Samsung Community

afterdawn, Finnish avatar

Samsung on haastanut suomalaisen Ouran "ennakoivasti" oikeuteen

Oikeusjutussa Samsung haluaa oikeuden julistavan, että Samsungin tuleva Galaxy Ring -älysormus ei loukkaa Ouran patentteja.

#oura #samsung #älysormus #teknologia #oikeusjuttu #uutiset #tekniikka

dancingdogs, avatar

A Bad Look for

It should be no surprise that Samsung would sabotage the trust and goodwill of its customers.

Samsung requires shops to report unknowing customers coming in for repair while pushing a narrative that it is committed to your right to tinker with a device you own.

Travinatorisme, avatar
davemark, avatar

"We’re Ending Our Samsung Collaboration"

iFixit on why they are terminating their "Samsung Repair Hub". An interesting "right to repair" read...
#Samsung #RightToRepair

blogdiva, avatar


«...for every repair, an independent repair shop must send #Samsung your name, address, telephone number, your phone’s unique serial number and IMEI, your “customer complaint,” and all the details of your repair. »

#tech #surveillance #Android #RightToRepair


@blogdiva Which is probably directly contradicting European data protection laws.

Personal data (and name or IMEI is exactly that) cannot be transferred at all by the mere wish of some Korean entity. European repair shops that follow this contractual obligation are in violation of law.

Even an EULA might not make this legal, because one can clearly repair a device without transmitting such data. And for personal data one has to show that the data transfer is actually necessary.


I'm looking for a way to add a Korean calendar to my calendar ( without using Google calendar )
On the samsung smartphone I'm able to add the lunar but that's not enough to show me 추석 and others fest .
Any tips?

hembrow, avatar

We're currently looking for a new refrigerator because we're renovating our kitchen. The existing built in fridge has been there for the 16 years that we've lived here, and who knows how long before. It's awful: The internal temperature fluctuates between freezing and 8 C and it guzzles electricity - measurement suggests ~500 kWh per year.

For some reason all new built in fridges still have high energy usage, so we're only looking at free-standing models.

Most fridge/freezer combi models are absurdly large. It's a stretch to reach the top shelf inside.

All the A-rated refrigerators are huge and have apps. Linking appliances to the internet is IMO stupid and in any case white goods ought to last longer than mobile phones.

Some of the B rated models are only just behind the 'A's in energy usage but they usually have apps as well.

Then there's the problem of avoiding boycotted brands ( linked to Israel and Russia, and to Russia, to Turkey).

I'm now remembering why I put off doing anything in the kitchen for so long...

kimschulz, Danish avatar

Nå men altså mine kanelsnegle gik vist lidt ampl i ovnen så det bliver svært at finde de muffinsforme de blev bagt i 🤣

video af kanelsnegle der går amok i ovn

kimschulz, avatar

Der er en fysisk knap på ovnen til at sætte den online udenfor husets netværk (jeg har sniffet nettet og den er tavs udad til når den er sat offline).

benjaoming, avatar

@andreasio @kimschulz DET NEMT! MAN FILMER FRA OVEN! 🥁 🥁 🥁 👋 🚪

emill1984, Polish avatar

Wlasnie za pomoca paru prostych ustawien odblokowalem w swoim #Garmin #Venu3 aplikacje #EKG - na #Samsung.u to wymagalo instalowania jakiejs odblokowanej wersji firmware, a finalnie i tak sie w koncu nie udalo 😅

#smartwatch #tech

jmdelosreyes, Spanish avatar

Hace ya más de medio año que cometí uno de los mayores errores que se pueden cometer, y no es otro que montar un servidor con la plataforma multimedia de .

No es que sea malo el servicio, para nada, pienso incluso que es el mejor de todos ellos. Pero el problema es ahora que quiero cambiarlo por algo realmente como es es cuando surgen los problemas.

se parece (muchos) pero no es igual y tengo a mi familia en uñas. Además, mi TV de marca es muy pícara, únicamente tiene aplicaciones integradas para instalar que tienen su lado comercial. Casos como o la nombrada no están en catálogo, pero si que aparecen y como decía .

Sé que se puede instalar en el SO de que usa esta marca, pero ya en las pruebas que hice con mi familia ya hubo malas caras. No gustó. Posiblemente el tener que conectar a un dispositivo externo en vez de pulsar el icono dentro de la misma TV, pero la sensación inicial no fue buena.

