@madargon@is-a.cat avatar



Chief Emoji Officer on is-a.cat instance

Too chaotic for a paladin

Amateur artist and junior IT administrator. Mostly self-trained in chaotic and often destructive ways. Opponent of mainstream social media and nasty digital surveillance, wanna-be cypherpunk. Linux user since 2013. Fully degoogled since December 2019. Fully BigTech-free since March 2024.
Synesthete. That weird freak who sometimes uses Daedric alphabet. Even weirder freak who use bare IP address instead of some server name.
Cryptography is my only religion - does Church of Wael look for new members?
In my free time I draw or write stories, first of all for my fun.

I publish my works under CC BY-SA 4.0 license.

Writing here in English/Polish.

Migrated from https://mastodon.online/@madargon
Indexed in tootfinder (https://www.tootfinder.ch).

#sysadmin #linux #degoogle #corpfree #privacy #cypherpunk #drawing #art #fedi22

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

madargon, to random
@madargon@is-a.cat avatar

I was targeted by cryptocurrency on social media first time... I celebrated it by blocking them and reporting to their instance admin :blobcatjoy:​

jace, to random
@jace@mstdn.ca avatar

🚨Good morning - there seems to be a coordinated crypto spam attack on mastodon.social this morning! Please continue to report any spam you see and we will get to them as soon as possible (hoo boy there's a lot, so please be patient!) Thanks! :mstdneh:​

@madargon@is-a.cat avatar

@jace @stux Strange feeling when I realized I was not the first imagining bot hunting as some kind of fight in spaceships...

wolnelewo, to random Polish
@wolnelewo@kolektiva.social avatar

Konserwa powoli kończy z „solidaryzmem” (solidaryzm to zawsze miał być taka pokraczna odpowiedź na socjalizm, zawsze na pół gwizdka). Ziobro z ekipą czują już nowy trend na „prawdziwej prawicy” i stąd zmienili nazwę z „Solidarnej Polski” na „Suwerenną Polskę”.

Teraz wszyscy tam będą się ścigać z Konfederacją na nacjonalizm, szurię i kto większą jest zakutą konserwą. 3 maja na konwencji SP był pełen zestaw. Od złej Unii, „szalonych ekologów” i „lewicowych fanatyków”, po oczywiście „robaki”, które Polacy mają rzekomo być zmuszeni do jedzenia. Osoba z wrocławskiej czekoladziarni, która wprowadziła do menu czekoladę z jadalnymi larwami mącznika nawet nie spodziewała się jaką polityczną burzę wywoła. Prawica do dziś nie może dojść do siebie.

W każdym razie, SP chce „Polski, w której obchodzimy Boże Narodzenie, a nie święto zimy. Polski, w której możemy zbierać grzyby w lasach, łowić ryby w rzekach i palić drewnem w kominkach bez żadnej zbrodni. Polski, w której domy są ciepłe zimą, a samochody zatankowane benzyną dojadą tam, gdzie chcemy”.

Teraz już rozumiem dlaczego sprzeciwiają się walce ze zmianami klimatycznymi. Po prostu „nie chcą święta zimy”, a nie będzie takiego święta, jeśli nie będzie zimy w grudniu wcale. Tylko z powodu zmian klimatu jakaś wieczna jesienna szaruga! Proste? Genialne! Szarobura polskość obroniona!

Cały tekst:

@madargon@is-a.cat avatar

@wolnelewo hashtag "robaki" :blobCat_blush:​ Aż przez te polityczne wojenki ze dwa tygodnie temu, jak przypadkiem w markecie zobaczyłam, to kupiłam paczkę, żeby sprawdzić, o co takie oburzenie. No i nawet całkiem niezłe...

LukaszD, to random Polish
@LukaszD@pol.social avatar

W Polsce padła główna wygrana . Do zwycięzcy trafią ponad 62 mln zł i teraz przyznać kto to 😉


@madargon@is-a.cat avatar

@LukaszD Dotacje dla projektów open source :ablobcatheartsqueeze:
Na prawne trucie d**y chciwym korporacjom to byłoby pewnie za mało?

madargon, to random
@madargon@is-a.cat avatar

Current :

I wish I didn't know what the is...


madargon, to art
@madargon@is-a.cat avatar

Semi-realistic of a , not exactly done as I planned.

