atomicpoet, to internet

Point blank, a mass Fediblock isn't going to work with .

The cold truth is that people will use whether it federates or not. Even if it fails, Barcelona will probably have more users out of the gate than almost every project save Mastodon. Hell, it will probably eclipse too.

And even if you convince every server to defederate -- which you won't -- this will not be a PR coup for the Fediverse. Newspaper headlines won't blare "Fediverse successfully resists Meta." Instead, they will probably follow @gruber take with "Open source zealots complain that an open protocol is open."

Again, as I've said countless times, I'm not saying you should federate with Barcelona or any Meta-owned property. If you want, defederate. The joy of the Fediverse is freedom of association.

But a mass Fediblock doesn't solve a few important problems with Meta, and perhaps makes them worse.

The most critical problem is that Meta users need to migrate away from Meta-owned social networks. Until now, a migration path has simply been unfeasible to most. But when Barcelona gets launched, it is possible that many of them will become aware of a greater Fediverse.

How to build that awareness? By interacting with them through services beyond Barcelona.

This approach works. I've interacted with many Mastodon users through services beyond Mastodon, and this has resulted in adoption of other Fediverse software. is a case in point.

However, there's a bigger problem concerning Meta: Fediverse replacements for Meta-owned social networks aren't getting mass adoption. And it's not because these apps aren't good.

is an replacement. It is also one of the slickest apps on the Fediverse. Yet, Pixelfed only has 150,000 registered accounts.

is a replacement. It's been around since 2010. It is a mature product that does many things very well, but Friendica only has 17,000 registered accounts.

The software is great but we are failing to effectively market the Fediverse beyond Mastodon. Now I'm trying my darnedest to change this, and so are many people. But facts are facts. Fediverse alternatives to Meta are a blip on the radar.

Refusing to federate with Barcelona won't change this. How do I know?

Because we don't federate now, and the status quo remains intact.

Meanwhile, Meta is practically gifting Pixelfed and Friendica an opportunity for federation, and it would be foolish to not consider broader implications.

How is it that more people aren't considering this opportunity?

Dare I say that most people -- including devs -- suffer from myopia concerning what the Fediverse is. The Fediverse is not Mastodon, and it is wrong to view the Fediverse solely through the eyes of Mastodon.

And I'll go further: by focusing Barcelona on text, I suspect that Meta is likewise making the same mistake of viewing the Fediverse as a "Twitter killer".

What they may not be considering is that the Fediverse might be a "Meta killer" too. And connecting Barcelona to the Fediverse is opening a can of worms Meta hasn't entirely considered yet.

If Barcelona is indeed text-based, what will happen when a Barcelona user encounters Pixelfed and asks, "Why does this post show reels? And why can't I do the same?"

Believe me, this is the kind of content that triggers migration.

We need to think bigger than Fediblock. Yes, for your own mental health and safety, you may not want to federate with Barcelona. However, there needs to also be a means for Barcelona users to encounter content outside Barcelona.

Perhaps there needs to be "lobby" servers that help Barcelona users enter the greater Fediverse -- helping them make the switch beyond Meta.

anders, to helpers en-us

Is there a way to upload and include videos in posts on ?


stefan, to fediverse avatar

My data visualization project that lets you explore your connections across the fediverse now supports:

  • Mastodon
  • Friendica
  • Pleroma/Akkoma 🆕
  • Misskey/Calckey 🆕

Try it here:

#dataviz #fediverse #mastodon #friendica #misskey #calckey #explore #data

atomicpoet, to internet

Yet another question people are asking me: "How can I, a common person, help hasten the demise of through ?"

Again, I want to re-emphasize this. is not an all-purpose tool. It's useful as a hammer. But in this scenario, we don't just need a hammer. We need drills, pliers, saws, and blowtorches.

That said, we must protect communities that choose to defederate from Meta. Which means that if those servers don't want to receive messages from any Meta-owned services, we must not only be respectful of that, we should make damn sure that those servers are quarantined from Meta. So much of the success of fighting Meta will require safe spaces from Meta.

The next thing we need is lots and lots of nodes. Currently, we only have ~25,000 nodes on the Fediverse but we need more. Preferably, these nodes should be small, agile, and well-moderated. If you have the finances and/or skill to run a node, it's important that you do so. To compete with Meta, we need to build scale -- and the easiest way to build scale is by adding more nodes to the Fediverse.

What will also be key is lobby servers. These will be servers specifically set up for migrants from Meta-owned services to help onboard them towards the rest of the Fediverse. To run such a lobby server, they need to be welcoming, moderated well, and free of the elitists and gatekeepers that poison so much of the Fediverse currently.

How to get people from Meta to try out the rest of the Fediverse? We need people willing to be ambassadors on who are ready and willing to evangelize the rest of the Fediverse. Folks like @tchambers are very good at this on Twitter, and I have no doubt that we can do the same with P92. Except this time we'll have the benefit of federation already happening 😉

Now if there's one thing I've learned about the growth of the Fediverse it's that bad corporate decisions pay dividends. We've already experienced waves of migration from Tumblr, Twitter, and Reddit. And I have no doubt that it's only a matter of time before Meta makes another corporate mistake -- as they tend to do.

In which case, we need to strike fast. When another Cambridge Analytica happens, we need to remind everyone on Meta about the lobby servers that are on standby, and ready to take them on. Unlike previous migrations, let's not be unprepared for this. Let's be especially prepared since Meta plans to join the Fediverse.

Finally, we need more devs. Specifically, we need devs willing to build innovative server and client software that takes aim at Meta. And to do that, we need to support the devs that currently exist -- show evergreen devs pondering whether they should invest here that we, as a community, are appreciative of our current devs.

If you like , , , , etc., it's important that you open up your hearts as well as your wallets and fund the next stage of Fediverse development.

