for your opinions that are unpopular

The reason why Democrats didn't do more when hey controlled both Houses of Legislature, The White House, and The Supreme Court during Obama's first term, is because they didn't want to. (

In short, they didn’t want to because the reality is they are all moderate republicans, which in itself is an oxymoron. Don’t believe me, here is Obama saying just that; Now imagine you somehow get total control of all braches, and to top it off 3 weeks filibuster proof. You can do anything,...

tomek, Polish avatar

Uważam że nowe logo Poznania jest fajne.

kuxaruk, avatar

@tomek покажи

74, avatar
flomaraninchi, French avatar

Je vois passer des tas de messages enthousiastes sur Panoramax, le nouveau commun numérique alternative de StreetView.

Et quel que soit mon fond résiduel de technophilie enthousiaste devant toute cette énergie bien coordonnée qui permet d'atteindre le niveau de qualité que google a atteint avec des moyens énormes, j'ai quand même de + en + de réticences devant cette frénésie de cartographier/photographier tout au 1/4 de poil. En dehors de l'espace de stockage nécessaire, 1/2

flomaraninchi, avatar

Où cela va-t-il s'arrêter ? Quelle est cette obsession de la précision et de la connaissance des moindres détails d'un lieu, à distance ?
Quelle est la limite entre ça et la dinguerie du concept de jumeau numérique total de la terre (avec les gens dessus) défendue par les techno-solutionnistes ++ ?

babakounine, avatar

@flomaraninchi en tant que 'jeune' géomaticien (je termine un master cette année), je ne peux m'empêcher de me questionner sur toutes ces technologies qu'on déploie et les objectifs de ces usages, même dans des applications que je considère 'vertueuses' comme la recherche en écologie et la protection de la nature en ce qui me concerne.
Cartographier, et toutes les simplifications que ça implique (cf. James C. Scott), c'est un outil au service du pouvoir. Les nouvelles technologies et leur relative accessibilité permettent des emplois qui peuvent paraitre populaires, mais je ne suis pas sur que ce soit tellement démocratique. Matthieu Noucher fait référence à la règle des 90/9/1 (90% d'utilisateurices passif·ves, 9% contributeurices occasionnel·les, 1% contributeurices qui font l'essentiel, et donc ont du pouvoir) de Hill dans Réarmer la critique face aux boites noires algorithmiques (Blancs des cartes et boites noires algorithmiques,2023) et démontre qu'il en va de même pour OpenStreetMap.
Ce serait bien de trouver des manières de partager ces technologies pour plus d'équité et de liberté, mais je doute que ça passe par la reproduction des outils des GAFAM. Il y a peut être de l'espoir en zyeutant du coté de la cartographie radicale

julienbarnoin, avatar

An : I think there's one application of that would be a net positive for customers. Of course companies are in no hurry to do that one and it won't happen.

If and similar game marketplaces were to use a blockchain for game ownership, people would be able to resell games freely for the price they choose, just like we could with physical media.

And if there's DRM, the checks keep working even if the company goes under. No DRM is better though.

raptor85, avatar

@julienbarnoin yes but that's my point, we had that in the 90's, it's called transferable license keys, when you sold the software you handed over the slip of paper with the keycode. It's not a technological problem needing a tech solution.

julienbarnoin, avatar

@raptor85 A license key is easily copied though, so you end up with multiple owners. It doesn't really fit the bill as an ownership transfer similar to selling a game cart, say.

With all that said, I'm going to stop trying to argue for this, because I'm not actually in favor of that solution. I don't like DRM. I was just comparing the lesser of two evils in my opinion, but it's not like I feel strongly about it so I'd rather not have to advocate for blockchains too hard 😅

TarkabarkaHolgy, avatar

was not written by a chemist and it absolutely shows...


@TarkabarkaHolgy Does this apply to the book too? I haven't read it but my mom enjoyed it.

