openrightsgroup, to privacy avatar

"While the UK government adopted powers that could allow the private messages of everyone in the UK to be scanned, it did concede that this could not be put into practice without jeopardizing people’s security and privacy.

ORG has called for Ofcom to publish regulations that make clear that there is no available technology that can allow for scanning of user data to co-exist with strong and .“

🗣️ Pam Cowburn, ORG Head of Comms.

echo_pbreyer, to random German avatar

🇬🇧 It took Commissioner 13 weeks to answer my questions about the surveillance architects, saying that minimal is granted only on a "case-by-case basis". My next question is on the way

blueghost, to email avatar

Proton Mail automatically encrypts/decrypts messages between Proton Mail accounts via OpenPGP/PGP.

Proton Mail supports automatically encrypting/decrypting messages between Proton Mail accounts and external email accounts that support OpenPGP/PGP or GnuPG/GPG.


Mastodon: @protonprivacy

axx, to random avatar
afterdawn, to random Finnish avatar

Ja sama levy pyörii taas..

Kun viranomaisten ajama vahvan salauksen kielto Euroopassa on ainakin toistaiseksi törmännyt perustuslailliseen seinään, on muutettu taktiikkaa.

Nyt Europol anelee teknologiafirmoja, jotta ne vapaaehtoisesti poistaisivat päätä päähän salauksen viestisovelluksistaan.

kubikpixel, to wirtschaft German avatar

Ich sehe dies nicht so und könnte sogar die extrem schaden aber erst dann wird verspätet zugesagt und wir alle haben ein -Recht.

» sieht Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselung () kritisch, soll handeln:
Europäische 'chefs fordern Industrie und Regierungen auf, Maß­nahmen gegen die Einführung von Ende-zu-Ende- zu ergreifen - demnach gehen den Behörden die Maßnahmen zu weit, mit denen Nutzerdaten geschützt werden.«


echo_pbreyer, to random German avatar

🇬🇧 To enable mass surveillance, 32 European police chiefs call for halting end-to-end encryption . This is an attack on our security and digital privacy in violation of fundamental rights!


echo_pbreyer, to random German avatar

🇩🇪 Um #Chatkontrolle zu ermöglichen fordern 32 Europäische Polizeichefs (wohl auch das #BKA) Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselungsstopp. Das ist ein grundrechtswidriger Angriff auf unsere Sicherheit und das digitale Briefgeheimnis! #E2EE


kuketzblog, to security German avatar

Politische Überwachungsphantasien, die mit dem Vorwand gerechtfertigt werden, "schlimmste Verbrechen wie den sexuellen Missbrauch von Kindern zu bekämpfen", sind unerträglich.

Wer wirklich etwas für Kinder tun will, engagiert sich im Kampf gegen den Klimawandel, für sichere Schul- und Radwege, für Bildung, gewaltfreie Familien, Chancengleichheit und freie Entfaltungsmöglichkeiten.

Stop this bullshit! 🫵

glynmoody, to privacy avatar

European police chiefs target in latest demand for ‘lawful access’ - can't they just give over with their stupid calls? we want , not constant government snooping and backdoors

alghaff, to random avatar

European police chiefs have come out against , using the same old misleading arguments!

Weakening will help predators, criminals, blackmailers & scammers.

What European police chiefs want means:

❌ No Signal
❌ No WhatsApp
❌ No iMessage
❌ No Facetime

echo_pbreyer, to random German avatar

🇩🇪Jetzt fordern auch 50 NGOs und Wissenschaftler die Ablehnung der "neuen" Pläne zur #Chatkontrolle, weil sie weiterhin #Massenüberwachung vorsehen, sichere #Verschlüsselung untergraben, #Altersprüfung vorschreiben und #Anonymität zerstören: (englisch)

echo_pbreyer, avatar

🇬🇧Now 50 NGOs and academics are also calling for the "new" plans to be rejected because they continue to provide for , undermine secure , require and destroy :

echo_pbreyer, to random German avatar

🇬🇧 New on : Privacy-friendly and encrypted messaging services are to be penalised with chat control bulk scanning orders. They want to turn the safest services into the most monitored ones!

Read on:

je5perl, to random avatar

What?? Microsoft told the EU Going Dark HLG that the problem of interception of private communications on OTT services is more technical than legal, and referred to technical work already conducted to develop real-time interception capabilities for Skype and Teams

Very disappointing if Microsoft is willing to undermine the security of end-to-end encryption and build backdoors for law enforcement.

Morishima, to security avatar
183231bcb, to random

Can anymany tell me how I'm "supposed" to use end-to-end encryption with XMPP?

As far as I can tell there are three totally different ways to do E2EE:

a)OTR : "[](Not intended to be a current standard), or technical specification, as better (albeit, newer and less well tested) methods of end-to-end encryption exist for XMPP. "

b)OpenPGP: There are at least two different XEPs about it. XEP-0027 is obsolete, while XEP-0373 is "experimental" but hasn't been updated in almost three years.

c)OMEMO: "Experimental" and hasn't been updated in over two years.

Is there a way to do E2EE in XMPP which is neither deprecated nor experimental? What's the "Current stable" way to do it?

#XMPP #E2EE #EndToEndEncryption #OMEMO #OpenPGP #OTR

snikket_im, to android avatar

Just a heads-up that #Snikket #Android has been pulled by #Google from the store. We'll work on restoring it once we figure out their (as usual) nonsensical complaints. Apologies to everyone affected. Please look at #FDroid and free yourself.

