
@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

Where do you live and how do you feel about it?

Obviously, don't tell me exactly where you live, no actual addresses please! You can be as vague as you like.

I live in Central Missouri in the U.S.


This is an absolutely beautiful place, green rolling hills, lots of rivers, lakes, ponds, and natural springs, cool caves to explore.

Lots of farming here, so great access to quality fruits, vegetables, meat, eggs, and dairy.

It's relatively inexpensive to live here compared with other states, because it's a "flyover".

I'm close enough to three major cities, that it's an easy day trip, and I'm about halfway to anywhere in the U.S.

We have one of the best Conservation departments in the U.S. and this is one of the few things that is a bipartisan issue. Lots of awesome nature programs that are free or cheap, state parks, conservation areas, bird watching, hunting, boating, foraging available to everyone.


Yeah, it's a big one, it is a RED STATE, while a lot of the cities are blue, there is a large rural population, that votes red. Abortion is not legal here. People often vote against their own self interest.

While I'm not against responsible gun ownership, lots of people aren't responsible, and people have access to guns that definitely should not.

We have very few employee protections here, while the cost of living is relatively low compared with other places, it's taken years to get to a $12 minimum wage, and it's still not enough.

@Neat_hot@beige.party avatar

@RickiTarr I live only a couple of miles from the house where I grew up. I generally feel that this reflects a distinct lack of originality on my part, but I don’t have a particularly compelling reason to be anywhere else. The weather used to be nice here.

@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

@Ponygirl Omg you actually have a pony farm?!

yanncphoto, French
@yanncphoto@piaille.fr avatar

Dites, les parents d’ado (on va dire entre 12 et 17), afin que je me fasse une idée, pouvez-vous me dire combien d’argent de poche vous leur donnez (et leur âge, accessoirement) ?

Merci par avance

@yanncphoto@piaille.fr avatar

@sibear Oui, chaque contexte est différent, évidemment, et je ne vais pas faire de classification 🙂
Certains ne donnent rien mais paient pour beaucoup de choses, d’autres donnent beaucoup mais c’est l’ado qui gère ensuite plein de dépenses personnelles.
Chacun·e s’organise selon ce qui fonctionne le mieux en fonction des ressources et des besoins.

@dwalin_7@piaille.fr avatar

@yanncphoto 13 ans zéro mais je leur fais l'aumône de temps en temps s'il y a de bonnes notes ou s'ils chantent bien mes louanges le matin.

@sundogplanets@mastodon.social avatar

Every chance I've had to interact with satellite operators in conferences, I've asked them about their plans for dealing with solar storms (I'm particularly worried about Starlink, which requires dozens of maneuvers per day to avoid collisions. What if a large fraction shuts down for a few hours?!)

The universal response to my inquiries has been "Don't worry about that, it'll be fine!"

I guess we're going to find out very soon. https://www.swpc.noaa.gov/

@azonenberg@ioc.exchange avatar

@sundogplanets The good news is, collision avoidance is called for at fairly large error bounds and these satellites aren't that big.

IOW, these are "we might get within a few km of another satellite" avoidance maneuvers not "we will definitely impact one if we don't take evasive action". So I would expect maybe 1/1000 or less odds of a collision if one of these avoidance maneuvers doesn't take place.

Of course, if thousands of them all become unable to maneuver at once for a bit, that's a lot of dice rolls...

@sundogplanets@mastodon.social avatar

@azonenberg This is real time data of close approaches: http://astriacss03.tacc.utexas.edu/ui/min.html

And yes, the odds are low, but with dozens happening per day, those low odds add up to high odds very quickly

@purplepadma@beige.party avatar

Well my meeting with the pro-bono psychotherapist was a bust. He doesn’t believe in bipolar and thinks it’s basically a marketing ploy by Big Pharma. So that’s really not a good fit with me and my worldview, the diagnosis makes sense of my experiences in a way no other explanation has. Guess I will have to shop around for a therapist.

@kamikat@horrorhub.club avatar

@purplepadma Seriously? Is he aware that it's not 1924?

@purplepadma@beige.party avatar

@kamikat 😂

@nixCraft@mastodon.social avatar


@ralfmaximus@mastodon.social avatar
@jsalvador@mastodon.social avatar

@nixCraft Tbh this is pretty sad. I remember so many times I was completely burned up and still working because I had to finish something pretty important and clients were pressing me hard.

@DreadShips@mastodon.me.uk avatar

Tech bros love to boast about moving fast and breaking things, so it comes as some relief to find an instance where they've moved at a more stately 17 knots and yet still utterly fucked it.

