
Jyoti, avatar

I am NOT a compsci geek.

BUT I have managed to switch to #LinuxMint on a 2010 MacBook Air and it's a revelation. It auto-updates, it's fast, easy and the most relaxed time I've had with #Linux so far.

So, if anyone out there is thinking of switching, give it a go!

(oh, and if you're on Mac, you may need #BalenaEtcher to help the process)

Jyoti, avatar


Oh, you'll be fine - Mint will bloody whizz along on that!
You'll feel like it's 1982 and you just got a fresh new Cray XMP.

mrak, avatar

@Jyoti I think more super computers should look like the seating area in a branch of Freeman Hardy Willis 😅

nicolay_lilicre, French avatar

Et voilà...
Je vais devoir migrer sur de toute urgence !

Je savais que ça allait venir, mais je ne pensais pas avoir à le faire dans l'"urgence" ! 🤯

nicolay_lilicre, avatar

Ouf merci !

J'ai cherché la date de déploiement mais rien trouvé.

Je comptais faire cela cet été.
Finalement, tout ce que j'utilise en soft est multiplateforme, donc, normalement, j'ai juste à faire très attention à mes sauvegardes. 😉

Sans_DeC, avatar

@nicolay_lilicre et éventuellement à anticiper certaines choses : présence de drivers de l’imprimante (bon, sur mint, y a des chances), etc.

birv2, avatar

Taking my new (to me) ThinkPad 450 out for its first stroll. Using it while waiting for the car to be serviced. #linuxmint, #firefox, #emacs, all working like a charm. Keyboard and touchpad are almost perfect, battery life is super long. Screen is a little dim but hey. For under $100US I'm not complaining. This is exactly why I got it and set it up with linux, etc. Oh, also doing some journaling with #orgmode and it seems to be syncing to my home computer with #syncthing. Just about perfect!

birv2, avatar

@holgerschurig Thanks for that. A PET2001? We're not talking Commodore PET, are we? Wow. I'm a Commodore Basic guy from the 64 days. And yes, very small steps do add up!


@birv2 Yes, Commodore PET2001 with 8 kB of RAM. Long before C64.

Later, after I worked beside school and had some money I was able to buy myself an Apple II. Not the original one, but a compatible one. So than I had 48 kB of RAM :-)

rspfau, avatar

I finally got around to installing Linux Mint on the old 2016 HP laptop that was my son's when he was 12 (he's now 20). It runs beautifully. My first time using Linux Mint and it is beautiful. This is my first step in abandoning Windows--so far, I can say it won't be missed.

jbzfn, avatar

🍃Monthly News – April 2024
— The Linux Mint Blog

"Today we’re announcing we’ll be moving to Matrix and integrating Element into Mint 22 instead of Jargonaut"

cantences, German

Ich nutze
Gestern hat mein Laptop nicht mehr reagiert.
Nun startet er nicht mehr.
end Kernel panic not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown block (0,0)

birv2, avatar

Also found and downloaded for a bunch of -- Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup, NetHack, Brogue, and Angband. Woohoo!

birv2, avatar

@iamdtms Never heard of this? Worth investigating?

iamdtms, avatar

@birv2 I like it, but it doesn't mean anything at all. Worth a try or not? 😎 check YouTube gameplays. It helps.

governa, avatar

22 Will Bring Independence, Improved Security, and Compatibility :linuxmintnew:

louis, avatar

I jumped ship and hopped over to the Linux Mint crowd. I used Pop_OS for ~3 months and it was an overall good experience on my ThinkPad X1 Gen 8.

But I always liked the Cinnamon desktop as I have used Mint for over a year before. And I didn't want to be part of the Rust-based re-invented desktop experience (COSMIC) driven by a company. Ultimately I believe that Linux is and should continue to be a community effort. Also, there were some minor annoyances (like the Pop_OS store eating up 1.2 GB of RAM all the time even when it is not running, an issue System76 is aware of for quite a while). And also, Snap.

If feels good to be back to a trusted distro whose maintainers generally make the right decisions (i.e. removing Snap).

Let's see how long it will last ;-)

ramin_hal9001, (edited ) avatar

@louis I am definitely going to switch from Ubuntu to another distro pretty soon, and I have been torn between standard Debian with Xfce, or Mint with Cinnamon. I think I will go with Xfce because they are mostly keeping up with the latest Gtk. They long ago moved to Gtk+ v3 and are gradually transitioning to Gtk4, probably to prepare for the larger transition to Wayland.