Y es entonces cuando os digo que con esto he aprendido lo siguiente:

  • Lo difícil que es sacar a la juventud de y otras aplicaciones privativas del día a día. Esto del hay que inculcarlo desde pequeños o sino imposible (y aun así es difícil). Menos mal que a nivel de SO enseñé a los míos el uso de con y , pero a nivel de apps de móvil... estamos muy jodidos.

  • Y segundo, que siempre utilicemos desde el primer momento, cueste lo que cueste instalarlo o ponerlo en marcha, ya que será la opción que guste y se quede. Además si el producto es bueno, esta gente pagará, donará o comprará ese software para que siga siendo aun mejor en el futuro.

Y hasta aquí lo aprendido en el día de hoy, perdonad el tocho-post 😘.

SolamenteItan, Spanish avatar

Uso un con y la no funciona, no arranca, si no le das de al , ni siquiera otorgando permiso de preguntar cada vez.

provar una para la cámara que sea buena y mejor de software libre o al menos código abierto

¿Alguna sugerencia?

vwbusguy, avatar

Retrospective from a month with the 11 Ultra:

I'm now officially a fan of the Zenfone. It hits a certain sweet spot for me between the headphone jack, UI, camera, and battery life. It's the direction should have gone.

I don't like the larger size more than the size of the 9/10, but it is roughly the same size of my previous Samsung Galaxy Plus, so I can definitely live with it.

vwbusguy, avatar

And I do like it more than my 8. It has the things I like about the Pixel, but offers polish in the areas where I don't. Like, you can have the same navigation button order every other Android phone but Pixel has. You can hold down the switcher button for a screenshot, etc.

vwbusguy, avatar

@SomeGadgetGuy Once they were well established as market leaders for their respective slices, they shifted from wow-ing with innovation to finding new ways to squeeze blood from a turnip and figuring out how to market-spin it after the fact.

Don't forget that phones used to have FM radio and universal TV remote control capabilities, too.

ainmosni, avatar

Last Sunday, I wanted to watch some stuff on TV, but my soundbar interrupted the sound every few minutes, and then reset its volume to pretty low. I was too tired to try and fix it then, but in the last week, I had a few sessions to try and fix it. I updated the firmware, and even installed their crappy app, nothing worked, and somehow I couldn't reset the thing either.

Today I did another attempt, and fixed it. How, you ask? Well, the problem had a very feline origin...

ainmosni, avatar

The soundbar is a flat surface, and the buttons are on the top. Samsung definitely didn't test this thing with people who have .

ainmosni, avatar

I was searching the web for all the weird symptoms, and as search engines suck these days, I mostly saw generic stuff about how to factory reset the device. Then I saw a page where someone had the exact same problems as me, and the reason was it being stuck in an undocumented store display mode. The person also added a button combination to get it out of there, and that worked perfectly here too.

So why did the problem have a feline origin?

olav, avatar

I guess this is what I get for making fun of yesterday. Thankfully it's broke in the "off" position (hopefully)

anathema_device, avatar

@olav oops :)

thomas, German avatar

Samsung Bar Plus 256 GB Stick vs. Kingston DataTraveler SE9 512 GB.

Beide sind relativ schnell, schlüsselbundtauglich und haben ein Gehäuse aus Metall (ohne Deckel).

Der Samsung kommt an meinen Schlüsselbund wegen der höheren Leserate. Der andere an den TV.

cc @earthling42

thomas, avatar

@inviridi meine Freundin sieht manchmal lineares Fernsehen. Da kann es ganz praktisch sein, auch mal "Pause" zu drücken oder etass Aufzunehmen. Für beides wird eine Festplatte oder ein USB Stick gebraucht.

inviridi, avatar

@thomas Interessanter Anwendungsfall! Aber verständlich, immer nur Netflix ist ja auch langweilig.

pallenberg, German avatar

Die besten Netzinhalte der Woche sind da 👉

Dazu Videos, Dokus, Infografiken, Best of Social Media & wie immer sensationelle Musik.

Moin zusammen! Freue mich, wenn ihr diese Ausgabe mit eurem Netzwerk teilt.

Danke 🙏

AndyGER, avatar

@pallenberg Ich finde ja dieses Schwertransport-Rennen Apple vs. Samsung ja im höchsten Maße langweilig. Zumal Samsung nicht ganz unerhebliche Mengen Geld in den Handel pumpt, um die Einkaufspreise ihrer überteuerten Ware für diesen attraktiver zu gestalten. So weit mir bekannt ist, arbeitet Apple mit dem Werbekostenzuschuss deutlich gezielter für einzelne Aktionen und auch da eher sparsam ...

