Apple Commented

Luke, to apple avatar
AnthonyBaker, avatar

@Luke HOLY WTF?? Is this some long-buried page from the dark corners of Apple? And custom RSS feeds for music? Does that still work, or is this all pre-Apple Music. Gonna need to wire some of this up to Reeder and see if it spins.

Luke, avatar

@AnthonyBaker looks like it’s all still active but this page is so old the gems are tarnishing.

andycarolan, to apple avatar

As much as I love , their key caps sure aren’t durable

keir, avatar

@andycarolan yesssss! TwelveSouth I think sold candles with the scent at one point!

andycarolan, avatar

@keir Haha, Oh yes! I remember that ROFL!

stux, to apple avatar

I've been wanting to dual boot my with Linux again but I read that 's M1 doesn't really go with :sadlinux:

Is there a work around already or..? VM also works but I'd rather dualboot :kali_linux:


@stux i'm from the intel gang but i would like to help you. there is a distro called asahi but probably works without gpu hardware accelation. also x86 apps on arm linux runs with box86/64.


Checkout it works but with some caviats so also check them before you set it up.

jann, to apple avatar

To those reviewers of complaining "Why would a father hide himself behind a set of goggles at his kid's birthday party? They should spend that time w/their kids, not with their face hidden."

I say: You must be don't remember your parent hiding behind a behemoth of a VHS camera the size of a small suitcase.

They're too used to holding an at shoulder height - face in full view.

Some of us remember. And we lived through it as kids. We're fine. Unscarred.

bgrinter, avatar

@jann @donmelton we couldn’t afford the VCR box on your shoulder camera so it was grainy Kodak 110 photos. This excites me

richardknott, avatar

@jann my grandad used to terrorise the family with his cine camera before video cameras made it onto the scene. His dedication to it was impressive!

redegelde, to apple Dutch avatar

#Google glass. Niet geworden. #Hololens gaaf. Maar haalt het in #onderwijs ook niet. Nu de #Apple bril. Kortom veel geld. Gemiddeld 3500 euro voor speeltje die het niet haalt.

redegelde, avatar

@wenslauw @NiemPseu wij waren Ipad school maar merkte dat van vierde leerlingen vaker eigen laptop meenamen(veel typ werk) Nu zijn we byod en hebben we 90/10 windows en Mac door deschool heen. Enkele een ipad. Alles draait op Microsoft 365 bij ons


@redegelde @NiemPseu Ik hoop dat IT in de klas iets toevoegt, want de jonge IT'ers die wij binnen krijgen, hebben bijzonder weinig kennis van het gebruik van computers.

marcel, to apple avatar

Two questions I can't figure out:

  1. Can I dismiss the primary WindowGroup somehow? I'd like to open an ImmersiveSpace and close the window that opened it.

  2. How can I define the position for where a new window spawns?

marcel, avatar

@settern Good to know, thank you! :)

drewolbrich, avatar

@marcel fascinating, thanks. I looked again through the documentation and couldn’t find anything.

jkohlmann, to apple avatar

Hitting rock bottom on my search for and bookmark management apps. I’d like to get off and , but the options I’ve tried either have broken import functionality or perform poorly with tens of thousands of bookmarks.


@jkohlmann Not quite the same, but History Book is well worth a look at. It essentially stores your history outside of Safari, can be configured etc.

jkohlmann, avatar

@FnarFnar Oh snap. Will give this a look, thank you!!!

stroughtonsmith, to apple avatar

First batch of radars filed 😪

FB12487699 — I would like to adopt the SwiftUI app lifecycle in an existing app, but cannot reuse my UIWindowScenes

FB12487424 — Please expose 3D position/z-depth, 3D transform to UIKit views

FB12487257 — There is no way to spawn a SwiftUI WindowGroup from a UIKit app

FB12431906 — UIView tooltips do not update when modified unless set to nil first

FB12420660 — UIToolbar is no longer usable for custom in-app content

nabeards, avatar

@stroughtonsmith seems like something that absolutely be there!


@stroughtonsmith They mentioned this in “Build great games for spatial computing”, maybe unimplemented in this seed or simulator

powersurf, to apple

Heeeere we go. Hoping to see a wave of new life breathed into the VR scene 🤞


Oh great, now is promoting keeping open beverage containers next to your computers? This is anarchy!


If the grandma on Carousel of Progress isn't wearing a Vision Pro by the end of the year, I'm going to be very disappointed, Bob!

ehler, to apple avatar

I follow a lot of pundits/news sources, and I read a lot about and I don’t know how I haven’t seen the former remark on the blowing up in light of Apple’s offer. I saw stories on the offer itself, but even if this was caused by many other factors, I still think it reflects poorly on Apple in some way.

ehler, avatar

@davemacdo somehow it would be the dumbest thing yet to me, even if it’s not that much dumber than UCLA-Rutgers.


