PacificNic, avatar

I've noticed a lot of people on here who have work with computers. Computers never clicked for me and I feel like I'm missing something so now I'm curious, if you have ADHD, what do you like about working with computers?

Larhanya, avatar

@PacificNic I ended up working with computers by accident because I'm really fast at understanding how applications function. The only thing I liked about working with computers was solving problems. I love being presented with a tricky issue and then digging in to see if I can fix it.

After my job went to crap, I moved my problem-solving computer interest to modding Skyrim, lol 😆

steven, avatar

@Larhanya @PacificNic I work in government too.

When I got hired, my first task was to spend a full month calculating and writing a hundred payment statements.

There's no way I'd be able to actually do that. Between every statement, I'd get paranoid and want to start the whole project from scratch. I would make small inconsistencies that would drive me crazy. I would never be able to finish.

So I spent a week learning Microsoft Access and writing a simple database to do all the calculations and generate all of the payment statements for me.


The habit I am working on is to put a project away before it's done!

This is instead of leaving the project out "until I get back to it", which leads to an archaeological dig with the most recent project overflowing onto the previous project, which is overflowing onto the project before that, which... this results in a huge, oppressive, unmanageable, crushing mess.

The time/effort of putting it away and bringing it back out is far less than dealing with the mess.

macberg, avatar

@alan Ah I see. It sounds like you have all things covered, from physical to digital. I'll have a look at CherryTree, which I don't think I've ever heard of. Sounds interesting!


@macberg "sounds like" is the operative phrase! It's more accurate to say that I am making some headway in the ongoing battle...

thor, avatar

the iceberg

lamp, (edited )

@thor how does relate to cause it's kinda relatable but a lot of these symptons don't match or are the opposite

Loukas, Swedish avatar

Am I more tired these days, or am I just unmasking and being more honest about how tired things make me? Because - in a related development - I'm not getting those explosive burnout depressions any more.

Loukas, avatar

@MariaLiv thank you 😊 I've tried meditation and it doesn't work for me, but I'm glad it does for you.


@Loukas I am sure you will find what works for you, sooner or later 💛

BeAware, avatar
Rocketpoweredgorilla, avatar

My superpower has got to be pushing things off and screwing myself over in the process, despite knowing better.

Yesterday for example. My house has an issue every winter with a certain section of water pipe in the basement freezing when it gets cold. I knew saturday night it was going down to -30c (-22f) with a -41 windchill overnight but I still neglected to toss a space heater down in that spot to keep it warm overnight.

Lo and behold first thing in the morning I wake up to no running water. So I had find where my propane torch was, just to spend half an hour running around with it to thaw the lines out before I could even make coffee or properly flush the toilet.

At least now I have a space heater running down there to keep it warm again, like I did last winter, and the winter before that.


I can even nod and make “m-hmm” sounds where appropriate and still be somewhere completely different in my mind!


Hey, folks and ,

Anybody have an opinion about clinical neuropsychologist David Nowell, PhD? I gather he has a blog at PsychToady, which does not incline me to think well of a clinician, but everyone makes mistakes. He's apparently some sort of ADHD expert, but he's a bit off the beaten path – apparently very interested in nutrition and ADHD, among other things. I'm curious whether adults who have ADHD find any benefit in his work, or whether he's considered problematic, or whether nobody's ever heard of the guy, or what.

I ask because I was just advertised an upcoming CE training of his, and I have a CE deadline coming up, so was wondering if I should do it.


@Janet_52square I appreciate your thinking of me, it was kind of you to offer your assistance. But this sort of comment you have left tends to result in other people with ADHD feeling denigrated for their differing approach to their ADHD, and leaping in to argue. While there's nothing conventionally wrong with it, it doesn't violate any moderation rules or etiquette, it is the kind of unintentionally hurtful comment which gives rise to pointless strife and low-value argument that I prefer not to have in my space.

notsoloud, avatar

It's just so hard finding a good terrapin these days.

