/kbin meta

McBinary, in Spam and porn are flooding kbin already
McBinary avatar

If posts are tagged nfsw, then they'll be blurred, but unfortunately people aren't consistently using the nsfw tag. Most of the nsfw content is coming from lemmynsfw.com - I've asked one of the admins over there if they can just auto-apply the tag to any post on their instance with media attached.

They replied that they are looking into it.


if you have previews on. The little wide thumbnail is blurred. And then right below the full image loads in full screen un-blurred.

HeartyBeast avatar

... or you can just block lemmynsfw.com

minorsecond avatar

Can that be done by users account level or does ernest have to do it for the entire instance?

HeartyBeast avatar

Things are a bit borked at the moment, so I know you are replying to me, but not sure what I said- can a user block instances from appearing in their feed? Yes - click the instance name and you'll get a list of articles - in the sidebar (on desktop) you'll see a panel with a little 'forbidden' icon (circle with diuagonal line) - click it and the instance is gone.


Neat. Wish Lemmy had that. At least, I don't think it has that.

KnittingTrekker avatar

This needs to be top comment!


The NSFW blur is sometimes not applied correctly. For example if you have turned on displaying Avatars (or Magazine icons) then those elements are blurred instead of the post preview itself - at least that's my experience on Vivaldi browser. Styling might be interpreted differently on other browsers. And sometimes it takes a second to apply the style (I think after page reload) so if it's high up there on the list one might still see NSFW content unblured.


For me it blurs the thumbnail correctly but I have preview media on and it does not blur the preview. I wish this was an option as I like having the larger preview on mobile but don't want random porn while I scroll out in the world lol. Otherwise kbin has been nothing but wonderful. So glad to be here!

Rhaedas avatar

I have "do not show" checked, preview media off, and I have yet to notice any of these images blurred since they've started popping up. So apparently no one is marking their posts appropriately. I don't care about the porn itself, and can certainly block it if it's one source spamming, but like many here I'm worried about the newcomer trying to figure it out and getting a first impression that isn't all that great.

Mr_Eff, in NSFW images should be blurred by default

Kbin is new enough and still growing/getting set up, can we just get it built right this time from the start and get TWO clearly different NSF tags? NSFW for sexually explicit and NSFL for death/gore/other.

LollerCorleone avatar

I like the idea of having two distinct tags for both as long as they both are blurred/spoilered by default. With two distinct tags, people could opt out of hiding one but not the other.


Three tags! One for spoilers! Many subreddits would use NSFW as double duty to mark spoilers for shows and movies. Let's make sure we have a separate tag for that too!

Maestro avatar

In programming you usually do 0, 1 or infinite. Why not have tags customizable by instance/community with a default blur/hide status that can be overridden by the user? Default nsfw, nsfl and spoilers to blur/hide.


As a developer, wholeheartedly agreed that this is the best way to do it.

Only thing I would say is I can imagine there's users who would be happy to say, have spoilers visible everywhere, but not NSFW content. There still needs to be some distinction.


I thought about that too this morning. We have the chance to redefine different "NSF"-tags instead of just having one. I don't mind seeing "light" NSFW content, but it might not be the best idea to open porn on my workplace PC or when i sit in a train. I also don't mind seeing most NSFW content in private, but i really don't need to see traumatizing stuff.

I propose the following:

  • Nudity/Porn
  • NSFL (potentially traumatizing, death, gore etc.)
  • NSFW (other stuff that doesn't fall in those categories, like people fighting, puke, slight injuries)
  • Spoiler

of course, there will never be 100% agreement about what content fits to what category, but that's always been the case and can be discussed in the comments.

FixedFun avatar

To add more; we can even add comment tags so that we don't have to use things like "/s" and instead have a clear thingy that says [Sarcasm], even if it sounds silly, people already use tone indicators so this just simplifies the whole thing. No relation to NSFW but similar.

ansik avatar

I know Reddit the hive mind usually hates emojis but I think a lot of the tone indicators you wish for could be solved by people using them more commonly.


Emojis have a long history on the internet. It doesnt seem so long ago that every forum post ended with some form of 😎

I think most people dont mint them, its just when they real obnoxious obviosuly troll levels with 15 in a row mid sentence


Tbh I miss being able to use them sometimes. It's really only reddit where I've seen people lose their minds over an emoji.


Be the change you want to see Bud 🖖

567PrimeMover avatar

Having been though stuff like l33t speak where everyone was T3h ep1c H4x0r, emojis really aren't that bad as long as your post doesn't become a hieroglyph. Even then, it's just a different spin on what people have been doing since the internet was a thing

blobcat avatar

Most fediverse platforms already support multiple ways of tagging content

  • NSFW (hides media)
  • Sensitive (also hides media)
  • Content warnings (collapses the entire post, you can type in any content warning you want and people can click it to show the post if they want to)

Kbin could add support for them


Honestly one thing I've always wished too is two different NSFW tags for intentionally sexual content (e.g. rule34 type stuff) vs incidental NSFW (e.g. that one video of a guy splitting his pants at a wedding/party and his junk falling out).

