RPBook, to queer
@RPBook@historians.social avatar

I occasionally see articles and toots about #authors being arseholes and generally behaving badly.

So, as an antidote to that, I'd like to tell you a story about @clacksee being an excellent human being.

A while ago, she sent a message to her mailing list offering a large discount off any of her books when bought direct. I decided to use it to buy a couple of her books to use as prizes at the tombola that #Mermaids will be running at our local #Pride in June.


Shanmonster, to books
@Shanmonster@c.im avatar

@Knightky recorded my public reading of “Sirens Don’t Sing Underwater“ at BookFest on Sunday. It was a noisy venue, but I got good and close to that microphone and used my theatrical projection. #PublicSpeaking #reading #AuthorsOfMastodon #sirens #mermaids #ShortStory #GreekMythology #mythology #Odysseus #SpeculativeFiction #SFF #CanLit #IndigenousCreatives https://youtu.be/_fOz-di71s8?si=qVRGpKAEC2fiE1MD

NeuKelte, to random German
@NeuKelte@todon.eu avatar

#Celtic #FairyTaleTuesday in #Mermay2024: While #Brittany’s islands contain legends of #fairies and #mermaids, their presence on the more numerous islets were rarely noted but exceptions do exist. On Ebihen, lost in the underground passages said to be hidden there, sleeps a #fairy who would marry any man willing to undergo ordeals of water, earth and fire to reach her.
Source: https://bonjourfrombrittany.wordpress.com/2023/01/14/the-fairies-of-the-swells/

SharonCummingsArt, to ocean
@SharonCummingsArt@socel.net avatar
TVPaulD, to trans
@TVPaulD@mastodon.social avatar

Very concerned by language in the that could lead to further marginalisation & withholding of support for children here in the . are already treated very unfairly here, through even “well-meaning” measures like pathologising trans identities. Handing transphobes further “scientific” justification for their hate is dangerous.

Have set up a monthly donation to . If you’d like to donate too, click below


mythopoetica, to books

This is the last week re: the discount across ebook platforms for WATERMYTH (ends 29 FEBRUARY 2024), although I am participating in #smashword's promotion period in March so you can wait till then if you were wanting to grab a copy via smashwords.

Short description: Regya has been set a task: to take the potentially deadly Mermaid Storytelling Exam. She has been placed in Yrejveree, the mythical island of exiles to which many Amors have brought their Psyches. Can a mermaid armed with the powers bestowed by her storytelling craft, her Javanese engineer housemate and her mermaid landlady defeat these beings intent on conquest?


‘Sprawling and wondrous strange, Watermyth is a gothic story to lose yourself in …’

–Angela Slatter, award-winning author of The Path of Thorns–

#bookstodon #books #bookaholic #domesticfantasy #romance #darkacademia #mermaids #merpunk

mythopoetica, to books

Do you like slow-burn epic fantasy mashed up with domestic fantasy? Ever read an epic fantasy that started in a kitchen and thought, "Damn, I wish there was more of that!"

Well, so did I and that is what I took into writing this series!

Think kitchens, a Kitchen Witch, lots of loving descriptions of food amidst byzantine conflict, political machinations and wars between merkingdoms. Plus, mermaids and faeries in a postcolonial portal fantasy universe. That's the Cantata of the Fourfold Realms, and Watermyth is the first novel.


SharonCummingsArt, to art
@SharonCummingsArt@socel.net avatar
mythopoetica, to PokemonGO


  1. My own print copy of finally arrived! I'll post the picture on my blog later (since this feed auto-deletes after 7 days).
  2. Listening to all day.
  3. Dratini hour on . Woot! Now, if only they'd do a Magikarp hour sometime soon...


