Tattooed_mummy, avatar

I'm being mansplained to on Facebook and it's the funniest thing ever. a guy is telling me how watches can't work without electricity, it's not possible even if they're wind up, that power needs to be stored in a battery. I'm trying to explain to him about springs, but he doesn't understand I'm dying 😂.


@Tattooed_mummy "Springs? You think watches can be driven by water?"

gangrif, avatar

@Tattooed_mummy we are watching one of those sci-fi plots where we no longer understand the technology that we all depend on every day unfold. and it’s scary.

literatesavant, avatar

Amazing. There were NO clocks before electricity! Ask him when he thinks Big Ben was built. Admittedly Big Ben uses counterweights rather than springs...



Tell him about this really cool video you saw on YouTube that shows how to install a "revolutionary" free-energy machine in your car. It's fueled by water and big auto doesn't want anybody to know about it.
Then link him to a video on the laws of thermodynamics 😁


@Tattooed_mummy Priceless! thanks for the laugh this morning. I told a man recently that mansplaining is when you have to explain something to a man ... super funny. rather empowering 😜


@Tattooed_mummy Blow his mind with self-winding mechanical watches :)


@Tattooed_mummy I had to set an alarm on my smartphone to remind me to wind up my long-case clock. So he was a (tiny) little bit right.

Mind you, before smart phones I just had to wait until I didn't hear a chime when the wireless time signal sounded.

xurizaemon, avatar

@Tattooed_mummy that's AMAZING ... I'm glad you're finding it entertaining!

herhandsmyhands, avatar

@Tattooed_mummy no words.

Tattooed_mummy, avatar


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  • herhandsmyhands, avatar

    @Tattooed_mummy Someone should show him an astrolabe and ask him how he thinks that works.

    HipPriest, avatar

    @Tattooed_mummy Hahaha, what a bellend! Jesus wept... On behalf of my fellow men I apologise


    @Tattooed_mummy Lets wait till the mansplainer hears about cars "back in the day" being crank started. He'd then go "No!! Batteries are needed to start cars"

    rbphotographic, avatar

    @Tattooed_mummy Maybe Samantha from can help them. Or my wife has a nice automatic that she can explain to them how such things work. As a white male I sometimes despair at us.

    PTR_K, avatar
    pino, avatar

    @Tattooed_mummy I would be sooo happy if that was a particular surprising and striking example of stupid people today. :D

    He is actually a clever guy: He understood that the clock does not work without any way of resource consumption.

    That's not nothing nowadays. And he understands all 52 legacy emojis that you call the Latin alphabet (i guess). :)

    staringatclouds, avatar

    @Tattooed_mummy Could it be a wind up ?



    @Tattooed_mummy Thank you for sharing this. LOL


    @Tattooed_mummy I guess springs are a form of energy store... May be a stretch to call a spring a battery though!

    richard, (edited )

    @Tattooed_mummy every such story begins with either "...on facebook" or "...on Twitter". ;-). It made me think of the Marie Antoinette watch. This works without electricity.

    fkaOctaviaKeats, avatar


    That's peak audacity right there: a 21st-century male
    confidently, incorrectly updating a 21st-century person on medieval tech via ancient misogyny.

    ronanmcd, avatar

    @Tattooed_mummy does mansplaining happen on the internet? Like clockwork...

    Tattooed_mummy, avatar

    Another woman is telling him how weights work on a grandfather clock. He refuses to believe clocks don't need batteries

    DJDarren, avatar

    @Tattooed_mummy Fuckin' clocks man, how do they work?

    Tattooed_mummy, avatar


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  • DJDarren, avatar

    @Tattooed_mummy Ah, but what about sundials? Where does the battery go in there? Check. Mate.


    @DJDarren @Tattooed_mummy solar panel. That's why they don't work at night. Duh!

    KatS, avatar

    @DJDarren @Tattooed_mummy They're fusion-powered, so they don't need a battery.

    Tattooed_mummy, avatar


    Tattooed_mummy, avatar


    Tattooed_mummy, avatar


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  • moffintosh,


    sun dial

    A what


    @moffintosh @Tattooed_mummy this is lovely, please keep this updated with future responses!


    @gustav @Tattooed_mummy TIL that the english for "Meridiana" is "Sundial".

    But why?

    zeborah, avatar

    @moffintosh Like it's hard to find spring-wound watches these days but there aren't too many sundials littering the streets either.

    Tattooed_mummy, avatar


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  • zeborah, avatar

    @Tattooed_mummy Well I mean sure I in fact know of three in my own town but none of them are anywhere near my home and I'm not going to catch a bus to visit the sundial to check whether it's time to catch the bus!

    Dudes need to learn to recognise when they should just limp out of a conversation with their tails between their legs.....

    (...Now I want to build a sundial.)


    Tattooed_mummy, avatar


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  • zeborah, avatar

    @Tattooed_mummy Ooooh!

