SergKoren, to programming avatar

Thanks to a user on Mastodon @glitchcake, there is a programming language known as Emojicode

Please note, I find this to be the only valid reason to ever use emoji—ever.

zirias, to FreeBSD avatar

Hello 🤩!

I finally did it and moved to a more appropriate "home realm" for a enthusiast. Thanks @stefano for offering this!

Moving followers worked flawlessly, restoring all my settings was pretty quick, but of course all my old toots are left on 🙈

So I guess I'll introduce myself here by writing a little thread, adding a few of my works that someone might find interesting. But first a bit of "who am I":

I'm a "professional" software architect/developer (mostly platform in the day job), FreeBSD hobby-admin and ports committer, fan (and occassionally coder and even musician), and apart from computers also interested in music (playing a few instruments myself), traveling, cooking, sometimes sports, sometimes politics ... but probably won't toot about any non-technical stuff (or, very very rarely).

zirias, avatar

Let's start with my most recent opensource dev-project:

is an . Although it uses for its GUI, the mechanism to "type" emojis is pure X11. This means any X11 client can receive them (whether that client can correctly display them is an entirely different issue 🙈) ... not even awarenesss is needed.

The mechanism to inject fake "emoji keyboard events" is quite hacky and dirty, but it works!

Not sure whether I should add it to ports, but if you want to try it, here's a patch for the ports tree:

zirias, to FreeBSD

🚦🚥 ... ok it works 🌋

A super-simple keyboard for .

Well, I did have to fiddle with the keymap.

And I had to add delays 🤯👹 (otherwise there are races between keymap changes and keyboard events).

And I had to misuse the extension, cause applications ignore "synthetic" events. 🫥😣

But hey, it works 🕺

Now needs some basic, uhm, "features" (like recently used, like search by name).


v0.5 released!

This brings a few of the ideas I had:

🔹Add a "single instance" mode (configurable)
🔹Add a "tray icon" (configurable behavior)
🔹Add an "About" dialog
🔹Enforce using Qt's "xcb" platform
🔹Fix detaching on startup, add a flag (-d) to prevent it

Pretty usable as it is I hope ... although one could of course improve a lot (but have you heard of the 80-20-rule?) 🫣

Screenshot from this time, no particular reason, I'm still running here 😎


v0.6 released!

This brings a lot of improvements and fixes, the most relevant being immediate persistence of settings and watching the settings file for external changes. To make this feasible also for restoring the history, a lot of work went into generating static emoji data that can be used efficiently (e.g. containing a hash table to find an emoji quickly).

BTW, this even works on , so if you have your home shared and you're running qXmoji on two machines as the same user, the history will auto-update in both instances 🥳


v0.7 released!

This brings several improvements, mainly in the build system, but the major change is support for localization, with translated Emoji names imported from . I added a German translation, see screenshot. Once again, I'd appreciate more translations, the process to translate is documented here:

Updated FreeBSD port:

prinsje, to art

nijntje emojis v1.0!

official release of the emoji pack, you can download it here (please read the description!):

emojis available:
:miffy: :miffy_angry: :miffy_blush: :miffy_happy: :miffy_love: :miffy_sad: :miffy_sleep: :miffy_surprised: :miffy_think: :miffy_thumbsup: :miffy_ace: :miffy_aro: :miffy_aroace: :miffy_bi: :miffy_disabled: :miffy_gay: :miffy_lesbian: :miffy_pan: :miffy_plural: :miffy_pride: :miffy_trans: :miffy_transmasc:

i will add more if i feel like it, do not send complaints or you will be blocked

feel free to boost #emoji #art #DigitalArt

iamdtms, (edited ) to webdev avatar
Reaches content finish part.
Final steps coming.
#html #emoji #content #finish

raphitherockett, to random French avatar

Bonsouâre le mastogame

J'ai une requête nulle et pas du tout essentielle MAIS : en gros je sais qu'il existe la version anarqueer de l'emoji que j'ai en guise d'avatar, c'est-à-dire avec le bandana rose au lieu qu'il soit noir (jsp si j'suis clair mais il est tard demain j'ai partiel mon cerveau fond) parce que askip le bloc c'est pas qu'un truc d'antifa mascu muscu
Si quelqu'un a le fichier de cet #emoji je lui en serait reconnaissant à tout jamais merci que la paix soit sur vous et avec votre espr... ah non merde c'est la messe ça pardon