This will take a lot of work. But if you want to fight Meta, challenge their dominance of social media, this is what must be done.

Personally, I'm hyped about the future of the Fediverse -- regardless of whether Meta eventually lives to tell the tale.

tux, to Futurology German

Hi @helpers gerade die aktuelle Diskussion bzgl. dem Fedi-Beitritt von zeigt meiner Meinung nach recht deutlich, wie wichtig es wäre, dass es ein Instanzen-Block auf Userebene geben würde. Also das nicht der Admin eine Instanz blockt (was ja jetzt schon machbar ist), sondern der User selber für sich.
Ist hierzu bei was angedacht? Wäre das technisch möglich?

sascha, to helpers German

Friendica | Warum wird bei so was den das Bild unkenntlich gemacht?

Hallo Zusammen, ich wollte fragen warum bei diesem Beitrag das Bild unkenntlich gemacht wird:

Das unkenntlich gemachte Bild sieht bei näherer Betrachtung doch recht harmlos aus:

Danke für Eure Hilfe im Voraus. 😀



stefan, to fediverse avatar

This is still very much work in progress, but feel free to try if you have a Mastodon or a Friendica account.

utzer, to helpers en-us

der @hm hat ein Problem mit einer Abmahnung wegen Urheberrechtsverstoß, bei den Verstößen geht es um Inhalte, die in Friendica über /photos oder über die Suche gefunden wurden. Er hat einen Friendicaserver nur für sich und bräuchte:

  1. Eine Person die ihm technisch helfen kann, damit er herausfinden kann, ob die Inhalte ggf. nicht auf seinem Server lagen oder ob die Inhalte erst auf seinen Server geladen wurden durch die Suche nach eben diesen Inhalten.
  2. Freut er sich sicher über Tipps, gab es schon mal einen Fall wie diesen oder kann hier jemand gute Rechtsberatung empfehlen?
  3. Möchte er andere Admins warnen, dass diese sich bewusst sind, dass je nach Konfiguration fremd erstellte Inhalte öffentlich bereitgestellt werden.

Ich erwähne mal @tobias weil er vielleicht etwas weiß, den @heluecht weil er vielleicht technisch helfen/erklären kann.

notizie, to mastodon Italian

Pulizie di primavera sulle istanze e eliminati quasi tutti gli utenti inattivi a più di un anno. Cos'è successo e perché l'abbiamo fatto? E perché (quasi) nessun altro fa questo tipo di pulizie?

Uno dei grandi problemi del #Fediverso è che solo un 10% degli utenti complessivi si è effettivamente collegato da meno di un mese, intervallo di tempo questo che segna la differenza tra un "utente attivo" e un utente disperso che presenta un'alta probabilità di essere "deceduto".


Nelle scorse settimane abbiamo provveduto a verificare l'esistenza in vita dei nostri account più vecchi per capire se si trattasse di utenti realmente inattivi oppure solo di persone ancora interessate al Fediverso e i risultati hanno confermato le nostre aspettative: solo una minoranza esigua di questi account ha infatti confermato un qualche interesse a lurkare su #Mastodon o su #Friendica in posizione sefalica*.

  • sefalica, agg. usato solo nella forma femm. sing., dall'espressione vernacolare "se-fa-li-ca(zzi sua)*"* che indica l'approccio di chi è orientato sul proprio interesse e risulta scarsamente votato all'interazione con terzi

Il risultato di questa pulizia è stato decisamente significativo:

D'altra parte abbiamo notato un dato in apparente controtendenza:

  • l'istanza è passata dai 141 utenti complessivi di fine marzo, ai 161 di fine aprile (dati e ad oggi viene indicata (dati con 183 utenti complessivi: 42 utenti attivi in più, ossia un incremento del 30% degli utenti attivi.
  • l'istanza è passata dai 47 utenti attivi di fine marzo, ai 56 di fine aprile (dati e ad oggi viene indicata (dati con 58 utenti complessivi: 11 utenti attivi in più, ossia un incremento del 23% degli utenti attivi.

Come si spiega questa controtendenza

In realtà, benché alcuni nessi potrebbero essere di carattere contingente, non c'è necessariamente una causalità stretta tra l'eliminazione di utenti inattivi e l'incremento di utenti attivi e il motivo principale è il primo della lista:

  1. quando abbiamo cercato di prendere contatto con gli utenti inattivi, si è avuto un risveglio di alcuni di essi che ha determinato la "resurrezione" dei profili inattivi da più di un mese
  2. è possibile che alcuni utenti che hanno ricevuto l'avviso ma che non erano interessati a recuperare il profilo corrente, abbiano deciso di reiscriversi
  3. è possibile che alcuni profili fossero di bot automatizzati che, una volta risultati eliminati, si sono reiscritti automaticamente

Il risoltato è comunque quello di avere uno scostamento minore tra utenti complessivi e utenti attivi.

Ma perché questo ciclo di pulizia?

  • Il primo motivo è la privacy dei nostri utenti: se i nostri utenti non utilizzano il nostro social, non c'è motivo che noi continuiamo a trattare i dati personali necessari a gestire il loro account
  • il secondo motivo è la sIcurezza, intesa come sicurezza di noi amministratori ma anche di tutto il fediverso. Infatti, il fatto di avere in pancia utenti inattivi, non significa né che lo siano davvero, né che non siano utenti pericolosi. Una delle vulnerabilità del Fediverso che nasce dalle istanze a iscrizione libera è che qualche attore malevolo potrebbe far iscrivere utenti fittizi come parte di una botnet da attivare in certi momenti per produrre spam, far aumentare follower, alterare i flussi regolari dei messaggi. Ora, i socal commerciali dispongono di alcuni sistemi di mitigazione del rischio che, sebbene non risolutivi, consentono di sospendere o annullare gli effetti di queste campagne di alterazione della visibilità. Il fediverso invece non dispone di questi strumenti. Ogni utente inattivo è pertanto una piccola potenziale bomba a orologeria, piazzata dentro gli ingranaggi del Fediverso: una botnet dormiente, incistata in tutte le istanze del mondo e pronta a esplodere sarebbe impossibile da fermare in tempi rapidi!
  • Sebbene abbiamo riscontrato che l'eliminazione di profili inattivi non abbia avuto effetti positivi sul risparmio di risorse da parte del sistema, è chiaro che sul lungo termine, la nostra istanza si risparmierà di visualizzare in timeline quei contenuti che sarebbero stati visibili solo perché prodotti da contatti di secondo livello del nostro utente inattivo.

