
This magazine is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

antik, (edited ) in has lemmy.world been going down these past few days or is it the app I use?
@antik@lemmy.world avatar

There is a status page up on https://status.lemmy.world

We have been dealing with some DDOS attacks and are still taking extra measures to get everything more stable but we are working with people in different timezones so it’s not always as easy to react.

So yes, we are working on improving things.


Thanks for all your hard work!


Perfect thank you!

Do you guys need help dealing with the security side? I can help depending on the need.


How good is your karate? I think they could use another security guard.


I can break boards with my face if I’m drunk enough. That counts right?


You’re in.

@techguy86@lemmy.world avatar

Growing pains! I’m much happier here then elsewhere.

@antik@lemmy.world avatar

See, and that makes us happy


Hacker attacks, a tankie power mod, incel, /poltics being toxic. I think this site has really made it.


It feels good to be home

@cheerjoy@lemmy.world avatar

You guys have been doing an awesome job maintaining the site, keep it up 👍

@_haha_oh_wow_@sh.itjust.works avatar



Sorry for being a bit harsh, but I have little sympathy for the admins of lemmy.world. Instead of looking for ways to disperse the people around other instances, it seems that the people behind .world are rushing to grab mindshare and concentrate as many people as they can in their own servers.

The threadiverse is not healthy when almost 50% of the active user base is in the same instance. The lemmy.ml admins basically shut down their instance for registration and said “please look elsewhere”. Why can’t you do the same?


They’re not advertising or telling people to come to lemmy.world… people are coming here and they’re just accommodating them instead of blowing them off


To be honest, what upsets me is the amount of communities that already existed elsewhere but they decided to recreate under their own service. Why does everything need to be under their umbrella? Why not point the users to the already existing communities? It would even help avoid the issues they are having now.


Who are you thinking created those communities?

@antik@lemmy.world avatar

It’s not that we can not handle the load caused by users or by the amount of communities. It’s because of DDOS attacks and even with cloudflare some of these attacks are challenging due to the way lemmy works. No instance is safe from these attacks but the bigger instances get targeted. We weren’t the only instance that went down today.

I don’t think we do anything wrong here? None of us are being paid, we all put in a lot of time and effort to keep things running. You don’t know how many passionate people are involved “behind the scenes” seeing you call out the admins of lemmy.world.
You can’t please everyone, and some people will always find a stick. But I still think a lot of people believe in our team, our policies and what we are trying to do here. If that’s not your thing, fine, you can look elsewhere.


Thanks for doing what you do!

@Dark_Blade@lemmy.world avatar

I, for one, am glad to be on a server that isn’t run by tankies, nazis or some other crazy fuckos.


Is there a post or blog somewhere that goes into detail about why DDOS is such an issue with lemmy or activitypub? Or are you saying that about DDOS in general?


No instance is safe from these attacks but the bigger instances get targeted.

Then don’t work to become a big instance.

None of us are being paid,

If not you, someone is profiting from this

you can look elsewhere.

I’d love to, except lemmy.world went on to a huge land grab, cloned every possible popular community on reddit and is not giving any signs that will stop. Almost 50% of the user base is unreasonable and it goes against the ethos of federation and decentralization. An instance going down should not be newsworthy, but because it’s so big (relative to the others) it introduces systemic risk and approaches “too big to fail” status.

I shouldn’t be the one telling you.



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  • AFKBRBChocolate,

    The instance itself did not do a “big land grab,” users on the instances made the communities. And, as you should know, the fact that there’s a community on one instance doesn’t mean that the same topic can’t be on another, there are several of those kinds of duplicates.

    I signed up for .world because I liked the policies, it didn’t seem to be heavily communist or hosted in an authoritarian country, and it seemed to be robust. Nobody told me I should make my account there; I saw zero advertising. I’m not sure what you think the admins did to make other people settle there.

    And the fact that some people are donating to it in no way means they’re making anything like profit. The admins didn’t make a plea for me to donate anywhere that I saw, other than having the link in the sidebar, like many/most instances.

    You seem to be taking frustrations out on people who don’t deserve it. If the stability problems become an issue, people will just make accounts elsewhere.


    I’m not sure what you think the admins did to make other people settle there.

    They opened the gates and let people come in without knowing if they were able to handle the influx of people. By presenting themselves as a place that could welcome everyone, they end up robbing the opportunity for other instances to share the load and to absorb part of the user base. This is what I mean about “land grab”.

    A more sensible approach would be to have a feedback loop where they open up a limited number of spots, fill them, see how their instance and the overall fediverse behaves and adjust based on that new information.

    @antik@lemmy.world avatar

    You leave out the fact that @ruud was already running mastodon.world before all this. So he does have experience running a big instance. He had a team of moderators from mastodon.world that helped from the start.

    The influx of people was never a problem, if you choose the right hosting provider you are prepared for these things. And the hosting company we use provides all those tools to help us grow. We started with a small server at Hetzner.de and gradually upgraded when it was required. They have no limits on bandwidth so that is also something Ruud looked at.

    Anyway, you have a lot of say about how you would do things but you had a 3 years head start…


    The influx of people was never a problem

    It’s not a technical problem, but a systemic one. Getting way too big relative to the rest of the fediverse paints a target on your back. There is a reason your instance is being DDOS’d while so many others aren’t and one instance being DDOS’d shouldn’t be have such an impact on the overall system.

    My point is that the sensible thing to do would’ve been to limit growth of .world and let others catch up. This is what the lemmy devs did with their instance, this is what Hugo from masto.host did to his service (stopped accepting new customers when he got close to 50% of the users) and this is even what Eugen did with mastodon.social and mastodon.online in the beginning.

    @mrmanager@lemmy.today avatar

    I agree with your point of view but there is nothing that can be done about it.

    It does feel sad to see one giant instance have almost all users and all traffic for me too. I was hoping it would become a proper decentralized platform with hundreds of islands of different servers filled with people and communities.

    But fine, we don’t always get what we want. I’m disappointed but will keep using Lemmy anyway. It’s not a big tech service at least which is wonderful, and most people are nice.


    Yes, from my comments it seems that I am criticizing the people working on lemmy or trying to paint them in a bad light. I am not saying that what they are doing is wrong, just misguided.

    And I totally agree, at least this is not (and will not be) owned by Big Tech.

    antik, (edited )
    @antik@lemmy.world avatar

    I am sure that it has nothing to do with you having any financial gains hosting instances. And that you do it all for the good of federation: lemmy.world/comment/1510374

    Yes you would do things differently if you were in our position.

    @ruud is very open about what comes in from donations in his monthly blog posts. He even links those in !lemmyworld. Have a look: blog.mastodon.world/june-2023

    He has the trust of every one involved. We are very thankful for the community supporting us as they do and it’s not because income is more than expenses now that it will stay like that. We expect donations to drop off at one point. But whatever happens we will always be open about this. Even you linked to information that is freely available.


    Facts. Let’s not entertain the troll, everyone. They’re just trying to make money off you, just check their instance.


    I am sure that it has nothing to do with you having any financial gains hosting instances. And that you do it all for the good of federation.

    Yes for both, without sarcasm. I don’t think that the donation-based model is healthy or sustainable and I would rather see more service providers like mine.

    Actually, I like to see more providers that can make real money and prove that this is feasible. I’ve been running communick for more than 3 years already, and it has been nothing but a small money pit. The managed hosting side of things is just barely breaking even.

    antik, (edited )
    @antik@lemmy.world avatar

    You just sound salty now that you quit your job to start a fediverse hosting company and it’s not working out the way you want. Donation-based models have been used for ages and it worked for mastodon.world so why shouldn’t it for lemmy.world? If donations and interest decreases we can always downscale.

