/kbin meta

ernest, in "Antiwoke" magazin on kbin.social posting bullshit like "how to end Wokeness" and "Time to reject the extrem trans lobby harming our society" How to report ? he is the moderator of that magazin.
ernest avatar

I just need a little more time. There will likely be a technical break announced tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. Along with the migration to new servers, we will be introducing new moderation tools that I am currently working on and testing (I had it planned for a bit later in my roadmap). Then, I will address your reports and handle them very seriously. I try my best to delete sensitive content, but with the current workload and ongoing relocation, it takes a lot of time. I am being extra cautious now. The regulations are quite general, and I would like to refine them together with you and do everything properly. For now, please make use of the option to block the magazine/author.

cacheson, (edited )
cacheson avatar

The regulations are quite general, and I would like to refine them together with you and do everything properly.

I have been wondering how instance-wide moderation will end up looking on kbin, once you've had a chance to get a team in place for that. While it is (I assume) a "generalist" instance, it's important to keep in mind that you can't please everyone. Trying to have too broad of an audience will just result in retaining those with a high tolerance for toxicity (usually highly toxic themselves), while everyone else leaves in favor of better-managed spaces.

Communities in general, and particularly on the internet, need to understand what their purpose is, and be proactive about filtering out those that are incompatible with that purpose. This doesn't mean judging those people as wrong, or "bad people", it just means recognizing that not everyone is going to get along, and that some level of group cohesion needs to be maintained.


Agreed, that's part of my problem with generalist instances. They're so broad that they serve multiple communities with differing expectations, and it forces admins to take sides.

cacheson avatar

I think there is value in having both generalist and specialized instances, and the big landing spots for new users should probably strive to be more generalist. As you point out though, there are limits to how broad of an audience one can practically cater to.

Noki avatar

thank you!

I appreciate all you do and your quick respond.

Multipile Things I noticed as a creater of this thread:
can I close comments ?
can I hide comments ?
can I pin a response?
can I quickly see from what server peope are interacting?

I am no coder but would love to support you with all the work that is done.

At least some of the costs can be taken of your shoulders:


Edit: Can you close this thread for me ?



  • Loading...
  • wahming,

    Oh go start your own malignant instance.

    garrettw87 avatar


  • Loading...
  • wahming, (edited )

    It's a bad attitude to tell an unapologetic transphobe to get lost?

    Edit: In case you didn't realise, that's the user this entire post is complaining about.

    garrettw87 avatar

    No, I didn’t realize that. Sorry.

    poo avatar

    Kindly go spread your nazi bullshit somewhere else, thanks buck.

    ernest avatar

    All the things you mentioned are in the roadmap. However, we can either do it quickly and potentially encounter issues in a few weeks or months, or take a bit more time for a more thorough approach. I've decided to move away from playful prototyping. From now on, every change will be tested before it's approved for kbin.social - it's no longer just my code (https://lab2.kbin.pub/). I'd like to close this thread for you... but can we just agree not to respond in it anymore? ;p


    Thank you for being thorough

    Hobovision avatar

    I don't think closing threads is a great idea or in keeping with how this all works. I think it'd be nice to be able to mute a thread as an individual, but by its nature these discussions are open and shared with many instances. If we close it on kbin.social, other kbin instances, lemmy instances, and even places like mastodon and pixelfed could keep discussing, if I understand activity pub correctly.

    ernest avatar

    In such important tasks, I would like to engage in community-driven development. When I start planning these tasks, I will come to you with my whiteboard and sketch out the individual stages. Together, we will look for the advantages and disadvantages of such a solution, the weak and strong points. This is to jointly make a decision on whether the change makes sense on kbin.social but also in the perspective of the entire federation. It can be a great fun ;)

    @Snapz@beehaw.org avatar

    Let's all agree that of its many issues, locking/deleting open threats to targeted minority groups and pro supremacist propaganda meant to hurt or influence vulnerable people was NOT a drawback of the Reddit experience.

    Yes, it's a difficult thing to enforce a subjective line of a basic standard of decency, but it's also what a society is and one of the main reasons we gather as people. The quality of a group is shown in how they accommodate the weakest and most vulnerable among them.

    If we aren't prioritizing a way to send this CHUD and people liked them to the hypothetical edge of town, to be sure they can't bombard the young person struggling with their gender identity with targeted hate at their weakest moment, then what are we doing here?

    Infiltrated_ad8271 avatar

    Could you clarify what you would do in cases like this? Censor based on misinterpretation of the clickbait headline, even if it does not contain hate content at all?

    TheDudeAbiding avatar

    That's the best bait you could come up with? Come on, you can do better.

    LoafyLemon avatar

    A friendly reminder; Please don't forget to take your time and step away from Kbin whenever you need a break. Your mental health is just as important, if not most important, for the project to succeed.

    albinanigans avatar

    You are correct.

    I'm bookmarking this page to return to later. Time to pull up some weeds!

    slicedcheesegremlin avatar

    Everyone appreciates your effort here, ernest. Spez hasn't gotten 92 upvotes on a comment in years lmao despite Reddit having millions of users, it really shows how the difference.

    KTVX94, (edited )

    I joined kbin recently and I'm kind of concerned about the implications of this. I don't support those posts at all, but who gets to say what's worth banning and what not? Wouldn't that go against the decentralized nature of the site? Or is it the specific instance that magazine is on that has the authority to ban what's inside? How does all of this work?

    Edit: my bad, I got kbin and kbin.social mixed up. Noob mistake.



    While I kind of agree with you in being concerned about who gets to control what we see and don't see and the censorship aspect, there is also "the paradox of tolerance" to be considered and maybe in that light it is correct to not tolerate that subs intolerance.

