@zakalwe@plasmatrap.com avatar



Culture Special Circumstances, detached.

pp desc for vision impaired: The N7 (Systems Alliance Special Forces) Seal from the Mass Effect games.

Neuro-spicy. Aspie pretending (sometimes badly) to be human (at least, it often feels that way) while fighting depression and chronic insomnia. Aspiring mostly-SF writer, burned-out IT geek, humanist who wants to see us make at least a token effort to stop enshittifying our entire planet. Is there really anything so incredibly, soul-threateningly terrible about the idea of giving a shit about other people?

Something I said pissed you off? It may be a misunderstanding, I'm far from immune to foot-in-mouth disease. Please check with me before you assume it was malicious. It most likely wasn't. If I don't think you're someone worth talking to, I just won't talk to you in the first place, period.

Follow-backs: If you have something to say, sure. No posts? Nothing to say? What would be the point? In the words of @PatternChaser, "I don't follow back, I follow interesting." I'm trying to keep the signal-to-noise ratio in my feed high. Still, if you follow me and I see it, I will do my best to at least find time to look. I can't guarantee I won't miss it, I'm not awake 24/7.
(And sorry, but don't expect me to follow you if you're posting the same dozen posts, day in, day out, day after day after week after month. In fact I'll most likely mute you.)

Came here to put words into my mouth so you could attack me over something I didn't say? (Yeah, sadly, it's happened.) Just don't. I WILL block your ass. Nobody has time for that shit.

Geek Stuff: I run Gentoo Linux, and I maintain a personal overlay with packages for dev-perl/Tk-MListbox, sys-apps/procmeter3, net-misc/icbm, media-sound/perljammer, app-crypt/sherpa, and app-editors/xnedit. Of those, net-misc/icbm and media-sound/perljammer are my own projects.

#nobot #writer #geek #linux #mysql #Gentoo #nosystemd #science

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Adam_Cadmon1, to random
@Adam_Cadmon1@mastodon.online avatar

The planet will be better off without us.

@zakalwe@plasmatrap.com avatar

@Adam_Cadmon1 If we haven't already wrecked it for any kind of life by the time it kills us off...

Skepticat, to random
@Skepticat@mstdn.social avatar

Here's your answer SCOTUS:
If a president breaks the law, then that person is subject to criminal violations.

@zakalwe@plasmatrap.com avatar

@Skepticat Shockingly, this isn't rocket science, and it doesn't need 30 years in law practice to figure it out.

GottaLaff, to random
@GottaLaff@mastodon.social avatar

MEANWHILE, at , via Ryan Reilly:

Supreme Court Trump immunity arguments underway.

"There can be no presidency as we know it" without presidential immunity, Trump lawyer John Sauer argues. 🤦🏻‍♀️

@zakalwe@plasmatrap.com avatar


Kav seems set to say POTUS can't be prosecuted FOR ANY OFFICIAL act unless the crime says POTUS can be prosecuted.

What a ludicrous, farcical argument.

Can a SCOTUS Justice be found in contempt?

Adam_Cadmon1, to random
@Adam_Cadmon1@mastodon.online avatar

Always felt like forensic science was a little iffy...listening to Robert discuss some of the foundational cases that established its use in the American legal system disgusts me.

Bottomline, it's mostly subjective analysis. All of it. And the people who suffer are the people well off racists think should suffer.

@zakalwe@plasmatrap.com avatar

@Adam_Cadmon1 Yeah. Bite analysis is particularly bullshit. FBI bite analysis "experts" have been repeatedly found unable to distinguish human and animal bites, much less tie a bite mark to a specific human.

"Yeah, this bite mark was clearly left by teeth, and we can all see the suspect has teeth. Must have been him."

cstross, (edited ) to random
@cstross@wandering.shop avatar

Funny how the Americans denouncing Gaza Solidarity demonstrations at American universities are all cops and christo-fascist politicians, while the Jewish academics and students are fine with them …

@zakalwe@plasmatrap.com avatar

@acb @cstross Germany is in a bit of a weird headspace. Instead of learning "We should never again enact or support genocide against anyone", the lesson they have internalized is "We must never, ever, EVER criticize or fail to support Israel."

shoq, to random
@shoq@mastodon.social avatar

Ok nerds who understand Windows Partitions.