    Sorry you’re not breaking even, seems like running a managed hosting service for lemmy is not feasible


    Donation-based models have been used for ages and it worked for mastodon.world

    Maybe I wasn’t clear on the blog post. There are two objections to donation-based funding:

    • unless everyone working on an instance is properly compensated, it’s hard to say “it is working” or "it is sustainable"
    • it may work for particular instances, but it stunts the growth of the overall fediverse.

    You might not see it that way, but my argument is that relying on donations hides the true costs of running the server from the users and (like in ad-funded business) distorts the “market” in a way that makes the overall system less efficient.

    @Dark_Blade@lemmy.world avatar


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  • grue,

    The threadiverse is not healthy when almost 50% of the active user base is in the same instance.

    Eh, it’s only a tiny fraction of what the userbase will be eventually, so unless other instances fail to step up the “problem” will solve itself.

    It’s not lemmy.world’s fault that people like it.


    Thanks for your efforts!

    NickwithaC, in President Biden is now posting into the fediverse
    @NickwithaC@lemmy.world avatar


    No he isn’t.


    I was excited for nothing…

    @Orbituary@lemmy.world avatar

    Even if he was, why would this excite you? Whenever something goes mainstream, enshitification begins.


    I thought the white house actually runs their own mastodon instance when I read the headline. That would mark the point where mastodon reached mainstream use which is an incredible milestone.

    @Orbituary@lemmy.world avatar

    If so, I misunderstood this and thought it was for Threads and I stand corrected.


    Don’t really care much for what Biden has to say at this point, but I’d prefer if various government orgs would all host their own instances. I don’t want to go to a privately owned company to know about road construction or ballot box locations.

    @Cowbee@lemmy.ml avatar

    Enshittification comes from the profit motive, not from how popular something is.


    The obscurity of the Fediverse is not its defense from enshittification. The fact that it’s so easy to move from server to server is.

    If lemmy.world enshittifies, you can just move to lemmy.sdf.org without a big loss.

    I think that lemmy could use more people.

    @notsofunnycomment@mander.xyz avatar

    Yes, thank you


    Exactly! How do people not understand this yet? The decline of platforms isn’t magic, it’s very predictable and lemmy’s core design is specifically meant to counter it. Think, people!

    @nicknonya@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    ^/s^ no actually badness is directly proportional to the amount of users that’s why the internet went to shit the moment more than 2 people connected

    Ilikecheese, in It Took 23 Days for Lemmy Posts to Double from 1 Million to 2 Million

    Impressive, I guess, but how many of those 2 million posts have a single comment? If 90% of these are just bots reposting things from Reddit with no further engagement…


    That was my initial thought. The bots are working overtime.


    No doubt, it’s a chicken or egg problem.


    Engage this! 🤜


    Assimilate this! 🔫


    I only miss one or two subs, all other places I used to engage with are here and active. I would say there are less bots here.


    And when comments are measured, you can say ‘but it’s just a small group making lots of comments’.

    And when users are measured, you can say ‘but they’re just lurkers’.

    Etc, etc. You can always naysay everything. This is impressive growth.


    The problem is that without an effective way to ID bot content then stats like this could be covering up the real trends in human users, particularly in any stat that purports to measure all lemmy instances since we already know there are instances out there filled with thousands of bot users




    “Oh boy the line went up that must mean I’m on the winning team!”


    Are you saying you need outside support for your decisions?


    Well the same page lists comments per day for the same period as 11,083,555. A ratio of 5.27 comments per post seems fine.


    Yeah, a ratio means nothing if the bulk of the comments are only on a small portion of the posts. If 90% of the posts have 0 comments and the other 10% have 52.7 comments per post, that’s worth knowing.

    @BuckRowdy@lemmy.world avatar

    What Lemmy needs now more than anything is commenters. If the site is to succeed, it needs robust comment sections.

    @Coelacanth@feddit.nu avatar

    It does need that, but it also needs dedicated posters for small niche communities that keep posting into the void so that when someone eventually stumbles over they won’t go “aw it’s dead here, I guess Lemmy isn’t for me” but will actually find some content to engage with instead.

    @BuckRowdy@lemmy.world avatar

    Totally agree. Each sub top mod should submit one good post per day at a minimum.


    Several of the niche subs I’m on on Reddit didn’t even get one post a day, lol. I guess there’s niche and niche


    Unfortunately it seems that MAUs are steadily declining as well.


    Hey! Some of those posts with no comments are me posting pictures of cute bugs that I took! I’m not a bot, I’m just not very interesting.

    @thrawn21@lemmy.world avatar

    Hah, that sounds like me! I started a few communities in places where I knew I could supply some OC, and so far its been mostly just me posting my stuff, but I’m stoked whenever I get comments!


    I just subbed to your nature patterns community! I love the idea! I will keep an eye out and hope I can contribute some neat things soon!

    And since I notice you are a gardener, you may be interested in my !beebutts community. It’s about bees… and their butts… I’ve also got !awwnverts for the front side of the bees, and all of their adorable invertebrate friends.

    @thrawn21@lemmy.world avatar

    I’m subscribed to both! And I’ve tossed a couple butts your way already ^-^


    Ah! So you have! Thank you so much! (Nice butts!)


    The content will bring in users. I try to comment on interesting topics to help drive engagement.


    It depends on the content.

    Some of content really depends on OP being in the comments, like AmITheAsshole. Just reposting doesn’t give the kind of interaction that the original post would have.


    Ongoing discussion—i.e., comments replying to other comments, not just posts—drives engagement as much as content. If the post-to-comment ratio is too high, active commenters are less likely to encounter each other in the sea of automated posts.


    You’re doing it right. That’s exactly how to build momentum! 💪


    Only if the content is organic. Look at !photoshopbattles . Full of bot posts from reddit with 0 comments. Even if one of them gets a comment, it would get drowned out by the subsequent bot posts. Blindly filling a community with bot posts would eventually make people unsub from it.


    I’m sure those bots are well intended, but I would rather not see bots just copying posts from reddit blindly. When you sort all by new, it’s just a swamp of bot posts.

    Edit: So I checked to verify my claim and most are from @bot iirc and you can just block that account to stop seeing all the automated posts from reddit

    @GenericJeebus@lemmy.world avatar

    I used to lurk like crazy on reddit. I had a nearly 12 year old account that mainly had a few comments here and there months apart, and only a few posts but ever since moving to Lemmy I’ve found myself actually posting relatively frequently to help build some of the smaller communities I’m in that have also migrated.


    I’m exactly the same. I feel like the opportunity to have a productive conversation on Lemmy is a lot higher. There are fewer of us right now but we are the motivated minority kicking Reddit to the curb for its terrible actions and we want to see Lemmy thrive.


    I still check Reddit every couple days on my laptop. I don’t think they maintained a majority of their users. Engagement is way down. Most of the posts on my front page are barely hitting 2000 updoots, compared to well over 10,000 prior to July 1

    @1984@lemmy.today avatar

    Keep it up. I wish people would bring themself to comment so they count as active users.

    @Cthuwu@lemmy.world avatar

    This is my thoughts as well. I’ve noticed that once one or two people express interest in a post, it tends to get much more traffic



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  • chepox,

    The world could use more random ass-comments


    I really just prefer genuine content personally. We don’t need to astroturf the site.



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  • CorruptBuddha,

    You don’t understand how my comment is related to yours?



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  • CorruptBuddha,

    Oh no, I understand perfectly.

    You definitely didn’t considering your responses.

