youronlyone, to twitter avatar

Woah, this is… big(?). “Jack Dorsey says he quit Bluesky because it was becoming another Twitter”

He left , then , and now endorsing … but still not the .

youronlyone, to fediverse avatar

臺灣擁有的社交網絡平臺 Plurk(自2008年以來)嚴重需要添加 ActivityPub 支持並加入 Fediverse網絡。

Taiwanese-owned social-network platform (s. 2008) seriously need to add support and join the network.


remixtures, to Portugal Portuguese avatar

Dizem que era um governo Socialista. Eu digo que era um governo de centro constantemente a piscar o olho ao grande capital...

#Portugal #Saúde #SNS #PS: "O INE dá ainda conta de que em 2022 estavam “em funcionamento 131 hospitais privados, mais 29 do que em 2010”, sublinhando que a “predominância numérica” começou em 2016 – período que coincide com o arranque do primeiro governo liderado por António Costa (XXI Governo Constitucional tomou posse no dia 26 de novembro de 2015) — e “abrange o Continente e as Regiões Autónomas”.

De acordo com a CNN "Em relação ao início da série, em 1999, assistiu-se a uma redução no número total de camas de internamento nos hospitais portugueses (menos 2,1 mil camas, o equivalente a menos 5,4%) causada principalmente pela evolução nos hospitais públicos ou em parceria público-privada (menos 5,2 mil camas, o equivalente a menos 17,5%)”, salienta.

Em contrapartida, entre 1999 e 2022 registou-se um acréscimo de 3,2 mil camas de internamento nos hospitais privados, mais 37%."

youronlyone, to threads avatar

This is the current plan and stance of / regarding enabling / for their users:

Personal analysis:

  • Since most users wouldn't understand what ActivityPub / Fediverse is, it is likely there will be far less than 40% or 30% (guesstimate) of their userbase who will appear in the Fediverse network.

  • It will highly depend on how they will explain the benefits of enabling ActivityPub in their accounts.

tallship, to internet

WRT your post here: #^

and notice the last paragraph at the end of my article where mastodon is removed an replaced, here:

This should cheer you up with a bit of validation for what you're conveying :)

#tallship #FOSS #Fediverse h/t to Yukio @Yohan Yuki Xieㆍ사요한・謝雪矢 @♾️ Yuki (스노 雪亮) 🐬 🌏 Yuki Xieㆍ사요한・謝雪矢 wrote the following post Sun, 03 Mar 2024 04:40:15 +0000

My SNS apps.
A screenshot of my apps as of 2024-03-03. 🤣🤣🤪🤪🤪

+ + /

youronlyone, to fediverse avatar

New in the network and it seems to be empty? Try these steps.

(Note: I'm using as an example.)

  1. Create three lists: "CUR: All", "CUR: Flipboard", "CUR: Newsmast".

(CUR = CURated / CURation)

  1. Search for "Flipboard" and "Newsmast" (Flipboard accounts share the same icon, Newsmast accounts share the same icon as well.)

  2. Follow the accounts you're interested in. (It's by topic.)

  3. Add each of those accounts to your "CUR: All" list. And to its respective platform list: "CUR: Flipboard" or "CUR: Newsmast".

  4. Switch your "Home" view to "CUR: All", "CUR: Flipboard", or "CUR: Newsmast".

Another way of doing it is by topic:

  • CUR: Nature
  • CUR: Current Events
  • CUR: Programming

Or, by region:

  • CUR: Local
  • CUR: Asia-Pacific
  • CUR: Africa

Adjust it to your needs.

In the Mastodon family, you can set the list to not show up in your "Home" timeline. This way, you can still see the posts from other people you follow without it being filled with curated content boosts.

Benefits of following curation accounts:

  1. You don't have to follow every single account.

> Usually, accounts share other topics which you probably are not interested in. Curated lists filter these topics for you.

  1. You will discover content and people to follow.

> Both Flipboard and Newsmast boosts/reshares the original post. You see the original source/account and interact with them directly.

> You can then choose who you want to follow directly so you can see more of their content and interests, and build a friendly relationship with them.

It becomes possible to only follow 10 accounts ever, yet consume hundreds of content and information.

This way, you can avoid following hundreds of accounts which will only make your "Home" timeline confusing; and more likely, you'll miss what matters most for you because of so many posts from so many accounts.

I hope it helps you! Welcome to the Fediverse !

P.s. If you're using an awesome Fediverse software or platform besides Mastodon, the steps are similar, if not exactly the same.


Additional tags:

Screenshot of my "CUR: All" list.
Screenshot of my "CUR: Newsmast" list.

youronlyone, to music avatar

So behind with a lot of stuff because I've been busy with adding new artists, information, tracking official accounts, and fixing things over at .

MusicBrainz is a database for anything related to . Artists, labels, tracks, albums, groups/bands, stage names, even instruments, and roles.