#jecherche #anarqueer #blobmoji

o76923, to random avatar

I am putting too much thought into how to find, compare, and compile the neo* #emoji variants. Legs, spider, devil snake legs, final form, eating legs, woozy, scream, junior, plead, woem, and halo are the ones I've found so far.

Tracking down creators and licenses is going to be so much work ​:neopossum_floof_sad:​

ghose, to Catroventos Galician avatar

⌨️ :android:

Suxestión de Emojis en Heliboard

facer que apareza na barra de suxestións o emoji(s) relacionado coa palabra que estamos a escribir


  • Ir a Axustes, Ortografía, Suxestións e marcar a opción Mostrar suxestións de corrección.

Optativo, e recomendo, desactivar Corrección Automática.

Hai dous métodos, complementarios:

Método 1

Máis lento inicialmente pero en realidade abonda para o 99% dos casos, porque repetimos sempre os mesmos emojis. Se non sabes inglés pois é o método recomendado.

  • Imos a Axustes > Ortografía > Dicionario Peroal
  • Seleccionamos o Galego (ou Para todos os idiomas, da igual)
  • Abre unha pantalla onde abaixo prememos en Engadir Unha Palabra +
  • Onde pon Escribe unha palabra engadimos o emoji que queremos (co teclado). Exemplo: ☁️
  • En Atallo, engadimos a "clave" ou "palabra" que fará que se mostre a suxestión. Exemplo: "nub". Algo que non sexa moi restrictivo, así vale para nube, nubrado, nubosidade, cuberto, ...

e xa estaría! Imos a escribir algo nun cadro de texto de calquera aplicación e se escribimos "nub" veremos que na barra de suxestións aparece

Engades á man esa ducia de emojis que usas con frecuencia e xa estaría.

Método 2

engadimos o dicionario inglés experimental, que polo visto funciona mellor neso de suxerir emojis (eu non probei cos dous, fun directo a este).

podes engadir o de castelán se queres ou te apañas mellor que co de inglés, pero igual te lía máis, ti verás.

  • En _Idiomas e Disposicións*: activar o Galego e premer no seu nome para a) en Escritura en varios idiomas b) engadir o Inglés (ou o Castelán)

para que apareza a suxestión deberemos escribir a palabra en inglés que está relacionada co emoji. No exemplo proposto: "cloud"

Método 3 (hipotético)

que alguén teña xa un dicionario persoal feito e cho envíe para instalar 😬

isto podería ser unha publicación no blog 🤷‍♂️ ou un vídeo de peertube. Nah! 😅

Licenza: CC BY-SA


christian, to random avatar

I used to think that are for the illiterate.

Then I got addicted to them in Signal and Matrix.

Now I can't wait for clients to implement them. Why is this still experimental after 5 years, @larma ?

smallcircles, to random avatar
Edent, to php avatar

🆕 blog! “Where you can (and can't) use Emoji in PHP”

I was noodling around in PHP the other day and discovered that this works: <?php $🍞 = "bread"; echo "Some delicious " . $🍞; I mean, there's no reason why it shouldn't work. An emoji is just a Unicode character (OK, not just a character - but we'll get on to that), so it should […]

👀 Read more:

o76923, to random avatar

Does anyone know where the ​:aneocat_bongo:​ (:aneocat_bongo:) originally came from? I assumed it was from @volpeon but it's not actually in the package. I want to make sure that I give credit to whomever made it.

gregorni, to GNOME avatar

New custom emoji on the GNOME GitLab!

