


I am Uraael.

Pronounced "Yu-RAYL" it's the name of my Soul which exists outside our dimensons of space and time, waiting for me in the car.

Note: what you see in the name box is whatever amuses me that day. Just call me Uraael.

Quiet Scottish Geek. Veteran Defender of Social Justice, Privacy and Human Freedoms. Gentle soul undergoing Kintsugi. Country boy at heart.

I am romantically entwined with @MariaTheMartian, my Twin Flame. ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ. We used to joke that our Love could melt servers...and then Firefish actually died. Um, sorry about that.

Proud #Sharkey user since Nov '23
Proud #Firefish user since Feb '23
Proud #Fediverse user since Sep '22.

#Hashtags #Geek #SciFi #Scotland #Politics #Computing #Linux #Software #Music #Writing #PCGaming #Emulation #MentalHealth #AFinerWorld #Humanism #SocialJustice #TransRights #Feminism #AntiFascism #RacialEquality #LGBTQIA+ #MFM #Art #ShinyThings #FreePalestine #HaveANiceDay #OponionsLikeOpinionsButMoreLayered

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Richard_Littler, to sport
@Richard_Littler@mastodon.social avatar

I still find it utterly absurd that is a mandatory part of all news broadcasts. For someone with zero interest in sport, it has sounded like this to me for 50+ years: "Those were the main news headlines... Now, rodent news: Manchester Zoo has loaned Seรฑor Fluffi, a Spanish gerbil, from Zoo Aquarium de Madrid for ยฃ20 million. They have also expressed interest in acquiring a squirrel..."

@DJDarren@mendeddrum.org avatar

@Richard_Littler I feel the same about all news broadcasts, tbh.

I find it absolutely bizarre that I can be jiving about the kitchen on a Saturday evening, enjoying the funk & soul show on 6Music, to be brought down to earth with a thud with a news bulletin about how shit everything is.

I understand the need before we all had All The News in our pockets, but these days we need an escape.

molly0xfff, to ai

back in my day we called this spyware

@lostgen@det.social avatar

Now it's called spAIware.

#AI #privacy #Microsoft

deathkitten, to random

Linux sure ain't perfect, but computers are pretty much crap across the board these days. Linux has been working for me for two decades now.

I'd be lying if there weren't timesโ€”especially when I first switchedโ€”where I was so frustrated with my computer that I screamed and cried and had to walk away from it to calm down enough to actually fix whatever the problem was โ€” especially back before I had a smart phone, so I'd be at the mercy of if I could borrow someone else's computer to google whatever my problem was, or I had to look it up in the 4th edition Linux in a Nutshell that used to live on my computer desk. (Now it sits and collects dust on my bookshelf because I don't remember the last time I've had to open it.)

These days, it largely just works. There's still plenty I'm learning because I struggle to retain information as someone with ADHD. I regularly have to look on DuckDuckGo for help to remember how to format commands I don't use very often, and a lot of them I could just do via gui, but I bother to look them up for the command line because the remote stuff goes faster there once I actually learn the commands I need. Shell access for my VPS makes a lot of things easier for me, so even though I'm fighting my brain, I keep trying.

Microsoft has never had its users best interest at heart, they just feel comfortable enough to make no effort to hide it anymore. They've largely settled into an equilibrium with Apple โ€” Windows takes the large bulk of the market, and Apple gets the prestige slice. They don't worry about us Linux users because we're a market blip as far as they're concerned. As for Apple, they only care about their uses as long as it's considered profitable to them to do so. If you're an Apple user, pray to Steve Jobs or whatever deity you hold dear that the profitability pendulum doesn't swing the other way on you.

Whatever OS you choose to use on your computer, I hope it's an informed choice that you're able to freely make. There's enough fucked up stuff in this world that a basic tool that's become such a key part of everyday life shouldn't be a source of pain for anyone. Unfortunately, some people aren't able to make that choice, so it's also important that we all pitch in to help fight nonsense that puts peoples' safety at risk, even if we don't use whatever OS or software they're using. So, while I'd welcome any of you upset over Microsoft Recall to come give Linux a try, I ask that you also spare a moment for anyone who can't make the switch, and put some pressure on M$ to not be a dick.

