@CivilityFan@sfba.social avatar



Met the love of my life in 1968 & together ever since, moved to #SFBayArea at 18 for SF State, drafted away by the #AlternateService as a CO, returned in ‘78. Was a #Union biomedical tech until retiring to Reno, NV. Resettled 03/22 in Vallejo. Never used Twitter but thought I’d give social media a go after learning about #Mastodon. Looking to find a local group of #Chess players. Favorite quote - It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

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TonyStark, to random
@TonyStark@progressivecafe.social avatar

I already shared an article from the ACLU regarding the rights of protesters this week but here’s another one.

There are loads of First Amendment protections that apply to everyone and everyone should know them but there are also things that aren’t covered and it’s nowhere near “do whatever you want wherever you want, zero consequences.”

Know the difference.

Know Your Rights | Protesters’ Rights | ACLU

@CivilityFan@sfba.social avatar

Civil disobedience can result in jail time and fines, but non violent protesting should never be punished by police brutality. It is frequently, though. Be prepared for physical injuries. It’s not right, it’s not fair, but it is inevitable.

qurlyjoe, to HashtagGames
@qurlyjoe@mstdn.social avatar

Tom Swift and the Deadly FPVs that he builds in his basement workshop and sends to Ukraine every week.

@CivilityFan@sfba.social avatar

Thanks for that, haven’t thought about Tom Swift for ages, I loved reading those adventures as a child

dougiec3, to random
@dougiec3@libretooth.gr avatar

Keep in mind that the US does not have a health care system. It has an insurance/medical industry.

@CivilityFan@sfba.social avatar

This is about doctors working for insurance companies. It may well be an indictment of that working relationship, but there are a lot of moving parts to the U.S. health care system and I believe your blanket statement gives short shrift to a lot of deeply committed persons who work their asses off every day to provide medical care to individuals and communities.
Let’s agree to demonize the real enemy here, those whose work removes money from providing care to others.

@CivilityFan@sfba.social avatar

These doctors are not practicing medicine, they are getting paid to review claims. What a waste of an education. Take the profit out of delivering healthcare and these positions evaporate, the money insurance companies siphon away from delivering medical care can be used for preventative strategies and societal costs go down, health outcomes improve and everyone wins except Wall Street

CivilityFan, to HashtagGames
@CivilityFan@sfba.social avatar

The Price is Right
Starring Bob Menendez


lin11c, to random
@lin11c@toad.social avatar

The NYTs disgusts me. I was a subscriber until 2016 when they clearly worked to install the vile traitor . I don't blame the Biden administration one bit.

@CivilityFan@sfba.social avatar

The reference to “paper of record” is out of date. The NYT hasn’t managed to offer its readers an unbiased read of the news in years. Their “Biden is old” story is lazy, the malice shown towards trans folk in publishing opinion as fact is reminiscent of Nazi propaganda and it has caused me to cease giving a sh*t about their reporting because news doesn’t need to be tampered with by editorial opinion. We already have Murdoch and Fox for that.

StillIRise1963, to random
@StillIRise1963@mastodon.world avatar

Name a search engine NG or “not google."

@CivilityFan@sfba.social avatar

Ecosia. They contribute to climate action by planting trees from monies received through searches

QueerInTheCountry, to random
@QueerInTheCountry@mas.to avatar

I'm seeing many post about BDS (boycott, divest, sanction) directed at Israel for their treatment of Palestinian people.
In the past I've suggested this for countries that criminalize LGBTQ people and murder them and all I usually hear is crickets.
Can't really understand what the difference is.

@CivilityFan@sfba.social avatar

You would then be sanctioning both sides in this war. Hamas, and the Palestinians in Gaza, criminalize LGBTQ+ folks. In the present conflict, it’s only okay to hate Jews for the action of their government, despite the fact that most Israelis are also demonstrating against Netanyahu’s fascist regime.

I’m sure calling this out as antisemitism will fill my timeline with negative responses, but it’s the answer to the question you propose. On the left and on the right, it seems hating Jews is okay

TonyStark, to random
@TonyStark@progressivecafe.social avatar

Voice of internet maturity. /s

@CivilityFan@sfba.social avatar

Had the SC stayed out of that election, I feel confident Gore would have done the job of listening to the presidential briefings and stopped the attack on 9/11 instead of being on vacation all the time in the lead up to that awful day. How much would have changed? Trillions in military spending, countless deaths and empowered extremists in the Middle East all due to Bush/Cheney attempt to get Iraq’s oil.
Yeah, not much difference. What an ass

darnell, to america
@darnell@one.darnell.one avatar

#GOP lady advocates that #America 🇺🇸 repeal the 19 Amendment of the #UnitedStates 🇺🇸 Constitution 📜, which guarantees women the right to vote.