    Regarding the Paradox of Tolerance:


    The Paradox of Tolerance is hot garbage:


    @aleph@lemm.ee avatar

    That link doesn't get anywhere close to showing why it is "hot garbage".

    Perhaps if you used your words to express a coherent argument, it would be more productive.

    Kierunkowy74 avatar

    kbin.social administration controls only what is published on kbin.social, and what content from elsewhere kbin.social users can see. An user banned from kbin.social can make another account, on another site and start recreate there his banned community. kbin.social will be able to ban this remote user and remote community, but this restricts only what kbin.social users can see.

    Exactly the same for another /kbin or lemmy site - just replace the domain name accordingly.


    It actually is one of the strengths of the decentralized nature of the Fediverse. But there are still growing pains associated with it.

    harmonea avatar

    Wouldn't that go against the decentralized nature of the site?

    No, it's exactly the opposite. The entire point of a decentralized federation is that while yes, the admin is in complete control of what content is allowed on his or her own instance, users who don't like what the admin is doing can just spin up their own new instances.

    Ernest can ban this type of content if he likes. Others can take the kbin software and make a new instance where it's welcome. Ernest can choose not to federate with that instance if they continue to push content that's against his rules, but Ernest doesn't have the power to dictate the direction for hundreds of millions of users' experience like a certain centralized site's mad CEO or admin board does.

    What would be against the nature of ActivityPub is if Ernest built something into the software to prevent it being used for types of content he doesn't like, even on other instances.


    The Fediverse is decentralized. The individual instances are not. Decentralization means that there's no one person or organization with power over the entire network, but people absolutely can and should moderate their own instances. If you don't like the moderation policies of once instance you can move to another.

    livus avatar

    Remember, kbin.social is just one instance of kbin. Ernest banning something on kbin.social does not mean banning it from the fediverse.

    It could pop up on another fediverse site or even another kbin site.


    Wow, more new servers! Looks like the growth has been really explosive. It wasn't that long ago you migrated Kbin to Fastly right?

    spicy_biscuits avatar

    Thank you Ernest, we appreciate you ☺️

    KuchiKopi, in PSA: Upvote is not an upvote like you are used to (like Reddit) - "Boost" is the Reddit Upvote
    @KuchiKopi@lemmy.world avatar

    Thanks! I'll upvote this for visibility.


    Bruh, you got me laughing hard.


    418 upvotes / 3 downvoted = You one funny Person*

    I am brand new to KBIN n loving it so far

    Thanks to OP I got me answer .. that's the first thing I didn't get;
    "What's the diff between n upvote and boost ? "

    alexbrichs avatar


    ernest, in kbin.social is.. fast again?
    ernest avatar

    I noticed, but it's not me... not yet. The traffic simply dropped to an acceptable level. I'm working on maintaining this state permanently, and I think I'm on the right track. I want to do it really well and make use of the new possibilities we have now. In the meantime, I'm organizing the git/issues and will be on Matrix where we resolve certain technical matters. But I'll be back here soon and will tell you everything :)

    Good morning, everyone!

    JungleGeorge avatar

    good morning 👋

    jdp23 avatar

    Thanks for all your hard work!!!!

    VulcanSphere avatar

    Good morning sir

    Sam_uk avatar

    The Americans are asleep..

    Saturdaycat avatar

    Awesome and good morning!

    yak avatar

    thank you.


    How can I join the kbin matrix?


    What is kbin matrix?


    I think Matrix is a Messenger Protocoll and the kbin Matrix is the "Groupchat". But that is just hearsay your honor.


    Hearsay or not, its great ELI5. Thanks


    Get a Matrix client and join the “kbin” room 🙂

    ernest avatar

    The easiest way is through the Element app :matrix.org


    ok cool, I already had element but wasn't sure what homeserver kbin was on. I think that would be a good thing to put on kbin.pub (unless it's already there and I just missed it). I've joined now though, thanks!

    lixus98 avatar

    Good morning, nice work keeping kbin from going down!


    Well, at least the answer isn't a massive cash inflow from Tencent. Though I've noticed a suspicious lack of tank man since coming here... /joke

    sab avatar

    Good morning!

    Don't forget to take breaks, even when there's a lot to do! We're all very happy to be here already, nothing is urgent enough that it's worth burning out over. :)

    0xtero avatar

    Good morning, hope you're getting some sleep ;)

    Human_Potato_Hybrid avatar

    Good morning! You're doing a stellar job, please make sure to look after yourself!


    Will hosting our own lemmy instance help, or is the traffic from federated content still the same to Kbin's backend?


    It'll likely help, the speed seems to depend on the amount of active users

    EnglishMobster avatar

    Does this mean that Kbin will start federating again?

    Nexnecis avatar


    You are doing an amazing job bud

    Whirlgirl9, in /kbin server update - or how the server didn't blow up
    Whirlgirl9 avatar

    hi all, you can buy ernest a cup of coffee aka give him some cash for his incredibly hard work! https://www.buymeacoffee.com/kbin

    RealM avatar

    What payment options are there? This seems to be only credit card.


    If I was Ernest I’d be scared stupid

    cordlessmodem avatar

    Know wut i mean, Vern?

    phantomslave avatar



    Yes, done!

    GreenPlasticSushiGrass avatar

    Done! Keep up the good work!

    DrChickenbeer avatar

    Yassss I'm supporter 666🤘

    BigVault avatar



    Ernest should set up a patreon. I'd pay a monthly sub to him for this great website.

    It's hard ot believe it's only a month or two old.




    @schmitt's farm This is exactly the kind of information I've been searching for. Thank you!

    freebrick avatar

    Done! Thanks @ernest! This site is so cool!

    Upvotes_Kills_Birds avatar

    Easiest $15 I've spent this month. Let's keep Kbin going!