RE: https://retro.social/users/ifixcoinops/statuses/112481957392068239

WuMargaret, to random

No one wanted any of this shit. We just wanted cool ways to connect, put our brain power together, and better tools to solve problems that matter. Oh and to have fun, too.

nixCraft, to linux
@nixCraft@mastodon.social avatar

Satya Nadella says Windows PCs will have a photographic memory feature called Recall that will remember and understand everything you do on your computer by taking constant screenshots. This is a great reason to ditch windows altogether. Switch to ๐Ÿง‘โ€๐Ÿ’ป They donโ€™t care about your privacy or safety anymore and not hiding it either. Source https://youtu.be/uHEPBzYick0?si=2ekH11gESoyDeq3D

kde, to kde
@kde@floss.social avatar

If you don't use Bing with Edge, Microsoft will tell you your computer needs repairing.


They are not wrong.

To mend your machine:

  1. Ditch Windows
  2. Install Plasma
  3. Your computer is ready.



A laptop running the laters version of Plasma, Plasma 6.

Uraael, (edited ) to microsoft

Fucking hell, Microsoft. There really is no depth you won't sink to, is there? Distinct whiffs of brimstone now.

I was happy enough to be off the platform myself (Deliriously happy, to be accurate) but I think it might be time to start gently suggesting other folks leave as well: Friends don't let Friends use Windows.

RE: https://mastodon.social/users/nixCraft/statuses/112476175069427958

donni, to random
@donni@mastodon.social avatar

Women wanted him. Men wanted to be him. Birds mocked him. Fish disliked him tremendously

alicemcalicepants, to PTSD
@alicemcalicepants@ohai.social avatar

Came across this recently, and reminded of it just now when I had to remind myself I can just say 'sorry for the delay getting to this' without adding 'I had lots of meetings/was swamped/etc'.

jacklaridian, to random
@jacklaridian@horrorhub.club avatar

'Sorry son, but sometimes mad scientists like to kidnap people and sew their mouth holes to someone else's butt holes. Sleep tight.'


18+ Uraael, (edited ) to random

Am still shaking. Wow. Wowowowowowow.

Another perfect half hour of X-Men television. Just stunning.

  • While I didn't get it all correct last week I predicted some of it! Time-shenanigans! Bishop! Apocalypse!

But yes also surprises! Consider me the epitome of Delight right now. ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

  • โ™ฅ๏ธโ™ฅ๏ธโ™ฅ๏ธโ™ฅ๏ธThe Adventures of Cyclops and Phoenixโ™ฅ๏ธโ™ฅ๏ธโ™ฅ๏ธโ™ฅ๏ธ One of my favourite X-Men tales of all time.

But who is responsble for the time-shenanigans? Still unknown but my money remains on the Big A, making his very welcome and intriguing reappearance in the mid-credits scene.

  • We seem to have swerved Onslaught...or have we?

  • Powerful stuff from Xavier and Magnus.

  • A lot less focus on Wolverine this ep than expected but just enough for a shocking revelation from Morph!

  • Heart in mouth moment wondering if a major character death from the Utopia era was about to be televised. But thankfully that's seemingly a shock you can only pull off once a season.

  • Scott Summers once again getting a Moment of Awesome that explains why he's always been my favourite X-Man.

  • And then following that up with the compassion-play that makes him such a foundational component of the team. I loved Ororo's nod of agreement about this, her being an X-Men leader of the same calibre as he is: her showing respect was the writer(s) showing her some respect.

*Rogue invoking Gambit pretty constantly now. We feel you, Shugah. Remember It.

  • Ororo's laugh of joy ๐Ÿฅฐ (and Cable's smile)

  • Jubilee did the most physical damage to Bastion. ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿฅฐ Roberto shone.

  • That conversation with Cable. ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ

  • En Sabah Nur ๐Ÿ˜

  • Bastion taking on close enough his Utopia appearance. We are ALL OVER the 616 timeline in this show. ๐Ÿฅฐโ™ฅ๏ธ๐Ÿฅฐ

  • Marvel Universe Cameos galore! Seeing Peter and MJ from the animated series was wonderful. Also: Cloak and Dagger!!!

  • Why am I only doing this format now at the end? Oh well, there's always season 2, which had better be starting the same time next week! ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿค—๐Ÿ˜

JugglingWithEggs, to random
@JugglingWithEggs@mstdn.social avatar

So does fundamentally get ?

  • itโ€™s not part of our national security plans (unlike the US - where there is even bipartisan agreement on the risks)

  • he only speaks in negative terms about any immediate climate action, while stating the UK can rest on its laurels due to previous efforts


@green_bens@mastodon.green avatar

@JugglingWithEggs Exactly. Short termism and the extreme individualism that seems to pollute the right are the problem. We all stand together or we don't.

scottishlass, to tv
@scottishlass@mastodon.scot avatar

Super Gran actress Gudrun Ure dies aged 98 as tributes paid | STV News


thecommongreen, to random
@thecommongreen@mastodon.scot avatar

Rishi Sunak drumbeating war as an election stunt at an event hosted by a think tank that scores the lowest possible rating for financial transparency.