TarkabarkaHolgy, avatar

@Starry1086 The book wasn't written by a chemist either, but I haven't read it

tim-clark avatar

Dune is boring. I don't get the hype, tried reading and watching it. It's no lotr


In a lot of ways it is the LotR of sci-fi. It laid the foundation for a lot of things that follow, like Warhammer 40,000, but at the same time is not especially well-written. You have to appreciate it as something halfway between a good book and a piece of the history of fiction.


I just got done rereading it and am getting into Dune Messiah for the first time. While I still generally like it, some of what bothers me about the first book is how it never really feels like there’s any stakes. There’s never a question about what’s going to happen, it’s all predetermined for the most part and it tells you it’s predetermined. Then key moments/deaths that happen just sort of happen very quickly and without any fanfare, it’s just like, “Oh, ok, I guess they’re dead now. That’s it.”

And then the peak of the novel is another situation that just sort of happens without much buildup. It’s just, all the important players show up exactly where they need to be and get into an extremely unlikely & vulnerable situation that can taken advantage of. It just all happens too neatly.

Despite all that, I still like the book, though I’ve heard the series kind of has to keep one-upping itself as it goes on.

Bizarroland avatar

I think AI replacing artists is going to be a good thing in the long run.

Right now, if you want custom artwork made without the use of AI you have to either criminally underpay an artist on Fiverr or pay an artist hundreds of dollars to make one piece which you may not like.

I think the cat is out of the bag on AI generated art pieces and there's no way to put it back in, and so future artists will use a combination of their actual art skills and their ability to work with an AI system to create entirely new and currently nearly impossible art pieces, and there is an entire field of unexplored possibilities waiting to be tapped by Future artists.

AI can't make new art.

All it can do is repurpose pieces of art other people have made, just like Auto-Tune can make you sing on pitch but it can't make you a good singer.

snausagesinablanket, (edited ) avatar

Art is from the soul.

All AI does is scrape and steal data and technique.

PP_BOY_, avatar

You seem to have a pretty unhealthy idea of what art is and what it’s function is in the world. Private commissions are one way that artists can monetize what they do, but art and commissions are completely independent concepts.

jwildeboer, (edited ) avatar

No service that is part of he should offer completely open registrations.

To me, the can only become a True New Way when it is built on trust. And instances that allow completely unchecked account creation undermine that trust as they enable (or IMHO attract) abuse. See the last spam wave that worked by finding small instances with open registration to create accounts that started spewing spam immediately.

(Extended and clarified my argument)

oraculix, avatar

@deadsuperhero @jwildeboer From my personal experience: When I joined Mastodon,I deliberately chose an instance with the least set of restrictions or rules, among other criteria.
Looking at the recent bot and spam waves, however, I can fully understand admins requiring an introductory text before considering to approve your account.
I just wouldn't want to see this mandatory for every instance and leave this decision up to the admins.


@jwildeboer I see a open registration as a kind of "social accessibility feature".
The fediverse is a home for many especially because of it's open and welcoming nature.

Many of us here are neurodivergent and getting into new communities is especially hard for some of us.
I am not fully sure what your alternative to a open registration would be, but so far there are invites and introductions/approvals, both have their disadvantages in this context.

Invites are hard to get when you just would like dip your toes into a new community. Also, (fully based on personal experience) it often creates a "cool kids" mentality between those who a part of a community and those who don't.

Introductions/approvals have a similar issues. For those for whom social stuff is generally difficult and exhausting it becomes yet another situation in there life where someone is judging them if they are "worthy" to be part of their community. So, many would already give up at the registration page, without even trying.
(Also, they are not really effective against spam. A couple of months ago most of the lemmy/kbin part of the fediverse closed down to approvals because of a massive spam wave. 2 days later the bot was able to submit convincing introductions, probably thanks to a LLM.)

