PetraPhoenix, avatar

Thanks to @devxvda posting about them, I picked up some Loops earplugs recently (with a discount from their link!) and they've been a godsend! Trying to concentrate with the windows open has always been a challenge for me (hello ) and in summer this normally means I'm either too warm or it's too noisy to concentrate.
This last week I've been able to pop in the loops, open the windows and just get on with stuff without those distractions.

It's been brilliant!

PetraPhoenix, avatar


I got the Quiet and Experience Plus ones.
The Quiet cut out a bit too much for me - I don't feel safe wearing them if I'm awake, but I reckon they'll come in on the nights I sleep with the windows open and people leave the pub noisily.

The Experience ones have been great though! Properly useful on a day to day level.


@PetraPhoenix Yeah, I feel the same way about the Quiets and Exp Plus.

The Quiets with noise cancelling headphones are a godsend on planes. Exp Plus with headphones are great for noisy busses.

I'm tempted to get the Pink limited edition Exp Plus.

I have pink quiets on my keychain and burgundy for bed (easier to spot them if they fall out)

emory, avatar

current mood: trying not to start yelling at the walls about the fact that pharmacies are struggling to fill one of my scrips because i have things to do on wednesday and thursday that are much harder when i'm nosediving off methylphenidate.

it's not like it's an uncommon scrip. and the shortage of the alternative med should have rotated people back by now??

maxbvrn, avatar

Le saviez-vous ? edition

L’ALD, l’Affectation Longue Durée est un dispositif qui permet une prise en charge des soins liées à des pathologies.

Parmi les pathologies inclues, il y a notamment les pathologies psychiatriques de longue durée, qui sont handicapante dans la vie de tous les jours, nécessitent un traitement ou des soins sur une longue durée et peuvent présenter des risques si non traitées. On y retrouve notamment la bipolarité, la dépression récurrente etc.

Devinez qu'est-ce qui n'y figure pas ? Les , malgré le fait qu'ils répondent à tous les critères et que 80% des patients ont des troubles associés qui figurent dans la liste des ALD reconnues.

maxbvrn, avatar

@zetwitty pareil depuis mars du coup le mois dernier ils sont revenus dessus :/


@maxbvrn je demande à une amie qui est responsable locale d'une association pour savoir quelle info elle a de son côté.

Jeremiah, avatar

Starting a new medication (Alvanse/Vyvanse/Lisdexamfetamine) and now have to avoid vitamin C-rich liquids or as a food additive because it neutralizes it.

This is wildly more difficult than I expected.

adamwiggins, avatar

@Jeremiah EU nutrition labels are the worst for legibility. But do appreciate that they typically include pet 100g.

relistan, avatar

@Jeremiah agree but the one thing I like more about EU labels is that they all give per 100g amounts so you can actually compare two products without doing math.


My friends, I can write too much. And be too detailed.Mebbe a bit grandiose about my passions & fascinations (ya know, "special interests).

Um, autistic... Guilty as charged.

@actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd

Please don't let me bury you in detail.


I need some help... that will help me create more... and I hope, help other autistic creators do the same.

Maybe even together, you and me can't do this. But maybe we can figure out how to begin...?

And PLEASE feel free to invite other folks to this conversation. I don't know how "mention-only" works... whether I personally have to mention someone for them to participate. If so, I will. Just msg me.

This whole topic of needing help managing my creative production comes out of my recent illness... and frankly declining abilities as I age. Altho, I should have asked for help long ago.

But I had a realization that I've developed a marvelous machine... that I can't feed. Over 21,000 followers across Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Mastodon, My own blog, my podcast, YouTube channel, Medium and subStack.

If I had the ability to post several times a week, I believe I could help so many folks.

More than that, I could help other autistic creators do the same. And maybe pass on a legacy... cuz, I just don't know how much longer I'll be writing...

So I need to think about 2 things. How to get my own output as high as I can comfortably do. And how to use my marvelous AutisticAF machine to help others... beyond my own capabilities.

If you want to help me think about this. Please read on!

@adelinej @Cassandra @arisummerland @Pathfinder @Meanwhile_on_earth_One @btaroli @KatyElphinstone


@Pathfinder @adelinej @Cassandra @arisummerland @Meanwhile_on_earth_One @btaroli @KatyElphinstone @actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd 30 days my friend. No probs. I should have a welcoming how to kinda thing up by the time you get there.

No prob.