This is my laptop C: drive and its many partitions. It was created from an sysimage backup to a new replacement drive. I now want to dump the D: drive and recover its space on the C drive. Can this be done? If so, what is the precise sequence of delete, extend, etc.

@zakalwe@plasmatrap.com avatar

@shoq Egad, what a mess. Welcome to Windows...

The first thing there is, you have two "recovery" partitions. You PROBABLY only need one of them, but you can't be sure, because other things that aren't Windows recovery partitions can be marked as recovery partitions. Often what it really means is "Don't touch this". To be safe, leave them alone.

So what you'd do then, in order is (and if I were you I'd use a tool like Partition Magic to do it):

  1. Drop the D: partition
  2. Move the recovery partitions up to the end of the disk (try to keep them aligned on 1MB, or even 1GB, boundaries)
  3. Now you can grow the C: partition into the space where they used to be and the unallocated space in between.

Storage management is one of those things that Windows makes much more obfuscated than it really needs to be.

GottaLaff, to random
@GottaLaff@mastodon.social avatar

Sigh. WaPo:

is hearing arguments on whether hospitals must provide emergency in states w bans.
At issue is a nearly 40-yr-old fed law that requires hospitals that receive fed funds to stabilize or transfer all emergency patients, regardless of their ability to pay. Biden admin invoked the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act to argue that the federal government has the power to penalize hospitals that fail to provide emergency abortions even in states with strict bans.

@zakalwe@plasmatrap.com avatar

@GottaLaff @SherBeareth They're not really pro-life; they're just pro-birth. At any cost, including the mother's life.

RickiTarr, to random
@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

Have you ever met someone who lies all the time, but doesn't seem to realize they are lying?

@zakalwe@plasmatrap.com avatar

@RickiTarr Let's say ... that I know a number of people who have very strange ideas about what is true, and at least one other who is very big on rationalizing things into terms under which she is right.

StillIRise1963, to random
@StillIRise1963@mastodon.world avatar

So, who said what to that slick looking nazi Speaker to change his mind about aid to Ukraine. He went to Mar a Lago the night before.🤔

@zakalwe@plasmatrap.com avatar

@StillIRise1963 @Snowshadow yeah, it's amazing how often these fucks change their mind on an issue when they suddenly realize that it personally affects THEM.

fraying, (edited ) to random
@fraying@xoxo.zone avatar

3,878. They’ve sold 3,878 of them. That’s it. I’ve run newspapers with larger circulations.


@zakalwe@plasmatrap.com avatar

@fraying Well, they've DELIVERED 3,878. Who knows how many more Elon has taken people's non-refundable deposits for ... or how many of those will ever be delivered.

RickiTarr, to random
@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

Truly and honestly, I have a great time here, because you all make it great. You boost, you reply, you encourage, and inspire! It is crazy to me that I get to talk to people from all over the world every day. I get to be friends with people I'll probably never actually get to physically meet. I was born into a pre-internet world, and this still feels a little like a miracle to me.

@zakalwe@plasmatrap.com avatar

@RickiTarr @Uair It is pretty much a blast from the past. I knew a few people with five-digit IDs. But I don't think any of the people I hung out around at the time actually used it much.

@zakalwe@plasmatrap.com avatar

@Thebratdragon @Uair @RickiTarr I have LOTS of IRC (and ICB) friends. I talk every day with people on both services that I've been hanging out with for thirty years now. Many, I've met face-to-face at least once as well, but by no means all.

RickiTarr, to random
@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

Why is it that the people who brag about being "self-made" aren't?

If you turned out successful odds are you had help, a lot of it, and a good amount of luck on top of that. Imagine being so self absorbed that you don't give credit where credit is due.

@zakalwe@plasmatrap.com avatar

@RickiTarr Sociopathic behavior.

cstross, to random
@cstross@wandering.shop avatar

If you're interested in understanding what's wrong with corporations right now, what's driving our global capitalist omnishambles? This is an amazingly insightful (if long, and entertainment-industry focussed) deep dive into the madness of modern management theories:


@zakalwe@plasmatrap.com avatar

@cstross This reiterates, with much more detail, things I've been saying for years: That Ivy League business schools and their MBA programs are directly and actively harmful both to business and, in fact, to the entire world. They do not teach how to manage, they teach how to mismanage, because they are based upon theories of "success" that are utterly and completely divorced from the realities of what actually makes a business successful — producing something that people want, well, at a price that people can afford to pay for it. (And then there's the banking and investment sector, which becomes ever more single-mindedly focused year after year upon hoovering wealth out of the economy.)

