@VeeRat@zeroes.ca avatar



Elder Punk. Cancer survivor. Zero Covid. Autistic & Autigender. she/they

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Geoffberner, to USpolitics
@Geoffberner@zeroes.ca avatar

It's amazing reading all these nytimes and other articles saying "Why are so many kids absent from school nowadays? Must be a new culture of laziness. Probably lockdowns. Or phones. We definitely didn't give a generation Long Covid, because that's not something we're permitted to discuss."

@VeeRat@zeroes.ca avatar

@Geoffberner These kids who they claimed were super depressed from lockdowns and not being able to see other kids, now they are suddenly too lazy to go see the other kids. 🙄

VeeRat, to novid
@VeeRat@zeroes.ca avatar

From @thesicktimes
How Mask Blocs Are Keeping Communities Safe with Neglected Government Stockpiles.

"To supply plentiful, free masks to anyone who requests them, bloc members track down large quantities of quality masks being sold cheaply or offered for free. In this way, Covid-19 safety groups and mask blocs essentially function as narrow supply chains in specific regions, with bloc members focusing on distribution as well as acquisition."



inquiline, to random
@inquiline@union.place avatar

"I want to eat in restaurants but my immune-compromised husband is being a buzzkill"

Hoo boy, this article is pretty disgusting:

@VeeRat@zeroes.ca avatar

@inquiline Disgusting. The author acknowledges multiple times that her husband could get very sick if he catches Covid again, but equates this with her feelings of wanting to pretend it’s 2019. As if they are equal, and sickness or death is the same as the disappointment of eating at home. 🙄

patrickworld, to random
@patrickworld@mastodon.online avatar

There should be a reality show called ‘Love is Bland’ where people who’ve been together for ten plus years load dishwashers and pick things to watch on Netflix

@VeeRat@zeroes.ca avatar


“So what do you want for dinner?”

“I dunno, what do you want?”

“I dunno, I picked yesterday, what do you want?”

Narrator: “Find out the thrilling conclusion on what’s for dinner after these words from our sponsor!”

VeeRat, to actuallyautistic
@VeeRat@zeroes.ca avatar

@actuallyautistic The hardest part of my job as a manager is leading the team meeting each week. I'm really good with all of my employees one on one, but I am awkward and anxious when presenting to the whole group at once.

My team is fully remote, so the team meeting is over the phone. Everyone puts themselves on Mute so I can talk, which makes it worse because I don't hear any reactions, no laughs for my jokes, no nothing.

Every week after the meeting, I am pacing and muttering to myself about how bad I am (I work from home, so no one sees this). Hopefully my team thinks I have it together, but this meeting is just crushing for me.

VeeRat, to actualyautistic
@VeeRat@zeroes.ca avatar

@actualyautistic The hardest part of my job as a manager is leading the team meeting each week. I'm really good with all of my employees one on one, but I am awkward and anxious when presenting to the whole group at once.

My team is fully remote, so the team meeting is over the phone. Everyone puts themselves on Mute so I can talk, which makes it worse because I don't hear any reactions, no laughs for my jokes, no nothing.

Every week after the meeting, I am pacing and muttering to myself about how bad I am (I work from home, so no one sees this). Hopefully my team thinks I have it together, but this meeting is just crushing for me.

PacificNic, to random
@PacificNic@zeroes.ca avatar

From the NHS - Is my child too ill for school?:

If your child has mild symptoms, such as a runny nose, sore throat, or slight cough, and feels well enough, they can go to school.

Your child should try to stay at home and avoid contact with other people if they have symptoms of COVID-19 and they either:

have a high temperature
do not feel well enough to go to school or do their normal activities

If your child has measles, they'll need to see a GP. Call the GP surgery before you go in, as measles can spread to others easily.

Keep your child off school for at least 4 days from when the rash first appears.

They should also avoid close contact with babies and anyone who is pregnant or has a weakened immune system.


They're trying to kill us.

@VeeRat@zeroes.ca avatar

@PacificNic “We don’t want you taking a day off work to care for your sick kid at home, so toss them back into school, and get back to work.”

jmcrookston, to random
@jmcrookston@mastodon.social avatar

It's time for the debut of our new show:

Words and phrases that the COVID pandemic has ruined for you!

@VeeRat@zeroes.ca avatar

@jmcrookston It’s just my allergies

ALoneMasker, to random
@ALoneMasker@zeroes.ca avatar

Got into my first family fight over covid tonight. I don't know what to do. I completely understand their position.The timeline sucks, but the will to go back to "normal" is too strong. I might overestimate the risks, but I feel like society is ignoring them. That's why I have to double down myself. I don't want to catch it at any cost, but that cost is too high.

I was told the risks are low, we are not in the same situation as years ago. That's true at a high level view, there's no hospital overflowing with covid. Everywhere it's "back to normal". But the information I see going around is not encouraging. Excess death is still quite large, I see that the virus affecting affect the body in many ways that are sneaky and difficult to detect on the day to day. I don't see any good news on that front.