If you see one that looks right for you, take the dive straight away!

mariyadelano, avatar


What are your favorite resources about ? (, , , , , etc)

(Articles, books, videos, podcasts, tools, posts, accounts to follow, apps, etc.)

Putting together a list of recommendations on my newsletter, and would love to supplement with things the community here likes


P.S. On the road so won’t reply to comments till later tonight!

gozes, avatar

@mariyadelano @actuallyautistic definitely how to ADHD YouTube channel.


@mariyadelano @actuallyautistic
Autistic specifically, "Unmasking autism" by Dr. Devon Price is in a league of its own. Brilliant and life changing.

thor, avatar

it looks like one of the reasons they're so strict about diagnoses here is simply about capacity, according to this news story i'm reading:

the public mental healthcare system is completely overwhelmed. it doesn't have enough money and resources and must triage heavily.

some people get diagnosed by private healthcare providers and pay big sums for it, yet still get turned down for further assistance when they return to the public healthcare system afterwards. a diagnosis isn't enough. it must be a very serious case to be eligible for therapy.

this severe under-capacity explains a lot. that's why they offer so little help. best you can hope for is medications or welfare money.

Phil, avatar

@thor this is because they can't get the health care they want and have to accept what they can get. I was poor and had no health insurance and got very ill. I got treatment. It wasn't great and I had no options but it did the job. Now I have all kinds of choices and the care is more pleasant. Since health care us a limited resource, it has to be rationed in some way.

Phil, avatar

@thor there is no question that you can't get the therapist or doctor that you WANT unless you have to money. This is NOT the same as not being able to get care. under most universal health care systems, this doesn't change and options are restricted. There is no way to escape the reality that health care has to be rationed in some way.

esdin, avatar

Regulatory Bodies: “ADHD medication is highly addictive”

Folks: “Wait… did I take my pills?"


@esdin yes, it's highly addictive... FOR PEOPLE WHO DON'T HAVE ADHD.

graemek, avatar

@esdin @XaiaX Highly addictive to everyone who doesn’t need it.

thor, avatar

has anyone with had any luck whatsoever finding hobbies - solitary or sociable - that they never seem to grow tired of and can spend endless hours on?


I’ve been a teacher for about 20 years. Each new year is a fresh start, which is great for my anxiety. Every class is different and has its own unique quirks, but the routines I maintain build a comfortable foundation I can always rely on.

functional_tim avatar

@thor Not a small number of hobbies but a lot of hobbies which change if I will be able to do them for hours.
I learned to accept that they switch. It happens mostly without warning and I just accept that a new hobbies phase is there. Some never come back and others always will come back again.
RPGs is a hobby that is coming back very often if I play many different systems because it is enough variety but sometimes I need a couple weeks to month pause.

If someone is interested: the ones that always come back at some point are: lockpicking, programming, solving puzzles (jigsaw, Einstein, puzzle boxes, video games like baba is you), video games (Souls-like games and survival crafter like Minecraft especially because I decide when and how I engage the story of them for the most), board games, writing, building stuff (like robots, wood craft, miniatures, models, etc.), magic tricks, Rubik's cubes, RPGs, comics, books and a few more.

BenjaminFaliere, avatar

Does anybody have some content related to symptoms evolution after or reveal?
Not for a friend ;)

dramypsyd, avatar

@BenjaminFaliere @axnxcamr @actuallyautistic God that's relatable!! We get punished so much for our autistic behaviors, unmasking is scary even when we really trust the person 💜

BenjaminFaliere, avatar

@dramypsyd to be honest, I think I don’t want to be a problem for her. And unmasking would mean become a problem… From my point of view. Even if she says the opposite.

@axnxcamr @actuallyautistic

liztai, avatar

Timeblocking is just useless for me. I'll time block ... and then I decide to just do something else.

I wish I can control that tendency, but when you tend to skew towards the impulsive, adventurous side of ... following a plan is ALWAYS BORING.

liztai, avatar

@hyperfashionist oh man tell me about it.