Another part of the problem is that I don't think the world's "business leadership visionaries" actually understand that no matter how good their products, they aren't going to be able to sell them if nobody but themselves has any money to buy them with.

RickiTarr, to random
@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

What embarrasses you the most?

@zakalwe@plasmatrap.com avatar

@RickiTarr To quote Information Society:

🎼 I am absolutely right, I am absolutely certain
I am absolutely right, I am absolutely certain
I am absolutely right, I am absolutely certain
Of all the mistakes I've made... 🎵

msquebanh, to random
@msquebanh@mastodon.sdf.org avatar

I am rescheduling my afternoon taxes appointment.

Not feeling good. Not feeling like I'll be able to keep my shit together, if I have to deal with any random public today. I'm having one of those super difficult, overly emotional days. When I feel that I could either start crying or start screaming, at the slightest provocation.

I avoid all public encounters when feeling like this. I don't want to misdirect sadness/anger/frustration. I listen to my internal orange flags & heed them. Self-care.

@zakalwe@plasmatrap.com avatar

@Snowshadow @msquebanh I am not good at enforcing personal boundaries. For too much of my life I was taught, quite without conscious intention I'm sure, that I wasn't permitted to have any.

@zakalwe@plasmatrap.com avatar

@msquebanh @Snowshadow I don't exactly understand what you're asking there, as worded.

I'm not good at enforcing personal boundaries. That doesn't mean I don't try. It does mean that sometimes it's still very difficult — especially when I feel threatened.

Some trauma — and some abuse — takes a hell of a long time to heal.

@zakalwe@plasmatrap.com avatar

@msquebanh @Snowshadow Ah, thank you for clarifying. I understand the question better now.

It hurts, but if there is no acknowledgement of that and no apology, then I try to remember that this is on them not on me, and keep in mind thereafter that this is a person that I cannot trust — whether to have my back, or to consider my interest, particularly if they see it as conflicting with theirs. And that ranges from "This person is inconsiderate" to "This person does not actually see me as a real person."

@zakalwe@plasmatrap.com avatar

@msquebanh @Snowshadow But also, as well, I refuse to allow this treatment to make me act that way. I WILL NOT participate in the cruelty. That is not who I am.

@zakalwe@plasmatrap.com avatar

@Snowshadow @msquebanh Part of it, I think, is that there is this utterly dysfunctional attitude that being able to openly hurt and abuse people and suffer no consequences for it proves that you have power.

It also proves that you are utterly unfit for it.

@zakalwe@plasmatrap.com avatar

@Snowshadow @msquebanh Actually this is something that I discuss a bit in my novel Fireborn. My protagonist finds himself in the position of trying to explain sexual harassment in a culture that doesn't even have a word for it, because such behavior is considered so completely unacceptable that they never needed to coin an everyday term specifically to describe it. The Saamen language also doesn't have words for the concept of slavery, because they just don't enslave people, period.

@zakalwe@plasmatrap.com avatar

@msquebanh @Snowshadow If you reward the bullies and ignore the victims, you are complicit in the bullying.

@zakalwe@plasmatrap.com avatar

@Snowshadow @msquebanh You know what? So do I. I wrote that book at least partly as therapy.

@zakalwe@plasmatrap.com avatar

@msquebanh @Snowshadow To be honest, it sounds like something that would make me anxious. I find drawing well difficult enough when I can see what I'm doing.

mcnees, to random
@mcnees@mastodon.social avatar

LaTeX friends!

I’m looking for a modern and native (not electron) mac OS text editor that might take the place of textmate in my latex workflow.

I'm hoping to find something with existing bundles / scripts / extensions comparable to textmate’s LaTeX bundle. The great "Watch Document" feature works so much better than “latexmk -pvc”.

Any recs? I feel like the pickings are slim. When a nice native editor has any LaTeX support it's usually just syntax highlighting and a basic build script.

@zakalwe@plasmatrap.com avatar

@cstross @mcnees I was going to suggest Atom, the least awful of all the code editors I found when the job I was just RIF'd from last week insisted I use a Mac, but a few weeks ago I heard Atom was being discontinued.

So probably don't do that.

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