@hopfgeist@digitalcourage.social avatar



Safety Engineer, Dad, Husband, Musician, Pilot. Not necessarily in that order.

Moderator of the German-language flying community on lemmy: !flying

I toot and boost whatever tickles my fancy, mostly about flying and aviation and music.

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raymondpert, to Taiwan


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  • hopfgeist,
    @hopfgeist@digitalcourage.social avatar

    @raymondpert The thing that annoys me most is to call a "French" plane maker. Yes, the headquarters are physically located in France, but it is a European company, and the German contribution is as big as the French, and many other countries have a substantial share, they are not just subcontractors to the French Overlords.
    This is not just nitpicking, Airbus is registered as a Societas Europaea in the European Union, not as a company in any particular member state: de facto and de jure, Airbus is a company.
    It's like calling a Virginia company.

    hopfgeist, to music
    @hopfgeist@digitalcourage.social avatar

    Lookng forward to pick up my "new" next week: https://www.vintagesynth.com/yamaha/sy77
    It will be able to do all that my trusty old II-D could do, and so much more. I don't care too much for the and workstation parts (except that it may give me a usable piano sound), but using different waveforms or even samples in FM synthesis will be exciting and something even many modern synths that cost ten times as much can't do. And the is so underrated that it's currently cheaper than its rack variant or even an original DX7, while retaining its predecessor's superior keybed with .

    So I'll be replacing a 35 year-old instrument with a 32-year-old one.😉

    @hopfgeist@digitalcourage.social avatar

    @devSJR just under €300 for this one. Between 300 and 400 seems normal.

    ai6yr, to Aviation
    @ai6yr@m.ai6yr.org avatar

    Ha, RyanAir (famous for nickel-and-diming people) has a "recently implemented change requires passengers to pay as much as $26 to obtain a digital boarding pass." https://simpleflying.com/ryanair-boarding-pass-fee-charge/

    @hopfgeist@digitalcourage.social avatar

    @ai6yr Wasn't the other way round, that if you failed to obtain your digital boarding pass, you had to pay 50 pounds or something for a printed one at the counter?

    Volksverpetzer, to random German
    @Volksverpetzer@digitalcourage.social avatar

    Laut renommierten Forschern haben wir bereits einen Kipppunkt im Strommarkt überschritten. Diese Technologie ist unaufhaltbar und wird bald weltweit der mit Abstand billigste sein. https://www.volksverpetzer.de/aktuelles/neue-studie-unaufhaltbar-strommarkt/?utm_source=mstdn

    @hopfgeist@digitalcourage.social avatar

    @Volksverpetzer Ich mag euch ja wirklich, und finde die gut recherchierten Texte in der Regel hervorragend. Vielen Dank für euren Einsatz!

    Aber bitte verfallt nicht auch in diese unsäglichen Clickbait-Titel. "Diese Technologie ...". Bitte sagt im Titel, welche Technologie!

    Ich will nicht erst 2 Absätze lesen müssen, um zu wissen, worum es geht, und ob es mich interessiert.


    janboehm, to random
    @janboehm@edi.social avatar

    Remember, remember, the 9th of November
    Broken glass, fire and plot
    I know of no reason
    that our very own treason
    should ever be forgot!

    @hopfgeist@digitalcourage.social avatar

    @janboehm Eine Modern-Talking-CD?🤣

    tazgetroete, to random German
    @tazgetroete@mastodon.social avatar

    Autonomes Fahren hieße mehr Platz, mehr Teilhabe und kühlere Städte. Dafür müssen wir mutiger werden, sagt Verkehrsforscher Andreas Knie. https://taz.de/Forscher-ueber-selbstfahrende-Autos/!5970072/

    @hopfgeist@digitalcourage.social avatar

    Argh. Noch so ein "Wäre es nicht schön, wenn ...".
    Ja, und es wäre auch schön, wenn es keine Kriege mehr gäbe.
    Der Haken ist überhaupt nicht, dass wir uns das nicht vorstellen können, oder nicht "trauen", sondern dass wir's nicht können. Und die technischen Probleme (die zum teil so fundamental sind, dass wir nichtmal wissen ob wir sie lösen können, geschweige denn, wie) lösen wir nicht mit "mehr Mut".

    digitalcourage, (edited ) to random German
    @digitalcourage@digitalcourage.social avatar

    Die Versprechungen klingen gut: Endlich eine Absage an die , endlich ein Fokus auf Maßnahmen zur Prävention! Wir schauen uns das genau an. Entwarnung kann es aber erst geben, wenn Rat und Parlament sich auf einen Stopp der Chatkontrolle einigen.


