docpop, to random avatar

I'm sorry for all this bike lane talk y'all, but it's getting nuts out there. A local gallery owner is saying that the new bike lane was responsible for the deaths of two pedestrians.

The people he is referring to were both killed by reckless drivers a few blocks from his business. One of them was killed months before the bike lane had even been built!

I'm truly disappointed at how low some shop owners are going to try to remove a fucking bike lane.

partim, to random avatar

Oh-oh: There are rumours that the bistro carriages of the new Talgo trains (a.k.a. ICE-L) are too heavy to allow certification.

Mpeach45, (edited ) to warframe in Weekly Warframe: Nova avatar

The single most important thing a new Nova player needs to know:


I don’t care if it’s level 250 steel path, just don’t do it. Rage quitting will ensue if you do.

The number two thing about Nova:

If there’s any poetry in your soul at all, her reduced power strength version is not “SpeedVa”. It’s **“GOVA.” **

Those important PSAs out of the way, I love Nova. She’s one of the few frames that offers flexible enough powers to be truly creative. By which I mean her Antimatter Drop, which can be combined with Wormhole to do some truly amazing things. If you’re wondering what I mean, check out DE’s trick shot competition winners:…/3/-11548009

Importantly for SlowVa, range is typically very bad. That’s because for survivability, you want the Null Star particles to stay close to you, not be heading off in all directions. Also the range of her 4 scales off duration, not range! Nova’s Molecular Fission augment helps a LOT with this too. Low range does however mean you can’t really use Wormhole. This is why I have three builds for her: SlowVa, GoVa, and Travel.

clemensg, to tesla German avatar

Woanders gefunden:

"Teslas Geländewagen hadert im Gelände

Mit „für jeden Planeten gebaut“ wirbt Tesla für seinen Geländewagen, der offensichtlich mit dem Gelände des Planeten Erde nicht ganz so gut zu Recht kommt – und ganz nebenbei mal Werbung für Ford macht."


Ein Geländewagen von Tesla schafft einen etwas angeschneiten Hügel nur mit Hilfe eines anderen Wagens hoch

GottaLaff, to random avatar

"David Weiss wasn’t going to charge with a felony on the tax charges. Then Donald got involved, and Weiss and his team started getting intimidating messages, and he decided he would."
Via emptywheel

thunderbird, to opensource avatar

▶️ $17.44 ◀️ That’s the average donation to Thunderbird so far in 2023. A gift roughly the price of a pizza helps provide jobs. It helps us bring Thunderbird to iOS and Android even faster. It helps us develop new features. It substantially improves our sustainability.

YOU have that power! YOU can help give people a free, ethical alternative to corporate giants and walled gardens. Please donate today, and help Thunderbird thrive:

thunderbird, avatar

@Toxa Our median donation currently is $11.65 (note, this shifts over time and with each donation!). Once we do our 2023 financial report in January/February, we can identify the final median. This comment on the 2022 report shows how our donations are overwhelmingly from small donors:

fedifaschifo, to fediverso Italian avatar

Come è riuscita ad avere più utenti di tutte le altre istanze italiane sommate insieme? Il segreto delle 3B...

Un post così lungo e noioso che vi sconsiglio di leggerlo. Però vi consiglio di farvelo riassumere da qualcuno che l'ha letto (se lo trovate).


fedifaschifo, avatar

@jc2501 @fediverso eccolo qui

Penso che la risposta alla domanda "perché non si impara mai dal passato?" Sia fondamentale per capire certe dinamiche. Ma sebbene sia difficile dare una risposta, Credo che la risposta più semplice alla domanda sia la domanda stessa senza il punto interrogativo: "perché non si impara mai dal passato" 😂

RamenCatholic, to random

I want to win the billion-dollar lottery so that can redistribute the wealth (and live a comfortable, sustainable life).

What would you do if you were given enough money to join the 1%?

