mistersixt, to linuxphones German
@mistersixt@kanoa.de avatar
badrihippo, to AdobePhotoshop
@badrihippo@fosstodon.org avatar

#App developers, is there an easy way to securely share sensitive data (eg. login credentials) locally between two #apps on the same device? And if not, what about non-sensitive data (like how the #SimpleApps or whatever they're called now share themes)? 🔏

Basically it's a family of apps with a common login and we're trying to avoid the user having to log in separately on each one. We're using #Capacitor, if that matters ⚙️

(If all this was on #Mobian it'd be so simple 😑)

zwarf, to linuxphones German
@zwarf@social.anoxinon.de avatar

My experience with #mobian so far on the #Librem5 compared to #PureOS Byzantium:

  • Most applications run much faster
  • The repository is obviously much more up to date
  • The modem wakes up much slower for incoming phone calls while in suspend. Some of the phone calls were not shown in the UI at all.
  • The micro SD Card reader has similar issues with suspend as with PureOS. Sometimes after supend the card can not be read anymore.

But right now I really love @mobian it is impressively snappy ❤️

zwarf, to linuxphones
@zwarf@social.anoxinon.de avatar

Ok seems like I just fucked up (my fault) Pure OS on my which was pre installed on the phone. So I will install a fresh distribution. What is your opinion: Should I use again because it (maybe) works best or should I try ? Has anyone tested them recently?

eliasr, to Signal

A question to @Mer__edith and @signalapp : when will Signal Desktop be available for aarch64 (arm64) CPUs so that it becomes straightforward to install #Signal on #MobileLinux devices such as #Librem5 and #PinePhone ?

If that is not happening, then why, what is stopping you?

The (wrong and silly) assumption that everyone must use Google/Apple phones is expected from Big Tech these days but you are supposed to be among the good guys. Please help us be free from Google/Apple 🙂

@debacle@framapiaf.org avatar

@eliasr @Mer__edith @signalapp

As you write this on Mastodon, a free and federated network: How about moving the IM ecosystem to something free and federated, too?

There are multiple options. E.g. I use #Jabber by @xmpp since before Signal existed.

You still can use Signal using #slidge #slignal, an #XMPP gateway by @nicoco.

You even can choose a server that is not on Jeff Bezos' Amazon AWS 🙂

#Dino by @dino runs pretty well on my #Mobian #Pinephone, btw.

davidoclubb, to linuxphones
@davidoclubb@toot.wales avatar

Questions for linux phone enthusiasts:

  1. What's to stop Instagram etc creating apps for mobile linux? (In principle I mean, obviously there's no market yet)
  2. Is it possible to set up phones with users, so (in principle) you could have a child as a user who can't install anything without the root password?

Thanks ahead of time (this is for my forthcoming blog post on the benefits of linux mobile for young people)

#MobileLinux #UbuntuTouch #Mobian

Schattenente, to random German
@Schattenente@norden.social avatar

Ohne Worte...

Weil er kein Smartphone besitzt, zeigte der Mann das Ticket in Papierform vor. Das machte ihn in Göttingen zum Schwarzfahrer.

Ausgedrucktes Deutschlandticket nicht akzeptiert: Mann in Göttingen aus Bus geworfen


> Weil er sein Deutschlandticket ausgedruckt dabei hatte, ist ein Mann in Göttingen aus einem Bus geworfen worden. Denn das Ticket ist dort nur auf dem Smartphone nutzbar. Daran gibt es Kritik.

@debacle@framapiaf.org avatar


Nicht alle wollen ein mit oder nutzen oder sich ein App installieren, welches keine ist und daher nicht bei verfügbar. -App ist keine Option!

@debacle@framapiaf.org avatar

@sven @Schattenente

Freie und entgoogelte Android-Varianten gibt es viele. Ich hatte mal , den Vorläufer von .

Aber das löst das Problem nicht.

  1. -App ist trotzdem keine und läßt sich entsprechend nicht über oder einen anderen freien Appstore installieren.

  2. Auch ein entgoogeltes Android bleibt Android. Ich will kein Android, sondern ein freies, offenes OS, wie usw.

EU_Commission, to random
@EU_Commission@social.network.europa.eu avatar

📞🇪🇺 New upgrade available...

From 7 March, the designated gatekeepers – Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, ByteDance, Meta, and Microsoft – must comply with all obligations in the Digital Markets Act.

These changes give you control of your:

📱 data: decide freely how your data is used
📱 phone: choose your default apps, browsers and search engines
📱 apps: install the apps you want and remove pre-installed apps

Learn more → https://europa.eu/!7YNvdp

@chbmeyer@digitalcourage.social avatar


This one definetively is in the right directiion, it only came 'a bit late' and is way too short.

