@itty53@beige.party avatar



Just some guy in California.

If I've followed you it's because I just moved to this server and I used to follow you.

I'm not funny like everyone else on this server, I'm just here for the obnoxiously long character limit.

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

RickiTarr, to random
@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

Seriously heard someone saying they don't listen to many black artists, because they aren't really into rap. Bitch please, feel free to share songs from Black artists from any genre. Here is one of my favorites, if you like this song please check out her other work:


@itty53@beige.party avatar


Some prog metal for the list ...

Animals as Leaders - Physical Education


RickiTarr, to random
@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

Alright, lots of heavy discussions today, so let's talk about something silly!

What is a movie that always makes you laugh?

Personal pick:

Anything Mel Brooks, but Robin Hood: Men in Tights, it's just funny every time I watch it.

@itty53@beige.party avatar


The Waterboy, mostly for Kathy Bates. She's got such amazing comedy chops but they're so rarely used. Fried Green Tomatoes, on that note though, is a good watch too.

@itty53@beige.party avatar


Gonna post a second time because while this isn't a movie, it's a video my kid watches all the time on YouTube and it honestly cracks me up every time.

It's the dumbest thing but you can't help but laugh.


RickiTarr, to random
@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

So, what's the thing, what's the big thing no one can help you with? How do you cope with it?

@itty53@beige.party avatar

@fmhilton @RickiTarr

I don't know why but this made me think of an old skit on the Drew Carey show. They're arguing with some regulator, played by David Cross, about nudity laws.

Ryan Stiles is all in a huff and says "look! you're born naked and you die naked, end of story!"

David Cross's character replies, "you don't die naked"

Stiles says "well if you plan it right you do!"

RickiTarr, to random
@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

This was a fun one, so let's do it again. What is something you've learned that seems unlikely, even though you know it's true? Here's one I think about a lot:

Sight, while being something something many people are born with, is not an innate ability, but something we learn to do. People who were born blind or were blind for a long time, who get sight, have to learn to see.

itty53, (edited )
@itty53@beige.party avatar


Matter, all matter, never really touches anything physically (under normal earth surface circumstances). Never. If you physically connected your matter with say, that of a chair, you'd cause some kind of nuclear fusion reaction and probably create a pretty wicked explosion. You're definitely gonna make headlines.

Instead the magnetic fields of individual atoms interact and repel each other.

In quantum theory this is often demonstrated by saying something like "and that means you can calculate a non zero probability that you'll lean against a solid wall and pass right through it".

I prefer the other end of that same lesson: there's also a non zero probability that all the atoms that make up your entire body just up and blast apart and you dissolve in an instant. Every waking Planck second of existence, there is a chance and that die rolls. Keeps the students more on their toes, I think.

Because like the wall in the first example, you and your limbs and organs are also made of atoms that aren't actually touching either. Just happen to be spinning round eachother by virtue of countless tiny little physical reactions that started before you or even your mother was even born.

@itty53@beige.party avatar


I just got this skit flashing in my mind with Neil DeGrasse Tyson mansplaining quantum physics to his daughter when she complains that her brother hit her in the back seat during a road trip

"Actually, he didn't hit you Miranda. Travis created a wave of interactions starting from his shoulder and propagating down toward his hand and across empty space into your shoulder..."

"Okay fine dad, Travis is still being a dick."

RickiTarr, to random
@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

What is the thing(s) that attracts you to a person romantically or otherwise?

@itty53@beige.party avatar


We've talked about this: a singing voice. Doesn't have to be spectacular, just be able to keep a pitch. It's the one thing every girl I've dated longer than a month has in common, they weren't afraid to sing.

Now if you can add some weight and soul behind that voice and make it powerful, I'm putty. Like if Kelly Clarkson walked in right now and started singing, my marriage would be in danger.

RickiTarr, to random
@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

99.9% of jobs do not require urgency of any kind, really they don't. We've all had a boss who acts like someone will die if we don't hit some made up deadline by people who don't even do the job. No one needs their meal 1 minute faster or the paperwork before tomorrow morning. Your time off actually doesn't need to wait. Sometimes I think about how legitimately bad most businesses are at time management and hiring, and I wonder how they manage to exist at all.

itty53, (edited )
@itty53@beige.party avatar


This was one of the biggest culture shocks for me a couple years back. Had been working for a marketing agency for a decade, when they lost their primary client and shut down. Suddenly out of a job. Found new job in pretty short order, remote work for a medical supplies provider out of state.

The difference was staggering and totally not what I expected. I used to build websites that sold or facilitated selling frozen burritos. They treated everything like the next apocalypse. I was concerned about going into an even more important industry, medical supplies.