👉🏾 https://x.com/lizziemarbach/status/1780956793985712206 (screen shot provided below)

I discovered this via #Threads 🧵: https://www.threads.net/

I heard chatter from some #Republicans advocating this (offline), but I considered the idea fringe & wacky.

I am wondering if this idea is somehow gaining acceptance amongst the #MAGA crowd‽

#Democrats better win on November 5th!

@CivilityFan@sfba.social avatar

Had to laugh at that line about “Women in leadership create chaos”

Just the recent history of the House, where Nancy Pelosi ran a tight ship that secured Biden’s agenda passed through the previous Congress, and this Congress whose Speaker couldn’t get our bills paid or budget passed without help from the opposition, then got fired and a new guy who is unable to support our allies without being threatened by his own rw extremists.

How much chaos when led by a women versus two men? Lmfao.

They live in an alternate reality devoid of facts

JoshuaHolland, to Russia
@JoshuaHolland@mastodon.social avatar

112 voted to let crush . But the aid bill passed.

@CivilityFan@sfba.social avatar

My sentiments exactly, I’m for non violence and finding a peaceful solution to problems, but unchecked aggression cannot be resolved by compromise. Chamberlain wanted to promise the British “peace in our time” by giving in to Hitler. It didn’t turn out well for him, and if Ukraine falls, it will end up being US troops on the ground in Europe again.

CivilityFan, to HashtagGames
@CivilityFan@sfba.social avatar

In olden days, people used paper printed and coins minted by the government to exchange for goods and services, this cash register was where the amounts that were required to pay were totaled up and the tokens kept.

randahl, to random
@randahl@mastodon.social avatar

Is it a good idea for Ukraine to bomb Russian oil refineries?

@anderspuck has a new analysis, with excellent pionts including this one:

“The Americans have to learn, that if you are not actually providing weapons to help another country win a war, you also do not get a say in how they fight the war.”

Spot on!


@CivilityFan@sfba.social avatar

It’s not like we Americans get much say in the use of weapons we are providing either. Just look at Netanyahu thumbing his nose at us.


dabertime, to random
@dabertime@mstdn.social avatar

With my latest crown replacement I have achieved royalty status at the dentist again this year. 👑

@CivilityFan@sfba.social avatar

Until last year, I didn’t know teeth that had been replaced with crowns could end up needing new ones. Once all the teeth were replaced, I figured I could drop the dental insurance. Boy was I wrong

StillIRise1963, to random
@StillIRise1963@mastodon.world avatar

"The New York Times reports that Trump is planning to 'build huge camps to detain people,' and 'to get around any refusal by Congress to appropriate the necessary funds, Mr. Trump would redirect money in the military budget.’ "

"How many people? ‘Millions’ writes the Times. And not just immigrants: Trump is planning to send his enemies to them, too.”


@CivilityFan@sfba.social avatar

That’s how it unfolds, and as courts are overwhelmed, the powerless are imprisoned and fear becomes the currency of the land. Most Americans will be outraged, but too few will brave the loss of their freedom to protest. If tfg wins in November, it’s game over for millions
@nazokiyoubinbou @DecaturNature @futurebird @StillIRise1963

WmShakesp3are, to random
@WmShakesp3are@mastodon.social avatar

I really hate really old people. What sucks is that I am old people.

@CivilityFan@sfba.social avatar

A lot of my union coworkers voted for that evil douchebag, it was appalling. First thing he did was to screw over the air traffic controllers union. Since he was elected, income inequality stopped getting narrower and began its current trajectory with poverty increasing and the hollowing out of the middle class. He was a horrible criminal, the only thing that kept him from being impeached was Alzheimer’s. I’m glad he died, he was more crooked than Nixon
@Snowshadow @thepoliticalcat @Barbramon1 @dbc3