    Mehr beim Kampagnenaccount @Chatgeheimnis:

    @hopfgeist@digitalcourage.social avatar

    @digitalcourage @Chatgeheimnis Es sollte idealierweise mehr sein als ein Stopp. Es sollte ein breiter Konsens sein, geboren aus informierter Einsicht, dass das nie eine für irgendetwas geeignete Maßnahme sein kann, weil grundrechtswidrig und untauglich. ("Stopp" hieße ja immer noch, dass man das später wiederaufnehmen kann.)

    Jedigirl, to random
    @hopfgeist@digitalcourage.social avatar

    @Jedigirl Aren't those men just tropes? Or strawmen? Have you ever met one of them? I haven't.
    Men who in general treat women as sub-human won't change that just because they have a daughter. They may be protective of the daughter, but that won't change their view of women in general, including the wife.

    swan_tower, to random
    @swan_tower@wandering.shop avatar

    I do not know why Japan decided to gather a couple hundred people and have them play "Ode to Joy" on theremins hidden inside matryoshka dolls, but I am here for it:


    @hopfgeist@digitalcourage.social avatar

    @vampirdaddy @swan_tower It's the same with the . Two is terrible, unless the players are really very good and can match pitch perfectly. But three or more are usually fine if the players are just moderately competent. In this case, the large number create so many constantly changing interferences that it becomes very pleasing. Having read a bit about the (single-antenna inside a matryoshka doll, a commercial product), this choir may actually play some characteristic in addition to the base pitches to simulate human voices.

    @hopfgeist@digitalcourage.social avatar

    @vampirdaddy @swan_tower Oh, I see. Yes, additional EM complications.

    ADHDefy, (edited ) to privacy
    @ADHDefy@easymode.im avatar

    Almost got scammed selling some stuff online. 🤙

    Had a person send me their number as an interested buyer and told me to text them. I did (first mistake), and we arranged a meetup time. Then they asked if, for their safety, they could send me a six digit code (some of you already know where this is going) that I could repeat back to them to verify myself.

    I said, "absolutely!" And sure enough, I got a Google Voice verification number. lol

    If you're not familiar with the scam, shady people will take your phone number and try to create a Google Voice account with it. If you provide them with the 6-digit code that Google sends you, they can "verify" that they are you, and then basically use your phone number to run scams, commit fraud, etc. It's nasty business.

    I called them out, blocked them, then reported them to the marketplace website and to the FTC--though, almost certainly, they were using the phone number of another poor soul to carry this out.

    I used to work as a social engineer, running phishing campaigns (ethically, with consent lol), against Fortune 1000 companies to assess their level of vulnerability. Luckily for me, I was super familiar with this, but most of the people I told about it have said, "Oh, I probably would have fallen for that...", and even I set myself up for it.

    So that is why I'm posting this. Please be aware of sketchy shit like this. If someone is asking you for a verification code over SMS or email, tread with EXTREME caution. Also, it's usually pretty shady if a stranger you're already chatting with wants to move to a new platform. Not always, but if someone emails or messages you on Facebook to ask you to text them, that's a little weird. I'd had legitimate buyers/sellers do that, so it's not unheard of, but it should put you on guard.

    If you buy/sell/trade online frequently, it's a good idea to use a dedicated MySudo number, VOIP number, and/or a burner phone for that.

    Stay safe out there, kids.

    @hopfgeist@digitalcourage.social avatar

    @ADHDefy I had a hard time at first understanding the number thing. So they didn't actually send you a number themselves, but initiated a Google authentication, using your phone number, that had Google send the verification code to your phone?
    Sorry, I'm a bit slow today.

