar

The medium is the message.

#funny #foundontheinternet

@LinuxAndYarn@mastodon.social avatar

@bsletten I'm with cat on this one. And I can't believe I have seen this meme for years without recognizing Kaley Cuoco.

TheRoot, to random
@TheRoot@flipboard.com avatar

Sheetz Gas Station Is About to Be Infamous Among Black Folks, And It Sure Ain't For Gas

Posted into Latest. @latest

@LinuxAndYarn@mastodon.social avatar

@TheRoot @latest

No Sheetz in the hood either, but that sounds like a good thing.


davidrevoy, to random
@davidrevoy@framapiaf.org avatar

Size test with open comic fonts.

#wip #webcomic #krita

@LinuxAndYarn@mastodon.social avatar

@davidrevoy On my phone, Kalam is easily readable in the dialogue bubbles, but in the sample list is harder than Patrick Hand.

dorgaldir, to Autism Dutch
@dorgaldir@mastodon-belgium.be avatar

I feel this so hard. Why can't people just be clear about what they want?
#autism #actuallyAutistic @actuallyautistic

@LinuxAndYarn@mastodon.social avatar

@zyd @miss__Tery @dorgaldir @actuallyautistic No, they expected the student to draw an analog clock instead of a digital one, but didn't include that in the prompt. Then they behaved like a dick by marking a correct answer wrong.

ai6yr, to USPS
@ai6yr@m.ai6yr.org avatar

TIL: perfume is considered a "hazardous material" by the USPS. (I mean, I always thought the same in general, but you can't mail it without special packaging/declaration/etc.)

@LinuxAndYarn@mastodon.social avatar

@ai6yr probably because so much of it is alcohol-based and therefore flammable.

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