@ehler it’s all deeply stupid to do all this travel for the sport that has the fewest games (and the most players). I’ve all but lost my patience for college football.

ronanmcd, to apple avatar

New one for me You can't simply install Wacom tablet drivers on Ventura. The Apple’s setting will have a fit and get you to allow permissions in settings. But they are already on. To get them to work, you have to delete them from the list!
They’ll ask to get back in and then they’ll work.

ronanmcd, avatar

@kevinteljeur it was kind of forced as the latest software isn't running on older systems - Photoshop auto updated and told me it wouldn't work fully on the older os. Nice.

kevinteljeur, avatar

@ronanmcd The fuckers!

stux, to apple avatar

Holy shit.. , can I get a refund?

Unpatchable vulnerability in Apple chip leaks secret encryption keys

stux, avatar

"The vulnerability can be exploited when the targeted cryptographic operation and the malicious application with normal user system privileges run on the same CPU cluster."

Someone really dropped the ball on this one

Bryan, avatar

M3 with bit fiddling is the arm designed “correct way” as far as I know.

I’m just a muppet compared to the true ARM masters like @marcan. There is a great 🧵 from him here about this vulnerability:

dalfen, to apple avatar

@WorMP3 I think you got the numbering wrong. Companies make walled gardens 1. to keep competition out, 2. to dictate prices (like tte mandatory 30% surcharge) and and only at priority 3. to shape their garden in a way it stands out (e.g. "we are more secure").

That Android had a worse security track record is IMHO parially a result of a "less perfect" walled garden. The many Android phone and tablet vendors (surely over 500 at one time) could throw devices out and then simply not provide updates. Where a company does this for a period of time (e.g. Google Pixel, but also some Samsungs), you don't hear as much about security issues.

The other reason of Androids inferior security track record is its braindead architecture. Only GUI apps are packaged. But if one finds an error in e.g. SurfaceFlinger, one needs to build (and test ... expensive!!!) a complete new image. Contrast this with Linux distros, where EVERYTHING is a package. And where you can at any time update a single package... resulting in a very good security track record. And Android OS designers threw all of that knowledge away, and this showed for years.


@WorMP3 No, it makes it difficult tomintegrate.

Can I write an Android software that integrates with the iPhone messaging app? Nope. Even if some genius after many years managed that eventually, Apple was quick to make this impossible again.

Integration isn't that you can download apps designed for their walled garden. It's not about people that pay the mandadory developer fee, write apps for the walled garden and hope that they get their spp past the censor (e.g. if they want a JavaScript or Lua script, or some "donate to me" button using IBAN and BIC).

Integration is that protocols are open (like IRC's or Mastodon's) and anyone, even on a different base platform (Linux, BZD, Windows, Lisp machines like Emacs and whatnot) can implement a software that talks to them. Even eith interpreters bundled.

norbert, to apple German avatar

"The prove that modern Bluetooth earbuds do not have to be disposable, and that companies such as , , and should be trying harder on this front."

kaffeeringe, avatar

@norbert Ich habe mir die Fairbuds XL gekauft, weil ich es satt habe, dass Kopfhörer wegen eines einzigen Problems Müll werden.
Ich hatte schon:

  • Obermaterial des Ohrenkissens löst sich auf und überall sind die Fetzen davon.
  • Bügel durchgebrochen
  • Eine Seite geht nicht mehr
  • Akku hält nicht mehr.

Jetzt kann ich mir für all das einfach Ersatzteile kaufen und der Rest geht noch! Ich hoffe, der Kopfhörer hält laaaange.

norbert, avatar

@kaffeeringe Eine faire Maus gibt es bereits:

davemark, to apple avatar

What's the cheapest way to get an M1 MacBook Air?

It's the ideal computer for work (plenty of power, no fan), trying to find a source to recommend for the group I'm in.

Amazon's low end model is $849. That the baseline?

devondundee, avatar

@davemark I picked up one at Costco for $749. I have noticed that deal returns periodically. Watch for Black Friday deals.

bitprophet, to apple avatar

Oh snap, I missed this! May be able to replace my own tiny shell alias that does some light sedding over copy pasted plain text.

bitprophet, avatar

Re: importing, their docs are a bit light on the mechanisms/options, so I tried it out on a new empty vault. VERY happy with the results!

  • You can choose a subfolder for the import result; it won't crap all over your existing vault's top level unless you want it to
  • It recreates your folder structure natively inside Obsidian
  • Option to skip the "first line” of notes (which are titles), something I always had to fuss with in my manual imports
  • Attachments work!
jasonmcfadden, avatar

@bitprophet I did this too and found the same. But I also noticed any locked Notes must first have the locks removed or they won't import.

davemark, to apple avatar

Apple, on Macs shipping with 8GB of RAM:

"Actually, 8GB on an M3 MacBook Pro is probably analogous to 16GB on other systems. We just happen to be able to use it much more efficiently."

