
@jon@gruene.social avatar

They have a handy map of where I’m going tomorrow 🙂

@jon@gruene.social avatar

@t_aus_m sure, but if the rack is silver/grey then seeing it’s taped closed ought to be easy.

@Doomed_Daniel@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

@ulfhenrich @jon @wortkomplex
eben - "Rohrabschneider" != "Flex"

@rimu@piefed.social avatar

What are your favourite PeerTube channels??

Any topic!

  • @thelinuxexperiment_channel is pretty neat. I like his reviews and news in the space.
  • @jeffjagoe I like the non-smash bros content they pop out once in a while.
  • @veronicaexplains She has some awesome linux and linux specific content. We watch her content over at our local makerspace when she has new videos.
  • tilvids.com/videos/overview - Awesome instance with great channels. Also one of the best support structures ive seen for peertube.
  • @coolmancoffeedan - Some strange stuff, but mostly uplifting? I think?

This is great, thanks!

@mike@fosstodon.org avatar

I've been using DuckDuckGo as my main search engine for a while now. Lately, DDG seems to "correct" my searches. A LOT. I don't know if it's just me or if it's a universal thing, but when I type in a search sometimes not only the results aren't what I was looking for, but I see the query itself has been changed to something I didn't actually search for. It's INCREDIBLY frustrating. I just might have to find a new search engine if this keeps up.

@shadowwwind@fosstodon.org avatar

@bitterblossom @mike what? Do you have a source for that?

@Mojeek@mastodon.social avatar

@shadowwwind @thefossguy @mike There Will Never Be A MojeeCoin!

@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar
@xs4me2@mastodon.social avatar


Very modern…

@jonny@neuromatch.social avatar

This is the kind of fake where its so good it replaces reality entirely

@mike@fosstodon.org avatar

My search engine skills are failing me tonight. Does anybody know of a tool that will convert an HTML document into markdown? Linux obviously and CLI would be nice. I want to use it for a script.

@kev@fosstodon.org avatar

@mike You could just install one of the markdown editors. They ask have the ability to select all the html and copy it as markdown, I believe.

@dev_ric@fosstodon.org avatar

@mike it sounds like your source HTML contains the scripts to pull the content in, rather than the content itself.

Open the page in Firefox/Chrome, hit F12 to open the devtools window, and then the inspector tab. You should be able to right-click the HTML tag there and copy it, then just paste to a new file.

This'll give you the DOM rather than the original HTML, so it'll have the loaded content in there for parsing.

josh, (edited )
@josh@josh.tel avatar

Hey folks! I'm looking for examples of elected officials and people running for office who have accounts on the fediverse.

Know of one? Please let me know! Boosts appreciated :boost_requested:

@tylerdave@mastodon.social avatar

@josh @not2b @RepShontelBrown My representative!

@timorl@social.wuatek.is avatar

@josh In Poland there is a couple, probably most notably @polamatysiak . I’m pretty sure @mkljczk has a complete list somewhere. :>

@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

Is this what y'all think living with me is like?!

@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

@KydiaMusic @peterainbow @billyjoebowers Yeah not much of a Zoomer myself, but yes, Fedi has been great for finding cool people!

@Kierkegaanks@beige.party avatar

@RickiTarr ”i chased work satisfaction and regret everything, how about you?”

@stux@mstdn.social avatar

She has a real good example of how algorithms on platforms like Instagram not only try to make you addicted but also divide us even more

I real LOVE the fact Mastodon and most of the Fediverse software avoids this all together

A girl explaining comments shown on an example Instagram posts. It looks at your age, gender, interests and serves comments based on that.

@mekkaokereke@hachyderm.io avatar

@chriswho @stux

Sort of like how you can use a secondary account on any social media to get around blocks on your primary?

@icg937@mstdn.social avatar

@stux And I bet that not only happens with that post. It also happens with posts by AfD, Forza Italia, VOX, Chega... and by democratic parties too. So, polarization and far-right go brrr.

@futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

Is there a good resource or book for learning about some of the details of how webservers work?

For example if I want an IP address on a intranet to be a webpage that people on that intranet can go to... how would I set that up from scratch. Let's say I have a machine with a static IP on the local net... (but what I really also need to understand is how a static IP is established locally, a DNS?)