Ma perché questa pulizia non la fa nessuno?

Eh... ora tocca a voi: rispondete nei commenti!

schmaker, to php

Hello guys,

I'm getting #PHP process killed by #OOM killer lately and am not able to debug what and why is causing it, only thing i know at this moment is, that it seems to be related to #Friendica worker (no other webpages are running at my VPS.

Errors in friendica.log and httpd.log are repeated over and over again, I have tons of these.

Friendica log```
2024-01-14T12:14:05Z worker [ALERT]: Fatal Error (E_ERROR): Allowed memory size of 268435456 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 50348032 bytes) {"code":1,"message":"Allowed memory size of 268435456 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 50348032 bytes)","file":"/srv/http/","line":568,"trace":null} - {"file":null,"line":null,"function":null,"request-id":"65a3d00a94ba8","stack":"ErrorHandler::handleFatalError","uid":"0e21ff","process_id":524483}
2024-01-14T12:14:19Z app [NOTICE]: created item {"post-id":1746909,"uid":0,"network":"apub","uri-id":7056319,"guid":"52acf9cd-d5329c5bc33553a3-16fb1418"} - {"file":"Item.php","line":1334,"function":"insert","request-id":"65a3d01b052b3","stack":"Item::insert (1172), Processor::postItem (783), Receiver::routeActivities (747), Receiver::processActivity (169), Receiver::processInbox (101), Inbox::post (233), BaseModule::run (109), BaseApi::run (43), Inbox::run (711), App::runFrontend (46)","uid":"1ddf6c","process_id":521334}
2024-01-14T12:14:19Z app [NOTICE]: created item {"post-id":1746910,"uid":2,"network":"apub","uri-id":7055024,"guid":"2cc3d87f-74a5bdcec9bb28f3-597a3200"} - {"file":"Item.php","line":1334,"function":"insert","request-id":"65a3d01b052b3","stack":"Item::insert (1874), Item::storeForUser (1740), Item::storeForUserByUriId (1252), Processor::hasParents (1162), Processor::postItem (783), Receiver::routeActivities (747), Receiver::processActivity (169), Receiver::processInbox (101), Inbox::post (233), BaseModule::run (109), BaseApi::run (43), Inbox::run (711), App::runFrontend (46)","uid":"1ddf6c","process_id":521334}
2024-01-14T12:14:19Z app [NOTICE]: Inserted missing parent post {"stored":1746910,"uid":2,"parent":""} - {"file":"Processor.php","line":1255,"function":"hasParents","request-id":"65a3d01b052b3","stack":"Processor::hasParents (1162), Processor::postItem (783), Receiver::routeActivities (747), Receiver::processActivity (169), Receiver::processInbox (101), Inbox::post (233), BaseModule::run (109), BaseApi::run (43), Inbox::run (711), App::runFrontend (46)","uid":"1ddf6c","process_id":521334}
2024-01-14T12:14:19Z app [NOTICE]: created item {"post-id":1746911,"uid":2,"network":"apub","uri-id":7056319,"guid":"52acf9cd-d5329c5bc33553a3-16fb1418"} - {"file":"Item.php","line":1334,"function":"insert","request-id":"65a3d01b052b3","stack":"Item::insert (1172), Processor::postItem (783), Receiver::routeActivities (747), Receiver::processActivity (169), Receiver::processInbox (101), Inbox::post (233), BaseModule::run (109), BaseApi::run (43), Inbox::run (711), App::runFrontend (46)","uid":"1ddf6c","process_id":521334}
2024-01-14T12:14:28Z app [NOTICE]: no data for session {"session_id":"918db4sbltu4uuboiu7vgir1u1","uri":"/robots.txt"} - {"file":"Database.php","line":78,"function":"read","request-id":"65a3d0247394c","stack":"Database::read, session_start (54), Native::start (150), Dice::Dice{closure} (96), Dice::create (247), Dice::Dice{closure} (132), Dice::Dice{closure} (96), Dice::create (247), Dice::Dice{closure} (132), Dice::Dice{closure} (96), Dice::create (92), DI::app (42)","uid":"21ebe6","process_id":521020}
2024-01-14T12:14:46Z app [NOTICE]: created item {"post-id":1746912,"uid":0,"network":"apub","uri-id":7056320,"guid":"f7dd981d-1265-a37e-95d3-45a258252183"} - {"file":"Item.php","line":1334,"function":"insert","request-id":"65a3d0369bf29","stack":"Item::insert (1172), Processor::postItem (708), Processor::createActivity (843), Receiver::routeActivities (747), Receiver::processActivity (169), Receiver::processInbox (101), Inbox::post (233), BaseModule::run (109), BaseApi::run (43), Inbox::run (711), App::runFrontend (46)","uid":"ced645","process_id":511968}
2024-01-14T12:14:46Z app [NOTICE]: created item {"post-id":1746913,"uid":2,"network":"apub","uri-id":7056320,"guid":"f7dd981d-1265-a37e-95d3-45a258252183"} - {"file":"Item.php","line":1334,"function":"insert","request-id":"65a3d0369bf29","stack":"Item::insert (1172), Processor::postItem (708), Processor::createActivity (843), Receiver::routeActivities (747), Receiver::processActivity (169), Receiver::processInbox (101), Inbox::post (233), BaseModule::run (109), BaseApi::run (43), Inbox::run (711), App::runFrontend (46)","uid":"ced645","process_id":511968}
2024-01-14T12:14:49Z app [NOTICE]: no data for session {"session_id":"0ahqk6onff097rtsfs76uk85vu","uri":"/profile/netvoyne?tag=Zaporozhye&page=7"} - {"file":"Database.php","line":78,"function":"read","request-id":"65a3d0395754d","stack":"Database::read, session_start (54), Native::start (150), Dice::Dice{closure} (96), Dice::create (247), Dice::Dice{closure} (132), Dice::Dice{closure} (96), Dice::create (247), Dice::Dice{closure} (132), Dice::Dice{closure} (96), Dice::create (92), DI::app (42)","uid":"28fdfc","process_id":521334}
2024-01-14T12:14:50Z app [NOTICE]: no data for session {"session_id":"f1176v7k02rugm0aqrpgo7l8eg","uri":"/display/c83e3896-1964-2eb2-f5bf-0c2147726828"} - {"file":"Database.php","line":78,"function":"read","request-id":"65a3d03a79379","stack":"Database::read, session_start (54), Native::start (150), Dice::Dice{closure} (96), Dice::create (247), Dice::Dice{closure} (132), Dice::Dice{closure} (96), Dice::create (247), Dice::Dice{closure} (132), Dice::Dice{closure} (96), Dice::create (92), DI::app (42)","uid":"9ecf0a","process_id":516104}
2024-01-14T12:14:50Z app [WARNING]: E_WARNING: Trying to access array offset on null {"code":2,"message":"Trying to access array offset on null","file":"/srv/http/","line":46} - {"file":"smarty_internal_errorhandler.php","line":112,"function":"handleError","request-id":"65a3d03a79379","stack":"ErrorHandler::handleError (112), Smarty_Internal_ErrorHandler::handleError (46), content_65894a0656ce28_18927795 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (217), Smarty_Internal_Template::render (238), Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase::_execute (116), Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase::fetch (100), FriendicaSmartyEngine::replaceMacros (84), Renderer::replaceMacros (593), Conversation::render (278), Display::getDisplayData (165), Display::content (250), BaseModule::run (711), App::runFrontend (46)","uid":"9ecf0a","process_id":516104}