There is no choice, if soneone wants me to use WhatsApp, AirDrop or AirPlay.
In my private environment I can say 'no, thanks' (and socially isolate myself), but when it comes to companys (e.g. discounts), communities (e.g. soccer for kids) or public services (e.g. schools), I have no choice. I simply have to use a device that supports it.

Still no chance for other manufacturers or data sensible devices.

When my school says (obviously it has the right to do so): we use AppleTV (they call it 'concept') then I can not use my #SailfishOS #LineageOS #PostmarketOS #Mobian Devices or my #Debian #Convertible. In this case even #Windows or #Android are useless because of #Apple patents and #walledGarden s.

So the 'digital market' still isn't abke to regulate itself and still is a game of monopoly.
Still no reason to celebrate #DMA

frameworkcomputer, (edited ) to random
@frameworkcomputer@fosstodon.org avatar

(Knowing I am asking a Linux-centric audience, I have tweaked the X poll a bit as I know my audience here)

Which Operating System release are you most excited for?

@debacle@framapiaf.org avatar


I'm not excited about any OS release. I'm using #Debian exclusively since many years, plus #Mobian since some time. One of the best things about Debian is, that new releases are not exciting at all 🙂

BeanieBarrow, to linuxphones
@BeanieBarrow@mastodon.grin.hu avatar

Wrote a blog post about the first two months of my Pro usage as a PDA and how I got around solving some initial hardware problems (spoiler: read the manual, then asked the support team).

Pinephone Pro: Two months in with a rough start
(6 minute read)

@PINE64 is a company I can recommend supporting.

okias, to linux Czech
@okias@floss.social avatar

O víkendu se na #installfest podělím o aktuality ze světa mobilního Linuxu. Pokud stále váháte zda adoptovat tučňáka na telefonu či tabletu, přijďte na přednášku a zkuste si linuxový telefon. #linux #mobile #GNOME #asteroidos #Mobian #postmarketOS


erebion, to linuxphones in Got Mobian (almost) ported to Pixel 3a / 3a XL

Oh, I don’t mind questions. :)

Help: A lot via the Mobian Ports ( -ports:matrix.org ) Matrix room and the postmarketOS offtopic ( :postmarketos.org ) Matrix room.

Sources: Not much there yet. As soon as there are official builds for the Pixel 3a, I will start writing docs. I already have a lot of notes on what I had to do. But first I need to have someone merge the Kernel patches, as I don’t know C, which makes resolving merge conflicts really hard, it turns out. Once that is done, there are just a few smaller merge requests left and builds will appear magically.

The whole process is not that difficult if there are already Kernel patches available. In the case of the Pixel 3a, I only had to clone the sdm670-mainline repo ( gitlab.com/sdm670-mainline/linux-patches ) , compile the kernel (two commands) and get a .deb, which I used with mobian-recipes ( salsa.debian.org/Mobian-team/mobian-recipes/ ) to build an image. I then wrote a config file for droid-juicer ( gitlab.com/mobian1/droid-juicer/-/…/4 ) which tells it what files on the vendor and modem partitions it should get, then those are copied to /usr/lib/firmware/updates/.

That was easy as dmesg will just tell you what files it cannot load because they are missing. Just find those, write the config, run droid-juicer, reboot… boom. Display, Wifi, LTE and so on working.

Then smaller stuff like udev rules for vibration and an initramfs hook ( salsa.debian.org/…/qcom-firmware?ref_type=heads ) so that firmware files get integrated into initramfs and components start to work early during boot.

The most difficult part would be merging the Kernel patches with other patches and resoving the merge conflicts… At least to me, as I don’t know C.

If there are no mainlining efforts for a phone yet, then I don’t know what to do, as that requires a Kernel dev.

For the Pixel 4a you mentioned, there is a postmarketOS port. So this should be doable. ( wiki.postmarketos.org/…/Google_Pixel_4a_(google-s… )

That’s all not that hard, my main difficulty was finding out what to do. Everything I did so far would be an afternoon of work, if I had just found the necessary information much quicker. Instead I spent two weeks, of which 95 % was finding info, lol.

Just join the Mobian Matrix room, we should be able to help you, even though I know far less than the others there…so far. :p

I do hope that’s helpful and I’ll happily try to answer more questions. :)

Kernel mainlining effort for the SoC in thr Pixel 4a: github.com/sm7150-mainline/linux

craftyguy, to linuxphones
@craftyguy@freeradical.zone avatar

Do you know a lot about networking on Linux and want to help fix a multi-homed DNS routing issue experienced by all #linuxmobile distros?