    I said “We should all do our best to comment on various posts that have no engagement to encourage others to engage.”

    You did not say that, you said “The more random ass comments the better”, which I disagree with.

    Two completely different factors. One is a genuine engagement with social media. The other is not.

    If you’re insulted because I implied your comments aren’t genuine, I’m sorry. Genuine is a very subjective word “natural” might have been a better choice. So to reiterate, I really just prefer natural content personally. We don’t need to astroturf the site.

    Not going to continue this conversation when it started on braindead circumstances and is somehow still going downhill. Goodbye.

    Baby I can change… 💙

    simple, in Origins of the Name "Lemmy"
    @simple@lemmy.world avatar

    The origin of the name is actually told in Lemmy’s GitHub page, it’s not just the Motorhead singer and Lemmings:

    Why’s it called Lemmy?

    So basically the name came from an amalgam of things the lead dev liked.

    @shnizmuffin@lemmy.inbutts.lol avatar

    My favorite part is that Lemmy Koopa was also named after mister Kilmister.


    Lemmy was basically God in the metal scene.

    @_haha_oh_wow_@sh.itjust.works avatar

    The koopa is named after the lead singer from Motorhead IIRC


    Why are speculations voted higher than this accurate answer? Link to the Github page for everyone to check: github.com/LemmyNet/lemmy#whys-it-called-lemmy


    Yes i realy miss an option to sort comment by votes as default. I hope that gets implemented at some point.


    Thank you. I saw a comment claiming it was named after the butt gerbil from South Park. I am relieved to know that it is not.


    I was wondering how from Koopa. I only knew of Bowser. I’ve never seen Lemmy Koopa. Thanks for that.

    Rottcodd, in I don't get people that are here in the fediverse and *want to bring over* the content that is on FB, IG, TikTok, etc.
    Rottcodd avatar

    I agree completely.

    I recently compared it to sitting in a comfortable little cafe that serves delicious food and looking around and saying, "Gee, I wish this was a McDonalds."

    It just doesn't even begin to make sense to me.

    And I'm with you - gatekeeping or no - anyone who wants Twitter or Reddit or Facebook content can already go to Twitter or Reddit or Facebook to get it, and that's exactly what they should do.


    that’s a great analogy

    CrazyEddie041 avatar

    It's appropriate because that kind of shit happens irl, too. Small city with a cool local vibe becomes popular, people move to the city because it's popular, all the popular stuff gets priced out and paved over to make room for more Starbucks. Then people whine about how cool the city used to be. Gee, I wonder what happened to it?!


    Having gone through that, there are also Starbucks suits and the owners of the buildings housing the Starbucks yelling at you that this is WHAT YOU NEED!


    Just defederate the Meta instances, and your problem is solved, right?

    It’s not like saying “I wish this awesome little bar is a McDonald’s” but “I don’t want to go to a bar in a city that also has a McDonalds”.


    More like a small town that used to have real restaurants that got driven out of business when McDonalds came to town selling shit on a plate so cheap it was impossible to be price competitive with food suitable for humans.

    The mere existence of McDonalds dramatically hurt the options available.

    Rottcodd, (edited )
    Rottcodd avatar

    Well... yes and no.

    I'm not talking about any effect I think it might have on me, because yes - I can just avoid the instances favored by morons.

    To belabor the analogy a bit more, it's not quite accurate to say that they want this neat little cafe to be McDonalds - they want the entire town to be McDonalds. They want to be able to open up their door snd see nothing but McDonalds, stretching to the horizon in all directions.

    That that literally can't happen - that the decentralized nature of the ActivityPub means that the most anyone can ever do is turn instances into empty wastelands of brain-dead "content" one at a time - doesn't make their viewpoint any less perplexing to me.

    Poggervania avatar

    That’s what had me confused at first when people were leaving Reddit but going “bRiNg ReDdIt CoNtEnT oVeR aNd DeLeTe ReDdIt!” and using the whole “we need content” as a reason.

    Like, if y’all want content from social media platforms… use those social media platforms. In my mind’s eye, I see the Fediverse as more of an old-school forum where people can make any forum for specific communities, not as a content-vomiting platform.


    The issue I have with this analogy is that the food here isn't quite that great. Maybe the service is better and it's less crowded and more friendly, but the menu is pretty limited and not everything it serves even matches the fast food's quality. I guess there's merits from being loyal to your local cafeteria and its community even if it's not always the best, but lets not exaggerate the quality being delivered here.

    I used to browse reddit for gaming news, especially indie games, and the communities I found for this on Lemmy didn't pick up any momentum yet.

    Rottcodd avatar

    Mm... you do have a point, but I would argue that the content is generally better at the very least to the degree that it's actual people sincerely posting things rather than bots, shills and karma farmers spamming and/or astroturfing.

    And yes - niche communities are extremely underpopulated here.

    I don't think the solution to that though is to aim for more generic "content" with the hope that it'll lead to broad growth and that a byproduct of that will be to bring more people who happen to share your interests. The solution IMO is to get on the communities you want to see grow and start contributing stuff, right now. Even if you're just posting to one person, keep at it, and pretty soon it'll be two, then three, then...


    But I’m here because I can’t get reddit content anymore in the format I want to consume it. I didn’t have an issue with the content of reddit, just the owners.


    Same. Ideally, Lemmy would be a Reddit replacement for me.


    But it can be a replacement with original content. Even if they have the same topics, it’s beneficial to let each community grow their own culture.

    MeowdyPardner avatar

    I don't necessarily disagree, I just think that the solution is to cultivate the content here. Not connect with the same old corporate platforms that caused the problems in the first place.


    I wouldn’t mind if someone stole and curated the top posts from certain subreddits I’m interested in.

    I really don’t dislike reddit for their communities but for their CEO and corporate greed. The content is great.

    I’m not there because I don’t want to give them money after they mistreated their users.

    @zeppo@lemmy.world avatar

    I got a tired of the cliched site culture and some people’s attitudes. I suppose it’s because it’s such a large slice of the public that you get more people being dicks and leaving drive-by jerky comments. The overdone in-jokes and pun threads got to be a bit much too. I needed something like Lemmy to demonstrate what I was missing on reddit.

    tal avatar

    Also, I don't think that the way to deal with "there is content on a platform that I don't like" is to run from it. It's to make better filtering systems to choose what I want. Two reasons:

    • First, some people like different things. They shouldn't have to use different platforms just for that.

    • Second, stuff like spam will show up anywhere that has decent size anyway eventually, once there are enough eyeballs for it.

    I think that the goal should be to have plenty of content of all sorts on the Threadiverse, and then just have good filtering tools that are hard to subvert.

    Reddit didn't let people build the filtering tools they wanted in and in some cases -- like when it came to their own ads -- were actively opposed to that. The Threadiverse solves that problem for me.


    I thought I didn’t until I came here and realized how nasty Reddit has become. You can go days on Lemmy without encountering an angry asshole.


    I’m in the same boat. I want Lemmy to be a firehose of content, the overwhelming majority of which I won’t ever want to interact with. I want that because different people are interested in different things, and that’s what allows for even the niche communities to find their footing with more than a small contingent of people.

    I think the tools at our disposal as users and administrators of Fediverse systems are already good enough to manage and control your own experience, and I’m confident that they’ll continue to improve at a rapid click. The experience of using Lemmy as a Reddit replacement has already improved dramatically since June 12th, and it does so every day. I appreciate that others may feel much more strongly about the “dumbing down” of the overall content and community than I do, and for those folks joining an instance that outright defederates is a great option.