In addition to the pain this is causing my family and I, I feel like I sound like a conspiracist. I don't trust our public health even though I would like to. Is it because I don't read every studies and thus missing on nuances? Is it because I'm in my eco chamber and only hear bad news? Am I overestimating the risks? Or maybe the situation is less critical in my region and I'm only seeing things from elsewhere where problems are worse?

I'm drained...

@VeeRat@zeroes.ca avatar

@ALoneMasker Stay strong. I have repeatedly pointed out the evidence of Long Covid in my family members, reminded them of the length and severity of their own infections, given them information that backs up what I tell them... and still they tell me there is nothing to worry to about.

Several of them have gone to the ER multiple times, and still they don't think they should worry.

Nothing is going to get through to them. The emperor is standing naked in front of them, and they are praising his clothes. So I am just taking care of myself and my husband. It's sad and frustrating, but I know I could never visit with them and feel good about it.

VeeRat, to random
@VeeRat@zeroes.ca avatar

Husband and I stepped out today in our matching elastomerics to pick up my car from the shop.

Not another mask in sight. But everyone was friendly to us. Just wanted to add another data point for people acting ok to someone in an elastomeric respirator.

VeeRat, to novid
@VeeRat@zeroes.ca avatar

Latest from Nate Bear. Great explanation of the difference between Covid and viruses that cause colds.

“If covid is here in three hundred years, it won’t be a cold.”

“Why? Because Sarscov2 infects cells in the human body in a very different way to any other virus that causes a cold.”



VeeRat, to random
@VeeRat@zeroes.ca avatar

As an Autistic manager, I have recognized that I owe a lot of my personal success to Autism.

I am the "canary in the coal mine", the one who recognizes when there is a metaphorical poison in my team. This can come from a toxic person or people trying to work improperly with my team, or a toxic assignment handed to my team, or a toxic mandate handed down from leadership above me.

I'm also the one who needs to protect my team from this garbage. Being the person who can spot this early and also the person with the power to try and stop it has its advantages.

Yesterday, the way I spotted it wasn't the best. I had a meltdown in a meeting in front of many people. But afterward, two people on my team told me that I handled the situation well. I realized that this is because my angry outburst was in defense of my team.

And now this morning, I realize that my Autistic instinct to disengage from the people on another team who caused my outburst is actually the most rational course of action for my own team. I have never been prouder to be Autistic.

Dr_Obvious, to actuallyautistic German
@Dr_Obvious@chaos.social avatar

Do you have any activities that distract you from everyday life and that don't cause new stress?

My wife told me yesterday she thinks I should do more stuff to relax, get a free mind etc. In fact I do have many interests, but it turns out that they become stressful too.

Eg. going fishing is quite relaxing. But it needs paperwork, preparation, and can become target of optimization.

Or gaming is relaxing, but some games with many options and hidden things can become work too.

@VeeRat@zeroes.ca avatar

@actuallyautistic @Dr_Obvious I have been playing the same game (The Binding of Isaac) for so long now (over 6000 hours) that it is like playing solitaire or something, where it is just different enough each time to stay interesting, but also just the same enough each time that it’s relaxing and familiar.

I also like games line Power Wash Simulator which are very repetitive.

I have also been transcribing my great-grandfather’s diaries. That is soothing because he’s mostly writing about how many eggs they got that day and the weather. And it’s repetitive but also a task that requires focus.

I guess that is the commonality for me: repetitive tasks that are a little different each time, but in general there are no surprises.

DrPsyBuffy, to random
@DrPsyBuffy@mstdn.social avatar

I currently have seven therapy clients. Only seven, and yet two of them have lost family members to COVID. This country has not even attempted to wrap its brain around the extent of the trauma COVID has caused.

@VeeRat@zeroes.ca avatar

@DrPsyBuffy And the trauma of our families pretending Covid doesn’t exist, and abandoning us. Plus the trauma of sitting here watching them get sicker and sicker.

steven, to random
@steven@zeroes.ca avatar

The CanadaMasq Q100 kids size is a surprisingly good fit on our Frenchie.

It gets in the way of cookies, though.

@VeeRat@zeroes.ca avatar
PacificNic, to random
@PacificNic@zeroes.ca avatar

When people ask me if I feel isolated because of my COVID precautions, I very truthfully tell them no.

It's not the precautions that are isolating.

It's the alienation that comes from realizing most people are willing to kill their neighbour for brunch that's isolating.

And giving up precautions isn't going to change that problem.

@VeeRat@zeroes.ca avatar

@PacificNic yup, now I know which friends and family would rather think of me as stupid and stubborn than listen to me and take simple precautions. I can’t unlearn that.

It’s been a double whammy for me, because first I got cancer. So I got to see several people in my life vanish due to fears about that (I assume, since some of them tried to come back into my life after I got the all-clear). So much for support.