2024-01-14T12:14:50Z app [WARNING]: E_WARNING: Trying to access array offset on null {"code":2,"message":"Trying to access array offset on null","file":"/srv/http/","line":506} - {"file":"smarty_internal_errorhandler.php","line":112,"function":"handleError","request-id":"65a3d03a79379","stack":"ErrorHandler::handleError (112), Smarty_Internal_ErrorHandler::handleError (506), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (217), Smarty_Internal_Template::render (386), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (48), content_65894a0656ce28_18927795 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (217), Smarty_Internal_Template::render (238), Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase::_execute (116), Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase::fetch (100), FriendicaSmartyEngine::replaceMacros (84), Renderer::replaceMacros (593)","uid":"9ecf0a","process_id":516104}
2024-01-14T12:14:50Z app [WARNING]: E_WARNING: Trying to access array offset on null {"code":2,"message":"Trying to access array offset on null","file":"/srv/http/","line":521} - {"file":"smarty_internal_errorhandler.php","line":112,"function":"handleError","request-id":"65a3d03a79379","stack":"ErrorHandler::handleError (112), Smarty_Internal_ErrorHandler::handleError (521), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (217), Smarty_Internal_Template::render (386), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (48), content_65894a0656ce28_18927795 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (217), Smarty_Internal_Template::render (238), Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase::_execute (116), Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase::fetch (100), FriendicaSmartyEngine::replaceMacros (84), Renderer::replaceMacros (593)","uid":"9ecf0a","process_id":516104}
2024-01-14T12:14:50Z app [WARNING]: E_WARNING: Trying to access array offset on null {"code":2,"message":"Trying to access array offset on null","file":"/srv/http/","line":539} - {"file":"smarty_internal_errorhandler.php","line":112,"function":"handleError","request-id":"65a3d03a79379","stack":"ErrorHandler::handleError (112), Smarty_Internal_ErrorHandler::handleError (539), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (217), Smarty_Internal_Template::render (386), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (48), content_65894a0656ce28_18927795 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (217), Smarty_Internal_Template::render (238), Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase::_execute (116), Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase::fetch (100), FriendicaSmartyEngine::replaceMacros (84), Renderer::replaceMacros (593)","uid":"9ecf0a","process_id":516104}
2024-01-14T12:14:50Z app [WARNING]: E_WARNING: Trying to access array offset on null {"code":2,"message":"Trying to access array offset on null","file":"/srv/http/","line":554} - {"file":"smarty_internal_errorhandler.php","line":112,"function":"handleError","request-id":"65a3d03a79379","stack":"ErrorHandler::handleError (112), Smarty_Internal_ErrorHandler::handleError (554), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (217), Smarty_Internal_Template::render (386), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (48), content_65894a0656ce28_18927795 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (217), Smarty_Internal_Template::render (238), Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase::_execute (116), Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase::fetch (100), FriendicaSmartyEngine::replaceMacros (84), Renderer::replaceMacros (593)","uid":"9ecf0a","process_id":516104}
2024-01-14T12:14:50Z app [WARNING]: E_WARNING: Trying to access array offset on false {"code":2,"message":"Trying to access array offset on false","file":"/srv/http/","line":798} - {"file":"smarty_internal_errorhandler.php","line":112,"function":"handleError","request-id":"65a3d03a79379","stack":"ErrorHandler::handleError (112), Smarty_Internal_ErrorHandler::handleError (798), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (217), Smarty_Internal_Template::render (386), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (48), content_65894a0656ce28_18927795 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (217), Smarty_Internal_Template::render (238), Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase::_execute (116), Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase::fetch (100), FriendicaSmartyEngine::replaceMacros (84), Renderer::replaceMacros (593)","uid":"9ecf0a","process_id":516104}
2024-01-14T12:14:50Z app [WARNING]: E_WARNING: Trying to access array offset on false {"code":2,"message":"Trying to access array offset on false","file":"/srv/http/","line":1103} - {"file":"smarty_internal_errorhandler.php","line":112,"function":"handleError","request-id":"65a3d03a79379","stack":"ErrorHandler::handleError (112), Smarty_Internal_ErrorHandler::handleError (1103), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (217), Smarty_Internal_Template::render (386), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (48), content_65894a0656ce28_18927795 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (217), Smarty_Internal_Template::render (238), Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase::_execute (116), Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase::fetch (100), FriendicaSmartyEngine::replaceMacros (84), Renderer::replaceMacros (593)","uid":"9ecf0a","process_id":516104}
2024-01-14T12:14:50Z app [WARNING]: E_WARNING: Trying to access array offset on null {"code":2,"message":"Trying to access array offset on null","file":"/srv/http/","line":506} - {"file":"smarty_internal_errorhandler.php","line":112,"function":"handleError","request-id":"65a3d03a79379","stack":"ErrorHandler::handleError (112), Smarty_Internal_ErrorHandler::handleError (506), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (384), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (1158), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (217), Smarty_Internal_Template::render (386), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (48), content_65894a0656ce28_18927795 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (217), Smarty_Internal_Template::render (238)","uid":"9ecf0a","process_id":516104}
2024-01-14T12:14:50Z app [WARNING]: E_WARNING: Trying to access array offset on null {"code":2,"message":"Trying to access array offset on null","file":"/srv/http/","line":521} - {"file":"smarty_internal_errorhandler.php","line":112,"function":"handleError","request-id":"65a3d03a79379","stack":"ErrorHandler::handleError (112), Smarty_Internal_ErrorHandler::handleError (521), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (384), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (1158), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (217), Smarty_Internal_Template::render (386), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (48), content_65894a0656ce28_18927795 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (217), Smarty_Internal_Template::render (238)","uid":"9ecf0a","process_id":516104}
