renwillis, to reddit avatar


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  • wicked82,

    @renwillis wouldn’t that be something? Too bad Digg is hot garbage now. Having flashbacks to the train wreck that made me switch to Reddit in the first place. Oh well nuked my 16 year old account and I’m settling in

    Codeberg, to opensource avatar

    : Tell us about your favourite / projects that are not available on mainstream platforms, whether on a self-hosted cgit or available as an archive download only.

    The world is more than and .

    thisven, avatar

    @Codeberg The more lightweight :fediverse: software has its own GitLab instance at and also hosts its code in a instance at

    Let's spread the word: Using :git: and providing code :github: is . 📣

    mastodonmigration, (edited ) to kbin avatar

    New Instance Issues and Status Thread

    This thread will monitor kbin issues and status updates. Particularly from these, instances: >>> @ernest >>> @jerry >>> @supernovae >>> @stux

    Be patient what is happening here is truly amazing! Support these guys with $$$ if you can.

    See below for general and specific updates and reports...



    It’s long past time we take control from those that see us as walking profit centers. They build themselves on our backs then act like they set off the Big Bang.

    The Internet is for all of us, not for a few people choke and control at their whims!

    And an even bigger issue, is that our data belongs to us, and we can’t allow big corps to continue acting like using their services means they own us, and we better comply or else we get nothing.

    mastodonmigration, avatar

    @ernest @jerry @supernovae @stux

    So, don't despair when something doesn't work, or an instance has to go down to add capacity. We are building this thing together. Every bit of hammering on it you do is vital to development. The engineers will fix these things, but we need to be patient and help with the process. In the end, this is our network. It's our . It's our . And we will break the hold of the data overlords. We will prevail, because we are free and believe in each other.

    maegul, to fediversenews avatar

    Defederation drama hits the , but with the twist of community/group dynamics being a major factor: see discussion with important links here:

    Here defederation is concerned with open signups ( and beehaw’s ability to moderate effectively, where they’re finding lemmy’s tools lacking, on which see this thread on an upcoming review: (@thisismissem).
    TLDR: lemmy/kbin aren’t ready yet, need 6mnths-2yrs to mature



    @maegul @thisismissem

    Not ready and now another vector for queerphobic trolls to be able to spew their vile across other parts of the


    Rairii, to random avatar

    yay for slight incompatibilities

    just checked my profile remotely on a kbin instance and noticed that cws didn't federate at all, ie, the post body showed without a cw

    devnull, avatar

    @Rairii ain't the fun 😏

    xero, to kbin

    I want a single client that allows you to post to both or threads using your existing account. And one that switches front ends between -alike / -alike depending on where you feel like posting.


    @xero you can't use account to login into /.
    Your credentials are stored only on your Mastodon server database. There is no centralized account control. That's one of the biggest points of .

    ministerofimpediments, to reddit avatar

    While this XKCD was about Instagram…it certainly applies to as well.
    Basically it may have been a labor of love (or in the case of nsfw something a little lower), but those communities were built in a garage that didn’t belong to you. Unfortunately there are only a few options…you know that and the twit in charge knows it too. You can bet he’ll boot the moderators and flip on the lights at some point. So be warned.

    ministerofimpediments, avatar

    And this applies to as well as
    Remember, for all social media, you are the product they want to monetize. And they all need to make money at some point. The only way to exercise any power is to not just threaten to walk away, but to do so if pushed. Otherwise the threat is toothless.
    Happily the runs on donations…donate to your share(s). Prevent the bullshit and be free.

    azriel404, to random

    Распространяю в федивёрс, прошу репостнуть!!!!!!!!!


    Дорогие! Как вы знаете, трансфобный законопроект о запрете трансгендерного перехода 14 июня прошёл первое чтение, депутаты единогласно проголосовали "за".
    Этот законопроект ухудшит жизнь тысячи людей, лишая их базовых прав.

    *️⃣ Совместно с юристами мы пришли к выводу, что ещё есть шанс повлиять на ситуацию, и нужно действовать!

    ▶︎ Ко второму чтению правительство должно представить отзыв на законопроект. Отзыв готовит профильное министерство — в нашем случае это Минздрав, а значит имеет смысл писать в Минздрав о том, почему вас волнует этот законопроект и как он влияет на вашу жизнь. Времени очень мало — всего несколько дней.

    ▶︎ Пожалуйста, не используйте нецензурную лексику и не выражайте агрессию в сторону Минздрава, так как это не поможет улучшению ситуации. Напишите аргументированный текст, почему вы не согласны с подобным законопроектом, в чём видите его опасным и нарушающим общечеловеческие права. Пишите в обращении именно ваше мнение об этом законопроекте.