Today's excuse for delisting yet another #XMPP app?

"Your app is uploading users' Image information without posting a privacy policy link or text within the Play Distributed App."

Funny. What's this then?? 👀


@danie10 @snikket_im

I personally feel that this is the optimal delivery and update methodology for future software distribution.

I've written about this at length in several articles, and more and more service daemons and client software are taking advantage of this form of direct from the developers method of delivery - not just Android apps.

is one such app that even states in the docs that this is the preferred method, although they do support a total of four methods:

  • Google PlayStore - crippleware due to google funding source restrictions. In all cases, this is by far the worst distribution point for software, if not with respect for the product that the developers want to deliver, but also with regards for the privacy of the users who are tracked, mined, and themselves repackaged as a quantifiable inventory item.
  • F-Droid custom Dev's repo - 2nd best option, because this is built with the developer's keys when the developer decides to push the product, and contain all feature sets that the developer chooses to include.
  • F-Droid repo - 3rd best option, since it is signed with F-Droid's keys and typically lags by some measure of time with respect to release dates, considering that F-Droid staff pushes these out on a best effort basis, according to the time they have available to do so.
  • Direct from the developers Git repo - This is the best method. They push a release and the next time you open the app you're notified of an update.

This is part of the magic of Slackware's philosophy too - Patrick and team don't church it up like most distro's do (Debian and AlmaLinux quite often, quite heavily wrt customizations, use Apache or Nginx HTTP servers as examples). Slackware tries to package up software as close to how the upstream intends it to be.

In earlier articles I've published on the topic, I've focused at times on a solution to a theme proffered by , who denigrates the open source model somewhat, for being at a great disadvantage when compared to that of proprietary solutions that can update and evolve protocols, APIs, etc., on a whim, because they're centrally managed and controlled by a single dictatorial source. Microsoft is one such classic example. You simply have NO CHOICE as to when you must allow your software to be EOLed, evolve, or update itself.

Using this model, however, where a central repo, or a distributed, CDN type of repo mirroring is deployed at the origin by the development team itself, FOSS has no problem upgrading even things like protocols as they evolve. Of course, it is ultimately up to the operators of the software to allow updates and the prerogative of the developers to establish the level of nags that users of the software will experience until they permit the updates to occur, but that's beyond the scope of the basis of advocating for this type of delivery model.

Okay I think I'm bordering on hijacking this thread, so I'll make a comment about these types of shennigans by Google, and how one one hand it's certainly a huge frustration, if not an impediment to being found and adopted by users, but moreover, a predatory practice by one of the most egregious violators of personal choice in the free market of consumerism and commerce.

It may hurt being pulled like that, but IMO, I don't think there's anything preventing the good folks behind from pushing out the kind of crippleware that google wants them to, while at the same time pushing banner splashes in the app that explain just how fricken' useless it is under the terms necessary to distribute it via that medium, and encouraging users to install it instead by following the instructions at the for a fully featured, secure messaging platform.

IOW, there's always a silver lining - wear this dejection as a badge of honor and as the evidence to support the fact that you're on the right track!


alshafei, to privacy avatar

An overview of how @simplex works and what sets it apart from other messaging apps and protocols:

"SimpleX is one of the most private and secure chat and applications platform that you can find out there."

echo_pbreyer, to random German avatar

🇩🇪Die Grundrechtsexperten von EDRi nehmen den neuesten Rats-Vorstoß zur auseinander. Ihr Ergebnis: Weder verhältnismäßig, noch wird Verschlüsselung geschützt.

Die Analyse (englisch):

Jetzt gilt es Druck zu machen!

echo_pbreyer, avatar

🇬🇧EDRi's fundamental rights experts analyse the latest Council proposal on . Their conclusion: Neither proportionate, nor does it protect encryption.

Read the analysis:

Now is the time to put pressure on our governments!

kubikpixel, to internet German avatar

Um Dateien über das von Gerät zu Gerät sicher zu übermitenl ist sicher eine Lösung. Ein cool gestaltetes um es zu nutzen gibt es ebenfalls, das . Wenn die nicht zufälligerweise öffentlich aufliegen sollten, dann ist dies eine Lösung bei der funzt ohne zusätzliche Datensammlung.


P.S. Ich hatte dies schon mal vor langer Zeit hier geteilt.

ilyess, to security avatar

At least the Germans get it.

“While most countries want to introduce new surveillance laws, Germany is taking the opposite approach: The Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport Affairs (BMDV) has published a draft bill that will require email, messenger and other cloud providers to use strong end-to-end encryption.”

openrightsgroup, to privacy avatar

Do you share our concerns with Government's plans to control the UK's tech industry and force them to place secret backdoors in their software? If so then take action today and write to your MP -

openrightsgroup, to privacy avatar

UK Civil Society and the Tech Industry join forces to warn of new 'Mass surveillance' fears. -

openrightsgroup, to FreeSpeech avatar

Last week we published our response to Ofcom's Online Safety Act (UK) consultation.

We've raised concerns about the threat to free expression in requirements to proactively screen users' social media content and measures that undermine end-to-end encryption.

Find out more ⬇️

trendless, (edited ) to privacy avatar

Yet another reason why your private messages should be stored on a server you control or e2ee (ideally, both): it's likely the pseudonyms and accounts you use can be linked back to your IRL identity... and sold to anyone willing to pay

> This Global Identity System Tracks Everything You Do Online

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