I was wrong. Nothing happens quickly unless it's truly an emergency and even then, there's checks and balances to making that distinction. You are not only unimportant as a single developer you're also imminently replaceable, and that feels amazing. My mental health changed significantly for the better since I was forced to find my current job.

RickiTarr, to random
@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

The most ridiculous thing about cop procedural shows is when they ask where a person was, and what they were doing at a specific time the person always has perfect and immediate recall. I'd be desperately trying to remember what day of the week that was, and trying to open my phone calendar. If I was the cop, I'd immediately be suspicious of the person who remembered exactly where they were and what they were doing.

@itty53@beige.party avatar

@RickiTarr @Penguinflight

Fun observation about CSI: in virtually every single episode they create this irrefutable evidence that's presented to the criminal and they break and crumble and ... confess.

And that's all they'll present in court, the confession, so you never see the court trials play out in that show because that would be boring and a bit too on the nose.

RickiTarr, to random
@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

I'm going to ramble a bit, but it will hopefully come around to something. When I was growing up, I read a lot of older historical book series, a big one would be the Little House On The Prairie series. While I really enjoyed it, there are some very obviously negative portrayals of Native Americans and African Americans. I remember being angry about it as a kid, and my Dad telling me, that part of learning about history is that we have to acknowledge the people we were, and still are. But because Little House on the Prairie is only semi-autobiographical, I still have mixed feelings about this. I do think they are well written books by a female author, an interesting perspective on early American life, and as an adult I can see and acknowledge the issues with the text. If we try to get rid of every author with racist ideas there wouldn't be much left to read from the 20th Century, and it also feels like being dishonest about who we are. So, I'm very mixed, how do you all feel about it? Do you think children can handle books with racial issues like this if it's explained to them? What is our responsibility here?

@itty53@beige.party avatar

@MyWoolyMastadon @RickiTarr

The problem is one of goals. What we think of as the goals of educators at large are just falsehoods. To be clear many educators are just as taken by these falsehoods themselves.

To the layperson who believed all the propaganda they were taught, schools are for education of the free thinking human. That's what "liberal" relates to in "liberal arts" - "what free humans know". It's what we call the basic degree.

Education hasn't been about that for well over a hundred years though. Modern education systems began in the late 19th century - you might note how that aligns with the industrial age of tycoons and industrial robber barons. That's not a coincidence. In the creation of the public school system of Bavaria - the model which America and the rest of the Western world now uses - the goals were shifted quite dramatically.

Now, to the education department and the State which runs it, education is primarily and explicitly about continuity of the work force. It's not about teaching free people how to think. It's about training the next generation of laborers for the labor class. One needs look no further than the proliferation of STEM classes since the late 90s to realize this. There's nothing freeing about learning to program. Nothing at all. In fact as a professional programmer for going on two decades I can say very confidently: the best of us didn't go to school for it. We taught ourselves.

I can't say this hard enough, STEM classes aren't about science they're just vocations. STEM schools are vocational schools.

Now I'm not dogging on students here. Individuals can still utilize education for the purposes of freedom, but institutions are built and stacked against that. You go into a STEM major and you'll come out with your degrees and certifications and you'll still be a new programmer, wet behind the ears, can't finish a project to save your life, AND we're gonna have to teach you how to think for yourself - because all those STEM classes didn't.

As capitalism takes a stronger grasp on our state institutions, the two goals become more and more mutually exclusive. In a capitalist world you aren't free, you are beholden to the insurance industry, the real estate industry, the agriculture industry, the banking industry, the automotive industry, and many more. And whenever you see someone still living free despite all that, the capitalist world at large shifts to shame them, falling back to their ancient tool of control.

GottaLaff, to random
@GottaLaff@mastodon.social avatar

My reason for moving: When Trump got in, I said to Mr. Laffy, "He'll now have the courts. We can't overcome a lot of that." This is what I was referring to:

#BREAKING: #SCOTUS upholds #SouthCarolina's congressional map, reversing a lower court decision that struck down the map for racial gerrymandering.

The Court also makes it harder to fight against future racial gerrymandering. https://www.democracydocket.com/cases/south-carolina-redistricting-challenge/

@itty53@beige.party avatar


Pointedly asking what prevents Biden from appointing a handful of judges anyway.

The number of judges on the court isn't mandated anywhere in the Constitution or by federal law. The number of justices is simply traditional. Rubio proposed an amendment to limit it to nine but good luck getting 2/3rds of Congress to agree to it. They haven't, not in the five years since it was proposed.