    Volksverpetzer, to random German
    @Volksverpetzer@digitalcourage.social avatar

    AfD-Wähler: "Wir brauchen eine Alternative! Welche, die es anders machen als die Altparteien!"

    AfD-Wähler, jedes Mal, wenn ein AfD-Politiker auch sich selbst bereichert, lügt, ein Wahlversprechen bricht und schlimmer ist: "Na und? Die anderen machen das doch auch!"

    @hopfgeist@digitalcourage.social avatar

    @Volksverpetzer wir brauchen eine lange Liste von eingelösten Wahlversprechen der demokratischen Parteien. Habt ihr sowas schon?

    arstechnica, to random
    @arstechnica@mastodon.social avatar

    Google-hosted malvertising leads to fake Keepass site that looks genuine

    Google-verified advertiser + legit-looking URL + valid TLS cert = convincing look-alike.


    @hopfgeist@digitalcourage.social avatar

    @arstechnica One more reason to stop using google. As if we needed more. I try to educate my family to stop saying "you can google it." What's wrong with saying "search for it." ("startpage it" doesn't quite have the ring to it ...".)

    @hopfgeist@digitalcourage.social avatar

    @arstechnica Speaking of google, today was the first time I got one of those deepfake Elon Musk-videos about something something cryptocurrency as an ad before a youtube video. And I could find no way to flag or report an ad. I've reported those abominations when they were normal videos, but as ads?
    #nogoogle #google #malvertising #badvertising #youtube #elonmusk #deepfake

    DLR, to random German
    @DLR@social.bund.de avatar

    Steigerung der -Effizienz! 🛫 Im Projekt AdaMant werden Flugzeug-Auftriebsgrenzen mithilfe von -Experimenten erforscht, um Flugzeuge effizienter, umweltfreundlicher und leiser zu gestalten. Gemeinsam mit der NASA wurden Experimente durchgeführt, um den Einfluss von Windkanälen auf Strömungssimulationen zu verstehen und effizient turbulente Strömungen zu modellieren. 🖥️

    ℹ️ : https://www.dlr.de/de/aktuelles/nachrichten/2023/04/dlr-verbessert-vorhersage-der-flugeigenschaften-kuenftiger-flugzeuge

    NASA-Modell im NWB mit zusätzlicher Visualisierung der Strömung aus Computersimulationen. Credit: DLR (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0)

    @hopfgeist@digitalcourage.social avatar

    @chrismarquardt @dlr_next 🤔
    Die tun so, als hätten sie was neues erfunden. Und natürlich muss es auch irgendwas mit Umwelt zu tun haben. "Damit wird die Entwicklung effizienterer und umweltfreundlicher Flugzeuge maßgeblich unterstützt und beschleunigt".
    Windkanalmessungen zur Validierung von Computermodellen ist doch seit Jahrzehnten Alltag. Und alle Flugzeuge außer Segelflugzeugen haben fast überall turbulente Strömung. Ich verstehe irgendwie den Nachrichtenwert nicht.

    jwildeboer, (edited ) to Starlink
    @jwildeboer@social.wildeboer.net avatar

    I recently got quite some flak for discussing what satellites burning up in the atmosphere after their planned lifetime of 6 years could do to the stratosphere. Adding tons of aluminium and other elements as fine aerosol particles. Well. New research has just been published:


    @hopfgeist@digitalcourage.social avatar

    @jwildeboer @jonas In science, something isn't "just" a . A theory is the epitome of knowledge; speculation and hypotheses become theories when there is overwhelming evidence for it, and no evidence contradicting it, despite best efforts. Thermodynamics, General Relativity and Quantum Electrodynamics are some of the most successful theories. In this sense, the surface-cooling effect of aerosols has some evidence, and it is reasonable to assume that it has delayed surface-warming from greenhouse gases in the 60s, 70s and 80s, before filtration become common, based on well-established theories.
    The "just a thoery" phrase is misused too often by young-earth creationists and other science-deniers, so please don't repeat it here.

    hopfgeist, (edited )
    @hopfgeist@digitalcourage.social avatar

    @gbraad What's your point here? The isn't at ground level. The part of the at ground level is called the . And anything in the stratosphere certainly has no direct impact on things at ground level.

    hopfgeist, (edited )
    @hopfgeist@digitalcourage.social avatar

    @jwildeboer @jonas That is precisely the point. I objected to the term "just" in connection with "theory", implying that theories are somehow inferiour and imply uncertainty. But there is no knowledge that is better or above theories.
    When it is not yet established and supported by evidence, it is a hypothesis, which is the case for the effects of stratospheric aerosols from burnt-up satellites. There is no theory yet. There are hypotheses and projections and speculations.

