GryphonSK, to random avatar

: Butt-in when people are suffering to make their lives better.

: Butt-in when people are just living their lives to make those lives worse.

mima, to fediverse

And I see this kind of #antisemitic #bullshit from #leftists sooo regularly in the #fediverse that I accidentally used "regularly" twice here (and I can't edit it because #Misskey :P). Bloody hell. ​:chuckling_okuu:​


anubis2814, to random

I find the belief that #leftists are mad at the #rich and powerful because of envy is frankly insulting. We don't think anyone should have that much money or power because it turns them into a twisted horrible human being and at some point they had to exploit others or the environment to get that money. If no one has that much money, all of us have a little more. If no one has that much power, ALL of us are a little more power to make our world better.

Properganda, to random avatar

The left must stop apologizing for

Since the left has been increasingly supportive of Hamas’s actions, despite its oppression of

By writer & analyst, Ahmed Fouad Alkhatib —who grew up in

dynode, to random avatar

Online be like: "We should abolish or at least severely restrict the impact of . Also, is uneconomic, it will be too eXpeNsIve!!1one"

Yeah, that's why France is bankrupt and the reason certain non-western nations are definitely not deploying multitudes of them 🤡

msquebanh, to history avatar
shoq, to random avatar

I am so weary of the caterwauling from the left about everything the right does. They’ve been planning and strategizing this assault for decades. We have done almost nothing to counter program their manipulations. Complaining about it isn’t going to stop them. We have to devise effective actions.

paninid, avatar


year for nostalgic past that never existed.

talk a lot about and have hope for a future that cannot exist.

TheBird, to random

I don't know if I can or ever forgive Leftists who chose "convenience" and eugenics over people's lives and health.

Like, I don't know how to tell these people that by NOT engaging in pandemic mitigations and normalizing them within our cultures = aligning with fascists and eugenicists.

Maybe y'all don't want to hear that truth, but Covid doesn't care what you think. It damages all parts of the body. It's caused millions (in the US alone) to be trapped in the hell of LongCovid, and it's killed millions more.

We have tools that can decrease the deaths and disablements, and instead, Leftists gave up on their morals, threw it all away, and just left folks like me to die.

So yeah. I don't know how to forgive those folks or if forgiveness is even possible.

If you'd like to redeem yourself, then normalize pandemic mitigations. Fight against fascism and eugenics by taking this pandemic seriously. Work with folks like me and include us. Leave none of us behind ever again.

If y'all continue to not do that, then don't act surprised when disabled folks like myself and my allies treat you with suspicion and lack of trust. Your actions speak for yourself.

8petros, to random Polish

We think you may have forgotten about us. Or, at the very least, you are trying to. The new normal in society at large excludes many people, among them some of your comrades: us. Need we remind you that disabled and chronically ill people can be radical leftists? The entire range of self-proclaimed radical leftist politics should include anti-ableism by default. Without anti-ableism as a founding principle, all that remains of the radical left project is hypocrisy.

An open letter to our anarchist, socialist and radical leftist comrades |

nando161, to Palestine

When people ask why and American show up for conflict on the side of , it’s not just some coincidence or even us sympathizing with them. fucking show up to the meetings. They get involved in the protests. The work with them alongside a lot of activists. A lot of us can attach a person we know to that . And that is the beautiful thing about . That is what made Fred Hampton’s Black Panthers such a threat. That is how this shit works. It’s not trying to be the most famous martyr. It’s about collectively uplifting ourselves over these interconnected systems of . Allyship is not a fucking barter system. :antifa_100:

LeftistLawyer, to internet

On: Winning the battle against corporate -- a thread.

Those that follow me on here have probably figured out that I'm a huge fan of a website called . For , I think it's kind of a big deal.

They provide two daily round-ups that are aggregated by reader submissions. They then provide left inspired commentary and context. The morning round-up is called the "Links." The afternoon round-up is called the "2pm Watercooler."

It's been in existence since right after the 2008 Wall Street implosion. It's a , and I often learn as much from the community of commenters, as I do from the articles themselves. It's also very well moderated to keep out the .

Here is where you can find them:

ubergeek, to Israel

So, time for

Do you think is evil, for his support of 's ? If so, cool! I'd hope so!

Now, do you think is evil, for his support of the 's genocide of the people? if so, cool! I'd hope so!

If one of these things are evil to you, and the other isn't, you really need to dig down deep to ask yourself "Why?" Both used "Political necessity" as the excuse for their support. Both said "But we asked others to help!" as an excuse why.

In reality, they are both either evil for doing the same thing, or they are both not evil for it. You cannot have one, without the other and remain consistent.

skaly, to random

Untrue things people assume on me when I say my country has a right to defend my family and friends after nearly dying in a horrific massacre:

  1. That I think Palestinians are animals or lesser humans in any way.
  2. That I want people of other ethnicities to die (wtf is wrong with you?)
  3. That I think Jews were "chosen" and are somehow an elite (again, wtf?)
  4. That I am a blind supporter of my government (I went to 3 protests in Israel against Bibi just this year even though I live abroad)
Properganda, avatar

@notwithstanding @jocarren @skaly @rabbinathan I really don’t understand why it’s so easy for to criticize & protest yet, find it so hard to demand & condemn 🤔

quietmarc, to NovaScotia

It's a longshot, maybe, but are there any in who can point me towards some protests/organizing action?