Obviously both are NSFW, but in one its clearly the intent of the content to titillate, vs nudity or w/e just happening to be present. I personally would prefer to filter the former, while I have no problem with seeing the latter.

LeafyPasserine, in Quick, make as many Magazines as possible!
LeafyPasserine avatar

I did post to m/fountainpens precisely because it was there, so it kind of is a bit of a "build and hope they come" situation. I just wish these people would just bother to actually build the community. A welcome post. Some articles. Anything!

riskable avatar

It's always the same story with you pen people! Always waiting for Mr/Mrs Write to just magically show up.



dairokkan avatar

Interesting, m/MAGAZINENAME links don't work.

BaldProphet avatar

I haven't had a lot of time to write welcome posts, but I made one for /m/aquariums and I've been working on specifying some basic rules for the magazines I've made. But yea, definitely "build it and they will come" mentality going on.

klin, (edited ) in Collapse comment thread?
klin avatar

SOOOOOO after finally setting up my kbin dev environment I went ahead and wrote some code to add support for EXACTLY this on the official kbin codebase!

GIF of it in action:

I have a PR up for it already here: https://codeberg.org/Kbin/kbin-core/pulls/167

Now just need @ernest 's approval and once it's merged you'll be able to do this on kbin without any modifications!!!

edit: clicking on a comment now also hides its content (other than the username), making it even more clear which threads are collapsed! (similar to apollo) – updated the demo gif

garrettw87 avatar

Is there a mag for Kbin development discussion? Cuz I would totally sub to that. Or does it just all take place in the repo’s issues and PRs?

klin avatar

there's a pretty heated debated going on right now on whether or not that should live in the repo issues or if we should have a magazine for it lol: https://kbin.social/m/kbinMeta/t/14535/Kbin-feature-requests-may-be-better-housed-in-the-project-s

klin avatar

but there is @kbinDevlog that only has microblogs that we could probably repurpose for threads?


Quite a nice design with well spaced touch zones imo. nice work

Grimlo9ic avatar

I hope your PR gets approved, I was looking for this feature as I like the classic/tree view but it gets difficult to track new top-level comments as you scroll down the page.

Speaking of, pages are another thing I'd like the option to remove. I'd rather just have all the comments laid out in one page instead of having a pagination system, it makes Ctrl + F a lot handier in the future once places like these get even more critical mass.

klin avatar

i think there are multiple issues requesting this, here one! https://codeberg.org/Kbin/kbin-core/issues/166

i too would love that too!

psyspoop avatar

Nice! Would it be possible to use a little +/- icon somewhere on each comment instead of having it be clicking anywhere on the comment? I could see myself very regularly accidentally collapsing stuff when I don't mean to.

klin avatar

I love the huge touch target for mobile friendliness, and I've done some work to make sure accidental collapses don't happen (if you mean to select text it won't collapse, if you click on a link or a button it won't collapse either!)

is there a common situation where you'd accidentally collapse stuff when you dont mean to?


Like @psyspoop said, touchpads can be prone to accidental collapses. Maybe setting the touch target to be on the "header" of the comment (the whitespace between the username and the upvote/downvote buttons) could be a good compromise?

klin avatar

TBH that's not too hard to do, but it goes back to the whole mobile friendliness :(

IMO i think the upside of mobile friendliness outweigh the times people accidentally tap on touchpad, and i personally think just having the header being a touch target is a little too small for mobile users.. so i prefer the whole comment being a target

obviously if folks disagree heavily i could probably adjust but i'm curious what @ernest thinks


What if there was an option somewhere to switch between the two? Mobile users could keep the full comment collapsing, and web users could switch to header-only collapsing.

namastex avatar

I like how RIF (Reddit Is Fun) does it. If you click on a comment (or post on your front page), it reformats the comment box so that it opens up additional options. One of them happens to be collapse among other basic commands like reply, report, next parent comment, previous parent comment and stuff like that. It makes the comment and front page sections a little bit more compact and easy to read quickly without options cluttering the interface. The voting options are the only options that stick out without clicking on a comment so you can easily upvote/downvote and move on.

klin avatar

interesting, sounds closer to a complete redesign on how we see and interact with the comment – i mostly use apollo so i kinda took the design language there but def see what you're saying!

limiting my change to specifically comment thread collapsing since that sounds like a bigger overhaul!

zalack avatar

I like you're approach. It's exactly the way Relay handles it.

That being said... Maybe you need different UX for mobile vs Web?

psyspoop avatar

Really just accidentally clicking while hovering over the comment, which is especially more likely when using a touchpad on a laptop. It may not be that big of an issue if you've handled stuff like links and highlighting, but I guess in my head I like having one clear spot to click to trigger a functionality, but I do see the reasoning now that you mention mobile, and I agree that having a tiny little icon would be way more annoying on mobile than the occasional misclick on desktop.