Please and/or !

bread80, to random avatar

With Eben Upton hinting at a successor to the RP2040 I’m really hoping for 5v tolerant pins. I’m currently leery of designing stuff with level shifters on the basis that the new chip might obsolete the design.

polpo, avatar

@bread80 he's basically said that a successor to the RP2040 will have 5V tolerant pins in this Hackaday comment (, where he also confirms that the RP2040 is somewhat 5V tolerant:
"Note: the pads themselves are 5V tolerant for input, just not 5V5 tolerant, which is what we’d need them to be to put “5V tolerant” in the data sheet. (Hypothetical) future designs will fix this."

kiwa, to random avatar

holy fuck the dreamcast is old, i wasted so many hours playing on mine back then, there was so much stuff and forums in the mid to late 2000s, so much piracy, great console.

i played so many games on there lol it helped me going thru some shitty moments.

i think i gave it away back in 2015 when i moved from my parents home, i had an ide hdd connected to it loaded with games, another rom chip and a custom boot screen.

Rairii, avatar

@kiwa wk <3

who later said he still enjoys the chiptune even though he had to listen to it so many times during dev:

he also said that once he took 8 hours dumping a game over serial, which overheated his DC so much the drive lid melted lol:

to3k, to Blog Polish avatar

Hej czy są tu jacyś eksperci od ? Jeden z Czytelników mojego ma pytanie, na które nie jestem w stanie udzielić mu odpowiedzi. Prośba o ! 🥺

Link do komentarza

JuliusGoat, to random avatar

Amazed how many self-taught free thinkers have concluded that the most oppressed person in the world is the world’s richest man who controls massive parts of our global infrastructure, and the powerful people from whom he must be protected at all costs are nonprofit journalists.

ZhiZhu, avatar

@Npars01 @JuliusGoat

“Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit:

There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind,
alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.

There is nothing more or else to it,
and there never has been."

~Frank Wilhoit, composer

politico, to random avatar

OPINION: Mike Johnson spent much of his legal career defending the First Amendment — but only for #Christians. His theory seems to be, “the First Amendment for me but not for thee,” argues law professor Kimberly Wehle.

ZhiZhu, avatar


“Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit:

There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind,
alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect."

~Frank Wilhoit, composer

spaceghoti, to politics in I Read Mike Johnson’s Legal Filings. They Reveal a Distinctive Pattern.

This isn’t news to anyone who comprehends conservative thinking

From Francis Wilhoit: “Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.”…/liberals-against-progressives…

akrennmair, to beer avatar

If you're interested in the breweries of 19th century Bamberg, I have good news: I updated my map from July to not only list all 1818 breweries, but also the ones that were around in 1876. During the research for it, I stumbled upon a small mystery involving Keesmann and Mahrs.

akrennmair, avatar

Christian Fiedler, author of two excellent books about the beer history of Bamberg, left a detailed comment in response to this blog post:

uriel238, to technology in ‘But What Do We Do if Google Is Legitimately Just a Better Search Engine?’ avatar

I commented on the article forum. TL;DR What matters to me is not that Google (or whatever search engine) is the best but is an adequate search engine. And all the search engines currently suck in contrast to how effective they were in 2013.

If we had a state-run search engine that worked as poorly as Google does, we’d hear no end of how the ideology of socialized services is awful, so if Google is the best that the market has to offer, that is far removed from good enough.

pinsk, to random avatar
spaceghoti, to politics in Donald Trump "weakest Republican" for 2024 election: GOP pollster

Of course they would.