    Folks are quick to tell people how they should be using Lemmy. “Don’t sign up for one of the big instances, you should use a small one instead because federation” is a big one - but there’s a lot of appeal in this model with being signed up to the instances generating the majority of the content the broader community is consuming because it makes finding that content easier than it otherwise would be. My hope is that the larger instances like lemmy.world will at least test the waters with Threads federation to see what it actually does to the community before taking the step of defederation, because right now those large instances are what’s feeding the rest of the rest of Lemmy.

    As it stands, having those large instances federated with Threads and having smaller communities defederated seems like a best of both worlds scenario, because a small instance defederating with Threads won’t lose out on the other content being generated by those larger instances, but those who want to trudge through the mire of mass appeal can do so in one place.

    MargotRobbie, in Average Lemmy Active Users by Month
    @MargotRobbie@lemmy.world avatar

    What this shows us is that more people are joining lemmy, but even more people are either leaving or going into lurker mode, as Lemmy only counts people who have commented or posted in that time period as active users, whereas most social media counts any activity while logged in as active. You have to realize that people who use reddit as Google search results don’t usually interact with the content there and most won’t even make an account.

    On the upside, with fewer people, it’s easy to get noticed here just by contributing good content since you don’t really get drowned out here because of the democratic upvote based sorting instead of black box personalized recommendation algorithms. So with relatively low amount of effort, you can make sure your content is being seen instead of relying on analytics and metrics.

    The last thing to in mind that Lemmy is only one aspect of ActivityPub, and Mastodon’s growth is currently the highest right now because of the ecosystem created by the whale fall of Twitter, which indirectly grows Lemmy as Mastodon users can post directly to federated Lemmy communities.


    Do votes count as activity as well? Or just posts and comments?


    It really should.


    Agreed. Lurkers are what keep these sites alive.

    @Blaze@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

    Strong agree

    @Coelacanth@feddit.nu avatar

    I can see the arguments for both, to be honest. Ideally I’d like to be able to see statistics for both. Active Users and Active Contributors?


    You can already see how many posts and comments users make. Isn’t that the same?

    @Coelacanth@feddit.nu avatar

    Well, as mentioned that is also covered by the Monthly Active Users metric that already is available. But in addition to that, I think it would be interesting to see the number of users who read and vote but don’t post or comment. Even though posting and commenting is the biggest part, actively voting is still an important part of the ecosystem.


    True, could be nice to see data on content consumers, and not just the content creators.

    Ategon, (edited )
    @Ategon@programming.dev avatar

    I changed the algorithms in programming.dev to take into account voters in the activity. Since stats are all calculated locally you can view any community from programming.dev to get the monthly active users including that change

    e.g. programming.dev/c/technology@lemmy.world shows 27.8k users/month on p.d which is almost as much as the value here for all of lemmy excluding voters


    That’s crazy! User/month goes from only 7.5k active to 27.8k. And that’s just people voting. What about people who only read a post?

    @Ategon@programming.dev avatar

    Dont have access to those stats in the database so adding on voting is the best I can do

    Theres a post read table but its only people who have explicitly marked something as read and is way less than the post likes

    @Deebster@programming.dev avatar

    Do posts get marked as read when you read the comments? There’s the x new comments feature, so something must be storing that timestamp.

    @Ategon@programming.dev avatar

    I dug through the code and turns out the post read table does store when its read (with number of comments when it was read stored in a person post aggregates table), it just only stores it for people from your instance so I cant get accurate numbers from all of lemmy (and why it seemed like there was a low amount)

    @Die4Ever@programming.dev avatar

    Votes unfortunately don’t count


    There seemed to be an influx of reddit users but probably didn’t like Lemmy’s own distinct user base (*nix users for example)

    I am kind of glad it settled down because I much prefer Lemmy over reddit



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  • madcaesar,

    What did you call me???


    That you are a magnificent bastard!!


    People are way angrier here than in Reddit, because in Reddit, mods usually clean up the angriest people from the whole platform.


    r/all is literally astroturfed hate every other post for multiple years at this point, and its not going to be moderated any time soon

    @irreticent@lemmy.world avatar


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  • demesisx,
    @demesisx@infosec.pub avatar




    We can be if it makes your experience better!! Watch!

    Dizzirron I bet you don’t even use Linux!


    thanks margot robbie

    MargotRobbie, (edited )
    @MargotRobbie@lemmy.world avatar

    That’s esteemed Academy Award nominated character actress Margot Robbie to you!


    Diane Diane what now??


    I just got recommended this site after posting on reddit re: predatory algos and the necessary regulations needed to protect people and how algos have manipulated the UX so much its disrupted the originally intended purposes; ie insta has effectively become a marketing and advertising platform.

    So in response someone suggested finding alternatives to the popular social media sites and used Lemmy as an example.

    I have been loving it thus far - its old school reddit.

    this is my first comment on lemmy!

    @Enfors@lemm.ee avatar

    Welcome! So far, in my experience, this is a much friendlier community that… many of the alternatives.

    @CosmicCleric@lemmy.world avatar

    Welcome! So far, in my experience, this is a much friendlier community that… many of the alternatives.

    Usually. There’s definitely some who want to take their pound of flesh out of you when you disagree with them on something, but overall not so bad.


    I disagree strongly with that opinion but respect you as a lemming

    @CosmicCleric@lemmy.world avatar

    Fair enough. My perspective in the last day or two tells me otherwise, but I’m glad you’re having a great experience.

    @irreticent@lemmy.world avatar

    There’re always going to be hotheads and bad faith actors in any platform, but I have noticed it is much more rare here on Lemmy. Much less vitriol as well.


    Fuck you! Hello.


    Agreed on it being old school reddit! There are some UI wrappers that make it look and feel like old school reddit that I use and love you might enjoy. The wrapper is called mlmym and is open source. There are a few hosts you can use, I use this one: o.opnxng.com

    A direct link for your lemmy instance would be o.opnxng.com/lemmy.world



    OMG thank you so much! holy amazing.

    @irreticent@lemmy.world avatar

    Check out https:old.lemmy.world for an old reddit lime experience.

    @irreticent@lemmy.world avatar

    old.lemmy.world is like old reddit.


    Damn, I’d better keep commenting, I usually just lurk/vote


    Someone posted metrics for how many users vote. 131k.


    halfyear includes people trying out different instances; monthly shows just the one(s) they settled on

    GONADS125, in lemmy.ml and hexbear.net has been banned in China

    I’m not happy with this development, but I’m slightly amused by the irony being that lemmy.ml is pro-china and has been moderated as such.

    Kaldo avatar

    I was curious what lemmy.ml has to say about this but it seems the linked post was deleted in the meantime 🤡

    @Wu9fee@lemmy.ca avatar

    The poster was banned for trolling but I saw a comment showing that it is real.


    It is definitely blocked.

    Source: I’m in Mainland China.


    West Taiwan*

    @Marsupial@quokk.au avatar

    Saying that is what China wants.

    You’re reaffirming the one China policy and keeping the status quo.

    Conflating Taiwan and China means Taiwan can never move onto independence.


    Taiwan is its own country, always has been. china would be lucky to be known as the geographical-offshoot of Taiwan.


    Taiwan seems very independent already though and the vast majority of the world feels the same way.


    This took a major hit just a few years ago when the UK officially backed out.


    It looks like this info is out of date based on a quick search. politico.eu/…/uk-parliament-calls-taiwan-independ…

    That said, UK support or not seems to have had little to no impact.


    It’s my fault. I signed up for it before I realized it was a pro China instance and the other day I said I’m not a Communist.


    Where you drunk?


    Who, me? Never.


    Why aren’t you a communist?