Ideally there'd also be a collapse button for desktop imo, so that I can keep my mouse somewhere where accidental clicks don't do anything which is personally what I prefer

DonaldTrump avatar


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  • iAmTheTot,
    iAmTheTot avatar

    Oh gods even as a troll account I hate this.

    RonDeSantis avatar

    No reason to worry, he's just off his meds right now

    LollerCorleone, in do you say it as kay-bin or k'bin?
    LollerCorleone avatar

    Kay-bin, obviously.

    numbscroll avatar

    Originally thought cabin but didn’t stick. Kay-bin 100%.


    Same here. But I’d not be surprised if we have Cabin for kbin at some point.

    QuantumFilament, in Long and short term, which features would you like to see implemented?
    1. Greater attention to user anonymity. For example, right now, you can look at any thread/comment and see who upvoted it and who downvoted it. In addition to causing arguments and drama, it also can be used to build a profile of what a user likes or dislikes - which can have significant ramifications for many people. Users need to be able to trust in certain aspects of anonymity and have control over what information they allow to be public. That also includes public access to know who follows a particular user as well.

    2. The ability to save threads and comments.

    3. The ability to expand/collapse comment trees.

    4. Better moderation tools, including the ability to be notified when new threads are created in a magazine you moderate.

    5. The titles to threads need to directly link to the linked URL instead of opening the kbin comments page. You shouldn't need to go through twice the effort to get to the linked URL. It also adds twice the load for the kbin servers.

    AlteredStateBlob avatar

    All of this.


    Regarding (1), would it be possible / useful to have more moderator control over this on a magazine-level basis? If a magazine wants to disable downvotes completely, let them. If they want upvotes/downvotes to be anonymous, sure! Linked to profiles? Yeah, if they want. And then maybe a user who wants to remain entirely private can activate a setting where they'll get a warning if they attempt to upvote/downvote on a community that would expose their profile.

    eatmoregreenfood avatar

    Just as a general rule for the internet I support anonymity almost outright. But yeah the more tools people have to opt in or out of various things the better. Be it individuals or zines themselves.


    I think that upvote/downvote capability comes down to a philosophy that should be set at the site-level. Otherwise, the accuracy of thread votes will not be consistant across the site.

    And while there are a lot of settings a magazine moderator should have, the anonymity of their users should not be one of them. Anonymity should either be uniform, or at the control of each user. Right now, Kbin allows you to control whether the list of magazines you are subscribed to is publicly visible on your profile. I would support a similar control over your vote activity. Let each user decide for themselves what level of anonymity they are comfortable with.

    Without that, you will not only cause potentially significant problems for people, but you will also lose a lot of potential community members who say "the hell with that!" and leave.

    EnglishMobster avatar

    There's a Tampermonkey script which allows you to collapse comments.

    Just grab Tampermonkey (or whatever) from your browser's extension store and then you can install it here: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/468449-kbin-collapsible-comments

    Kierunkowy74 avatar

    1 is doable with downvotes, as they don't propagate (there were cases of vote brigading on Lemmy). Yet I have to verify, if Lemmy upvotes propagate to Mastodon


    1, 3 and 5 are fantastic suggestions


    Omg agree point 3, on a mobile/tablet not being able to minimise a thread is so annoying when you are forced to scroll all the way through something you aren’t interested in, all while having to search through it for the end of the thread.


    I want to bring up that a positive aspect of not having 1 is that it’s a good way to figure out who to block. On discord for a technical subject that is unfortunately somewhat in the mainstream we have non-anonymous reacts and every time I see someone having a very strong yet uninformed opinion on a technical subject I block them. It makes me viewing experience a lot better.

    Yes, people will be able to collect more information on you this way but I think here the trade off is not so bad. We make a similar trade off when we comment. There is also an element of choice, since you can also choose to lurk and not allow your stuff to be scraped.

    eatmoregreenfood avatar

    What about queer person wanting to upvote something but not feeling safe if someone knows their username? What about a woman living in a place with abortion bounties wanting to upvote something about how to get help, but being afraid to?


    Those are excellent points and exactly what I had in mind. And they are just the tip of the iceberg - some folks arguing for the opposite (@aroom , etc...) have not really thought this through about the real life ramifications that can exist with this system.


    To me it seems that one would exercise the same level of caution for upvotes in this case as it would be for commenting. To prevent being doxxed is an issue of practicing proper internet hygiene and making an username that isn’t easily traced (or having burner accounts) or by refraining from commenting or upvoting, not necessarily a problem of making upvotes anonymous or not.

    One compromise would be to make upvotes anonymous and downvotes non-anonymous, so perhaps you can get rid of part of the problem. Not perfect solution because there is an obvious loophole, but a potential option nonetheless.

    HopeOfTheGunblade avatar

    I'd like the ability to inline expand images / videos, it was a great RES feature.