The fact that Rubio and Co even proposed the change shows they're aware of that hole in their defense. When your enemy shows you their cards, you take advantage.

Alice, to random
@Alice@beige.party avatar

I like when people tell me they unfollowed me as if I’m a subscription service that's somehow losing money as a result.

@itty53@beige.party avatar

@tantramar @courtcan @Alice

Like it does in an Italian last name you're afraid to mispronounce, the G is silent.

Alice, (edited ) to random
@Alice@beige.party avatar

I was just reminded of around twenty years ago when this guy who I knew on LiveJournal took extreme creative liberty and used the head from my LiveJournal profile pic and Photoshopped an image of me and sent it to me as a "gift" and I was just like "uhhhhhhhhhh...thank you?"

@itty53@beige.party avatar


Plot twist: the guy on live journal was @KevBot.

KathyReid, to microsoft
@KathyReid@aus.social avatar

Why does want to implement ? It's not about images. It's about modelling what workers do on Windows, and then replacing them.

The most expensive part of a computer is the fallible feelings-filled unpredictable meat sack that operates it.

Google has YouTube, Google Photos, Maps, and a bucket load of search data, Google Analytics, advertising, as well as it's data (e.g. transcriptions). And a bunch of data from Android services. From this data they can model speech, model videos and model advertising systems, and how humans respond to them.

But they can't model what people do on computers.

Amazon has Prime data, and a bucket load of compute. But no operating system data. They can build models based around e-commerce and advertising systems.

But they can't model what people do on computers.

Meta has waves hands enough analytics to model human behaviour in the Metaverse.

But they can't model what people do on computers.

Microsoft has GitHub.
Microsoft has LinkedIn.
Microsoft has SharePoint.
Microsoft has Teams.
Microsoft has Dynamics.
Microsoft has O365.
Microsoft has Windows telemetry data.

Microsoft can model what people do on (Windows) computers. Like fill out spreadsheets.Write emails. Synthesize web pages of research. Interact with colleagues on Teams. Create and edit documents.

Microsoft wants data so they can model what people do with operating systems.

Then replace them.

Imagine a CoPilot that doesn't just write buggy code. Imagine one that also does spreadsheets. That creates documents on SharePoint. That communicates with colleages on Teams. That has a customer pipeline on Dynamics.

That's what Recall is about - 360 degree surveillance of the worker, to model their functions, make them fungible, replicable - and replaceable.

@itty53@beige.party avatar


I began immediately saying exactly all this after the initial announcement.

Any worker assigned an NPU enabled, CoPilot+ device should move to brick that device as soon as they can.

It's time for the workers to smash the frames again. It's the last time many of us will have the opportunity.

RickiTarr, to random
@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

I used to babysit a lot, and I was kind of famous for getting kids to try foods they normally wouldn't. I was never pushy about it, just included them in the shopping/harvesting/cooking process, and asked them to try a little bite of everything, and to remember that your tastebuds change as you age, so keep on trying stuff.

This backfired on me occasionally though. Once as an adventure, we went to a Japanese restaurant, and I ordered the kiddos some Katsu (who doesn't love something fried with dippy sauce), and got myself a plate of sushi rolls and sashimi. Well, since I always asked them to try one bite of something new, they looked at me expectantly, so I let them try a bit of each. Turns out they were all in for sushi, and those little nerds ate most of my plate, and then they always wanted to go. Kids, I don't have sushi money every day!

@itty53@beige.party avatar


My kid is autistic, with one of his biggest traits being his food aversions. He only likes crunchy things. It's very difficult to get him to eat stuff.

One day back when he was maybe five, before his food aversion thing started, he saw his mom eating hot cheetos and seemed interested. Mom offered him one, hesitantly, and he ate it. Then he started crying because yeah, they're spicy. That was his first really spicy thing.

Mom felt bad of course, and began apologizing. But the kiddo stopped crying right away and went for more. They're now his favorite thing, so much that we have to stop him from eating too much. He ate a whole big bag in about one sitting without us realizing it, while Mom and I enjoyed the peace and quiet. He paid for that later that night, on the toilet, but didn't learn the lesson. And I've learned that he's probably going to have addiction problems like his dad and his grandma, so that's something to watch for.

RickiTarr, to random
@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

Avatar really did rip off Dune, and don't get me started on Star Wars.

@itty53@beige.party avatar


How could Avatar have ripped off Dune if Avatar was ripping off Fern Gully?

futurebird, (edited ) to random
@futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

Here lies Irony, she was not well for many years, but after a valiant fight she is dead.

This would be ironic for any of the speakers at this event... but none more so than this man.