The database of MusicBrainz is actually used by a lot of other websites, one good example is the music tracker and MusicBrainz sister project .

If you love to help the community, go check it out!

Or, if you've been building databases, but the info is behind non-open, non-sharing licenses, why not give your time and effort to a Public Domain database? Help the community, and tell your employer to use their database instead!

(Not a paid endorsement, I just love contributing to such projects.)

youronlyone, to fediverse avatar

We're one week into 2024, do you know what that means? Time to clean up your “following” especially here in the .

  • Check the “dormant” accounts if you can unfollow them.

  • Check which accounts “moved”. Follow their new account, then unfollow their old account.

And maybe there are other accounts that you haven't interacted with in the past few months; and their content is no longer something that you are interested, you can unfollow them too.

If you still want to see their content, you can encourage them to use and you follow those hashtags. Or, join a federated “group” like those powered by and .

Of course, depending on the fediverse platform your instance is using, there are probably better features to the content of users without seeing their content that is not of interest to you. A good example, / / can do that through the “Antenna” feature.

Take some time to do this, and start your 2024 fediverse better than 2023.


vostpt, to random avatar

📍 "Gripe A: mantenha o distanciamento social, utilize máscara e lave as mãos com frequência. Caso os sintomas se agravem, ligue SNS 24 (808 24 24 24) antes de se dirigir às urgências"

Via SNS (X)


mastomememakers, to serbia avatar
youronlyone, to fediverse avatar

A fictional way of looking at #SNS

  • #Mycelial Web (the multiverse)
  • Zot #Mycelium (a.k.a. #Zot protocol universe)
  • #Streams galaxy
    -- note 1: communication with the Fediverse is standard practice in this universe.
  • #Hubzilla galaxy
    -- note 1: developed a way to communicate across the Mycelial Web (a.k.a. the multiverse). Can also communicate with BlueSky and diaspora.
  • #Fediverse Mycelium (a.k.a. #ActivityPub protocol universe)
  • #Friendica galaxy
    -- note 1: developed a way to communicate across the Mycelial Web (a.k.a. the multiverse). Can also communicate with BlueSky and diaspora.
  • #Firefish galaxy
  • star/solar system
  • #Mastodon galaxy
  • star/solar system
  • #Rebased galaxy
  • star/solar system
  • #Pixelfed galaxy
  • star/solar system
  • Sky Mycelium (a.k.a. #ATprotocol universe)
  • #BlueSky galaxy
  • star/solar system
  • #Jabber Mycelium (a.k.a. #XMPP protocol universe)
  • Matrix Mycelium (a.k.a. #Matrix protocol universe)
  • #Meta Mycelium
  • #Facebook galaxy
  • #Instagram galaxy (closed borders; isolated; aware of other mycelium/universes)
  • #Threads star/solar system
  • #X #Twitter Mycelium (closed borders; isolated; have not discovered there are other mycelium/universes besides their own)
  • #Tumblr Mycelium (closed borders; isolated; rumours has it their government decided against connecting with the other mycelium/universes, but they are aware)
  • #Flickr Mycelium (closed borders; isolated; aware of other mycelium/universes)
  • #Pebble / #T2 Mycelium - collapsed
  • #diaspora* Mycelium (Diaspora protocol universe)
  • diaspora galaxy empire (software)
  • star/solar system (instance)
  • #SocialHome galaxy (software)
  • star/solar system (instance)
  • #Google+ (#GooglePlus universe) - collapsed

… and so on.

#Fiction #SciFi #ScienceFiction #Fantasy #ScienceFantasy #YourOnlyOne

youronlyone, to bluesky avatar

From what I was able to gather from

  • through the will be enabled sometime in early 2024

  • The service is ready to handle bridge AT protocol and ActivityPub protocol posts and replies once federation is enabled in production (already working in sandbox test server).

The format will be:

  1. To follow a account from BlueSky / AT protocol: <username>.<server_domain>


  1. To follow a BlueSky / AT protocol user: <username>


This allows users from each side to see new posts and to reply to these threads.

What is more interesting is that, if you have IndieWeb support on your website or blog, you will see comments from BlueSky / AT protocol appear as a comment, thanks to . It is already possible to do this with Fediverse / ActivityPub. ^_~

youronlyone, to fediverse avatar

What makes the lack of algorithms in the #Fediverse great? I get to see posts and talk with people all around the world.

You don't get that on #SNS with algorithms because they filter things for you, and you have no control over it.

Don't get me wrong, algorithms by itself are not bad. Just that, it is used in a way that limits your exposure (your posts to the world; and the world to you); and you have no control.

Another improper use of it is, like in #Facebook's case, they push #ads as well as to control the narrative and shape people's minds and opinions.

#ActivityPub #SocialWeb #SocialNetwork

youronlyone, (edited ) to pebble avatar

The new : (formerly ) just announced that they are shutting down the free service this coming November 1st.