    Easier way to sub to magazines than scrolling to the bottom on mobile would also be a corker.

    kenja_time avatar

    A bit of an addition to this: I use Imagus to quick-view videos/images/gifs, but kbin seems to create a new file for the thumbnail that clips the original content. This kills Imagus functionality. Reddit was able to create thumbnails from the original content so hovering over the thumbnail revealed the entire image/video/gif.

    gluuhm avatar

    Agreed, this is one of the creature comforts I miss the most.

    eatmoregreenfood avatar

    Point 1 is paramount. 5 is important also from a tech standpoint. The rest are very good points.

    aroom, (edited )
    aroom avatar

    I really like that we can see the activity. People are using downvote way too easily. Lets make everyone accountable.

    edit: hey downvoters, come off your high horse and argue. right now all your saying is "shut up", so for me you are contributing to exclude people to express themself. this is not at all what I'm looking forward in this community.


    I think this defeats the purpose of (down)voting. Voting's a quick and approachable way of interacting with a post by design. By tying it to the reputation of an account, it introduces a lot of additional complexities to the voting system. Alongside "this is a post that I think should (not) get more reach," we now also have to consider "is this a post that I want to be seen with?", which is a point that can affect some people more than others, including people of marginalized demographics. It adds reason to editorialize and a compulsion justify our votes to the public, which I think -- in combination with other nuances that potentially may surround the voter, the post, and/or the poster at hand -- can make votes a lot less honest. Even if not, potentially opening up a can of worms to the internet, and potentially real life, for clicking a button, makes voting and interacting with posts less desirable, in my opinion. And what's the point of social networking if not interaction?

    I do like the idea of adding accountability for the feedback that we provide on posts, just not at the cost of anonymity. I would love to see something like the labeling system from Tildes. I think it makes voting more thoughtful without making it less approachable.

    eatmoregreenfood avatar

    We should have the ability to manage what of our data goes out to the internet/advertisers/scrapers/other users. Non negotiable.

    aroom avatar

    I totally agree. We could let this info be private between users.

    eatmoregreenfood avatar

    Advertiser makes a user account that is a bot for harvesting data. Now it isn't between human users anymore. And more than that I don't think I want people I don't know having access to information I don't want them to have access to.


    The server admin always has access to that info. It's never between you and your God, unless you keep it to yourself.

    Anonymity means your words or interactions don't come back to you off the site. You don't lose your job because you criticised your boss under a penname. But there's no reason you shouldn't be accountable to the community you're interacting with.

    aroom avatar

    but if you interact with me I'd like to know. So where do you draw the line? or maybe I don't understand you correctly.

    I don't want to be advocating to less privacy, so feel free to correct me, but just by interacting with each other right now, without using the upvote and downvote system, we are already giving information to potential scrappers no? The solution would be to remove upvote and downvote all together then?

    I like how favorite works on mastodon. we could achieve the same on kbin?


    Could it be possible to have two kinds of boosts, anon boost or tracked boost? The standard default could be anon with a hover option for tracked, with the default being a setting that can be flipped.

    aroom avatar

    as for now boosts and upvotes on kbin works like boost and favorite on mastodon. I think that it's good to keep this compatibility.

    in my option if we can't take responsibility of our action, be called by our name for them, we shouldn't act. we need to address some privacy aspect tho, regarding external party. but between to users I welcome this transparency.

    Toffeewad, (edited )

    I think that you are for accountability from non-anonymous voting because you are speaking from an experience of having been downvote brigaded somewhere maybe? (I have too, actually on my first Reddit post as a pretween who was definitely not supposed to be online haha.) I think many people generally haven’t had that experience (especially the ones who mostly vote and don’t comment) where you have an unpopular opinion (but not an off-topic or harmful one) and people spam downvotes on every single comment without thinking much of it, so they don’t get where you are coming from.

    I agree that it’s highly annoying behavior, equally annoying as people who spam upvotes without thinking much of it, but I don’t think people being non-anonymous will solve this particular issue, because the behavior stems from ignorance and carelessness rather than maliciousness. I don’t think those people care if others can see that they downvote or upvote 20 times a day, spread over 2 people.

    I think unfortunately there isn’t really a good way to change people’s behavior, and the best thing to do is to separate voting from any boosting behavior and make reputation a number (that we will just have to learned to ignore) I guess.


    @aroom I don't like this because I know that people in public and especially on the internet, can have absolute psychopathic reactions to simple discussions. I don't need some lunatic looking through my history because I downvoted them for saying something that is clearly insane - I would rather stay relatively anonymous.
    And that is without even considering doxxing.

    aroom avatar

    if it become this toxic, you can block the user. I for one welcome the transparency and think that this downvote habit some have is building an unwelcoming environment, far different from what I'm experiencing on the fediverse since years.

    so I'm not so ok with it. but to anyone their own opinion.

    yozul avatar

    Downvoting has always been used as an easy disagree button in every platform that has ever had it. Why not stop pretending it means something else and just embrace how it will inevitably be used anyway?

    aroom avatar

    because we are building something new here and we don't need to keep this "always been used as" policy. it's up to us to choose how it's gonna be used in here.

