Instagram vs Reality

bornach, avatar

operational transconductance amplifiers I bought on over 6 years ago. Date code doesn't make sense given that Intersil discontinued the over a decade ago. The real chip should have a diode across pins 4 and 5. Only one chip seems to have it -- but it is reversed. The rest have resistors between pins 1 and 4, and between 4 and 5, consistent with an op amp that provides offset null pins. Pin 8 also seems to be connected. Both 1 and 8 should be NC.

bornach, avatar

Someone has decapped one of these fake CA3080 ICs that have been selling on EBay as early as 2011.

The die mask claims to be LM4250. I already destroyed 2 of them trying to guess the pinout, but using the pinout of the LM4250 seems to work with 7 of them. They behave just like a jelly bean op amp.

bornach, avatar

At least the single rail circuit works with these counterfeit chips. Maybe I'll turn them all into blinkies and Schmitt triggers.

Fake OTA chip in a solderless breadboard wired up with resistors, a capacitor and a purple LED which blinks about 1-2 times a second when powered by a 9V battery

verbraucherzentrale_nrw, German avatar

#Warnung in eigener Sache: Aktuell fragen uns viele Menschen, ob wir sie angerufen hätten. Unbekannte hätten sich als Verbraucherzentrale gemeldet und wollten persönliche Daten abgleichen oder erfragen.
Klare Antwort: Solche Anrufe kommen nicht von uns! Hier sind Kriminelle am Werk, die unseren Namen missbrauchen und verschiedene Geschichten erfinden. Wir rufen niemals unaufgefordert an, um Daten zu erfragen!

#fake #abzocke #betrug #verbraucherschutz

elosha, German avatar

Teamkollege hat sich die einzigen zu einem Fachthema im als Print-on-Demand bestellt. Was ankam, war nicht nur verschnitten, litt an ausgewaschenem Druckbild und entbehrte jeglicher Gliederung, nein, die Texte waren auch 100% -Erzeugt und völlig inhaltsleerer .

Angeblich habe der Autor „Rob Botwright“ (🤔) in einem halben Jahr 80 Bücher von Pascal-Programmierung über IT-Sicherheit bis Stringtheorie bei „Pastor Publishing Ltd.“ veröffentlicht.

mardor, avatar
beandev, avatar


Absoluter Müll. Habe mir mal ein paar Leseproben angeschaut. Kompletter Müll. Fließtext, vermischte Inhalte in den Kapiteln. Falsche Angaben.

Ich habe mal eine Rezension gemacht, aber vermutlich wird diese nicht mal veröffentlicht...

@IsabVann2 @elosha

dougiec3, avatar

"In 1987, Reagan’s appointees to the Federal Communications Commission abandoned the Fairness Doctrine that required media with a public license to present information honestly and fairly. Within a year, talk radio had gone national, with hosts like Rush Limbaugh electrifying listeners with his attacks on 'liberals' and his warning that they were forcing 'socialism' on the United States. "

verbraucherzentrale_nrw, German avatar

Viele Menschen erkennen so eine SMS vom "Amstgericht" als . Man soll einen "Sachbearbeiter" wegen eines Pfändungsbeschlusses anrufen.

Viele erkennen den Betrugsversuch aber leider auch nicht. Deshalb warnen wir immer wieder vor aktuellen Gefahren durch und
– auch hier auf Mastodon mit dem Kanal @phishing_radar.

Infos zur hier gezeigten Masche:

@bsi @Bundesverband

funhouseradio, avatar
skykiss, (edited ) avatar

Arizona Grand Jury Indicts 18 in Connection with Republican Fake Electors Scheme

Criminal Defendant Don-the-Con Trump is referred to in the indictment as “Unindicted Coconspirator 1.”
Among the indicted are Mark Meadows, Rudy Giuliani, Jenna Ellis, John Eastman, Christina Bob, Boris Epshteyn & Mike Roman.

And 11 Republicans who acted as “fake electors” to cast for criminal Donald—each of whom were charged with conspiracy, fraudulent schemes and artifices, fraudulent schemes and practices, and six counts of forgery.

Tyler Bowyer, Chief Operating Officer for Charlie Kirk’s TPUSA.

Boris Epshteyn, former on-air commentator for Sinclair.

Arizona electors went to the winner President Biden.

fyi- to nazi charlie ... there were no "republican electors" that is why the republicans are being arrested and charged with crimes because republicans were fraudulent electors.


geospatialist, German avatar

à la Gemeinde & Ortsgruppe Kirchheim

Bei einer Fahrbahnbreite von 3,75m ist ein unmöglich.

Bisher standen an dieser Fahrradstraße "1,5m Abstand. Danke!" Schilder. Überholen ist dort unmöglich.

Nun hat irgendjemand in der Gemeinde und/oder im ADFC festgestellt, dass diese Straße außerorts liegt.

Also stehen jetzt 2m Abstand auf den Schildern. Überholen ist dort immer noch unmöglich.

Eine Fahrradstraße mit einem Schild "Abstand, 2,00m, Danke, Kirchheim, ADFC". Die Straße ist 3,75m schmal, links Schlaglöcher in der Bankette.

