@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

What do you think is a subject that most people misunderstand, and if they were more educated in the topic it would probably change their mind?

@MisuseCase@twit.social avatar

@RickiTarr GMOs. All the things people think they hate about GMOs are things they actually hate about capitalism and monopoly power. GMOs in the hands of small communities and collectives would be an unbridled good that would help preserve diverse and heritage crop strains, reduce dependence on pesticides and herbicides, reduce water use, and feed more people in the face of climate change.

@mentallyalex@beige.party avatar

@MisuseCase and yet showing them pictures of broccoli, banana, and the scads of other modified foods seems to do little to explain things...

"Auntie, I don't mean bananafish...I mean improving yields in drought regions with better adapted grains!!!"


@mxk@hachyderm.io avatar

@mentallyalex @MisuseCase @RickiTarr bananas are a particularly good example, given that the only breed we are eating isn't capable of sexual reproduction anymore given that we breed away all the seeds and as such all our bananas are clones. Genetical modification really is our only chance to adapt bananas.

@MisuseCase@twit.social avatar

@mxk @mentallyalex @RickiTarr And because of extreme weather last year much of the world’s banana crop was damaged/lost! We are going to have to get used to heavily modified bananas and/or very different bananas.

@mxk@hachyderm.io avatar

@MisuseCase @mentallyalex @RickiTarr jup. Additionally the current banana breed (Cavendish) is vulnerable to a fungal infection and we already lost the previous breed Gros Michel the same way.

@mentallyalex@beige.party avatar

Let's not forget how happy we are to GMO recreationals.

Hops, yeast, cannabis, etc are all played with constantly to stretch desired combinations. But we don't see it as "GMO".

@MisuseCase @RickiTarr


@mentallyalex @MisuseCase @RickiTarr It doesn't do much good to point out that WE are GMOs, our genome contains chunks of viral DNA - & don't get me started on mitochondria.

@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

@MisuseCase Yes, when I really started learning about this, I was surprised by how much unnecessary fear has been placed into it, and I do understand why, but we've been manipulating crops for better yields for most of human history. With any technological leap, there will be people who will use it in a bad way and people who will use it in a good one, technology in and of itself is neutral.

@MisuseCase@twit.social avatar

@RickiTarr One example of how reactionary fear of GMOs really harms people is the fight against Golden Rice, which was developed not by some megacorp like Monsanto or what have you but a group of scientists trying to address vitamin A deficiency and malnutrition in the poorest parts of the world which kills hundreds of thousands of people (mostly children) every year.


@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

@MisuseCase I think we have lived long enough in a "modern" society that we've lost how things used to be, so we convince ourselves we don't need things like Modern Agriculture or Modern Medicine. If you do any research on how things used to be, you'll get thankful very quickly.

@cainmark@mstdn.social avatar

@RickiTarr @MisuseCase

Indoor plumbing and handwashing are things I'm grateful for every day.

@MisuseCase@twit.social avatar

@RickiTarr There’s leftist/environmentalist people who think it would be a great idea to return to small low-tech agrarian living and I’m like, do you know what rates of malnutrition and child mortality would be if you did that? Do you know how much you depend on steady and abundant energy supplies for clean water and sanitation? What’s your plan for insulin-dependent people in all of this, etc.

@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

@MisuseCase Yeah that gets Eugenicsy really fast! If everyone is fine with a 50% infant mortality rate, and anyone who needs modern medical care dying horribly, then I don't want to live here.

@AutisticMumTo3@leftist.network avatar

@MisuseCase @RickiTarr
As an insulin dependent wheelchair user with Breast Cancer I'd be in trouble without a car, insulin, my other medicines, power wheelchair and online shopping & everything that requires. And as a result so would my disabled young adult kids who can't live independently.


@MisuseCase @RickiTarr who are you talking about? Have never seen such a view espoused by anyone of any significance.

@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

@Outpatientzero @MisuseCase I see it all the time


@MisuseCase @RickiTarr

GMOs are a great example. Literally billions of lives owe their existence to them. Yes that's powerful, yes there's big potential for mistakes, but that's true of all powerful stuff.


@MisuseCase @RickiTarr
The anti-GMO lies go hand in hand with the anti-vaccine lies; there's a zillion housewives out there convinced they need to protect their kids fome "frankenfoods."


@RickiTarr The need for abortion in so many nuanced circumstances, that it should never be anyone's business except for the pregnant person, their doctor and any support person they choose.

@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

@BlahBlah Absolutely

@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

For me personally, learning what partial birth abortion was actually for, really changed my thoughts. This isn't some lazy woman who waited too long, this is a family having the worst day of their life.

@LALegault@newsie.social avatar

@RickiTarr @aethervision

Some lazy woman who waited too long? You sure your thoughts are completely changed on this?

