gocu54, to random

So, help me out here. you use # for things and @ for people? I'm sort of lost there.

@Rasta@mstdn.ca avatar

@gocu54 a funny story, except for the punishment part: in school, I was strapped daily (corporal punishment) if I was unable to sit still, which was cruel & unusual punishment for , which wasn't invented yet, closest label was still , & there was no special training for those not conforming to their norms. It was cruel, and I remember it often. While in uniform, making better money than my teachers as a young sailor, I went back to see each, reminding them how wrong they we're about me

admin, to ADHD

Private, vetted email list for mental health professionals: https://www.clinicians-exchange.org
Open LEMMY instance for all mental health workers: https://lem.clinicians-exchange.org
A 3-year-old short video, but a good one from SciShow -- a
consumer-oriented YouTube science show which is generally well-done.

Goes into:
-- ADHD and sleep disorders overlaps
-- Chicken and the egg problem -- which comes first
-- Altered Circadian Rhythm & ADHD correlation
-- Sleep Onset Insomnia: Is treating it a way to improve ADHD symptoms
(pretty much YES, although more research would be good)

Lots of research, although mostly children's studies. Should many
people with ADHD be taking melatonin?

The Overlooked Connection Between ADHD and Sleep*
By SciShow Psych. About 6 minutes long.


#ADHD #ADD #attention #psychology #socialwork #mentalhealth #sleep   
#melatonin #sleeponsetinsomnia #CircadianRhythm #counseling   
@psychology@a.gup.pe @psychologists@a.gup.pe @psychologist@a.gup.pe   
@psychiatiry@a.gup.pe @socialwork@a.gup.pe #counselors #counseling  
NYU Information for Practice puts out 400-500 good quality health-related research posts per week but its too much for many people, so that bot is limited to just subscribers. You can subscribe at @PsychResearchBot@mastodon.clinicians-exchange.org
Whiskeyomega, (edited ) to random
@Whiskeyomega@cupoftea.social avatar

So ive made an icon for for use with verification links instead of just "Mastodon" written on the page

If you would like to use this icon to link back to your profile just edit the @name part . You can also upload this yourself if you know HTML or just want a social link icon

<a rel="me" href="https:// cupoftea.social/@Whiskeyomega">
<img src="https:// cdn.cupoftea.social/iconnew.png" alt="Cupoftea.social Icon">

Please remove the gaps in the links after https://

@Whiskeyomega@cupoftea.social avatar

You can also add it either add it black or white with

.mastodon-link {
display: inline-block; /* Keeps the icon and text inline */

.mastodon-icon {
width: 30px; /* Adjust the width of the icon as needed /
height: 30px; /
Adjust the height of the icon as needed /
margin-right: 5px; /
Adjust spacing between icon and text */

this to turn it white
filter: invert(1); /* Inverts the colors, making the icon white */


<a class="mastodon-link" rel="me" href="https:// cupoftea.social/@Whiskeyomega">
<img class="mastodon-icon" src="https:// cdn.cupoftea.social/cotsicon.png" alt="Cupoftea.social Icon">

Please remove gap after https://

nicod, to random French
@nicod@diaspodon.fr avatar

Bon, Baldur's Gate 3 ?

Allez, Baldur's Gate 3.

@nicod@diaspodon.fr avatar

Bon, c'est quand même une très très grosse réussite Baldur's Gate 3, et ça me ramène 25 ans en arrière quand j'avais joué au premier.
La claque.

Seul hic, la gestion de la caméra et des déplacements.
Mais avec deux addons, c'est beaucoup plus fluide, on retrouve un peu les contrôles de Dragon Age: Origins (pas tout jeune non plus celui là ^^)


prieco, to ai
@prieco@fosstodon.org avatar

What are next things you would like to add or improve in PriEco?

(AI is planned)

I_Like_Books, to Help

My husband and I need help

We cannot keep our events or our "what to do" in order.

I keep trying to get us organized and it is not working.