Moutmout, avatar

@liztai I'll time block. Then the time to do the thing comes. But I just want to finish the thing I'm doing. It'll only take 5 minutes. I'll do the thing right after.
Oh no! How did it get so late? I'll have to do the thing tomorrow :(

Lather, rinse, repeat.

maxbvrn, avatar

Le saviez-vous ? edition

L’ALD, l’Affectation Longue Durée est un dispositif qui permet une prise en charge des soins liées à des pathologies.

Parmi les pathologies inclues, il y a notamment les pathologies psychiatriques de longue durée, qui sont handicapante dans la vie de tous les jours, nécessitent un traitement ou des soins sur une longue durée et peuvent présenter des risques si non traitées. On y retrouve notamment la bipolarité, la dépression récurrente etc.

Devinez qu'est-ce qui n'y figure pas ? Les , malgré le fait qu'ils répondent à tous les critères et que 80% des patients ont des troubles associés qui figurent dans la liste des ALD reconnues.

maxbvrn, avatar

@zetwitty pareil depuis mars du coup le mois dernier ils sont revenus dessus :/


@maxbvrn je demande à une amie qui est responsable locale d'une association pour savoir quelle info elle a de son côté.

thor, avatar

if we weren't all constantly procrastinating, we could do shit like set up a recruitment agency for people with . a lot of us have probably got the coding and design skills to pull that off. but i am 100% convinced that if we tried to coordinate such an effort... 😭


@thor @makeratschool I'm sending an app to your instance, my github profile is a disgrace 😂


@thor So what would the scope be? A "Yet another ADHD Organizer" type of app?



Been burned out for at least 2-3 years, probably more. Carer & autistic types with physical disability. Trying to recover, but still lots to do in daily life, so slow progress.

On learning more about , it feels like these traits have become much more prominent than my autism. Lots of forgetfulness, lack of focus, emotional dysregulation etc.

Q: Do lower dopamine levels ‘bring out’ traits? I’ve shown some ADHD traits forever but didn’t realise. @actuallyautistic

EVDHmn, avatar

@innervisioner @actuallyautistic a book, a perspective, challenge yourself! For yourself, it will benifit all of your relationships possibly. Being yourself wolnt be so hard.

It gets to be more comfortable and realize life isn’t punishing you, we punish ourselves far worse everytime we imagine that our perspective doesn’t shape our reality.

It’s largely a work in progress trial and error. But the more you learn. The more joy and awe you could experience possibly, even from an acorn.


@EVDHmn @actuallyautistic Cheers Derek, appreciate it. It makes a difference hearing it from a peer rather than out of a book (not that doctors are even aware of this depth of insight!).

vlrny, avatar

Aw shit... I definitely have the prednisone zoomies NOW.

Which is fine, only one more day of this, and it's nice to have some upwards energy.

However... in addition to having some chuff to push forward a big project I am exited about and my survival actually depends on, I suddenly have brilliant ideas for like 5 other projects.

Must resist... Must focus.

Is this what feels like? Crikey!

vlrny, (edited ) avatar

Ok. Project I think I might actually try and slam dunk while I have the zoomies:

Some kind of @ boostsOfJoy acct for when I am tired and can't human and just want to scroll content that is happy and hopeful, and then just boost the shit out of that for other people (basically curated optimism and joy). Cozy content.

Want it on a different server.

Takes patreon donations
Has good moderation
Can handle volume if this accidentally gets big

EDIT: I made it!!! @joybooster Thx ya'll!

chad, avatar

@vlrny @Ryan @gtbray we could use a couple more mods... as we only have one dedicated mod plus a jr sys admin waiting in the wings other than myself.

Report volume is relatively low but with the conflict in Israel/Palestine, we've seen a lift in reports. I generally try to keep myself out of front-line reports to be able to be a third party in appeals but lately, I've felt I need to help out with them to help the team out.

DJDarren, avatar

Can anyone help me rationalise the cost of apps that help focus by blocking access to distractions?

I get that they're providing a useful service, but why are they so expensive for what they do? Essentially, services like are just an IP blocker in a fancy package, right? So how is that £3 a month?