    I don't know if you were on mastodon when the twitter migration happened. the people from twitter embraced the fediverse values, and most didn't fight to bring the twitter behaviour into it. it's refreshing for everyone and it can be a safe and welcoming place.

    not everything is perfect, far from it, but we can try to make it better.

    Timwi avatar

    I agree with you in principle, but I think the OP might be making a different point, which is that you can't really convince everyone to use votes in any particular way. Most people will go with their gut intuition, and most people's gut compels them to vote based on agree/disagree, so that's the behavior you're gonna get.

    aroom avatar

    totally. maybe I'm really naive to think that we can all agree to keep "fediverse etiquette" around here. or just any etiquette at all.

    we will see.

    that being said I really enjoy exchanging about this with everyone involved so far.

    yozul avatar

    You completely missed my point. Reddit pretends that downvotes aren't supposed to be used as an easy disagree button. That pretension is the behavior I want to leave behind. If we're going to have a downvote button at all, lets acknowledge how it will be used instead of pretending we can change human nature with an FAQ.

    aroom avatar

    thanks for clarifying it then. why not go this direction. but I think that you are wrong to assume how determined the behaviour from users gonna be.

    it's up to us to decide. maybe through UI design choice tho.

    yozul avatar

    It would be possible to change how people interact with a feature by changing how it's presented to them. I'm not sure what better UI there would even be to make people engage with downvotes how you want, but if someone comes up with a good idea I'm all for that. Until then I'd just like to not have us fight against the inevitable.

    FixedFun, in Here's my final idea for a Kbin mascot, I call it the "Kbird" (K = Kakatuá), since someone shared a Fediverse flag resembling a pirate flag I thought a bird mascot would fit.
    FixedFun avatar

    This bird is full of symbolism:

    • Birds represent freedom, hope, etc.
    • Also, as a way to represent the people who "flew away" from Reddit.
    • The bird is from Oceania, sounds silly but is not a animal commonly found in nature outside that place, meaning it evokes foreignity for a part of the userbase here.
    • C'mon guys, is a Cacatua, it can't get cooler than that...
    YolkBrushWork402 avatar

    This is so cool unironically


    This is such a great explanation man. Now tell me, how do you collapse comment threads?


    I don't think there's a way to do it by default but, if you use userscripts, there's one for collapsing comments.

    kbin collapsible comments


    Cockatoos are also loud, obnoxious, but extremely intelligent, which feels fitting too.

    osarusan avatar
    • birds also love to talk!

    I am 1000% behind anything with a bird on it.


    Ever been to Portland?

    osarusan avatar

    No, but I do hear they like to put birds on things.

    almino, in How do we call kbin users?
    almino avatar

    I vote for k-beans!


    I rally behind the K-Beans.


    K-beans is cute

    gus avatar

    I'm just gonna come out and say it because I think people don't realize and it may be specific to US - if kbeans sticks we will be called "kbeaners" by trolls until the end of time, as it includes a racial slur aimed at hispanic/latino people

    Honestly I bet a fair amount of people will even unintentionally use it without realizing. And if we have the ability to choose, I'd rather our nickname not be something that invites people to easily combine it with a slur


    I'd rather our nickname not be something that invites people to easily combine it with a slur

    I absolutely agree with your sentiment. At the same time, trolls can and will create a slur out of anything.

    CatBookCat avatar


    KarsicKarl avatar

    Trolls will come up with a dumb take on anything.
    Block em and.move on.

    dismalnow avatar


    @Cloudless @almino

    Seems like an arbitrary "trolls gonna troll" sort of thing that really shouldn't have a high priority.

    That being said - I'm not a fan of the moniker anyway. We can do better.


    /u/gus is right - 'kbeaner' contains a loaded slur: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beaner one thats been around for a long time. It is not one I was aware of until recently.

    corm avatar

    Seems overly touchy to care, just block and move on or roll your eyes.

    Why not go after the rock climbing industry for carabiners instead? /s

    cache_miss, in I don't know if it's possible to change now, but magazines being case-sensitive seems like a recipe for disaster
    VulcanSphere avatar

    Great to read this, hopefully this fix will be implemented ASAP

    LoafyLemon, in We need to be able to differentiate between NSFW and porn.
    LoafyLemon avatar

    A boob, a butt, or some violence like combat footage or the like are all fine, but I don’t want porn on my feed like at all.

    Likewise, but I want porn and none the violence. Make love, not war! 🥵


    I even find movie violence quite disturbing sometimes.
    But not video game violence. That I'm perpetrating. I'm not sure if that says anything about me.

    thanksbrother avatar

    I don’t disagree - but just during this whole Ukraine / Russia thing I’ve found myself subscribing to some things where I’m likely to see footage from the field. To me this is just informational and in some ways important to see, despite the fact that it is difficult to take. Horrors of war and all that. That’s a normal part of my daily news consumption while someone in a dog costume getting railed in an elevator at a convention is uh… well it is what it is, and I don’t want it.



