@aby@aus.social avatar



Slightly less new here, & I still have no idea what's going on..

queer | anarchist | Indigenous - Kamilaroi, living on Wiradjuri Country | geek | crit. crim. student - police and prison abolitionist | disabled | subversive crafter | tea addict | RA | cheerful halfling assassin | plays all the games! | trans agender - they/them

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aby, to random
@aby@aus.social avatar

Biden has the chance right now to do the funniest thing ever..

#USPol #Trump #Biden

aby, to disability
@aby@aus.social avatar
aby, to Autism
@aby@aus.social avatar
aby, to random
@aby@aus.social avatar

Colonialism has mastered the crime of stealing our children for generations and then punishing and criticizing our parents and grandparents for how they originally raised children.

Then, they went ahead and stole, renamed & rebranded our sacred original parenting instructions as “attachment” parenting, “conscious” parenting, “gentle” parenting, “positive” parenting, and “child led” parenting.

It has been used as a tool of profit.

It has been used as a means of stealing babies from families, then forcing the mothers and fathers of those babies to take colonial based parenting courses in order to get their babies back. And those colonial based parenting courses are heavily twisted and skewed versions of our parenting instructions - but twisted and skewed so severely, so deeply, that they only accommodate and feed colonial agendas and systems.

It is a matter of indigenous parents today abiding to colonially twisted, and colonially backwards parenting “styles” in order to fit the criteria of being a “good parent.”

Here’s the thing though.

Residential schools, the 60’s scoop, the child welfare system, and every other colonial policy embedded in the colonial fabric of society was created to do just this.

Keep the children out of our families to continue the ongoing attempts of assimilation and genocide against our peoples.

Even today.

So rather than pushing for “attachment” parenting, “conscious” parenting, “gentle” parenting, “positive” parenting, and “child led” parenting let us open into, revitalize, maintain and relearn the original instructions of raising and nurturing children.

Let us heal and dissolve what generations of colonialism has embedded into our parenting styles.

May we do our best to continue that.

So we can continue to raise children in the ways that we were originally meant to….

For generations to come.

Because this is the least we can do for the children in our lives today.

-- Andrea Landry, 2022

purplepadma, to random
@purplepadma@beige.party avatar

The sky is incredibly blue this morning but I, for once, am not

@aby@aus.social avatar

@purplepadma - this makes me happy to hear. My partner has been working his way out of a depressive episode with sui ideation as well, and I see how much effort it is for him (and you) to be doing that.

I appreciate you 💜

@aby@aus.social avatar

@purplepadma - hopefully not, but if it does tick up that way do you have support in place?

aby, to Autism
@aby@aus.social avatar

Packing for hospital next week.

I have shoulder surgery on Wednesday and it will be an overnight stay (hopefully only one night!), probably in a shared room.

Tips and tricks for preparation and packing would be super helpful, please!

aby, to dating
@aby@aus.social avatar

You're in her DMs?

Well, I am her DM - roll for initiative.

aby, to dating
@aby@aus.social avatar

Men who message me every month "still with the boyfriend?" and don't say anything in between:

  1. yes
  2. im non-monogamous
  3. you still have no chance

aby, to random
@aby@aus.social avatar

Gnight everyone.

I hope you all sleep well.

aby, to random
@aby@aus.social avatar
aby, to ConspiracyTheories
@aby@aus.social avatar

In today's episode of Watching the Eclipse Watchers, some Opinions about science:

  • the eclipse is fake news, because I saw a video of it were it glitches and everything moved to the left (obviously the camera was moved to get a better angle, nobody moved the astral bodies)

  • you know they lie to us about all this because you can see the sun and moon are the same size

  • "somebody explain to me how the moon, which is transparent/translucent during the day, blocks the sun out I'll wait 😂"

  • discussion over how this is an event in a spiritual war, because of shadow bands*

Shadow bands are actually super interesting phenomenon:

purplepadma, to keto
@purplepadma@beige.party avatar

Starting #keto today. I’m kind of bamboozled by the idea of no bread or granola at breakfast. But I have to give something new a go, I feel I can’t go on being so unstable and there’s not much wriggle room in my med regimen #bipolar

@aby@aus.social avatar

@purplepadma - my partner's wife does keto, as does one of my friends from gaming.. and they both love it.

aby, to BadInternetBills
@aby@aus.social avatar

Pro Tip: Organizing spaces should be intergenerational. There should be children and elders around. Nothing good comes from a bunch of 20 - 40 year old's sitting in a room thinking they know everything. Don't operate in an echo-chamber.

  • Roderick Strugglass (2024)

@aby@aus.social avatar

@thepoliticalcat - I mean the post isn't about you hanging out with kids. The post is about not excluding people from organising spaces because of their age.

The idea that youth are inherently dangerous to older folks is harmful. Any of the things you describe can be an issue with being around anyone of any age.

aby, to Weather
@aby@aus.social avatar

When authorities warn NSW drivers to avoid non-essential travel because of bad weather, the answer isn't staying home and ordering food in.

Delivery drivers are also human beings. Stop acting like they're disposable just because you want pizza.

aby, to random
@aby@aus.social avatar

There's nothing like putting a rug in your room to show you how none of the angles in your house are regular..

aby, to disabled
@aby@aus.social avatar

I wish the people calling for cars to be banned would think about how that would effect disabled people.

aby, to acab
@aby@aus.social avatar
aby, to BadInternetBills
@aby@aus.social avatar
aby, to Stardew
@aby@aus.social avatar


aby, to Youtube
@aby@aus.social avatar

YouTube Family is jumping from $17.99/month to $32.99/month..

aby, to KindActions
@aby@aus.social avatar

Shouting "self-care" at people who actually need "community care" is how we fail people.

  • Nakita Valerio, 2019

JamesGleick, (edited ) to random
@JamesGleick@zirk.us avatar

If you click on a link and discover that the recommended article requires subscription or registration, are you most likely to:

@aby@aus.social avatar

@JamesGleick pay walls are elitist bullshit. The money doesn't go to the authors who put in the work. They just stop people who can't afford paying being able to read the content.

It annoys me so much that the Guardian now forces subscription, in a time when we need free and accessible better journalism to counter how much misinformation is being spread, making it difficult and expensive to access and share their articles pushes people towards worse and worse sources.

aby, to random
@aby@aus.social avatar

I just saw a tiktok with a guy explaining how to get rich in 2024.

"If you and your partner save just $270 a week.."

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