Mental Health

Vivaldi, avatar

📋ADHDers love curating Reading Lists to stay on track.

🫣Going back to them, though, is another story.

Have you tried giving yourself little rewards when you check off read items from the list? Because they totally count as mini victories! 🥳

It's true that neurodivergent minds are energized and motivated when they set and execute goals, gain achievements, communicate, create, strategize, innovate, or serve and connect with people.

But the constant whirlwind of killer ideas and endless possibilities, without the reigns of process, structure, and execution, can get debilitating.

🧰 To help you crush those distractions, we've curated a list of helpful tools available for you to use on our browser.

Building systems and leveraging productivity tools can set you up for success and manage your scattered thoughts.

Our built-in Reading List is one such example, read the blog for more👇

15-second video of the Vivaldi browser’s built-in Reading List feature.

thor, avatar

@Vivaldi I applied for a job at Opera, Grünerløkka. Application was rejected. I wasn't organised enough, I expect. If Vivaldi wants a talented programmer now, I'm prepared to step up.

mike, avatar

@Vivaldi The built in reading list is an amazing feature. Recently you've added the ability to share links directly to the reading list, which is a fantastic addition. I love being able to add a link from any app (usually my feed reader) on my phone easily to the reading list and just pick it up and read it next time I'm on my computer or tablet.

Jaden3, avatar

My gramps gave me the best advice I gonna try and follow .
Here it is ..........
Jaden .Deal with shit when it happens. Don't think about it before or after .
Fck ! That fking hits ! That's it !!!!! That fking simple!!!
Yall can do this you gon be happy af .
My grammpa a genius 👏🏾 🙌🏾
I need a hashtag I can share dis shit wide ????
#mentalhealth #mentalhealthawarenessmonth

paul, avatar

@Jaden3 He is right, and we know it. Thinking about what may happen eats up your energy, and afterwards is no use as it happened.
This is how I live too.
High-five to your gramps.

futuresprog, avatar

Your grampa is smart! That’s part of Stoic philosophy that Epictetus was talking about thousands of years ago.

I was just sharing that recently with someone who was nervous: if you worry and it doesn’t happen, you worried for nothing. So don’t worry. You can deal with shit when it happens.


JosephMeyer, avatar

I think this NPR story comes close to getting everything right about the dilemmas of involuntary treatment of psychiatric illnesses. I highly recommend it.


Wen, avatar

As a teenager, John was jailed for assaulting someone and stealing their bike. That was 17 years ago – will he ever be released?

More tails from the misery that is indefinite imprisonment in England and Wales. Introduced by Labour (Blunkett) and since repealed with no thought for those imprisoned.

murraymitchell, avatar

@Wen I’m crying! What cruel punishment. Ministers and Home Office officials need to be held accountable for their actions. Why is it taking so long to remedy this?

vlrny, avatar

Following up on a side chat, what are folks doing for lazy food hacks when yer too tired to cook but don't want to eat junk?

Share yer ideas so others can steal 'em!

MsHearthWitch, avatar


  • PB and banana toast (can just be bread if toasting is more effort than desired)
  • cereal
  • cream cheese and smoked salmon on a bagel

Hands off or very low spoon:

  • salmon in air fryer with rice
  • fried egg on bread
  • chx caesar (chicken nuggies in air fryer, tossed with franks buffalo, in a bowl of romaine with caesar dressing)
  • marinara on a piece of naan/bread with cheese in the toaster oven (I'll add ham and/or banana peppers if I'm feeling fancy)

MsHearthWitch, avatar

@dasparky @vlrny Sushi rice in the rice cooker + salmon and veg in the air fryer is a go-to around here.

batichi, avatar

#AltText Reminder for when on desktop.

Well, if I'm going to have insomnia on the regular I might as well gamify it. And this way I'll know how many spoons I have to work with the next day.

Thanks Habitica

#mentalHealth #insomnia #disability

batichi, avatar

'Restful' sleep is not on here, because even when I do get 'restful' sleep, it's not really in my control to do so. I'm realizing some words hold more personal weight than others. And the more I can work around them, the more I can keep the parrot quiet.

My nervous system has so many ingrained problems with certain words and it's fucking weird. Triggers are a bizzare feeling when they calm down.

batichi, avatar

Gonna dataset myself into autonomy LETS FUCKIN GOOOOO

FiStitchWitch, avatar

Okay, its a terrible picture and its not ironed cause its way too hot to iron. The pattern is straight, fabric is just bundled up under it.

by . Stitched on white 16ct aida fabric, using approx 370 metres of black DMC thread, 6 needles used. Final stitched area is - 55cm wide and 69cm high.