Maybe the dream book or resource doesn't exist. But I ask anyway.

(it's macs if that matters)

@isotopp@chaos.social avatar


The original spec of HTTP from 1991 is here


It is not very helpful, but that is how it started.

Basic HTTP 0.9, no longer supported, was barely more than https://http.dev/0.9

The first actual spec for 1.0 is in https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1945.txt
That is also what I used in my example.

HTTP then escalated, https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2616.txt is already hundreds of pages, and that is why people use libraries that implement this.

@isotopp@chaos.social avatar


and https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc9113 and https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc9114 are just… monsters.

They do smart things, but these are also very complicated things, partial documents, compression, multiplexing of a single connection, push notifications and so on.

It's no longer a casual thing.

But a TCP/IP server that implements HTTP/1.0 is a nice weekend project.

@heidilifeldman@mastodon.social avatar
@DSDJ3147@mastodon.social avatar


“…Justice Kennedy found for the crt that the failure of an objectively biased jdg to recuse him- or herself is not “harmless error” just because the biased jdg’s vote is not apparently determinative in the vote of a panel of jdgs. A biased jdg contaminates the proceeding not just by the casting &/tabulation of his or her own vote but by participating in the body’s collective deliberations & affecting, even subtly, other judges’ percep of the case.”

@FrankMcCarthyOne@mastodon.social avatar

@heidilifeldman Smart maybe but still a devious reprobate better known by his moniker Jamie Te Ratskin.

@erictopol@mstdn.social avatar

What if there was an antibiotic that doesn't disrupt the gut microbiome?
There is now.
A discovery published at Nature today

@beeoproblem@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

@erictopol Gram negative too no less. IIRC that's been a harder nut to crack

@Scotter@newsie.social avatar

Good news for those of us with Irritable Bowel Disease. Hopefully we won't have to wait too long or beg our doctors to prescribe it when available

@TonyStark@progressivecafe.social avatar

if you can't be in a coalition with people you disagree with on at least a few things, you can't build a coalition big enough to accomplish anything in the United States or defeat rising fascism.

It’s just not going to work.

@mrcompletely@heads.social avatar

@TonyStark the only thing I have to add (given some very good existing replies) is that this is how the other side has been successful. That's the proof. They realized that with a binary system but fragmented electorate only coalitions could win reliably over time. So the business and evangelical wings forged an alliance in the Reagan era. Bankers don't really give a shit about abortion and preachers don't care about banking regulation. But they vote for each other's issues and they win.

@mrcompletely@heads.social avatar

@TonyStark (the other thing they did was started at the bottom and built a ground game. This means both taking power in local politics and taking control of the party apparatus itself. I think leftists & progressives should follow these models too. Tired of the same old bullshit from the donkey party? Take that shit over starting at the precinct level. It'll take time but it will actually work if enough people buy in. But "I'm taking over the Democratic party from the inside" won't get you laid)

@caseyliss@mastodon.social avatar

Can someone please make a 1Password clone that isn’t a pile of garbage? Pretty please?

This message brought to you by the iPad Safari Extension refusing to fill credentials.

@dxzdb@mastodon.social avatar

@caseyliss is this 1PW7 or 8?
I've started trying 1PW8 on macOS and don't see too many issues so far - but it is scary. I've always seen certain websites that won't autofill, and 1PW7 fairly often doesn't store the password. But I pre-save the password as I set up the account.

@MrRooni and team might want to wade through this?

@bradj@mastodon.social avatar

@siracusa @caseyliss @ismh86 I would have switched to keychain already but I have to use a windows PC for work so need something that’s Windows compatible. If Apple includes keychain as part of their windows tools then I’ll switch.

scudery, French
@scudery@piaille.fr avatar

On est jeune, on baise, on est des turbo gauchistes et puis un jour on se retrouve à mettre des p'tits filous emballage pokémon dans un sac de picnic isotherme à 23h

@GeorgiaSoupault@piaille.fr avatar

@scudery @heldum @LivBu souvenir d'avoir bugué quand la 4 ans d'une copine parlait de vulve pépouse (la pauvre avait facilement des irritations à cet endroit, donc y'avait des rappels maternels avant la douche pour qu'elle la lave bien etc, ses parents lui ayant appris tôt à s'occuper elle même de ses parties intimes).