He is working on getting ADHD meds but they are really slow in coming (and not a total fix I am sure)

We have tried using a wall calendar (he recently asked me where he could right down some future event...I told him "how about the calendar?" and he just looked at me, I had to lead him by the hand to it)

We have a white board for things to do. I keep adding things and they do not get done.

He is really a great guy, just terrible at getting started on things.

We looked into the calendar function in Tutanota but in order to share we both have to have paid accounts and he does not want to invest that money.

I know many out in the fediverse have ADHD. Can any of you help us?

TheDevil, (edited ) to selfhosted in [SOLVED] Help With NFS Share To Proxmox Container

The two docker containers can access the share, but the new proxmox container can’t?

The new proxmox container will have a different IP. My guess would be that the IP of the docker host is permitted to access the nfs share but the ip of the new proxmox container is not.

To test, you can allow access from your entire lan subnet (

Edit: For reference see: www.truenas.com/docs/scale/…/addingnfsshares/

In particular: If you want to enter allowed systems, click Add to the right of Add hosts. Enter a host name or IP address to allow that system access to the NFS share. Click Add for each allowed system you want to define. Defining authorized systems restricts access to all other systems. Press the X to delete the field and allow all systems access to the share.

LibertyForward1, to DBT

Dialectical Behavior Therapy is a godsend for folks with personality disorders, and I really think just about anyone - mentally ill or not - could benefit from its concepts.

As someone who simultaneously struggles with Borderline Personality Disorder and Attention Deficit Disorder /, being able to consistently implement and maintain the principles of DBT feels like a monumental and discouraging challenge, not the least of which is the cost of attending traditional when my partner and I are struggling just to survive. And in order to become stable enough to survive, we need to develop the taught in DBT.. but we can't afford it!

My ADHD augments my BPD, leaving me with zero self-discipline. For example, I've dabbled with Duolingo and have a 42 day streak going, it's probably the longest amount of time I've maintained a healthy habit in my entire life. I need help to focus and I'm tired of being ashamed to say so.

I realize people need to be compensated for their pioneering work in behavioral therapy; but I wonder if there's some way to "open source" the teaching and practicing of DBT for people like me who otherwise couldn't afford it, and will never be able to afford it without the skills therein!

At this point I'm essentially self-medicating with cannabis most of my waking hours to cope with.. well, the shitshow that is my personal life with mental illness and the burning shitshow that is the world. I can't afford to do that long-term.

I truly, honestly believe DBT is a miracle but we need a way to share the knowledge as a matter of improving overall humanity.

Thoughts? Ideas? Slipped into a coma trying to finish this? I understand.

Roundcat, to ADHD
@Roundcat@mastodon.social avatar

So , what tips do you have to pull yourself out of a funk? I started the year productive enough, but have been more or less been stuck in neutral since this spring.

I hoping not only can you help me, but others here who might be in the same situation, but don't feel comfortable asking.

travis, to ADHD

anyone / ?

i have a feeling its going to cost me my job because of careless mistakes.

currently taking medication, but i'm still having problems.

investigating coaching and support groups.

hope yall are having a safe and productive weekend ❤️

brunus, (edited ) to RPG French
@brunus@mamot.fr avatar

Journée géniale pour KiD, une KiDette et moi.
Un papounet, pote libriste; FabLab pote; gauchisse; antifa, prof d'art/design, enfin une personne bien quoi... m'a fait le grand honneur de me confier sa KiDette pour une première session de Donjons & Dragons.
Bha ils m'ont foutru le bordel... KiD et la KiDette ont totalement kiffé la partie de donj mais ils me l'ont fait complçtement à l'envers ! J'ai lutté pour garder le fil de l'histoire !
On a trop kiffé ! 🤩

Glim, to ADHD

Hi 💜 I'd like peoples opinion on this topic and I'll try to keep it as short as possible. The question I want feedback on is:

Am I in the right to believe something is off with me and want help, or am I trying to find excuses?