    I_Miss_Daniel avatar

    That 100 Euro server also needs some coins inserted :)

    HipHoboHarold avatar

    Unfortunately someone just tried to use my bank account the other day, so I'm waiting for a new card to come in, but I got this bookmarked for when I do. I think it's worth the cost of a cup of coffee every now and then.

    juergen_hubert, in /kbin - a few quick announcements
    juergen_hubert avatar

    Since Ernest doesn't mention it himself, I would like to point out that he has a BuyMeACoffee account where you can donate to him to support him for all his hard work.


    Thanks I just bought him one =D

    jon, in /kbin project management costs, financing, future plans
    jon avatar

    @ernest, if Kbin starts making okay money, don't be afraid to give yourself a salary. It's important that you get to eat too.


    Yeah I donated specifically in hopes of helping ernest live off kbin

    tjhart85 avatar

    I agree ... one of the greatest things I've seen in FOSS has been growing to the point that Nabu Casa can employee 25 people to work on the project (I have no idea if they're all full time or what, but I know at least a decent chunk are).

    If I spin up an instance, whether it stays afloat is between me and the people on my instance, but if we want the flagship to stay up and for our dev to have the time/willingness to make improvements, he needs to get paid. Even just project managing a project of this size is an immense undertaking and just accepting PR's from others can get to be crazy.

    I'd honestly prefer to not have to decide between "I want this to go to /kbin" or "Ernest is 'allowed' to buy a beer with this". I'd prefer to donate to something that ensures /Kbins needs are met for x amount of months and then the rest is split between employees of the org at whatever ratio is agreed upon. That's just my $.02 ... I really do appreciate that Ernest wants to be so careful with the fund though, I just don't want the /Kbin account to be sitting multi-thousands of dollars in the black while Ernest is struggling with basic subsistence.


    As I’ve been lurking around the fediverse, running instances seems to be universally a hobby project, and it’s a little concerning. It kind of gives the impression of all being idealistic young kids embarrassed to ascribe value to their own time. I mean, you can do a lot with volunteer labor, especially if it’s a good ecosystem with appropriate recognition and gratitude, but the people are absolutely the most valuable parts of kbin.social, lemmy.world, etc, and they do have to eat, pay rent, go on vacation. It’s tough to respond to a 3am message about your instance being hacked if you have a job to be at four hours later, and leads to a whole different kind of burnout.

    It’s early days yet, but I hope the bigger instance teams get some input from people who’ve managed growth spurts in non-profits, and especially the transition to their first paid staff members (even when that staff member is the owner).


    The whole internet was basically hobby projects that worked fine before big tech ate everything.

    It can totally work if the community's right.


    I saw my first beheading at the age of 12 on ebaums world. My buddy got targeted by a pedophile and sent child pornography on a messaging board. Half the sites were on angelfire or geocities and featured constant porn pop-ups. My email was absolutely filled with dick pill spam immediately. Newgrounds was a super popular site with kids my age and like half of it was porn games. There was this really annoying emoji banner ad on like every site that would constantly shout “OH MY GOD NO WAAYY” and “SAY SOMETHING” (seriously it happened so much I can still hear it).

    I don’t know that the internet “worked fine” lol. I mean, I think I turned out alright, but if my parents knew what I was seeing on the internet they never would’ve let me on the computer again.

    AnonymousLlama avatar

    The good old wild west days


    I mean... Nowadays we are just being tracked by bots fed and mega corp creeps. But Iguess it turned out... Alright


    Aw stop, you're making me all nostalgic. :D

    Place was wild before they cleaned it up for business interests, for sure.

    blightbow, (edited )
    blightbow avatar

    And if they are scoped realistically.

    The contraction we're seeing in the tech space this year is in large part a consequence of venture capitalist funding. A significant portion of tech sites were being funded at a loss, with the idea that profitability could be achieved after establishing a userbase. Rising interest rates pushed the VCs to put pressure on the companies they invested in: "no more free lunch, realize our gains now". This is why you see a rash of tech sites abruptly restructuring (Discord) or completely collapsing (gfycat). Reddit falls somewhere between the two, because it's likely they're seeking an IPO and they don't care about the fate of the website once they cash out. Twitter is ruled by an emperor with no clothes. Facebook can't make as much money as it did prior to the added government scrutiny, and the Zuck has been frantically trying to diversify his company these past few years.

    This is a long-winded way of saying that ernest deserves a lot of praise here for being realistic and up front with the operating costs of running the largest kbin instance. lemmy and kbin draw inspiration from the social media platforms that came before them, but can't budget for growth the same way that their predecessors did. It's not going to be cheap, they aren't going to get the free lunch that prior social media platforms had, and ernest needs to proceed with the well-being of both himself and his project in mind.

    @melroy@kbin.melroy.org avatar

    Maybe this was also how the internet was intended.

    elscallr avatar

    I'm not sure if you're joking but it's not that long that's how it used to be.

    @melroy@kbin.melroy.org avatar

    @elscallr Well some history. IPv4 (and later IPv6 now) was meant to connect computers together, ideally without any router/modem in between but each device directly on the web (but ipv6 came too late). So we got an interconnected web.

    Later Tim Berners-Lee just want to have a human-readable documents to be linked together, with a distributed architecture that would see those documents stored on multiple servers, controlled by different people, and interconnected. I think the fediverse comes pretty close to this idea.

    I also think big companies and centralized solutions might make it easier for the user, but we also now know all the downsides of those solutions from Google, Meta, Amazon, Microsoft,... you are the product.

    @ernest @jon @tburkhol

    elscallr avatar

    Ackshually yeah you're right, but I was simplifying.

    I'm 25 years older than you are, if you're the person in your pfp, and was there when you had to dial into the service you wanted to use. Not saying that to flex, just to say... I fucking know.

    @melroy@kbin.melroy.org avatar

    Ah the good old BBS. Still running them.

    elscallr avatar

    Real talk no shit?