A la fois en mode :blobPikaFail: :wtf: et à la fois en mode "mais OUI, c'est tellement évident" (par la fille qui a capté c'était quoi tellement réellement la vulve en lisant une BD de Liv Stormquist à 30 ans passé)

Cœur et bravo sur les adultes qui apprennent tout ça aux enfants, c'est précieux


@GeorgiaSoupault @scudery @heldum @LivBu j’ai plus d’une fois du ramasser les mâchoires (tombées au sol) de copines en week-end avec nous à la campagne quand elles entendait une levantine de 3-6 ans qu’elles aidaient à prendre le bain, les rectifier d’un joyeux « ça veut rien dire [zigounette/foufoune/zézette], c’est la vulve ».

Le moment de suspens de l’adulte dont les rouages cérébraux s’arrêtent, se reconfigurent et s’engrènent à nouveau est assez fun à voir.

@Teri_Kanefield@mastodon.social avatar

I read the jury instructions.

With the disclaimer that this is absolutely not a prediction of what the jury will do, not much in the jury instructions change what I had to say here:


I wrote about predicate crimes for predicate crimes.

The predicate crime for falsification of business records is

The jury gets three possible predicate crimes for 17-152.


@Teri_Kanefield@mastodon.social avatar


Chris, you might want to read the jury instructions to see what the prosecution has to prove. I linked to them earlier. The explanation of the crimes starts at about page 20 (if I recall)

@cowvin@retro.pizza avatar

@RufusJCooter @MillardPhillmore @Teri_Kanefield
Yeah, this seems to be accurate. I've heard other legal commentators explaining that it's similar to charging a burglar with burglary if he's caught breaking into a house even though we don't know what he was planning to steal once he got in there. The burglar himself might not even know what he was planning to steal since he hasn't seen what there is to steal yet. It's still burglary even if the house is empty with nothing worth stealing.

@Sheril@mastodon.social avatar

There’s a lot of commentary about the film The Idea of You bc Anne Hathaway plays a 40 year old mom who is attractive.

I have not seen the movie, but as a mom of 2 who is also older than Anne Hathaway, the seemingly widespread surprise(?) that women of a certain age can still be engaging & lovely seems so silly.

@KingShawn@mastodon.social avatar

@Sheril @lisamelton It’s way past silly and headed into offensive.

This is a wife and a mother of 2 who just turned 60 years old this month…

@Divorytaur@mastodon.social avatar

@Sheril 😏 If that’s what makes one attractive in the first place… 😉

@eleventy@fosstodon.org avatar


@Meyerweb@mastodon.social avatar

@groxx @vanilla @jgarber @eleventy I mean, it was okay. Definitely better than junior high and high school, I’ll say that much.

@byteborg@chaos.social avatar

Does the chemical flask icon suggest that the AI-driven answers are more or less toxic?

@heidilifeldman@mastodon.social avatar

has no shame. It isn’t just that he refuses to recuse himself from cases before the Supreme Court — it’s his arrogant assertion that he can assess how a “reasonable person” would view his involvement. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2024/05/29/justice-alito-rejects-recuse-flags-jan-6-cases/ 73895356007/ 1/

@heidilifeldman@mastodon.social avatar

It makes zero difference whether had “nothing to do with” flying the U.S. flag upside down or with flying the “Appeal to Heaven” flag. Both were flown at his residences. This would give any reasonable person grounds to believe he condones the sentiments and ideas those flags represent. 3/

@heidilifeldman@mastodon.social avatar

There is zero indication in ‘s letter that made any effort to engage seriously with the recusal tenet of the Code of Ethics he committed himself to. He did not put himself in the shoes of the reasonable person aware of all the circumstances. That requires articulating how the situation seems from that perspective, not just defensive and conclusively assertions. 4/ https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/samuel-alito-refuses-recuse-flags-1235029552/

@NanoRaptor@bitbang.social avatar

One of the smallest floppies.

@ozone89@techhub.social avatar

For anyone without @NanoRaptor's flatbed UV printer


@moira@mastodon.murkworks.net avatar

@NanoRaptor @MissAemilia omg

this is an entire category of device i had no idea even existed!

@dgar@aus.social avatar

Microsoft ad showing someone praising CoPilot AI and how it helped them to turn on “Dark Mode” in Windows 11.