Edent, (edited ) to random avatar

Which of these do you think is the most complex #Emoji?
As in, which has the most number of discrete codepoints?

blog, to php avatar

Where you can (and can't) use Emoji in PHP

I was noodling around in PHP the other day and discovered that this works:

<?php$🍞 = "bread";echo "Some delicious " . $🍞;

I mean, there's no reason why it shouldn't work. An emoji is just a Unicode character (OK, not just a character - but we'll get on to that), so it should be fine to use anywhere.

Emoji work perfectly well as function names:

function 😺🐶() {   echo "catdog!";}😺🐶();


define( "❓", "huh?" );echo ❓;

And, well, pretty much everywhere:

class 🦜{    public int $🐦;    public ?string $🦃;    public function __construct(int $🐦, ?string $🦃)    {        $this->🐦 = $🐦;        $this->🦃 = $🦃;    }}$🐓 = new 🦜(1234, "birb");echo $🐓->🐦;

How about namespaces? Yup!

namespace 😜;class 😉 {    public function 😘() {        echo "Wink!";    }}use 😜😉;$😊 = new 😉();$😊->😘();

Even moderately complex Unicode sequences work:

echo <<<🏳️‍🌈Unicode is magic!🏳️‍🌈;

I've written before about the Quirks and Limitations of Emoji Flags. The humble 🏳️‍🌈 is actually the sequence U+1F3F3 (white flag), U+FE0F (Variation Selector 16), U+200D (Zero Width Joiner), U+1F308 (Rainbow).

Take a complex emoji like "Female Astronaut with Medium Dark Skin Tone" - 🧑🏾‍🚀 - that also works!

$🧑🏾‍🚀 = 1;$👷🏻‍♂️ = 2;echo $🧑🏾‍🚀 + $👷🏻‍♂️;

Probable the most complex emoji has 10 different codepoints! It looks like this - 🧑🏾‍❤️‍💋‍🧑🏻

And it works!

$🧑🏾‍❤️‍💋‍🧑🏻 = "Kiss Kiss. Bang Bang!";echo $🧑🏾‍❤️‍💋‍🧑🏻[-1];

There are some emoji which don't work;

$5️⃣ = "five";

The 5️⃣ emoji is U+0035 (Digit Five), U+FE0F (Variation Selector 16), U+20E3 (Combining Enclosing Keycap). PHP doesn't allow variables to start with digits, so it craps out with PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected integer "5", expecting variable or "{" or "$" in php shell code on line 1

You also can't use "punctuation" emoji as though they were normal characters:

echo 5 ❗= 6;

And, while not strictly emoji, you can't use mathematical symbols:

echo 5 ≤ 6;

So, there you have it. Is this useful? Well, probably. It is easy to get lost in a sea of text - so little pictograms can make it easier to see what you're doing. If the basic ASCII characters aren't part of your native language, perhaps it is useful to make use of the full range of Unicode.

Does your favourite programming language support Emoji?

michael, to php avatar
favrion, to nba
Edent, to CSS avatar

🆕 blog! “Use CSS to boost the font size of emoji with no extra markup”

I want to make emoji bigger than the text that surrounds them. At my age and eyesight, it can be difficult to tell the difference between 😃, 😄, and 😊 when they are as small as the text. Is there a way to use CSS to increase the font size of specific characters without having […]

👀 Read more:

#css #emoji #font #HTML

pablolarah, to CSS avatar
blog, (edited ) to CSS avatar

Use CSS to boost the font size of emoji with no extra markup

I want to make emoji bigger than the text that surrounds them. At my age and eyesight, it can be difficult to tell the difference between 😃, 😄, and 😊 when they are as small as the text.

Is there a way to use CSS to increase the font size of specific characters without having to wrap them in an extra <span> or similar?

Yes! Although it is a bit of a hack.