The painful truth, however, is that we were not growing quickly enough for investors to believe that we will break out. Combine that with a crowded space of alternatives - and the uphill climb is even steeper. In order to continue to build out a complete Pebble, we would have needed more investment, and more time.


Everyone on the platform is now sharing their (mostly ), , and links.


mcp, to random avatar

#AISA8 Donatella Tamagno #SNS Il suo piano per la scienza aperta, in corso di attuazione, è stata spinta dall'interesse europeo. Manca però un interesse europeo per copyright, contrattazione con gli editori, raggiungimento degli obiettivi e monitoraggio. Perché non federare gli archivi istituzionali italiani? Perché il MUR continua ad usare piattaforme chiuse e molteplici?. Dato che il MUR latita, la federazione dovrebbe partire d basso....

schizanon, to AWS avatar

I'm beginning to think I may not like #AWS #Simple #Notifications #Service.

Like what can it do that Simple #Queue Service can't? I know it's push based and that has it's benefits, and obvs it has integrations with SMS/email that probably come in handy, but those seem like improvements you could just make to #SQS instead of having a whole separate system.

#SNS #Amazon #webDev #tech

youronlyone, to fediverse avatar

I wonder when we'll see custom domain in the / ?

For example, I want to use:

  • for my account
  • for my account
  • for my account
  • for my account
  • for my account

Ideally, even if I move to a new host/service, I can use the same WebFinger.

schizanon, to AWS avatar

I get that is a "pull-based" message bus, while is "push-based", but given that I don't understand why SQS exists.

Push seems superior, so why involve a at all?

But fanning out SNS events to SQS is a recommended pattern, why?

What can you do with a poll-based queue that you couldn't do with a push-based ?

catarinac, to random Portuguese avatar

Parabéns ao #SNS que faz hoje 44 anos 🎉

SDF, to China avatar

Thanks to a group of volunteers in Hong Kong we're happy to announce SDF China has spun up two new servers running Mastodon and Lemmy instances. Visit for more information or use social or lemmy to reach either instance directly.

#china #community #sns #new #lemmy #fediverse

attractive_bee, to internet Sanskrit

Blocking #meta 's upcoming #threads or whatever their new #SNS is called, is actually not a wise decision in my opinion. Federating with them ensures that #Fediverse will grow as a decentralised platform.

youronlyone, to fediverse

Latest update: 2023-05-18

🕸️ “The Federated Timeline” ( history). Key events in the of federated .

Q: Who first coined the “fediverse”?

Q: What was the first fediverse ?



I hope this consolidated timeline is useful for the community, and writers.

Enjoy! ^_^

4.0 International

youronlyone, to internet avatar

“Americans confused as Filipino boyband tweets 'Hello Negros'.”

This is a prime example why people MUST check the following before feeling “offended”:

  1. language barrier
  2. cultural differences
  3. context / usage

No one culture, or country, is superior to another. You can not force your sensibilities, or culture, on other people—especially not online and while you are in their country.

youronlyone, to fediverse avatar

A new version of software was released today: v2023.04.


We are very happy to announce the availability of the new stable release of Friendica “Giant Rhubarb" 2023.04. The highlights of this release are

  • The Mastodon compatible API of Friendica was improved,
  • Drag and Drop functionality was added to the Frio theme for image attachments, and
  • Christian Pöschl from usd AG reported a XSS fulnurability in a javascript dependency in the gallery of the Frio theme that was fixed.

What is Friendica?

Friendica is a decentralized communications platform, you can use to host your own social media server that integrates with independent social networking platforms (like the Fediverse or Diaspora*) but also some commercial ones like Tumblr.

Official announcement:

youronlyone, to fediverse

A to those trying other software: Treat your new account as you would signing-up in a new .

A more detailed :
1. Let each of your account grow separately.

It is fine to follow certain groups and users. These are your ‘core’ interaction. But for the rest, keep them separate and let it grow organically.

2. Define a certain theme or topic or purpose for your new account.

Since we are in an interconnected network, you will end up having a major overlap between your first account and your succeeding accounts. Which might confuse you later (as well as your followers).

For example, I still post my new articles through my @youronlyone account, for two major reasons: Follower Badge, and support via .

3. Use this opportunity to learn how discovery, growth, and reach, works in the (or )

By letting your new account grow organically, and keeping the overlap with your first account at a minimum, you will be able to observe how discovery, growth, and reach, works in the network.

I have an account for at @youronlyone

I also have an account for at @youronlyone

The Misskey and Calckey accounts are organically growing. I also discover new people, new content, that I haven't seen in my account (@youronlyone). And I asked myself, why? As I find answers to that question, I slowly adjust my interactions, and this in turn helped me discover more and reach wider.

The Mycelial Network (as I now prefer to call the Fediverse), is huge. When it started in 2008, it was small, and we all know each other. Today, I've probably only discovered and reached 0.5% of the network. It grew that fast.

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