It just kinda feels like it's preying on people with who have been fucked over by apps and sites being designed to be little dopamine dispensers, and they have the only solution.

DJDarren, avatar

@Basil That would involve me having to get an RPi, and learn how to use it...


@DJDarren fair enough!

(PiHole will run on p much any Linux box, not just an RPi, and if I - a dummy - can do it anyone can, but it's still more faff/admin than signing up for a webservice!)

tournesol, (edited ) avatar

Things I Wish I Could Do - by Ben Weise

Kahte, avatar

@Blanche Bisous Rouge😘😘😘😘 @tournesol

Kahte, avatar

@tournesol 🥰

cferdinandi, avatar

🐝 New on ADHD ftw! The ADHD temporal dead zone

kronn, avatar

@cferdinandi I strictly cycle through my t-shirts to not stress out about that (and also to load-balance the tear/wear across them). Additionally, I prepare the clothes for the next day in the evening, also for energy reasons.

This sometimes leads to fun combinations of shirt and day, like wearing a "I don't give a shit" - shirt for a retrospective.

cferdinandi, avatar

@kronn Even new out of the package they "feel different" to me. The sensory issues are STRONG. I like that you have a cycling system, though. That's rad!

jaztrophysicist, French avatar

C'est qui qui a oublié sa trotinette dans le car de ligne régional la semaine dernière et vient seulement de s'en rendre compte ?

jaztrophysicist, avatar

J'ai vécu des retrouvailles torrides avec ma trottinette dans la soute du bus ce soir \o/

jaztrophysicist, avatar

@krazykitty c'est un car de ligne, je mets la trottinette en soute, c'est les memes chauffeurs aux memes horaires tous les jours. Ce matin le chauffeur du 8h15 a appelé le collègue du bus de l'aprem dans lequel je pensais l'avoir oubliée, qui l'avait tjrs en soute...

freemo, avatar

It is so cringe when i hear people hijack general less descriptive terms like "neurodivergent" to mean really silly arbitrary things like adhd and autism... we already have descriptive terms and that word already means something useful before you bastardized it.

AmpBenzScientist, avatar

@freemo It's not a seizure, it's dwelling in the Pantheon of the gods.

freemo, avatar


I wouldnt consider you woke in the derogatory sense. Though in the most positive sense of the word sure.


bjornlarssen, avatar

" and come with "

Which is why I have now spent three days obsessing about low lighting in (and being hyperanxious about a therapist visit that was cancelled last moment).

Why don't I ever get cleaning hyperfocus? VACUUM AND MOP ALL THE THINGS?


@skaeth @bjornlarssen Project management tool, mostly used by tech companies.

I believe a free version is available. I group tasks into

  • To do
  • In Progress
  • Done
  • Long term / parking lot
skaeth, avatar

@devxvda @bjornlarssen Oh sweet! That's probably why I don't know about it-- I've never worked for a big company like that.

ADHDefy, (edited ) avatar

I had no idea was a thing (or I just forgot about it--either way, thanks, @KydiaMusic for the notice! lol) so due to my choice in username, I feel obligated to share a little about my experience. 😁

So here's the heavy shit: It's estimated that kids with receive over 20,000 more negative messages/corrections than neurotypical kids by the time they are 10 years old. That's not an insignificant number on paper, but living it is something else entirely.

I was diagnosed at 21 years old. When someone goes undiagnosed that long, it means that they've internalized more than a few stories they've been told about themselves. "I'm stupid," "I'm lazy," "I'm a failure," "I'm afraid of success," "I can't do anything right," and other fun fables. This is a quasi-universal experience for us because it's not just "hard" to avoid internalizing that. It's not the same as having a bully tell you you're a sack of crap every day at school; it's everyone in your life--friends, teachers, your parents. When the people that love you most in the world are fed up with you on a daily basis, it wreaks havoc on your self-esteem.

Now here's the truth about ADHD: Yes, it's a disadvantage in school, at work, and in our relationships. The fact is, however, that having an ADHD brain is not the problem. ADHD will only remain a disability while the world continues to be disabling to us.

