@doboprobodyne@mathstodon.xyz avatar



Dipping a toe. I have some understanding of the most elementary fluid dynamics and thermodynamics, some practical physics and organic chemistry. I'd like to do a little passive learning if I can, with a view to learning programming later in life. We all see the same truth through a different paradigm, but sometimes math helps us better see and understand and convey the same thing. What a lovely backbone upon which to build a body of communication and thought. I treasure this server.

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

doboprobodyne, to nuclear
@doboprobodyne@mathstodon.xyz avatar

Interesting web comic about nuclear technology and regulation. Especially in the context of current events (AFIK only 3 countries that have had nuclear weapons and ICBMs have ever disarmed... One of them is now being invaded).


Hashtags for visibility; and don't necessarily represent ideology of the poster. Feel free to boost/ repost/ add your own if you think more visibility/though about this is useful to society:

neiman, to archlinux
@neiman@mastodon.social avatar

Any recommendation for a VPS hosting where you can install ?

It's for personal usage so something cheap and light.

@doboprobodyne@mathstodon.xyz avatar



And the associated forum www.lowendtalk.com

Might be of interest to you.

doboprobodyne, (edited ) to uk
@doboprobodyne@mathstodon.xyz avatar

If you're in the UK, check out this new Rough Sleeping Criminal Justice Bill. Feel free to boost this for visibility or add hashtags - I think it's important to set &/or maintain the precedent that these laws be debated and critiqued very thoroughly. Telling someone with no home to 'move along' is a stiff order. That police could be asked to uphold this law (as it is written) could carry a risk of moral injury to our coppers.

“Nuisance rough sleeping” starts at s.59, and the offending smelly “rough sleeping condition” can be found at s.69(5)(c). Including words from subs.(4):

> A person does “something that is a nuisance” if the person ... causes or does something capable of causing ... damage to the environment (including excessive noise, smells, litter or deposits of waste)...


If one were to parody this, I'd propose the following as a start:
"Sleeping in public in the UK must now be done only in a suit and tie or equivalent formal dress, whilst wearing a perfume. Snoring is illegal. Campaigners are lobbying the government to permit it to be carried out whilst wearing a polo-shirt and chinos, however the government maintain that this is a slippery slope to people wearing pyjamas in public, and thence anarchy."

Information about one's MP is available at https://www.theyworkforyou.com/ if you feel further critique of this law is a worthy cause. I'd suggest any MP pushing for this would get positive media coverage.

#UK #law #homelessness #homeless #vulnerability #security #safety #health #police #policing #legal #england #wales #court #displaced #refugees #employment #lords #commons

kate, to random
@kate@fosstodon.org avatar

Brits ask “A penny for your thoughts?” and Americans respond with “Just my two cents”. At current exchange rates ($1.00 = £0.80) this means Brits are receiving 1.6p of American thoughts for just 1p. In this paper we propose an alternative asset pricing model for the marketplace of ideas, considering—

@doboprobodyne@mathstodon.xyz avatar


I think a more nuanced model could be composed if we consider the million dollar question.

kravietz, to random Polish
@kravietz@agora.echelon.pl avatar

Taka obserwacja kulturowo-socjologiczna: na Fediverse od dawna jest trochę Rosjan “z Rosji” (w sensie, że nie emigrantów), głównie uciekinierów z mainstreamowych rosyjskich sieci społecznościowych typu VK po wprowadzeniu cenzury kilka lat temu. Poza grupą autentycznie szurniętych nacjonalistów (którzy też byli wtedy w Rosji ścigani, stąd ucieczka z VK) z większością z nich do wojny i przez pierwszy rok można było normalnie dyskutować. Mam tu na myśli dyskusję na poziomie jaki mogą prowadzić ludzie mający czasem odmienne poglądy ale potrafiący wysłuchać argumentów drugiej strony i z nimi polemizować lub je przyjąć. Ale w ciągu ostatniego roku dokonała się ciekawa zmiana kulturowa. Jeżeli mogę dokonać kilku uogólnień na podstawie niedawnej (i chyba ostatniej) dyskusji z nimi:

