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lamacchinadesiderante, Italian avatar

Proxy Raye è un frontend alternativo per XVideos. Permette di guardare i video senza tracciamento e pubblicità, tramite un'interfaccia pulita ed essenziale.

L'ho riscritto da zero in Next.js. La nuova versione contiene le seguenti migliorie:

  • video HD e selettore qualità video.
  • rotazione user-agent anti ban.
  • switcher tema dark/light.

Il tutto è facilmente self-hostabile. Il sorgente è sul mio repo gitea e su codeberg.

Nelle prossime release aggiungerò altre cose importanti come i filtri per la ricerca e la possibilità di cercare su altri siti oltre a XVideos.

La pornografia è sostanzialmente innocua e sopravvalutata. La divisione porno/non-porno è un costrutto borghese originario della metà dell'800. La sessualità e il desiderio non sono confinate (se non illusoriamente) a certe pratiche o parti del corpo. Da una parte le piattaforme come XVideos hanno reso la pornografia più accessibile, sdoganando e permettendo la pubblicazione di contenuti con pratiche e corpi esclusi dal porno mainstream. Dall'altra rappresentano esperienze utente orrende: banner e popup ovunque, annunci ai limiti del distopico. Il senso di questo progetto è: attaccare il contenitore, non il contenuto. Far bruciare banda e impedire la monetizzazione. Un modo anti-capitalista di usare la pornografia. Questa serie di facciate malcela il tentativo di nobilitare qualcosa di banale e poco interessante come la pornografia. L'immagine è la prigione del desiderio. Buona masturbazione.


I'm unable to pull this up and boost here. Was able to get the whole stream on a Glitch-soc box np, and I can follow the curator here too, but I'm too tired to try testing on Hubzilla or Friendica at the moment; so I'll just post the link then, which may be of interest to some, ... Actually, I suspect, many.

We've had some discussions about this over in the Fediverse-City Matrix room, Where Ryan is also a participant. It's apropos of the recent onboarding with respect to Flipboard curators and also the nacent interoperability we're experiencing with Bluesky's ATP.

Baby steps folks, baby steps, as they say ;)

Building Bridges to the Fediverse, with Bridgy Fed’s Ryan Barrett

I'm interested in hearing any feedback you may have to offer and as always, boosts are welcome :)

#tallship #FOSS #Fediverse #ActivityPub #bridges #interprotocol_federation #ATP


opensoul, Italian avatar

Uso praticamente da sempre, e negli anni ho donato varie volte

Ma negli ultimi anni devo dire il lavoro che è stato fatto per migliorarlo è senza eguali: merita solo premi ed elogi immensi!

(specialmente l'arrivo di TB sul mobile con )

Per questo ho donato di nuovo oggi una somma maggiore

Chiunque usi Thunderbird e ami il , consideri la possibilità di donare per il progetto e renderlo sempre migliore oltre che

thunderbird, avatar

@opensoul Siamo molto grati per il vostro continuo e crescente sostegno! Ci auguriamo che sappiate che queste donazioni hanno reso possibili miglioramenti come lo sviluppo di un'applicazione Android, quindi grazie per tutto ciò che fate! 😊 💙 (via DeepL)

libreoffice, avatar

Did you know that has a tabbed user interface option? Make sure you're using the latest release, LibreOffice 24.2, to get the most from it! (And you can find it in the menu under View > User Interface...)


@libreoffice what about libadwaita + gtk 4

libreoffice, avatar
hankuoffroad, avatar

To (software) documentation writers,

I put together screencast (video) and step by step guide (text).

<First-Time Git Setup for Fedora Docs repositories>

  1. Video (link to PeerTube):

  1. Source text (GitLab)


m0bi13, Polish avatar

A wiecie, że projekt , promujący granie w gry open source (również najczęściej darmowe) ma od pewnego czasu bardzo ładną (i przydatną 👍) stronę www?

Jeśli lubicie pograć (niekoniecznie na Linuksie!) w fajnym towarzystwie, bez wydawania miliona monet, to polecam:

oraz ich konto w Fedi:

Miłego grania 🎮

FOSSGralnia, avatar

Trudno się nie zgodzić 😇

Oczywiście nie możemy nie wspomnieć o tym, że gdyby nie fundacja FTdL, nie byłoby nas tutaj.