    @hopfgeist@digitalcourage.social avatar

    @jwildeboer @jonas Thanks. And sorry for pestering you about it, but I'm trying to restore a proper use of the word "theory". Probably a fight against windmills.

    Sheril, to internet
    @Sheril@mastodon.social avatar

    Before sharing a take on , 4 questions to consider:

    1. How likely is it that my words will be interpreted as I intended them?

    2. Do I have an informed perspective?

    3. Might I hurt others, even unintentionally?

    4. What communities might I not be seeing on this issue?

    @hopfgeist@digitalcourage.social avatar

    @Sheril Thanks for some food for thought. The first and second one are essential, and I agree, although it's not easy to do. The third and fourth are also worth considering, but are a lot trickier. The question needs to be "Is it true? Can it be phrased better? Is potential offense worth it?"
    If the goal is to avoid offense at all costs, this is self-censorship of the worst form, and will stifle all meaningful discussion. I hope this is not what you meant. You cannot discuss serious topics without the risk of hurting others' sensitivities. But also be prepared to get hurt yourself! Uncomfortable truths exist, and uncomfortable other opinions must be tolerated, so they can be addressed.

    Sheril, to history
    @Sheril@mastodon.social avatar

    “Vote NO on Woman Suffrage” 🙄

    Not ancient #history, but just a century ago.

    Source: State Archives of North Carolina

    @hopfgeist@digitalcourage.social avatar

    @Sheril Speaking of "Just a Century ago" ...

    In the Swiss canton of Appenzell Innerrhoden, women gained the right to vote only in 1990. That's right, not 1890. 1990! And only by intervention of the Supreme court.
    And even for federal elections, women (in all cantons) have been allowed to vote only since 1971, which is also a damn shame for such an ostensibly modern country.

    Volksverpetzer, to random German
    @Volksverpetzer@digitalcourage.social avatar

    Na, geschaut und auf der Suche nach der Petition, das zu prüfen? Hier geht es lang: 👉https://innn.it/afdverbot/

    @hopfgeist@digitalcourage.social avatar

    @Volksverpetzer Bestätigungsmail lässt etwas auf sich warten. Aber der Server läuft noch.👏

    isomeme, to trans
    @isomeme@mastodon.sdf.org avatar

    I was born in 1962. The word needed to describe who I am, "transgender", was not available until I was about 30 years old. I need to be more patient with myself as I continue to become more essentially me. After all, I was half my current age before I had the vocabulary available to think coherently about my identity. I'm actually rather impressed at how well I've made up for lost time. 🙂🏳️‍⚧️

    #trans #SapirWhorfHypothesis


    @hopfgeist@digitalcourage.social avatar

    @isomeme I know this is a few days old, but I wonder if your are/were aware of Wendy Carlos, synthesizer music pioneer. So even if maybe the word "transgender" wasn't in common use back then, the concept has been known and understood in the 1960s. Carlos started hormone treatment in the 60s and had surgery in 1972, even being amazed at the public reaction, which was basically indifference along the lines of, "we love the music, the rest is your private business". Maybe musicians are somewhat expected to be less conventional?
    An important difference is, of course, that she had to pay everything herself, and could only do so after the huge success of her "Switched-on Bach" Album.

    @hopfgeist@digitalcourage.social avatar

    @RuthODay @isomeme Until well into my twens I only knew that one vinyl album, the original "Switched-on Bach" that my mother had, and of course still labelled "Walter Carlos". I only learned about Wendy's story much later, in the early 1990s: "Huh, who is this Wendy Carlos? The music sure sounds like Walter Carlos's old album. Whoah!"😲🤯

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