    Также можно писать о том, что предлагаемые изменения не соответствуют таким нормам, как:
    🛑 запрет дискриминации и гарантия права на медицинскую помощь (Федеральный закон 323 "Об основах охраны здоровья граждан в Российской Федерации")
    🛑 приоритет интересов пациента при оказании медицинской помощи (ФЗ 323 "Об основах охраны здоровья граждан в Российской Федерации")
    🛑 недопустимость ограничения прав на основе психиатрического диагноза (закон РФ 3185-1 "О психиатрической помощи и гарантиях прав граждан при ее оказании")
    🛑 право всех людей на охрану здоровья и медицинскую помощь (Конституция РФ)

    ▶︎ Подобное письмо можете написать вы, ваши родственники, друзья и знакомые. Это безопасно. Письма увидит только Минздрав. Вы можете не указывать в письме, что являетесь трансгендерным человеком (если это так), и говорить только о том, что встревожены новой инициативой.

    Также мы очень просим отправлять подобные письма и наших цисгендерных союзников, которые хотят поддержать трансгендерных людей и помочь повлиять на ситуацию.


    💔 Давайте вместе сделаем то, что ещё в наших силах.


    ahriboy, avatar

    @azriel404 @drq @tillianisafox @mo @kotik @sarahquartz @transmemes @th3rdsergeevich @frssoft this is very alarming and the needs to rally against the legislation

    cendawanita, (edited ) to magASEAN in MagASEAN & getting around the threadi/fediverse
    cendawanita avatar

    Mirror from my main:

    the might include the but while following communities (i.e. sub) from my current fedi account will show ALL activity on the community, following a kbin magazine (i.e. sub) from this account shows NO activity on my feed.

    I can engage with activity from either protocols from this account however as commenter.

    If you're on either threadiverse protocols, you can follow external subs as federated content and engage fully (up/downvotes; comments; sort) plus the usual fedi behaviour in following other fedi accounts.

    Conclusion (if like me, you're reluctant to do duplicate/mirror accounts in general): if you want to also follow link-aggregator fedi platforms and their subs, open an account in any of the L/k instances and follow the local or federated subs from that account.

    Other things that may need saying:

    • vanilla Masto doesn't render HTML or Markdown formatting so fedi accounts on that protocol will always see plain text versions. Some Masto forks will honour formatting, while most other fedi protocols have no issues rendering (and these days you will likely be interacting accounts coming from the Calckey/Misskey/Akkoma/Pleroma/WriteFreely protocols anyway, or they'll be using clients that can render formatting)

    • microblog will scrape fedi content that has the tag it's looking for, but there's a tag primacy delimiter. I can't find it in the documentation but i know it will look for the first tag in the post for sure. This is going to impact auto discoverability by microblog route as many posts come with multiple hashtags. The fedi protocols optimized for microblogging like masto has no such tag primacy rule which is why a frequent advice is to follow hashtags.

    • some non-masto fedi protocols, like kbin, can write posts with the Title attribute. That means if you write such a post and tag this magazine, it will also be posted/sent directly to the Thread section. Others can also post directly to magazines (and Lemmy communities) but the Post-status of the content will automatically send it to the Microblog section.

    yoasif, to reddit avatar

    The has moved to a new stage... from a two day blackout to indefinitely shutting down... to people moving away entirely.

    Yes, r/startrek has lifted off from and moved to -- and with it, a realization that we need an easy way to help people find their new, old communities that have moved from reddit to and whatever else pops up.

    I started a quick and dirty list that you can share and contribute to (PRs welcome!).

    yoasif, avatar

    The #redditmigration isn't really slowing down.

    With confirmed affiliated or migrating communities popping up for subreddits with at million plus subscribers for topics like #csgo #3dprinting #mma #Philippines #piracy #gaming and #zerowaste -- all to the #fediverse, Reddit's recent actions seem to be producing huge interest in alternative platforms!

    See the linked post to find the #reddit communities migrating elsewhere.

    Please retoot if this was useful to you!

    rasterweb, to kbin avatar

    It's still early days for Kbin (and Lemmy) so let's hope things improve. I think they will... it just takes time.


    @rasterweb Honestly there is an unhealthy level of obsession with in . Which unfortunately isn't surprising at all.

    mattmcal, to kbinMeta
    mattmcal avatar

    What exactly is the microblog? It seems like it's just one big comments section per magazine?