  • W złym tonie jest podawanie… źródeł informacji. W dobrym tonie jest pisanie “swoimi słowami”. To znaczy, jeżeli ktoś napisze “ja wiem, że rakiety S-300 nie mogą trafiać w cele naziemne” to ma to z ich punktu widzenia większą wartość poznawczą niż ”nawet ze źródeł rosyjskich wynika, że mogą - tutaj jest link do TopWar.ru” (popularny portal wojskowy w Rosji). Nie mam pojęcia z czego to wynika, podejrzewam jakiś podprogowy komunikat o tym, że wszystkie linki mogą prowadzić do exploitów i wirusów.
  • Całkowite pogrążenie w oficjalnej rosyjskiej narracji - oni nie wiedzą, że Charków był regularnie ostrzeliwany od lutego 2022 i autentycznie myślą, że rosyjskie ostrzały Charkowa zaczęły się dopiero w odwecie za ukraińskie ostrzały Biełgorodu czyli około grudnia 2023.
  • Całkowita brak zdolności do konfrontacji z informacją nie pasującą do tej oficjalnej narracji. W naszej kulturze, jeżeli ktoś poda informację sprzeczną z naszą wiedzą to zaczyna się kopanie w źródłach - albo ja mam błędne źródło, albo on/ona i na podstawie uznawanych przez obie strony można to ustalić. Rosyjskie “pokolenie wojenne” po prostu kończy dyskusję, nie było tematu.
  • Ciekawe zjawisko “podwójnej moralności” - wobec “swoich” przyznajemy nieco więcej (np. ludobójcze cele Kremla w zakresie “złamania Ukrainy”) niż wobec “obcych” (negowanie tych wypowiedzi i upieranie się, że to tylko “”emocje”). Ale to akurat Rosjanie mieli zawsze, to nie jest nowe zjawisko.
  • Odrzucanie dowolnych relacji świadków czy wręcz materiałów wideo z miejsc wydarzeń na tej podstawie, że “nie było cię tam na miejscu, nie wiesz jak było”. W konsekwencji tuzin bezpośrednich relacji wideo z danego miejsca jest odrzucany jako “niewiarygodny” ale obwieszczenia oficjalnych przedstawicieli władzy jest traktowane przynajmniej jako wyraz oficjalnej wersji.
  • Bezkrytyczne podejście do częstych w rosyjskiej oficjalnej narracji zmian stanowiska o 180°. Fakt, że dzisiaj władza mówi coś całkowicie odwrotnego niż wczoraj nie wywołuje absolutnie żadnych refleksji na temat tego, że władza może w danym przypadku kłamać oraz, że jutro powie coś inne niż dzisiaj. Jest prawda życia, i jest “prawda etapu”.

W większości są to zjawiska dość oczywiste dla każdego kto ma kontakt z Rosjanami “z Rosji”, nowością dla mnie była obsesyjna fiksacja na “swoimi słowami” oraz odrzucanie źródeł. Nie wiem w jaką stronę to idzie ale wygląda na to, że oni sami siebie zagnali w jakąś sekciarską informacyjną czarną dziurę. Długofalowe konsekwencje, przede wszystkim dla rosyjskiego społeczeństwa, będą dramatyczne.

doboprobodyne, (edited )
@doboprobodyne@mathstodon.xyz avatar


May I add some hashtags in order to solicit views of psychologists and others who deal with human (or animal) cognitive modelling of reality? I would be fascinated to read about the degree to which we're all vulnerable to bias, the highest-yield methods of protecting oneself from bias (especially in social media), and of helping reflect back to others their own views in a way that lets them critique them. I think the last point is especially hard, especially if the other person has no desire for critical thinking (and as humans, we are terrible at critical thinking!).

If there are any textbooks on the subject, ideally written by scientists &/or aimed at scientists, I'd be keen as mustard to know about them!

If anyone has opinions on the work of Han, Lee, Wang, & Baldwin (librai fact checking automation - https://github.com/Libr-AI/OpenFactVerification ) I'd be all ears too.

Please feel free to boost this if you think answers might interest you.