From Francis Wilhoit: “Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.”…/liberals-against-progressives…

necropola, to guildwars2 in Game Update Notes: November 7, 2023
Feast of Delectable Birthday Cake bugged since today’s update?
  • When i use Feast of Delectable Birthday Cake and eat it, it won’t reset my buff time to 30 mins. This happens since today’s update. I assume this is a bug
  • Same here. Even the Malnourished effect can’t be overwritten with the Birthday Cake
Feast of Delectable Birthday Cake (GW2Wiki - 2021-08-24)

Bug: Unlike the Birthday Blaster, the feast’s effect is unable to override either itself or the Malnourished effect, only allowing reapplication every 35 minutes.

neingeist, (edited ) to random German avatar


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  • luca, avatar

    @neingeist 1. Bin seit ein paar Jahren zufrieden mit Deutsche Glasfaser, aber in Berlin haben sie quasi nichts. Nur in Kleinmachnow wird gerade gebaut .
    2. 1000/500 für 65€ (man muss nach den ersten zwei Jahren anrufen, um eine dauerhafte Vergünstigung zu bekommen; sonst 90€).
    3. IPv6-Prefix ist offiziell dynamisch, aber in der Praxis bisher statisch (
    4. Feste IPv4 gibt es nur über einen Drittanbieter für zusätzliche 12€/Monat
    5. Nein. Ursprünglich ein niederländisches Unternehmen, inzwischen mehrfach verkauft. Inzwischen gehört es dem schwedischen Finanzinvestor EQT und dem kanadischen Pensionsfonds Omers.

    pbump, to random avatar

    Trump offers his base a new pledge to protect their power: those who don't like 'our religion' won't be allowed in the U.S.

    ZhiZhu, avatar


    The end of your article reminds me of this quote about :

    “Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit:

    There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind,
    alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.

    There is nothing more or else to it,
    and there never has been."

    ~Frank Wilhoit, composer

    kallekn, to Ukraina Swedish avatar

    Jag brukar ha fel när jag förutspår saker om Ryssland. Exempelvis trodde jag i februari 2022 naivt nog att Putin inte skulle anfalla, eftersom jag inte såg det rationella i det. Men han brydde sig inte om mina funderingar.
    Nu försöker jag förutspå hur kriget i Ukraina slutar. Vi får se om jag har lika fel denna gång.

    kallekn, avatar

    @Paul100 @Loukas @anderspuck Här var en bra kommentar av @MichaelGentile till min text om hur kriget i Ukraina slutar. Synpunkter? Det går bra att kommentera även direkt på bloggen!

    blog, to Finance avatar

    Free Open Banking API using Nordigen / GoCardless

    A few weeks ago I was moaning about there being no OpenBanking API for personal use. Thankfully, I was wrong!

    As pointed out by Dave a company called Nordigen was set up to provide a free Open Banking service. It was quickly bought by GoCardless who said:

    We believe access to open banking data should be free. We can now offer it at scale to anyone - developers, partners and Fintechs - looking to solve customer problems.

    And, I'm delighted to report, it works! As a solo developer you can get access to your own data for free via the GoCardless APIs.

    Screenshot from GoCardless. 1. Test with your own data. See how the product flow would look like for your users and what data is available. 2. Set up the API. Follow our documentation to set up the API and start collecting bank account data. 3. Customise the user interface.Pay as you go. Make the user agreement flow for your customers to match your brand. 4. Ready to go live? Need help and advice to set up faster?

    You'll get back a JSON file from each of your banks and credit cards with information like this in it:

    {   "bookingDate": "2023-07-11",   "bookingDateTime": "2023-07-11T20:52:05Z",   "transactionAmount": {       "amount": "-2.35",       "currency": "GBP"   },   "creditorName": "GREGGS PLC",   "remittanceInformationUnstructured": "Greggs PLC, London se1",   "merchantCategoryCode": "5812",   "internalTransactionId": "123456789"}

    For foreign exchange, transactions look like this:

    {   "bookingDate": "2023-10-01",   "bookingDateTime": "2023-10-01T21:41:40Z",   "transactionAmount": {      "amount": "-0.82",      "currency": "GBP"    },    "currencyExchange": {      "instructedAmount": {         "amount": "1.00",         "currency": "USD"      },      "sourceCurrency": "USD",      "exchangeRate": "1.2195",      "targetCurrency": "GBP"   },   "creditorName": "KICKSTARTER.COM",   "remittanceInformationUnstructured": ", Httpswww.kick, 1.0 U.S. DOLLAR USA",   "merchantCategoryCode": "5815",   "internalTransactionId": "987654321"}

    Depending on your card and the transaction type, you might also get a few more bits of metadata.

