
maegul, (edited ) avatar

I think the and federations pose interesting questions about what platforms can and should be.

Do we actually want blogs and feeds of blogs folded into a mastodon/microblog social feed?

Do we want to read and comment on blogs on mastodon?

Do we want all the diversity of the fediverse fed into a single platform's UI and hope that it works well?

Are we worried that some choices by our platform or instance admin might hinder this process?

I'm rather skeptical.


maegul, avatar

I feel like this might be mistakenly conflating the strength of the diversity of the fediverse with the convenience of using a single platform or UI for "everything".

I don't think the former necessitates the latter. Moreover, I suspect that the former is suppressed by the latter. Feeding blogs, groups and forums, microblogs, video+audio platforms etc all into a single twitter-like UI/platform ... seems like maybe a bad idea.


maegul, avatar

The first thing it misses, I think, is that platforms naturally develop vibes and cultures and that many naturally learn to match a particular activity and persona to a particular platform/vibe.

Along those lines, it would completely make sense for people to be a bit silly and shitpost-y on mastodon and then more academic over on a blogging platform.

One could even argue that this isn't just natural but healthy, where more focused vibes create more coherent interaction.


mariyadelano, avatar

Alrighty.... migrating my newsletter to . Bye bye !

mariyadelano, avatar

Let's gooooo

mariyadelano, avatar

And we are now live on :)

I hope that others may follow my example and leave as well.

GoOz, French avatar

Du coup, hier j’ai gratouillé un billet sur mon expérience de migration de à pour mon .
Ça se passe là bas !

nhoizey, avatar

@notabene j'ai abandonné les commentaires au profit des Webmentions. Pour l'instant presque aucun spam.

Reste le sujet des webmentions automatiquement reprises de commentaires sur Mastodon. Pour l'instant tout le monde semble les laisser, mais je sais que ça pose problème à certains commentateurs.

@karlcow @GoOz @borisschapira @thom4

GoOz, avatar

@nhoizey @notabene @karlcow @borisschapira @thom4 j’ai laissé tomber les commentaires aussi y a longtemps et je suis partisan des webmentions maintenant

mariyadelano, avatar

My first via is now live!

I talked about , mental health, , and emotional resonance.

Sometimes, failure feels like the safest option. Our present might suck and our pain might be unpleasant, but it’s familiar. We know how much our reality hurts. But a better future? That’s strange, new, and uncertain.

And nothing is scarier than fear of the unknown.


@mariyadelano I haven’t appeared on your blog for a long time, and in general I haven’t visited Mastodon much. I had a period of activity in Mastodon, then a pause. Maybe I'll be more active again soon. As for your post, you know how to write on the border between business and depression like no one else. ))

mariyadelano, avatar

@FedorSv575 good to hear from you! And thank you very much :)

pallenberg, German avatar

Beobachtungen zum Umstieg auf

  • Editor ca. 1/3 umfangreicher als bei
  • Leider kein Podcasthosting
  • Kaum Empfehlungsdynamik aus dem Netzwerk
  • Tolle Themes
  • Simples, aber aufschlussreicheres Dashboard
  • OpenSource
  • viiiiiiiel kleiner

Umstieg von Substack problemlos (Daten migrieren), dann komplex (Links, Videos, Audios)

Seite waechst langsamer, Oeffnungsraten wie bei Substack & ich schlafe Nachts besser. Me happy!



@pallenberg Über die Omnivore Webseite hat es funktioniert, wenn man explizit https:// davor schreibt. 👍🏻

pallenberg, avatar
m0bi13, Polish avatar

Ghost wejdzie do #Fedi !

#Ghost to popularny system bloga z newsletterem, niektórzy twierdzą, że na odwrót, alternatywa dla WordPress, popularna za granicą, u nas mniej, bo nie wystarczy mu biedahosting z PHP (inb4: kocham PHP i tanie czy darmowe hostingi).

Chyba stwierdzili, że #Fediwersum się jednak przyjmie, bo nie tylko zaimplementują #ActivityPub w systemie, ale również piszą czytnik, który w końcu sensownie będzie pokazywał Artykuły (tak, Mastodon od lat NIE CHCE tego zrobić, trzyma się Notki jak Twitter i blokuje tym rozwój Fedi, tzn. jego popularność, Mastodona, w mojej ocenie).

