_Davidsmith, to random
@_Davidsmith@mastodon.social avatar

I've been wondering if we'll see a number of 3rd-party PWA site wrapper apps for visionOS at launch. Where you can create a rich bookmark for various websites to more easily separate their windows and use them.

I explored this briefly for Widgetsmith but since it would require making the app 17+ (unrestricted web access) and I suspect Safari would get this ability natively at some point soon it never get promoted to a proper feature but would seem like a useful tool for the initial period.

A screenshot showing an interactive website book mark running within widgetsmith.

@iamlayer8@mastodon.social avatar

Maybe not in the context of Widgetsmith, but I think there is a place for a good app on all platforms. and were good entry points but are not maintained anymore. is only halfway there. Individual browser instances is better. And it does not look like Apple will do this well.

rockylhotka, to random
@rockylhotka@fosstodon.org avatar

My phone is glitching so I’m truly using my iPad for the first time ever. I need to say that it isn’t fantastic.very inconsistent experiences between apps and other apps. And #safari! Omg it sucks! Especially with #pwa apps, but generally quite poor compared to anything chromium based.

Why do people choose this platform?

havn, to iPhone
@havn@writing.exchange avatar

I need help regarding on several home screens for :

I have one that I'll get push notifications from - so I think I shouldn't have duplicated ones?

But if I add it to my Day home screen and then "add" it to my Evening home screen (by searching for it and dragging) it disappears from the Day home screen.

If I add it one more time, It gets duplicated. 😔

constantorbit, to iOS
@constantorbit@hachyderm.io avatar

Not sure how wide my tech reach is here on the fedi (boosts appreciated!), but:

I'm exploring a personal side project and trying to decide stack/platform

It needs a reliable (but pretty simple) app, and must be able to do notifications. I'd like to do + .

Can this be done with a ? I see people saying yes, people saying no. Would be my pref.

Sort of thinking my options are:


AntoineD, (edited ) to firefox

⚠️ Si vous utilisez des webapp , ce projet a été abandonné en septembre dernier…
Mais il y a une alternative carrément mieux !

​:firefox:​ C’est une extension qui se nomme «Progressive Web Apps for Firefox»
Une fois la mise en place, il sera possible de créer des PWA pour votre ordinateur en deux clics.

🧩 Chaque est un mini Firefox avec ses propres réglages et ses propres extensions (si on souhaite en installer)
Ça me permet d’avoir Grammalecte sur mon Deck du Fediverse 🤩

Petites astuces

🔗 Pour ouvrir les liens dans le navigateur principal sans avoir de popin a chaque clic, dans about:config
passer security.external_protocol_requires_permission à false

​:i3wm:​ On peut masquer la barre d’icônes pour avoir une app minimaliste dans i3, dans about:config
passer firefoxpwa.enableHidingIconBar à true

​:librewolf:​ Ça marche avec via des liens symboliques :

ln -s ~/.mozilla/native-messaging-hosts ~/.librewolf/native-messaging-hosts
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/mozilla/native-messaging-hosts /usr/lib/librewolf/native-messaging-hosts


borisv, to webdev
@borisv@fosstodon.org avatar

An interesting resource especially for indie developers:

bragefuglseth, to Spotify
@bragefuglseth@fosstodon.org avatar

Spotify with CSD, anyone?


@bragefuglseth That looks good. However this now has me thinking about how cool it would be if Web's option allowed you to overlay window controls without having to bring a whole headerbar into the picture 😭️

amxmln, to CSS
@amxmln@mastodon.design avatar

Does anyone know if there’s a way to get the corner radius of a screen in or ? 🤔 I think some native apps are able to adjust their UI to the display of the host and that’d be great for as well.

nhoizey, to random French
@nhoizey@mamot.fr avatar

Is it worth it maintaining a version of my responsive puzzle game esviji in Google Play Store?


Google requires periodic “artificial life support” to check the app is still relevant: API version update, app links from websites, developer account, etc.

The version has been available and installable on its own domain for years,
without any required maintenance:


⚓️ https://nicolas-hoizey.com/notes/2024/01/09/1/

danielsiepmann, to firefox

Followup with learnings to my rant about : friendica.daniel-siepmann.de/d…

It is working right now. The issue seems to be . I really love the browser, but it doesn't allow me to develop and debug ServiceWorkers and PWA properly.

