@xtaran@chaos.social avatar



#MechanicalKeyboard + 🖲#Trackball #Geek 🤓🧔😷4×💉; 🐧#Linux #Sysadmin + digital #forensics expert by day; 🍥 #Debian Developer by night; 🐧#LUGS; 🚀#CCCZH; #Hackerfunk; 🐪#JAPH (#Perl 5); #sysvinit + #OpenRC fan; #nosystemd; 🦆#2CV, #CX, #CityEL and #Motorhome Driver; #Brompton + #Recumbent 🚴 Bicyclist; 🦘 fan; #70sChild/; 🇩🇪+🇨🇭 © under CC-BY-3.0 (Header picture: #Zlant + SA #Vilebloom; own work)

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xtaran, to debian
@xtaran@chaos.social avatar

#Lintian merge request list down to a single page again. Phew!


xtaran, to debian
@xtaran@chaos.social avatar

Anyone has an idea why for a few weeks, the under on Unstable (set via "setxkbmap -option compose:menu -option compose:rwin -option compose:rctrl -option compose:ralt") suddenly only works if I release it before pressing the first key of the wanted key combo?

If you see e.g. a "a instead of an ä from me, it's because I was used to already press " before I released the Compose Key. Very annoying and happens far too often. 🤬

xtaran, to random German
@xtaran@chaos.social avatar

Ah, mit Vitamin D!

xtaran, to cycling
@xtaran@chaos.social avatar

, Day 34: Mostly , especially doing groceries. Not many kilometers yet (1.75km), but many kilograms: Frontbag 14kg, rear bag 10kg (beverages), with e-assist and the big battery 17kg, me myself + clothing, multiple swiss army knives, wallet, keyring, etc. 87kg, i.e. 128kg overall. Yes, the Brompton was overloaded.

Thanks to ROK straps (https://rokstraps.com/pages/rok-moto) I can now carry my Brompton on the crate swing out of the shopping cart. Cc @mwfc

A folded red-white Brompton sitting on a swung out platform at the rear end of a shopping cart originally meant to put crates of beverages there. It's saved against falling off with an orange strap between the bag hook of the cart and the trailer hook of the Brompton

ilanti, to fedibikes_de German
@ilanti@troet.fediverse.at avatar

Faltrad? Kaufempfehlung für Fahrten bis 20km entlang der Donau? Rückfahrt dann je nach Wind mit der Bahn. Ich warte meine Räder auch gerne selber.
@mastobikes_de @fedibikes

@xtaran@chaos.social avatar

@ilanti: Sehe es ähnlich wie @lerk und @2Takter, nur dass ich bis zu 70km pro Tag auf dem fahre. Seit dem E-Bike-Umbau (auch von ) darf's auch mit Bergen sein. Im Herbst waren's mal 800 Höhenmeter und 65km an einem Tag. Der 313Wh-Akku war aber nach 22km und steilen ca. 350 Höhenmeter leer. Bin trotzdem weitergeradelt. 😎 Bin jedenfalls seit 17 Jahren happy mit dem Brompton und fahre 70km bis 400km pro Monat damit.

Cc @fedibikes_de @mastobikes_de @fedibikes

@xtaran@chaos.social avatar

@Anikke @ilanti @fedibikes_de @mastobikes_de @fedibikes: Die einen nennen es wackelig, die anderen wendig und agil. 😉

@xtaran@chaos.social avatar

@lerk @der_mit_ph: Jo. Bei der 3×2 habe ich überhaupt kein Problem, bei jedem zweiten Schaltvorgang beide Hebel um genau einen Gang zu verändern. Aber bei 3×4 kann ich nicht mehr so einfach alle Gänge durchschalten. Da ist mir dann die 3×2 zusammen mit 'nem Schlumpfdrive zu 'ner 2×3×2 irgendwie lieber. Hat auch mehr Spreizung. Oder halt direkt 'ne Rohloff. Braucht dann aber 'n anderen Hinterbau. Die 8-Gang-Alfine geht noch mit Aufbiegen.

Cc @ilanti @fedibikes_de @mastobikes_de @fedibikes

@xtaran@chaos.social avatar

@Anikke: Könntest Recht haben. Meine Brompton-Probefahrt ist 17 Jahre her (Erinnerung schwach), aber dauerte 2 oder 3 Wochen: Hab's mit in die Ferien genommen. Und der Mietpreis wurde dann auf den Kaufpreis angerechnet. 😎

Heißt das dann auch, dass all die 750m-Probefahrten auf der SPEZI für'n A... waren? Denke eher nicht, denn grade bei Cargobikes mit indirekter Lenkung ging's nach 100m schon besser. Direkte Lenkung gefällt mir dennoch besser.