Andddd as promised. Here's the blog post with the picture of my darling debut novel (and a sneak peek at my cozy office)


I also talk about , which will be next week . It shares a date with because uh, one of the influences for Watermaidens and Watermyth in general was the fate of poor Ophelia. I always felt she deserved a better life and so I wrote a whole army of watermaidens into my stories. I guess that should be another blog post, huh.

mythopoetica, to books

In 1996, I wrote a 17-19 page* poem revisiting the myth of Cupid and Psyche from the perspective of a Psyche who never found her Cupid again. A year later, I created a hypertext project about the island upon which my Psyche found herself. In 2009, I began the project that would become the Cantata of the Fourfold Realms, around the premise of "What if instead of ONE Cupid, there was an entire civilization of them?"

Watermyth, the first book of my slow domestic fantasy takes over epic fantasy with mermaids, sirens, faeries, weremaidens and a whole lot of myth and history,

Find out more below:

‘Sprawling and wondrous strange, Watermyth is a gothic story to lose yourself in …’

–Angela Slatter, award-winning author of The Path of Thorns–

#bookstodon #books #bookaholic #domesticfantasy #romance #darkacademia #mermaids #merpunk #Introduction

  • (I can't remember how long it was honestly but between those two numbers)
sharona, to bigfoot

What’s with these latest opinion polls on ghosts and cryptids?

This past week, two sets of survey results came out in regard to belief in questionable, and scientifically undetermined, entities. Both opinion polls appear to show high rates of belief in ghosts, the devil, aliens, and several cryptids. Let’s take a closer look at what’s happening here.

RealClear poll is not perfectly clear

The opinion research organization RealClear Opinion Research published results of a poll of 1000 Americans, where the pollsters asked about religious views. You can see the breakdown here. It was a fair poll, but note that the context framing was “religion”. I suspect people are more generous in expressing their religious beliefs than belief in the paranormal (though the stigma is much less now). Here are some general results:

In response to the question, “Please indicate for each one if you believe in it or not.”

Ghosts – 61% yes
Aliens – 57% yes
Devil – 70% yes


None of the results are very surprising, even though they might concern critical thinkers, scientists, and atheists. I’ve been tracking ghost belief since surveys of 2003. The results fluctuate from year to year, almost certainly due to cultural factors, including what’s disseminated in the news and popular media offerings. This is the highest ghost belief result I’ve seen in a representative poll. But note that 2008 was the next highest at 57% followed by a low in 2009 (18-33%). I don’t think this means a lot and you’ll see why in a bit.

There is no shortage of supposedly nonfictional depictions of ghosts and demons in visual media. And, aliens have been all the rage for a few years now. That topic exploded in popularity after it appeared to be dying out around 2017. You just never know what is going to suddenly surge in pop culture.

That brings me to the next set of results that relate to cryptids.

Cryptid communication poll

This survey came out in a paper published in the International Journal of Communication 18(2024) titled “Cryptid Communication: Media Messages and Public Beliefs about Cryptozoology” by Dawson, Brewer, and Cuddy. The research goal of this paper was to examine some of the effects of media messaging on belief in cryptids, which is a highly complex situation that may not ever be well understood.

What is “belief”? Each person has different stages of, criteria for, and reasons for “belief”. Because of those reason, these opinion surveys results are squishy and not very useful.

Feel free to read the entire study for yourself – it has other issues that make it a bit weak. But, I’m just going to focus on the survey results they published as part of their experiments.

Belief in cryptids was measured by asking respondents whether they strongly believed, believed, disbelieved, or strongly disbelieved the following statements:

“Bigfoot is a real creature” (12% strongly believed, 34% believed, 35% disbelieved, and 20% strongly disbelieved),
“Mermaids are real” (11%, 22%, 42%, and 25%, respectively),
“The Yeti, also known as the abominable snowman, is real” (12%, 29%, 39%, and 20%, respectively), and

“The Loch Ness Monster is a real creature” (10%, 31%, 39%, and 20%, respectively).

Combining the two “yes” categories and the two “no” categories (ignore rounding errors), we have this:

Topic Belief % Nonbelief %
Bigfoot 46 55
Mermaids 33 67
Yeti 41 59
Loch Ness Monster 41 59

Does this fairly translate to: “Look how many people believe in Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster!”. I would not go that far. The “strong belief” is only 10-12% for each cryptid. This correlates to previous surveys about belief in Bigfoot as “real” that ranged from 16-20% and likely reflects the portion of the population who deeply believes in these concepts.