Linux, avatar

I deleted my Samsung Account.

I tried changing my e-mail from Gmail to something else, and Samsung kept telling me every e-mail I wanted to use was not allowed. For example, Duck dot Com provided by DuckDuckGo was not allowed.

Samsung was in the way of avoiding Google and so Samsung, had to go. I am not going to compromise. The goal is to delete, Google and Microsoft too.

NaraMoore, avatar


They are dictating what e-mail company you use. I wish I could say unbelievable

bud_t, avatar

I've used watches for ~20 years but 1.5 years ago I switched to a Galaxy watch 5 Pro because I wanted an everyday watch with that I could also use as a fitness watch. I'm going back to Suunto. I like the Samsung but I just don't use any of the WearOS apps that I thought I would use. And the Suunto is so much better for sports tracking and adventure. Not that the Galaxy watch is bad at run tracking, it's just not nearly as good as the Suunto.

Maybe I should blog about this.

cdarwin, avatar

I’m pleased to announce a preliminary agreement between and the Department of Commerce to bring Samsung’s
💥advanced semiconductor manufacturing 💥and research and development to .

This announcement, will unleash over $40 billion in investment from Samsung, and cement 🔸central Texas’s role as a state-of-the-art semiconductor ecosystem, 🔸creating at least 21,500 jobs and 🔸leveraging up to $40 million in CHIPS funding to 🔸train and develop the local workforce

vwbusguy, avatar

This 11 Ultra is roughly the same dimensions as the S24 Ultra, which replaced the Galaxy Note. I really wasn't expecting it to be this big. By going from a Zenfone 9 to 11, I went from one of the smallest smartphones to one of the largest. 😳

Don't get me wrong - it's an excellent phone, but sweet glory is it massive.

lauteshirn, avatar

@gbraad @vwbusguy My Pixel 5 has the perfect size. I love it!

gbraad, avatar

@lauteshirn @vwbusguy

I also believe the Pixel's had a different aspect ratio for quite some time. Haven't looked at them for a long time, as I can't get them here.

AndriiKuznietsov75, Ukrainian avatar

📱 знову лідер на ринку смартфонів

Компанія у лютому продала 19,69 млн телефонів та має частку 20%, тоді як Apple, яка до того тримала першість п'ять місяців, поступилася з 17,41 млн і 18%.

Зростання пов’язують з виходом смартфонів та функцій штучного інтелекту.

insiderua, avatar

@AndriiKuznietsov75 саме недавно купував Samsung) правда, не собі

caity, avatar

Arvo Toots - My approx 4 year old phone is about to die - it keeps getting hot while charging, even though all its diagnostics say it’s fine. I need a cheapish phone (less than $500, buying outright) and I don’t need a whizz bang camera or anything - just ok for snaps, but I do need to hear - and I need to be able to put a case and hard screen on it, because I’m clumsy. Anyone got recs? I’d prefer not to go Samsung again, has anyone tried ?

caity, avatar

@anathema_device I looked at replacing the battery - but given the phone is a few years old, I may be at the point of running out of security updates for it very soon. Toying with the idea of going back to a “Dumb phone” but feel that someone in the household should probably have a smartphone, given how many applications seem to insist on it…and partner already has to have a dumb phone, for reasons.

anathema_device, avatar

@caity Fairynuff :)

oldphonepreservation, avatar

Thanks to yet another donation from wavvy01, the following phones have been dumped:

  • :
    ** Alias SCH-U740 (AF24, Verizon branded)
    ** Solstice II (A817UCJI6)
    All files are on the Dumbphone Repo as usual.

A hex editor screenshot of the recently dumped Samsung Solstice II, version A817UCJI6. The text of interest reads the following: "A817UCJI6 Modem: KYRZ213006_05 SHP:VPP R5 2.1.1"

roytanck, Dutch avatar

Came across this on a phone yesterday. This is such a breach of trust.

It's getting increasingly difficult to find an Android phone to recommend to family and friends. but Samsung's now off that list too.

roytanck, avatar

@chris For now I'd probably mention OnePlus and Fairphone. I've heard that newer OnePlus phones aren't quite as nice, but my 8T has been excellent. It's almost 3.5 years old, a record for me.

roytanck, avatar

@chris Fairphone is from NL, so I'm in luck 😀 . Their pricing is only competitive though if you really value the ethics and repairability.

spideymang, Spanish avatar

Llegó el update de 6.1 🙀


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