I can't say I'd be a benefit to your organization, because I'm chronically mouthy, but I'd like to find some community here.

Please boost. :)

nando161, to Palestine

im sorry but when DOT COM, which is RUN BY , affirms that a one state solution and the end of in the holy land does NOT mean the should be expelled, you as a white look really, really silly saying it does. and this goes for both and who are thrilled at the concept

toplesstopics, to Podcast avatar

So longtime friend of the Topless Topics community mrich (as we all know him by) and I have been tossing around a #podcast idea for a while (I know, I know...this one will be good though, I promise ;p) and I could use y'alls help in solidifying the concept before we jump in to making it.

Basically, the thought is to provide two different but respectful opinions on a variety of subjects--I'm a cis white woman "coastal elite" from California, he's a cis black man from the South, and we're both #progressive #leftists and huge nerds (especially #gaming !) We're also both #normalizeNudity (and of course #freeTheNipple / #topless #equality ) supporters, raised #nudist / #naturist though I reject the specific label these days (I got a whole video about it at if you're curious), and #sexPositive - I'm #bisexual and #polyamorous , he's straight and monogamous, but totally cool with other models, as long as it's all #consensual . We also (so many commonalities!) are both quite #artistic - he's mainly into #portrait #photography while I'm into #illustration both #digitalIllustration and #traditionalIllustration .

While we're still figuring out the structure of the podcast, the idea is to have a few somewhat disparate sections to it - gaming/ #comics / #cosplay /etc, then brief reaction to current #politics / #news (like #feminism , #LGBTQ , #racialJustice , anti- #capitalism , and so much more), and (hopefully) an interview with someone interesting ( #sexWorker , #activist , #artist , etc...whoever we can find that seems like they'd be a good fit for the pod! Then finally, maybe an "ask us anything" advice/reaction section to round out the episode.

I'm thinking we aim for <= 2 hours, one episode per month, but if we really get into it, maybe an episode every other week. I'm still gonna have to edit it and I have a lot else on my plate so I don't want to overextend myself too much. If we happen to stumble into wild success maybe I could hire someone else to do that part in the future, then we could record more often :p

On some subjects, of course I will defer to his expanded first-hand experience, like #racialInequality . And on other subjects, it'll be mostly my turn to step onto the soapbox, namely about what it's like to be a woman in this #misogynist #sexist world. We've chatted for many hours over the years and always gotten along swimmingly, so I don't anticipate undue friction in the longterm (a benefit of having so many like-minded opinions already). But I still think we have enough difference in life experiences to provide an interesting perspective on a variety of topics.

What do you think? Does any of that seem interesting to you? What kinds of things / people to interview would you like to see on a podcast created by a pair of different similar leftist nerds? Would you listen to such a podcast? Please, lay your feedback on me! All replies welcome, as long as you're not being a total jerk ❤️

tofugolem, to random avatar

There's a segment of who think that the "both sides are exactly as bad" shtick makes them look like impressive edgelords.

That's not how this works.

That's not how any of this works.

The left generally includes fewer idiots blinded by their own white privilege than liberals or conservatives, but sadly, this number is not zero.

nando161, to random

The naked body isn't inherently and sexual things aren't inherently bad. I think some "" need to that. :antifa_100:

witchescauldron, to random

For people to see the history of communication,

dsfgs, (edited )

@witchescauldron ^^^ This is our admin. You'll find him living and boating across Europe. He upholds and embodies the #4opens and #4freedoms of #foss and of a platform where anyone is welcome to #communicate and find a common ground, with #leftists.

He is not able to continue to keep our server alive beyond 8 Oct without some donations, or funding. We are willing, as a web developer and programmer to work on any project you want (non CAGEMAFIA) in exchange for a donation to help #activism.

pluralistic, to random avatar

Right here. The difference between and in one sharp graf, in Naomi Klein's forthcoming DOPPELGANGER

nando161, to random

Every time there's a big writer's strike or whatnot it becomes starkly clear how many self-proclaimed think that only who perform manual labour which results in a physical product that you can hold in your hands count as and else is a parasite of some description.

toplesstopics, to Youtube avatar

Love that Dr Pimple Popper can literally show oozing pustules in her thumbnails, but I can't show my heinous female nipples, even if I pixelate them into incomprehensible blurs. 🙃

toplesstopics, avatar

Just the name Dr makes me want to 🤮, let alone have thumbnails SHOWING burst show up in my feed, yet repeatedly I've had ban thumbnails of pre- nonsexual female nipples, even when I've already blurred them out (to say nothing of the entire pre- censored videos they've banned over and over again). Yet of course, YouTube, along with etc-forever are chock full of entirely UNcensored MALE nipples with MILLIONS of views, that somehow DON'T get as sexually explicit nudity" 🙃

I know I'm a broken record about this, but how does this make sense?? How tf do the majority of people, even alleged just unthinkingly go along with the view that "of course, female nipples are sexually explicit nudity, but male nipples aren't. OBVIOUSLY."? or at most, they go "yeah it's not fair, but what can we do?"