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  • jon,
    jon avatar

    His point is he doesn't want to be shown everything. He wants a distinction between material that's inappropriate for a workplace environment, and porn.



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  • cloaker,

    Well they should add a new feature to that customisable feed you dunce.



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  • thanksbrother,
    thanksbrother avatar

    Use your eyes and your brain and re-read and realize that you are just not actually understanding anything.

    thanksbrother avatar

    Like, I get it dude. You like drugs and porn. It’s literally your username. In the world I imagine, you would have both the “Show NSFW content” box checked as well as the “Display pornographic content” box, you’d have every box checked I’m sure because you get on here after taking two xans and a puff of A-PiHP and jerk it for hours, which is FINE! I don’t care.

    MOST PEOPLE on here want to see new content outside of what they have subscribed to because the Fediverse is huge and it’s impossible to subscribe to everything you want to see. Most of those people aren’t trying to watch porn, and would prefer to filter it out. To have that option, without also removing everything else that might be deemed “NSFW” would be PRETTY COOL.

    NOBODY is trying to fuck up your hobby or take anything away from you. It’s just a slightly altered feed based on some common sense practices.

    TheDudeAbiding avatar

    Hey buddy, you know you're talking to yourself right? You good?

    thanksbrother avatar

    If only I actually was talking to myself instead of compulsively responding to bad faith arguments from a handful of people here I would have done a much better job paying attention to the mindless television I was trying to watch last night. Felt just like reddit again for a few minutes there, but now back to uh... anything other than arguing on the internet. Keep on abiding.

    thanksbrother avatar

    You don’t think there’s a middle ground here where maybe NSFW is far too restrictive in most modern platforms, especially Reddit where almost every profile that discusses drugs or sex or cigarettes or whatever is marked NSFW, and maybe just “porn” which is literally illegal to display to minors in the USA? I like drugs, I like sex, I got no problem talking about any of it. But if I want to see a complete feed there’s no room to even ASK for an option to see everything that isn’t porn?



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  • thanksbrother,
    thanksbrother avatar

    There’s no NSFW law my guy

    thanksbrother avatar

    You wouldn’t think this concept would be so controversial or difficult to understand but hey it’s the internet


    Clearly it's fuckin revolutionary because no-one seems to be able to grasp it.

    thanksbrother avatar

    What I’m saying is that there’s “NSFW” which includes many things and then there’s “porn” which deserves a separate designation for those of us that are here to see literally anything but porn.



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  • thanksbrother,
    thanksbrother avatar

    Right, you’re kind of arguing my point here. NSFW is not sufficient for most people’s casual browsing experience and there should be additional designations, or just one, one for “porn,” which would solve 99% of unwanted material on most people’s feeds



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  • thanksbrother,
    thanksbrother avatar

    Have a good night my fellow internet person. Not worth the argument. Most people are able to see the difference here and it’s in line with how most people use social media in most places most of the time. I don’t want to see snuff films either but that’s not clogging up half the “all” feed requiring me to block multiple subs per day.


    I don't see people's issue with your argument. Reddit does this implicitly by blocking porn subs from the front page. I dont want this here but there should just be a sub tag to have it filtered out.

    XiELEd avatar

    So imagine NSFW (or 18+) as a circle and sexual content as a smaller circle within it. Some people look for NSFW (say, combat footage), but not porn. If a post was designated within "sexual content", it would also put it within the realm of NSFW, so it won't show up to someone who doesn't want to see NSFW, but if someone is fine with NSFW but not sexual content, they won't see porn, but will be able to see NSFW.


    It's not like they're asking it to go away or to be curated for everyone. They just wanted to differentiate the type of NSFW. Sometimes if someones in the mood the last thing they want to see is some poor bastard get splattered on a road, other times when the morbid curiosity hits you don't want to see someone showing their "OH!" face.

    You tell them to curate their feed, and that's partly what they want to accomplish. Yes, there are tools in place to do it, but it's easier to find what you want by filtering down than it is to use some of the search tools.

    LoafyLemon avatar

    That’s a normal part of my daily news consumption while someone in a dog costume getting railed in an elevator at a convention is uh… well it is what it is, and I don’t want it.

    Oh, that's just terrible! Share the location of that post, will you? I wouldn't want to stumble upon it by accident!

    thanksbrother avatar

    Nice try compadre

    ernest, in Spam and porn are flooding kbin already
    ernest avatar

    I have added the option to set the entire magazine as +18, including remote. Please provide me with those here in the comments that require action.


    Is it possible to have separate nsfw tags for nudity Vs gore or is all gore supposed to be tagged nsfl instead. Because that was something I thought Reddit should have had different, if you turn off nsfw, you miss alot of things that are '18+' that aren't nudity. If that makes any sense.


    Granularity would be awesome for NSFW tags.

    parrot-party avatar

    It's something that took Reddit forever to do. NSFW, NSFL/GORE, and SPOILER are very important tags/filters to have.