2024-01-14T12:14:50Z app [WARNING]: E_WARNING: Trying to access array offset on null {"code":2,"message":"Trying to access array offset on null","file":"/srv/http/","line":539} - {"file":"smarty_internal_errorhandler.php","line":112,"function":"handleError","request-id":"65a3d03a79379","stack":"ErrorHandler::handleError (112), Smarty_Internal_ErrorHandler::handleError (539), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (384), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (1158), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (217), Smarty_Internal_Template::render (386), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (48), content_65894a0656ce28_18927795 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (217), Smarty_Internal_Template::render (238)","uid":"9ecf0a","process_id":516104}
2024-01-14T12:14:50Z app [WARNING]: E_WARNING: Trying to access array offset on null {"code":2,"message":"Trying to access array offset on null","file":"/srv/http/","line":554} - {"file":"smarty_internal_errorhandler.php","line":112,"function":"handleError","request-id":"65a3d03a79379","stack":"ErrorHandler::handleError (112), Smarty_Internal_ErrorHandler::handleError (554), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (384), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (1158), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (217), Smarty_Internal_Template::render (386), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (48), content_65894a0656ce28_18927795 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (217), Smarty_Internal_Template::render (238)","uid":"9ecf0a","process_id":516104}
2024-01-14T12:14:50Z app [WARNING]: E_WARNING: Trying to access array offset on false {"code":2,"message":"Trying to access array offset on false","file":"/srv/http/","line":798} - {"file":"smarty_internal_errorhandler.php","line":112,"function":"handleError","request-id":"65a3d03a79379","stack":"ErrorHandler::handleError (112), Smarty_Internal_ErrorHandler::handleError (798), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (384), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (1158), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (217), Smarty_Internal_Template::render (386), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (48), content_65894a0656ce28_18927795 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (217), Smarty_Internal_Template::render (238)","uid":"9ecf0a","process_id":516104}
2024-01-14T12:14:50Z app [WARNING]: E_WARNING: Trying to access array offset on false {"code":2,"message":"Trying to access array offset on false","file":"/srv/http/","line":1103} - {"file":"smarty_internal_errorhandler.php","line":112,"function":"handleError","request-id":"65a3d03a79379","stack":"ErrorHandler::handleError (112), Smarty_Internal_ErrorHandler::handleError (1103), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (384), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (1158), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (217), Smarty_Internal_Template::render (386), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (48), content_65894a0656ce28_18927795 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (217), Smarty_Internal_Template::render (238)","uid":"9ecf0a","process_id":516104}
2024-01-14T12:14:50Z app [WARNING]: E_WARNING: Trying to access array offset on null {"code":2,"message":"Trying to access array offset on null","file":"/srv/http/","line":506} - {"file":"smarty_internal_errorhandler.php","line":112,"function":"handleError","request-id":"65a3d03a79379","stack":"ErrorHandler::handleError (112), Smarty_Internal_ErrorHandler::handleError (506), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (384), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (1158), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (384), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (1158), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (217), Smarty_Internal_Template::render (386), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (48)","uid":"9ecf0a","process_id":516104}
2024-01-14T12:14:50Z app [WARNING]: E_WARNING: Trying to access array offset on null {"code":2,"message":"Trying to access array offset on null","file":"/srv/http/","line":521} - {"file":"smarty_internal_errorhandler.php","line":112,"function":"handleError","request-id":"65a3d03a79379","stack":"ErrorHandler::handleError (112), Smarty_Internal_ErrorHandler::handleError (521), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (384), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (1158), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (384), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (1158), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (217), Smarty_Internal_Template::render (386), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (48)","uid":"9ecf0a","process_id":516104}
2024-01-14T12:14:50Z app [WARNING]: E_WARNING: Trying to access array offset on null {"code":2,"message":"Trying to access array offset on null","file":"/srv/http/","line":539} - {"file":"smarty_internal_errorhandler.php","line":112,"function":"handleError","request-id":"65a3d03a79379","stack":"ErrorHandler::handleError (112), Smarty_Internal_ErrorHandler::handleError (539), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (384), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (1158), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (384), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (1158), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (217), Smarty_Internal_Template::render (386), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (48)","uid":"9ecf0a","process_id":516104}
2024-01-14T12:14:50Z app [WARNING]: E_WARNING: Trying to access array offset on null {"code":2,"message":"Trying to access array offset on null","file":"/srv/http/","line":554} - {"file":"smarty_internal_errorhandler.php","line":112,"function":"handleError","request-id":"65a3d03a79379","stack":"ErrorHandler::handleError (112), Smarty_Internal_ErrorHandler::handleError (554), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (384), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (1158), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (384), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (1158), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (217), Smarty_Internal_Template::render (386), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (48)","uid":"9ecf0a","process_id":516104}
2024-01-14T12:14:50Z app [WARNING]: E_WARNING: Trying to access array offset on false {"code":2,"message":"Trying to access array offset on false","file":"/srv/http/","line":798} - {"file":"smarty_internal_errorhandler.php","line":112,"function":"handleError","request-id":"65a3d03a79379","stack":"ErrorHandler::handleError (112), Smarty_Internal_ErrorHandler::handleError (798), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (384), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (1158), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (384), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (1158), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (217), Smarty_Internal_Template::render (386), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (48)","uid":"9ecf0a","process_id":516104}

