
thenomadevel, to ai

Hello, Mastodon! 🐘 I'm thrilled to join this amazing community! I'm an AI educator, passionate about sharing knowledge and discussing open-source technologies. Let's connect, learn together, and make the world a better place with the power of AI! 🤖🌍💡


@thenomadevel those who can't do, educate. :)


@thenomadevel my spam's AI-generated with fine-tuned OpenAssistant 7B, my nigga :)

ellent, to ai Dutch

India’s religious chatbots are speaking in the voice of god — and condoning violence - Rest of World


@ellent You go to heaven. There is a phone there. You pick it up. Someone with an Indian accent tells you to wait for a Microsoft rep to show up.

garry, to ai

Today’s AI News & Comment

Today's big event was Google I/O and there was a lot of AI News.

Introducing PaLM 2

Google drops waitlist for AI chatbot Bard and announces oodles of new features

Google’s new Magic Editor uses AI to totally transform your photos

You Can Now Preview Google Maps Routes With AI-Powered Immersion

Google launches ML Hub to help AI developers train and deploy their models

Android Studio gets a built-in coding bot

Google brings AI and more to the Play Store

Google’s Firebase gets AI extensions, opens up its marketplace

Google Workspace doesn't really need AI, but you're getting it anyway

Android is getting generative AI wallpapers you create with suggested prompts

Google’s Magic Compose can rewrite your texts using AI

Google teases Project Tailwind — a prototype AI notebook that learns from your documents

Google brings new generative models to Vertex AI, including Imagen

Google is experimenting with a new AI-powered conversational mode in Search

Google introduces new features to help identify AI images in Search and elsewhere

Google makes its text-to-music AI public

Google’s PaLM 2 paper shows that text-generating AI still has a long way to go

And now, the rest of the news and comment.

TechScape: AI is feared to be apocalyptic or touted as world-changing – maybe it’s neither

UFO Hunters Built an Open-Source AI System To Scan The Skies

MEPs to vote on proposed ban on ‘Big Brother’ AI facial recognition on streets

AI-Generated Frank Ocean Songs Sold for Thousands of Dollars

China has its DrakeGPT moment as AI singer goes viral

AI2 Incubator’s new $30M fund triples down on early stage AI startups

Salesforce is betting that its own content can bring more trust to generative AI

Bing AI is incredibly popular - but Microsoft will still never overtake Google

Google needs to stop throwing good money after Bard

IBM Watson is getting an AI makeover, and that's bad news for workers everywhere

DeepMind founder says governments need to compensate 'serious number of losers' who will be left jobless due to AI

How to Use ChatGPT on iPhone


@garry Magic image editor looks interesting. The rest is old news.

itnewsbot, to ai avatar

Wendy's To Begin Replacing Drive-Thru Staff With AI Chatbots - An anonymous reader quotes a report from New Atlas: It's at least as good as our b... -


@itnewsbot woah, now I can hear a bot from a muffled 20 year old dusty speaker instead of a pimply teenager. Revolutionary!

Gotterdammerung, to ai

Whassup? Still getting used to this new platform. Also has anyone checked out the latest and greatest LLM, Hugging Chat?


@Gotterdammerung HuggingChat is just a wrapper on top of OpenAssistant. It's not gonna match the correctness levels of ChatGPT till it's fine tuned more. Let's wait a bit longer, it's only been out for 3 weeks.

cassidy, to ai avatar

I get that it’s hot right now, but man, the user experience of LLMs being this bot you type text to seems like a huge step backwards compared to just integrating these AI features natively into products.


@cassidy Google Cloud already has it, but in standard Google fashion, it's only usable by someone at least on the freshman CS level.

aral, to random avatar

Encrypted messaging provider: “We make our money selling this to the police.”

Tech folks: This is cool and normal.



@aral It's more true the other way around. Department of Defense is a big contributor to open source. I express my gratitude to the federal employees whose effort into designing and developing software for mandatory access control or mix networks.

Chanders, to bluesky avatar

Just RTd a bunch of it, but the protocol analysis by @sam is really worth a read.



@sam it's hilarious. it's not even out yet for self-hosting, but hipster soydevs are already shitting on it.

killyourfm, to ai avatar

And so it begins in full force.

Today, both Mailchimp and Hootsuite (very popular tools which I happen to use for @thunderbird newsletters and social media) invited me to use to compose Facebook posts, tweets, and emails, respectively.

I won't be using AI tools for writing. But you should know that it's starting to get exponentially more difficult knowing if the content you're absorbing is from a human or from something like .


@killyourfm My favorite content is from a human who used :)



@thunderbird Sure, but it can make something somewhat close to your style. It will output much more/faster than you can, but the quality will be quite different. I edit a lot more than I write, so LLMs are a great tool for me. They're kinda useless for pure writers.



@thunderbird if you're a fiction writer, instruction-following LLMs can help you prototype possible dialogs. This is what is about now.
Perhaps you can set up a character based on your writings? is more like a postal office employee. Too formal for non-technical writing IMO.

moira, to random avatar

This is an interesting thread on AT-protocol, the federation protocol that's intended to allow distributed Bluesky instances. Note: also sweary.



@moira That Sam guy seems to be mostly whining about how they didn't choose activitypub. He says AT protocol DIDs are unnecessary, cause there's already that can be used as ID. He's wrong, it's a useful feature similar to keybase, or SSL autorities, or something like Namecoin.

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