Chromium on the other hand has all the necessary tools. Ensure to properly provide the scope to ServiceWorker registration in order to intercept network requests.
That last thing was missing. I use a CMS ()) which will load assets from special folders. The folder itself will be the default scope of a service worker. A service worker only can intercept requests of its own scope. So adding the proper scope to registration fixed my last issue.

And Firefox still doesn't allow me to install the PWA on Android … But the service workers are running within Firefox is our real goal to allow users to use a part of the website while being offline on location is reached.

danielsiepmann, (edited ) to rant German

Sorry, but I need to about this situation.

I'm a backend developer but couldn't find a developer to help me out. So I tried to get into on my own.
I head over to Mozilla Developer Network and everything looked so simple. I tried to convert my web app into a PWA and debugged via Firefox. But didn't get any issues, except it didn't work. I tried to find more help. MDN links to Microsoft and GitHub for concrete, way to complex, examples.
I turn on chromium to use lighthouse to get a proper report. That helps and I could fix some issues. Which accordingly to MDN would not be necessary.. But it now yells at me without concrete issues, and without concrete to dos.

Is this the modern internet? I learned the internet as a way where everyone with some free and open sources could put things on.

But it now feels like you need first to buy some knowledge from some closed source companies like Microsoft using closed source software in order to finally achieve something.

BTW: This project is not to make money, it is to help preserve memory of holocaust in Germany at a location where there is no mobile network. Therefore the project needs to work was PWA. buchenwaldbahn.de

Maybe someone can jump in a point me to a very minimal example that is working? Or other helpful sources or has some hints how to debug? Current status: I can't install the PWA. You can find current proof of concept here: tmp.daniel-siepmann.de/project…

Lighthouse tells me it is installable. But Firefox doesn't allow me to install the PWA. How can I debug installation of PWA for or find a linter, or something? And Chromium won't execute my service worker.

osma, to fediverse
@osma@mas.to avatar

I have a lot of development hopes for fedi software and services, but my top one, by far, is a client that would combine @pinafore's speedy, offline-friendly LocalStorage based toot cache and minimal DOM memory use with @phanpy's awesome UI innovation.

limebar, to android
@limebar@mastodon.social avatar

Since the last update on , seems to be accumulating notifications endlessly... Where will it end? The anticipation is growing.

I use the progressive web app for exclusively. I think they notifications have gone disjoint from the main app notifications

TheFederatedPipe, (edited ) to technology in YouTube can't stop showing me AI deepfake ads


How to block on

Block ads on the web: Firefox + uBlock Origin.

A must have, if you want to browse the web without ads, trackers, malware and more. There are other browsers you could use, but with , you can install add-ons to help you mitigate all the tracking and ads. You can even install desktop only add-ons now, and supporting a engine which is not (controlled by Google) like every other major browser.

There are multiple forks available on the F-droid if you don't want to use plain firefox. This works on desktop too, I recommend .

Block ads on any app with: .

My favorite way of blocking ads, you have control over which domain the app can connect. It works like a VPN, but it does not make any outgoing connection. The bad thing is, if you want to use an actual , you can't have both at the same time and you need to disable your custom DNS.

I recommend to enable in settings > advanced options > block system apps, and individual domains too. When you open the app for the first time, it asks you if you want to block essential request for the apps to work, I recommend to enable this if you don't want apps breaking.

You android vendor may be killing the app, for this reason is necessary to add the app in the list of apps not be optimized by the system. If this issue keeps happening follow the guide from dontkillmyapp.com (advanced)

Official website: TrackerControl.org

Set a custom in the settings.

A DNS works like a translator, computers are good with numbers, but we are not good at memorizing long numbers. Computers communicate with each other using the Internet Protocol (IP), which are pure numbers. For example, your instance is but is easier to us just type lemmy.world.

A DNS is like a table where it has a relationship between keys pointing lemmy.world to, so your computer knows where is the computer is trying to connect.

Let's imagine an app is trying to connect to "https://ads-from.company.com", if you are using a DNS which blocks known domain ads it will redirect that request to "" which is like sending it to a black hole. There are multiple DNS available, which different purposes, for ads, malware, porn, gambling, etc.

VPN has a guide in how to use their DNS for multiple devices.

Alternative front-ends.

Have in mind that these are not full bulletproof protections, one may work better than the other, and can break from time to time. With popular services with ads, like social media, you could use alternative front-ends to their official client or website.