No doubt these same people will expect my support when they are brought down by Long Covid. 😩

VeeRat, to novid
@VeeRat@zeroes.ca avatar

Another Christmas will be spent at home. I am very grateful to have a spouse who agrees that it’s safer to stay here than to visit with family who refuse to take any Covid precautions.

We will have a nice quiet day to ourselves, and with our 3 cats.

Some family is upset. But I didn’t ask to be a part of the tradition they envision, one that cares more about process than people.

What embodies the Christmas spirit more than taking care of others? A great gift would be everyone protecting each other, gathering outside with proper respirators, distancing, and caution, isolating ahead of time and repeat testing, staying home when sick, positive, or potentially exposed.

I might not see you this year. That’s ok. Knowing you are safe is the best gift of all.


StillIRise1963, to random
@StillIRise1963@mastodon.world avatar

Vivek Ramaswamy said he'll withdraw from the Colorado primary, and asks the other fascist candidates to follow his lead, unless 91 is reinstated on the ballot. I see NO THREAT here. DO IT.

@VeeRat@zeroes.ca avatar

@StillIRise1963 Maybe it would make an even bigger statement if they would withdraw from every state’s primary. Yeah, that would really show us all a thing or two. 🤭

historyofpunkrock, to punk
@historyofpunkrock@sfba.social avatar

I'm starting

Dead Kennedys, heard and I had the music that accompanied me my whole life

@VeeRat@zeroes.ca avatar

@historyofpunkrock For me, it was Gang Green. I was turning the radio knob trying to find anything interesting, when I heard the song “19th Hole” on college radio, and it blew me away. The sound was exactly what I needed and til then hadn’t known existed.

MitchellPlitnick, to random
@MitchellPlitnick@journa.host avatar

This is unprecedented as far as I know. It is, in fact, historic. Biden staffers organized a vigil outside the calling on their boss to call for a ceasefire.
And to the staffers, thank you so much!

@VeeRat@zeroes.ca avatar

@MitchellPlitnick Nice to see everyone masked as well!

theautisticcoach, to actuallyautistic

Do my comrades have difficulties with tying their shoes?

If so, you're not alone.


@VeeRat@zeroes.ca avatar

@theautisticcoach @actuallyautistic Yes, my shoes were always coming untied when I was a kid.

Then a friend told me he thought maybe I had watched my mother tie my shoes too closely and mimicked her too exactly, so actually I learned to tie them upside down. Because of course my mother was facing me (inward) when she tied them, and I am facing the other direction (outward) when I tie them.

Since then, I have tied them “upside down” to my perspective, and it works! They stay tied. It feels wrong but it works.

VeeRat, to actuallyautistic
@VeeRat@zeroes.ca avatar


I told my mother that I am Autistic. I am in my 50s, she is in her 70s. I had not wanted to talk about it with her for a very long time now, because she tends to believe that anything like that is caused by her being a "bad mother"; she bought into that hype from a long time ago, and never let it go.

I got the expected response. She said that she doesn't think I'm Autistic, because she bases her knowledge of Autism on the people who make the news due to NT people thinking they are gifted or strange, and on movie characters like Rain Man. She said it's ok that I investigate Autism "if it makes you feel better". Not that I was asking her permission.

Then when I was listing behaviors of mine that I attribute to Autism, she said, "I do those things too." I said, "yeah, it is hereditary...". But she would never investigate it about herself. She could never accept the label for herself, or for me.

I don't know why I try. I guess I do find some peace with myself having told her, because I felt bad talking about it so much with other family members, without her knowing. I still don't feel the need to talk with her about my cPTSD from childhood; I know I won't get a good response to that.

@VeeRat@zeroes.ca avatar

@punishmenthurts @actuallyautistic Definitely, she's not wrong that she could have done things better. But she is wrong to believe that this is the cause of my Autism. Her parenting was part of the cause of my childhood trauma, and enough of a cause that I still think I would get a poor response if I tried to talk with her about that.

@VeeRat@zeroes.ca avatar

@Cetraria @actuallyautistic yeah, I wasn’t sure what the response would be exactly. I was misdiagnosed for many years with bipolar, which we assumed was likely on my father’s side. She was fine when I used to talk about that, I think because she didn’t feel like she was to blame. I guess Autism is harder for her to accept because of her assumptions.

Definitely do what makes sense for you. I thought that I might avoid some drama by telling her.

@VeeRat@zeroes.ca avatar

@actuallyautistic @Cetraria Oh yeah, definitely. I know she had a lot of struggles, so I have mixed feelings about my childhood. I don’t think she was malicious, but what she went through affected how she parented. And if I try to talk about my feelings, she always brings it back to her feelings.

anti_disease, to novid
@anti_disease@zeroes.ca avatar

The distance between Wuhan and Omicron is greater than between SARS-1 and Wuhan.


@VeeRat@zeroes.ca avatar

@noyes @anti_disease @novid Does this mean it is clearing out of the body at a higher rate? That sounds like a good thing, but I think I don’t fully understand.

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