httpd error log```
[Sun Jan 14 13:10:37.773690 2024] [php:warn] [pid 511968] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/http/ on line 506
[Sun Jan 14 13:10:37.773743 2024] [php:warn] [pid 511968] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/http/ on line 521
[Sun Jan 14 13:10:37.773791 2024] [php:warn] [pid 511968] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/http/ on line 539
[Sun Jan 14 13:10:37.773874 2024] [php:warn] [pid 511968] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/http/ on line 554
[Sun Jan 14 13:10:37.773940 2024] [php:warn] [pid 511968] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on false in /srv/http/ on line 798
[Sun Jan 14 13:10:37.773990 2024] [php:warn] [pid 511968] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on false in /srv/http/ on line 1103
[Sun Jan 14 13:10:37.774111 2024] [php:warn] [pid 511968] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/http/ on line 506
[Sun Jan 14 13:10:37.774182 2024] [php:warn] [pid 511968] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/http/ on line 521
[Sun Jan 14 13:10:37.774240 2024] [php:warn] [pid 511968] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/http/ on line 539
[Sun Jan 14 13:10:37.774291 2024] [php:warn] [pid 511968] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/http/ on line 554
[Sun Jan 14 13:10:37.774364 2024] [php:warn] [pid 511968] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on false in /srv/http/ on line 798
[Sun Jan 14 13:10:37.774418 2024] [php:warn] [pid 511968] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on false in /srv/http/ on line 1103
[Sun Jan 14 13:10:37.774531 2024] [php:warn] [pid 511968] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/http/ on line 506
[Sun Jan 14 13:10:37.774590 2024] [php:warn] [pid 511968] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/http/ on line 521
[Sun Jan 14 13:10:37.774642 2024] [php:warn] [pid 511968] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/http/ on line 539
[Sun Jan 14 13:10:37.774698 2024] [php:warn] [pid 511968] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/http/ on line 554
[Sun Jan 14 13:10:37.774762 2024] [php:warn] [pid 511968] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on false in /srv/http/ on line 798
[Sun Jan 14 13:10:37.774816 2024] [php:warn] [pid 511968] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on false in /srv/http/ on line 1103
[Sun Jan 14 13:12:50.905457 2024] [php:warn] [pid 521020] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/http/ on line 46, referer:
[Sun Jan 14 13:12:50.910537 2024] [php:warn] [pid 521020] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/http/ on line 46, referer:
[Sun Jan 14 13:12:50.912046 2024] [php:warn] [pid 521020] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/http/ on line 46, referer:
[Sun Jan 14 13:12:50.913249 2024] [php:warn] [pid 521020] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/http/ on line 46, referer:
[Sun Jan 14 13:12:50.913974 2024] [php:warn] [pid 521020] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/http/ on line 46, referer:
[Sun Jan 14 13:12:50.914188 2024] [php:warn] [pid 521020] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/http/ on line 46, referer:
[Sun Jan 14 13:12:50.914399 2024] [php:warn] [pid 521020] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/http/ on line 46, referer:
[Sun Jan 14 13:12:50.915173 2024] [php:warn] [pid 521020] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/http/ on line 46, referer:
[Sun Jan 14 13:12:50.915418 2024] [php:warn] [pid 521020] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/http/ on line 46, referer:
[Sun Jan 14 13:12:50.915886 2024] [php:warn] [pid 521020] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/http/ on line 46, referer:
[Sun Jan 14 13:13:05.621887 2024] [php:warn] [pid 524293] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/http/ on line 46
[Sun Jan 14 13:13:05.625511 2024] [php:warn] [pid 524293] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/http/ on line 506
[Sun Jan 14 13:13:05.625602 2024] [php:warn] [pid 524293] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/http/ on line 521
[Sun Jan 14 13:13:05.625659 2024] [php:warn] [pid 524293] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/http/ on line 539
[Sun Jan 14 13:13:05.625710 2024] [php:warn] [pid 524293] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/http/ on line 554
[Sun Jan 14 13:13:05.625798 2024] [php:warn] [pid 524293] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on false in /srv/http/ on line 798
[Sun Jan 14 13:13:05.625882 2024] [php:warn] [pid 524293] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on false in /srv/http/ on line 1103
[Sun Jan 14 13:13:05.626226 2024] [php:warn] [pid 524293] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/http/ on line 506
[Sun Jan 14 13:13:05.626284 2024] [php:warn] [pid 524293] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/http/ on line 521
[Sun Jan 14 13:13:05.626352 2024] [php:warn] [pid 524293] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/http/ on line 539
[Sun Jan 14 13:13:05.626403 2024] [php:warn] [pid 524293] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/http/ on line 554
[Sun Jan 14 13:13:05.626497 2024] [php:warn] [pid 524293] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on false in /srv/http/ on line 798
[Sun Jan 14 13:13:05.626575 2024] [php:warn] [pid 524293] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on false in /srv/http/ on line 1103
caos, (edited ) to fediverse German