    Xathonn avatar

    Yes please! That's something people have been asking for on reddit for so long. Would be great to have that added early into development

    lixus98 avatar

    Do you have plans on adding another admin to help with moderation?

    ernest avatar

    Definitely, in the upcoming days, apart from staying in close contact with the maintainers, I would like a;so to build a moderation team. That is a priority. However, I first need to urgently address and take care of a few matters.

    jazmichaelking avatar

    IFTAS (about.iftas.org) may be able to help with this, happy to discuss.

    ernest avatar

    @jazmichaelking Thank you, I will look into it.

    lixus98 avatar

    Thanks for answering, keep it up!

    @ahriboy@mk.absturztau.be avatar

    @ernest there are problems over federating with certain instances. One instance can read content from kbin.social but not vice versa.

    jdp23 avatar

    Several people here are saying that the bulk of it is coming from lemmynsfw. If so then it may well be best to defederate in the short term to buy time for a better solution (like marking everything from there NSFW automatically, either by a lemmy enhancement on their end or a kbin enhancement here)


    I know Mastodon has a feature where instances can automark others as NSFW.

    FaceDeer avatar

    Given that folks are saying the main source is an instance called lemmynsfw.com, perhaps it would be useful to have an option to set an entire instance as having that flag? I'm foreseeing a future where instances tend to be subject-specific so something like that seems like it'd be pretty handy.

    fax_of_the_shadow avatar

    Is there a way to block an entire instance? Because in my kbin.social settings I have "hide adult content" turned ON and yet I keep getting posts from lemmynsfw in my feed and my sidebar of random recent posts.

    olrik avatar

    How do you do that as a normal user, I can't seem to see it my preferences.

    fax_of_the_shadow avatar

    There's this option for me in the main settings page on kbin.

    olrik avatar

    OK, I saw that, but most of the content of lemmynsfw is not tagged as NSFW. How do I block a complete instance?

    edit: I just realised that I was answering to the same person who asked the exact same question, sorry. Still new to this

    fax_of_the_shadow avatar

    No worries, we all just want the same thing I guess. The ability to block a complete instance from our feed.


    You can visit domain page, as you would magazine page, and there is a button to subscribe to it or block it. Here is the link to domain page of lemmynsfw.com, but be warned - you'll see the post from that instance and some of them might not be properly tagged, so consider it NSFW despite your settings https://kbin.social/d/lemmynsfw.com. That should block entire instance (and i think the magazines/communities you are subscried to are exempted from this block, so you still see those)

    fax_of_the_shadow avatar


    THANK YOU so much! I'm very new to kbin so I had no idea that existed. Much appreciation!

    FaceDeer avatar

    In my experience as a programmer the user interface always lags behind the features. I'm sure it will get easier to use these things soon given how much attention is being focused on it now.


    For the all page or other curated pages that have suggested content and not handpicked content like subscribed I would recommend blocking those NSFW pages. Obviously people can view it if they want, but blasting it in a new users face could easily turn them away if they aren’t expecting it. Personally I would also go far enough to prevent anything not on kbin from showing on those pages at all. Ya, there’s tons of good content but searching isn’t completely obvious to new users yet so the people looking for federated content are not going to overlap with those only browsing all by very much.

    Just my opinions is all

    Kaldo, in Is kbin.social anti-corporation? Should it be?
    Kaldo avatar

    I've seen this article circulating and I think it's a really good cautionary tale. If meta arrives here in full force it's completely going to take over the fediverse, they are already splitting the community as it is.


    Note that this is different subject from being anti-corporate. I don't think there's an issue if companies start booting their instances and creating communities for their games or content, whether its EA, Bioware, CDPR or something like pcgamer, LTT, gamersnexus, etc. They want the PR and visibility on a social network but their goal probably wouldn't be take over the AP, and could add some validity and get other bigger names to be active here. That is assuming we want growth at all.


    Damn, this article's interesting. I never knew about either Google or Microsoft's actions on that matter. I suppose it's not very surprising anyway. "Don't be evil", LMAO


    I wonder if theres any way to pre emptively stop them from taking over activitypubs development and direction

    parrot-party avatar

    They can't do a hostile take over of ActivityPub. The trap is that they would come in with open arms and an army of developers. ActivityPub maintainers would at first welcome the help and guidance from such an experienced team. Then, once they have the community hooked, they spring the trap and start making changes that are actively hostile to small sites. The community flocks to the big site because everything works better there, and the dream is dead.

    Now maybe it'll never happen, but it's hard to tell. Even if Facebook joined with the best intentions, that doesn't mean the project isn't going to be taken over by a power hungry manager later who could still activate the trap card.