Don't get me wrong here, there are several good reasons for a instance to not have a open registration.
But saying the fediverse as a whole should be closed down feels like gatekeeping to me.

ntoine, French avatar

SOS Fantômes de 2016 avec Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, Leslie Jones et Kate McKinnon est le meilleur de la série.
Et 2 était ridicule.

ArtBear, avatar

, if people in & on here are serious about 2024 elections & not losing to Republicans & Conservatives in 2024 they need to spend more time talking to swing voters.

That means either getting them in here, on , or talking to them where they are.

ArtBear, avatar

In Scotland there's a real alternative vote in the SNP.

BTW what the chart is showing is that labour did an excellent job removing food insecurity after Tories. That the 2008 GFC had an impact worldwide but the disgusting explosion in poverty & food insecurity comes from policy changes once Tories implemented new practices, DWP, PiP, DLA, IAS/ATOS, WCA.

letting Tories win, creates misery & gets people killed.

ArtBear, avatar

@Thebratdragon @Lassielmr
Did you know in the last EU elections, under a vastly more democratic voting system....

-> the Greens got more votes than the Conservatives.

Campaign for electoral system change, but always play the system you have, because the mega rich will for certain.

jwildeboer, (edited ) avatar

: isn't "opening " with the release of their PDS (Personal Data Server) [1]. They are pushing storage costs and traffic to users. That's all. You still need the proprietary, centralised relay to move content from/to users.


mackuba, avatar

@elmiko @jwildeboer It's a binary thing using a format that comes from IPLD, but I think there might be some command line tools already for unarchiving those

mackuba, avatar

@elmiko @jwildeboer And alternatively you can use the HTTP APIs for fetching records of a given type as JSON


I think the "too woke" fiasco is the best thing that happened. I can't fathom the social consequences or whatever, but having all those outright Nazis getting strokes over Indian founding fathers and Black women 1943 SS soldiers is like the most punk thing since Gretta Thurnberg. As an afterthought, if Elon Fuck says the algorithm is racist now, then it must also have been racist when it excluded Black doctors and shit. Google had even fired their ethicist back then for bringing it up. BUT MUH FREEZE PEACH UWU

arthurlutzim, avatar

Hier j'ai choqué mes collègues au boulot en affirmant que, personnellement, j'aimerais bien payer plus d'impôts.

La discussion était plutôt constructive, et j'ai lancé que j'avais le sentiment que pour certaines catégories de revenus les impôts avaient diminué sur le 5/10/20 dernières années... J'ai dit une connerie ? Est-ce que quelqu'un aurait des sources allant dans ce sens ou contredisant ce sentiment ?


jwildeboer, (edited ) avatar

The current spam wave supports one of my suspicions that federated networks should be built as a web of trust, Friends of a Friend style. Open registrations invite abuse and there's only so much algorithmic stuff you can throw at that. An invitation based system is also not a perfect solution as it creates artificial scarcity. A solution somewhere in-between is needed but I am still pondering how that could look like. Will continue my thoughts as a thread starting here.

jwildeboer, avatar

And that's where I come back to my first point. The role of instance admins. This spam wave has uncovered an ugly truth. Many small instances out there have open registration and a high latency on admins doing their admin tasks on their instance. Simply blocking all those instances attacks the core philosophy of the fediverse, IMHO, where I want to see many small instances instead of an oligopoly of a few big ones. This tendency towards big instances is, again, not a new thing.

jwildeboer, avatar

Blog post (unfinished) now at Please comment under if you want to see your reply under the blog post.

dugartogo, German avatar

Viele (v.a. , ihre Unterstützer:innen und einige andere hier) beschweren sich hier darüber, dass die v.a. blockiere.
Meiner Ansicht nach machen sie allerdings das, wofür sie gewählt wurden: Liberale Politik. Sie versuchen, Bürokratie einzuhegen und die Freiheit der Wirtschaft zu verteidigen.
Das kann man doof finden, aber mehr mMn auch nicht.

dugartogo, avatar

Vor allem wenn man gleichzeitig möchte, dass die Grünen selber mehr ihre Überzeugungen durchsetzen sollten.

