smallcircles, to random avatar

involves the devious practice of passing people 💩 turd sandwiches wrapped in glossy paper, and have the recipient be happy and surprised when opening them.

Because only outward packaging is all that matters, the superficial layer. Hypercapitalism aggressively teaches to look no further. To not see deeper value and meaning. For its practioners, which we all are to an extent, superficiality is thus the "Return on Lack of Investment" we get in return.

We may value more.

smallcircles, avatar

Topic open at movement for your pleasure 🤗

Some further thoughts:

🤔 Aren’t we in modern society too focused on superficial things, preferring objective perspectives?

🤔 Isn’t our run-amok economic system of hypercapitalism reinforcing that, and actually thriving by it?

🤔Aren’t corporate (anti) Social Media prime examples of how society is dragged into superficiality?

🤔 How then can we do better on the where we focus on the essence of “Being social”?

@nash @hexephre

jonny, (edited ) to random avatar

Hello fedi. i am trying to solve the "fetch all replies" problem once and for all that makes the fedi feel a lot more desolate and with a lot more reply guys in it than it should be. this is take two, where before i had it triggered by a button, but now i think it should happen on the server-side whenever you expand a post. can anyone help me out figure out how to make this more efficient by only fetching posts that the server doesn't already have? i am not sure what the best strategy would be, and if anyone with experience doing efficient rails and SQL stuff could give me some pointers that would be gr8. the patch is actually extremely simple it just needs a few nice things to make it not DDoS everyone.

Issue that describes approach:
Wiki page:

smallcircles, avatar


Hey super interesting, Jonny!

> and with a lot more reply guys in it than it should be

As it happens this morning I was coincidentally side-tracked on a self-assigned quest to put thoughts on "Reply Guy" anti-pattern together on movement's forum.

Till now that turned into this wiki post (and related discussion thread):

smallcircles, avatar


PS. I cross-ref'ed this great thread to the matrix chatroom..

smallcircles, to fediverse avatar

Witnessing another occurrrence of the anti-pattern this morning inspired me to write some thoughts about this social behavior that is so common on our that is based on mechanics.

On the forum I created a category for (or ) patterns, and the "Reply Guy" is the first entry in what might be turned into a pattern library collection.

smallcircles, avatar

@zdl @fabi @airwhale

Yesterday I was not planning to write so much on this 'anti-pattern' and put the idea of a pattern library on the forum.

What I think is nice of this concept of "patterns" is that it offers a means to think of the totality of the problem + solution space.

In techy circles the talk goes often immediately into functionality & features, followed by impl. That's one way. Non-optimal.

You all address interesting additional angles to consider. Holistically.

csdummi, to random avatar the recent disaster has prompted me to reread my own article from two years ago next month on "Free Software Unions". While I'd put some of the details in there differently today, I think the core point still stands: that free software maintainers are vulnerable to exploitation, both from Big Tech and, as is now evident, malicious attackers. And that the only way to protect them is to join into mutual support, solidarity groups.

haui, to foss

So I just learned about ( which is absolutely awesome!

For decades I'm learning to code on and off as a hobby. I feel like helping out in would be a gamechanger for me but I cant identify where to help (I know some python and c# but nothing great).

My github account is meh at best and when TIL about git forges joining the I was thunderstruck. Is anyone else eager to de-corpo git once we have it running? Forgejo seems to be pioneering atm.

stephaniewalter, to random avatar

58 rules for beautiful UI design: interesting rules, and I really like that “ELEGANCE” acronym, but, I always try to think critically when anyone brings some “design rules”.
For example:

    1. “good design is as little design as possible”: while simplicity works for some B2C interfaces, oversimplification can lead to a lot of issues, especially in complex enterprise products, for expert users.

Resource by Taras Bakusevych:

smallcircles, avatar

@stephaniewalter I really like that work by Taras.

Years ago I was discussing a "Human Flourishing Design Guide" and thinking of launching a Flourishment Initiative within which a periodic table of patterns would shape up.

Right now I'm involved with movement and reviving the field of Social experience design or for the . That periodic table is still a very nice way to present a pattern library.

smallcircles, to fediverse avatar

Hi there @ashleykolodziej 👋

I'd like to give a heads-up to movement where I'm involved and plan to revive the notion of or Social experience design, esp. for the .