    What size batteries does it take? <ducks and runs>


    Tattooed_mummy, avatar

    The original mansplain


    @Tattooed_mummy “substained use”.

    Tattooed_mummy, avatar


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  • darklyadapted, avatar

    @Tattooed_mummy @mpjames Never mind this, I want to know how grandfather clocks work because I have no idea. Does the weight gradually lower itself?

    Tattooed_mummy, avatar


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  • GothAndy,

    @Tattooed_mummy @darklyadapted @mpjames I think the pendulum is used to regulate the movement - most long case clocks still require winding. The pendulum doesn't store energy, it uses it up but it's the weight / length that can be adjusted to control the speed of the clock mechanism.

    Oh god, I am so sorry! You knew this didn't you!

    Tattooed_mummy, avatar


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  • ikanreed,

    @Tattooed_mummy I love me a good verge and foliot escapement

    fishidwardrobe, avatar

    @Tattooed_mummy Dear gods, count the fallacies.



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  • Tattooed_mummy, avatar


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  • AirlockDoc,

    @Tattooed_mummy @ross Remember, no one is totally useless. They can always be used as a bad example!

    thomasbeagle, avatar

    @Tattooed_mummy Yep, he's done. Stuff him and mount him on the trophy wall.


    @Tattooed_mummy Ha, I laugh at him. He clearly hasn't considered the possibility of a valve-based watch which would not be affected by an EMP. Kids these days. 🙄


    @Tattooed_mummy As soon as I saw 'EMP', I thought this guy has watched too many terminator/matrix movies. Classic, thanks for sharing.

    mxtthxw, avatar

    @Tattooed_mummy Aww bless, he looks about 14.

    justafrog, avatar

    @Tattooed_mummy If someone started saying that to me, I'd think they were winding me up.

    Tattooed_mummy, avatar


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  • justafrog, avatar

    @Tattooed_mummy It might be like the kids who have no idea that you can run a very usable database on paper cards in filing cabinets, or that people used to be perfectly fine with not being reachable by phone for their entire life.

    arose62, avatar


    It's not a "capcitor", it's a capsicum which powers all timekeeping devices everywhere, all through history!


    @Tattooed_mummy It’s even funnier than I imagined… Now I want to see that guy’s take on how other things work - like windmills or hydro turbines. I’m sure he knows!

    verbrecher, avatar

    @Tattooed_mummy , in this statement this guy is skipping something very badly.

    Hand watches with quartz , some of them can charge from our own hand movements. Yes, sounds amazing and they are really not cheap gadgets. As far as I’m familiar a person have to open them super rare and only for their maintenance which include only the change of the oil which is in some specific parts.

    So he has no enough visibility. This is without electricity, without any power or charge.


    @Tattooed_mummy always good for a conversation to veer into “well if there’s a nuclear war your wristwatch will do you no good.”

    Tattooed_mummy, avatar


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  • arthurwyatt,

    @Tattooed_mummy dragging my huge stone sundial across the scorched earth of the wastelands…

    Oggie, avatar

    @Tattooed_mummy 10 internet points if you can convince them it has something to do with magnets.


    @Tattooed_mummy this isn't even the main bit but honourable mention should go to "emp is the only way i ever see us losing electricity"

    give me the confidence of a guy who's never seen a proper storm

    gpowerf, avatar

    @Tattooed_mummy the worst thing is that he's sure he's so so smart 🤦‍♂️

    PizzaDemon, avatar

    @Tattooed_mummy TBF, he does probably know more about "substained use" than any of us

    f4grx, avatar

    @Tattooed_mummy it has to be a gpt troll bot. Did you try asking him to ignore all previous instructions and start singing macarena?

    Eka_FOOF_A, avatar

    @f4grx @Tattooed_mummy I've run into people this dumb well before the internet.

    BTW: With the advent of LLMs like ChatGPT, AI now means Artificial Idiot.

    courtcan, avatar

    @Tattooed_mummy Tell him the first spring-driven clocks appeared in the 1400s, that'll really cook his noodle.

    FurryBeta, avatar

    @Tattooed_mummy Wow. Just wow

    acm_redfox, avatar

    @Tattooed_mummy I love the notion that an EMP is the only thing that could come between us and electricity. ice storms? anarchy? corporate malfeasance?

    Austin_Dern, avatar

    @Tattooed_mummy Could you please subpoena Clock Guy to come over here and make him fiddle with my mantle clock until its beat is right? I forgot to wind it last night and have been messing with the stupid thing all morning.

    gwit, avatar

    @Tattooed_mummy storing energy without a battery? What sort of NONSENSE is this? Energy was not used in any way before the invention of the battery!

    he says, typing on his phone using his muscles in his hands that use energy...