I my dziękujemy @m0bi13 za niewiarygodne wsparcie! 🤩 Jesteście najlepsi!

m0bi13, avatar


Ach, dzięki 😊

FlockOfCats, avatar

Looks like a big change happened at that might be of interest to people who are it.

Hopefully this is a good thing, but the past couple of decades have made me very wary of announcements like“this thing you like has Company XYZ!”

FlockOfCats, avatar

@piepants yeah

That’s my take too, after reading up on FUTO

Cautiously optimistic it’s a good thing 😊

piepants, avatar

@FlockOfCats This response from the dev team is a good one. Basically - if they do decide to do a rug pull and change the licence from AGPL, people (including the original team) are free to walk out and fork it.

zettlr, avatar

May 1st is the International Workers' Day.

Developing free software is work that is done free of charge. But the resources we depend on to do our work are not free.

Help us help you and become a patron today!

Go to and support Zettlr!

LibreOfficeDE, German avatar

Im Mai passiert etwas Besonderes: Es ist der Monat des ! Nehmen Sie an unserem Projekt teil, lernen Sie neue Dinge und holen Sie sich als Dankeschön ein cooles Sticker-Paket (oder extra Merch):

libreoffice, avatar

Something special is happening in May: it's the Month of ! Join our project, learn new things, and grab a cool sticker pack (or extra merch) as thanks:

OliverNoble, avatar

@libreoffice I use libre office - spreadsheet (calc) and wp (writer) I like it and prefer it to ms-word and excel

janvlug, avatar

@libreoffice I've been using #LibreOffice for many years. Only when I'm forced I use another office suite, and that did not happen in the last 2.5 years.

I highly recommend LibreOffice!

#FOSS #opensource #DigitalSovereignty

Kjaerulv, Danish avatar

Vejen FREMAD er åben. Vi bør slå ind på den nu - vi kan ikke blive ved med at tage så magne dumme beslutninger og købe så meget software vi ikke ejer og ikke har kontrol over!
".. vi er overbeviste om, at det på sigt vil være for det bedste, økonomisk såvel som sikkerhedsmæssigt, både af hensyn til databeskyttelsen og landets suverænitet, at indføre denne klausul, om at al offentlig software skal være fri software/open source"

potatomeow, avatar

i used lighthouse to measure website responsiveness. but is there any alternatives that runs locally?? FOSS??

penryu, avatar

@potatomeow It doesn't really deal with responsiveness, but one of my teams used axe extension to measure site accessibility:

libreoffice, avatar

Catch up on what's happening in the project and community! Here's what we did in April:

housepanther, avatar

@libreoffice I really and truly love LibreOffice. I use it daily and it works very well.

libreoffice, avatar

This comes as no surprise to anyone who's actually been paying attention over the past couple of years:

All I can really say is, "OH Happy Day!"

Let the games begin, I'll bring the popcorn :p

#tallship #FOSS #Fediverse #fork #masto @thenexusofprivacy


danie10, avatar

@tallship @thenexusofprivacy thing is though there are also many existing alternatives to Mastodon already on the Fediverse, so why fork it? GoToSocial looks interesting and they don't have a central instance, you host your own even on a Pi.


@jupiter_rowland @danie10 @thenexusofprivacy @mikedev

Okay first I should state that I've never actually said that masto isn't a solid and capable platform. It is, but at a severe cost - the design of masto, notwithstanding the insistence on maintaining a historically lackluster feature set when compared with almost any other Fediverse software, is such that it really isn't built for #DeSoc - it really strives to be some sort of unachievable ideal for the monolithic silo model.

No one but me seems to site this nowadays, but masto doesn't even really shine with respect to cost in terms of system resources and stability until you approach the 20,000 user account mark. What? Why would you do that? Back when these stats were being bandied about, Pleroma was showcasing its new #Gopher protocol (browsing) support, and reminding people that it felt perfectly at home on an #rPi. No such claim was ever made for masto, lolz. That doesn't mean that the other platforms aren't just as capable of scaling vertically... but... why? Who's going to foot the bill? Who's going to manage all of those un-vetted people creating accounts on your machines? Why would someone bother with that in the first place?