Your toot triggered a nice discussion in the repo:

So much chatter on is either deeply technical or app-specific. The field of SX may offer a more holistic and inclusive perspective, focus on methods, guidance and best-practices.

smallcircles, avatar
ashleykolodziej, to fediverse

I would love a manager with integration. Like imagine how cool it would be to post your recipes, follow others, comment on each other’s recipes, and even fork/modify recipes and see that relationship from the original recipe. You could have instances focused on cuisine, dietary restriction, cooking method, zero waste, or even your own if you’re a blog… does this exist already? I really want it to exist.

smallcircles, avatar

@airfive I may also point you to this tangential heads-up I gave to @ashleykolodziej yesterday about movement and Social experience design .. see the toot:

drupler, to drupal avatar

As part of the Drupal Global Contribution Weekend 2024, we are excited to host the London chapter's Code Contribution Day!

Come and be part of something bigger!

More details & RSVP at

#Drupal #CMS #ContributionWeekend2024 #SocialCoding #London #UK

danilo, to random avatar

my thermonuclear take is that the issue here isn’t whether it matters that we call AI “AI”

but that Mastodon’s culture is poorly socialized and people here have a hard time doing constructive conversation

This is frequently lamented as “replyguyism,” but I think that’s imprecise. Something happened along the way to mislead people here that derailing the conversation makes friends

smallcircles, avatar

@irenes @glyph @siderea @danilo

Oww 😍 .. such fabulous discussion here. Sad thing is that given fleety nature of Microblogging, next week most has moved into forgetfulness and link rot sets in.

From a context of or Social experience design (see: ) I started quoting for a wiki post:

But a) do you consent to that (Boundaries)? And b) too long, too time-consuming.

Re: b) I created

Wanna add to the wiki?

smallcircles, avatar

@irenes @glyph @siderea @danilo

Thank you in return 🙏

A side-note: is technically no community-building effort. Given its very broad scope it is explicitly a Movement and a . As a movement it should 'emerge' organically (or not, which is also fine, there are no expectations).

This may seem weird, but aligns to an effort I hope to launch regarding collaboration in grassroots movements and technology ecosystems, where broad-scoped community "herding of cats" doesn't work.

panos, to random avatar

I've noticed some people refer to me as a dev, although I never claimed to be one. One person even accused me of not having recent commits in Firefish. So... I have to confess I am not a dev.

My role in Firefish was community manager/project coordinator. But isn't it interesting that people assume I'm a dev because I was in the core team? It's so often that community-driven open source projects are run only by devs, that people just assumed I am a dev too. And, with all the respect to the wonderful dev community, I think that's kind of a problem.

You see, an open-source project needs much more than coding. My role in will include coordinating development, designing features, testing, communication and feedback from the community, managing issues on the repo, decision making, moderating, participating and moderating the matrix channels and I'm sure more will be added to that list. Devs may or may not be good at these things - and this clearly affect some projects. Being a good dev doesn't necessarily mean being good at everything around running an open source project, and that's ok. There's a reason companies hire project managers when developing software. You can add every community request out there - if you don't keep UX on your mind and don't have a consistent vision for your software, it will end up poorly designed and bloated.

So, I have to warn you - I may not be suitable to answer your more technical questions! We have a support channel for that, and our lead dev Namekuji is more knowledgeable about the coding aspect - while other devs, who are interested in our direction, have already reached out and are starting to work with us. So hopefully we will soon have a lively dev and admin community where we can support each other.

I'd say that one of my main goals in Catodon is to offer a safe, inclusive and laid back environment where open source devs will be able to cooperate and contribute in a productive way. Making open source code is a wonderful gesture, you are sharing your work for everyone to freely use. And it deserves to be done in a well organized and self-fulfilling way! Good communication is not always easy, but it's definitely worth trying. We have incredibly talented coders here that can do wonders when working smoothly together. That's the mindset with which we'll be trying to make Catodon a community-driven project.

smallcircles, avatar

@panos yeah, some real issues indeed. Both on + broader movement.

There's ultra-tech focus. Many projects start as hobbyism by a dev, then they grow and many different aspects come into play.

At (informal) movement we defined the term : Free Software Development Lifecycle, to include all good practices from inception to end-of-life of a project within its broader surroundings (community, ecosystem) to get to more inclusive processes.

avandeursen, to random avatar

Very interesting long read on “value capture” — when measurements like grades, citation counts, or step counts take over the true values (learning, writing, health) you actually care about. Also related to “stop the numbers game” by David Parnas (“Counting papers slows the rate of scientific progress”).

Via @smallcircles, @aredridel

smallcircles, avatar

@avandeursen @jesper

I'm fascinated by this. I began movement ("Coding is Social") from observations on social dynamics in grassroots movements, particularly and , where the former is inherently unsustainable (for participants) and the latter needs "substrate formation" (people + processes to evolve ecosystem/standards), which is ultra hard. We defined the , a holistic Free Software Development Lifecycle. Research-to-practice is also part of it.

smallcircles, to fediverse avatar

Hi there @cubicgarden 👋

Just read about your intent to elaborate a bit on some of the issues. Would be wonderful, and most welcome.