Women who seek later abortions are usually terrified, that type of rhetoric is problematic af

@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

@LALegault @aethervision Reread please

@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

@LALegault @aethervision I think you are misreading intentions

@LALegault@newsie.social avatar

@RickiTarr @aethervision

I reread. Tearing down women who get later abortions for a myriad of reasons and deducing them to “lazy” are not good intentions.

@cainmark@mstdn.social avatar

@LALegault @RickiTarr @aethervision

"Isn't" should have cleared that up.

@LALegault@newsie.social avatar

@cainmark @RickiTarr @aethervision

No actually, it infers that is why other women get abortions later. You know not “families.” All those loose, lazy women. . . And all the other stupid abortion tropes women should not perpetuate

@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

@LALegault @cainmark @aethervision If you had asked before you overreacted, then I would have explained that this was the reason I was given as a child as to why women would get a partial birth abortion, I would never assume why a woman would get an abortion, it's not my fucking business, because it's not my body. I used families because the people I've talked to that have gotten them were families trying to desperately have a child, obviously it could be a different case.

@lydialurch@mastodon.social avatar

@RickiTarr The name gives a certain impression if you don't think beyond that. I can't imagine any woman carrying a child to term and then doing a 360˚ because she just changed her mind, but that seems to be the narrative that's pushed by and to the anti-choice crowd. The women who believe that are worse than the men, imo.

@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

@lydialurch That's the narrative I was pushed as a child, now that seems insane to believe that

@lydialurch@mastodon.social avatar

@RickiTarr Yep. I went to Catholic school and they told us all abortion is murder even before we knew how babies were made. But they told us a lot of things that didn't seem plausible so I was a silent skeptic even then. It seems even worse now though.

@wilpercy@mstdn.social avatar

@RickiTarr thank you Ricki for sparking this marvelous thread. I went away and asked Pi about partial birth abortion, causality versus correlation and the key features of critical thinking. Followed a number of interesting commentators and all before breakfast.

@courtcan@mastodon.social avatar

@RickiTarr This was my learning process as well.

In my near-fundamentalist days at a conservative Christian university, I wrote a paper "proving" (🙄) that abortion was unethical and evil unless the mother's life was at stake. I am now so utterly mortified over having written that.

As of a few years ago, my dad was still using it in sermons. ☹️🫣


@RickiTarr WWI was not fought because some aristocrat got killed but because anarchists were winning hearts and minds worldwide, thus rendering nation-states and capitalism obsolete, they culled a whole generation and expunged our history.

We still haven't recovered from it.

@Loukas@mastodon.nu avatar

@samanthagroves @RickiTarr People think Spain in the 1930s was some weird haven of unusual unique anarchism. In reality it was just an example of a regular southern European syndicalist and anarchist movement that hadn't been destroyed by the slaughter of ww1.

@VirginiaMurr@mastodon.social avatar


If people truly understood the prevalence of fake accts & their activity on major soc. media platforms, they'd understand a couple of important things:

-The numbers mean nothing (follower counts, engagement, etc.). MSM really needs to understand this.

-This is the grift. The grotesquely false & inflated #'s are the drug major platforms used to addict people & dupe advertisers.

FWIW: I spent years--up to 100 hrs/wk--tracking fake networks & how platforms respond--or not--to them

@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

@VirginiaMurr Just from my limited personal experience that is true. I have a quarter of the followers here, but probably double or triple the engagement. The numbers don't actually mean what people think they do.

@MikeImBack@disabled.social avatar

@RickiTarr it's a big one,

@pooblemoo@mastodon.scot avatar

@RickiTarr I think if folks dug into their genealogical history (submit their DNA, build their tree, do the research) They might find things out about their family and heritage that completely changes what they thought they knew about themselves and where they are from. The tech and records collections are getting better and we can search further back to determine more than people realize.

@mina@berlin.social avatar


I wonder what that would change.

What importance do ancestors have which have never been part of our lives?

If I found out, I was 1/16th Hungarian, would I become an Orban fan? Hardly so.

Do I have a high percentage of Neanderthal genes, does it change anything, besides being able to make a comment at a party?

Perhaps, I'm lacking fantasy, but can you give me one example where I could benefit from knowing my genetic ancestry?


@pooblemoo@mastodon.scot avatar

@RickiTarr @mina It certainly changed my perspective learning about the history of my family learning one part was colonised and the other colonisers. Some both sides of the witch trials. Learning from whence the generational trauma came. We are complicated people. All of us.

@mina@berlin.social avatar


If it helped you, great!

I also think, history and personal history matters, but I still fail to see, what a DNA analysis can do to change one's own perspective onto it.

I am already a member of the people which has caused the most terrible crimes in recent history. Would it change my perspective if I knew that I had also, say Jewish or Romani, ancestors? I don't think so.