#counselling #psychology #groupthink #philosophy #advertising #ads #PR #CambridgeAnalytica #Stoics #Stoic #statistics #maths #math #mathematics #disinformation #propaganda #bias #socialMedia #fakeNews #media #reporting #influence #influenceOps #softPower #NATO #DIANA #thought #reality #Plato #manipulation #delusion #politics #law #economics #journalism #military #war

hanscees, to homelab Dutch
@hanscees@mas.to avatar

I hope you rot in hell with the kind of service your docker people show.

Have a look at this forum ticket.

I am trying to get a new nextcloud docker instance running.
The nextcloud engineer knows what the problem is I am having.
However, he does not give the answer because he insists I should "read his documentation better"

Well his documentation is 30 pages of text, incomplete and confusing. (1/2)

@doboprobodyne@mathstodon.xyz avatar

@lukeshu @hanscees

Came here to say something like this.

It's good you had the courage to share your forum post for wider feedback.

There's no evidence you pay them for their product support.

Nevertheless, they've tried to point you in the right direction.

You've done nothing to rewrite the documentation you're complaining about to make it easier to understand.

It's hard to find unbridled sympathy for your view of things.

@doboprobodyne@mathstodon.xyz avatar

@hanscees @lukeshu


I absolutely agree with your hesitancy to help rude people.

As I read it, the first paragraph of the documentation described is a request for help with making their documentation more readable.

come across as folks who are open to asking for help. I didn't check the changelog; I accept that it could be as a result of your inquiry that they've asked for help there, but either way, from that forum interaction they come across to me as good folks.

I'm sorry this doesn't reflect how you experienced things.

@doboprobodyne@mathstodon.xyz avatar

@hanscees @lukeshu


That is a beautiful way to document things.

OldAndCranky, to random
@OldAndCranky@sfba.social avatar

The fact that I’m 72 and nearing the end of this chaotic life is interesting. I would like to meet and talk with others who are dealing with this transition. It’s fascinating and no one wants to talk about it.

@doboprobodyne@mathstodon.xyz avatar



I'm circa my fifth decade, with family history of Alzheimer's.
Lots to say about how to hedge one's thought and behaviour in order to and but the top ones would be:

  1. Stoic philosophy (whatever source you like best... I liked Seneca's letters to Lucilius, for others it's Meditations by Marcus Aurelius, and still others drink from Earth Wind and Stars by St Exepury)
  2. Advanced Directive (or your national equivalent) to lay out your wishes for once you no longer have capacity. Death is part or life, but there are fates worse than death, and to some degree they can be cheap to hedge against.
  3. Look up rates of survival-to-discharge-from-hospital, and survival-to-discharge-back-to-independent-living for folks in your own cohort (age, comorbidities, definition of independent living) after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. Or discuss this with your physician (probably the old & bold physician who has seen a lot, or if you only have access to young physicians then someone who has spent some of their career in ICU). Then have a think about whether or not you'd like a community DNACPR order. Alas we don't have such orders with much nuance... Frankly the public understand them very poorly and they get attacked in the press. Depending on one's frailty, I'd think in terms of answering the question "for how long do I wish my death to be prolonged?"
  4. Ability to recover from an insult is why octagenerians keep themselves healthy. It might be chemotherapy, sepsis, or urgent/emergent surgery, but its only worthwhile enduring if you and your physicians expect acceptable odds of recovering to a standard of life you can live with.

chad, to random
@chad@beige.party avatar

OK so I know that “English muffin compared to ciabatta” is a pretty stupid search, let’s start with that.

But the results (from DDG) are entirely AI-generated. There are articles “written” on this subject on multiple websites, but they’re all the same garbage, apparently produced by the same person or group. (I can only add 4 images, but I have more screenshots of near-identical rubbish.)

I guess it’s not an important problem yet because there’s so much human-generated garbage out there for basically every thought that 2+ people have had. But what’s it going to be like when people are asking a new, important question and all the answers are this trash?

Fun times ahead!

Screen shot of tastioo.com’s article about Ciabatta vs English Muffin. It uses the same template as the others.
Screen shot of vsinsider.com’s article about Ciabatta vs English Muffin. It uses the same template as the others.
A search for lostman2502, which is the gmail address listed on all these websites’ Contact Us page. The results show even more sites from them.

@doboprobodyne@mathstodon.xyz avatar
glennf, to random
@glennf@twit.social avatar

There are things you should not know in this life: what the primary food supply of hummingbirds is, how figs are fertilized, and how calamari is produced.