    I didn't know that was still a thing. How would I find it these days?

    @melroy@kbin.melroy.org avatar

    Yea! I'm not lying here.. BBS is still a thing. I love ENiGMA½: https://enigma-bbs.github.io/ .

    Source code: https://github.com/NuSkooler/enigma-bbs

    @originalucifer@moist.catsweat.com avatar

    Do you remember telix? The term emu... SALT was my first scripted language I really put to use

    @melroy@kbin.melroy.org avatar

    All those DOS programs are awesome. For BBS I use SyncTERM: http://syncterm.bbsdev.net/


    ipv4, and the structures that came before it, were meant for academics and military commands to talk to each other on government funding. It was the definition of an elitist space and filled with idealistic kids and dilettantes who didn’t need to worry about rent. Nobody in the public would even know it existed for a decade.

    lemonflavoured avatar

    Hear, hear

    ernest, (edited ) in Loving the new updates, but what all has changed?
    ernest avatar

    Soon I will try to craft a post about whom exactly we owe these changes to. Today there's already too much excitement for one evening ;)

    spoiler: https://codeberg.org/Kbin/kbin-core/activity

    For the next few hours, the website may be slow. We are working on a fix.

    artillect avatar

    Sweet, looking forward to it!

    akai, (edited )
    akai avatar

    Loving the new update @ernest!


    The iOS PWA logs out whenever I lock my screen. Is that something that will be fixed? I love kbin ty for all the work you do!

    AnonymousLlama avatar

    I haven't seen that report before, if it's happening consistently with you can you add it as an issue on https://codeberg.org/Kbin/kbin-core/issues

    We adjusted the manifest to add in the updated logos and shortcuts and it's working correctly on Android.

    Good to make a report in case there's some underlying issue


    Hmm. Interestingly, I just tried it again and it seems the issue may have fixed itself (probably affected by the other changes). If it does start again I'll make a report. Thanks!

    AnonymousLlama avatar

    Great work guys, really happy with how many tweaks, bug fixes and be additions we got in. Super super keen to get the click to toggle comment functionally in (love it on mobile) along with some of the new bigger pieces


    lol I got super confused cos I could've SWORN your PR that you're working on atm about user profiles was merged already, but after the update the 2nd display name is still there....so I was like, did anything change? when did the commits go up to? and then I realized this PR isn't merged yet and heavily 🤦‍♀️

    AnonymousLlama avatar

    Hopefully soon! Adjusted styles on it so it doesn't overflow now which is great, waiting on it to get reviewed. Be good to get rid of all these extra parts of the system that aren't really helpful.

    @melroy@kbin.melroy.org avatar

    Nice, I'm the second person after Ernest on this activity chart, since June 28.

    ernest avatar

    This code is just a small fraction of what you generally do, man ;)

    numbscroll avatar

    👀 that’s a lot of MRs and commits, wow… thank you!!


    Thanks for the updates Ernest, just fyi I had to delete the pwa I had for kbin and reinstall it to get the updates. Maybe have to adjust something in your manifest to auto update? I'll take a look at code later. Really happy so far tho, the screen lock is a life saver!!

    AnonymousLlama avatar

    The manifest is a pain. Apparently even updating the theme_color should be enough to force chrome to download a new version and update the local client, but that can take anywhere from a few hours to a day or so 😰

    I've found deleting it and reinstalling thankfully works and now shows the fancy icon on Android

    Adderalldependent, in Hey guys, this time I really messed up :/

    This is the kind of transparent communication that buys so much goodwill and trust from the community. I've been enjoying my first experience in the Fediverse with Kbin, and the response here only makes me love it that much more. Nicely handled.

    PtitSerpent avatar

    I think we did a good choice


    Agreed. I had already created an account on a Lemmy instance (Lemmy.one since I wanted to avoid the two main .ml instances). I had just about settled but decided to give Kbin a try. While it doesn't seem quite as far along in it's development, it struck me as a better user experience. Combined with reservations I have about the Lemmy developers... Well, here we are. And seeing this level of involvement and dedication to doing the right thing from the developer confirms that choice. Kudos @ernest

    Rhaedas avatar

    I've been using both sides to figure things out, and I always end up using kbin more.


    I like Kbin so far (as I post from Lemmy), and if I had the capability I'd write an app for it.


    As I am totally new to this whole thing, could you elaborate for me on those reservations about the lemmy developers? And are those the same that created lemmy.world?

    dannekrose, in PSA: Upvote is not an upvote like you are used to (like Reddit) - "Boost" is the Reddit Upvote
    @dannekrose@kilioa.org avatar


    This is a result of the original design. Kbin, up until just before the peak traffic hit, was using boosts as upvotes and favorites/likes were just below the post/thread (where boost sits now). Lemmy does it the way it is now (likes = upvotes) so Ernest changed it to match Lemmy behavior. But just as he changed it, he hadn’t changed the calculation for reputation to match when the server nearly melted down and he has to spend all his time just trying to keep the site alive by himself.

    garrettw87 avatar

    I see you’re on a different Kbin instance. Was this intended to be a threaded reply, out of curiosity? Because it shows up as a top-level comment on the post for me.

    Awwab avatar

    He using an optional feature that lets you auto populate your reply box with the OPs username.

    garrettw87 avatar

    Yes, but my bigger point is that it’s not threaded as a reply to one of that user’s comments.

    Edit: Oops, nevermind. I saw their comments elsewhere down here but didn’t realize they were OP. Just one of the interface things on Kbin that needs improvement.