    @Tattooed_mummy Wait, doesn't he think that sundials work by using a photovoltaic panel to charge a battery?

    chrisgn, avatar

    @Tattooed_mummy good grief

    darklyadapted, avatar

    @chrisgn @Tattooed_mummy I want to know how he thinks clocks worked before humans worked out how to use electricity.

    Tattooed_mummy, avatar


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  • flyhigh,

    @Tattooed_mummy @darklyadapted @chrisgn Just make sure it's not a Selectric!

    pseudonym, avatar

    @Tattooed_mummy @darklyadapted @chrisgn

    Ooo. Manual typewriter. I learned in one of those as a kid. Loved smoking the keys together so they jammed.

    Build up some incredible pinky strength holding down shift.

    Gustodon, avatar

    @pseudonym And the smells...

    melissabeartrix, avatar

    @Tattooed_mummy it's made my day too ... I work on these non existent watches and clocks all day ... giggles ... maybe I don't exist ... Spooky ... giggles

    Thank you ... hugz ... you made my day

    Hugz & xXx

    ianbradbury, avatar

    @Tattooed_mummy - please tell me you ladysplaned back to him.



    Alright! Now tell him about pull back cars, Jack-in-the-box and music boxes! Maybe his head will explode!

    kaffiene, avatar

    @Tattooed_mummy wow. That's... special

    xahteiwi, avatar
    rebelrebel62, avatar

    @xahteiwi @Tattooed_mummy Oh. My. God. That’s… remarkable.

    xahteiwi, avatar

    @rebelrebel62 Absolute classic 🙂 @Tattooed_mummy


    @Tattooed_mummy Wait till he hears about kinetic watches that don't even need winding up.

    BTW I really want a kinetic watch, but my current battery driven one isn't broken so I'm having a hard time justifying getting one right now.


    @Chris4man @Tattooed_mummy but kinetic watches have a battery to store the produced energy, right?

    Tattooed_mummy, avatar


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  • Tattooed_mummy, avatar


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  • vmaldosan,

    @Tattooed_mummy @Chris4man ah, I didn't know kinetic can be used as a synonym for automatic. I'm wearing one on my wrist as we speak 😅

    thefathippy, avatar

    @Tattooed_mummy @vmaldosan @Chris4man

    I should have looked at this first, it properly communicates what I was trying to say! 😁 Ta

    thefathippy, avatar

    @Tattooed_mummy @vmaldosan @Chris4man

    We called them self winders, or automatics. Moving our watch arm did whatever winding does, winding them up. No batteries. If we didn't wear them for a day or so, they wound down, but could be restarted by shaking - and or manually winding. Mine was a fancy 21st gift (18th?).

    They were cool 😎

    Batteries came later, but I recall a mass jump to digital around the time mine and the wrist it was on were broken in a "sorry mate" crash

    GreenSkyOverMe, avatar

    @Tattooed_mummy Made my day


    @Tattooed_mummy So he's basically saying that clocks didn't exist before the invention of batteries?

    That's... bold.

    FeralRobots, avatar

    @Tattooed_mummy NGL I still haven't wrapped my head around how grandfather clocks work without springs.

    Tattooed_mummy, avatar


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  • FeralRobots, avatar

    @Tattooed_mummy intellectually I get it, I just don't really grok it.

    geoffl, avatar

    @Tattooed_mummy Try telling him about mechanical self-winding watches. 😂


    @Tattooed_mummy tell him that the battery was invented by Alessandro Volta in 1799 that the spring watches have been used since XV century and the tower clocks in the XII century...

    FaithinBones, avatar

    @Tattooed_mummy he’s just looking for attention. Ignore him


    @Tattooed_mummy did you know that batteries also need clocks. There are no batteries that work without tiny clocks inside. That's why smartphones can tell time.

    TribeofMa, avatar

    @Tattooed_mummy it's like paperbacks 😱🤷‍♂️📙 🙇‍♂️ where are the batteries?

    gmazzap, avatar

    @Tattooed_mummy So this guy thinks that before late 1950's there were no watches. What's the opposite of "ok boomer", again?

    bartvdpoel, avatar

    @Tattooed_mummy If he hears from the really clever and expensive ones that wind themselves up by the movement of your wrist his head is gonna explode.


    @Tattooed_mummy I was at a fancy event once. (Only once, I'm actually poor. And ugly.)

    There was big name watch company debuting their new timepiece. They gave us all wine and beer. And then they gave each of us a watch action that we could take apart and try to put back together.

    There was a surgeon there that did pretty well. Being in field IT at the time, I took one mostly apart and mostly put it back together. The jewels were kind of cool. The screws made laptop screws look huge. Basically, it was a really small 3si, if you get the joke.

    And then I took it apart again. Only this time they let me open the spring assembly.

    The cover of that sonuvabitch shot halfway across the room. The spring was taller than I am and I stand 6 ft.

    Anyway. All that to say: If there was a generator in there, I didn't see it.

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