Więcej info, w tym screenshoty znajdziecie na stronie [EN]:

m0bi13, avatar


A dzięki, jest po prostu dobry ;)

@arek @icd

74, avatar
Gargron, avatar

The blogging platform is working on adding integration. That means, among other things, being able to follow Ghost-powered blogs and comment on articles right from your Mastodon account. The website they made to explain their plans is really nice! This is what momentum looks like.

johnonolan, avatar

@Gargron thanks Eugen! Would love to chat some time ✌️

Gargron, avatar

@johnonolan Absolutely.

tournesol, avatar

Des gens ont des avis sur l’utilisation de comme ?
J’hésite entre tester ça ou


@tournesol c’eet beaucoup moins léger qu’au départ. Je trouve que y a la fois un côté overkill et un côté limité à la con, genre certaines fonctionnalités ne sont dispo qu’en utilisant des services tiers payants, y a pas de place pour des trucs custom (bon la dernière fois que j’ai regardé le truc en détail date un peu, mais ça m’étonnerait que ça ait beaucoup changé)

tournesol, avatar

@merry j’ai installé, trouvé 0 doc, ça marchait mal et c’était overkill.

j’ai désinstallé très vite ​:neobread_woozy:​

molly0xfff, avatar

pleased to see a few things in #ghost's alpha features that i mentioned wanting during my migration!

#GhostBlog #GhostCMS

molly0xfff, avatar

looks like they're also going to be pulling the migration tools out of the "labs" sandbox

ehmatthes, avatar

@molly0xfff I'm planning to move from Substack to Ghost Pro next month. I really want to avoid self-hosting if at all possible.

Part of my thinking is that if I ever need to self host, moving from hosted Ghost to self-hosted Ghost should be easier than moving from an entirely different platform to self-hosted Ghost.

From your migration experience, is that a fair way of thinking about this?


So we now have a named among the crew, voiced by of fame. So I guess that means— was unavailable to do the voice of .


@darth_hideout Yeah i bet he is in the show but maybe not a part of the Ghost crew until he joins them later 🤷‍♂️. No reason to have him just cameo in Mando s3 if they weren't gonna have in Ahsoka

bgrinter, avatar

@rm4 @darth_hideout and David Tennant is reprising the role

pallenberg, avatar

Vor knapp einem Jahr habe ich auf mein 1-Jaehriges gefeiert und Newsletter als die neuen Blogs definiert 👉

Am kommenden Sonntag werde ich dort meinen letzten Artikel/Podcast veroeffentlichen und in der darauf folgenden Woche alle Inhalte und User:innen mit rueber zu nehmen.

Die Positionen der Substack-Gruender sind einfach nicht die meinen!

expertenkommision_cyberunfall, avatar


Ja, das zählt.

DigitalNaiv, avatar

@pallenberg Gut so!

derthomas, (edited ) avatar

Ghosts are spooky, right?

@AqiDrago asks for 🎃 for @Kitty 's

Here is Ghost with Spirit, it doesn't get any spookier than this 👻

🎵 Spirit by Ghost

derthomas, avatar

@sariash ok I fixed it now. Turns out you shouldn't use the search option in but paste the YT Music link directly. Then it works just fine.

@AqiDrago @Kitty

derthomas, avatar

@sariash I use YT Music because some years back, when it still was Google Muisic, it allowed you to upload your own collection and sync it everywhere. That was a killer feature! has a great addon for Firefox, where, whatever service you are using, you can click on the icon and it generates the links for you.
@AqiDrago @Kitty

hpkomic, avatar

Dare I replace my lovable icon with this of myself?


@hpkomic fair enough!



Love it! 👏 😄

pallenberg, German avatar

Keine Angst, ich nerve nicht mehr in den naechsten Wochen 😎

Ich habe jetzt mehrere Tage an meinem Theme gefrickelt, weil so viel mehr Optionen bietet wie Substack.

Ich hatte das letzte mal so viel Spass mit meinem 1. Tech-Blog vor ueber20 Jahren & alleine das Gefuehl wieder zu entdecken ist toll & das habe ich so vermisst.

Meine letzten Jahre bei Mobilegeeks waren vor allen Dingen stressig. Jetzt ist die Leichtigkeit wieder zurueck!

pallenberg, avatar

@theBurn @synRRg genau, das klappt


Jetzt war ich wegen der Erwähnung mal wieder auf mobilegeeks und ohje - was ist denn daraus geworden? 😕

pallenberg, avatar

Mein Umzug von rueber zu hat mir bzgl des Wachstums von Newsletter/Podcast richtig richtig wehgetan.

Aber wenn ich das nun hier lese 👉 und dazu noch weiss, dass Substack weiter Nazi-Newsletter monetarisiert...

Ich bin manchmal schon froh, dass ich ein sturkoepfiger Idealist bin!

PC_Fluesterer, avatar

Willkommen im Klub der sturköpfigen Idealisten! 😀

pallenberg, avatar

@PC_Fluesterer ich finds richtig so! :)

_elena, avatar

I've just migrated all my blog posts from to .

If you are tempted to do the same, I can assure you the process is super simple - especially when using Ghost (Pro).