Cc @ilanti @fedibikes_de @mastobikes_de @fedibikes

moira, to cycling
@moira@mastodon.murkworks.net avatar

today was my late end of , added on to the april event because I literally forgot a day while working on my northshore bike map xD

anyway that's 30 days even across 31 and it was a pretty good one, 21 miles with a few buns (I posted the best picture) even if there was also what might be a stolen bike. but!

now i'm wondering how it'll affect my biking in future if at all.

@xtaran@chaos.social avatar

@moira: Here I can seamlessly switch over to our national campaign (for May and June), but I'll also try to continue with the rather generic , i.e. seeing how many days in a row I can do with cycling at least once a day.

xtaran, to random German
@xtaran@chaos.social avatar

Boah, hier hat's grade geklungen, wie wenn ein Bahnübergang zu geht: Gong, gong, gong, ... Nur ist hier kilometerweit keiner in der Nähe. Stellte sich raus, das war der Rückwärtsfahrton von irgendeinem Elektroauto. 🤬

xtaran, to cargobike
@xtaran@chaos.social avatar
@xtaran@chaos.social avatar
ascentale, to random
@ascentale@sfba.social avatar

Welcome to the April 26th BikeNite! Thanks for joining, and I hope we all enjoy chatting about cycle stuff! Feel free to answer whenever at your convenience. Anyone can join, now or later. Reply to what you like, and boost for visibility.

We'll start out with our introduction:

Q1. Where are you posting from today? Have you experienced or thought about any cycle-related milestones lately? Past, present, or future. Number of trips, distance, location, type of ride, etc?

@xtaran@chaos.social avatar

@ascentale #BikeNite A1: Posting from Lauchringen, Germany, where this weekend the #SPEZI (trade fair for bicycles beyond the "diamond frame standard") takes place.

Last weekend I took part in my first #slowUp mass bicycle tour (https://slowup.ch/) with thousands of other people.

On Wed. I will have likely successfuly completed my #30DaysOfBiking: Sat+Sun will be easy as I'll ride to SPEZI. And Tue. will be a normal commute to the office. Mon. might get a round around the block.

xtaran, to random
@xtaran@chaos.social avatar

#30DaysOfBiking, Day 21: Took part in the mass bicycle tour #slowUp #Ticino (https://slowup.ch/ticino/) with the #Brompton. I rode 52.4km according to the Garmin GPS. Officially it's a 50km round course between #Locarno and #Bellinzona. Took me 4h45min including all breaks. Needed the e-assist more often than expected due partially hefty wind. It had around 15 degrees C, though. So temperature-wise it was a comfortable ride. There were surely several thousand cyclists taking part in the event.

A fenced garden full of parked bicycles.
Shop window of a bicycle shop named "Cicli Rivolta" with two guitars made out of bicycle parts, mostly chainrings.
Many cyclists on a residential main street using up all the width of the street in on direction. One person on inline skates and a dog on a leash between them.

@xtaran@chaos.social avatar

Just read on on https://slowup.ch/ticino/de.html that there were 35'000 (thirty-five thousand!) people taking part in the #slowUp #Ticino mass #bicycle riding tour two weeks ago. Official picture gallery at https://fotovideo.fotogarbani.ch/event/it/1/15399.201727/group/object_name

@xtaran@chaos.social avatar

@adi: Das war der bei Liechtenstein, oder? Zu der Ecke habe irgendwie wenig Beziehung, deswegen hatte ich den gar nicht auf dem Radar.

Momentan mal angedacht oder zumindest im Blick sind bei mir folgende slowUps, weil's im Tessin so viel Spass gemacht hat:

26.5. Schaffhausen (evtl. Anreise mit Velo ab den Eltern)
16.6. Hochrhein (dito)
11.8. Brugg Regio (dito)
18.8. Seetal (?)
25.8. Bodensee Schweiz
15.9. Basel-Dreiland (?)
29.9. Zürisee (Ein Muss! 😉)

(Sempacher See ist 2024 nicht.)