@CivilityFan@sfba.social avatar

I have always maintained that he was really the Devil incarnate. Neither Carter nor Mondale could fathom how disposable and dangerous he was, or how underhanded his campaign could be. Americans have been led to believe he was a great communicator, but really he was the first fascist fox in the Democratic henhouse, making deals with Iranian terrorists to delay the return of our kidnapped diplomats & giving weapons to right wing dictators in Central America

@WmShakesp3are @thepoliticalcat @Barbramon1 @dbc3

@CivilityFan@sfba.social avatar

Was working long hours during a few crisis weeks near the end of my career, a few 12 & 14 hour days when renewing and replacing a whole labor & delivery unit’s fetal monitoring when the nurses decided the newer models just weren’t cutting it, and coffee was my drug of choice. But those kinds of work related calamities were few and far between, mostly just normal 40 hour work weeks and only four or five cups of coffee a day
@thepoliticalcat @WmShakesp3are @zakalwe @dbc3 @Barbramon1

CivilityFan, to random
@CivilityFan@sfba.social avatar

I am so repulsed by the immigrants coming into my country and ruining it! We should have a way to ship these criminals back to where they came from, and confiscate the assets they’ve earned by degrading our country.
Specifically Elon Musk and Rupert Murdoch. We would be so much better of without them controlling our media and stealing our jobs

CivilityFan, to random
@CivilityFan@sfba.social avatar

Netanyahu complains of U.S. being inappropriately meddling in its elections but was fine with addressing our Congress when Republicans invited him to talk and give a big FU to Obama. He needs to remember, karma is a bitch

geekmomprojects, to random
@geekmomprojects@mastodon.social avatar

The panel-mounted jack for the foot pedal slipped into the interior of my sewing machine, and the only way to access it was to open up the machine. I'll be stunned if (a) I can get it back together with all the parts & screws in the right places and (b) it works properly afterwards. 🤞🤞🤞

@CivilityFan@sfba.social avatar

Congrats! Having the tenacity to stick it out can be all that’s necessary to figuring it out.
I once had a VHS camcorder suddenly decide to spit out the cassette instead of loading it and it took me four attempts to resolve the problem. I also ended up with one screw (a different one each time) left over when it went back together. I had to put it back together when I ran out of time to work on it or I feared it I wouldn’t remember how. I finally found a bit of plastic had got stuck in a gear tooth.

GottaLaff, to random
@GottaLaff@mastodon.social avatar


Via david.heath.writer on Threads:

Journalist Jonathan Katz fact checked Katie Britt’s horrific rape story from her over-the-top rebuttal.
Despite all the drama, it turns out to be a story that happened 20 years ago - and not in the U.S. but in Mexico. It’s a story that was recounted in Congressional testimony in 2015.

Katie lied when she blamed this on Joe ’s border policies and when she said it happened in the U.S.

@CivilityFan@sfba.social avatar

I have to respectfully disagree with you, it’s not so much that Republicans have nuthin’ else to offer, it’s more that what they have to offer most voters don’t want. So they offer tax cuts but don’t mention those cuts are for the wealthy, they offer family values when their policies deprive women of bodily autonomy & access to IVF, they offer fear about crime but refuse to support red flag laws & background checks for gun buyers and they offer right to work laws instead of supporting livable minimum wages, family leave and child care.
@KatM @NataliaArmyOf1 @GottaLaff

CivilityFan, to HashtagGames
@CivilityFan@sfba.social avatar

On a dark desert highway
Cars going everywhere
Little froggers are to be
Amphibians jumping in the air
Up ahead in the distance
Lay many little green toads
Tears form as my eyes see them
Smeared across the roads

quietmarc, to random

The argument that "protests don't do anything" is kinda undermined by how many places are working super hard to make protests illegal.

@CivilityFan@sfba.social avatar

I’d go to a protest if one was coordinated to show how corrupt the SC has become. Remember how many folks came out after tfg was elected, the pussy hats and anger when Clinton lost? Instead of waiting for him to win again, we need to wake people up by having huge demonstrations in the streets now, to motivate voters come November and reassure them that most of us care about this

@rberger @quietmarc

anneapplebaum, to random
@anneapplebaum@journa.host avatar

Russia launches the pre-invasion playbook in Moldova. A "breakaway region" of the small state asks for Russian "protection" (against a peaceful, open, pro-European Moldovan government) https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/28/world/europe/moldova-russia-transnistria.html

@CivilityFan@sfba.social avatar

Anybody who thinks appeasement works, wake the f*ck up

We’ve seen this movie.

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