DharmaDog, avatar

The Associated Press:
Anonymous users are dominating right-wing discussions online. They also spread false information

"As the presidential election draws nearer, the spread of bogus information online is getting a huge boost from social media accounts that have been created anonymously."

Wen, avatar

Sometimes I feel like this in real life 🤣

Tom Gault Cartoon

fkamiah17, avatar

@Wen Twat 😂 😘

mikemathia, avatar
guyjantic, avatar

@mikemathia The first few times I saw this meme the bottom part was labeled "God's plan." And then someone further elaborated it with "I am shocked that God is so terrible at making plans."

mikemathia, avatar


Hence mostly why I am not religious.

If "god" is so awesome, then why does he take great people away from here, like my father, for example. He worked for Boeing for a million years, properly retired, was ready to travel the world and do nature photography, not do any harm, and plan was interrupted a WEEK after he retired. Ya know?

So because of that any many other hypocracies, I had to decline all religions.

rita, German avatar

Hat es hier jemand geschafft die - mit Peter Lustig aus der herunterzuladen?

Ich möchte das gerne über machen, aber die eingestellten ( , Länge mindestens 20 Minuten, Thema Löwenzahn) sind leider nicht eindeutig genug, die nach hilft auch nicht.

Es sind immer auch Folgen mit Fritz Fuchs dazwischen, aber die interessieren mich im Augenblick nicht.

Ich bin für jeden oder dankbar. Guten Abend. 🙂

kenji, German avatar

Kein : verschickt aktuell 180.000 Briefe mit jeweils 5 Euro drin:
"Wer dieser Tage in seiner Post einen Fünf-Euro-Schein findet, soll nicht etwa Opfer einer neuen Betrugsmasche werden. Er wurde vielmehr zufällig vom Robert Koch-Institut (RKI) ausgewählt, um an einer neuen, großangelegten Studie teilzunehmen."

Sampei, Italian avatar

"È una fake news" dicevano. Ormai per qualsiasi verità scomoda, basta bollarla come , chi la diffonde come complottista, e tutto si risolve.

Con il "piracy shield platform" Italiano, nella migliore delle ipotesi stanno facendo una figura di merda a livello globale, nella peggiore stanno mettendo su un sistema che va oltre il grande firewall cinese.

Questa è l'email che ho ricevuto oggi da : un mio sito (niente di importante per fortuna) è caduto nel ban del piracy shield perché questi signori hanno bloccato un IP di cloudflare che ovviamente è condiviso da migliaia di siti legittimi e perfettamente legali.

Io mi chiedo come si possa bloccare indiscriminatamente un indirizzo IP senza neanche fare un whois, ma soprattutto come si possa dare un potere così grande ad un ticket aperto da qualche centralinista di sky o dazn, che non sa neanche di cosa sta parlando.

Non commento il presidente di agcom che ieri piangeva in parlamento che Google non gli vuole bloccare gli IP a livello di dns perché sarebbe un precedente mondiale... gne gne gne.

Italia paese delle banane!

Email da cloudflare per il privacy shield

Sampei, avatar

@salvadorbs Certo che lo farò. E sarebbe anche da denunciarli.

Sampei, avatar
Nonilex, avatar

2k pages of 'confidential' emails dumped on

An account using the name & photo of Sheriff lawbreaker & [] released >2,100 pages of emails from employees of Dominion; the company says Leaf improperly accessed internal msgs via breach of a .

ralfmaximus, avatar


Unpaywalled here:

..and holy shit

Nonilex, avatar

"Dominion seeks the court's immediate assistance in addressing a flagrant & ongoing breach of this court's order that has already, & will continue to, irreparably harm Dominion, including, but not limited to, jeopardizing the physical safety of employees," lawyers for the company wrote in their Fri motion.

bsm, German avatar

Warum kann man nicht einfach alle Russinnen und Russen, die für Putin stimmen, nach Russland abschieben?!

Die sollten nicht das Privileg geniessen dürfen, im freiheitlichen Westen leben zu können und gleichzeitig einen autokratischen Herrscher wählen können.

osma, (edited ) avatar

Documented cases of elections interference by a foreign actor:

Facebook: yes
Twitter: yes
Google/Doubleclick: yes
TikTok: no

You may think that the latter is just lack of investigation, and you may even be correct, but the overall finding will hold nonetheless.

gimulnautti, avatar

@osma One does tend to think about the ban in more through the lens of economic protectionism than about moral, social, child protection or internal security.

As a foreigner, my impression of US government has long been one of favouring speaking in rhetorical flourish when it in-fact is merely protecting it’s class 1 citizens: the big companies that make up it’s .

It is not an oligarchy as plain as Russia, but not immune to the same every now & then. 🤔

osma, avatar

Economic protectionism is obvious. Every nation/union does it, they all have their own, often rational reasons for it, and not expecting it to happen would be the height of folly.