    Get started at From there, it's a case of following the quickstart guide.

    A few niggles

    There's a bit of bouncing around. You've got to get an API key, get the institution ID, sign in, get redirected, get an ID from the callback, then get the bank account details. And then you can get the transactions!

    Oh, and the access token only lasts a short while, so you'll need to either re-auth or use a refresh token.

    Bank authorisation only lasts 90 days, so you'll have to refresh your details every 3 months. That's standard across all opening banking, but a bit of a pain.

    GoCardless have pretty comprehensive bank coverage but they are missing a few which you might find useful.

    Because there are so many financial institution in there, you might find it difficult to work out which one you need to log in to. For example, if you have a Barclays Credit Card, which of these is the right one for you?

    {    "id": "BARCLAYCARD_COMMERCIAL_BUKBGB22",    "name": "Barclaycard Commercial Payments",    "bic": "BUKBGB22",    "transaction_total_days": "730",    "countries": [      "GB"    ],    "logo": ""  },  {    "id": "BARCLAYCARD_BUKBGB22",    "name": "Barclaycard UK",    "bic": "BUKBGB22",    "transaction_total_days": "730",    "countries": [      "GB"    ],    "logo": ""  },  {    "id": "BARCLAYS_BUSINESS_BUKBGB22",    "name": "Barclays Business",    "bic": "BUKBGB22",    "transaction_total_days": "730",    "countries": [      "GB"    ],    "logo": ""  },  {    "id": "BARCLAYS_CORPORATE_BUKBGB22",    "name": "Barclays Corporate",    "bic": "BUKBGB22",    "transaction_total_days": "730",    "countries": [      "GB"    ],    "logo": ""  },  {    "id": "BARCLAYS_BUKBGB22",    "name": "Barclays Personal",    "bic": "BUKBGB22",    "transaction_total_days": "730",    "countries": [      "GB"    ],    "logo": ""  },  {    "id": "BARCLAYS_WEALTH_BUKBGB22",    "name": "Barclays Wealth",    "bic": "BUKBGB22",    "transaction_total_days": "730",    "countries": [      "GB"    ],    "logo": ""  },

    But, overall, it's an excellent service. Now I just need to find / write something to ingest the data and do something with it!

    DailyNous, to random avatar

    “Argument mapping is about twice as effective at improving student critical thinking as other methods [but] there are obstacles preventing philosophy teachers from adopting it.” A new app helps.

    ByrdNick, avatar

    Thanks to @DailyNous for posting and especially to Alex for contextualizing the initial claim about argument mapping (from the pull quote):

    TLDR; there are least 4 problems with the claim that "Argument mapping is about twice as effective at improving student critical thinking as other methods".

    Problems 3 and (the first part of) 4.
    The rest of problem 4 and caveats.

    spaceflight, to space avatar

    🇪🇺 "Normally, selecting the for communication that cost eight or nine figures is accompanied by a press release and plenty of celebration. That the , , , and said next to nothing until the last moment says a lot about how all parties involved about transferring three of their satellites onto . All three were to launch on "

    📆 January 5, 2023 The 🇫🇷 industries association, , said ’s 🇪🇺 sector was in an “unprecedented situation” with the delayed availability of 6 and the recent failure of the medium-lift -C rocket

    spaceflight, avatar

    Oct 23 2023 has signed a deal to launch up to four of 's 🇪🇺 flagship navigation and secure communications 🛰️ into . The Commission did not immediately respond to a request for 🙈🙉🙊

    Picture :

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