But Cinnamon has forked Gtk+ v2 into its own widget toolkit now, so it is kind of its own platform based on GLib and GObject, and it seems to be quite stable and over all a good user experience. It would be nice to have some of my apps programmed to work with either Cinnamon or Xfce. We will see if they will be able to port it to Wayland without the help of upstream Gtk.

hanspeter, avatar

@louis Just out of curiosity (I don't want to start a distro war here..): Why not use some slim and highly modular DIY distro and then just install DE etc. after your liking? I.e. Mold the system exactly after your needs and likings. I believe, the risk to become a victim of distro hopping (the grass seems greener on the other side) is much smaller than trying to go with the 'latest and greatest' - thus one wastes much less time by continuously switching.

Many (really many) years ago I used Suse, Redhat, Mint; then I discovered Arch: Simple, Modular, Extremely well documented, and it pushes one to understand the system beneath. But of course, from time to time things break here as well - as they do everywhere.. In recent times, I was tempted to try out Guix - just for its transactional update and roll-back capabilities (or at least its package manager). For me however, the rare breakages in Arch after some update are so seldom that the time und effort required for such a transition do not really seem justifiable.

After all, ones system installation should match ones needs, whims, wishes, fooling, likings, playfulness...

However and with whatever, make your system your OWN.

birv2, avatar

Looking for some solid recos for how to use #gparted on #linuxmint on a dual boot machine (Win and LM). I want to expand the linux space but really don't want to screw up the drive(s). Can anyone steer me towards some clear instructions -- video or whatever. I've googled but don't want to just try anything. TIA.

18+ mforester, avatar

@birv2 yeah, I think that's right. But there should be freeware tools available that can help you.
Or you can flash a GParted live system to a USB thumb drive and boot into that. 🙂

18+ mforester, avatar

@birv2 I think this here should do the trick:

I haven't used that myself, but rather

, but it seems like that page is again only available in German. 😩

My guess is that both tools should work. But I'm 99% sure that the onboard Windows Partition Manager can't handle Linux filesystems.

birv2, avatar

After a few weeks on , I have to say I'm loving the experience. And I'm probably their target audience. Longtime Microsoftie. I don't hate Windows, and I've gotten used to it all through the versions and find it easy to use. However, there's something fresh about the LM experience. And just runs fast. I'm def sticking around for a while.

birv2, avatar

Calling on people who can help with dual boot situation and OneDrive syncing on Windows. Trying from LM to access my Windows documents folder. I can see the folder, called OneDrive in the terminal, but it's colored in red. Which I assume means I can't get to it. And when I try to cd to that directory, I get an error saying that it doesn't exist. I know that is the path as it appears in Windows. I'm getting closer! Thanks for any suggestions.

mforester, avatar

@birv2 no, I think on Linux you'll need to sync everything first. I don't think there's a Linux client for OneDrive, but I might be wrong. I haven't checked for two or three years.

mforester, avatar

@birv2 this is the first thing I could find. Sadly only in German, but it has some good info. Maybe if you run it through a translator it has something for you.

birv2, avatar

Got set up and synced using Obsidian Sync on my install. That's a big yay.

Now we'll start the vs tussle. May the better solution win.

Got to say that finding a good syncing solution for orgmode is critical. And github isn't it. Suggestions welcome.

h_d, avatar

How about synching? Works for me between computers and even phone/tablet.

No attribution like with git where a change came from but no hassle of having to commit and push/pull...

nicole, avatar

@h_d @birv2 I was coming here to suggest Syncthing too! That would be my pick.

toxision, avatar
Vash, avatar

My attempt to leave Windows before being forced to upgrade to Win-Ad-11 went into round 2. My old Laptop used for YouTube mainly already is running Mint for a while now.

Since yesterday my 8 year old PC also has been installed anew with Mint. Its purpose is to be used for live streaming. Need to check how to mount the NTFS disks (raid 0) and compile the driver for the capture card.

Also I will verify next weeks whether I can use it for my job before migrating the main PC.

birv2, avatar

Today's head-scratcher in and . Hope someone can help me understand this. I've got both W10 and LM installed on my machine. While in LM, using dired in emacs, I can navigate through all of my linux directories. However, the file manager in LM shows a Windows directory, and I can see and access a lot of my W10 files (though not my Documents folder). Why is that? And how can I access all my Windows documents in LM? TIA!

birv2, avatar

@jtr @EdHamilton Yup. Question about github. Would it be possible to use GH as a backup/syncing solution for my files? Are the files always public there? Thanks.