This was a labour of love, a challenge, a reward to myself, part of my journey.

Its done now.


AnnonBudgie, avatar

@FiStitchWitch @crossstitch that is really impressive!!!!
It looks fantastic.
🤩 🤩 🤩 🤩 🤩

FiStitchWitch, avatar

@AnnonBudgie @crossstitch Thank you, I never want to stitch black on white again.....I will of course, but I never want to 😂

psoul, avatar

I had a horrifying nightmare last night.

I was back at my first job at iRobot. Some manager I currently follow on linked in last night had re-hired me.
I was excited to just make money again.
Howerver, I didn’t go to work on my second day because of burnout/depression.
I didn’t go to work on my third day because of the anxiety caused by not letting my employer know what was going on.

On the 4th day I went to work. They mocked my apology when I finally talked to them. While I was gone, manager and his friend coworker stormed the corporate housing I was staying at and put all my stuff on the street. They kicked me out and kept mocking me…

The end

Why does it sound like it could have happened in real life?
#capitalism #mentalhealth #work #burnout #depression #anxiety

psoul, avatar

But back to the main topic: poor mental health can be absolutely paralyzing. I could totally see myself beeing frozen at the idea of missing work and scolding myself for omitting to warn my employer, putting even more pressure on myself (“I’m a failure”), making myself even more paralyzed, skiping even more work…

I am getting anxiety just writing about this FICTIONAL situation.

We need to normalize mental health days.

psoul, avatar

And for today: unplug your laptop.
This incoming geomagnetic storm my disrupt electricity transmission. It would be a shame to run out of battery when there is now power

markwyner, (edited ) avatar

Previously when I’ve shared this a number of people DM me to say they didn’t know it existed. This really surprised me, so I share it every so often.

If you might need it, tuck it away. If you know others who might, make sure they know.

We can feel vulnerable talking with friends and family. The 988 folks are compassionate, and enable anonymity and care when it’s needed most.

(This is for U.S. and Canada.)

#MentalHealth #Depression #Anxiety #SuicidePrevention #Lifeline #Hotline

funguy2playwith, avatar

🇨🇦 It also works in #Canada now as of November 2023. You can call or text 988 as well

ideogram, avatar

In the UK and Ireland, Samaritans can be contacted on freephone 116 123, or email or In the US, you can call or text the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline on 988, chat on, or text HOME to 741741 to connect with a crisis counselor. In Australia, the crisis support service Lifeline is 13 11 14. Other international helplines can be found at

LEAD_Coalition, avatar

As caregivers, we need each other. We need empathy without pity. We need advice without judgement. We need friendship without expectations.

f1337, avatar

Thing I learned at camp:


cc @actuallyautistic

everyday_human, avatar

@f1337 @actuallyautistic
There’s a mental health camp?

f1337, avatar

@everyday_human @actuallyautistic

Sorta, I’m using a little artistic license to describe the program at Sierra Tucson (Tucson, AZ, US):

lukemartell, avatar

I know a not very political A&E mental health nurse who says most of the people she deals with are there because of social problems that need social solutions not psychological ones that need what they tend to get which is the more superficial response of drugs.
Why is Britain’s mental health so incredibly poor? It’s because our society is spiralling backwards. On mental health and neoliberalism.

Wen, avatar

Why is Britain’s mental health so incredibly poor? It’s because our society is spiralling backwards

"There is a reason for these broken promises and dysfunctions, which explains why the UK suffers more from them than most comparable nations. It’s called neoliberalism.|

#MentalHealth #ukPolitics #Monbiot #NeoLiberalism

SubtleBlade, avatar

'Why is #Britain’s #MentalHealth so incredibly poor? It’s because our society is spiralling backwards'

''...out of the 71 countries it assessed, the #UnitedKingdom, alongside #SouthAfrica, has the highest proportion of people in #MentalDistress – and the second worst overall measure of mental health...'
#ToryPoliciesInAction #neoliberalism #Health #PublicHealth

stefan, avatar

These are my emotional support side projects.


