@Thebratdragon@mastodon.scot avatar



Dragon, LGBTQIA advocate, defender and member.

Wargamer, Roleplayer, board gamer, reader of books and seeker of knowledge.

Sense of Humour active, you are warned.
Loves Independence, hates Alba and its white wing

¡No Pasarán!

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adam, to Energy
@adam@hax0rbana.social avatar

Remember: fossil fuel companies want people to focus on what uses so we don't talk about the supply side.

They benefit from spending time and energy bickering with one another about whether AI uses too much , whether to support more plants, whether we should mine more to have grid scale , and so forth.

That doesn't mean we can't talk about these things, but be where you spend your energy.

@Thebratdragon@mastodon.scot avatar

@adam fossil fuel companies hate wind and solar because their only cost is infrastructure, whereas fossil fuels have a constant need to be replaced.

purplepadma, to random
@purplepadma@beige.party avatar

Things I could do this coming week:

  1. Take the bus to the seaside and walk on the beach
  2. Take the bus to Biggertown and browse the charity shops
  3. Running
  4. Start my tapestry kit
  5. Follow a new path out to the woods
    Must try not to just lie in bed plotting my own demise
@Thebratdragon@mastodon.scot avatar

@purplepadma lie in bed plotting someone elses demise is also an option.

fkamiah17, to random
@fkamiah17@toot.wales avatar
@Thebratdragon@mastodon.scot avatar

@christineburns @fkamiah17 It is the British Army, shot at dawn is more likely.

@Thebratdragon@mastodon.scot avatar

@fkamiah17 @christineburns whereas my first thought was simply, they should not have been there in the first place.

why are horses still put on display like this, is a 21st C question.

@Thebratdragon@mastodon.scot avatar
fkamiah17, to random
@fkamiah17@toot.wales avatar

WEEK 31: Sorry for the Xitter link, but the police brutality on display here - clearly kneeling on protesters' bodies and punching them - is something else, even for German police.
Taken at the Berlin Peace Camp when it was dismantled on Friday.


@Thebratdragon@mastodon.scot avatar

@kalfatermann @fkamiah17

but but but, if the Police do not hire brutal thugs, who else will employ them, think of the brutal thugs, happy as they finally have a job that aligns with their skillset.

Will no one think of the brutal thugs.


ChrisMayLA6, to random
@ChrisMayLA6@zirk.us avatar

Having never had a smartphone (although, to be fully transparent, my wife does have one), I'm deriving a certain amount of amusement from the continuing rise in commentary on the health & wellbeing benefits of the 'dumb phone'.... which directly parallel my reasons for not wanting one in the first place.

@Thebratdragon@mastodon.scot avatar

@Wen @ChrisMayLA6 @christineburns even earlier, we know they were done in the Athens Agora at the time of Pericles...

fkamiah17, to random
@fkamiah17@toot.wales avatar
@Thebratdragon@mastodon.scot avatar

@MadeyeTheCarnaptious @fkamiah17 sends freshly made coffee in a French press.

golgaloth, to australia
@golgaloth@writing.exchange avatar

It's Sunday here in . I have big plans for the day. Biiiig plans. So big.

@Thebratdragon@mastodon.scot avatar

@golgaloth I have the same problem.

purplepadma, to random
@purplepadma@beige.party avatar

Looking for #3goodthings about today.

  1. It’s World Tapir Day
  2. I bought some charmingly named chocolate mint at a garden centre
  3. We have fresh tuna steak for dinner

None of this makes me feel all that much better, but I’m trying

@Thebratdragon@mastodon.scot avatar

@purplepadma tapir are lovely, and have you met kakapos?

simon_brooke, to random
@simon_brooke@mastodon.scot avatar

"When that old order fell, it took the form of a well-earned landslide, and a clear step towards something genuinely new. After a decade and a half, the Bute House Agreement breathed new life into those fading hopes. Now it seems more likely that real change will come crawling out of a tomb, in a faded red rosette"



@Thebratdragon@mastodon.scot avatar

@simon_brooke I suspect the SNP fracture lines will spit out 2 or 3 new factions. The right whingers will go alba, the centre, don't know and the left a Scottish socialist party that will Align strongly with the SGP.