    Edit 2: I need to figure out how to do strikethrough text on here

    artillect, (edited )
    artillect avatar

    You can do strikethrough text ~~like this~~



    Edit: doesn’t seem to render properly on jerboa lemmy client

    @Dick_Justice@lemmy.world avatar

    It looks good on the . 35 Jerboa


    testing your assertion

    HamSwagwich avatar

    I'm viewing this from KBin and I don't see strikethrough.

    artillect avatar

    That's because I put that in a code block with backticks (`), here's what it looks like normally testing

    garrettw87 avatar

    How weird. When I do that, it doesn’t seem to work.

    Overarch3784 avatar


    Teon avatar

    test successful

    Manticore, (edited )

    As a desktop kbin user, there's no strikethrough. Unsure as to why, if kbin is markdown. Strikethrough is considered advanced markdown formatting so I'm guessing kbin didn't include it. Now I'm curious to see how much common markdown is visible on kbin's desktop platform.

    Guide for those unfamiliar with markdown, so you can see what I'm doing. ✔ means I can see it on desktop kbin, ❌ means it remains unformatted (formatting characters remain).

    Horizontal rule ✔

    Testing MD (headings)

    • bullet points ✔
      • sub bullets (no tab on kbin; use 4 spaces) ✔
    • bold
    • emphasis
    • strikethrough
    • escaping characters
    • code (inline)

    quote ✔

    AnonymousLlama avatar

    Oddly enough all of that looks perfectly fine on kbin mobile, even the strike through, I'll have a look at desktop later and if it's doesn't work

    artillect avatar

    I'm using kbin.social on desktop and it shows up fine for me, not sure what's going on on your instance

    AWildMimicAppears avatar

    i on kbin.social see the strikethrough fine

    LinusWorks4Mo avatar

    like this?

    @Piecemakers3Dprints@lemmy.world avatar

    Ideas for Edit 3: crate the Reddit avatar and start anew. 🥹

    @iamhazel@beehaw.org avatar


    ernest, in Lemmy.ml is blocking all requests from /kbin Instances
    ernest avatar

    It's possible that this is a consequence of the latest Lemmy update, in which a lot has changed. I have noted that kbin has some issues with request signature in communication with certain instances. I will try to check it tomorrow first thing in the morning.

    Kaldo avatar

    I've noticed we are also not federating with lemmy.wtf for some reason, maybe it's something related. They are connected well with other lemmy instances but kbin can't get a hold of them despite being on their list of linked instances

    @melroy@kbin.melroy.org avatar

    Sorry to tell you this, but Lemmy.ml seems to actively blocking 'kbinbot' user-agent requests...

    LollerCorleone avatar

    Those links are working fine. Kbin is federating well with those instances. A bit of latency is normal.


    No upvotes, comments or boosts go through


    It takes time. I just setup my own instance and I sent a comment from there, it took 40 minutes to arrive on kbin.social, upvotes and replies have not made it back to my instance yet some 45-60mins after they happened.



  • Loading...
  • r00ty,

    Because, when you post here from kbin.social any other instance with kbinMeta@kbin.social will get a copy of that and vice-versa. But each side is exchanging posts from multiple magazines to multiple other instances. It's also balancing resource usage for people visiting the site too.

    Also new instances are gradually fetching the back-catalog of posts for various magazines (and communities on lemmy). So all of this leads to a delay.

    Anecdotally the delay is quite short this morning. Yesterday it reached up to 2 hours from my view at least.


    Case in point, it took less than a minute for this to reach my instance (this is me, posting from my instance... Maybe I should have used another username... This one has a picture, is the instance me).



  • Loading...
  • r00ty,

    Well, there's a bit to unpack here. When you download something in seconds that's your whole connection to a server that is on a super fast connection.

    Most people running instances are on a much more modest combination of hardware and connection and even the bigger ones (kbin.social etc) are not going to have a connection as fast as dedicated download CDNs can offer. I would expect they probably have a gigabit, and at most 10gbit. That's shared between everyone on the site downloading cat pictures, posting, refreshing AND the federation of all the new content to and from other instances.

    But that's really not the problem here at all. Far more of a load is the processing of the incoming and outgoing messages to and from many instances. This takes CPU load (and to a lesser extent memory), and this is shared between the message queue for these inter-instance messages, the web server and database.

    When you look at how the fediverse of kbin and lemmy is laid out. You will see there's a handful of larger instances with most of the popular magazines/communities. This means that they're doing the lion's share of this processing. Couple the fact that the population has exploded over the last month or so, even these larger instances might be struggling with hardware and/or infrastructure layout (maybe running all on one box, and needing to split the load for example). That's speculation though.

    At any rate, for whatever reason (maybe the lemmy problems backing up message queues with errors) things were MUCH slower last night.

    @melroy@kbin.melroy.org avatar

    Still after 5 hours.. the upvotes are behind.. I hope AP will scale well in the future.. This since looks not great.

    YMS avatar

    But the oldest comments both there and on kbin.social are more than 55 minutes old without appearing in the respective other place.

    LollerCorleone avatar

    Until kbin.social servers are fully upgraded, such delays will occur. Even afterwards, it might happen if the other instance is running on slow servers. We are still in the early stages of this platform, and there is no huge corporate throwing money at us (it is so early that there hasn't even been an actual 'Release' yet). These quirks are to be expected as kbin develops.

    Upvotes_Kills_Birds avatar

    Wow, thank you for the quick communication. Amazing aptitude. Almost nowhere else do you find a lead dev in the comment trenches letting us know what's happening, I'm kinda baffled.

    riktor avatar

    we love ernest!

    Sota4077, in Thank you so much for your support! 😍

    Honestly dude start a Patreon or something even if you only do it for temporary. I would chip in $5/month for a while to pay for server costs if it means getting a stable site and a viable alternative to Reddit.