    I feel like I might have legitimately helped as well by mocking them incessantly for being campists and not socialists

    InternetTubes, (edited )

    I recently commented on !memes in a post that shouldn’t have been there about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and instead of removing the post they removed my comment while lying about the reasons, and the modlog is full of those.

    All of lemmy.ml should be considered suspect, and I’m not sure if lemmy itself shouldn’t be as well - anonymous voting, comments removed from communities are also removed from personal user profiles on your user host, no warning when your comments are removed … it’s basically everything that was rife for abuse with reddit, except handed to developers who get the first say about where lemmy is heading who clearly have fringe questionable political biases.

    It’s funny, because from lemmy.ml on a clean session, I’m not seeing the same politically charged posts being prioritized as I’m seeing on lemmy.world to their platform … I’m considering switching to my kbin.social account - which begs the question, shouldn’t there be an option to migrate user accounts between servers?


    Is there really any irony? China has troll factories operating on popular factories like Twitter and Facebook, and those are banned in China as well.

    Neato avatar

    I don't understand why the pro China tanked subs would get banned but not the rest.


    They might spread western ideas of communism in China. That’s not something China can allow.

    @chaorace@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

    Communism with western characteristics?


    Communism as understood by one who has read Marx and isn’t interested in the details of creating it.


    Even China is embarrassed. You ever had someone defend you but really poorly? Ya.

    1bluepixel, (edited )
    @1bluepixel@lemmy.world avatar

    This is exactly it.

    I’m moving to China for work, so I’m interested in alternative points of view on Chinese society from the usual U.S. mainstream media CCP hate boner. I checked out hexbear, and… my goodness.

    They cheer for a version of China that the Chinese themselves would be embarrassed by. It’s clearly driven by 14-year-old white boy edgelords who are enamored with a hardcore Marxist-Leninist vision of China that never existed, most likely in reaction to a dislike of modern Western capitalism. I mean, they referenced “struggle sessions” with nostalgia and cheer for Bashar al-Assad because China is being friendly to him.

    Real-life China is quite different from the depictions you see on main Lemmy instances, but it sure as hell isn’t anything like what the tankies are jerking off to, either.


    It feels like most Western CCP cheerleaders are basically cheering on a pre-Deng version of the CCP and haven’t quite noticed that the CCP of today would totally purge anyone pushing the pre-Deng/pre-1978 views of the CCP.


    “China” isn’t “embarrassed” by lemmy.ml or hexbear.net. “China” just shuts down access to non-Chinese social media sites as they are discovered. Any social media site that isn’t currently blocked in China is on numbered days until they are blocked, whether “pro-China” or “anti-China”.


    This is true. I was kidding. That said, the Chinese government does engage in social media. And they probably would see lemmy users as a poor messenger, if they cared about lemmy.


    Hexbear might as well be the CCP propaganda wing, this development is fucking hilarious

    @throws_lemy@lemmy.nz avatar

    Right? I and others were also banned from talking about China and Uyghurs on world news on lemmy.ml



    How is lemmy.ml pro china?


    ML stands for Marxist leninist, which means they love authoritarian regimes that don’t like the US. The number of them that unironically stan Stalin is baffling.

    nlm, (edited )

    .ml domain names used to be free (together with .ga I think it was) through freenom so it might just be that they snagged themselves a free domain that just happened to be ml.

    Not saying you couldn’t be right but not everything is quite as well thought out as it first seems.


    ML is machine learning. It means they love teaching AI to overthrow the illuminati government lizard people. Can’t believe u didn’t know that, kinda embarrassing

    Sees some use in Mali and for some websites about machine learning. Use is relatively rare elsewhere.



    Oh no… It’s retarded.


    This is some top-tier shitposting, in case you missed it.


    Probably. I’m so used to brain damaged tankies on lemmy so pie’s law is in full effect.


    .ml is the top level domain for Mali, it doesn’t have anything to do with Marxist-Leninism by itself. They may have chosen it as a tongue in cheek reference, but it is also a cheaper alternative to other more popular tlds like .com.


    Right. And TV means Tuvalu but it actually means television far more often than Tuvalu when it’s used in a domain name.


    how many websites have you seen use it based on its meaning of marxist leninist versus how many have used tv for television?

    lemmy and lemmygrad, can you name others?

    I hate them for ccp/russia propaganda but this is straight up mental bubble made up by some edgelord with no rational argument.

    Just because you want it to be so, doesn’t make it.


    Here is the rest of the story: the people who chose the subdomain chose .ml because they want it to mean marx-lenin… that’s why it means that for them.

    Generally you are right. In this specific instance it was chosen for the fascism.

    TheGreenGolem, (edited )

    Okay, but. Are they Marxist-Leninist? Pro-China? Socialists? Anti-capitalists? Looks like: yes. Was the whole thing founded on the grounds of free, shared things and anti-corporate thinking? Also yes. Do we absolutely know for sure that the ML domain was chosen because of this? No, because the fucking register of the domain himself said it was chosen because it was free.

    It was simply just free. People and their “knowledge” about topics they don’t know anything about…


    Dessalines is the owner of the domain, one of the owners of the ML instance and one of the full-time devs of the Lemmy code.

    I think an overwhelming number of people simply chose that instance becuase it was the instance, made by the devs themselves. At least it was the case for me.

    PeleSpirit, in The BBC on Mastodon: experimenting with distributed and decentralised social media

    That’s amazing, I hope all journalists and government alerts have their own instance. It’s way better than a blog because it can be updated so easily, they’re used to twitter and their alerts and it’s open to see while they control everything about it. Happy to see it.

    Edit: Cool graphic too: www.bbc.co.uk/rd/…/fediverse-overview-16x9.png

    @ademir@lemmy.eco.br avatar

    BBC is just a propaganda apparatus of the British government.


    They have their moments of this. But they still do have some genuinely good stuff.

    @Resol@lemmy.world avatar

    At least it’s not as bad as Al Jazeera.


    even if that’s true, which it isn’t, wouldn’t that still be a hundred times bettee than shit like Fox News? or what Bezos did with news company he bought?

    @ademir@lemmy.eco.br avatar


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  • WarmSoda,

    “I have no idea what I’m saying”


    I wouldn’t read too hard into it, he’s just trolling this comment thread based on his profile 🙄


    It is successful troll then. They got good numbers on the down side of votes. That’s the troll goal, right?

    @ademir@lemmy.eco.br avatar

    whats about my profile?


    well that’s some ignorant shit, lol


    That’s not true at all. I would like to see your evidence of claim on this one.


    If you look at the structure of the BBC, it’s an INDEPENDENT, publicly funded news organisation. The government has no say in its editorial. It has exposed many British government scandals in the past.


    While the person you’re replying to seems to be trolling, there is a legitimate argument that the BBC is influenced by the current government. The argument is that the current government has had a hand in appointing the current BBC director, and he’s a member of the Conservative party or a donor.

    I haven’t looked into it for a while, so am not up to speed on the details, but if the detractors are correct, it’s not a good look for the BBC.


    Unfortunately, BBC news has been corrupted from the inside. It used to be impressively independent of the UK government. It was happy to hold any politician’s feet to the fire. This is why the conservative party worked so hard to put their own stooge at the top. Careers now stop progressing, if you are overly critical of the government, at least in the news department.

    Overall the BBC still leans slightly left, and produces a lot of good material. I no longer trust it to report evenly on our government anymore. It’s still a lot better than most news organisations overall however.


    Every media is. You must filter news from multiple Organisation to understand the Real news

    @ademir@lemmy.eco.br avatar

    true that.