That people were hauled off by security for heckling him? Well irony would have had something to say about that, but as I explained, she is dead. RIP.

@itty53@beige.party avatar

@ainmosni @hazelnot @futurebird

They don't define words, they play with words despite their definitions. It's a subtle but important difference. That difference goes to the heart of why their brand of politics is just authoritarianism. The ultimate desire of the authoritarian is to dictate objectivity as desired, moment to moment.

You could use the definitions they use against them and they'll just redefine it again and scold you for using an old definition.

@itty53@beige.party avatar

@ainmosni @futurebird @hazelnot

Work with what we got. History shows new parties emerge out of old ones, the ones that stick around anyway. There's flashes here and there but generally they come from something that existed before. So I'm gonna keep pushing progressives into the Democrat party, keep pushing them further left. It's the best option.

@itty53@beige.party avatar

@ainmosni @futurebird @hazelnot

Might curb your cynicism a bit to consider that theirs is a reactionary standpoint. The further we push to the left, the more they're going to push back. They're getting cornered. There's losing, badly.

That they're pushing so hard for fascism all over the world today is terrifying, but also indicative that all over the world people are getting more progressive and are not hearing their bullshit. It creates a three steps forward, two steps back situation that cycles but it is ever heading to the left as we look back in history.

Our side has the numbers and the historical precedence. Theirs has insistence. It's gonna be tumultuous to say the least but they're going to lose like they always do.

RickiTarr, to random
@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

Me: I'm an adult!

Friend: Sure, what did you eat for lunch?

Me, thinking about the Walnut Sticky Bun, Bowl of Bing Cherries, and large handfuls of Corn Chips I ate when I realized I forgot to eat breakfast: Ummm... kind of a salad.

@itty53@beige.party avatar

@RickiTarr @ferricoxide

Chocolate chip cookies, check.

@itty53@beige.party avatar

@ferricoxide @RickiTarr

My wife a few days ago, "fried rice has bacon and eggs in it, it's technically breakfast then right?"

Couldn't argue with her logic. Made fried rice for breakfast.

RickiTarr, to random
@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

When the Soviet Union was falling apart Gorbachev had one thing on his mind, Who killed Laura Palmer?!

@itty53@beige.party avatar


See also Lost.

I honestly can't stand these kinds of shows because they never, ever pay off in the end. There's always a hundred unanswered storylines left to rot.

davidho, to random
@davidho@mastodon.world avatar

Explain to me like I'm 10 years old: Is the Biden tariffs on electric vehicles, batteries, and solar panels coming from China motivated 100% by politics (and maybe racism), or is there some other (more legit) reason to do it?


@itty53@beige.party avatar


If it were racism you would expect new tariffs on South Korean cars too, right? None to see.

You can start jumping through logical hoops to paint it as racist but there's plenty of evidence to support exactly what Biden said, it's protecting markets. A very specific market no less, contrasting to Trump's blanket tariffs against Chinese anything.

China shipped 3x the number of EVs to Europe last year than South Korea shipped any kind of car to the US. China shipped over 4 million EVs to Europe, SK shipped just over a million cars total. They're flooding the markets in Europe so much that ports are becoming parking lots. Those cars aren't going to get bought, and China is going to leave Europe to deal with them as trash.

HailsandAles, to random
@HailsandAles@metalhead.club avatar

Best playlist I’ve saw

@itty53@beige.party avatar


Months ago I was at teppanyaki with my wife, the kind of spot where the chefs carry around a speaker to play some music during their cook/show.

My wife remarked to the guy after a while that she "loved all these songs" and the guy says "I gotchu girl, don't worry" and he picks up his phone and shows us the playlist pictured.

I died laughing y'all, and while my wife felt probably more seen than she ever had in her life, she took his phone and scrolled through that playlist and just said "God dammit, I love ALL these songs!" and then went and added the playlist to her account.

w7voa, to random
@w7voa@journa.host avatar

World No. 1 golfer Scottie Scheffler was arrested by Louisville Metro Police this morning after trying to drive into the entrance of Valhalla Golf Club, the site of this week's PGA Championship. https://www.espn.com/golf/story/_/id/40162983/scottie-scheffler-detained-police-prior-start-pga-championship

@itty53@beige.party avatar


After trying to drive up on a curb around an accident, after a cop tried telling him to stop and grabbed on to his car, after he didn't roll down the windows and kept driving with said cop hanging on his car for almost a full minute.

And this prick has the audacity to look to another celeb and ask for help while he's getting hand cuffed? I don't often take the side of police but I'm making a rare exception today. Mans truly believed the law didn't apply to him and went about like that were gospel.

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