    It's going to be a heck of an effort. I'd be down to contribute to Patreon if this is an option.

    keystonerose avatar

    Absolutely; seems only fair! Exploring this place has me excited about the future of the social internet for the first time in ages


    It's also useful because it allows monthly flow, which is way more useful for planning than just a lump sum and ??? on what you'll get in a few months.

    kunic avatar

    Also it helps to further gauge growth. New users is one thing, but new users actively donating for the betterment of the project is something entirely different. (Also first kbin.social comment, hope this place explodes in a good way!)


    I’d like to second this


    Third this


    Motion passed.

    Redhotkurt avatar

    Agreed, brah. I just donated, and would gladly donate via recurring methods if implemented. Also, what Kaldo said earlier...don't develop this by yourself, you're gonna burn out faster than you think.

    ernest, in Looks like federation is working again!
    ernest avatar

    For now, I'm just preparing the groundwork, but first, I need to get some sleep :p


    Lack of rest leads to bugs. Take your time.

    ernest avatar

    just kidding

    Fatalchemist avatar

    rip sleep

    Saturdaycat avatar

    Get some rest!

    gus avatar

    You deserve it, we all appreciate your dedication and efforts

    Blakerboy777 avatar

    You're the man!


    you're the man too, the exodus is on? at least the 'traffic is enormous holy shit' prompt on the right is a good sign.

    someone's gotta help this guy though if it's just one dude and his server rack in his spare room

    *edit works looks like. yea this is cool, pretty much reddit, nice

    awsamation avatar

    Keep up the good work man, but also take care of yourself.

    It doesn't do anyone any good if you burn yourself out from lack of self care.

    Teali0 avatar

    You are killing it. Keep it up and take care of yourself!



  • Loading...
  • Otome-chan,
    Otome-chan avatar

    The speed thing is interesting because for most of the time it's actually not unusable. It's a little delay here and there, but often fast or okay speed. it's only sometimes that it gets kinda unbearably slow. But IMO as long as it's up, I can deal with a slow speed here and there if it means I get to keep using kbin :). the dev/admin here is an absolute champ. kbin is awesome.



  • Loading...
  • Otome-chan,
    Otome-chan avatar

    So far I've used kbin entirely from my laptop web browser. I haven't tried accessing it with my phone just yet.


    Definitely been more stable than reddit.

    Otome-chan avatar

    I prefer "sometimes it's laggy/slow" over reddit's "btw we're gonna just die for an hour. lol you broke reddit, here's a pic of a cat unplugging a computer".

    artillect avatar

    I don't know why but the "you broke reddit" message always frustrated me. I didn't break shit lmao, it's the site that's broken

    ernest, in Ernest Appreciation Post
    ernest avatar

    Wow ;) I'm incredibly lucky to have come across people like you. The authors of those posts are actually right - managing /kbin is a significant challenge nowadays. It requires extensive knowledge and experience to keep it under control. But also I've never hidden that fact - the information about it is placed at the very top of the repository's readme ;) However, as I mentioned, a lot is changing very quickly https://kbin.social/m/RedditMigration/t/122333/Fediverse-won-t-replace-Reddit-as-long-as-Lemmy-is-the#entry-comment-478779. And we're all working hard on it, to improve and automate as many things as possible. Thanks to all of you, I believe I can face it head-on, and together we can create a better place. Better internet. Not just this instance, but cooperation between platforms is the key here.

    Unfortunately, there are delays occurring again - I've decided that smooth website operation will be the priority this time. There are approximately 450k tasks waiting in the queue, and everything will be handled, but it will take some time. Today, we're also conducting final tests of the new infrastructure. It's taking a while because we're documenting templates that can later be used by others to create their own instances. I hope these are the last issues we have to endure ;)

    Thanks for everything.

    wagesj45 avatar

    Maybe it is time to start appointing some additional moderators to the biggest magazines.

    (Obligatory thank you for all that you've done for us!)


    You're doing an incredible job.

    blanketswithsmallpox avatar

    Thank you for the hard work and much love!

    Warped avatar

    Thanks for all the work you do, and I hope you find it rewarding. Most of all, look after yourself mentally and physically. The same goes for the whole team.

    The fact you are being transparent and honest about your work and plans for the future, is a huge bonus. Even admitting to setback and problems, is refreshing. I certainly don't expect a super human running the show, and everything to be perfect. If anything, that would make me question the place and avoid it. So many places talk rubbish, spewing out a word salad, but actually say nothing. Even worse, they say one thing and do the precise opposite. You come across as .... well, the total opposite of Spez and those running Deaditt.

    McBinary avatar

    Thank you for putting the time into this. I'm really enjoying what you're creating here and I look forward to all it can become. Please pace yourself and find help where you can. Don't burn yourself out!

    PinaAkoda avatar

    Excited to see where /kbin goes from here! Thank you for the hard work you're putting into this!

    @zazaserty@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

    You are partaking in a true internet revolution man

    DrNeurohax avatar

    What you've done here is truly impressive. Reach out to the community when you need help and stay healthy. It's clear you know what you're doing and thanks for all the hard work!

    Chetzemoka avatar

    I just logged in and noticed the updated reputation counting system. Ernest is a man of his word, y'all. I know we're in good hands and look forward to seeing where things go in the future. Really appreciate all your hard work

    minnieo avatar

    thank you for your hard work and transparency ernest ♡

    HeartyBeast avatar

    The status update about queue-size etc is really valuable. I wonder if it might be possible to have a little status space in the sidebar

    Kuujaku avatar

    I'm a firm believer there can never be too many thanks you's given so: Thank you ernest and everyone working on this.
    I myself don't have much php experience other than one small site that i run, but i hope in the future i can too contribute to this project. But that said i do have somewhat more linux experience and if you or anyone here needs help with anything feel free to shoot me a message.

    @melroy@kbin.melroy.org avatar

    Hopefully migration to k8s will be soon and will go smooth!

    sab, in Thank you so much for your support! 😍
    sab avatar

    In case anyone is wondering, this is the link.