    Zeth0s, (edited )

    Why an instance instead of joining an existing one? They can join the effort and do few ones where several publishers can use to create official accounts

    Edit. Why you guys are downvoting a discussion? Is this place becoming reddit? We are just chatting, relax


    Because then someone else would be able to control and censor their content. Really every business should make their own server to ensure that they’re the ones fully in control of their content - this is the entire point of federation.


    Good point. You guys are right. It is a good choice


    Just for records sake, we can see recently with Musk and Twitter and how he manipulated NPR’s image by denoting them as “state media”.


    Them having their own instance would serve the same purpose as being verified because of the domain.


    Thanks, makes sense


    Having their own instance as a public organization adds more legitimacy to their publications. Think of government officials using the organizations domains for email instead of gmail.


    Because they can control who is on it, they’re journalists only, and still be out in the open with no sign ins. What would be the benefit of them joining other instances? That would be an odd choice.


    Good point


    exactly this, they can control what is on it, give their journalists, shows, etc accounts and it being a self contained hub for everything bbc, while interacting with rest of the fediverse.

    Im guessing they will also get more statistics and information from hosting it themselves as well. its a no brainer.


    I think the USA’s National Weather Service Twitter presence is a good example.

    If you look deep enough you’ll see caveats like “supplemental service provided by NWS” and “Twitter feeds and tweets do not always reflect the most current information”, but the truth is that a lot of people (and news organizations) depend on Twitter as their main interface to the NWS, and rarely if ever go to their website.

    That obviously creates a tension, which bubbles up in scares like this:

    Before last weekend’s storm, the National Weather Service’s Baltimore-Washington office sent this tweet saying that because of a new Twitter policy, automated tweets that show advisories, watches, and warnings might not load.

    Contrast that to a world where NOAA (the federal administration which runs NWS) has their own instance: they get the benefit of being able to disseminate updates in a consumer friendly ‘social media’ style and they retain full control of platform and can be sure the service won’t be held hostage, or go down in the middle of a storm.

    Finally: if you’re reading this from the USA, consider contact NOAA/NWS to let them know you’d like a fediverse presence, I did!


    Thanks for the details


    Finally: if you’re reading this from the USA, consider contact NOAA/NWS to let them know you’d like a fediverse presence, I did!

    Good idea! I just emailed NWS.PA@noaa.gov to ask them not only for a Mastodon instance to replace this stuff, but also for a PeerTube instance to replace www.youtube.com/ .


    One of Germany’s public broadcasting services also started running an instance for anyone part of the federal media network: ard.social/about


    ARD.social is a basis for ARD’s appearances in the network, an amalgamation of various platforms and projects. Regional and nationwide brands, broadcasts, programs and institutions of the federal media network can create profiles at ARD.social. The Mastodon instance ARD.social is operated by Norddeutscher Rundfunk (NDR).

    Also the Tagesschau, which is the most important television news show in Germany, is there.


    The other one did as well (zdf.social)

    rubythulhu, in Lemmy.world grew by about 40% on the first day of reddit migration

    It’s so wonderful that Reddit, by making a decision that benefits no user/mod/sub, and actively harms users/mods/subs, all in the name of corporate greed, gave Lemmy the boost it needed to become a viable alternative to Reddit.

    Thank you, Spez. We couldn’t have done this without you.


    Spez can go…


    Yes… Yes he can


    Fly a kite 😀🪁

    @chaorace@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

    In hell! 🔥🔥


    Spez the hero of Lemmy


    Hail Spez!


    Praise /u/spez! /s


    But fuck you, u/spez 😆


    If Spez was secretly trying to sabotage Reddit and boost Lemmy, would he have even done anything differently?


    Given Spez extreme incompetence, he probably would have introduced a great new app and removed all ads


    spez a real one fr

    NOT_RICK, in Lemmy developer, @SleeplessOne1917, argues for the killing of Israeli civilians and children
    @NOT_RICK@lemmy.world avatar

    Friendly reminder that it’s very easy to sympathize with the plight of the Palestinians without glorifying terrorists.

    For a similar example, I support the cause of a United Ireland but that doesn’t mean I support the IRA. Be better than that.

    Balinares, in queer.af, a Mastodon instance, has been killed by the Taliban

    Could we, like, leave the clickbait headlines to reddit? Thanks. The queer.af admins just decided – wisely – not to renew the domain considering who the fee would go to.


    It was pretty clickbaity but damn I did laugh

    @hal_5700X@lemmy.world avatar

    The queer.af admins just decided – wisely – not to renew the domain considering who the fee would go to.

    So the Taliban being in control of the .af domain. Made the admins not to renew the instance. To put in away, “The instance has been killed by the Taliban.”.


    Nope. That’s extremely misleading.


    No. The Admins killed the Instance.


    Nah the admins killed the instance before the Taliban could at best, kill it, at worse proxy it and gather information.

    Seriously gaining control of a domain can allow you to do pretty nefarious things.


    No. The instance being killed by the taliban is the opposite of that is happening here.

    The taliban has done nothing, in this case. The admins of the instance have chosen not to keep the instance due to not wanting to fund the taliban in anyway.

    This phrasing fucks up which way the action flows, which is important for a headline to get right to remain accurate to the story. Does that make sense?

    dojan, in Lemmy active users down, comments steady and posts up
    @dojan@lemmy.world avatar

    I feel like the overall engagement has increased. I see a lot more niche communities (like people butchering their VWs in various ways 😂) and it’s nice! There’s generally conversation to be had and such, it feels like a healthy platform.

    Lemmy slotted in the gap that Reddit left really easily for me, and I’m getting what I wanted from the platform.


    i need to see those VWs please

    @dojan@lemmy.world avatar

    I think it’s air_cooled_volkswagens@lemmy.world


    TIL how to link to communities on other instances in a way that keeps you on your own instance. thanks for that!


    No problem :)

    It definitely makes life easier


    Where are these VW communities you speak of…? Asking as the owner of an old Mk IV Jetta lol

    @dojan@lemmy.world avatar

    They’d turn your Jetta into a fridge, I’m sure.


    I had to block that sub, I can’t stand classic cars being cut up like that.

    @dojan@lemmy.world avatar

    My roomie is German so I share stuff from that community with him from time to time. It might be against the Geneva convention, but I’ve not faced repercussions yet.


    One thing I love about lemmy is how easy it is to get a conversation going. On reddit it’s really easy to be buried in a thread, and if you get a response it’s often just a joke or a snarky remark. Here there’s so much genuine engagement. It reminds me of the transition from Twitter to Mastodon. I guess people who bother to make the move are more likely to be more engaged users, too.

    @dojan@lemmy.world avatar

    Yeah! It doesn’t matter how stupid whatever point I have is, there’s usually some sort of conversation born from it, and I really enjoy that!


    ignored ;)

    @yote_zip@pawb.social avatar

    Lemmy’s comment sorting does also actively prevent getting buried, unlike reddit (?). Newer comments are biased towards the top, and even heavily-upvoted older comments will fall towards the bottom. The lack of “global karma” and our community’s propensity to heavily downvote anyone doing redditisms like pun threads are also doing a lot of work here.


    I didn’t even know about that, that’s really cool. I have noticed that if I come back to older posts there’s often a lot of new activity since I was there last.


    As a forever lurker, I agree with you, I’m unleashing up votes like never in my reddit life


    Someone better versed in Lemmy may correct me, but isn’t comment activity more of a factor with some of the sorting algorithms (e.g. Hot/Active) here? In which case your upvotes may help but your comment may be even better!

    Deebster, in Lemmy Active Users looking good
    @Deebster@programming.dev avatar

    I assume this latest bump is due to lemmy.world updating and now counting lurkers when assessing active users.