In this case the "it" being carpool vehicles. Programmed to treat movement without the engine being switched on as either theft or witchcraft, they instantly bricked themselves in response.

What happened when these vehicles travelled by ferry was perhaps predictable...

@garbageman@mastodon.online avatar

@tantramar @DreadShips Nope, could not find anything, but thought it was amusing just the same because it sounds like something that jus might happen 😅

@tantramar@nojack.easydns.ca avatar
Kahte, French
@Kahte@masto.bike avatar

@LoboTom Bisous mon Majordame 😘 😘 😘 😘

@LoboTom@mastodon.social avatar

@Clailou @oschwand @Kahte @Qi2Navet @Claire

Clailou présidente du monde.
Je décrète

@Clailou@framapiaf.org avatar

@LoboTom @oschwand @Kahte @Qi2Navet @Claire
À non on a dit pas de hiérarchie donc pas de présidente, des assemblées et comme les zapatistes ceux qui commandent, obéissent.
Vive les sous-commandants cagoulés temporaires.

@aral@mastodon.ar.al avatar

Hello, I am a new startup!

I’m funded by venture capital and free to use.

Please come and make me valuable by using me. Make my numbers go up!

Once you do, I’ll have everything I need and I can do whatever I want with the time and effort you’ve put into making me successful.

Not happy? Fuck you, I don’t need you anymore (network effects FTW, amirite?)… I’m laughing all the way to the bank.


Hello, I am a new startup…

When are we going to learn to say “no” at the start?

@aral@mastodon.ar.al avatar

@airwhale That’s insulting to vultures :)

@airwhale@mastodon.social avatar


Fair point.

@NanoRaptor@bitbang.social avatar

ADHD meds end of week 2 note.

My whole sense of time is different.

I don't come home from work, do a few amusing things then oh shit it's midnight, time to sleep. It's fit in a whole evening of visiting family, bun time, reading, catching up with folk online, and it's only 10:20pm and it feels like a normal whole weekend's already fit in. Free time used to fly by, now it's savoured fully.

Also medicaiton still way variable and peaky, but may change Monday.

@NanoRaptor@bitbang.social avatar

@Zyfdnug It's only folk who did similar that got me to take it seriously!

Near everything else I'd read was written from the point of view of non-ADHD folk talking about their experiences of watching kids or relatives changing and not being the same person after.

@RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar


I seriously need to try what you're taking. My Strattera has totally flatlined. I literally just hopped in my car last night and DROVE DUE NORTH with Kylie Minogue blasting in my stereo. (Not my usual music selection, lol)
Total dopamine zero. Ugh.

@bagder@mastodon.social avatar

It has been a long time coming, but I've made it official:

"Daniel no longer answers questions on stackoverflow. Use a dedicated public curl forum for accurate and timely answers about anything . "

(yes, speaking about myself in 3rd person)


@bagder@mastodon.social avatar

@richpuchalsky yes there are official curl forums to use. Mailing lists and GitHub discussions primarily.

@zalasur@mastodon.surazal.net avatar

@Merovius @bagder @LangerJan Well, that part is true. You could definitely use curl for reading the forums. However, a web browser is much more convenient. 😉

caporalstrateg, French
@caporalstrateg@bagarrosphere.fr avatar
@Kahte@masto.bike avatar

@1HommeAzerty Oh Sol à très très bien compris ^^ @MarSolRivas @Sky4Sushi @MadameMollette @caporalstrateg

@MarSolRivas@mastodon.online avatar

@Kahte @1HommeAzerty @Sky4Sushi @MadameMollette @caporalstrateg Sushi aime les fruits à noyaux 😌

@michelle@front-end.social avatar
@joelanman@hachyderm.io avatar

@michelle the heading underlines that break out to the left is a really nice technique!

@Haste@mastodon.social avatar

@michelle I like this

@LukaszOlejnik@mastodon.social avatar

"The theft-prevention system installed in Seattle rental cars by a car-sharing company was designed to prevent cars being towed away by thieves. It disabled the cars remotely if they were detected to be moving with the engine off. Renters taking the boat ferry found themselves unable to restart their cars when the ferry docked. An anti-theft system in a car caused major delays to a regional ferry system" https://www.ft.com/content/178ab808-21ff-4ac2-a81f-f831326c22d4

@Methylcobalamin@mastodon.social avatar



Sounds like some engineers didn't have a brain storming session before they began making designs.