A very broad question I know, but if you want to stick around for a minute here's some background info condensed into bullet points

(Also my esteem/confidence is like zero so posting this makes me deadly anxious, very sorry if I'm too lengthy, I have no other way of expressing this)

  • Been in the medical health system since 2020 for depression after failing my master's thesis work

  • I told them maybe it's ADD/ADHD or similar because some family members has it, but they denied that because:
    • I'm being treated for depression, it would be impossible to tell them apart (That's fair)
    • I've made it through school/higher education on my own (The part I'm not buying, reoccurring argument)

  • I ask my family about it, which is a taboo topic apparently, and they say I don't have it because:
    • My younger brother has a ADD diagnosis and his needs are more severe (dyslexia)
    • I've made it through school/higher education on my own
    (Also, I should stop finding ways to excuse my laziness)

  • NOT DEPRESSED anymore according to my doctor and myself, but my issues still stands, which is why they finally in 2022 started putting me in queue for a diagnosis
    • For the record, I've had medically treated depression at five occasions throughout my life so far, and they all seem to happen when there's been a major change in life or I've stressed out about the future

-// Things I feel correlates to having potential neurospice or similar

  • Executive difficulities
    • I can't for the life of me organize anything, and if I try I die inside midway through and gives up (turning a big pile of things into smaller piles that I then put back into the big pile)
    • There's always something that seem more important than organizing, even if the chaos at home contribute to me feeling like a complete failure
    • Can't keep track of things in my head. If not noted down they're gone immediately

  • Dreams big -> Huge plans -> Burning passion -> Burnout -> Feeling like a loser -> Repeat

  • The few times I focus on something, my body hurts from sitting in some awkward position working on it for 6-8 hours without rest (And it feels like 20 min, wait it's dark already?)

-// Things that might not have any correlation

  • The greater half of my friends that have stuck around is official neurospicy, including my spouse (they just seem more real to me)
  • Sheep 💜 (I just really like them and I've realized they've become my fixation for the last couple of years)

-// Things that would "deduct credibility points" (?) (It's basically me gatekeeping myself)

  • I have no issues with eye contact and I prefer seeing people IRL (Although I get awfully tired after prolonged sessions of it)
  • I can sleep throughout the night (Quite the gift imho), although I never really wake up rested

There is obviously way more to this but it's already become an essay and still only scratching the surface
If you made it to the end of this, congrats 🎉
If no one ends up reading or responding, it's still a win for me, because I have something to refer to if I get asked and put on the spot
Thank you for your time, have a nice day 💜

eric, (edited )


It's always okay to self reflect and ask for help!

Addressing the counter points.

  • If long sessions of socializing is exhausting, you might be masking (even without knowing)

  • If you are not feeling rested after a nighs sleep, I would think that's still sleep troubles.

Addressing the maybes

  • ND folks have a way of finding each other. If most of your social group is ND move this into pro list.

  • Sheep are a special interest, move this into pro list.

Addressing some of the other points

  • ND folks will often have depression, anxiety, etc. because they are trying to exist in a society built for NT and their needs aren't being met.

  • Your brother having a lot of needs, does not mean that you are not ADHD/autistic, and is not a reason for your needs to continue to go unmet.

@actuallyautistic @audhd @adhd

--- Edit - More thoughts ---

"... my esteem/confidence is like zero ..."

This can happen with long term masking, and when your needs go unmet and are being dismissed by those around you.

brunus, to random French
@brunus@mamot.fr avatar

Le pouet du jour.
Ajoud'hui KiD va être initié à l'utilisation des "psionics" dans D&D.
Les capacité psy sont parfois rejetées par les D&Distes, et effectivement ça peut fausser une partie. Gary Gygax lui même disait qu'il regrettait d'avoir développé cette partie des règles 1er édition.
N'empêche que ça permet d'imaginer des scénarios dédiés et oniriques avec des psys capables de voyage astral, interplanaires, téléportatoin, téléphatie etc.


aleandros, to ADHD

Any or community on Mastodon that you people can recommend? Just for support and sharing tips/experiences.

inattentive_person, to ADHD

I am a programmer. I also have adhd.

I guess I do Anxiety Driven Development.