SFPublicPress, avatar

Common narratives about #homelessness and #mentalhealth in #SF focus on people who reject help. But last fall, our reporters met an unhoused man so desperate for care that he asked to be detained just to get his meds. 🧵

black_flag, avatar

Physical wounds leave scars for life. So why wouldn't psychological ones too?

thor, avatar

Something very interesting I accidentally came across while investigating what neurotransmitters are involved in an orgasm (turns out to be basically all of them, but oxytocin and vasopressin are specific to sex, love and friendship):

thor, avatar

One huge thing about many developmental brain disorders is that many of them can be nipped in the bud if intervention happens early. The earlier, the better. And much of it is simply about spending quality time with the kid and ensuring that they have a safe and supportive environment in school. That last one is a challenge, because kids can be toxic as hell, and it's usually when the adults aren't looking.

thor, avatar

I'm neurodiverse and when I was pre-school age, my parents were concerned for me. There weren't many kids to play with in my neighbourhood, so I often played alone. They even put a classified ad in the newspaper to find playmates for me, but it didn't work. I've later learned that if kids don't get to play together at that crucial age, it will impair social learning later in life. Foundational brain circuitry for socialisation is formed at that time, and you can't fully fix it later.

moskitokoenig, German avatar

»90 Prozent von queeren Amerikaner*innen zwischen 13 und 24 Jahren erklärten laute einer neuen Studie, dass ihre Wohlbefinden negativ von der "aktuellen Politik" beeinflusst werde. (...)
Zwölf Prozent der Befragten gaben an, in den vergangenen zwölf Monaten einen Suizidversuch unternommen zu haben. Sogar 39 Prozent hätten über Suizid nachgedacht – bei nichtbinären und trans Befragten waren es sogar 46 Prozent.«

CosmicTraveler, avatar

Probably won't be boosting much for a week or so.... I found out I have shingles today, which is bullshit because I'm basically a decade away from qualifying for the shingles vaccine 😞 So if you follow me for boosts... I'm not dead, I'll be back when I can find a comfortable position besides standing. #illness

robertroybritt, avatar

Amid a severe shortage of #mentalhealth care providers, a survey finds most Americans give the US mental healthcare system poor or failing grades. Cost is a factor, but the biggest problem: Not enough therapists to go around to deal with rising cases of #depression, #anxiety and other conditions.

jonobie, avatar

@robertroybritt There’s definitely a larger wave of newly trained therapists coming out now.

But insurance is also to blame; ghost networks exist partially because their pay and conditions aren’t great. Just heard of someone yesterday who had Blue Cross Blue Shield claw back money they’d supposedly paid the therapist in 2022. 🙄

aronow, avatar

Good morning to everyone except the guy who told me that maybe if I just changed my diet (based on a special he saw on Netflix) I could stop taking all my meds.

Nobody likes that guy.

mdmrn, avatar

@aronow :MaguChan:

Good morning to literally everyone but that guy. What nonsense is that?!?

Garwboy, avatar

"Employers care too much about mental health now"

What? Most employers approach to is still basically handing out pamphlets that say "suck it up" in the friendliest possible language, and tying a yellow balloon to your termination notice when you can't.

f1337, avatar

Things I learned at “ camp”:

  • is a wound to the body, mind, & spirit.
  • Trauma, while caused by past events, actually lives in the body, in the present.
  • Healing from trauma does not require re-experiencing the event. We can heal from trauma that we don’t remember.
  • A multimodal approach to trauma recovery is ideal. Not every mode works for every person.
  • The behavioral model for mental health is fundamentally broken pseudoscience.


redscroll, avatar

@f1337 @actuallyautistic can you elaborate on the last point a little? I think I know what it means, but not entirely sure

f1337, avatar

@redscroll @actuallyautistic

Happy to! The short version is that behaviors are symptoms. They are often symptoms of neurological damage and/or organ injury. Treating behavior is therefore obviously not treating the cause. But separate from treatment, diagnosis based on behavior alone is fraught with contradictions, misunderstandings, and diagnoses that range from inaccurate to harmful.


As we approach the end of Autism Acceptance Month, here is a reminder that countries like New Zealand will prohibit you from immigrating there if you are autistic.

Psychiatry and other forms of bigotry go hand in hand.

#MentalHealth #ActuallyAutistic #MadPride #AutismAcceptanceMonth #disability #autism


@simon_brooke It is "justified" because apparently autistic people to them are a burden on their healthcare system, quoting "severe cases of autism" costing a lot.

It also includes other conditions and disabilities that bar people from immigration to certain places.

Capitalism above all, ableism be the norm and eugenics are still alive. The healthcare is supposed to be profitable for them.


@simon_brooke It does not matter to them. You can invent a literal miracle cure for all diseases and thus save the world from a lot of misery, but the moment you are mentally ill, neurodivergent or otherwise disabled, it all goes to trash, because society views disabled and mad folks as inferior.

This has sadly been the norm all the time, just like what queer and POC folk go through.

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