@pooblemoo@mastodon.scot avatar

@mina @RickiTarr To further add I found a genetic history of specific skeletal and muscle disease on a specific line of my family tree which helps future generations understand and note for their health histories.


@mina @pooblemoo @RickiTarr Not the guy you asked, but a lot of people are very hung up on blood purity, and doing this they'd quickly find out how much that does not exist.

On the other hand there's a reason I didn't do the tests, though it bugs me and I want to, and it's that the data goes straight to every company ever to do whatever they want with it and it is unlikely to be good.

@mina@berlin.social avatar


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  • sahqon,

    @mina @pooblemoo @RickiTarr It doesn't mean shit but that doesn't prevent whole empires being built on it.

    @statsguy@mas.to avatar

    @RickiTarr Covid. So many people believe it's not a threat any more.


    @statsguy @RickiTarr Came here to say this. I was so angry when I found out about Long COVID, which my gov't actively hid from us, and seeing mass death and disability normalized over the past couple years has been soul-destroying.

    @mentallyalex@beige.party avatar

    @RickiTarr self care.

    I think there are people who believe "tapping out" of a situation to improve yourself, even if momentarily, is a weakness or failure.

    Men (not all) are taught to keep their emotions in check, stay away from nail salons and therapy, and if you express your wants, desires and needs you are probably just not as awesome as everyone else.

    Women (not all) are taught to minimize their own experience and needs to put others ahead of them always. It's damaging and harmful to them and society.

    @tayfonay@beige.party avatar
    @LaurenIpsum@beige.party avatar

    @mentallyalex @RickiTarr Absolutely!

    My husband and I feel we're quite progressive, yet we still find ourselves falling into these traps, no matter how much we try to fight gender roles.

    (I did manage to convince him to get a pedicure once and he even went for blue nail polish!)

    @mentallyalex@beige.party avatar

    Any man who refuses pedicures, hates themselves and needs a hug.

    "it feels weird" no it doesn't Hank, youve just disallowed touch.

    "I don't need that" bitch please, you could climb mountains without gear using the horns you call feet.

    "Everyone will think things" I was unaware you were so dependent on other men's opinions of you.

    It is amazing and wonderful and everyone should do it.



    @mentallyalex @LaurenIpsum @RickiTarr Oh, I totally hate myself and need a hug. That's practically my brand! 😆💅

    @mentallyalex@beige.party avatar

    @ReticentTurnip let them touch your feet!
    Self care is sexy AF.
    @LaurenIpsum @RickiTarr

    @RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

    @mentallyalex @ReticentTurnip @LaurenIpsum This is how a porn starts, at least a good one lol

    @LaurenIpsum@beige.party avatar

    @mentallyalex @RickiTarr I read this to my husband who agreed wholeheartedly (and laughed really loudly at Hank). He said we should go again.

    @mentallyalex@beige.party avatar

    @LaurenIpsum yay! Good husband, he deserves snuggles.


    @LaurenIpsum@beige.party avatar

    @mentallyalex @RickiTarr And possibly a manicure! He has long, elegant, piano-player fingers and it would be awesome.

    @mentallyalex@beige.party avatar

    Parafin wax was a game changer for me. I type and use my hands pretty much 14hrs a day or more so they are kind of my main tool.

    Parafin wax...omg it's amazing and magical and omg.

    They dio your hands and wrap them in plastic and like...5min later they feel 10yrs younger.


    @wendinoakland@mastodon.social avatar

    @mentallyalex @LaurenIpsum @RickiTarr Holy moly, that sounds fantastic. I cook, bake, and also handle a lot of old, gross glassware (for which I wear tattooist’s disposable gloves) and my hands are a sight.

    @LaurenIpsum@beige.party avatar

    @mentallyalex @RickiTarr Okay, I definitely want to try this. Even though I have soft toddler hands. And a manicurist once asked if I had a job because they were so soft. (My MIL told them that "Daddy won't let her.")


    @mentallyalex @LaurenIpsum @RickiTarr
    As a once dating female, I appreciated a man with clean trimmed finger nails because let's face it ... he's going to put the fingers where?!!
    They better be damned clean and trimmed!!


    @mentallyalex @RickiTarr I just hate that a lot of “self-care” is a tool of consumerism. I don’t want to go sit in a salon for an hour and spend $20-$50 on fake fingernails and call it self-care.
    Most self-care suggested to women involves spending ridiculous amount of money on temporary enhancements for beauty standards.

    @Properganda@mastodon.social avatar

    @RickiTarr IMHO most ppl today take democracy & their freedoms for granted. Too many are obsessed w/identity, anti-imperialism, decolonization, etc..in a misguided pursuit of justice, yet lack critical thinking skills & perspective.

    Changing minds probably requires vast systemic reforms of influences & incentives across the board… ie educational, media & govt institutions, by going back to basics of teaching & tackling dark & foreign money ie .

    @TeacherGriff@mastodon.coffee avatar


    Social norms.