    This is super nice, but I think (and hope) you're going to need a lot more than $350 very soon!


    I cannot get the PayPal link to work...

    @melroy@kbin.melroy.org avatar

    Please support debit cards..

    magnetosphere, in "Antiwoke" magazin on kbin.social posting bullshit like "how to end Wokeness" and "Time to reject the extrem trans lobby harming our society" How to report ? he is the moderator of that magazin.
    magnetosphere avatar

    Those “antiwoke” people disgust me. I encourage disagreements. I don’t encourage thinly veiled hate disguised with code words. Tolerance isn’t “far left”.


    Tolerance of evil kind of is far left.


    Tolerance of evil is AuthLeft


    Agreed, though that's not a common term, and the non-authoritarian left is approximately center-left. The center-left is opposed to wokeism, like Bill Maher. The center-left is pro-free-speech. All of the desire to ban speech that you see throughout this thread is extreme AuthLeft, to use that terminology.

    artisanrox avatar

    not really lol far lefties just want to use the bathroom without getting harassed or murdered

    jonion avatar
    00 avatar

    How is one guy saying (to extremely paraphrase) "some people have used the label of freedom to exploit vulnerable people" relevant to this? Like, thats a given, that some people will use this as a guise. Now, is there a systematic problem of leftists arguing for the freedom to assault children? No, only in the imagination of projecting right-libertarians.

    jonion avatar

    Michel Foucault, Gayle Rubin and Judith Butler aren't just "some people", they are three of the most influential thought leaders of the (post-)modern Left. Foucault of course being joined by heavyweights like Derrida, Lyotard, Deleuze, de Beauvoir, Sartre, Barthes etc. etc. and so on and so forth. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_petition_against_age_of_consent_laws

    The point of course being that this thread is full of idiots who have never even heard of the likes of Foucault or truly appreciate how badly they jumped the gun here (turns out there was still some "intolerance" left). Your cult of transgression and tolerance is not philosophically sound.

    livus avatar

    With all due respect poststructuralist academics (many of whom are dead) are not the sociocultural leaders of anyone.

    That 1977 petition is heinous, but I don't think that being influenced by poststructuralism some 47 years later means anyone has to agree with those politics.

    jonion avatar

    Survived just fine through Judith Butler though.

    When I took a couple of critical theory oriented literary courses at uni these were the names that came up again and again, but there was no mention of their ultimate transgression. This is how the myth of an entirely dangerous right and an entirely harmless left is propagated. Just don't mention the bad parts of the left and create one continuous antagonist group out of everyone from Ted Cruz to Heinrich Himmler. Every rightist is implicated in the actions of their most radical thought leaders, but leftists are afforded the luxury of not associating with characters like Foucault, Lenin or Mao at their own leisure.

    And I know that you know this but a "thought leader" doesn't need to be alive, so that's not really an argument. These people are tremendously influential and popular in our time (and Butler and Rubin aren't even dead), as demonstrated by the negative response to the Derrick Jensen lecture clip linked above.

    livus avatar

    Tangential but it's wild to me that you studied Gayle Rubin repeatedly and the pedophilia angle somehow didn't come up. It's literally right there in her writing. Her work was only referenced in one postgrad course I took and 99% of the class totally hated on her for it.

    I have to say I don't think this "rightist"/"leftist" paradigm is really working in this discussion. It's way too simplistic and implies that there are two monolithic worldviews at different ends of a linear compendium. But that's just not the case. Many of the theorists don't even agree with each other, or with their own past selves, etc etc.

    And in the grassroots a lot of it doesn't even filter down. Soup kitchen workers who never read any of Butler's word salads, junior investment partners who haven't even read Adam Smith...

    Sapere aude. The world is too interesting and complex to narrow down to two "ideologies".

    jonion avatar

    The main crit lit course was undergrad and at a European uni (with an American professor) so it was all pretty superficial, but the prof didn't exactly volunteer the ugly sides of these thinkers (as he most certainly would have done with a Carl Schmitt or a Heidegger). The other course (also undergrad) was even less rigorous, just a quick once-over of the basics of oppression and yada yada, namedropping Marcuse/Foucault/Derrida but never dissecting them.

    The point of mentioning this wasn't to say that I'm some kind of particular expert on these thinkers (I am not) but rather that my experience with their presentation is that they are left as likeable as possible (there were years between me hearing of Foucault and realizing he was a nonce, whereas people usually learn that someone like Heidegger was a nazi before they even know how his name is pronounced).

    I 100% agree on the uselessness of the left/right-dichotomy as it stands, particularly because the radical right gets lumped in with liberal individualists like Adam Smith/Ayn Rand/Ronald Reagan etc., which makes no sense at all.

    Still, there are some essential axioms that can be used to distinguish the left and the right, those being equality+liberalism vs. disparity+illiberalism. There is a natural reason that the pedophiles aren't garnering support among the ranks of the far right and that white nationalists won't find much love among the far left.

    livus avatar

    Your experience sounds unfortunate. It was pretty darn weird of them to gloss over Foucault and not Heidegger! Irresponsible, even.

    I'm not American, and find some of their conflations between politics, social policy, and economic policy a little hard to get behind. It's far from universal.

    jonion avatar

    Yeah, irresponsible is the best word for it.
    It's very tiresome to observe at length.

    slicedcheesegremlin avatar

    yeah "far left" in the US is just wanting basic human rights, something something overton window.


    The far-right brings messages of hate, violence, intolerance, and attempts to pass legislation to justify their views. The far-left has brought us the weekend, the 40 hour work week, child labor laws, etc…


    Not to mention the insidious evil of clean drinking water and food that won't poison you.

    jonion avatar

    the far-right


    messages of hate, violence

    such as?


    the tu quoque is almost too tempting here

    pass legislation to justify their views

    this is a joke, right?