@johnnyprofane1 @adelinej @Cassandra @arisummerland @Meanwhile_on_earth_One @btaroli @KatyElphinstone @actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd
I will give it a whirl tomorrow. Although I'm not guaranteeing anything, because duckling.

drahardja, avatar

I’ve recently noticed that my optimum attention span is about 40 minutes long. I should use this to my advantage. Pomodoro, etc.


@drahardja I’ve found Pomodoro the only consistently helpful time management strategy for my ADHD. It’s remarkable in its simplicity!

ainmosni, avatar

I just realised that all my automations are ways to compensate for issues.

Can think of worse uses of technology...


@ainmosni Holy shit, that sounds a lot like how I use automations, too.


@ainmosni this is actually my goal. impacts my life a lot and I'd love to have more ways to work.around that with .

HeadPlug, avatar

Having is deciding to research how to let go of the shame you've accrued since childhood & finally start building your self-esteem, but then getting sidetracked by the feeling of hunger as you realise you don't have any food left at home. Going to the grocery store is not an option, as that would involve getting dressed and stepping out of the house; therefore, the only viable option is to text your best friend "save me", watch YouTube nervously until you can't stand the rumbling in your stomach, go shopping, wonder why you were so adamantly against shopping when it was done in 20 minutes, feel excited about the fact that you have food now(noodles), and then repeat the whole debacle next week.

HeadPlug, avatar

(The research was left as an open tab in your browser as a reminder for you to get back to, until 6 months later you decide having 896 open tabs is too cluttered, close them all, and by the end of the year realise that your insecure attachment style stems from an abundance of self-loathing and lack of confidence, the result of a lifetime of fuckups and minor mistakes being followed up by mocking remarks from teachers, family, and friends, until you are anxious at the prospect of making any action or decision, knowing the result. Remembering all of that, you follow the trail of clues until you realise that this is just the internalised voice of shame. Your interest piqued, you decide to research how to let go of this shame & finally start building up your self-esteem.)

wh0sthatd0g, avatar

@HeadPlug 💯

vwbusguy, avatar

Today I went to a hardware store and bought a rubber mallet and used it to fix my car with a few good well placed whacks and then was proud of myself for doing something that required executive function when I'm out of my regular meds.


I don't think I interact with too much, but this is my reading stack at the moment.

Pictured are:

What are you reading?


@jonobie they all sound very interesting

HibaIssa, avatar

I'm actually getting really excited to move to a new apartment. I'm using is as an excuse to reorganize and declutter. I'm sure the new apartment will get cluttered eventually but I am determined to give everything a place when we unpack and no doom piles!


@HibaIssa plastic take out containers are by best friend. I can see where everything is, so don't end up for a million items of something

multitink, German

So, my last post was 100+ days ago. Not only by last post, but even checking my feed. Or any social media that consists of more than cat videos, really.
No real reason, I guess stroke again
I try to be back now, missed you people :blob_rainbowheart:

Elendol, avatar

Trying to power through, hoping that if I forget I have the symptoms and my limitations will disappear. What could go wrong... The things I would do to have a normal brain.

orangegoldgreen, (edited )

idea: meeting for quiet people who were reprimanded a few hundred too many times for being "rude" as a child, and as a result are terrified of conversations.

@autistics @actuallyadhd


@orangegoldgreen @autistics @actuallyadhd

"But what if I actually am a rude person?"

"Welcome to the group."


You wear glasses every day? Like… to help you see? You gotta be careful with that. Near-sightedness is a myth by Big Pharma to sell lenses. You just need to learn to squint. It’s too easy nowadays to get a prescription from the eye doctor. They give glasses to anyone who pays

(The original was in intended to be about , but folk get the same Big Pharma nonsense ofc)

josephholsten, avatar



@josephholsten @Natasha_Jay sssh, Soros will hear you

LevelUp, avatar

I knew about "white noise" but I'm only just discovering "brown noise".

It feels heavy, almost like a weighted blanket but for my ears. The question is, will it be too smothering for me to work with or will it help me?

kaiserkiwi, avatar

@LevelUp Brown Noise helps much more for most ADHD people than white noise. There are great articles about this. It's also better to help to sleep. Used it for a while when our child was born.

jbzfn, avatar

I'm feeling tiny bugs around my arms and face.

Also suffering from sleep problems, anxiety and tiredness.

I have vivid nightmares featuring aliens once I get some sleep.

Sweating a lot.

Also, I'm off my stimulant medication due to shortages.

I'm still in a good mood tho.