Hallo Fediverse! Bitte um Rückmeldung + Ergänzungen: Übersichts-Tabelle mit Fediverse-Diensten, Vergleichsdiensten und Funktionen

Ich schreibe einen Artikel über den und in dem Rahmen natürlich auch über das . Zielgruppe sind Leute, die wahrscheinlich zum Großteil noch gar nix vom Fediverse gehört haben.
Dazu bin ich dabei, eine Tabelle zu erstellen, in der einige Fedi-Dienste sowie deren Haupt-/ besondere Funktionen aufgeführt werden sollen.

Das ist der derzeitige Entwurf:

"ähnlich wie..."
Ein Vergleich mit kommerziellen Plattformen ist natürlich immer nur zum Teil passend. Ich kenne auch keinen der kommerziellen Dienste aus eigener Erfahrung, aber für die avisierte Zielgruppe kann so ein Vergleich vielleicht trotzdem eine hilfreiche Orientierung sein. Vielleicht gibt es da aber auch Vergleiche, die passender sind. Einige Dienste (bspw. Medium, Podigee) kannte ich auch noch nicht mal vom Namen her, sondern habe das nur aus ähnlichen Vergleichstabellen übernommen.

Zu den "besonderen Funktionen":
Insbesondere Friendica, Firefish und v.a. Hubzilla haben so viele Funktionen, dass diese im Rahmen der Tabelle nur exemplarisch aufgeführt werden können und die Auswahl ist subjektiv. Hier wäre die Frage, ob das eine passende Auswahl ist, ob besonders wichtige fehlen oder ob andere Funktionen wichtiger oder besonderer sind.

Wenn Ihr also Anregungen oder Ergänzungen habt, gerne her damit! Danke!


montag, to fediverse German

Hallo an alle und ,

da das immer noch am wachsen ist und es jetzt wohl gerade größere Wanderungsbewegungen weg von zu und dem Fork gibt, hier mal ein aktualisiertes Übersichtsdiagramm um zu zeigen, dass das Fediverse nicht nur aus besteht.

Erst mal vielen Dank an @kuketzblog und @imke für das erstellen des Diagramms.

Dann gibt es natürlich auch noch ein paar Links zu Seiten auf denen man sich einen Überblick über das Fediverse verschaffen kann:

rolle, to fediverse avatar

I would like to endorse other minor web apps in the , but most of them are full of UI glitches, are incomplete and downright buggy looking odd things.

From my designer point of view and are the only effective ones, because they speak to people who are used to proper visual design language (read: Non-nerds, non-engineers, the regular people and design oriented people).

Things like , , and newer niche apps cause reactions like: "What is this?", they look like back end is fine but nobody is in charge of the design and the UI has no direction whatsoever. It's the general culprit in the programming world: A back end developer thinks everything is fine when we add a CSS framework and that's that.

If we just get the UI right everywhere, we get more people to the . I just wish there was more /design people willing to contribute.

atomicpoet, to fediversenews avatar

I'm test driving for public groups.

Like , /kbin can ban trolls from participating in groups.

Unlike Friendica, you can remove posts local to where the group is hosted.

Unfortunately, the offending comments still appears in user timelines because other Fediverse servers do not delete after comments are removed locally.

Another alternative could be which supports groups through "Channels". However these do NOT federate.


caos, (edited ) to mastodon German

Eine kleine Anleitung dazu, wie Ihr von , , usw. aus mit kommunizieren könnt

Lemmy ist eine ist eine Art Forensoftware im : Man kann Foren (die in Lemmy "Communitys" genannt werden) abonnieren, Links teilen und an Diskussionen teilnehmen. Ausführlicher haben @Tealk und ich es hier beschrieben.

Du kannst zum einen -Accounts folgen, dann erscheinen die Beiträge in Deiner Timeline und Du kannst darauf antworten, sie teilen usw.
Zum anderen kannst Du auch von Mastodon etc. aus Beiträge in Lemmy-Communitys erstellen.

Einer Community folgen:
Am einfachsten ist es, den Accountnamen vollständig in die Suche zu tippen bzw. eben die URL zu kopieren ins Suchfeld. Das gilt sowohl für Communitys (z.B. [ät] als auch für Lemmy-Accounts (z.B. @caos ist mein Lemmy-Account) als auch für einzelne Beiträge in Lemmy (z.B. ist ein Beitrag in Lemmy).

Beiträge in Communitys erstellen:
Beiträge in Lemmy-Communitys kannst Du erstellen, indem Du den Communty-Account taggst (deshalb habe ich oben [ät] eingefügt, weil sonst der Beitrag in dem Forum landen kann.
Das ist im Prinzip genauso wie bei Friendica-Foren: Wenn der Account mit @ getaggt wird, teilt er den Beitrag und der Beitrag erscheint dann auch im Forum.
Das ist zum Beispiel ein Beitrag, den ich von Mastodon aus erstellt habe im Testforum von feddit:

Von Mastodon und Calckey etc. aus ist nur zu beachten: Der Beginn des Posts/ der erste Absatz wird der Titel des Foren-Beitrags, da Mastodon kein Überschriftenfeld hat.