    Oh, and I didn't know people like Henry Ford and the 2nd Baron Trent were "far-left". I guess the horseshoe really does exist after all.
    Stop beating strawmen, your ideological muscles are only gonna atrophy further.

    exscape avatar

    the tu quoque is almost too tempting here


    We can't be tolerant of people who are intolerant towards e.g. LGBT people; it doesn't work out in the end.


    The apparent paradox is solved by viewing tolerance as a social contract. Only those who adhere to the contract and are tolerant of others can have a claim to receive that same tolerance. Similarly those who are intolerant should have no expectation to be tolerated since they do not adhere to the social contract which should provide that tolerance.

    jonion avatar

    Nonsense, we most certainly can. In fact, most countries "worked out" without ever needing to be tolerant in the first place.

    Popper doesn't even acknowledge that this notion can be universalized, and then you're just back to square one with Carl Schmitt and the Concept of the Political.

    Take your LGBT example. For that to work, you must be intolerant of, say, Salafis. Then the Salafi can respond that his in-group (the faithful, true to God, whatever) are being threatened by those who must necessarily be intolerant of him by nature of their own allegiance.

    Thus you still end up with a value judgment despite Popper's veneer of neutralization and depoliticization. That's where the real philosophizing begins. How do you justify allegiance to one side of the friend/enemy distinction over the other?


    Except you don't have to be intolerant of Salafis. They can be Salafis or not for all I or anyone else cares, what matters is whether they hate people for who they are and spread or communicate that hate.

    I'm personally not entirely sure about male to female trans athletes being allowed to compete in female-only leagues and am concerned about the wisdom of allowing sex change procedures for minors that weren't born intersex. I wouldn't marry a trans person and if a close family member suddenly came out as trans I might have long discussions with said family member for a while,

    But that's it. I wouldn't even dream of hating someone for being trans or demonizing people who are. Even if I had religious beliefs against that kind of stuff it would at worst make me worry about such a person or make me pray for them.

    If I were a moderator of a public space, I'd allow them to talk there without fear so long as they're not actively attacking others, same as any other group.

    Likewise, you can believe that trans people are wrong and will go to whatever equivalent of hell your belief system has and I would tolerate you as long as you are civil about it, come from a position of compassion and empathy and don't try to force people to listen to you (like by using multiple accounts to circumvent blocks and/or bans) who have clearly communicated that they don't want to hear you anymore (same goes in the other direction, btw) and don't try to incite others to treat them as anything other than fellow human beings.

    If someone from either side can't do that, that person lacks tolerance and in turn can expect the same level of tolerance being directed to them.

    jonion avatar

    Salafism kind of requires you to be intolerant of people for who they are, but let's not pretend these people would lend the same "live and let live" thinking to a Catholic bishop who espoused the views of a Salafi mullah when it comes to homosexuals.

    But I get where you're coming from and your position is entirely reasonable. The problem is just that your attitude is not that of this thread and the OP. If you actually look at this 10A guy's posts you'll find nothing that merits the response you see in this thread. I'd say there's a long way to overstepping the threshold of civility on that part, but in this thread people already want heads on spikes, so to speak.


    Alright you caught me in a good mood, so I’ll throw some articles out here to explain my line of thinking. I hope you’ll see I’m not arguing with strawmen.

    Article from October of last year describing right wing outrage to drag shows.

    Fast forward to recent months and it appears that words have turned to action, in the form of legislation

    I believe some else mentioned the Paradox of Tolerance, but I will link it again just in case you missed it.

    I hope this clears up my line of thinking. No invisible boogymen here - just some examples of,
    In my opinion, things changing for the worst. And if you were not arguing in good faith… oh well.


    The "Paradox of Tolerance" is garbage. An interesting thought experiment where Popper came to the wrong conclusions. You can't believe in "Freedom of Speech" AND "The Paradox of Tolerance". They're incompatible.


    I'll take "freedom of speech" over "governmental censorship" any day.

    Because nobody thinks about what happens if a fundie takes power and decides that abortion is "intolerable" and arrests people who make pro-choice arguments because they're being offensive. Or if anyone makes fun of religion, that's intolerance and you must go to jail.

    TLDR: Fuck "The Paradox of Tolerance". It's dumb.

    jonion avatar

    Yeah I get where you're coming from but this all hinges on the concept of Popper's Open Society taken to its most extreme.
    Have you ever considered why this whole "children must be able to see drag shows" notion didn't show up just 20 years ago?

    Idk, this kind of devil-on-the-wall "this is trans GENOCIDE" rhetoric when it comes to shit like increasing penalties for indecent exposure and not allowing children to attend drag shows really just says the quiet part out loud.

    Infiltrated_ad8271 avatar

    It belongs to the extremes, it is really worrying if you think that only in one of them.

    Kill_joy avatar

    It's a fucking circle, mate

    DarkGamer, (edited )
    DarkGamer avatar

    Tolerance of evil kind of is far left.

    @10A Hatred, bigotry, scapegoating of vulnerable minorities, lies, gaslighting, opposition to democracy and the rule of law is what defines the modern right. That is textbook evil, and you seem very committed to defending it. Look around, those left of you do not tolerate it. Almost every other comment is from people who want to block you or show you the door. Features are being added to this platform to specifically block your hate speech.

    The paradox of tolerance states that if a society is tolerant without limit, its ability to be tolerant is eventually seized or destroyed by the intolerant. Karl Popper described it as the seemingly self-contradictory idea that in order to maintain a tolerant society, the society must retain the right to be intolerant of intolerance.

    fedosyndicate avatar

    I agree, I think it's good to have a discussion, and polite disagreement is quite acceptable. But like you said, encouraging violence and hatred is not acceptable to me.

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