All you have to do is export your Substack data and then go to Ghost Settings → Advanced → Lab -> Substack Migration... the process takes just a few minutes, it's all drag and drop.

samueljohnson, avatar

@mvilain @_elena @molly0xfff Little or no chance of Ghost enshittification. It was designed to prevent that ever happening. It's open source, run by a non-profit, and would be forked overnight.

samueljohnson, avatar
newghoststories, avatar

Shots of the ghost pier, the skeletal ruin that haunts Brighton’s horizon.




I choose not to detect sarcasm. Thanks!

newghoststories, avatar

@phil_smith I would have been proud to have come up with that joke.

matdevdug, avatar

In the light of the leadership deciding to host and finance Nazis, if anyone needs any help moving off their platform please let me know.

I host my site on on a $5 a month instance and it’s very easy to set up. I would be glad to do it for someone else as well if you are interested but are less technically inclined.

Jennifer, avatar

@matdevdug is it hard to set up? Can you import info from Substack? My husband's newsletter is there, I've been meaning to move it for a while but haven't had time to research alternatives. Yesterday I decided i need to move it pronto.

matdevdug, avatar

@Jennifer It's not hard to set up. Ghost has a well-written guide of how to migrate from one to another here:

You can either host Ghost yourself here: or Ghost offers paid hosting for $9 a month.

If you are interested in self-hosting but the technical part seems too extreme, shoot me a DM and I can try to help walk you through the harder parts.

Missrdevine, avatar

Made a ghost for Halloween

Missrdevine, avatar

Maybe…there will be some lighting involved for sure

Missrdevine, avatar

Yes, thinking around maybe using UV spray/lamp. Also, if you spray black, it disappears where that registers, in a dark space. Or green if it is on grass during the day - like it is levitating. Fun!

derthomas, avatar

– A Fresh Favorite
A song that’s been released less than a year ago.

I was going to pick , but @pro already did that so I'm gonna go with one that was released last year, which would have been on top of my list, if I had one:

- Kenosis

But wait... no... that's actually not true. My AOTY2022 is without a doubt Ghost's Impera.

So I'm gonna cheat and pick a second one, here's:

- Kaisarion


@derthomas Eyup mate, I'm back.

derthomas, avatar

@zoskiacultus oh wow, that's a nice surprise! Did you take a 6 month hiatus? What have you been up to?

jorijn, avatar

I've been having issues with my blogging software, Ghost, for a while now. Deployments aren't stable, and not very predictable.

Looking for something else.

Give me your best suggestions!

Arcticulate, avatar

@jorijn Sorry to hear that. I’m looking towards maybe using Ghost in the future, but only if I can get my web host to offer it for me (not setting it up from a tar ball release or anything). From what I understand, Ghost is like Wordpress except done correctly — not slow-ass and a security nightmare. The founder of the project is an ex-Wordpress employee who got tired of the bloat.

jorijn, avatar


Ghost is a nice project, but it's geared towards paid subscriptions. If you just want to publish articles you might be better suited elsewhere.

pallenberg, avatar

Es ist vollbracht! ist nun auch unter der bekannten Domain auf erreichbar.

Me happy!

Bodo, avatar

Glückwunsch @pallenberg 👍

Wollte gerade etwas in deinem "How Toot" nachschlagen. Dann kam ein "404 Fehler".
Gibt es deine Lektüre für Einsteiger nicht mehr?

pallenberg, avatar
mastodonmigration, avatar

If you are journalist who has been recently laid off, or if you know one, check this out!

Ghost, the superb, open source, newsletter platform (and rival alternative to Substack) is offering free subscriptions to help get started with self publishing.

Here's the link:

When considering Ghost vs. Substack be aware that Substack takes a percentage of subscriber revenue while Ghost does not.

nus, avatar

@mastodonmigration Whoa. It's really good seeing Ghost stepping forward to help out journalists.

FWIW Molly White recently wrote about migrating from to a Ghost solution... It's not easy but it's doable. Substack actually fought her, almost breaking their previous promises to journalists in the process.

has been pretty ethical, and it's good to see they're sticking by those guns.

darren, avatar

@mastodonmigration Do they federate?

idoubtit, avatar

I’m excited to start following platform accounts here although I’m not quite sure I’ll know how to find them.

Jer, avatar

@idoubtit I just hope that folks don't think of it as a replacement for RSS. It's best as a replacement/supplement to comments.

idoubtit, avatar

@Jer My real need is discovery. You can’t find good blogs via search.

massivelyop, avatar
SaftyKuma, avatar


Hard pass.
He still owes me a pony.

kinsale42, avatar

@SaftyKuma @massivelyop Baron Rivendare still owes me a pair of pants

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