This isn't even about that. This is political theater in place of implementing strong privacy protections. Why are they not implemented? Commercial lobbyism is part of it, but don't forget the security apparatus is a large customer of data harvesting operations.

helenczerski, avatar

Here in Bergen, they were ready for social media centuries before social media was invented.

majatomic, Norwegian avatar

Noen som har mikroplast-filter for vaskemaskina installert? Vurderer å skaffe en fra Planet Care.

forteller, avatar

@majatomic Nysgjerrig på om slikt funker. Har det blitt gjort uavhengige tester? Jeg har valgt å bare kvitte meg med det meste av klær laget av plast

nadiaalbelushi, avatar

What is the socio-political equivalent of decentralized ? What is the socio-political equivalent of / and the ?

Well, believe it or not, the Kurds of Syria have been experimenting with just that over the last 10+ years. It's called democratic confederalism. It's a leftist libertarian movement that wishes to replace the centralized nation-state model with decentralized democracy.

HunkThunderzone, avatar

You're gonna wanna sit down and get your Shocked Face™️ ready:

"Researchers who studied the issue have found that undocumented immigrants are less likely to commit crimes than American citizens. From 2012 to 2022, undocumented immigrants were 14% less likely to be convicted of murder and 41% less likely to be convicted of any criminal offense. Similar research by Michael Light at the University of Wisconsin found lower rates of "homicides, sexual assaults, violent crimes, property crimes, traffic and drug violations" among undocumented immigrants."

msquebanh, avatar

@HunkThunderzone No surprises to most of us POC folks.

sflorg, avatar

Some have suggested that the world we call could very well be nothing more than a very complex and technical that is being run somewhere other than what we know as reality

sflorg, avatar

Do I think we are nothing more than a simulation, that answer would be no. But if we are, I sure would like to know what got up the butt of the person that created tRump. 😏

EastOfTheRockies, avatar

Caturday - Impossibly cute AI fakes...
#caturday #fake #AI #aiart #Adobe #Adobefirefly #cut

dieinsider, German avatar

Immer wieder werden auf AfD-Seiten -Berichte geteilt, um weiteren zu erzeugen!

Diesmal wieder der "Kinder und Kinderinnen" - Spielplatz- aus dem Jahr 2017.

Uns gibt es noch auf Facebook (dieinsider), Instagram (die.insider), Twitter/X (Die_Insider) und Bluesky (

Geteilt wird ein Fake aus dem Jahr 2017. Es wird ein Spielplatz-Schild aus Hannover geändert. Im Original steht "Spielplatz für Kinder und Jugendliche." Geändert wurde es in "Spielplatz für Kinder und Kinderinnen." Dazu steht noch auf dem Fake-Sharepic "die Verbblödung in Deutsch nimmt massiv Fahrt auf!" Auch zeigen wir den privaten Post von Nikolai Sitschow, AfD Regensburg. Dort stehen Kommentare wie "Irre......tragödie.", "Die werden immer blöder." und "Alles Ablenkung vom Versagen der Regierung."
Als Info zeigen wir den Bericht "Achtung, Fake: Dieses Schild gibt es in Hannover nicht" vom 07.06.2017 der Hannoversche Allgemeine. Dort steht u.a. "Aktuell macht in sozialen Netzwerken eine Falschmeldung die Runde: Dabei wird angeblich ein Schild von einem Spielplatz in Hannover gezeigt. Darauf steht: “Spielplatz für Kinder und Kinderinnen. Aufenthalt von 7 bis 20 Uhr gestattet”. Dieses Schild gibt es nicht."
Geteilt wird ein Fake aus dem Jahr 2017. Es wird ein Spielplatz-Schild aus Hannover geändert. Im Original steht "Spielplatz für Kinder und Jugendliche." Geändert wurde es in "Spielplatz für Kinder und Kinderinnen." Dazu steht noch auf dem Fake-Sharepic "die Verbblödung in Deutsch nimmt massiv Fahrt auf!" Hier zeigen wir den Ursprungs-Post. Dort stehen Kommentare wie "Kein Wunder bei dieser Regierung.", "Dürfen denn die Gebärenden mit auf den Spielplatz!?", "Die komplette Verblödung ist nur in Deutschland fortgeschritten.", "Die Verblödung ist nicht mehr aufzuhalten. Oh weh." und den Kommentar mit dem Faktencheck von Mimikama.

skykiss, avatar

Coup planned that lasted for days, an intervention by that they presumed to be loyal to Trump, and a vice president who upended his constitutional duties, allowing the U.S. to descend into chaos.

The criminal defendant repeated . Chesebro and Trump used and corrupt Republicans to have endless chaos in Congress would prove that the legislature could not certify a winner. That stalemate, they theorized, would force to act.

Chesebro provided a legal framework in which was —to cause enough confusion & chaos that the republican would have to get involved in picking the president. His plan envisioned several gambits which have now become familiar building blocks of the legal portion of the coup & the basis for criminal charges across the country: creating slates of , having Pence refuse to count Biden’s electoral votes on Jan. 6, and ultimately tossing the whole issue to the .

evilotto, avatar

@skykiss if it wasn't so thoroughly documented, this would be a crazy conspiracy theory, or a really bad movie.

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