@doboprobodyne@mathstodon.xyz avatar

Is it worth adding microplastics, climate change, and healthcare economics to the list?

ergative, to SF
@ergative@wandering.shop avatar

I'm reading Foundation for the first time, in preparation for an upcoming review for @NerdsofaFeather , and I'm torn between 'Asimov is doing something brilliant' and 'Asimov is doing something very silly'. I really hope it's the former. I can see how it could be. But I fear it's going to end up being the latter, because in my experience reading Golden Age , writing in that era doesn't tend to do the thing that needs to happen for the former.

We'll see!

(No spoilers, please)

@doboprobodyne@mathstodon.xyz avatar

@ergative @NerdsofaFeather

Something brilliant!

Statistical modelling of large groupthink and resultant behaviours.

Interestingly, recent developments ( and their ilk) have been granular analysis rather than the macro analysis he predicts.

KeithAmmann, to random
@KeithAmmann@dice.camp avatar

In an industry not known for providing minimally adequate customer service, Intuit continues to provide the worst customer service of all, by a truly astonishing margin.

@doboprobodyne@mathstodon.xyz avatar

@janvlug @adriano @KeithAmmann

Thanks for asking the question, and thanks for suggesting

Has anyone experience with other tools, especially if they're recommended?

There are lots of blogs on the subject (eg. https://itsfoss.com/open-source-accounting-software/ ) but that's not the same as an accountant recommendation!

I thought sounded great, not least because it has web videos! https://m.youtube.com/user/ofbiz

technicat, to random
@technicat@bookwyrm.social avatar

technicat wants to read https://bookwyrm.social/book/166669

@doboprobodyne@mathstodon.xyz avatar


I'd wait 'til an anaesthetist publishes a review of this book. It'll be far funnier ;)

lauren, to threads
@lauren@mastodon.laurenweinstein.org avatar

Feeding trash into is the functional equivalent of when Tom Sawyer got the other kids to whitewash the fence for him for free. Only in this case Tom is Zuckerberg and his cohorts, laughing at the "Fediverse" rubes.

@doboprobodyne@mathstodon.xyz avatar

@mattblaze @aka_quant_noir @lauren

Not sure if useful but my plan B is probably or, if no capacity, just withdraw to the mathstodon.xyz server. Loads of thoughtful people here!

linux_mclinuxface, to Redis
@linux_mclinuxface@fosstodon.org avatar

Welp. It's official. is no longer

While I wasn't a contributor to the core, I presented on it dozens of times, talked to thousands, and wrote a book about it.

I probably wouldn't have done any of that with that kind of license.

Very disappointed.

@doboprobodyne@mathstodon.xyz avatar
tootbrute, to random
@tootbrute@fedi.arkadi.one avatar

i'm burning through all my podcasts. searching for more interesting things to listen to... if you have any favorites? plug em here :bananadance:

my top favorite podcasts at the time which give you a taste of my interests.

Linux Unplugged
American Prestige
If Books Could Kill
Keep Canada Weird.

doboprobodyne, (edited )
@doboprobodyne@mathstodon.xyz avatar


This isn't at all the answer to what you asked, but I hope you can forgive my asking that, if you use the F-droid store on Android, may I recommend an app called Cool Reader, and a cheap Google Play Store app text to speech engine by Cereproc?

The voice might be a bit "Steven Hawking", but having one's phone read books to oneself opens a vein of the richest thoughts of humankind throughout time.

Whether you want to "read" a medical handbook of ADHD, or Adam Smith's Theories of Moral Sentiments and The Wealth Of Nations, or The Rise And Fall Of The Great Powers, or Flatland, or Seneca's Letters To Lucilius, or Wind Sand And Stars: if you can find them in epub, you can smash them into your brain as easily as Keanu Reeves in a dystopian future.