    Ategon, (edited )
    @Ategon@programming.dev avatar

    Its still only voters, lurkers that dont do any actions arent counted

    Deebster, (edited )
    @Deebster@programming.dev avatar

    I think of a lurker as someone who doesn’t post - I guess your definition is someone who doesn’t interact at all (besides making an account and subscribing, I assume). But yes, I mean users who only vote are now counted (it’s not using views afaik).


    Don’t forget that Reddit was made up of 90% lurkers, and less than 1% of active posters, the rest would comment but rarely post themselves. These numbers are great if we keep those statistics in mind

    @Coelacanth@feddit.nu avatar

    Commenters were already counted, though, so this bump is really just the vote-only population getting added. Which is still important to maintaining a healthy and varied front-page, mind you.

    @CleoTheWizard@lemmy.world avatar

    Why are they not separated out in any way? There should be separate bins for “active posters” “active commenters” and “active voters”. Otherwise you’re going to get some wacky data problems like this.


    Probably a lot more to do with people being pissed about reddit going public and selling their data to ai companies for profits.


    I’d like to think that too but I still go to Reddit and browsed a lot of those threads. In almost all of them, people were making the claim that there was nowhere to go, with maybe the occasional person chiming in to name-drop Lemmy, followed by a couple more comments from people bad-mouthing it.

    People are definitely mad at Reddit but there does seem to still be this overall sense that Lenny is not good enough yet


    Lemmy is more work to get on and then find an apk to use. There needs to just be a simple and clear instruction set to get people over. Like a link to an instance they can easily join and here’s a good app to use. Sort by /all and top from last 24 hours.

    Right now there are waaaay less users, so content is low compared to reddit, and you can’t just create your own sub at the drop of a hat.

    ProdigalFrog, (edited )

    Encouraging everyone onto a single instance kinda defeats the purpose, and I feel it’s not as much of an issue with the new join-lemmy.com redesign, which recommends an instance based on your interests.

    I wrote up this post for anyone to reference to help onboard people to lemmy.


    I guess, but I haven’t noticed a whole lot of point in picking an instance of interest, since a small amount of content comes from them all right now. I added a ton of instances to my feed so I’ve never noticed tchncs prioritized or specific to myself.

    ProdigalFrog, (edited )

    If everyone dogpiles into a single generic instance, it could push that instance into unsustainable territory financially (especially with a mass exodus), unless the user base is willing to donate to support the instance. Spreading the load out over many instances would ease the load on any one server admin.


    Maybe make an auto sorting pool that instances sign up for and just evenly assign new users an instance, so they don’t even have to “try hard” to choose one, then?


    Pretty sure it’s the jean/bean memes

    nobleshift, (edited ) in Dear server admins, please defederate threads.net. Dear users, ask your server admin to defederate threads.net.
    @nobleshift@lemmy.world avatar


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  • PraiseTheSoup,

    DECADES long? Facebook didn’t even exist 2 decades ago bud. We know they’re shit but you don’t need to go around exaggerating everything and being so dramatic.

    squiblet avatar

    Please. Per wikipedia

    Created in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg with four other Harvard College students and roommates

    Okay, 19 1/2 years. Hope that's more pleasing to you.


    how DARE you miss 6 months? This just proves how righteous and noble facebook is if you have to lie about it!



    Wtf does EEE mean, why must people assume everyone knows every acronym


    This was being discussed actively months ago. People would say the full embrace, extend… then, but now there’s a somewhat fair assumption that most who are actually on Lemmy might have the reference by now.

    All you have to do is say, "what does EEE mean? " without the second half of your statement - no need to get angry.


    The point of the second half is to try to dissuade others from simply relying on initialisms. It causes introspection. Maybe accusing others of being angry is uncalled for? It’s possible to want to prompt introspection in others without being angry.


    Using initialisms prompt self learning for those that will, and wilful ignorance for those that will not. No one is responsible for anyone elses individual lack of capacity. Funny how your situation only encourages introspection in one half of the conversation.


    What is the point of ever asking a question on the Internet if it should always just be met with “do your own research”? For the record, I did Google around and I couldn’t find that Wikipedia article, and when I did see it in another comment, I didn’t still understand the concept. This comes across as incredibly gatekeeper-y. Don’t understand why I’m not “allowed” into the conversation because I’m being barred from context because I don’t understand an initialism and my research failed.


    You are allowed, just ask what it means. Don’t be a whiney little bitch that people aren’t hand feeding you every scrap of information, nobody is cognizant of your ignorance so don’t blame yours on them.


    The problem is you come across as a demanding jackass and will likely receive a “fuck you” in response rather than the modified behaviour you think you’re engendering.

    @LinkOpensChest_wav@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    I don’t believe the people saying “just wait and see” are genuine users. I have a hard time fathoming that after Meta’s atrocious history, as well as the history of what happens when large corporations get involved – I simply can’t believe these are more than paid shill accounts.

    Or maybe I’m the one who’s naive, thinking that people can’t possibly be so foolish…


    “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupitiy, and I’m not so sure about the universe.” - attributed to Albert Einstein


    Sadly you are naive. People truly are that foolish.

    @LinkOpensChest_wav@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    Sometimes it brings me fleeting moments of doomerism, where I think maybe it will be good when we humans are gone


    Textbook FUD.


    They’re a really good open source contributor with a great track record, I know people don’t like saying good stuff about zuck related things but they’ve helped progress machine learning quite a bit. Pytourch is a great example iirc used in stable diffusion

    @Corgana@startrek.website avatar

    You’d be a moron to trust them obv, but how would Threads using ActivityPub extingush the Fediverse?


    Especially given that Meta needs federation to comply with the Digital Markets Act.



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  • Corgana,
    @Corgana@startrek.website avatar

    Right, I’ve also yet to see what defederating from a hypthetical Threads instance could prevent.

    squiblet avatar

    Throw 50 fulltime programmers at development and crowd everyone else out. Or fork it with something clearly superior since they can afford to pay people to work on it fulltime.


    What does “crowd everyone else out” mean specifically here? People could still choose to use non-Threads ActivityPub apps.

    squiblet avatar

    I mean development. It's happened with other projects before when large corps get involved. Of course, the existing developers of a project don't have to allow that to happen.

    @Corgana@startrek.website avatar

    Fork Mastodon? You mean like Threads?

    squiblet avatar

    Yeah, but open source it.


    Embrace, Extend, Extinguish

    1. Embrace:

    They implement ActivityPub and connect to all the available servers. A load of new users will see the content here and all the communities here will be absolutely flooded with new content and users.

    1. Extend:

    ActivityPub will be extended. Many new features will be added, that don’t really match the standard, but they are mostly useful so some developers will try to add them to let’s say Lemmy. They won’t be blr to develop new features on their own and some stuff with threads will always be broken or half baked. Threads users will belittle the users here, some will maybe go there, cause it just works and is otherwise the same.
    New users at the same time will most likely go directly to threads cause it’s backed by a giant company, always works and has more features.

    1. Extinguish:

    They will cut the federation.
    Communities here will feel empty and most users will just leave. Only the hard core will stay and that won’t be sustainable. The fediverse becomes even less attractive for new users and will devolve into a niche community.

    LinkOpensChest_wav, in The 4 best Reddit alternatives: Top picks to replace your subreddits - Lemmy is listed first!
    @LinkOpensChest_wav@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    As for funding, the servers are supported on a donation basis, with no big corporations behind them. This leads to a problem concerning user data and privacy, as there isn’t a single accountable entity behind the network.

    Bit of a weird take now, isn’t it?


    It’s actually not wrong if you look at it in another way.