The repository is under the org on Codeberg, where also the can be found, and fedi delightful lists I maintain (published to ).

We hope more people will add their ideas, and also to possibly in future see be part of the fedi itself. There's an idea for an IdeationHub at

smallcircles, avatar


Btw, the org is again affiliated to the developer community at

Also, there are more ideas on forum at:

smallcircles, to foss avatar

This is nice to see..

A student can't afford to pay the $8 per month for sync, so builds a alternative. Then posts to HN and says "I probably violate ToS, so will take down the repo if asked".

Then the Obsidian CEO replies. Explains they aren't VC-funded and the $8 bucks subscription keeps the light on. Applauds the work of the student, points to other open ways that content sync can be handled and gives advice "if you rename, there's no ToS problem". 👍

smallcircles, avatar

@davidak @edafe @kkarhan @pavelzinoviev @writingslowly

Yes. There's a ton of similar projects. I guess the need for people to manage their info overload is only growing :)

But all the options made me hold off on choosing a particular one, just waiting how these projects mature.

Also I'd rather see a collaborative solution. It might even be a fedi app. I once wrote some stuff on that, see on movement:

smallcircles, to random avatar

Either screwed up or they have something weird going on and activated the "Ghost Town" algorithm on their content feed 😆

I notice that for days there are actually zero new posts, and timeline seems like an iceberg.

Heard some frustrations by people who try to stand out on that platform.

Don't tie your fate to Bermuda Triangle proprietary platforms. Your dingy may be swallowed below the dark waves at any moment.

smallcircles, avatar

@eternaltyro it is a good question. There's a need for it, and frequent discussion on the by interested people. But these discussions get lost in timeline history immediately.

There used to be but this project is now archived.

If someone wants to start a project, then collecting a group of those interesting folks should be first, I think.

Places where the idea can be elaborated are on forum:

And on:

nathaliesz, to opensource

Free and Open Source Content Circle is hosting an event next week and I'd like to invite you!

Exploring Self Governance in the Fediverse: A discussion about decision making among a federated ensemble
--> May 29th 15:00 - 16:30 UTC

We're a circle within @SociocracyForAll , so I'll be interested to find out how sociocracy can support you. There will also be time to chat about common governance models and tensions that arise.

smallcircles, avatar


Couldn't join either. Future meetups might delve deeper into particular patterns to bring to the

I can offer forum space at

For (Fediverse Enhancement Proposals) we think of specifying behavior as human-readable, tech-independent scripts. That can be a good approach. Same org has the repo.

@bernini @autonomic @mike_hales @bonfire @dajb @mayel @douginamug @edumerco

adamgreenfield, to random avatar

Remind me: have we talked much, here, about my notion of the “convivial stack”? This is the idea that, to the greatest extent possible, community governance, the built environment and the technological surround should all, simultaneously be designed so that they are open, participatory and actively invitational; modular, user-modifiable and extensible; and reward experimentation?

smallcircles, avatar

@adamgreenfield another Btw..

Re: Big Industry vs. Grassroots I posted to Social Coding Movement:

Though topic isn't elaborated much, adopts a holistic view on the entire Free Software Development Lifecycle, the . Which then includes the question "How can fragmented small initiatives find cohesion and thrive in a sustainable ecosystem?"

Observation is that the ecosystem must be healthy, so it can evolve. And 'Ecosystem focus' is often absent.

smallcircles, avatar

@strypey @neil @dajb @bonfire

Yes, sure it would, thank. There've been discussions on similar subjects, or discussing parts thereof. Like on software guilds:

And Free Software Development Lifecycle is this all-encompassing concept. FSDL includes Community, but also the role of the Ecosystem where projects operate.

And there's chatrooms e.g.

smallcircles, to opensource avatar

In "Proprietary stuff that nonetheless many devs use on a whim" news:

Will folks at get a cold sweat when thinking of breadth of services and ?

In "Hey there, is the future" news:

Will arbitrary devs fall for the argument they better use a patchwork of tools rather than one-stop-shop integrated development experience?

In "Wow " news:

Will give proprietary SaaS the boot with integrated ?

reiver, to opensource avatar


I've been in the scene for a long time. From BEFORE this was even called "open-source" — back BEFORE the phrase "open-source" even got coined and became common.

Here is a problem with most open-source software projects have, including most software —

smallcircles, avatar

@blake @reiver

Though we do not have concrete plans yet (The Muskening™ thwarted thoughts about a public launch), the Social Coding Movement has exactly this scope that these toots are about.

The combination of considering the entire Free Software Development Lifecycle (FSDL) and how Sustainability should be holistically addressed, and with possible help of the supporting technology we are building on the Fediverse.



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