Maybe... Mention it in your own content? Spare comments in the replies of my own posts about this are certainly appreciated, and better than no words of support at all. But we will NEVER make progress towards as long as more people aren't pointing out blatant sexism (and - at what point does a nipple look "female" or "male" enough to get banned/not banned?) in public places, loud and unapologetic. I know compared to many world issues, wanting the same rights as "male-looking chests" online and in public seems silly and self-serving. But it's all part of the subjugation of female-presenting people. It's still - designed declaring "only we have the authority to decide women's bodies are sexually explicit unless they adhere to what we, the men, decide are permissible modes of living." It's , its the objectification of women's bodies without our , it's taking away our while granting male bodies (again, adhering to whatever arbitrary scale determines what a "male" or "female" body is) freedom. It's BS.

toplesstopics, to Facebook avatar

It's honestly astonishing how many alleged (who had large followings already) have mysteriously and suddenly decided all of 's past transgressions are forgiven as they go all-in on (aka Facebook) 's new " killer" 🤔

TheBird, to accessibility

I literally don't know what to do to convince the Disability Lords in America that my disability is real.

Not even losing my job due to LongCovid and its complications is enough for them. They keep throwing out evaluations that prove my condition and denying my claim.

Now I have to push for an appeal before a judge, and wonder how the hell to get through that without ending up collapsed and worsening my condition.

It shouldn't be this hard to get support and care, but apparently it is.

Every step of the way is covered in red tape, requiring health that I simply don't have to keep up with the increasingly impossible demands to prove I'm ill enough to get disablity. And yet I'm too ill to do it all.

I expected the betrayal and backstabbing red tape from the government because that's what the system is designed to do.

The system is set up to KILL us.

And there's only what... five or so people in power (progressive democrats) who for the first time last year tried to fix all this shitty red tape (plus the fact disability payments isn't enough to live on or the fact we can't marry and other shitty restrictions that hurt us), but mostly Democrats killed it (we all expected Republicans to kill it, because they are ableist white supremacists mostly).

So yeah, excuse me that I don't trust any politician in America to give a shit about us.

But that's not the true source of why I'm angry -- sure I'm upset and angry I got the denial.

But I'm even more angry at how the majority of and who OUGHT to be building communities of care that include disabled people....

.... just aren't doing it. They are leaving us to fucking die just like the rest of America. The futures they keep depicting? The meetings and conferences they make? Most aren't accessible AT ALL. That glaring lack of access tells folks like me how content these people are with throwing us away as useless for their future and movements.

So is it any wonder that disabled people are pissed off? Is it any wonder we lack trust in abled bodied people? Because y'all don't give a shit about whether we live or die. Your actions keep showing it.

I'm so angry.

Just so damn angry, because it's not just that I could lose my shelter and ability to exist in my own space.

But it's also because I know too many people who can't get on disability. Who can't get any help, who are losing their homes and jobs and who are dying.

And the fact that people claim to be for justice won't include us in their future? In their solidarity? Because they can't even bother to wear masks or do any pandemic mitigations or an accessibility to keep us safe? Because apparently being accessible is "too much work?" (A bullshit reason I've heard one too many times, plus the whole blaming their inability to do access on 'money' even if I offer solutions that was little to no cost).

Yeah. That is a big sign of how much these people don't care. How much they ate up eugenics.

So yeah. I'm angry.

I'm that angry disabled person at home too sick to go anywhere, who is homebound, who is isolated, who doesn't get to see people in real life for weeks unless it's a medical appointment (and even then I've often had to go virtual).

Society throws away disabled folks, and with each denial in my attempt (and the attempts of my fellow disabled folks) to get help, it's just another stab in the back, another blatant abandonment/neglect. Another reminder of how my life has no value because I can't produce for the Lords of Capital. As hurtful as this is at times, it's never as hurtful than those who claim to be allies to disabled people and yet do the same abandonment.

It's glaring and painful to see Leftists not engaging in community care that includes us. That is by far the worst betrayal of all.

I expected the government's betrayal.

But I foolishly keep having hope that Leftists or even fellow anarchists won't betray disabled people, and yet, they keep consistently doing so with the lack of pandemic mitigations, lack of other accessibility needs, and a lack of even checking in and supporting homebound disabled folks.

So yeah. I'm angry. Just so damn angry.

And it's so damn hard to hold onto hope when there's a whole country hellbent on yelling in my face that I have no worth unless I produce (which I can't right now).

Anyway, that's my rant of the month I guess.

Just please be accessible. Check in with disabled folks. Give a shit about us. And stop leaving us behind in your justice and solidarity and equity movements. Thanks.

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