Community? Nope - there's no sense of community on masto servers, and I'll get to that later. Because you want to create your own private Idaho? Probably. is one of, if not the, largest deprecated monolithic silos existing in the Fediverse today. Why? What possible benefit could be derived by driving a million people into a single funnel under the auspices of telling them that they're escaping that very same model? It's ludicrous.

No matter what happens in the short term, Eugen is assured of his parachute and comfortable retirement fund, except for the part where he forgot to have his new significant other sign a pre-nup - that might dash his net worth later, but that's another consideration entirely. I hope his marriage is actually a long and fruitful one that lasts forever, he's not a bad guy, he's just been courted and corrupted by the "Ooh shiney" phenomenon of financial entrapments that come with relative success in the media and pop culture.

The reason masto needs to be hard forked (several times, IMO) is not to create a better masto that will lend itself to DeSoc, #smolweb, and self-hosting on people's home networks, but rather, to further dilute the trademark, and especially the brand, effectively killing it if possible, supplanting it with Fediverse instead. People like to bounce around that term inclusivity, well, this accomplishes that.

Forks of masto aren't going to create a better masto. No way. Sure, some improvements on this one, other features on that one, but dilution of the brand until it is only as significant as any other deserving Fediverse platform is and should be the ultimate goal. It's not well suited, architecturally for horizontal scaling anyway, unless you don't mind throwing all those system resources at it that could better serve you elsewhere with something like #GoToSocial or one of the #Misskey and #Pleroma family fork members.

True leaders in the Fediverse will initially be those platforms that have planned ahead and accommodate other DeSoc protocols, arguably Fediverse protocols, at this time, #Diaspora, #OStatus, #Nomad, #Zot, and even others that some #Fedizens turn their noses up at, like #nostr and #Bluesky's #ATP. #ActivityPub is NOT the end-all, be-all for the future. It is the golden calf of today, and just as others that have come before, it will morph and evolve or be obviated by others that will be plugged into the platforms currently running it - #Friendica, #Hubzilla, and Streams are prime examples of this, and Friendica especially, considering it's the only extant original member of the Fediverse for all intents and purposes. One could say that Friendica is the #Slackware of the Fediverse, lolz.

With respect to Friendica in particular, but also Hubzilla and others that have arrived at this obvious conclusion, ActivityPub is merely the major vehicle by which it communicates with other decentralized social communications systems on the Internet. I don't think it has ever lost sight of that, like another of its contemporaries, #GNU_Social did.

Hemming large masses of people onto a single (and at this time appearing to be) and open walled garden has the immediate effect of control over large swaths of population - you can say this, but not that. You can think this, but not that. You can be this, but not that. You can believe this, but not that - under penalty of excommunication.

In reality, we don't have strong friendships with our neighbors - that's why we have fences. We wave to them and say hi, call the cops when their on vacation and see someone suspicious lurking about their property. That's about the extent of being a neighbor. We invite our friends and coworkers over for BBQ's and to swim in our pools, not so much our neighbors.

The current masto social architecture is the antithesis of that, and so is it's physical architecture - put all the lobsters in the same pot of boiling water. Turn on and off their ability to speak all at once. Force them en masse to endure advertising blitzes (Oh, mark my word that's coming) decided upon by the server admin. It's like Baba O'Reilly by The Who - "Meet the new boss, Same as the old boss".

That's not the promise of Fediverse. it's the antonym.

masto also hinders innovation, attempting to define, dictate even, what should and should not be available - Nomadic identity is but one emerging facet of what is fracturing the masto monopolistic initiative - and that's a good thing, because with the help of FEPs, already, others are adopting various cooperative models for this as well, but discussing that now, and here, at this time, is more of a tangent so I'll get back to the point.

> That's why people still fork Mastodon to add features that are available just about everywhere else.

Indeed it is, and why it has managed to enjoy a reasonable level of notoriety. There's also the wholly undeserved notion of community that actually, in direct opposition to, masto has continually sought to break and in a very big way, break.