    Otome-chan avatar

    @mattmcal "microblog" is a word that refers to twitter-style posts. here on kbin, the "microblog" section are twitter-style posts pulled in from federated instances that work like twitter; so mastodon and such.

    Users outside of kbin do not see them sorted into magazines like we do, so please keep that in mind. But yes, it's like "one big comments section". you can also use hashtags etc to help other fediverse users find your posts.

    queenslight, to random

    With that being said, it’ll be awhile till most of the subreddits I follow (as of now) will jump over to the . It don’t matter what platform chosen.

    simplenomad, (edited ) to homelab avatar

    If you’re wanting to run something in, let’s say a then or what? Curious, especially from the crowd.


    @simplenomad hmmmmmmmmm. Those percentages tho.

    I realize its probably because I’m seeing only 10 people voted, but you probably had a lot more. Just fun things in the

    DemocracySpot, to random avatar

    📷 I found a couple of zip disks I used to store scanned pictures in 2003-4, but the player is long gone. Would *love to see the pictures (hundreds probably), but a Zip Drive (used) is at least $120 delivered. Can't. FML.

    DemocracySpot, avatar


    Thank you. Hope my "tech nerd friends" in the read this, and someone who has a ZIP drive lying around will make me a loan—for 's sake. x

    seanbala, to reddit avatar

    Hello for !

    This time, a welcome for all of the new people from who are getting into the for the first time.

    To get started, follow the following accounts:




    Follow the following hashtags:


    seanbala, avatar

    @FediFollows @Mastodon @mastodonmigration @pixelfed @bookwyrm

    Finally, don't forget to have fun! Interact with people you find interesting and be nice. It can be a great community to get yourself started.

    And as always, don't hesitate to ask for help!

    P.S. A special thanks to @NatureMC


    and @FediFollows

    Many of these tips came from a thread I posted a few days ago with suggestions from them.


    witchescauldron, (edited ) to random

    The event is lacking focus and energy from our "cats" so we will likely have a I talked to these guys during the last event, they are new 'native" from the that
    bring the "normal" power politics with them.

    An event that pushes liberal agendas is fine as a part of a balance.

    Though we have our "native" libertarian cats so the balance will be a challenge that we need to work on


    On this subject, I think we might be past stage 7 of the gathering it's looking like the wins by being absorbed into the by getting some of them taking a step to the

    Then the next generation has to reboot this loop, what do people feel about this?

    beth, to random avatar

    how would you explain the fediverse to someone who isn't very tech literate? explain the fediverse like I'm five


    @beth The ? It's like a coffee shop ☕ with different tables and rooms that you can drop-in on when you feel like it. People are friendly. Come when you like, leave when you like, take a break when you like ... you're still always welcomed back

    The only rule is if you have a cat you need to post pictures 🐱 That's it really :fediverse: ...

    gnulinux, to wordpress German avatar

    Fediverse-Serie: ActivityPub bei WordPress - einen Blog in ein soziales Netzwerk bringen

    Das Plugin implementiert das ActivityPub-Protokoll in einen Word-Press-Blog, was bedeutet, dass Blogbeiträge im Fediverse verfolgt werden können. Darüber hinaus werden Antworten aus dem Fediverse automatisch zu Kommentaren im Blogbeitrag.

    caos, avatar

    @gnulinux 🧡lichen Dank noch mal an @ebildungslabor für den Artikel über für die -Serie ! 👍
    und: danke auch an @matthias für die Entwicklung des Plugins!

    Ich hoffe, der Artikel kann dazu betragen, dass noch mehr Leute ihre Blogs ins Fediverse bringen 🚀

    PragmaticOne, to ukcasual in Just deleted my 12 year old reddit account

    @thegiddystitcher @MedicPigBabySaver

    As someone who has been using the Fediverse almost since it's inception it will take time for a community to grow.

    Teach others, sell it to them, evangelise if necessary because as with any community it's the people that make it.

    The more people the bigger it becomes.

    And don't forget your hashtags. It's how you get seen and found :)

    nilmethod, to fediverse

    Another veryate , . Been gazing into the glowing rectangles a little too Mich after the gym lately. I hope you all had (or will have) a splendid day!

    symfonystation, to Symfony avatar

    Explore today's @symfonystation Communiqué of Symfony, Drupal, PHP, Fediverse, and Cybersecurity news. :symfony: :elephpant_purple: :drupalicon: :fediverse: :php: 🇺🇦

    hirad, to fediverse
    nilmethod, to fediverse

    Good , ! One of the plopped in my lap before I could fetch my glasses so I suppose I'll have to make the Mr. Magoo face while I read before work.

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