Perhaps the moderate “belief” value (of around 30%) is reflective of people casually playing around with the idea, those who want it to be true, or those just having fun with it without any consideration of evidence.

There are countless other factors that influence how respondents might answer the question about “belief” and reality. One example is that mermaids are very much a cultural belief in other countries, where they are magical creatures. Another example may be if a person had an experience that they interpreted as a Bigfoot. It could have been a bear, but witnesses may be very much affected by the idea they encountered Bigfoot, and it bolsters their belief.

This study also included a second part that brought Mothman and megalodon into the discussion.

Belief in cryptids was measured by asking respondents whether they believed Bigfoot (42% yes), “the Mothman creature” (13% yes), and “the megalodon shark” (45% yes) “may currently exist.”

Megalodon is a long-extinct, super-sized shark. While many people claim it still lives in our oceans, it most certainly does not. But the fact that it was a genuine, real animal means that it feels more likely it still could be out there. (Most people don’t have any sense of the timescale when they lived and died out.) Again, we may be dealing with an effect from the availability heuristic – people have a good idea of what a giant shark would be like in modern times because we’ve seen so many real and realistic depictions of sharks.

Mothman is by far the most unrealistic of all these cryptids in the study. It doesn’t resemble any known zoological animal and, from its origin, has supernatural connotations. Even though it’s a popular cryptid, it’s not a realistic one. That mothman has the lowest level of belief is unsurprising.

https://sharonahill.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/mothman-image-1024x576.jpgBeware of opinion surveys

Belief opinion surveys are so messy. Even if the questions are phrased precisely so that every respondent is clear about how to respond, people’s opinions are messy, culture changes across area and time, and we use our own conceptions of the world to make personal sense of it. This is all reflected in each person’s individual response. We also don’t know how truthfully they responded, or if they might change their answer tomorrow. Finally, it’s a huge mistake to infer that a high rate of “belief” means a greater likelihood that the cryptid is “real”. That’s a serious logical error we should all be careful we don’t make.

Is the US population slipping into greater acceptance of magical thinking because a poll showed high results? These are strange times, but society is way more complicated than that. In fact, beware of all opinion surveys.


mythopoetica, to random

Update of my 🎙 Author since my debut novel was finally published on the 7th of January, 2024.

Hi, I'm Anita. I used to be published as Nin Harris and under that name I have had fiction and poetry published in Clarkesworld, Strange Horizons, Uncanny Magazine etc. I write baroque planetary romances, dark fiction, Gothic fantasy, with and settings. I have just published my debut novel, and am working on its sequel, . I am also a literary academic, a musician and a composer. I have a great deal of imposter syndrome about all of the above, particularly about calling myself a musician and composer given I'm only getting a formal education for most of my musical needs in the past four years (apart from for which I've had classes off and on since 1995). But I have been making music/composing my whole life.

You may access my bibliography and my various blogs here: http://www.mythopoetica.com

mythopoetica, to bookstodon

@bookstodon Just a note that my first newsletter that some of you have signed up for will be coming out by the second week of January. However, owing to the fact that tinyletter is going to be shutting down, I'm porting everyone over to the announcement list I've set up on my hosted account. You'll be (if you're one of the subscribers) be getting an email with a link you need to click for consent.

#bookstodon #readers #booklovers #bibliophiles #mermaids #merpunk #amwriting #sff #amwritingfantasy #writinglife #writingcommunity #writersofmastodon

matthewmeyer, to yokai
@matthewmeyer@mstdn.jp avatar

Happy holidays everyone!

There's just over one week left to back The Palace of the Dragon King on !

My fifth illustrated encyclopedia features over 100 , including the king, his royal court, , and dozens of other !


queerscifi, to fantasy
@queerscifi@mastodon.otherworldsink.com avatar

Lucy Mason has a new FF fantasy mermaid romance out: The Endless Sea Between Us.