I feel this says more about the awful UI, than the cleverness of the AI.

@bencurthoys@mastodon.social avatar

@dgar In my work I've integrated ChatGPT to translate English statements into SQL to query the database, and it works really well. We never send any data to OpenAI: that would give it the chance to hallucinate incorrect answers and get the maths wrong. Instead we only send the database schema, it translates the question into a query, then we run the query locally.

And it's good. Useful. Much easier to use than teaching box office managers to write SQL.

@dgar@aus.social avatar

I agree that AI has legitimate uses across a number of fields. From finding pictures that contain dogs in your photos app, to analysing the massive amounts of data from our space telescopes, to protein folding, to material science, to explaining what a piece of code does…. it’s a thing we can make computers do now, another tool in the toolbox.

@mekkaokereke@hachyderm.io avatar

Just throwing it out there now, preemptively: any suspect flags you see hanging from my house, any insurrections that I may or may not have taken part in, any World War II or civil war memorabilia that you may find prominently displayed in my house...

My wife did it! Blame her! That woman doesn't know how to act!

@mekkaokereke@hachyderm.io avatar

@CWilbur 🤣

@Paxxi@hachyderm.io avatar

@mekkaokereke I guess one thing we have in common with Alitos wife is neither has any respect at all for him 😂

@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

Maybe I try to look for the sunny side of the street too often, but this is just funny to me. Many of the January 6th Insurrectionists now have felony records, and can no longer own a firearm. THEY TOOK AWAY THEIR OWN GUNS! LOL

@ang6666@mastodon.social avatar

@RickiTarr I know some are thinking this is funny, but when does something small like the law stop people who shouldn't have guns get them?

@shuttersparks@qoto.org avatar

@ang6666 @RickiTarr Right. It doesn't. And in red-states, small towns, for Jan 6 convictions, they'll look the other way. Selective enforcement is real once you get out of the big cities.

MadameMollette, French
@MadameMollette@piaille.fr avatar

L'argument littéraire, on l'avait pas vu venir.
Bon, le pays de Balzac a maravé le pays de Shakespeare, le pays de Cervantes et le pays de Goethe mais ça c'était avant. Maintenant on s'attaque qu'aux pays qui ont des écrivains nuls

unnameduser, (edited )
@unnameduser@mastodon.social avatar

@MadameMollette On va quand même lui rappeler que même Jules Verne avait la gerbe devant la barbarie russe, et qu'il n'a écrit Michel Strogoff que parce que c'était une commande bien payée. D'ailleurs, Michel Strogoff n'est qu'un récit apocalyptique de la barbarie russe, ou le héros s'obstine dans une quête totalement inutile et trahi par les siens, dans un monde sans aucune humanité.

@Natouille@mastodon.tetaneutral.net avatar

@MadameMollette alors que le pays de Francis Lalanne et celui de t.A.T.u, c'est autre chose

@dangillmor@mastodon.social avatar

Latest reminder that the Murdoch family's Fox "News" relentlessly injects poison into our civic bloodstream, for power and money.


Also a reminder that if you subscribe to cable/satellite TV (or online equivalent), you are sending money to this evil company every month.

Please stop sending money to this evil company.

@silkester@mastodon.social avatar

@dangillmor I can't say I'm happy about the word choices. True. Fox Trash Propaganda not only lies daily, it also distorts perception by disproportionate coverage of true stories of violence whenever a minority is involved and ignoring or downplaying violence by perceived privileged groups and as such pitting people against people in effort to establish minority rule by the owner class and locking in the working class in their "proper place" as the subservient wage slaves to the owner class.

@FrankMcCarthyOne@mastodon.social avatar

@dangillmor It's a good thing at least one media company Fox with a very large audience assails that confused and corrupted judge Merchano.His court is nothing more than a side-show.

@pvonhellermannn@mastodon.green avatar

my heart goes out to everyone in Delhi, especially the workers and street vendors, children and elderly, the many without AC. Water scarcity and rationing; overflowing morgues in Rajasthan.


@titia@toot.community avatar

@pvonhellermannn I've been thinking of the pavement dwellers, too. 😢

pvonhellermannn, (edited )
@pvonhellermannn@mastodon.green avatar

@titia me too. Especially since hearing that in Phoenix in the US many homeless people die of burns, burns from pavements. So awful.


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