The ADHD brain is wild. It's untamed. We're out-of-the-box thinkers. We're creative. We're perpetual students and teachers. We're passionate, excitable, bright, and lively people. ADHD brains are typically charismatic and have a veritable toolbox of skills and acquired knowledge. We're often great in a crisis and can think fast on our feet when put in a corner. Our brains actually take in more information than neurotypical brains, and while it can be intensely overwhelming at times, it also means we are surprisingly observant and skilled multi-taskers. In fact, studies have shown that, despite our "scattered" nature and difficulty directing our attention, we can be given a task in a room full of distractions and not only complete the task more efficiently than our neurotypical counterparts, but we can recall more details about the distractions and environment afterward.

All this is to say that there is a real need for in our world, because have so much to offer but so many of us don't get anywhere near what we need to thrive. We need parents and teachers to be curious about us, not judgmental. We need leadership at school and at work that is knowledgeable about our condition. We need accommodations to be accessible to us, if not baked into more systems for everyone. We need timely diagnoses, especially for girls/women, people of color, and intersectional folks who are all systematically under-diagnosed, misdiagnosed, and ignored.

Anyway, thank you for reading. Sincerely. Go give an ADHDer a hug. Peace and love. 🤙


@ADHDefy @KydiaMusic My roommate is incredibly shy and stressed because of his many years of undiagnosed ADHD, he was officially diagnosed at 23.


@ADHDefy Didn't know this was a thing, either. Leave it to ADHDers to not notice their own month. :D

Thanks for sharing your experience - and experiences so many of us have!

I don't know if we really need more ADHD awareness, though. People know we're here. That's how there's so much stigma against us.

What we really need is ADHD understanding and acceptance. I think that's what you're actually talking about, and it's great stuff.

DJDarren, avatar


Do you get suddenly utterly exhausted when something you're trying to do doesn't work, and you end up going down a rabbit hole of trying to fix something that ought to fix something that should fix something that isn't working? Or is that just an thing.

*lol, as if there are any NTs on here

DJDarren, avatar

Like, I want to root this ancient Galaxy Tab I have, to see how it runs a newer Android. But I use macOS, so right away there's a problem, because almost all of the guides are strictly Windows only.

So I'm trying to install Window in a VM on my Mac via UTM, except I keep getting an error message, and it seems that it's because my Mac isn't mounting the ISO properly, and the tools I apparently need to do this don't seem to be working in Terminal and...sigh...

I just want to sleep.

pdcawley, avatar

@DJDarren I've said it before and I'll no doubt say it again, but neurotypicality is just a tool of patriarchal control.


brainweasel wrangling, edition!

After figuring out years ago that I can listen better, especially over long periods of time, if I have something to keep my hands busy, I try to always have a project on hand heading into multi-day meetings or conferences.

Ran out of time to prep for this one, so I started winding my skein into a yarn ball during opening remarks, got my sizing swatch done for a one-skein triangle shawl (Moogly Fortune's Shawlette) by the end of One Track Mind, and made a nice bit more progress during the firetalks...

It's the perfect con project - a simple diagonal-box-stitch repeat, no complex counting required. Just add a box every row until I run out of yarn, and then frog back until I have enough yarn left for the edging. 😁


Yarn ball wound from that skein, sitting on my Ghibli Museum susuwatari crochet bag
Six-box sizing swatch of the Moogly Fortune's Shawlette, next to my ruler - exactly four inches! This never happens.
WIP triangle on a white sheet next to my ruler. I frogged the sizing swatch (because I hadn't expected to get it right on the first try and thus wasn't paying as close attention as I would have liked!) and still managed to end up with 8 inches of progress at the end of the evening...

kelvin0mql, avatar

@crochet @llorenzin
Love the color way. Reminds me of a Grackal’s head.


@JustTooOdd Thank you! It's Madeline Tosh Spectrum ( - I just recently stumbled across it, and they have some other gorgeous options I can't wait to try...

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