    • Big tech will abuse your data, but it will do within legal constraints, and there is actuall (though weak) accountability of these companies due to the legal system.
    • On federated services like Lemmy, instances are hosted by anonymous individuals. Most social media laws don’t apply to them, and their legal accountability is basically zero.
    • Lemmy, for example, does not comply with GDPR. There is no legal notice, no privacy contact person, no banner asking whether you are ok with the fact that your data is sent to unknown servers in random nations, no nothing. Private messages aren’t even encrypted, so any admin can read them without issues.
    • There is no way to actually delete your data, as the GDPR requires. Deleted posts are only marked as deleted and you can see their plain text content by just pressing the “reply” button in any of the apps. There isn’t any kind of guarantee, that your post will be deleted on other instances. If federation has problems, the post will remain on other instances and is now permanently undeletable by the user.
    • There are no moderation standards. Some instances will delete nazi content, some basically require nazi content. And some instance admin might even edit your posts to say something completely different. It’s all possible and in the hands of random people on the internet.
    • Hobbyist-run services are much worse when it comes to availability and reliability. If something happens while the admin is on holiday, nothing will get fixed. If the admin runs out of money, doesn’t care anymore or even dies, the instance with all it’s content and users is just gone.

    So there are very real risks attached to a hobbyist-run service with no legal accountability and no transparency at all.

    We all know the downsides of Big Tech though, so it’s everyone’s personal choice to figure out which disadvantages hurt them personally more.


    @squaresinger @LinkOpensChest_wav yes and don't let people fall for quasi legal privacy policies that lemmy.world & ilk provide


    That happens if you don’t have an actual legal team… I am sure they are doing their best, but if you don’t have a lawyer, you can’t do legal texts.

    @guy@lemmy.world avatar

    That’s a bit misleading to say like that. Go to the website, scroll to the footer and click on “Legal”. Your instance, feddit.de, has a legal notice, with a privacy contact person, mentioning you can request data erasure, and detailing where your data goes. Mine, lemmy.world, has a number of in depth legal documents attached there.

    However, yes, other instances they are federated with might not take it as seriously though, and if all your data is going there too, then that’s a hole in your data privacy.


    But if I request it there, after its federated everywhere, what happens?


    I imagine that this calls for a feature that can erase your data on every other federated server. If the activitypub protocol can send data from one server to another, it should be able to delete it or find a way to disable viewing said data.


    Giving servers the ability to delete each others shit would be interesting to watch when an online war breaks out


    That already exists. The person who created a post or comment can delete it. But it only works sometimes, since federation is constantly not working correctly.


    Eh, that’s a mixed bag. Absolutely, one could setup shared delete requests, to federate a delete request, but it would be a bit of a lie as anyone could simply… update their instance to simply ignore delete requests.

    For now, simply not having a delete feature is a more honest to the realities of the fediverse. There’ll never be a “true” delete, even if they do eventually support one that’s “good enough”.


    There are two issues with that:

    • The GDPR notice on feddit.de is not GDPR compliant, and the link isn’t even visible on mobile.
    • If you request deletion, they can’t guarantee that the data is deleted on federated servers. They can send deletion messages, but federation is constantly not working correctly, other instances can decide themselves whether they do delete stuff, and if an instance is unreachable for a while, the deletion message will be dropped.

    Lemmy, or even ActivityPub are designed to be non-GDPR compliant. (Probably not on purpose, but the way it works makes it basically impossible to be GDPR compliant.)


    Very much this. Plus, how easy will instance admin Joe Schmoe fold under external pressure to give access to certain groups, government bodies etc? And how well have Joe Schmoe implemented good security practices on the server and related things? Etc.

    @Blaze@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

    It’s kind of fair, to be honest, and the “no big corporation” seems more like a pro than a con

    @JustEnoughDucks@feddit.nl avatar

    Eh, it is a con when there are problems, service problems, bugs, etc…

    My instance have had a few of them and for a while our 1 admin was unavailable.

    It is difficult or impossible to get it resolve because there is no contact point, nobody hired to fix issues that need immediate triage, etc… which can result in longer outages or bugs on specific instances.

    I’m not complaining. This is a fantastic service that is being offered completely free from actual altruistic incentives, unlike corporations. There are a few downsides though.

    @Blaze@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

    Definitely, that’s why I always prefer instances with at least two admins, and a Matrix room for status updates


    That’s great and all.

    But feddit.de just became usable again after more than two weeks of being basically unusable - because the 19.0 and 19.1 releases of Lemmy were buggy and there was no downgrade migration possible on the database. No big corporation would break their product for two weeks like this.

    @Blaze@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

    Seems okay at the moment, at least !europe properly federates


    Yes, it works now.

    Version 19.0 and 19.1 were basically not working at all.

    @Blaze@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

    Yes, happy to be over that

    @LinkOpensChest_wav@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    Yeah, true. It seems like that is a pro that greatly overshadows the cons. Like someone else pointed out, it’s just worded weirdly in the article.


    Kind of funny how the privacy crowd is big on Lemmy but it skips over the fact that all of its Lemmy data is hosted on the machines of people that have no accountability…

    @NovaPrime@lemmy.ml avatar

    You’re always free to spin up your own server and host it if you’re concerned about the way your data is being handled. Not something you can do with the corporate alternatives


    But as soon as you interact with literally anyone (or anyone interacts with you) your data is still replicated on other servers.


    Your posts are all public and discoverable by web crawlers even if your instance didn’t federate at all. That’s kind of the point of activityPUB


    How about private messages which are also unencrypted?


    ActivityPub does not have support for private messages. Services that try to shoehorn a direct message as “private” are misusing the protocol. You could configure client-side encryption but thats outside the scope of ActivityPub


    That’s true, but neither the article nor the discussion are about ActivityPub.

    Both are specifically about Lemmy, and Lemmy does have private messages.


    No personally identifiable information or private account information is transmitted between instances. The only thing that is synced is the content of your posts, reports and up- and downvotes. And all of that serves a purpose and is shared willingly.


    And the content of private messages.


    And only post on your own instance and talk with users of your own instance… Might as well just send emails to your friends at that point…


    Emails also go to other’s servers.

    But you could just host an IRC server.

    @LinkOpensChest_wav@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    I may be naive, but even though I don’t personally know my admin, this is a person who has a stellar reputation, and who I’d trust far more than some massive corporation that has to abide(1) by some anemic laws

    (1)if it finds it profitable to do so


    I think both things are valid points, but it’s worded in a weird way

    A more explicit pro/con would have been better

    No big corporation that controls everything

    • Pro:
    • Con:
    @LinkOpensChest_wav@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    This is a good point. Had it been presented like this, it would have hit different.

    the_post_of_tom_joad, (edited )

    there isn’t a single accountable entity behind the network

    Yeah, Instead of a single entity i know will never be held accountable for selling my data and storing my information in an unencrypted txt file, there are unknown entities! Like the Simpsons (d’oh) quote says, “It could even be a boat!”

    The illogic reminds me a bit of Google’s new targeted ad privacy settings where your “privacy” is google’s pinky swear that they alone are profiting from you.

    When you see takes this weird do you wonder as i do whether it is intentionally worded to push some kind of narrative (though i don’t really know what that would even be in this case), or is it written by someone so deeply in the tech bubble world that they are wildly out of touch? I don’t know.

    Edit: Family Guy


    Re “It could even a boat”, that’s Family Guy youtu.be/GKZJdaiJF84

    But your point still stands.


    Wow, i can even hear it in that Simpson’s “female announcer voice” how many more of my memories are lies?

    Thanks for the correction

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