This relies on 3 CSS features: src: local(), unicode-range,and size-adjust. Let me walk you through it.

@font-face {    font-family: "emoji";    src: local('Apple Color Emoji'),         local('Android Emoji'),         local('Segoe UI Emoji'),         local('Noto Color Emoji'),         local(EmojiSymbols),         local(Symbola);    unicode-range: U+231A-231B, U+23E9-23EC, U+23F0, U+23F3, U+25FD-25FE, U+2614-2615, U+2648-2653, U+267F, U+2693, U+26A1, U+26AA-26AB, U+26BD-26BE, U+26C4-26C5, U+26CE, U+26D4, U+26EA, U+26F2-26F3, U+26F5, U+26FA, U+26FD, U+2705, U+270A-270B, U+2728, U+274C, U+274E, U+2753-2755, U+2757, U+2795-2797, U+27B0, U+27BF, U+2B1B-2B1C, U+2B50, U+2B55, U+FE0F, U+1F004, U+1F0CF, U+1F18E, U+1F191-1F19A, U+1F1E6-1F1FF, U+1F201, U+1F21A, U+1F22F, U+1F232-1F236, U+1F238-1F23A, U+1F250-1F251, U+1F300-1F320, U+1F32D-1F335, U+1F337-1F393, U+1F3A0-1F3CA, U+1F3CF-1F3D3, U+1F3E0-1F3F0, U+1F3F4, U+1F3F8-1F43E, U+1F440, U+1F442-1F4FC, U+1F4FF-1F53D, U+1F54B-1F567, U+1F57A, U+1F595-1F596, U+1F5A4, U+1F5FB-1F64F, U+1F680-1F6CC, U+1F6D0-1F6D2, U+1F6D5-1F6D7, U+1F6DC-1F6DF, U+1F6EB-1F6EC, U+1F6F4-1F6FC, U+1F7E0-1F7EB, U+1F7F0, U+1F90C-1F93A, U+1F93C-1F945, U+1F947-1FA7C, U+1FA80-1FAC5, U+1FACE-1FADB, U+1FAE0-1FAE8, U+1FAF0-1FAF8;    size-adjust: 300%;}body {    font-family: "emoji", sans-serif;}

Here's how it works.

@font-face this tells the browser that we're defining a new font which will be referenced later.

font-family this is the name we're going to be using as a reference.

src: local('Apple Color Emoji') ... CSS can reference local fonts. We don't know what device this page is being viewed on, so we've included a number of popular fallback fonts which should work with all major browsers. You can also reference a webfont if you want - although Emoji fonts tend to have a large filesize. I've adapted this from Marc Fornós' CSS and added a few more common default emoji fonts. this tells the browser to use this font only for the specific codepoints mentioned. This is where the magic happens.

Emoji codepoints are complicated - especially when it comes to combining characters. You can see a full list of every sequence in Unicode 15.1. There are currently 3,782 different emoji.

There was some talk of using named ranges but that doesn't seem to have gone anywhere. So, instead, I've extracted all the Emoji codepoints and manually grouped them. It's a pretty long sequence, and I'm sure I've made a few mistakes. this is used to increase or decrease the apparent size of a font.

Finally, the body { font-family: "emoji", sans-serif; } tells the browser to use the Emoji font (remember, this will only work on the specified Unicode range) and then fall back to the defaults sans-serif font. Obviously, you can specify whatever fonts you like.

Have a play with it

This is a nifty little hack if you want to make Emoji (or any other text) bigger than its surroundings.

I am indebted to Šime Vidas who demonstrated this trick to me.

mynotaurus, to random avatar

Yingmotes v3.1!!! :myno_yell:

44 new static emotes and 9 new animated ones!
(also added reversed versions for if you want flipped sets)

#yingmotes #yinglet #emote #emotes #emoji #emojis #furryart

iamdtms, to random avatar #html #emoji
subgroup: person-gesture: 🤦‍♂ man facepalming and more

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