Kind of reminds me of how the asshole who invented the car alarm didn't have the thought that the car alarm would go off with false positives and disturb people for hours.

@Das_blaue_Pony@mastodon.social avatar

@LukaszOlejnik Wenn man die tolle Idee nicht zu Ende denkt.......

@tzimmer_history@mastodon.social avatar

The Students Have Never Been the Enemy

Student protest movements have historically functioned as an indispensable corrective for America and the West. That is the legacy of 1968 we should be talking about.

A thread, based on my new piece:



@tzimmer_history@mastodon.social avatar

@BreakingImpossible @guncelawits Did you actually read the piece? Because it has a very long section on the global dimension of “1968” and emphasizes that this was not just a Western phenomenon.

@tzimmer_history@mastodon.social avatar

@BlueWaver22 Hitler was never elected, the Nazis got over 40 percent (in March 1933) only after he had already ascended to power, and I think this is indicative of the way you are a little too quick to draw clear-cut lessons that fit your priors from a history that was vastly more complex.

@taylorlorenz@mastodon.social avatar

"Crushing the symbols of human creativity to produce a homogenized branded slab is pretty much where the tech industry is at in 2024" https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2024/05/08/apple-ipad-ad-tim-cook-backlash/

@pomCountyIrregs@mstdn.social avatar

@taylorlorenz Not everyone.

In real time I thought: this is weird, what’s the point, is this practical or computer graphics?

Oh it’s an iPad, okay, well that was a bit of a time waster.

Dense me, I thought it was just stuff and not symbols of human creativity. But, okay, if those were symbols as argued, then the “product” of the press may be interpreted as symbolizing creativity. Well, I’m a person making art who uses an iPad. So, that tracks.

Ineffective short film. That’s all. Move on.

@lin11c@toad.social avatar

What happened to Apple? I used to find their ads so innovative.

@nixCraft@mastodon.social avatar

Many people canceled their Openai subscriptions, or it is tough to monetize stuff created with generative AI, I guess, so Sama comes with a new plan to use all those GPUs. They are now going after OF models. WTF OpenAI? They are going to allow deepfake? This company is beyond evil 👿

@mjgardner@social.sdf.org avatar

@nixCraft @yzh #OpenAI has since denied they’re getting into #AI-generated #porn or #deepfakes:

• Gizmodo: “OpenAI Says It's Not Making AI Porn”: https://Gizmodo.com/openai-says-its-not-making-ai-porn-1851467771

• Quartz: “OpenAI is staying away from #pornography”: https://Apple.news/A2qVv9XrOSUmCRI_eT8yI8A


@nixCraft there is no such thing as responsible porn. It is an addictive, mind-altering substance. It can only serve to harm its consumers. Its creators profit off of peoples misfortune.

John_Livingston, French
@John_Livingston@mamot.fr avatar

Recherche recommandation matérielle: qui a un dock USB-C à conseiller, qui soit complètement compatible avec Debian Bookworm ?

Je dois pouvoir brancher dessus:

  • clavier, souris
  • ethernet
  • 2 écrans (hdmi et/ou display port)
  • 1 autre périphérique USB-A
  • enceintes audio (en jack)
  • gérer la charge du pc via l'usb-c

Bonus: que le dock ait subit des audits de sécurité et n'envoie aucune donnée non sollicité sur le réseau.

@devnull@mamot.fr avatar

@John_Livingston Y a a peu près 36 000 causes possible pour les bugs, du coup que certains sont spécifiques au kernel dans une version donnée… Bon au moins, ça peut vouloir qu'il y a une chance que ce soit corrigé, peut-être. Enfin, J'espère pour toi.

Dans mon cas, je compte pas sur Lenovo pour corriger les bugs, des docks d'apparence proche mais réf diff achetés par le taffe plus récemment ont eu une mise a jour, pas moi. Je suppose que « dock trop ancien ».

Le fw du laptop a rajouté un bug…

@John_Livingston@mamot.fr avatar

Le fix, je n'y crois plus depuis le temps que j'ai le bug.

Mon espoir : trouver un pc sous windows pour tenter une maj du firmware du dock.

@ZachWeinersmith@mastodon.social avatar

There should be a version of John Wick where, as in the Iliad, whenever someone is killed for any reason you get a story about where they came from, who their parents are, and how they'll never see their son again.

@ZachWeinersmith@mastodon.social avatar

@boldewyn It always kills me how they wink at the scene too much. Maybe I'm anomalous but it'd be 10x better if they went all in on it being sad.