@madargon@is-a.cat avatar

@The_Augusto Song of the sea?

madargon, to random
@madargon@is-a.cat avatar

Aidan was wandering in this wasteland from long hours. Both great stars have set and he cannot even see his electronic watch. He stopped, feeling like his legs could no longer support his weight.
"You should stop and rest" said V5-DN665-7R.
"No!" Aidan tried to protest "Camp should be close now."
"From what I know about people, your needs frequent maintenance downtime. At least six hours every day. So... good night, human."

pussista, to fediverse

I feel like I'm shouting this into the , but maybe it's worth a try: How am I supposed to filter out on ? Every single is overwhelming, even my followed timeline, even though I only follow like 20 people. It's so hard to keep up with the that fill up my whole while the and timelines are updated every second. The timeline is filled with idgaf about. Any ?

@madargon@is-a.cat avatar

@pussista Seems like hashtags worked. I see this post.
If you don't follow many people now, it could be good point to start using lists (it would be definitely easier than starting from almost 2k following as I started). You could group by topics, people personally known or groups for less active accounts to prevent them to be burried below more active info streams. This is up to your decision how you divide this. And one account could be added to more than one group.
Federated timeline is always big chaos. Searching via hashtags is good way to find desired topics and hashtags can also be followed - but currently cannot be added to lists.
I hope some of this could help.

@madargon@is-a.cat avatar

@pussista Oops, I didn't expect official app doesn't support it yet... Downloaded official for test (I use Tusky on phone and web version on desktop) and couldn't find it.
Maybe it's not here, official app was released after many third party ones and still could have less functions now.
Anyone with official , could you confirm lists are not here yet? Or it's me who couldn't find?

madargon, to random
@madargon@is-a.cat avatar
evacide, to random
@evacide@hachyderm.io avatar

I feel like most of the social media posts I'm seeing right now are complaints about other social media platforms, sprinkled with the occasional complaint about the actual platform they are on.

@madargon@is-a.cat avatar

@timcore @evacide I heard cat photos was main part of the internet since the beginning :blobCat_happy:

ami, to random Polish

Jak według ciebie powinien wyglądać świat?

@madargon@is-a.cat avatar

@lost_soul @LukaszD @ami Lata temu pisałam do szuflady opowiadanie o istotach żyjących w "wirtualnej" rzeczywistości, która trochę była fraktalem, z jednymi wymiarami siedzącymi w innych, jak matrioszka :blobcatjoy:

popetelony, to random Polish

Z chęcią - jako świeżak - przytulę jakiś łopatologiczny tutorial o Mastodonie ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem zamieszczania różnych reakcji na komentarze, dyskusji itp🤔

@madargon@is-a.cat avatar

@popetelony Widzę link do strony na profilu. Można tego użyć do weryfikacji konta, jeśli posiada się kontrolowaną przez siebie stronę internetową (darmowe w przeciwieństwie do korporozwiązań). W ustawieniach profilu, przynajmniej w wersji w przeglądarce, jest opisane, jaki link powinno się w takim przypadku umieścić w kodzie strony i wtedy zostaje potwierdzone, że konto i strona należą do tej samej osoby.

madargon, to animals
@madargon@is-a.cat avatar

It is nothing interesting on this tree but she decided to climb anyways... :blobcatpeek2:​

Mrfunkedude, to random
@Mrfunkedude@mastodon.social avatar

It's boosting time! 🚀🚀🚀

What are you doing today? Share it with the world using the hashtag ! Let's see what everyone is up to and connect with each other.

This is a SOCIAL network after all. 😉

@madargon@is-a.cat avatar

@Mrfunkedude I want to thank nature here, who mention in their posts species names of animals in their photos. If I want to draw some of these animals I know what to search for when I need some references.

madargon, to linux
@madargon@is-a.cat avatar

Adding to should be illegal...
Canonical, shame on you!


madargon, to art
@madargon@is-a.cat avatar

Silver teal in realistc style, made with Used weird reference photos so this one has strange body pose :blobcatjoy:​

@madargon@is-a.cat avatar

@TFFPrisoner @indyradio what is CSP?

Mrfunkedude, to random
@Mrfunkedude@mastodon.social avatar

Hi Everyone!👋

When using social media, try to be mindful of how much time you spend scrolling.
Set limits for yourself and consider using apps that help you track your screen time.