    Specifically, I want people to realize that social norms have a lot more power than we give them credit for. We claim to have free will, but we can (and often do!) go through an entire day where every action we take is guided or demanded by a social norm.

    "Free will" is largely a myth.


    @TeacherGriff @RickiTarr that's why I think autistic people are of such great value to society. They're existence questions social norms. We can help liberate ND world from that corset.

    @RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

    @samid @TeacherGriff Honestly, I think very few people conform to social norms, some are just better at masking than others.


    @RickiTarr @TeacherGriff
    yes. social norms create masks. That's how they work. But there sure are a ton of people that adhere to them to a far far greater extent than I do and from whom they require less masking than what I would have to do.


    @RickiTarr student loan forgiveness. None of us have to pay in to make up for student loan forgiveness. None of us would be paying for other peoples education. Most of those loans have been paid in full multiple times over, but not really because of capitalized interest every time a forbearance or deferment was used.

    @gcvsa@mstdn.plus avatar

    @RickiTarr Logic. Critical Thinking. Philosophy. Economics.

    @RacerX@mastodon.world avatar

    @RickiTarr global warming. if more people were aware of the true current state of affairs, they'd be outraged and terrified.

    @JugglingWithEggs@mstdn.social avatar


    Wood burning stoves and the harmful particulates those that use them bring into not just their own homes, but the entire surrounding area.

    This is particularly bad In affluent urban areas, where homes are tightly packed together but also frustratingly completely avoidable because most users have another primary source of heat, they just like the ‘ambiance’ of a stove.


    @IdahoLark@syringa.social avatar

    @RickiTarr How evolution works.

    @farah@beige.party avatar

    @RickiTarr How much ‘luck’ influences any outcome, specifically how it changes trajectories of people’s lives. Maybe people know it, but afraid to admit it all the time, because otherwise it’s bleak and depressing

    @nathandh@hachyderm.io avatar

    @RickiTarr The necessity and inevitability of capitalism as a central organizing force of human civilization



    I went through one, as a result of an inoperable brain tumor diagnosed in utero for one of my sons. The whole process is fucking horrific. And that was also before Obamacare, so any attempt to go full term and save his life would have been futile (inoperable probably still would have been inoperable) while potentially killing me (at the time leaving two little kids without a mom) and bankrupting the family.

    Even as it was we had to travel out of state for a multiple day procedure with two kids under 5. My heart goes out to the women whose lives are being ended or ruined for the sake of political wedge issues.

    @RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

    @IntentionallyBLANK Fuck I'm sorry


    @RickiTarr Autism, as it is always pathologised as a deficit and a tragedy, and autistic people are perceived as incapable and lacking no matter how much evidence points to the contrary. So I suppose the question rather depends on someone's commitment to the truth value of a claim. Receiving information isn't enough, and it goes beyond misunderstanding, so perhaps this isn't a terrific example.

    @samueljohnson@mstdn.social avatar

    @RickiTarr If people knew how the surveillance economy worked and how it has almost trashed democracy they might believe it should be regulated



    @samueljohnson @RickiTarr Reading this, trackers use a lot of small stuff to identify somebody, and over time this adds up. And most blockers try to block the trackers completely, but stuff gets through, and that stuff will be correct. Why aren't there blockers that allow everything through, but mess with the data? Over time these could make whole databases unusable?

    @samueljohnson@mstdn.social avatar

    @sahqon @RickiTarr

    https://adnauseam.io 👈

    Personally, I believe regulation is a better idea. We're in a conflict between society and billionaire oligarchs who can too often buy the legislation (or lack of legislation) and the media they want. In the EU we have made some progress with GDPR in terms of privacy rights but enforcement is lagging still.


    @samueljohnson @RickiTarr But until regulation is worldwide, it will be very hard to get rid of data that might be stored who knows where. Messing with it on the other hand should not be illegal if the collection of it already is. I remember there was some addon probably for Firefox that would make it look like you clicked every ad on a page? Stuff like that. Throw random browsing data. Throw random searches. Possibly mess with the data that is collected by lying about stuff? Enough people do this and they can no longer know what's real and what is not, and the database will lose value.

    @samueljohnson@mstdn.social avatar

    @sahqon @RickiTarr Regulation doesn't need to be completely global. Within geopolitical blocks companies will have to abide by the rules, if they exist and, more importantly, are enforced.

    As you've seen, someone anticipated your suggestion. We could play these games forever. Like most in the EU, I prefer establishment of and enforcement of rights.





    @gquimbayo@mastodon.social avatar

    @RickiTarr two: geography and ecological systems.

    @Dr_Ubertrout@masto.ai avatar

    That we are all on the same storm, not the same boat. What we have available to use to get through the storm varies wildly.

    @the_etrain@beige.party avatar

    Probably statistics. Or taxes.

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