There are certainly platforms (mostly forumware) that curate a sense of community, but those days are largely past. Whether it was #gplus, #Myspace, #Faceplant, #InstaSPAM, or #Twitter; because just as it is in real life, #COMMUNITY is that which you define for yourself through your connections - your follows and those who choose to follow your account. The biggest failures in the Fediverse that I've personally observed are those that seek to localize, geographically or by shared interest, a monolithic ivory tower of sameness and similarity amongst people.

I felt so awful for one guy who, so enthusiastically upon discovering the Fediverse, started registering domain names corresponding to several states, thinking that he would be successful in launching a geographically oriented family of masto based servers tending to the shared interests of people by offering them a place to congregate. He quickly discovered the fatal flaw in his model, but was stuck with hefty data center bills to maintain all these masto servers that were largely uninhabited.

Trying to get rid of your masto subscribers when you figure out that you need to egress from it is not an easy task without disenfranchising your user base. I know, because a few years back, not long after @Gled archived his #mastodo fork and urged everyone to adopt Pleroma instead, I face the daunting task of trying to convince my user base to migrate elsewhere - it took more than a year to accomplish!

> thing is though there are also many existing alternatives to Mastodon already on the Fediverse, so why fork it?

In a nutshell, because it serves to, at the very least, dilute the masto brand, and more likely kill it. It has served its purpose and now that it has been exposed as a vehicle antithetical to #DeSoc, it's time to deprecate it.

My introduction to the #Fediverse occurred when I stumbled upon an earlier incarnation of #Friendica, started looking at #Red_Matrix, and discovered that the monolithic model, if not having been shown the door, had at least been handed its hat.

The problem at that time, was the effect of Prettiness, and of course, UX. Friendica wasn't too bad in that latter sense, when compared to that of Faceplant, but it sure didn't even come close to being as pretty as Faceplant - or even Myspace, which had only recently fallen into the abyss. That's changed A LOT, even in just the past year, with respect to Friendica and Hubzilla - they're much more intuitive for a layperson parachuting to the ground after jumping from the cesspit over at Faceplant.

I think that more than anything, not being pretty enough for the subjugated chattel coming from Twitter and Faceplant, was the most difficult thing for onboarders to embrace. Mike placed all of his focus on functionality and forward thinking vision with respect to what these and later efforts could provide the masses, but the "prettification" was left to others who didn't step up for the challenge for many years. I'm all for features six-ways to Sunday, but I also feel that many things need to be hidden from the landing page a new user sees upon account creation - the very basics they expect should be there, akin to those available in the deprecated monolithic space; users expect this, but they don't yet know they not only want, but really need all of these other feature sets too, yet some things should left, IMO, to be discovered later by the user.

And in my conversations years ago with Mike, I gleaned as much from him: "Here's this really bitchen gift for the masses, it does all this kewl stuff, now I leave it up to others to make it pretty" (and with a sense of coherency that these former subjugated chattel can initially get their heads around). Putting all that stuff right in their face was awe inspiring, but foreboding at the same time for many.

Well, finally, people are making it pretty :) And they're also moving much of the overwhelming busy-ness elsewhere in the UI. As a result, there's been an explosion of adoption - not even primarily from former masto folks either.

I'd like to touch on the notion of community one more time in closing. It might be convenient for n00bie onboarders to glean a bit about how a particular platform functions, but just like in your own neighborhood where you live, you make friends elsewhere mostly - at work, at functions of the hobbies you engage in, with friends you meet at the grocery store or libraries, and the beaches or on hiking or 4x4 weekend excursions. It's the same way in the Fediverse, you make your friends through connections here and there through people you discover along the way, and 99% of them ARE NOT on your particular server instance.

They don't need to be either, because this is the Fediverse :)

#tallship #FOSS



Okay it's one of those, "What's peculiar here?" kinda things.

Consider the source itself. And I certainly don't mean code of any sort. 'Why' would 'They' cite Wikipedia, as good a resource as anyone might think it to be?

Why not cite yourself? Instead of citing someone else - who will merely turn right around and cite you as the ultimate source reference?

#FOSS #DOS, get it? I was rather amused. Anyway, Here it is.

