bramus, to random avatar

📣 Tune in on May 16 for to hear what’s new for View Transitions.

Not only will I talk about Cross-Document View Transitions for MPAs, I’ll also be covering a few improvements that allow you to more easily work with View Transitions in general.

bramus, to random avatar

Want to see something cool? Here it is: it’s a Scroll-Driven View Transition.

Yep, you read that right: the View Transition is controlled by you scrolling! There’s a lot to tell about this one, so let’s take a look …

Video of the thing I have built. It’s an header that expands/grows in an animated manner.

bramus, avatar

You are most likely already familiar with the first part of this concept, as that one got implemented by Maxi Ferreira about a year ago and got shared A LOT (we even featured it in last year’s !)

Live Demo:

Source Code:

Recording of

autism101, (edited ) to actuallyautistic avatar

Some autistic people find making phone calls extremely stressful and unpleasant and will avoid them at all costs.

Please don’t try and force your communication preferences on others.



@miaoue @autism101 @actuallyautistic

I vaguely remember from a year or two ago mentioning a way to have Google assistant place calls and schedule appointments for you. I've never actually looked into how to use it though, I just use the Call Screen feature on incoming calls

tanepiper, to random avatar

Watching someone copy and paste code from Google developer docs to Glitch to show this demo is not how I wanted to spend this workshop

adrian, to random avatar

Hello Amsterdam 🇳🇱
Team from Krakow just landed 👋

tomayac, to random avatar

From Connect in Miami 🇺🇸🌴 straight to Tenerife 🇪🇸🌴 for . I’m the closing talk on Sunday: ¡Nos vemos!

tomayac, to random avatar

The quiet before the storm at Connect Miami 🌴 where we’re demo’ing 🐡 in practice with LEGO Education’s use of the Web Serial and the Web Bluetooth APIs for their SPIKE Prime kits, and Salonhub’s web payment solution that uses the WebUSB, Web Serial, Web Bluetooth, Web HID, Window Controls Overlay, Screen Wake Lock, and Idle Detection APIs (and probably more that I’m forgetting now) for their product.

hankg, to random

When Dart overtook Kotlin as my favorite language I still missed certain features of Kotlin. One was the incredibly powerful switch statement, called "when", that Kotlin had and being able to use that for assignment. Now that Dart 3 is out I now have the equivalent of that again :). It may be missing a couple of edge case features like "in" comparisons but I have to experiment more to determine that. Hats off Dart and Flutter Team. (Screenshot from the "What's New in Dart and Flutter" presentation from #GoogleIO #GoogleIO2023 #flutter #dart #kotlin

majorlinux, to ai avatar

Is it weird that all those developers were cheering on the thing Google is building to replace them?

The MajorLinux Show: Google I/O Keynote (05/10/2023)

bramus, to random avatar

Just before the weekend, Scroll-Driven Animations got enabled by default in Chrome Canary 🎉

That means you no longer need to enable the Experimental Web Platform Features flag when visiting which holds a bunch of demos and tools.

bramus, avatar

If you need an intro on Scroll-Driven Animations, go check out my talk which has a section on this.

(Also covered are View Transitions, Individual Transform Properties, and CSS linear())

3kh0, to ai

Gmail has also started to get features with AI including email generation, and modification such as formalize, elaborate, shorten, and a intresting I'm Feeling Lucky option aswell


3kh0, to ai

AI writing in google docs is starting to roll out to people on the wait list. If you want to get into these beta programs, you can do so here:

pallenberg, to random avatar
youthere1, to random

Hey @jeffjarvis …really enjoyed your fun input along with @leo during the live coverage on @TWiT

Vivaldi, to random avatar

Hang on, was Vivaldi browser really just featured at ?

Yes, Vivaldi's was indeed featured!

Find out why here ⬇️

stephaniewalter, to accessibility avatar

What's new in Android Accessibility:
A couple of new features regarding screen readers and sound accessibility and more tools to help you test and check accessibility of your native apps

stephaniewalter, to random avatar

Yesterday I was invited to a Twitter Space Google I/O as GDE webplatform and discussed, among other things, new features coming to the web (
I'm genuinely happy to see we go towards more user-centric and inclusive, accessible experiences with a lot of new CSS features and APIs.
We need to embrace that flexible nature of the web.

stephaniewalter, avatar

I also would love it, if more designers could start getting interested into all those new features and in how to use them for a greater experience. You don't need to learn to code. But, understanding what a browser can do will for sure help build better, more user-centric experiences in the next couple of years.
So, yeah, I'm super happy to see where the web platform is going those days.

Vivaldi, to random avatar

record scratch

freeze frame

Yup, that’s me. You’re probably wondering how I ended up in this situation.

Stay tuned for more.

axwax, to random

All you need to know about is in the first 30 seconds of this video.

pallenberg, to random avatar

Neben meiner ultimativen Zuammenfassung hier ➡️ gibt es noch einmal ein paar Highlights innerhalb von nur 14 Sekunden.

Ton an!

Google CEO Sundar Pichai in einem Best of Video seiner Keynote

mikedoise, to random avatar

We recorded a great #iACast episode today with @GT11, @TechEnthusiast, and Lynn on the new apps for #iPadOS and everything covered at #GoogleIO. It will be available this weekend. We can’t wait for everyone to hear it.

majorlinux, to ai avatar

Is it weird that all those developers were cheering on the thing Google is building to replace them?

The MajorLinux Show: Google I/O Keynote (05/10/2023)

parismarx, to tech avatar

Google’s vision for the future of search shows how generative AI is all about increasing corporate power.

Instead of sending you to different websites, Google has scraped the open web to generate plagiarized answers to keep you looking at ads on Google. We need to stop being distracted by AI hype and fantasies about intelligent machines, so we can push back on the real threats before it’s too late.

TechDesk, to ai avatar

Google announced yesterday that many of its major products will have AI integration, which includes one of the most widely used sites, Google Search. As Big Tech companies battle for AI dominance, Europe is taking the lead with specific guardrails. Vox looks at what Washington is doing to protect Americans from AI's rapid advancement.

majorlinux, to music avatar
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