Solving this directly benefits users of #postmarketos, #mobian, and others!

williamtries, to linuxphones
@williamtries@floss.social avatar

on the ? Yes! In a moment of frustration, I flashed and installed the version of Lomiri in the Debian 12 repo. It was buggy as hell and crashed after 2 minutes. I suspect this was due to the GTK app I tried to run. After it crashed the first time, it wouldn't boot again and I had to flash Mobian all over to record this video.....

Mobian with Lomiri booting on the Librem 5 and then crashing about two minutes later.

collabora, to rust
@collabora@floss.social avatar

If you weren't able to attend 2024 in Brussels earlier this month, you're in luck as all our presentations were recorded and are now available on our YouTube channel! Complete playlist here: http://col.la/fosdem24

marcel, to random German
@marcel@waldvogel.family avatar

"Das Halbtax ist nicht Bestandteil des Halbtax PLUS."

😱 Dann nennt es doch so, dass diese Verwirrung nicht entsteht!!!

@debacle@framapiaf.org avatar

@rapha3l @mina @marcel @nohillside @Konsumentenschutz @martinsteiger @raffa3l

Ist die App überhaupt #freieSoftware und z.B. für mein OS (#Mobian) verfügbar? Oder wieder nur für die beiden Giganten?

Abgesehen davon kenne ich einige Leute, denen das #smartphone auf der Reise, im Zug, im Bus, auf der Straße gestohlen oder gar geraubt wurde. Ist attraktiver für #motochorro​s als ein Papierfahrschein.

Natanox, to linuxphones
@Natanox@chaos.social avatar

Damn, doesn't aim to include as a default app source?

Welp, there goes the idea of (paid) indie games for that mobile platform. 😐 Given works on a payment backend it would've been best for 's as a whole to go that route instead of doing their own sandboxing around apk. devices will never get out of the niche they're in that way even if the GUI is ever so fancy.

Couldn't find hard info regarding or about this. 😐

jrg, to linux

What do people even use for a phone nowadays (not Android) other than the ... are there any out there nowadays.

@linmob@fosstodon.org avatar

@jrg @droidian @yombo #LinuxMobile #MobileLinux #Mobian #postmarketOS maybe? We try to boost relevant stuff, so you may just follow :-)

sepelius, to linuxphones

Attending via old laptop repurposed for webdev-device with on it. Tooting this with from Finland with a on my left wrist. For the breaks I plan to reinstall or to my old oneplus6, doesn't really matter, really just want go try in action. Damn, linux ftw! What a brilliant thing you have brought to the world @torvalds ! Thank you for your great efforts! In case it was unclear, I'll be attending mobile. :D

flypig, to linuxphones
@flypig@mastodon.social avatar

Less than a week to go! Come visit us at on the stand where you'll be able to try out all sorts of Linux on all sorts of mobile!


, @purism, , @postmarketOS, @AsteroidOS, @ubports, , @mntmn

linuxphoneapps, to linuxphones
@linuxphoneapps@linuxrocks.online avatar

Interim Survey for a #LinuxMobile FOSDEM talk (https://fosdem.org/2024/schedule/event/fosdem-2024-3303-the-linux-phone-app-ecosystem/), also for #UbuntuTouch and #SailfishOS users

Please reply:

  1. What's your favorite app?
  2. Do you use more than one UI framework?
  3. Do you use Waydroid (or another way to run Android apps)?
  4. What apps do you miss? (Do they keep you from daily driving?)
  5. Which #MobileLinux distro/OS do you use?
  6. Should we add more questions and what would be your answer?


  1. hard to pick just one so I'll go with one I rely on: chatty
  2. no, just
  3. no
  4. heartrate monitor (with hrv), org mode editor
  5. a mix of , and
linmob, to linuxphones
@linmob@fosstodon.org avatar
Goffi, to linuxphones French
@Goffi@mastodon.social avatar

Hi, I haven't followed the progress for a while, which OSes are currently usable on (basic call/SMS, terminal, GPS, not crashing too much)? Is usable (in particular for )? Thanks!

@j4n3z@mastodon.social avatar

@Goffi hello, my recommendation would be #postmarketOS or #Mobian.
GPS is a bit tricky, because there is no aGPS functionality so you have to wait long time before getting location. Good starting point is always postmarketOS wiki, including lists of apps.
As of waydroid, I have never been patient enough to get it running and even after that I would not recommend it as solution you would rely on. Especially on Pinephone.

linmob, to linuxphones
@linmob@fosstodon.org avatar
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