@birv2 @jtr @EdHamilton Quite a few of your questions are google-able ...

birv2, avatar

Tonight's conundrum. Cannot connect my Logitech MX Keys keyboard via bluetooth. Or actually, it connects and disconnects repeatedly. Have tried using the BT Manager and also bluetoothctl. Madly googling but nothing working so far. Otherwise, I'm loving LM.

ehtron, German avatar

Hi 😀​ da mein auf allen rechnern individualisiert / optimiert wunderbar aber dadurch langweilig, seit jahren funktioniert...
habe ich einen blick auf das thema geworfen.

da ich kein sporttreibender selbstopimierer bin, war hauptsächlich der technische aspekt interessant.
bisher erschien mir die laufzeit der uhren zu gering.

nun bin ich aber durch zufall auf die gestossen. die prognostizierte laufzeit beeindruckte.
auch die ein und andere gesundheits funktion war auch interessant. und sollte ohne app funktonieren.
kurzerhand gekauft 😀​

nach tagen der konfiguration / anpassung / optimierung direkt auf der uhr oder per ,
suchte ich mir per garmin -Shop ein für mich ansprechendes () das ich mit den für
mich relevanten daten bestückte..
alles fein :-)
nun kommts.... ich habe in meinem profil
"was nur per App oder Cloud funktioniert, gehört dir nicht" stehen.
die Uhr schien mir mit den wichtigen funktonen, ohne und garmin anbindung zu funktionieren.

da ich zuhause meine deaktiviere und nachts das wlan auf dem mobil abschalte, (alles automatisch per App)
erwachte ich morgens.... ohne mein neues ziffernblatt...
die uhr erwartet eine datenanbindung an den IQ-Shop. davon war in keinem beitrag in irgend einer form die rede.
für ein kostenloses addon?
nee !
das ist einfach nur schlecht gemacht.

ehtron, avatar

Hi 😀​ ok könnte ich bei gelegenheit mal testen. hab den shop auf dem mobil entfernt.

wobei es nicht ganz plausibel ist. das display lief den ganzen tag einwandfrei. incl. konfiguration per app.
die fehlermeldung hatte ich auch bei meiner recherche gefunden... aussge.. keine verbindung.
und ich konnte das display nach aktivierung der verbindung wieder aktivieren.

ich denke das ist unschöner weise so gedacht, damit die leute den shop nicht auf dem mobil entfernen, obwohl technisch nicht zwingend notwendig. ein schelm der da sein gehirn einschaltet ;)

ascherbaum, avatar

@ehtron Ich habe die Uhr bereits länger und auch über Nacht im Flugmodus betrieben und kein derartiges Problem festgestellt. Im übrigen habe und hatte ich die Shop App nie installiert.

Bevor da Verdächtigungen ausgesprochen werden würde ich wirklich empfehlen das mit einem originalen Watch Face zu bestätigen.


I thought was previously based on then switched to (or planned to at least), but doesn't seem like that's the case since I just read news of upcoming Mint release and that's based on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS. Unless I'm confusing Mint with the other newbie distro of choice, , which often happens.

visone, avatar


It's a different version, LMDE (Linux Mint Debian Edition)

matthew, avatar

I'm getting two computers ready for an older couple to replace their aging macOS installs.

The guy will be replacing his iMac with a refurbished HP ProDesk 600 G3 SFF with LinuxMint.

His wife is getting a fresh installation of LinuxMint on her Mac Mini - which I sold to her years ago.

Changed up the windows controls to be on the left, like macOS and installed the Plank dock and added it to the Startup Applications.

cjerrington, avatar

@matthew This is what's great about the Linux desktop environments and switching. If you're used to something, you can get a similar feel without going crazy and "learn a whole new system". That is the general excuse I hear a lot. Nice work!

gerowen, avatar

Anybody know how financially stable is? I am considering recommending it to people like my mom as support for 10 winds down, but looking at their sponsors page looks like they only bring in between $3k and $4k per month. That's not a lot of money for several developers to maintain an entire operating system. What happens if they lose one of the 2-3 big sponsors they have? Does the whole project cave or just stop getting timely updates?

popey, avatar

@gerowen I think the donations graph doesn't include patreon subscribers, which is another ~$3K/mo (and rising)

popey, avatar

@gerowen Oh, also there looks to be around ~$380K in bitcoin sitting in their wallet.

gamingonlinux, avatar
chiefgyk3d, avatar

@gamingonlinux wait, they weren't on pipewire already? Been loving it on Pop!_OS for several years now

marnic, avatar

[en] Monthly News – March 2024

" In Ubuntu 24.04, Thunderbird was moved to a Snap.

Since we don’t want to ship with Snaps we had to choose between removing Thunderbird from the default software selection or packaging it. We decided to package it.

Thunderbird will continue to be available in Linux Mint 22 as a native .deb package."

mmu_man, avatar

@marnic Linux Mint, undoing Ubuntu since…

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