Im ersten Absatz bitte keine Hashtags und keine Links verwenden, die werden in der Überschrift nicht richtig angezeigt!
Also am besten den Beitrag so beginnen (s. Bild 1):

Das ist meine Überschrift (möglichst aussagekräftiger Titel, am besten hier keine Hashtags)
Das ist der weitere Text, Link etc.
ggf. ein Bild (nur im Ausgangspost wird ein Bild von Mastodon nach Lemmy übertragen)

Nach interessanten Foren/Communtys suchen könnt ihr entweder auf einer Instanzseite oder übergreifend auch hier oder hier im neuen "Lemmy Explorer" (s. Bild 2).
Dann URL ins Suchfeld und dem Account folgen.

Wenn Du eine interessante Community gefunden hast, kannst Du deren URL in das Suchfeld reinkopieren, um dem Community-Account zu folgen (s. Bild 3) oder das Handle des Accounts in der Form @communityname eingeben (in Friendica etc. auch mit !) .

Die vergangenen Beiträge werden dann oft nicht angezeigt, aber die, die dann in Zukunft kommen, erscheinen in Deiner Timeline.
Was nicht geht von Mastodon etc. aus, ist eine eigene Community zu erstellen. Dafür braucht es einen Lemmy- oder kbin-Account. Sonst geht eigentlich fast alles (bis auf Bilder in Antworten, die werden m.W. nicht föderiert, siehe im Detail hier).

Wenn Du vielen bzw. sehr aktiven Communitys folgst, kann es v.a. in Mastodon etwas unübersichtlich werden. Einen übersichtlichere Ansicht gibt es, wenn Du es auf die Seite der Community selbst ansiehst, also extern im Browser öffnest.
(Edit: die Original-URL von Beiträgen versteckt sich z.T. hinter dem -Logo)

Es gibt auch noch andere öffentliche Gruppen im z.B. Friendica-Foren und kbin-Magazines, mit denen es ähnlich funktioniert.

utzer, to helpers

I updated my two #Friendica servers to 03.2024 some days ago, the db update and the postupdate tasks on server A were still running today, I stopped them and restarted them now, it seems it takes quite long.

On the other server (B) I get the following error in cli:
[Error] Cannot get cache entry with key openstreetmap:Rungestraße 20, Berlin

I execute this commands:

git fetch
git pull
bin/composer.phar install --no-dev
cd addon
git fetch
git pull
cd ..
bin/console dbstructure update
bin/console postupdate

Happy for any tips how to solve that error.

Server A shows the following in /friendica:

This is Friendica, version 2024.03 that is running at the web location The database version is 1557/1557, the post update version is 1544/1550.

Server B shows the following in /friendica:

This is Friendica, version 2024.03 that is running at the web location The database version is 1557/1557, the post update version is 1507/1550.

abu, to helpers

Since updating to 2024.03 I get continuously database errors like:

Unknown column 'contact-id' in 'where clause'
DELETE FROM item WHERE (contact-id = 103118)

Who knows what's gone wrong here?


feb, to German

Was passiert, wenn ich über dieses Forum einen Beitrag teile?

Versendet von ['loma] (fediverse)

montag, to helpers

Hello ,

is sharing as a quote no longer possible with Friendica? At least I can no longer find the button.

Friendica 'Yellow Archangel' 2024.03-dev - 1542


sascha, to helpers German

Frage | Friendica: Wo kann ich das automatische Erwähnen ausschalten?

Immer wenn ich auf einen Beitrag oder Kommentar antworte, werden die auf die ich antworte bzw. die im Beitrag/Kommentar erwähnt werden mit erwähnt. Wo kann ich das noch mal ausschalten?

Tags: -Erwähnung -01-14

tin, to helpers German

Gibts hier draussen auch Admins, die ihre Instanz auf einem Uberspace Server laufen haben? Meine Ein-Account-Instanz läuft so total langsam - der Seitenaufbau wird offenbar durch die Datenbank dermassen ausgebremst, dass das Ganze langsam unbrauchbar wird...

noidea, to php

Hello ..

Today I installed 8.3 on my VServer ( Linux) and tried to switch to that version with ln -fs /usr/bin/php83 /usr/bin/php .
Previously I used php 8.2.x

The problem is, 's Admin Page says this:

version 8.2.18
php.ini /etc/php82/php.ini

and in SSH, the php --version command says that:

PHP 8.3.6 (cli) (built: Apr 11 2024 15:12:15) (NTS)
Copyright (c) The PHP Group
Zend Engine v4.3.6, Copyright (c) Zend Technologies

The phpinfo() included in the admin area also says 8.2.18 and I have deleted the php-fpm82 service and added and started the php-fpm83 service and also restarted the php and apache and mariadb services and rebooted the server..

Has somebody got an idea what I am missing?

cantences, to helpers German

Ich habe vor zwei Tagen in verschiedene eingerichtet. OpenStreetMap, CustomROM und Regional mit diversen Hashtags.
Im OSM Channel ist ein Beitrag aufgetaucht. Aktuell ist er leer. Der CustomROM Channel ist die ganze Zeit leer.
Im Regional Channel werden Beiträge angezeigt.

choyer, to reddit

users are mad about the charges that hit third party , but I actually find this from much more concerning: " licensing is a new potential business for us."

What he's actually saying - they want to sell user data to AI companies for them to train their models. This should be a reason to delete all your content and leave the platform. In Europe, you should raise a -deletion request.

Alternatives are , and .

utzer, to helpers

What is the difference of blocking an account and ignoring an account in ?

I would actually expect I could still go to an accounts profile to view its posts when I ignored it, but posts should not show in /network.

Turns out the profiles conversations are empty when an account is ignored. That seem wrong.

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