#tallship #Microsoft h/t to: @csolisr You can haz #Cheezburgerz! 🍔


reidrac, avatar

@tallship I like the "for reference purposes". That's not what the licence says 😂

reidrac, avatar

@tallship makes me wonder who approved this and what was the level of understanding of it 😂

lislegaard, avatar

Is there a free software that is good for designing zines?

I know there is the scissers and Xerox method but I was more thinking to do a computer design and having it printed in a shop.

So something where I could add all the elements, sort them in the correct layout for printing and export pdf and correct colors and all that stuff.

I know there are zinemakers in on Fedi.

Any tips?

matthewconroy, avatar

@lislegaard I've used LaTeX for the two zines I've made and it's worked well. I used pdfbook2 to get the page ordering right.

robinlovelace, (edited ) avatar

Request for help from anyone with package development experience or knowledge of time data, especially if you've worked with .ical files before: checks failing in the {calendar} package preventing updated on CRAN and I'm not sure why 🤷 . Thanks to new contributors for reviving this package after ~5 years dev hiatus! Please spread the word @rOpenSci and anyone in this for (or at least dates) space! Details:

_TimTaylor, (edited ) avatar

@robinlovelace Timezone issue? Away from computer but try setting a different timezone and rerunning the tests locally. That can often highlight logical errors when working with packages involving dates. Something like

TZ=NZ R CMD check

Or maybe TZ=AT which might match Vienna. Possibly sending you on wild goose chase but worth a try …


ryanstraight, avatar

@robinlovelace ooo, I've been wanting something like the {calendar} package! It's perfect for integrating into my project management template with its NSF grant boilerplate. Nice.

libreoffice, avatar

Did you know that #LibreOffice has a built-in QR and barcode generator? Now you do 😉 #foss #opensource

Phil35, avatar

I didn't know that
That's excellent
Thank you

cibersheep, avatar

@libreoffice Ooooh! I didn't know. I always imported them through @inkscape (that has also a generator)


lulu_powerful, avatar

*** Going all-in on Linux ***

I'm getting rid of Windows.

I'll never hassle others for keeping it as their daily driver. There are practical costs, and pressure to yield to industry norms.

But right now, I'm largely free of those constraints. There will never be a better time to go "all-in".

I'll still occasionally need a Windows VM, because I can't entirely unshackle myself from reality. But I will be in control of my machine - not Microsoft. And that's a happy thought. :)

lulu_powerful, avatar

@brodriguesco I haven't decided. There are live boots I can try, but my usual modus operandi is to make a comparison table and agonise over it. :P

Light, or light-ish, would be ideal.

I'd also like a distro that offers the "usual setup" straight out of the box: systemd, X11. I can't credibly form a view on the alternatives if I haven't spent sufficient time with the incumbents.

brodriguesco, avatar

@lulu_powerful For something lite and as easy to use as possible, I really Lubuntu. Haven't tried other things like Linux Mint, but that could be a nice alternative as well. Pop_os is also popular, but haven't tried it myself either.


Each passing year I'm ever more glad to rely on Linux not Windows or macOS for my desktop experience. I wish I had a practical FOSS solution for mobile as well.…

pthane, avatar

I used LineageOS on my last phone and it was fine. Not totally FOSS but nearly, and certainly Google-free. Unfortunately it's only available for a limited range of phones, not including this cheap Oppo.

yianiris, avatar

See how your browser rates in privacy and security against others

it is about choice

adminmagazine, avatar
dentangle, avatar

All Your Base Are Belong to LLM

"The output from an LLM is a derivative work of the data used to train the LLM.

If we fail to recognise this, or are unable to uphold this in law, copyright (and copyleft on which it depends) is dead. Copyright will still be used against us by corporations, but its utility to FOSS to preserve freedom is gone."

dentangle, avatar

@mishari "We show an adversary can extract gigabytes of training data from open-source language models like Pythia or GPT-Neo, semi-open models like LLaMA or Falcon, and closed models like ChatGPT"

dentangle, avatar

@helgztech True. This is why the work of organisations like @conservancy is so important. Copyleft requires some level of enforcement.

blainsmith, avatar
syeedali, avatar

Wow am I shocked there aren't many FOSS Mahjong-solitaire / Shisen-Sho games. I'll look harder because now I'm mad.

adamsdesk, avatar
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