@thecommongreen@mastodon.scot avatar

Very telling that the "threats" to the UK according to Sunak are leftists, environmentalists, pacifists, migrants, peaceful protesters, democrats, those who human rights and (specifically) Scottish nationalists.

Not the far right, climate change deniers, polluters, pro-genocide militarists, racists and xenophobes, authoritarians and anyone in favour of stripping you of human rights.

He supports them.

Uraael, (edited ) to random

Head swimming with X-Men 97 thoughts.

Next week, when the last episode of the season airs I think I'm going to have to splurge tens of thousands of words on how incredible and wonderful and impossible this show has been. It's not just the greatest piece of X-media since the comics, it's one of the best shows I've watched in many years, with only Andor coming close in recent memory.

My family, who have not watched this yet, are simply not prepared for it. I defnitely wasn't: it hit me "like a hay-bailer with a jet engine attached" (lol @ rare writing mis-step). It is on another level over and above its forebear. Its timing could not have been better, and that's as much by fate as by design.

But sadly I think we've had our 'Endgame' moment in that this experience will be almost impossible to duplicate. Many of the shocks and surprises we've seen worked (I'll speak for myself here) because they were so unexpected. While the original series played loose with the source comic timeline (With Dark Phoenix in season 4 there should have been many events before we saw The Phalanx Covenant in season 5, for instance), this new series has gone berserk with it, to tremendous effect. It actually led me to ponder if Time itself was being manipulated by someone in-universe but there's been little evidence so far, though Bishop's disappearance being kept visible suggests this might be a simmering plot point for season 2....

Or perhaps it'll completely surprise me again. I'd be delighted to be wrong.

ScottishGreens, to random
@ScottishGreens@mastodon.scot avatar

๐Ÿ“ข"If they restore peak fares it would send exactly the wrong message at the wrong time" - ASLEF Union

โžก๏ธJoin the Scottish Trade Union Council and the Scottish Greens in calling for the Scottish government to end peak rail fares for good: http://greens.scot/endpeakfares

@ScottishGreens@mastodon.scot avatar

โžก๏ธJoin us in calling for the Scottish Government to step up and take action on the climate and cost-of-living crises by permanently scrapping peak-time rail fares.


scottsantens, to random
@scottsantens@hachyderm.io avatar

Everyone in Alaska has enjoyed a Universal Basic Income for over 40 years for just breathing in Alaska. Has it harmed them? No. Employment increased. Inflation slowed. Poverty went down. Obesity went down. Child abuse went down.

They basically used Thomas Paine's argument.


lain, to random
@lain@lain.com avatar
GossiTheDog, (edited ) to random
@GossiTheDog@cyberplace.social avatar


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  • ionafyfe, to random
    @ionafyfe@mastodon.scot avatar

    Incredible stuff ๐Ÿ˜‚

    goatsarah, to random

    Hey Tories! While youโ€™re coming third in your elections, Iโ€™m in ur country, being trans with intent to use a public toilet ๐Ÿ–•๐Ÿป

    nixCraft, to random
    @nixCraft@mastodon.social avatar

    I can't believe a paid OS needs a tool like this. Here's a GUI tool called OFGB (Oh Frick Go Back) to remove all the ads in Windows 11. It's understandable if a free OS or app needs ad support, but this is just crazy https://github.com/xM4ddy/OFGB

    exchgr, to random
    @exchgr@mastodon.world avatar

    speaking as a jew, itโ€™s not antisemitic to call for the end of a genocide. it is antisemitic to use accusations of antisemitism as a cover for carrying out genocide

    JeremyMallin, to politics
    @JeremyMallin@autistics.life avatar

    Conflating the political state of Israel with all Jews is antisemitism.

    Erasing the countless Jews around the world who are abhorred by the actions of Israel is antisemitism.

    These false claims of antisemitism are antisemitism.

    signed, a Jew

    danjac, to random
    @danjac@masto.ai avatar

    Thinking of upcoming UK elections: my sister was asked by local MP if she wanted to stand for councilor in her local area, she said no because politics is such a hostile environment for women (especially in social media), particularly those with families. No doubt this applies to minorities tenfold.

    If we wonder about the quality and lack of diversity in our politicians, maybe the nastiness of modern politics is a factor. Ask Angela Rayner.

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