@chocobo13@mastodon.social avatar

I'm waiting for the Hitman game where you have to also attend the funeral of all your victims, and it's a long, unskippable cutscene for each showing all the people devastated by your actions

daph, French
@daph@oc.todon.fr avatar
@Anjouschka@piaille.fr avatar


Je vais éviter de montrer ces photos (trop marrantes au demeurant) à M vu qu'on essaie de lui faire croire que Mephisto sera aussi calme et sage que Behemoth 🫢🤫😈😈

@daph@oc.todon.fr avatar

@Anjouschka les quatre se sont barrés et Méphisto n’était pas en tête de liste. Donc oui, c’est une calme.

@NanoRaptor@bitbang.social avatar

A "They Live" AR filter for Apple Vision Pro.

@RonsCompVids@bitbang.social avatar
@NanoRaptor@bitbang.social avatar

@jimmylittle @SirTapTap it is! And it’s a thing that amazes me regularly about this iPhone in my hand right now compared to what we needed in the 90s to even approach that. Apple have seemed so good at getting that across well, and it’s just so odd to me how strangely hamfisted in symbology the crush ad came out.

b0rk, (edited )
@b0rk@jvns.ca avatar

if you’ve written code to interact with a USB device (in userspace, not in the kernel), what tools/learning resources did you use?

right now I’m thinking gousb (and Wireshark to spy on USB traffic) but I’ve never done this before

the USB device in question is a USB-to-Ethernet adapter on a Mac

@mcr314@todon.nl avatar

@b0rk USB Ethernet devices are an entire subclass of USB, and ought to have common packets. They are mostly all handled by the kernel, so what do you want to do exactly? If you are trying to send/receive packets, the kernels will do that for you. Libpcap has routines that can help if you want to send packets at layer 2. What is your goal?

b0rk, (edited )
@b0rk@jvns.ca avatar

@mcr314 i want to send packets at layer 2 on Mac OS. In the past i’ve had a lot of problems with the OS intercepting the packets and closing my connections which is why I’m thinking of bypassing the OS as much as possible

@skinnylatte@hachyderm.io avatar

I haven’t encountered a single vegetable-centered dish at any of the Thai, Japanese, Malaysian restaurants I’ve visited in LA. It is possible to eat differently from the rest of the world (re a conversation a few days ago about always having to order veggies)

(To be clear, I agree everyone should eat veggies if they want! But also that, there are many cuisines which simply aren’t vegetable-centered)

(I had a very large raw papaya salad, lots of fiber but also enough chilli to kill a bear)

@mculbertson@mas.to avatar

@skinnylatte Not surprised at all. Most of the North American food supply is severely altered. But we’re all supposed to accept it as normal.

@va2lam@mastodon.nz avatar

@skinnylatte I don't eat potato that often but I do kind of like them? (Maybe I would like it less if I ate it more often). Also a fan of cooked vegetables (not boiled).

@bugaevc@floss.social avatar

Let's look into C++ 20 coroutines 🧵

I assume you're already familiar with general ideas of coroutines, async/await, and CPS / state machine transformation from other languages.

@bugaevc@floss.social avatar

There's also co_yield, which calls .yield_value(value) on the promise and co_await's the result. You can build generators with this, I guess,

and in fact C++ 23 comes with an std::generator<> type you can just use (or could, if your codebase was C++ 23+ only). On the inside, it's a type that you can return from a coroutine (and it has all of the promise_type things wired up); on the outside, it implements .begin(), .end(), and the C++ 20 range view stuff, so you can just iterate over it.

@bugaevc@floss.social avatar

That's it! You can find more details in your nearest copy of the C++ standard, or in one of the many explanations on the web.

One final note: it's important to understand that none of this is magic, it's just a state machine transformation and a bunch of compiler-inserted calls (i.e. await_suspend or get_return_object). The calls are real function calls following the ABI, they could be calling into a different compilation unit, a different shared library, etc.


daniel, German
@daniel@social.telemetrydeck.com avatar

Ok das ist echt cool. Hut ab vor Augsburg.

@grrrr_shark@supervolcano.angryshark.eu avatar

@daniel Gee, and we were just talking about considering moving to Augsburg. Points in its favour.

@daniel@social.telemetrydeck.com avatar

@lauteshirn die OB von Augsburg ist mir trotz ihrer Partie echt immer wieder positiv aufgefallen. Stark und klar positioniert gegen rechts, pro Radwege, etc.

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