Is this normal for AuDHD?

lmgenealogy, avatar

@jbzfn Yes! The skin crawling thing ('tiny bugs') & the vivid nightmares were normal for me before medication. I don't know if this was ADHD or bipolar (I have both), but Wellbutrin was a huge help. It's one of the only anti-depressants that doesn't spark mania, and it has a dopamine componant. It wouldn't work on its own - stimulant meds are necessary for me. But it solved my sleep problems. I still have the skin crawling occasionally. But at least I sleep..

jbzfn, avatar

Slept like a baby (cried all night unable to articulate what's wrong with me)

krzyzanowskim, avatar

current status: highly productive for the next 15 minutes. I can change the world

redbull intake ✔
meds intake ✔


Sometimes I wish the magical brain fairy that absolutely exists would make me neurotypical just long enough to figure out how to make my house pretty. I’m not asking for an interior design degree or anything (although that would be nice); I just want my home to not look like the inside of a dirty thrift store run by sad slobs.

jaztrophysicist, French avatar

C'est qui qui a oublié sa trotinette dans le car de ligne régional la semaine dernière et vient seulement de s'en rendre compte ?

jaztrophysicist, avatar

J'ai vécu des retrouvailles torrides avec ma trottinette dans la soute du bus ce soir \o/

jaztrophysicist, avatar

@krazykitty c'est un car de ligne, je mets la trottinette en soute, c'est les memes chauffeurs aux memes horaires tous les jours. Ce matin le chauffeur du 8h15 a appelé le collègue du bus de l'aprem dans lequel je pensais l'avoir oubliée, qui l'avait tjrs en soute...

mjgardner, avatar

I suffered for years not seeking help for symptoms because I was worried that medical treatment like would turn me into an addict. I hope that impressionable coders do not do the same after reading what @codinghorror has been writing lately.


@mjgardner oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean it that way. I'm just worried about the epidemic around abuse. But for people that legimately need it as medication, of course.

PetraPhoenix, avatar

Today my brain is clearly conspiring against me.

I have a hard deadline tomorrow.


You'd think this would be close enough for the panic to set in and the focus to see me through, but no. I cannot concentrate on the work.

I am seriously wondering if this is going to be the one that doesn't happen. Which would be a bastard because this assignment is essential to pass the module.

PetraPhoenix, avatar


I was diagnosed last year at 46.

The study process is an interesting one with ADHD for sure! It's easier now I know what the issue has always been though.

If I ever manage to do this without the unbearable stress I'll have got it sussed.

samhainnight, avatar

@PetraPhoenix @lucidh3x Ah yes! The adrenaline of the last minute. The magic that makes my brain work! Luckily my Ritalin makes me depend on the deadline rush less often now.


I know there are a number of us ADHDers on here. Dr Barkley is a well known ADHD researcher; sadly he is about to retire, but in anticipation of that he is putting up a whole bunch of his research on YouTube in video-form to make it easily accessible (and presumably to help counter the misinformation around ADHD that exists on the internet). You can find them here:

drahardja, avatar

My is in full effect today. Hyperfocus superpowers go!


@drahardja ADHD doesn't exist, you have just too much energy and it's a good thing!


🧵How to Come Back from the Dead: An Chats with AI

Q: I'd like to ask a question about my own youtube channel.
Context: I am .
My work schedule is erratic.
I may produce effectively for a few weeks at a time...

But I may not be able to produce much for a few weeks. Sometimes up to 3 months.
Can you think of ways I might improve my channel knowing my restraints as a creator?
Please suggest 10 ways and feel free to be creative.

@actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd


You can also be honest and open about your restraints as a creator, and explain why you may not be able to upload regularly or consistently.

Learn from other successful channels - Watch and study other YouTube channels that are similar to yours or that you admire, and see what they do well and what they can improve. This can help you learn from their strategies, techniques, mistakes, and successes.


I've had some thoughts.

If any of my friends here would like to semi-private chat...

This whole topic of needing help managing my production comes out of my recent illness... and frankly declining abilities as I age. Altho, I should have asked for help long ago.

But I had a realization that I've developed a marvelous machine... that I can't feed. Over 21,000 followers across Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Mastodon, My own blog, my podcast, YouTube channel, Medium and subStack.

I believe I could help so many folks. Consumers & fellow creators. Maybe pass on a legacy...

I can start another thread ("mentioned", semi-private) if anyone would like to kick around some ideas?

@actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd

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