Read more here...

mcelhearn, avatar

@davemark When the M1 MacBook Air was released, I bought the base model with 8 GB of ram. I don’t do any processor intensive work, but it was more than sufficient for everything. I have 16 GB in my M1 iMac, and I’ve never felt that I needed more. Well I disagree with 8 GB in a “pro“ laptop, I think average users can get by with that amount.


@davemark More anecdata: I was desperate for an upgrade as my 7 yo MBP was struggling with my professional creative work. On a budget, I grabbed a base config M1 mini from Costco. I used it for professional graphic design (Adobe suite) for more than a year. It was fine. I was holding out for an M2 MBP which replaced it, but it was plenty capable. Most people don’t need >8gb memory now (we’ll see what the future brings).

Theeo123, to apple avatar

Apple’s "commitment to privacy" is much more a commitment to walled gardens and Apple’s bottom line, rather than the privacy of Apple’s users. and their attack on Beeper is proof of this, Beeper which simply brings full iMessage compatibility to Android is being attacked and sued by apple.


@ppn @Theeo123 you’re giving an unknown company your Apple credentials. You don’t need to be Apple to know that is a major security issue.

ppn, avatar

@DadeMurphy @Theeo123 if anything as a former Pebble user, I am more amazed that after all these years Migicovsky is still naive enough to launch a product like beeper and not fully consider that Apple would retaliate against how their protocols and services would be used.

davemark, to apple avatar

My feeds are FILLED with images and videos of people wearing their Vision Pro out in public (see pic, via Reddit).

Reminds me of how weird AirPods looked when they first started popping up in public. Now they are ubiquitous.

I'm a believer. Vision Pro is going to be a big part of Apple's future.


@davemark Yea, but are these just stunts or people looking for likes or responses on their social network feeds? Take this photo for example, what specific app on the Vision pro would make it useful to wear your VisionPro while eating?

chrisgervais, avatar

@davemark @Danathar Spend some time around teens and this type of social interaction is already here. Kids sit at the same table and FaceTime each other and bring friends in who aren’t with them at the restaurant or coffee shop so they can all talk. The thought of my kids’ generation sitting around a table without tech as part of the experience seems to be fading fast. They’re already seeing a chunk of the world through the iPhones so this won’t feel like a huge leap to them (except $ to get it)

davemark, to apple avatar

On Apple Sports:

  • Confusing setup
  • Lots of missing sports (where's the NFL? USWNT?)

And the biggest miss:

  • EVERY game should have a "where to watch" field/link.

If these things aren't addressed, this app will never have the value of, say, the ESPN app. 😐

#Apple #Sport #Sports


@davemark They aren’t showing leagues that aren’t in season. We can debate the usability of that choice, but it does reduce the size of the list.


@davemark FWIW, ESPN no longer tells you where the game is being broadcast or streaming if it’s not on ABC or an ESPN channel. I believe CBS Sports is better about that, but I deleted the app because it doesn’t default to showing scores.

What the Apple app is truly missing (besides a lot more sports and leagues and teams) is alerts/notifications. I mostly use Sports Alerts for that; I use The Score for looking for scores. Sports Alerts on my watch - it’s the only good one.

davemark, (edited ) to apple avatar

"Netflix to End Support for 2nd and 3rd Generation Apple TV"

[UPDATE: turns out we’re talking about super old hardware, pre-tvOS, so this is to be expected?]

fmarini, avatar

@davemark well, to be honest we’re talking about 12/14 years old Apple TVs which don’t even use tvOS and don’t have the App Store, and Netflix was a pre installed app.

matt, avatar

@santiago @davemark Also realizing this sounds a bit like a far fetched claim, so in my defense I did write this a year ago 😂

davidbures, to apple avatar

I have a question for the MacBook enjoyers:

I have had a base model M1 Air ever since it came out. It’s been great, but the battery is pretty bad at the moment (around 77% at best). Also, because it’s only the 8GB model, I’m starting to notice some slowdowns.

Do you think it would be worth it to invest in the new M3 Air? I’m planning to get the 16 or 24GB model this time.

I don’t want a Pro because it’s too big, and refurbished isn’t an option either (no refurbished store).

#apple #macbook

ghalldev, avatar

@davidbures I haven't noticed any significant performance improvements in terms of CPU.

Power consumption has been like night and day though. I get noticeably more battery life than I ever did on my M1 to the point where I don't think I've used my travel charger once.

davidbures, avatar

@ghalldev Thanks for the insight! I really appreciate it.

I’d need better battery life for sure, since I travel pretty often.

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