Five years ago, Faeryn Moss lost her family and home to a plague that swept her village. As the sole survivor, she was rumored to be a witch—a rumor she never denied because it was the truth...


#Fantasy #Review #BookReview #FFRomance #FF #LesbianRomance #Lesbian #LGBT #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #LGBTQBookstodon @lgbtqbookstodon @diversebooks #bookstodon @bookstodon #book #books #Mermaids

queerscifi, to fantasy
@queerscifi@mastodon.otherworldsink.com avatar

QSFer Arthur Griffin's new MM fantasy romance Jake Monroe and the Case of the Missing Mermaid:

In a world where the public knows about the existence of supernatural creatures, hardened human private eye Jake Monroe makes a living cracking cases with a paranormal element. A resident...


@MMbookstodon @lgbtqbookstodon @diversebooks @bookstodon

thisismyglasgow, to glasgow
@thisismyglasgow@mastodon.scot avatar

Love this pair of mermaids at the entrance to the former Scottish Cooperative Wholesale Society building at 95 Morrison Street in Glasgow.

thejapantimes, to Life
@thejapantimes@mastodon.social avatar

“It doesn’t matter where you come from or what you look like — everyone is magical in the mermaid community,” says The Tokyo Mermaid Pod founder Danielle Meads. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/life/2023/08/19/lifestyle/move-over-ariel-meet-japans-professional-merpeople/?utm_content=buffer7e28a&utm_medium=social&utm_source=mastodon&utm_campaign=bffmstdn

curiousordinary, to yokai
@curiousordinary@mas.to avatar

In #JapaneseFolklore mermaids are known as ningyo. Unlike European mermaids, they look more like fish than humans and are considered far more monstrous than beautiful. In some cases they are believed to foretell the future. Their flesh is said to give eternal life, but most people won't take the risk as ningyo can put powerful curses on those who try to catch or kill them. To be safe, it is best to do whatever you can to avoid any encounters with ningyo.
#folklore #mythology #mermaids @folklore

aronow, to art
@aronow@hachyderm.io avatar

It’s still in early stages but I’m loving how this is coming out - I’ve always stayed away from drawing people but are somehow less intimidating 😂

TarkabarkaHolgy, to folklore Hungarian
@TarkabarkaHolgy@ohai.social avatar

I had a dream about mermaids in the Philippines swimming with a shark, and now I have to look up mermaids from the Philippines. 🧜‍♂️🧜‍♀️🧜

carboncats, to random

From last months Patreon exclusive content > my contribution to #mermay

#latex #scubabondage #mermaids #catsuit #armbinder #latexhood


TraciVanWagoner, to art

It's ! I've got several projects on my drawing board, so I won't be able to join in the fun much this time around. I'll share some of my previous years' favorites.


drachenmagier, to random

Random mermaids for :D

Don't forget, mermaids don't have boobies, they have poison sacks. If you see boobies, you have encountered a venomous mermaid. Don't pet.

gold fish mermaid
space mermaid swimming through the ocean of stars
sea snake mermaid with glowing trident


Let's not forget one of my fave works of this year so far~. All the fishies~.

NeuKelte, to Scotland German
@NeuKelte@todon.eu avatar

#FairyTaleTuesday: In the #Celtic fairy tale The King Who Wished to Marry His Daughter from #Scotland, the Cinderella motif also appears: Here, too, the prince finds the right woman for the rest of his life, with the help of her shoe, which she has lost.
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_King_Who_Wished_to_Marry_His_Daughter

@NeuKelte@todon.eu avatar

#Celtic #FairyTaleTuesday in #Mermay2024: While #Brittany’s islands contain legends of #fairies and #mermaids, their presence on the more numerous islets were rarely noted but exceptions do exist. On Ebihen, lost in the underground passages said to be hidden there, sleeps a #fairy who would marry any man willing to undergo ordeals of water, earth and fire to reach her.
Source: https://bonjourfrombrittany.wordpress.com/2023/01/14/the-fairies-of-the-swells/

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