    TechyShishy avatar

    Right, because that's what Embrace Extend Extinguish is.

    wagesj45 avatar

    this is the closest someone has come to convincing me that this would be a big problem. i still happen to think that the smaller instances will be fine in the long run. big consolidated instances are inevitable because people like being where people are. look at twitter and facebook. i suspect the worst problem we'd have is people switching from "facebook" to "federated facebook".

    now maybe meta will be able to fuck with the standards body that is responsible for the standard. that would be very bad. then i'd be on board. until they do that, i won't worry. i'm open to having my mind changed, but i've found most arguments to be unconvincing as they basically boil down to "but they're big!"


    because people like being where people are

    That's exactly the problem with mega-instances. From the link posted above:

    As expected, no Google user bated an eye. In fact, none of them realised. At worst, some of their contacts became offline. That was all. But for the XMPP federation, it was like the majority of users suddenly disappeared. Even XMPP die hard fanatics, like your servitor, had to create Google accounts to keep contact with friends. Remember: for them, we were simply offline. It was our fault.

    Ragnell avatar

    This is why the big threat is Meta, because they are a tech company. I think any instances spun up by Silicon Valley should be blocked preemptively, but other corpora can have a probationary period.


    Honestly, it Meta spun up a Mastodon site to host Meta employees and just have a corporate presence, the way they might have a Twitter account, that wouldn't be an issue at all.

    The issue is that they're arriving as platform developers, not social participants. And that's their business.

    We should be super suspicious of people showing up to sell the Fediverse, because you can't profit off of community. Community costs money, not generates it. To generate money, you need to exploit people, and exploitation is anti-social. Anti-community.

    okawari avatar

    I say they can, this is kind of what we have seen with Chrome tbh.

    Google came in, made an awesome browser got market majority and started just implementing things to the point where its hard to keep up and the various specification bodies kind of just have to ratify things that is already in the browser or become obsolete, afaik this happened with components such as the in browser DRM which by design makes it hard to implement.

    I think this can come true as long as we let them insert themselves into the ecosystem. The difference here is that we have the option to keep our part of the fediverse pristine by not federating with these servers, even if we doom ourselves to obscurity by doing it.


    I was originally in the let’s just sit back and see what happens camp, but this article completely changed my perspective. A very interesting read. I do, however, agree that companies creating their own instances to advertise their products can only be good for us in the longrun.

    On a similar note, I was recently reading about Microsoft’s efforts to dominate the whole browser space in the 90s, and I think it’s a very good example of the worst kind of capitalism.


    It's really helpful to see a previous example of something like this happening. I was aware of many instances blocking the potential Meta instance but didn't really get the reason why. Now it makes sense.

    shepherd, (edited )
    shepherd avatar

    @Kaldo Thank you for the link, that's exactly what prompted this thread!

    I think it's just too hard to draw the line of "not rich enough to be a concern." Amazon instance is obviously bad. Pepsi? If they put their minds to it they could do something lol. Hasbro?? They're greedy enough for sure.

    Or what if a company starts as a relatively minor player, but suddenly get big. Steam acquires the entire video game industry or something lmao. Then we still have the same problem, they're going to be motivated differently.

    So I say we defederate all profit driven instances. They can still make magazines on our instances, if they can follow our rules. If they have trouble following our rules... Well, then I definitely don't want them in a position to affect the whole Fediverse lol.

    ernest, in Mockup: I'm a fan of having all my favorite subs/magazines to access on a glance.
    ernest avatar

    How can I turn it on?

    lixus98 avatar

    Same tbh

    ryand3rk avatar

    it's a mock-up, if you missed comment below

    ernest avatar

    Oh, well. Thanks.

    aroom avatar


    FaceDeer avatar

    It's a good sign that Kbin is developing rapidly when even ernest loses track of what features it has. :)

    parrot-party avatar

    I think @ernest was just being cheeky. Kbin hasn't changed much UI wise since the reddit explosion started. It's been mostly under the hood, trying to keep the ship upright in the rocky storm of users.

    FaceDeer avatar

    @perry just made a tampermonkey script to accomplish something like this, below.

    operator, in /kbin project management costs, financing, future plans
    operator avatar

    First and foremost: Thank you @ernest for your incredible work and dedication.

    1. Pay yourself a salary. Whatever you feel is appropriate & covers your personal costs. Developing and maintaining /kbin seems to be a full time job (or at least will become one)

    2. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TRANSPARENCY. That's why we are here. This builds such a huge trust with the community. Whatever you need, we'll be here.

    sparseMatrix, in Could we get official word on what Kbin's stance is towards federating with Meta?
    sparseMatrix avatar


    Meta is facebook who engaged Cambridge Analytica to purchase our lives.

    Not from us, but from them. Facebook literally sold out the world

    Facebook nearly destroyed this country for a buck.

    Fuck facebook. I don't want to avoid federating because I dont want them around; I want to avoid federating because anything I can do to starve them of every resource for growth that I possibly can is the best thing I can do about facebook.

    livus avatar

    Not only did Facebook allow incitement to genocide to be circulated on it for years while people begged it to stop, but after the genocide Facebook also actively impeded the international investigation into that genocide.

    That's pretty much as low as you can go.

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