@di0v0n@graz.social avatar

Ich habe noch den cargo Aufbau, aber erst jetzt mit normalen Lenker traue ich mich damit zu fahren.
Zusätzlich hab ich mir noch den -e Zusatzmotor gekauft, falls die Lasten mal zu schwer zu treten sind.

Grundsätzlich war auch bei mir die Idee, bestehendes Fahrrad weiter zu verwenden und kein neues Lastenrad rumstehen zu haben. Wobei ein Lastenrad deutlich mehr Last verträgt als das add-bike System. Aber mehr als 30kg hab ich selten.

@mastobikes_de @fedibikes_de

hollie, to ADHD
@hollie@social.coop avatar

My fellow ADHD folks, my friend just sent me this and it's pretty cool!


Try putting in "clean the kitchen" and then click the wand for "break down item". Then when you see "wash dishes," click the wand again.

Nifty keen jellybean!

Akito, to Depression

Hi, I'm akito. Here's a brief ​:blobcat:​.

I am a transfem fluid​:Blobhaj_Flag_Genderfluid:​ enby​:Blobhaj_Flag_Nonbinary:​.

I have , and .

I love , espacially and .

I play a lot of video games; , and to name some.

I love programming in #C and ; especially interested in compiler and kernel development.

I speak english and german.

If you have any questions I am happy to answer most things ​:blobcat_smiley:​.

21c_aesthetics, to asd
@21c_aesthetics@mastodon.social avatar

Have made public my ASD/ADD (Austism Spectrum Disorder lvl 1/Attention Deficit Disordeer) on my mastodon profile. Diagnosed 2 months ago, wouldn't be comfortable communicating this on other social media yet. Any suggestions on follows or outside resources welcome (based in Finland).

MarjoleinRotsteeg, to Haiku Dutch
@MarjoleinRotsteeg@mastodon.nl avatar
mystique, to ADHD

lol, just realized I have not one but two Doc appointments tomorrow ...

I really hate ehm I mean love my ADHD/ADD sometimes xD

And while one is "just" picking up standard prescription, I have to prepare material, too.

Of course one of them has to be completely crosstown, urxs.

Anyway, @actuallyautistic hyperfocus now.

loke, to random
@loke@functional.cafe avatar

Reading this toot, I wanted to express it in KAP:

10 11 12 =⍥(+/2*⍨) 13 14<br></br>

(or, run it here)


loke, (edited )
@loke@functional.cafe avatar

@arclight @yojimbo OK, here's an attempt at a simpler explanation of function compositions.

(in the text below, upper case characters represent functions, (A, B, etc) while lower case (x, y, etc) are values.

The language itself allows for functions to be called in two fundamental ways:

  • Monadic calls of the form A x. The function A is called with a single argument on the right.
  • Dyadic calls of the form x A y. The function A is called with two arguments, x and y.

This is similar to how basic arithmetic works: 1+2 is the function + called with 1 and 2 as arguments, and returns 3. Likewise, the function - can be called with one argument, which simply negates it. I.e. -(3+1) is the negative of 3+1. Since KAP parses right-to-left, this can be expressed as -3+1.

A function on its own is called a "bare function" and can only be specified in a function context. The symbol can be used to give a name to a bare function, and the name can then be used to call it:

add ⇐ +<br></br>2 add 3<br></br>

The above will return 5. (example)[https://kapdemo.dhsdevelopments.com/clientweb2/#add%20%E2%87%90%20%2B%0A2%20add%203]

A bare function can also be placed wherever a named function can be placed. For example: 2 (+) 3. This is a silly example, but will be important shortly.

When given only an argument on the left, the result is bare function which can only be called monadically, but will call its function dyadically with the specified left argument. An example will make this more clear:

addOne ⇐ 1+<br></br>addOne 10<br></br>

This will return 11.

You can also combine functions in a sequence. The rules are explained in the documentation: https://kapdemo.dhsdevelopments.com/kap-comparison.html#_tacit_programming

The next part will discuss operators, and then we'll put it all together.

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