Here is a list of alternative front-ends and an add-on to automatically redirect to them, you have to use it with a browser and you can add as a shortcut to the home screen, better if it works like a https://libredirect.github.io

Alternative apps

  1. YouTube: NewPipe, LibreTube, NewPipe x SponsorBlock
  2. Twitter: Squawker
  3. YouTube Music: Harmony Music
  4. Twitch: Xtra, Twire
scottjenson, to UX
@scottjenson@social.coop avatar

I did some consulting for a non profit in Nairobi a while ago, and in addition to various UX stuff, I suggested they use a (a simple cached website) instead of an app.

I talked to them this morning. They shipped it and are thrilled. It's SO much smaller than an app, a critical issue in rural Kenya, and it's significantly easier to get people to find and install it.

So exciting when people discover the value of the standard, unfussy web

scenari, to random

📣 Nouvelles versions du cœur, des modèles et d’habillages 🎉
❤️ version de maintenance de #SCENARI 6.2 (6.2.1) : https://download.scenari.software/SCENARIchain@6.2.1
LanguageTool entre autres nouveautés ! Plus de détails sur le forum : https://forums.scenari.org/t/nouvelle-version-de-maintenance-de-la-suite-scenari-6-2-1/8196

🎄 Modèles :
1️⃣ version corrective d’ #Opale 5.0.5.
Opale est désormais disponible en 6 langues. Plus de détails : https://forums.scenari.org/t/nouvelle-version-de-opale-5-0-5/8197
2️⃣ nouvelle version de #Topaze 4.0.6
et son extension #PWA . Plus de détails : https://forums.scenari.org/t/nouvelle-version-de-topaze-4-0-6/8121

aqz, to random
@aqz@p1.a9z.dev avatar

今PWAで意外と出来ること・出来ないこと [ - Qiita ]

nhoizey, to random French
@nhoizey@mamot.fr avatar

🔗 “Desktop progressive web applications” by @trys

⚓️ https://nicolas-hoizey.com/links/2023/11/23/desktop-progressive-web-applications/

mico, to random Italian

per ascoltare musica installabili (web app meglio se con Firefox).
Forse lo conoscete già, o forse no...
Ascolto molta musica (troppa) e trovo questo sito interessante configurabile a piacimento come un lettore audio e non serve registrazione e non traccia.
Su dispositivi mobili è una buona alternativa ai più blasonati client che hanno un costo anche quando sono free... 👇

mappingsupport, to random
@mappingsupport@m.ai6yr.org avatar

Got coordinates?

FindMeSAR has been updated to v3. This webpage displays your coordinates in several formats and can be installed so it works offline.

Calling 911? Use the yellow screen to give decimal degrees and the accuracy.

I volunteered to develop this as a public service after seeing news stories of people that called 911 and there was confusion over their location. Some people died as a result of that confusion.

Not in any app store! To install it so it will work offline delete the FindMeSAR icon if it is already anywhere on your screen, then browse to https://findmesar.com and carefully follow instructions you will see.

Tap "Tips" for more info.

nhoizey, to random French
@nhoizey@mamot.fr avatar

🔗 “Desktop progressive web applications” by @trys

⚓️ https://nicolas-hoizey.com/links/2023/11/23/desktop-progressive-web-applications/

schizanon, to firefox
@schizanon@mas.to avatar

It's sad that removed desktop support for and how their support is still so lacking in integration that people have to build tools to fix it. has given up. https://github.com/filips123/PWAsForFirefox

tante, (edited ) to random
@tante@tldr.nettime.org avatar

I fully switched to Firefox a few months ago when Google kept on pushing their "Manifest V3" Chrome policy, now that they continue to push it and remove V2 (and with it meaningful adblockers) from Chrome in 2024 maybe you want to start migrating as well?


Don't go to Brave btw. It's a shit company that keeps doing shady stuff and is run by a homophobe. There are so many browsers, just pick one. (Whether other Chromium-based browsers will keep an interface for effective customization for users around is for you to research. Just use Firefox TBH).

@fexplorer@procial.tchncs.de avatar

It's also for long my main browser.
What I miss is the ability to install 's on Desktop (Linux) with .
Yes, there are options, but no solution has worked for me.
Perhpas I'vnt found the right...

slashtechno, to emacs
@slashtechno@fosstodon.org avatar

If I were to use or / for , is there any way to access from the ? Perhaps through a ?
Is there anything like for (neo)vim?


rolle, to random
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar
@Tejas@floss.social avatar

I really love this UI. I am a commoner and not tech savvy. Currently, I am on floss.social instance. I use & . Can you please advise me how I can try this UI on my instance.

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