Remember, it's okay to take a step back and focus on other things in your life.

You are awesome. Let's keep it that way.

@madargon@is-a.cat avatar

@Mrfunkedude nodding silently thinking about Mastodon being my first social media I am more and more addicted to...

gme, to random

I am concerned that the industry push away from passwords towards security keys and biometrics is a giant step backwards for civil liberties in the US.

A person in the US can’t be compelled to give up their password (usually, of course there are exceptions, but they are few and don’t affect the average person) as that would be considered a violation of several US Constitutional amendments (mainly the 4th and 5th).

In addition, there are few (if any) 4th amendment protections for any data that is stored “in the cloud”. Service providers can, and have been, compelled to disclose sensitive information in their custody that “belongs” to a person, organization, or other “entity”.

But more alarming is that an American citizen does not have any 4th or 5th amendment protections against being forced to look at phone or computer to unlock its contents, or to provide a finger to do the same.

There are even issues with Yubikeys. They are physical keys and anybody with access to them can unlock any system that is protected with them.

So forgive me for not jumping on the passkey, Windows Hello, and other security key bandwagon and avoiding those technologies when I can.

Sure, they’re convenient!

But at what cost?

@madargon@is-a.cat avatar

@gme @feld with Yubikeys it is strongly dependent on configuration. There is many ways to set things up. In this article author purposely got rid of typing passwords (I tried this setup in the past, for only few days until I understood it would be very insecure). My current LUKS-Yubikey setup uses FIDO as described here: https://0pointer.net/blog/unlocking-luks2-volumes-with-tpm2-fido2-pkcs11-security-hardware-on-systemd-248.html
and without FIDO PIN hard disk cannot be unlocked.

airtower, to random

Is there no-one on the Chromium team who knows about stapling? Or does Google not like having to keep OCSP responses for stapling in their servers? https://www.chromium.org/Home/chromium-security/root-ca-policy/moving-forward-together/

They say they want to reduce certificate lifetimes because there's no good revocation mechanism, and all the problems they mention could be solved by strictly requiring stapling with the TLS feature extension in certificates (using RFC 7633). Stapling doesn't place a huge burden on CAs (because only the server using a certificate has to update its cached response now and then), it doesn't expose client behavior to CAs (because clients only need to talk to servers they want to talk to), and if stapling is required by the certificate it fails closed in case of revocation as soon as the last positive response expires (currently CAs usually issue responses with a lifetime of about a week, but that could be reduced easily).

Shorter certificate lifetimes aren't necessarily a bad thing, but the reasoning doesn't make sense.

@madargon@is-a.cat avatar

@airtower Does anyone know how it will be work in practice? As I understand, they want to limit lifetime not only for end certs but also CA certs, right? Does it mean after some time point certs would stop working when ANY part of the chain would have longer lifetime than new limits?

@madargon@is-a.cat avatar

@airtower So I have this case: I am my own CA for more than 3 years. I made my root CA cert accessible to download for my family and friends (technically anyone visiting my site/selfhosted services could do this even without me knowing about it). We have it this way and currently it Just Works.
I made lifetimes as mentioned in older docs (25/12 years). And now I am afraid everything will just stop working some day. Would it really happen? Would it kill my CA as a whole?

@madargon@is-a.cat avatar

@airtower Thank you :blobCat_melt:

Yes, some articles I read suggested this would be organizational so I tried to have some hope.
Now I feel if only root will survive, it would be enough. I could recreate everything from it.

And you are right. I should have some "emergency plans". I was never plan to run it this way long term (I expected to stop being dependent on this in 2020 or 2021, didn't expect it for 10+ years really, but it turns I have to wait not sure how long) but it happened and I have to treat this seriously.
These are people who I personally know and have contact with so if needed I could inform them about changes. If someone download this without my knowledge I couldn't control it more than publishing messages some time before something would change.

rmondello, to random
@rmondello@hachyderm.io avatar

If you’re annoyed by those floaty prompts on websites to sign into them with your Google Account, you can turn them off for your Google account! Link: https://myaccount.google.com/u/0/permissions

@madargon@is-a.cat avatar

@rmondello Is there any way to do it without account? I don't have any and sometimes I see these annoying popups in random sites.

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