Whether the yellowtories, red tories or blue tories will gain seats or power I do not know.

fkamiah17, to random
@fkamiah17@toot.wales avatar

😂 😂🙄
Woman whose only claim to fame is an affair with Spaffer dissects women's politics.

@Thebratdragon@mastodon.scot avatar

@fkamiah17 how are her life choices feminisms fault?

Not least as without feminism and its fight for equality, she would not have a newspaper coloumn to bemoan it in as a woman would not have been given one except under exceptional circumstances.

fkamiah17, to Life
@fkamiah17@toot.wales avatar

The trouble with carpet picnics is that, once they're there, you just keep eating. And eating. And eating.
Three hours and counting. We're basically beached whales on beanbags at this point 🤣

@Thebratdragon@mastodon.scot avatar

@fkamiah17 ahhh but no journey home

DrALJONES, to random
@DrALJONES@mastodon.social avatar



Blinken understands US protesters’ passion, but questions their silence on Hamas.

Asked about the unfolding pro-Palestine protest movement at US universities, Blinken said he very much understands the students’ frustration & respects their right to demonstrate as a hallmark of our democracy.

"It is notable that there is silence about Hamas”.


@Thebratdragon@mastodon.scot avatar

@DrALJONES because Hamas are not using American made weapons paid fro with American tax dollars to commit 200 days and counting of genocide....

@Thebratdragon@mastodon.scot avatar

@DrALJONES well yes, tax revenue is used to pay back money borrowed (gov bonds) and interest, all new expenditure comes from the magic money tree that doesn't exist according to the tories, unless it is to create money for their pockets, see PPE et al.

SubtleBlade, to random
@SubtleBlade@mastodon.scot avatar
@Thebratdragon@mastodon.scot avatar

@Wen @SubtleBlade Labour and Tory peer surely?

fkamiah17, to random
@fkamiah17@toot.wales avatar

WEEK 30: Fucking hell. Snipers at Ohio University too. Is America really going to start shooting its own children?

#FreePalestine #PoliceState

@Thebratdragon@mastodon.scot avatar

@fkamiah17 'start?'

fkamiah17, to random
@fkamiah17@toot.wales avatar

@MadeyeTheCarnaptious @Roadwarrior29
This brilliant film's just popped into my head for some reason - thought it might be something you two would be interested in?


@Thebratdragon@mastodon.scot avatar

@MadeyeTheCarnaptious @fkamiah17 @Roadwarrior29 Spanish cinema has some wonderful stuff.

@Thebratdragon@mastodon.scot avatar

@MadeyeTheCarnaptious @fkamiah17 @Roadwarrior29 speaking of Spanish, if you like Spanish and Horror, a series called 30 coins is..... well worth the watch....

@Thebratdragon@mastodon.scot avatar

@fkamiah17 @MadeyeTheCarnaptious @Roadwarrior29 hell based demonic horror.

@Thebratdragon@mastodon.scot avatar

@fkamiah17 @MadeyeTheCarnaptious @Roadwarrior29 I really enjoyed it, and I am not a 'horror' fan at all.

Excellent performances and a story where the protagonists didn't do stupid things for plot reasons.

purplepadma, to random
@purplepadma@beige.party avatar

I have no idea what to do with myself today. I am bored already

@Thebratdragon@mastodon.scot avatar

@purplepadma dance....

glynmoody, to random
@glynmoody@mastodon.social avatar

Senior Democrat calls for arrests of ‘leftwing fascists’ urging ceasefire - https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/apr/25/israel-gaza-ceasefire-adam-smith the are losing their minds over this...

@Thebratdragon@mastodon.scot avatar

@glynmoody and they looked from to Democrat to Republican, and Republican to Democrat and no difference could be seen between them.

fkamiah17, to random
@fkamiah17@toot.wales avatar

WEEK 30: Yesterday at USC, someone tossed some water at this guy. He might have overreacted.
(That's a rubber bullet gun, btw)

#FreePalestine #PoliceState

@Thebratdragon@mastodon.scot avatar

@fkamiah17 load up load up load up with rubber bullets....


fkamiah17, to cymru
@fkamiah17@toot.wales avatar

Let's hope no muppet tourists in trainers get trapped on Snowdownia 🙄 😡

#Cymru #Sais


@Thebratdragon@mastodon.scot avatar

@fkamiah17 ahhh so the new tory welsh first minister showing his colours already.

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