@xtaran@chaos.social avatar

@adi: Ah, ok. das gut nachvollziehbar. Im Tessin hatte ich mir einfach einen Campingplatz an der Strecke ausgesucht. War so sehr gäbig.

ascentale, to random
@ascentale@sfba.social avatar

@xtaran wonders about campaigns designed to boost cycling:

Q4. Given campaigns like #Frostpendeln, #30DaysOfBiking (this is happening right now!) or #Bike2Work: Which type of campaign motivates you most? Are you more looking for "as often as possible" (e.g. at least once per day, outbrave any weather) or more at the distance ("see how "much you cycle get within some period")? Maybe regular group rides similar to a #CriticalMass? Or something completely different?

#BikeNite #BikeNiteQ

@xtaran@chaos.social avatar

@figstick @LabSpokane @ai6yr @ascentale: At least since the beginning of the pandemic, riding with a bike is far less stress for me than to take public transport (at least inside the city). Can't stand so many people on such a small room anymore—even with an FFP3 (≈ N99) mask on.

xtaran, to retrocomputing German
@xtaran@chaos.social avatar

Das in München nächste Woche wurde abgesagt bzw. in den Herbst verschoben wegen Sperrung der Veranstaltungsräumlichkeiten nach Schäden an der Decke. Neuer Termin ist das Wochenende vom 7. und 8. September 2024: https://vcfe.org/

wmd, to random
@wmd@chaos.social avatar

Anyone experiences of and they would like to share? :BoostOK:

@xtaran@chaos.social avatar

@wmd: So far no issues, but my last experience are quite some years old:

From Berlin to Zurich in 2010 or 2011 worked flawless. Can't remember any details anymore, probably because it caused no issue. (No more sure which operator. ICN stopped in 2009)

Talgo from Zurich to Barcelona (IIRC 2009, definitely before 2012): The space between the opposite beds was so narrow that I had to put up the folded Brompton in parallel to the beds instead of the expected orientation parallel to the window.

nrth3rnlb, to random German
@nrth3rnlb@norden.social avatar

Was mir mit dem Auto nie passiert wäre:

An einer Ampel wartend sprach mich ein Radfahrer auf meine Positionslichter an. Daraus entwickelte sich ein Gespräch, so dass wir uns, die letzten Kilometer nebeneinander fahrend, weiter unterhalten haben.
Das war ein schönes Erlebnis.

@xtaran@chaos.social avatar

@lerk @nrth3rnlb: Ich bin gestern mein Zweitrad (Mr. ) bei meiner Bromptonwerkstatt abholen gewesen. Und zwar mit meinem Daily-Driver-Pedelec-Brompton und dem dran.

Kurz nachdem ich ankam, kam ein junger Mechaniker raus und ruft beim Anblick des Gespanns sofort zurück in die Werkstatt: "Stefan! Stefan! Ein mit Anhänger!"

Amüsant daran: Ich habe beide Bromptons und den Anhänger dort gekauft. Aber wohl vor der Zeit des jungen Mechanikers. 😇

ai6yr, to cycling

achievement unlocked. This cyclist went to the market. This cyclist did not stay home. This cyclist bought arugula and butter. This cyclist put it on the new rack and pedaled (wee! wee! wee!) uphill all the way home.

@xtaran@chaos.social avatar

@ai6yr: Love the yellow pedals.

moira, to random
@moira@mastodon.murkworks.net avatar

one must bike annoyingly far to get flaked sea salt but that’s what i get for living north I guess


@xtaran@chaos.social avatar

@moira: First looked like a book cover to me. 🙂

xtaran, to linux
@xtaran@chaos.social avatar

The xz backdoor storm isn't over yet and the next storm seems coming up: in the 5.15 to 6.5 (at least): https://github.com/YuriiCrimson/ExploitGSM

Affects at least 12 Stable and 22.04 LTS (including HWE kernels).

(Via https://twitter.com/matteyeux/status/1777974230325354579 and https://www.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/1c0i7tx/someone_found_a_kernel_0day/)

xtaran, to random
@xtaran@chaos.social avatar

, Day 5, Part 2: Went into the weekend a bit earlier due the time I worked during the Easter weekend on understanding and locally mitigating the f🤬ckup. Ran some cycling related errands: bringing a rain jacket to for repair and visiting my repair shop for making an appointment for the next maintenance. The boss came out, pointed to their window and said "You're hanging in our window!" And indeed, there's a printed version of https://www.provelozuerich.ch/magazin/bromptonaut-unter-strom/

@xtaran@chaos.social avatar

Need to go to bed now. Totally tired. I'll post some pictures after sleeping.

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