(Hint1: you can find them in epub. The best books are long out of copyright, and can be found on "pirate libraries" like z-lib, Anna's Archive, or libgen. Hint2: if reading from a mobile 'phone screen consider fettling the settings. Amber text on a black background, with font and margins tailored to your taste is invariably far finer than the default settings. Hint 3: I previously tried Cool Reader from the play store and it had been compiled by a third party with advertising nonsense and God knows what else. Get the F-droid store and install it from there for your own security. It's open-source and doesn't try to send your data anywhere. Hint4: for complex subjects while driving etc you might consoder altering the reading speed.)

tiffanycli, to random
@tiffanycli@mastodon.social avatar

If someone is CCed in an email you receive, and you respond to that email, it’s common knowledge that you’re supposed to reply all to include the CCed person, right? This is a known thing.

@doboprobodyne@mathstodon.xyz avatar

@drustevenson @tiffanycli

I'd second this. If you're the sort of person who likes mail written to you, rather than the often tangential involvement in receiving a carbon copy of mail to someone else, then you may try to spare others from receiving such carbon copies themselves. Or you might have no strong feelings, and as was already mentioned, your email client's reply button default is just repy-to-sender-only.

SmudgeTheInsultCat, to random
@SmudgeTheInsultCat@mas.to avatar
@doboprobodyne@mathstodon.xyz avatar

@Jon_Kramer @SmudgeTheInsultCat

Please may I add the exclamation of "Fucksocks!" to the list? I think the vowel sounds may be similar enough for it to be viable as a satisfying outburst.

glennf, (edited ) to random
@glennf@twit.social avatar

A personal journey on the piano!

When I was a kid in the 1970s, I took a couple of years of violin lessons and played in school to please my grandfather, who I loved, and wasn’t pushy about it. He had learned to play at age 4, helped found the Tucson Civic Orchestra (he was concertmaster for a time), and played until his 80s, when his arthritis made it impossible. As the owner of furniture stores, his inner life was music, all the time.

@doboprobodyne@mathstodon.xyz avatar

@Quinnypig @glennf

May I recommend
Norman Monath's "How to Play Popular Piano in 10 Easy Lessons: The Fastest, Easiest Way to Learn to Play from Sheet Music or by Ear"?

My father told me, for the piano capability I wanted (high-yield learning, low expectations beyond a wee sing song), learning to read a fake book would be the optimal path. He was right, and subsequently a fee of my friends have learnt from the same book! There are usually some cheap copies on AbeBooks.com

MikeEL, to Ukraine
@MikeEL@mastodon.social avatar

#munition issue is about to become a disaster.

The #ukraine Air-War in 2024 - Interviewing Professor Justin Bronk


@doboprobodyne@mathstodon.xyz avatar
w7voa, to random
@w7voa@journa.host avatar

US Central Command says its forces this morning “shot down three Houthi one-way attack UAV near several commercial ships operating in the Red Sea.” https://www.centcom.mil/MEDIA/NEWS-ARTICLES/News-Article-View/Article/3685266/

@doboprobodyne@mathstodon.xyz avatar

@kellogh @w7voa

I never understood what was wrong with the term "loitering munition", but I suppose it doesn't sell the newspapers, or whatever the kids are buying these days.

ElleGray, to random
@ElleGray@mstdn.social avatar

Someone's trying to tell me this is an explanation of the game of cricket but it's clearly a record of the failed sex positions of English men

@doboprobodyne@mathstodon.xyz avatar

@chris @ElleGray @WendyMsGator

🎶 You can leave your hat on.

mondadientes, to random Spanish
@mondadientes@todon.eu avatar

Mi nuevo modus operandi cuando llegó a un enlace de un periódico de esos que te pide que pagues o que aceptes es llevarme el enlace a un navegador en Tor. Mano de santo.

@doboprobodyne@mathstodon.xyz avatar


And Tor Browser is also on the F-droid store! <3

joannejacobs, to random
@joannejacobs@aus.social avatar

I will so miss the 717-200 jets. I love just how steeply they ascend. I love how smoothly they fly. I love how reliable they are. I love how comfortable they are.

I know they are guzzlers of energy. And they need to be replaced with more efficient commercial services. But they are such beautiful aircraft. If I were up for buying a jet, it would be this one.

@doboprobodyne@mathstodon.xyz avatar


If you like a steep ascent, there's a lot to be said for visiting the local gliding club and asking if they would let you join for an air-experience flight... There's nothing quite like a winch launch ;)

(and you never know, you might find a sport you enjoy too!)

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