Steht jedem frei, das zu beklagen. Das aber vor allem der FDP vorzuwerfen, halte ich eher für Ausdruck der grundsätzlichen politischen Abneigung.
Ich unterstelle: Den Wunsch, trotz zT diametral gegenüber stehender Grundsätze voran zu kommen, haben alle Seiten.

vicgrinberg, avatar

@dugartogo disagree. Weil es darum geht, dass die im Koalitionsvertrag festgelegte Dinge immer wieder unterlaufen werden bzw. im letzten Augenblick umgeschwenkt wird, siehe Liegerkettengesetz. Es geht um ein nicht Halten an Abmachungen. Hätten wir eine Minderheitenregierung, die von FDP geduldet wird, wäre das angebracht. Aber hier geht es um eine Zuverlässigkeit und ein Halten an demokratische Spielregeln und Fairness unter politischen Partnern & das zu unterwandern schadet letztendlich allen.


: I am neither into cats nor coffee. that is all.


@FreakyFwoof Be gone heretic !

Only kidding 😆

Have a good day mon ami !


@MaJ1 Aah but I am into music and tea. lol

pmonks, avatar

Whoever decided whitespace should be syntax should be shamed into oblivion.

nedbat, avatar

@pmonks You mean the way "inti;" and "int i;" are different in C? Ugh, terrible.

niko, French avatar

: j'aime pas les chats, c'est pas mignon du tout et ça sert à rien.
Ça devait être dit.

niko, avatar

@niavy ouah la violence... j'aime pas les potichats, le timinous, les gromatous et toute cette engeance féline, c'est tout..

bluberrycookie, Italian avatar

La parmigiana con le melanzane impanate è un prodotto dell'inferno.

Ecco, l'ho detto.

oblomov, avatar

@bluberrycookie nel senso che ti tenta ma poi soffri?

filobus, avatar

@oblomov @bluberrycookie soffritti (scusate)

pb, French avatar

Le panettone c’est trop sec.


@pb jsais pas, je le trempe toujours dans mon chocolat du matin

lazarre, French

Je pense que tout cursus universitaire devrait être faisable avec un maximum de travail de 35-40h par semaine pour les étudiant.e.s, cours, travail personnel et projets compris.
J'entends encore trop souvent parler de formations qui poussent au travail disproportionné et aux nuits blanches, et c'est juste complètement malsain.
(On vient justement de me reparler d'une école dans ce genre)


I prefer to share my data with Google than to use Nextclound written in PHP.


@Crell @radmen are those CVE’s several years old?
It’s lovely how you limit yourself to only „widely‑used scripting languages” to make a claim it’s a strognest “type system”.
Bending backwards much to make a point.
I get it you like it, it is enough for you.
Good for you.
I will still choose different tools because they serve me better.

Crell, avatar

@kmic @radmen I've seen people argue that Haskell counts as a scripting language, though I don't fully agree.

But PHP's type system is superior to Ruby, Python, Javascript, Lua, and any other I've encountered. And it's faster than all of them except Javascript, where it varies with the task.

If you don't want to write PHP, that's cool. If you want to claim in 2023 that PHP is necessarily less secure than any other language, you're simply out of date and spreading FUD.

yourfutureex, avatar

Sorry, but Portuguese sounds like a Slavic language to me, instead of an alleged Romance.

derthomas, avatar

@yourfutureex why sorry? Is that a bad thing?
The first time I heared it on TV I thought it was Polish.

yourfutureex, avatar

@derthomas Bad habit, inherited from past social networks.

stephanie, avatar

Turkey sucks. All other (edible) birds are superior.

stephanie, avatar

@jcolp I'll take the dark meat in a hot sandwich with tasty gravy! But other than that...

Auxonic, avatar

@stephanie they’re all good birds ;)

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